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Created April 28, 2021 16:58
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Example of a base view model for Jetpack Compose
import androidx.lifecycle.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineDispatcher
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
abstract class ComposeViewModel<C, E> : ViewModel(), LifecycleObserver {
companion object {
var dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default
val state: Flow<ViewModelState<C, E>> get() = _state
private var _state: MutableStateFlow<ViewModelState<C, E>> = MutableStateFlow(
open fun onCreate() {
open fun onResume() {
open fun onPause() {
open fun onDestroy() {
fun currentState(): ViewModelState<C, E> = _state.value
protected fun updateState(newState: ViewModelState<C, E>) {
_state.value = newState
protected inline fun async(crossinline block: suspend () -> Unit) =
viewModelScope.launch {
protected suspend inline fun <T> await(crossinline block: suspend () -> T): T =
withContext(dispatcher) { block() }
protected inline fun asyncFlow(crossinline block: suspend () -> Unit) = async {
withContext(dispatcher) {
sealed class ViewModelState<C, out E> {
companion object {
val initialState: ViewModelState<Nothing, Nothing> = Loading()
data class Loading<C, E>(val refreshing: Boolean = false) : ViewModelState<C, E>()
data class Error<C, E>(val error: E) : ViewModelState<C, E>()
data class Loaded<C, E>(
val content: C,
val error: E? = null,
val refreshing: Boolean = false
) : ViewModelState<C, E>()
fun loading(): Boolean = this is Loading
fun refreshingContent(): Boolean = when (this) {
is Loading -> this.refreshing
is Loaded<*, *> -> this.refreshing
else -> false
fun containsAnyError(): Boolean = error() != null
fun content(): C? = when (this) {
is Loaded -> this.content
else -> null
fun withContentIfLoaded(newContent: (C) -> C): ViewModelState<C, E> = when (this) {
is Loaded -> Loaded(content = newContent(this.content), error = this.error, refreshing = this.refreshing)
is Loading -> this
is Error -> this
fun error(): E? = when (this) {
is Error -> error
is Loaded -> error
is Loading -> null
fun hasContent(): Boolean = content() != null
fun markAsRefreshing(refreshing: Boolean = true): ViewModelState<C, E> = when (this) {
is Loading -> Loading(refreshing)
is Error -> if (refreshing) Loading(refreshing) else this
is Loaded -> copy(refreshing = refreshing)
fun <E> withError(error: E): ViewModelState<C, E> = when (this) {
is Loading -> Error(error)
is Error -> Error(error)
is Loaded -> Loaded(error = error, content = this.content, refreshing = this.refreshing)
fun removeError(): ViewModelState<C, E> = when (this) {
is Loading -> this
is Error -> Loading()
is Loaded -> Loaded(content = this.content, refreshing = this.refreshing, error = null)
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