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Created September 24, 2012 01:08
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gaussian process regression
(:use (incanter core stats)))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(def X (matrix [-4 -3 -1 0 2]))
(def Y (matrix [-2 0 1 2 -1]))
(def X* (matrix (range -5 5 0.2040816)))
(defn k
"Calculates the covariance matrix using simplified squared exponential function."
[X1 X2]
(let [Σ (for [i (range (count X1))
j (range (count X2))]
(exp (* -0.5 (pow (abs (- (sel X1 i 0)
(sel X2 j 0)))
;; build matrix representation
(matrix (partition (count X2) Σ))))
;; covariance matrices
(def Kxx (k X X))
(def Kxx* (k X X*))
(def Kx*x (k X* X))
(def Kx*x* (k X* X*))
;; correspond to equation (2.19) from book
(def Kxx-1 (solve Kxx))
(def f* (mmult Kx*x Kxx-1 Y))
(def cov* (minus Kx*x* (mmult Kx*x Kxx-1 Kxx*)))
(defn mvrnorm
"NOTE: incanter/sample-mvn uses cholesky, which requires positive semi def. So we use eigenvalue decomposition instead."
[size & {:keys [mean sigma]}]
(let [p (count mean)
eS (decomp-eigenvalue sigma)
X (matrix (sample-normal (* size p)) p)
values (map (fn [x] (if (< x 0) 0 (sqrt x))) (:values eS))]
(plus mean (mmult (:vectors eS)
(diag values)
(trans X)))))
(defn plot-samples
"Sample form normal distributing with infered mean and covariance."
(let [plot (xy-plot X* f*)]
(dotimes [i 5]
(add-lines plot X* (mvrnorm 1 :mean f* :sigma cov*)))
(add-points plot X Y)
(view plot)))
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