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Created March 21, 2018 17:19
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  • Save peernohell/36a72caf5114c8088ed374efd983f620 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save peernohell/36a72caf5114c8088ed374efd983f620 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
leak in fabric when a big canvas with one little image.
const { fabric } = require('fabric');
// const m = () => process.memoryUsage();
const m = () => (process.memoryUsage().rss / 1000000 | 0);
console.log('START ', m());
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const canvas = new fabric.StaticCanvas();
let obj = {
type: 'image',
version: '2.0.0-rc.3',
originX: 'left',
originY: 'top',
left: 0,
top: 0,
width: 1,
height: 1,
fill: 'rgb(0,0,0)',
stroke: null,
strokeWidth: 0,
strokeDashArray: null,
strokeLineCap: 'butt',
strokeLineJoin: 'miter',
strokeMiterLimit: 10,
scaleX: 1,
scaleY: 1,
angle: 0,
flipX: false,
flipY: false,
opacity: 1,
shadow: null,
visible: true,
clipTo: null,
backgroundColor: '',
fillRule: 'nonzero',
paintFirst: 'fill',
globalCompositeOperation: 'source-over',
transformMatrix: null,
skewX: 0,
skewY: 0,
crossOrigin: '',
cropX: 0,
cropY: 0,
src: '',
filters: [],
selectable: true
// obj = {};
canvas.loadFromJSON({ version: '2.0.0-rc.3',
[ obj,
] }, () => {
const dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL({ format: 'png' });
console.log('IMG' + i + ' ', m());
console.log('END ', m());
setInterval(() => {
console.log('RSS ', m());
}, 1000);
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