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Last active September 20, 2016 22:30
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Stride Consulting Pillars

Stride Consulting Pillars

I've been thinking about our company direction and what that means to us as consultants. I appreciate the Stride Core Values and I believe in all of them. However I feel like they leave us a bit rudderless because they are values that no one from any consulting company would object to. So I made a list of practices that I see at Stride that exhibit some of the Core Values.

I think it is commendable that we have been so flexible and focused on delivering client value. However I'd also like us to agree upon a set of practices as consultants. Not all practices will be possible at every client but we need a baseline to begin to evaluate potential clients and ongoing engagements in the interest of improving consultant growth and happiness.

I came up with four consulting pillars, core practices that we agree on that are are not implied by our core values. I'd like us to have a common page to start on in our practice as consultants.

Core Values in Action


  • Admit what you don’t know
  • Admit that you might be wrong
  • Make the team’s success your success
  • Bring your pair along with you and double check your assumptions when you can’t
  • Bring the team along with you, solutions with team buy in are more valuable than going rogue, even when you’re right
  • Listen to feedback and take ownership of action items


  • Be transparent: showing blemishes and admitting mistakes can lead to increased trust
  • Give difficult feedback when problems arise


  • Listen to customer needs and get to their “why” before rejecting their position
  • Be sensitive to cultural differences and differences in experience

Learn from failure

  • Be upfront about your failures and admit responsibility
  • Root cause your mistakes, process problems and engineering mistakes
  • Figure out when you are pushing too hard and know how to pull back

Willingness to help others

  • Be eager to pair
  • Help your client and Stride colleagues troubleshoot when they have problems
  • Contribute to the Stride team by helping to conduct interviews and grade code tests

Consulting Pillars

Pair Programming (the core of our consulting method)

Test Driven Development


Regular two way constructive feedback

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