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Created May 8, 2012 06:35
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// Libs
// Plugins
function(namespace, $, Backbone) {
// Defining the application router, you can attach sub routers here.
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "index"
index: function(hash) {
// Shorthand the application namespace
var app =;
// Treat the jQuery ready function as the entry point to the application.
// Inside this function, kick-off all initialization, everything up to this
// point should be definitions.
$(function() {
$("#loading").ajaxStart(function() {
}).ajaxComplete(function() {
// Define your master router on the application namespace and trigger all
// navigation from this instance.
app.router = new Router();
// Trigger the initial route
pushState: false
// All navigation that is relative should be passed through the navigate
// method, to be processed by the router. If the link has a data-bypass
// attribute, bypass the delegation completely.
$(document).on("click", "a:not([data-bypass])", function(evt) {
// Get the anchor href and protcol
var href = $(this).attr("href");
var protocol = this.protocol + "//";
// Ensure the protocol is not part of URL, meaning its relative.
if (href && href.slice(0, protocol.length) !== protocol && href.indexOf("javascript:") !== 0) {
// Stop the default event to ensure the link will not cause a page
// refresh.
// `Backbone.history.navigate` is sufficient for all Routers and will
// trigger the correct events. The Router's internal `navigate` method
// calls this anyways.
Backbone.history.navigate(href, true);
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