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Created May 21, 2015 23:29
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Irssi import for tjhsstBot
run npm install node-irssi-log-parser.
Replace Parser.js with the above version and run bin/export-json
Fix the sqlalchemy url in and run it to add the rows to the db.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from cslbot.helpers.orm import Log
from datetime import datetime
import json
import re
def get_source(line):
if 'mask' not in line:
return line['nick']
match = re.match('n=(.*)', line['mask'])
if match:
host =
match = re.match('i=(.*)', line['mask'])
if match:
host = '~%s' %
host = line['mask']
return '%s!%s' % (line['nick'], host)
def get_log():
with open('lburton.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
rows = []
for line in data:
time = datetime.strptime(line['time'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ').timestamp()
flags = 0
if 'mode' in line:
if line['mode'] == '@':
flags = 1
elif line['mode'] == '+':
flags = 2
if line['type'] in ['logopen', 'logclose', 'nicks']:
elif line['type'] == 'message':
rows.append({'time': time, 'target': '#tjhsst', 'type': 'pubmsg', 'msg': line['message'], 'flags': flags, 'source': get_source(line)})
elif line['type'] == 'action':
rows.append({'time': time, 'target': '#tjhsst', 'type': 'action', 'msg': line['message'], 'flags': flags, 'source': get_source(line)})
elif line['type'] == 'notice':
rows.append({'time': time, 'target': '#tjhsst', 'type': 'pubnotice', 'msg': line['message'], 'source': get_source(line)})
elif line['type'] == 'join':
rows.append({'time': time, 'target': '#tjhsst', 'type': 'join', 'msg': 'Joined channel #tjhsst', 'source': get_source(line)})
elif line['type'] == 'part':
rows.append({'time': time, 'target': '#tjhsst', 'type': 'part', 'msg': line['message'], 'source': get_source(line)})
elif line['type'] == 'quit':
rows.append({'time': time, 'target': '#tjhsst', 'type': 'quit', 'msg': line['message'], 'source': get_source(line)})
elif line['type'] == 'topic':
rows.append({'time': time, 'target': '#tjhsst', 'type': 'topic', 'msg': line['message'], 'source': get_source(line)})
elif line['type'] == 'nick':
rows.append({'time': time, 'target': '#tjhsst', 'type': 'nick', 'msg': line['newNick'], 'source': get_source(line)})
elif line['type'] == 'mode':
rows.append({'time': time, 'target': '#tjhsst', 'type': 'mode', 'msg': line['mode'], 'source': line['by']})
elif line['type'] == 'kick':
rows.append({'time': time, 'target': '#tjhsst', 'type': 'kick', 'msg': '%s %s' % (line['nick'], line['message']), 'source': line['by']})
raise Exception("Unhandled type: %s" % line)
return rows
def main():
engine = create_engine('[redacted]')
session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()
session.bulk_insert_mappings(Log, get_log())
if __name__ == '__main__':
var fs = require('fs'),
util = require('util'),
mixin = require('./util').mixin,
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
// Default regular expressions for log parsing
defaultRegexps = {
// Log open / log close / day change: $1 = date+time
logopen: /^--- Log opened (.*)$/,
logclose: /^--- Log closed (.*)$/,
daychange: /^--- Day changed (.*)$/,
// Join/part/quit: $1 = time, $2 = nick, $3 = mask, $4 = quit/part message
join: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?) -!- (\S+) \[([^\]]+)\] has joined/,
part: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?) -!- (\S+) \[([^\]]+)\] has left(?:[^\[]*\[([^\]]*))?/,
quit: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?) -!- (\S+) \[([^\]]+)\] has quit(?:[^\[]*\[([^\]]*))?/,
// Kick: $1 = time, $2 = nick, $3 = kicker, $4 = message
kick: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?) -!- (\S+) was kicked from \S+ by (\S+) \[([^\]]+)\]$/,
// Nick change: $1 = time, $2 = old nick, $3 = new nick
nick: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?) -!- (\S+) is now known as (\S+)$/,
// Own nick change: $1 = time, $2 = new nick
ownNick: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?)\W+You're now known as (\S+)$/,
// Total nicks in channel upon join: $1 = time, $2 = total, $3 = ops, $4 = halfops, $5 = voices, $6 = normal
nicks: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?)\W+Irssi: \S+ Total of (\d+) nicks \[(\d+) ops, (\d+) halfops, (\d+) voices, (\d+) normal\]$/,
// Modes: $1 = time, $2 = modes, $3 = moder
mode: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?) -!- (?:ServerM|m)ode\/\S+ \[([^\]]+)\] by (\S*)$/,
// Regular messages: $1 = time, $2 = mode, $3 = nick, $4 = message
message: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?) <(.)([^>]+)> (.*)$/,
// Actions: $1 = time, $2 = nick, $3 = message
action: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?) \* (\S+) (.*)$/,
topic: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?) -!- (\S+) changed the topic of \S+ to: (.*)$/,
notice: /^(\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?) -(\S+):\S+- (.*)$/,
// Actions to be taken for each line type above
