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Last active November 10, 2019 11:48
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Smooth external monitor brightness control (assignable to keyboard shortcuts)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
mon = 'DP-1' # Discover monitor name with: xrandr | grep " connected"
total_inc = 0.20 # Step Up/Down brightness by inc
steps = 10 # Total number of steps (for gradient)
# Avoid reentrance which would cause jerky behavior
exit 0 if Integer(`ps aux | grep "ruby #{__FILE__}" | wc -l`) > 3
# Get brightness level with decimal place
curr_brightness = Float(`xrandr --verbose --current | grep ^"#{mon}" -A5 | tail -n1`.split(':').last)
case ARGV.first&.downcase
when '+', 'up'
factor = 1
when '-', 'down'
factor = -1
target_brightness = (curr_brightness + (factor * total_inc)).clamp(0.1, 1.0) if factor
if target_brightness
inc = ((target_brightness - curr_brightness) / steps).round(2)
(1..steps).each do
break if curr_brightness == target_brightness
curr_brightness = (curr_brightness + inc).clamp(0.1, 1.0).round(2)
# Set new brightness
`xrandr --output "#{mon}" --brightness "#{curr_brightness}"`
# Display current brightness
puts "Monitor #{mon} "
puts `xrandr --verbose --current | grep ^"#{mon}" -A5 | tail -n1`
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Keyboard shortcut:

/home/pedro/.rbenv/shims/ruby /usr/local/bin/brightness.rb Down

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