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Created March 9, 2012 19:38
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;; first attempt for impl in clojure.. a lot to be improved! :)
(let [lines (map #(clojure.string/split % #" ")
(line-seq ( ( "textfile.txt"))))
grouped (group-by #(second %) lines)
parse-long (fn [log] (Long/parseLong (first log)))
diff-times (fn [longs] (for [x (range (count longs)) :let [ts (nth longs x)] ]
(if (= 0 x) ts
(- ts (nth longs (- x 1))))))
times (map (comp diff-times #(map parse-long %)) (vals grouped))]
(print (zipmap (keys grouped) times)))
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for sure, the Java version can be a lot better.
but C#'s LINQ is the best for now :)

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guilhermesilveira commented Mar 9, 2012 via email

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