mappings = {
logopen: function (match) {
return {
time: (this.currentDate = this._openTime = new Date(match[1]))
logclose: function (match) {
return {
time: (this.currentDate = new Date(match[1]))
daychange: function (match) {
// Update currentDate but don't bother emitting an event
this.currentDate = new Date(match[1]);
join: function (match) {
var time = combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]);
if (this._openTime && !this._joinNick &&
(time - this._openTime) < 2000) {
// First join after a log open should be the logging client
// (unless log rotation is in play);
// update internal variable which will be confirmed
// once we receive a total nicks message
this._joinNick = match[2];
return {
time: time,
nick: match[2],
mask: match[3]
part: function (match) {
return {
time: combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]),
nick: match[2],
mask: match[3],
message: match[4]
quit: function (match) {
return {
time: combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]),
nick: match[2],
mask: match[3],
message: match[4]
kick: function (match) {
return {
time: combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]),
nick: match[2],
by: match[3],
message: match[4]
topic: function (match) {
return {
time: combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]),
nick: match[2],
message: match[3]
notice: function (match) {
return {
time: combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]),
nick: match[2],
message: match[3]
nick: function (match) {
return {
time: combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]),
nick: match[2],
newNick: match[3]
ownNick: function (match) {
return {
type: 'nick',
time: combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]),
nick: this._nick || this.defaultNick,
newNick: (this._nick = match[2])
nicks: function (match) {
var time = combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]);
// "Total of x nicks" message logs immediately after client joins,
// but also any time the /names command is manually run;
// in only the former case, update logging client's current nick
// (since the client's own nick change messages don't include it)
if (this._joinNick && (time - this._openTime) < 2000) {
this._nick = this._joinNick;
delete this._joinNick;
delete this._openTime;
return {
time: time,
total: match[2],
ops: match[3],
halfops: match[4],
voices: match[5],
normal: match[6]
mode: function (match) {
return {
time: combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]),
mode: match[2],
by: match[3]
message: function (match) {
return {
time: combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]),
mode: match[2],
nick: match[3],
message: match[4]
action: function (match) {
return {
time: combineDateTime(this.currentDate, match[1]),
nick: match[2],
message: match[3]
// Order to test RegExps in, from least to most common (will iterate backwards)
testOrder = ['topic', 'notice', 'nicks', 'daychange', 'logclose', 'logopen', 'ownNick', 'kick', 'mode', 'nick', 'part', 'quit', 'join', 'action', 'message'];
function combineDateTime(date, time) {
// Yields a new Date object combining the given Date object and
// a "hh:mm:ss" time string.
var dateTime = new Date(date),
timeParts = time.split(':');
dateTime.setHours(parseInt(timeParts[0], 10));
dateTime.setMinutes(parseInt(timeParts[1], 10));
dateTime.setSeconds(parseInt(timeParts[2] || 0, 10));
return dateTime;
* Hash containing regular expressions (or strings convertible to RegExps)
* to use for scanning log lines. All properties are optional, and will
* default to regular expressions which match against irssi's default
* log format.
* @typedef {Object} ParserRegexps
* @property {string|RegExp} logopen "Log opened" message; $1 = date+time
* @property {string|RegExp} logclose "Log closed" message; $1 = date+time
* @property {string|RegExp} daychange "Day changed" message; $1 = date+time;
* Note that these lines will not emit events
* @property {string|RegExp} join "X has joined" message;
* $1 = time, $2 = nick, $3 = mask
* @property {string|RegExp} part "X has left" message;
* $1 = time, $2 = nick, $3 = mask, $4 = message
* @property {string|RegExp} quit "X has quit" message;
* $1 = time, $2 = nick, $3 = mask, $4 = message
* @property {string|RegExp} kick "X was kicked" message;
* $1 = time, $2 = nick, $3 = kicker, $4 = message
* @property {string|RegExp} nick "X is now known as Y" message;
* $1 = time, $2 = old nick, $3 = new nick
* @property {string|RegExp} ownNick "You're now known as X" message;
* $1 = time, $2 = new nick
* @property {string|RegExp} nicks "Total of ..." message;
* $1 = time, $2 = total, $3 = ops, $4 = halfops, $5 = voices, $6 = normal
* @property {string|RegExp} mode "mode ... by X" message;
* $1 = time, $2 = modes, $3 = moder
* @property {string|RegExp} message Normal message;
* $1 = time, $2 = mode, $3 = nick, $4 = message
* @property {string|RegExp} message Action (i.e. the /me command);
* $1 = time, $2 = nick, $3 = message
* Options recognized by the Parser constructor.
