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Last active August 8, 2022 16:50
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Number of untyped lambda calculus terms of a given size
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-type-defaults #-}
module Count where
import Memo
import Data.Foldable
-- Based on section 3.1 of the paper Generating Random Lambda Calculus Terms by
-- Jue Wang.
data Term
= Var Int
| Lam Term
| App Term Term
-- Note that there are multiple definitions for the size of a lambda term. This
-- is the definition used in Generating Random Lambda Calculus Terms.
size :: Term -> Integer
size (Var _) = 1
size (Lam b) = 1 + size b
size (App f a) = 1 + size f + size a
-- Counts the number of closed untyped lambda calculus terms of size `n` modulo
-- alpha-equivalence.
count :: Integer -> Integer
count n = expr (n, 0)
-- Remove memoization for extreme speeds.
expr :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
expr = memo go
go :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
go (0, _) = 0
go (1, f) = f
go (n, f) = lam n f + app n f
lam :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
lam n f = expr (n - 1, f + 1)
app :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
app n f
| even n = aux [1 .. div (n - 2) 2]
| otherwise = aux [1 .. div (n - 3) 2] + expr (div (n - 1) 2, f) ^ 2
aux :: [Integer] -> Integer
aux = sum . map (\i -> 2 * expr (i, f) * expr (n - 1 - i, f))
-- This definition of size used in Paul Tarau's paper A Hiking Trip Through the
-- Orders of Magnitude: Deriving Efficient Generators for Closed Simply-Typed
-- Lambda Terms and Normal Forms.
size' :: Term -> Integer
size' (Var _) = 0
size' (Lam b) = 1 + size b
size' (App f a) = 1 + size f + size a
-- λ> xs = [1..10] ++ [50]
-- λ> :{
-- for_ xs $ \x -> do
-- putStrLn $ show x ++ ": " ++ show (count' x)
-- :}
-- 1: 1
-- 2: 3
-- 3: 14
-- 4: 82
-- 5: 579
-- 6: 4741
-- 7: 43977
-- 8: 454283
-- 9: 5159441
-- 10: 63782411
-- 50: 996657783344523283417055002040148075226700996391558695269946852267
count' :: Integer -> Integer
count' n = expr (n, 0)
expr :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
expr = memo go
go :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
go (0, f) = f
go (n, f) = lam n f + app n f
lam :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
lam n f = expr (n - 1, f + 1)
app :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
app n f
| even n = aux [0 .. div (n - 1) 2]
| otherwise = aux [0 .. div (n - 2) 2] + expr (div (n - 1) 2, f) ^ 2
aux :: [Integer] -> Integer
aux = sum . map (\i -> 2 * expr (i, f) * expr (n - 1 - i, f))
-- This definition of size used in the paper Random generation of closed
-- simply-typed λ-terms: a synergy between logic programming and Boltzmann
-- samplers.
-- Note that there are two definitions for the size of a lambda term in that
-- paper. This is the definition of size used for deriving the generating
-- function (and thus the Boltzmann sampler) for plain lambda terms.
size'' :: Term -> Integer
size'' (Var x) = toInteger x
size'' (Lam b) = 1 + size'' b
size'' (App f a) = 2 + size'' f + size'' a
-- Counts the number of _plain_ lambda terms, that is, it counts both open and
-- closed terms of a given size, unlike `count` and `count'` which only count
-- closed terms.
count'' :: Int -> Integer
count'' = memo go
go :: Int -> Integer
go 0 = 1
go 1 = 2
go 2 = 4
go n = 1 + lam n + app n
lam :: Int -> Integer
lam n = count'' (n - 1)
app :: Int -> Integer
-- This is horrible, `div (n - 3) 2` and `div (n - 2) 2` always divide an odd
-- number by two. It works tho.
app n
| even n = aux [0 .. div (n - 3) 2] + count'' (div (n - 2) 2) ^ 2
| otherwise = aux [0 .. div (n - 2) 2]
aux :: [Int] -> Integer
aux = sum . map (\i -> 2 * count'' i * count'' (n - 2 - i))
-- $ runhaskell Count.hs
-- 1: 0
-- 2: 1
-- 3: 2
-- 4: 4
-- 5: 13
-- 6: 42
-- 7: 139
-- 8: 506
-- 9: 1915
-- 10: 7558
-- 300: 473477381975190304152771173386219140737139330572727481574786077988437776485374930756297967309535888631641055198100186060372310059690213121901539467263248370729333568234992881170746462932742300417445775187087736611038605424576071564968041698609452989548022519111112309976379200605183913879075157976088494
main :: IO ()
main = do
let xs = [1..10] ++ [300]
for_ xs $ \x -> do
putStrLn $ show x ++ ": " ++ show (count x)
module Memo where
-- Memoization using `IORef`
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
import qualified Data.Map as M
memoIO :: (Ord a) => (a -> b) -> IO (a -> IO b)
memoIO f = do
v <- newIORef M.empty
return $ \x -> do
m <- readIORef v
case M.lookup x m of
Just r -> return r
Nothing -> do
let r = f x
modifyIORef' v (M.insert x r)
return r
memo :: (Ord a) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
memo f = unsafePerformIO . unsafePerformIO (memoIO f)
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