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Last active November 24, 2022 22:54
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A-normalization (administrative normal form, ANF)
module ANF where
import Control.Monad.State
type Name = String
data SExpr
= SVar Name
| SLam Name SExpr
| SApp SExpr SExpr
| SLet Name SExpr SExpr
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Administrative normal form (ANF) expressions have to satisfy the constraints
-- imposed by the two grammars below. Each grammar reveals some structure not
-- so apparent in the other.
-- Grammar based on The Essence of Compiling with Continuations:
-- <expr> ::= <value>
-- | 'let' <var> '=' <value> 'in' <expr>
-- | <value> <value>
-- | 'let' <var> '=' <value> <value> 'in' <expr>
-- <value> ::= <var>
-- | 'λ' <var> ',' <expr>
-- Let expressions can only bind variables, applications and primitive
-- operations (not present in the grammar above), in particular, let
-- expressions cannot be let bound.
-- Grammar based on Matthew Might's blog post:
-- <aexpr> ::= <var>
-- | 'λ' <var> ',' <expr>
-- <cexpr> ::= <aexpr> <aexpr>
-- <expr> ::= 'let' <var> '=' <expr> 'in' <expr>
-- | <aexpr>
-- | <cexpr>
-- Evaluating an atomic expression (`<aexpr>`) is guaranteed to terminate,
-- cause no side effects, cause no control effects and never produce an error.
-- A lambda expression is atomic because evaluating it creates a closure and
-- that process satisfies the required constraints.
-- Evaluating a complex expression (`<cexpr>`) may not terminate, may have a
-- side effect and may produce an error. However, a complex expression may
-- defer execution to only one other complex expression. For example, the
-- following are also complex expressions:
-- <cexpr> ::= <aexpr> <aexpr>
-- | 'if' <aexpr> 'then' <expr> 'else' <expr>
-- | 'let' 'rec' <var> '=' <aexpr> 'in' <expr>
-- Although function application can apply any two values, the normalizer below
-- only allows applying variables to variables. This is similar to the
-- continuation passing style (CPS) grammars in Compiling with Continuations,
-- Continued.
data AExpr
= Var Name
| Lam Name Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)
data CExpr
= App Name Name
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Expr
= Let Name Expr Expr
| AExpr AExpr
| CExpr CExpr
deriving (Eq, Show)
fresh :: State Int String
fresh = state $ \x -> (show x, x + 1)
normalize :: SExpr -> Expr
normalize e = evalState (expr e) 0
expr :: SExpr -> State Int Expr
expr (SVar x) = return $ AExpr (Var x)
expr (SLam x b) = AExpr . Lam x <$> expr b
expr (SApp f a) =
name f $ \f ->
name a $ \a ->
return $ CExpr (App f a)
expr (SLet x e1 e2) = do
e1 <- expr e1
e2 <- expr e2
-- As pointed out in Compiling with Continuations, Continued, the
-- A-normalization algorithm in The Essence of Compiling with Continuations
-- doesn't actually normalizes terms, as it doesn't deal with the let
-- expression invariant.
case e1 of
Let x' e1' e2' -> return $ Let x' e1' (Let x e2' e2)
_ -> return $ Let x e1 e2
name :: SExpr -> (Name -> State Int Expr) -> State Int Expr
name e k = do
e <- expr e
case e of
AExpr (Var x) -> k x
_ -> do
x <- fresh
Let x e <$> k x
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