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Last active July 25, 2022 00:19
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Propositional Logic checker.
module Bool where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.IntMap
import Prelude hiding (and, lookup, not, or)
type Binding = IntMap Bool
class Formula a where
satisfy :: a -> State Binding Bool
falsify :: a -> State Binding Bool
data Not p = Not p
instance Formula p => Formula (Not p) where
satisfy (Not p) = falsify p
falsify (Not p) = satisfy p
data And p q = And p q
instance (Formula p, Formula q) => Formula (And p q) where
satisfy (And p q) = do
p <- satisfy p
q <- satisfy q
return $ p && q
falsify (And p q) = do
p <- falsify p
q <- falsify q
return $ p || q
data Or p q = Or p q
instance (Formula p, Formula q) => Formula (Or p q) where
satisfy (Or p q) = falsify (And (Not p) (Not q))
falsify (Or p q) = satisfy (And (Not p) (Not q))
data Variable = Variable Int
assign :: Bool -> Variable -> State Binding Bool
assign value (Variable var) = do
bindings <- get
case lookup var bindings of
Just value'
| value == value' -> return True
| otherwise -> return False
Nothing -> do
modify (insert var value)
return True
instance Formula Variable where
satisfy = assign True
falsify = assign False
prove :: Formula a => a -> Bool
prove formula =
case evalState (falsify formula) empty of
True -> False
False -> True
and :: p -> q -> And p q
and = And
or :: p -> q -> Or p q
or = Or
not :: p -> Not p
not = Not
type Impl p q = Or (Not p) q
(~>) :: p -> q -> Impl p q
p ~> q = or (not p) q
infixr 6 ~>
(<~>) :: p -> q -> And (Impl p q) (Impl q p)
p <~> q = and (p ~> q) (q ~> p)
infixr 5 <~>
p, q, r :: Variable
p = Variable 0
q = Variable 1
r = Variable 2
Pelletier, Francis Jeffry. 1986. Seventy-Five Problems for Testing Automatic
Theorem Provers.
prove $ (p ~> q) <~> (not q ~> not p)
prove $ not (not p) ~> p
prove $ not (p ~> q) ~> (q ~> p)
prove $ (not p ~> q) <~> (not q ~> p)
prove $ (p `or` q ~> p `or` r) ~> p `or` (q ~> r)
prove $ p `or` not p
prove $ p `or` not (not (not p))
prove $ ((p ~> q) ~> p) ~> p
prove $ (p `or` q) `and` (not p `or` q) `and` (p `or` not q) ~> not (not p `or` not q)
prove $ (p ~> r) `and` (r ~> p `and` q) `and` p ~> (q `or` r) ~> (p <~> q)
prove $ p <~> p
prove $ ((p <~> q) <~> r) <~> (p <~> (q <~> r))
prove $ p `or` (q `and` r) <~> (p `or` q) `and` (p `or` r)
prove $ (p <~> q) <~> (q `or` not p) `and` (not q `or` p)
prove $ (p ~> q) <~> not q `or` q
prove $ (p ~> q) `or` (q ~> p)
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