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Created February 18, 2021 18:01
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math with ethers.js
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish, constants, utils } from "ethers";
const { Zero, MaxUint256 } = constants;
const { parseUnits, formatUnits } = utils;
export const toWad = (amount: string, decimals = 18): BigNumber => {
return parseUnits(sanitizeDecimals(amount, decimals), decimals);
export const fromWad = (wad: BigNumberish, decimals = 18): string => {
return sanitizeDecimals(formatUnits(wad, decimals), decimals);
export const maxBN = (lobn: any) =>
lobn.reduce((max: any, current: any) => ( ? max : current), Zero);
export const minBN = (lobn: any) =>
lobn.reduce((min: any, current: any) => ( ? min : current), MaxUint256);
export const inverse = (value: string, precision = 18): string =>
fromWad(toWad("1", precision * 2).div(toWad(value, precision)), precision);
export const sanitizeDecimals = (value: string, decimals = 18): string => {
const [integer, fractional] = value.split(".");
const _fractional = fractional
? fractional.substring(0, decimals).replace(/0+$/gi, "")
: undefined;
return _fractional ? [integer, _fractional].join(".") : integer;
export const removeDecimals = (value: string): string => {
const [integer] = value.split(".");
return integer;
export const calculateExchangeAmount = (
inputAmount: string,
swapRate: string,
precision = 18,
): string => {
const swapRateWad = toWad(swapRate, precision);
const inputWad = toWad(inputAmount, precision * 2);
const outputWad = inputWad.mul(swapRateWad);
const outputAmount = fromWad(outputWad, precision * 3);
return outputAmount;
export const calculateExchangeWad = (
inputWad: BigNumber,
inputDecimals: number,
swapRate: string,
outputDecimals: number,
): BigNumber => {
const inputAmount = fromWad(inputWad, inputDecimals);
const outputAmount = calculateExchangeAmount(inputAmount, swapRate);
const outputWad = toWad(outputAmount, outputDecimals);
return outputWad;
const roundFractional = (fractional: string, precision = 2): string => {
return String(
fractional.substring(0, precision) + "." + fractional.substring(precision, precision + 1),
function padString(str: string, length: number, left: boolean, padding = "0"): string {
const diff = length - str.length;
let result = str;
if (diff > 0) {
const pad = padding.repeat(diff);
result = left ? pad + str : str + pad;
return result;
function padRight(str: string, length: number, padding = "0"): string {
return padString(str, length, false, padding);
export const formatDisplayAmount = (amount: string, precision = 2, symbol = "") => {
const _symbol = symbol.trim() ? `${symbol.trim()} ` : "";
const [integer, fractional] = amount.split(".");
let _fractional = fractional
? fractional.length < precision
? fractional
: roundFractional(fractional, precision)
: "";
let _integer = integer;
if (_fractional.length > precision) {
_fractional = _fractional.substring(_fractional.length - precision, _fractional.length);
_integer = String(Number(integer) + 1);
_fractional = padRight(_fractional, precision);
const _amount = [_integer, _fractional].join(".");
return `${_symbol}${_amount}`;
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