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Last active December 18, 2021 23:43
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The Calculus of Constructions.
module Other where
import Prelude hiding (pi, succ)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
type Name = String
data Expr
= Var Name
| Lam Name Expr Expr
| Pi Name Expr Expr
| App Expr Expr
| Type -- Star
| Kind -- Box
deriving (Eq, Show)
subst :: Name -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
subst v e (Var v')
| v == v' = e
subst v e (Lam v' ta b)
| v == v' = Lam v' (subst v e ta) b
| otherwise = Lam v' (subst v e ta) (subst v e b)
subst v e (Pi v' ta tb)
| v == v' = Pi v' (subst v e ta) tb
| otherwise = Pi v' (subst v e ta) (subst v e tb)
subst v e (App f a) = App (subst v e f) (subst v e a)
subst _ _ e = e
free :: Name -> Expr -> Bool
free v e = e /= subst v (Var "") e
toString :: Expr -> String
toString = go
go (Var v) = v
go (Lam v ta b) = unwords ["λ", v, ":", parens ta, ",", go b]
go (Pi v ta tb)
| free v tb = unwords ["∀", v, ":", go ta, ",", go tb]
| otherwise = unwords [parens ta, "→", go tb]
go (App f a) = unwords [go f, parens a]
go Type = "★"
go Kind = "☐"
parens (Var v) = v
parens Type = "★"
parens Kind = "☐"
parens e = concat ["(", go e, ")"]
normalize :: Expr -> Expr
normalize (Lam v ta b) =
case normalize b of
App f (Var v') | v == v' && not (free v f) -> f -- Eta reduction
b -> Lam v (normalize ta) b
normalize (Pi v ta tb) = Pi v (normalize ta) (normalize tb)
normalize (App f a) =
case normalize f of
Lam v _ b -> subst v (normalize a) b
f -> App f (normalize a)
normalize e = e
equiv :: Expr -> Expr -> Bool
equiv e1 e2 = go 0 (normalize e1) (normalize e2)
go n (Lam v1 ta1 b1) (Lam v2 ta2 b2) = let
b1' = subst v1 (Var (show n)) b1
b2' = subst v2 (Var (show n)) b2
in go n ta1 ta2 && go (n + 1) b1' b2'
go n (Pi v1 ta1 tb1) (Pi v2 ta2 tb2) = let
tb1' = subst v1 (Var (show n)) tb1
tb2' = subst v2 (Var (show n)) tb2
in go n ta1 ta2 && go (n + 1) tb1' tb2'
go n (App f1 a1) (App f2 a2) = go n f1 f2 && go n a1 a2
go _ e1 e2 = e1 == e2
typeOf :: Expr -> Maybe Expr
typeOf = go []
go ctx (Var v) = lookup v ctx
go ctx (Lam v ta b) = do
tb <- go ((v, ta) : ctx) b
let t = Pi v ta tb
_ <- go ctx t
return t
go ctx (Pi v ta tb) = do
tb <- go ((v, ta) : ctx) tb
ta <- go ctx ta
case (ta, tb) of
(Type, Type) -> return Type -- Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
(Kind, Type) -> return Type -- System F
(Type, Kind) -> return Kind -- Logical Framework
(Kind, Kind) -> return Kind -- Type Operators
_ -> Nothing
go ctx (App f a) = do
Pi v ta tb <- go ctx f
ta' <- go ctx a
if ta `equiv` ta'
then return $ subst v a tb
else Nothing
go _ Type = return Kind
go _ Kind = Nothing
-- Parser
type Parser = ParsecT String () (Reader [String])
parse :: String -> Maybe Expr
parse s =
case runReader (runParserT (spaces *> expression <* eof) () "" s) [] of
Left e -> error $ show e
Right x -> Just x
isReserved :: Name -> Bool
isReserved x = elem x ["forall", "pi", "Π", "λ"]
expression :: Parser Expr
expression = pi
<|> lambda
<|> arrow
pi :: Parser Expr
pi = do
try $ choice
[ reserved "forall"
, reserved "pi"
, operator "Π"
, operator "∀"
] *> spaces
v <- name
char ':' *> spaces
ta <- expression
char '.' *> spaces
b <- local (v:) expression
return $ Pi v ta b
lambda :: Parser Expr
lambda = do
try $ operator "\\" <|> operator "λ"
v <- name
char ':' *> spaces
ta <- expression
char '.' *> spaces
b <- local (v:) expression
return $ Lam v ta b
arrow :: Parser Expr
arrow =
application `chainr1` ((operator "->" <|> operator "→") *> return (Pi ""))
application :: Parser Expr
application = (star <|> variable <|> parens expression) `chainl1` return App
star :: Parser Expr
star = (operator "*" <|> operator "★") *> return Type
variable :: Parser Expr
variable = do
v <- name
env <- ask
if elem v env
then return $ Var v
else fail $ "Unbound variable: " ++ v
name :: Parser String
name = do
c <- letter
cs <- many alphaNum
let s = c:cs
if isReserved s
then unexpected s
else return s
reserved :: String -> Parser ()
reserved s = string s *> notFollowedBy alphaNum *> spaces
operator :: String -> Parser ()
operator s = string s *> spaces
parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens p = between open close p
open = char '(' <* spaces
close = char ')' <* spaces
-- Tests
s :: Expr
s = fromJust $ parse "λ a : * . λ b : * . λ c : * . λ x : (a → b → c) . λ y : (a → b) . λ z : a . x z (y z)"
k :: Expr
k = fromJust $ parse "λ a : * . λ b : * . λ x : a . λ y : b . x"
i :: Expr
i = fromJust $ parse "λ a : * . λ x : a . x"
nat :: Expr
nat = fromJust $ parse "∀ a : * . (a → a) → a → a"
zero :: Expr
zero = fromJust $ parse "λ a : * . λ s : (a → a) . λ z : a . z"
succ :: Expr
succ = fromJust $ parse "λ n : (∀ a : * . (a → a) → a → a) . λ a : * . λ s : (a → a) . λ z : a . s (n a s z)"
add :: Expr
add = fromJust $ parse "λ n : (∀ a : * . (a → a) → a → a) . λ m : (∀ a : * . (a → a) → a → a) . n (∀ a : * . (a → a) → a → a) (λ n : (∀ a : * . (a → a) → a → a) . λ a : * . λ s : (a → a) . λ z : a . s (n a s z)) m"
eq :: Expr
eq = fromJust $ parse "λ a : * . λ x : a . λ y : a . ∀ P : (a → *) . (P x) → P y"
-- putStrLn $ unlines $ map toString [s, k, i, nat, zero, succ, add, eq]
-- putStrLn $ unlines $ map (toString . fromJust . typeOf) [s, k, i, nat, zero, succ, add, eq]
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