* @typedef {Object} ParserOptions
* @property {string} defaultNick
* Default initial nick to use for the logging client's own nick changes,
* in case it cannot be discerned automatically from logopen + join + names
* messages
* @property {boolean} debug
* Flag which will cause unhandled log lines to be output to stderr
* @property {Object<string, ParserRegexps>} regexps
* Creates a new Parser with the specified options.
* @class
* @augments EventEmitter
* @param {ParserOptions} options Options to apply to the Parser instance
var Parser = module.exports = function (options) {
var regexps = options && options.regexps,
if (regexps) {
for (key in regexps) {
// Allow strings to be passed in (e.g. from JSON),
// instantiating RegExps from them here
rx = regexps[key];
if (typeof rx === 'string') {
regexps[key] = new RegExp(rx);
// Mix provided regexps on top of defaults to allow partial override
options.regexps = mixin({}, defaultRegexps, regexps);
options && mixin(this, options);
this._onAllHandlers = [];
util.inherits(Parser, EventEmitter);
mixin(Parser.prototype, /** @lends Parser.prototype */ {
defaultNick: 'logging client',
_parseLine: function (line) {
var i = testOrder.length,
regexps = this.regexps || defaultRegexps,
while (i--) {
key = testOrder[i];
if ((match = regexps[key].exec(line))) {
object = mappings[key].call(this, match);
if (object && !object.type) {
object.type = key;
return object;
if (this.debug) {
console.warn('Unhandled line: ' + line);
_parseLines: function (str) {
// Parses any full lines in str and adds their info to the `parsed` object.
// Returns any remainder of str (i.e. from a final line with no newline).
var lines = str.split('\n'),
i = 0,
remainder = lines.pop(),
len = lines.length,
do {
parsedObj = this._parseLine(lines[i]);
if (parsedObj) {
this.emit(parsedObj.type, parsedObj);
while (++i < len);
return remainder;
* Parses the given log file.
* @param {string} filename File to parse
parse: function (filename) {
resume = filename === true, // should only ever be set by resume calls
fd = this._fd = resume ? this._fd : fs.openSync(filename, 'r'),
buffer = new Buffer(4096),
current = '',
remainder = resume ? this._remainder : '';
while (!this._paused && (bytesRead = fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length))) {
current = buffer.toString('utf-8');
if (current.length > bytesRead) { current = current.slice(0, bytesRead); }
remainder = this._remainder = this._parseLines(remainder + current);
// The loop will end either when EOF is reached, or pause was called.
// In the former case, close the file; in the latter case, leave it
// open with the expectation that we'll pick up where we left off.
if (!this._paused) {
* Pauses parsing after the currently-read chunk.
* This means that it might not pause right after the current line, but it
* will before the file is read any further.
* Additional calls to this function when already paused do nothing.
pause: function () {
this._paused = true;
* Causes the previous parse to continue where it left off.
resume: function () {
if (this._paused) {
this._paused = false;
emit: function () {
var i,
handlers = this._onAllHandlers,
len = handlers.length;
// Emit as usual
EventEmitter.prototype.emit.apply(this, arguments);
// Also invoke any handlers registered for all events
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (handlers[i]) {
handlers[i].apply(this,, 1));
* Object containing a remove method for unhooking itself.
* @typedef {Object} RemovableListener
* @property {function} remove Method that can be called to unhook the listener
* Binds a function to all emitted events.
* @param handler {function} The handler to fire on every processed log message
* @return {RemovableListener}
onAll: function (handler) {
// Binds a function to all emitted events.
// Rather than impose an obtuse separate removal method,
// this method returns an object with a remove function.
var i = this._onAllHandlers.push(handler) - 1;
return {
remove: function () {
this._onAllHandlers[i] = null;
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