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Created October 23, 2023 12:45
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Debugger detection timing examples
BOOL IsDebuggerPresentUsingTickCount()
DWORD tickReference = GetTickCount();
Sleep(1500); // you can replace this with a function
DWORD currentTick = GetTickCount();
DWORD elapsedTime = currentTick - tickReference;
if (elapsedTime > 2000)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
BOOL IsDebuggerPresentUsingLocalTime() {
SYSTEMTIME sysStart, sysend;
FILETIME fStart, fEnd;
ULARGE_INTEGER uiStart, uiEnd;
Sleep(1500); // you can replace this with a function
GetLocalTime(& sysend);
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysend„ &fEnd))
return false;
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysStart, &fStart))
return false;
uiStart.LowPart = fStart.dwLowDateTime;
uiStart.HighPart = fStart.dwHighDateTime;
uiEnd.LowPart = fEnd.dwLowDateTime;
uiEnd.HighPart = fEnd.dwHighDateTime;
return (((uiEnd.QuadPart - uiStart.QuadPart)*100)/1000000) > 2000; //convert filetime to milliseconds
BOOL IsDebuggerPresentUsingOPC()
LARGE_INTEGER start, end, frequency;
return (end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) * 1000 / frequency.QuadPart > 15;
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