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Created December 30, 2015 08:43
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apn handler
'use strict';
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var apn = require('apn');
module.exports = ApnsProvider;
function ApnsProvider( pushSettings ) {
var settings = pushSettings || {};
var pushOptions = settings.pushOptions || {};
var feedbackOptions = settings.feedbackOptions || {};
// Populate the shared cert/key data
if(settings.certData) {
pushOptions.cert = pushOptions.certData || settings.certData;
feedbackOptions.cert = feedbackOptions.certData || settings.certData;
if(settings.keyData) {
pushOptions.key = pushOptions.keyData || settings.keyData;
feedbackOptions.key = feedbackOptions.keyData || settings.keyData;
// Check the push mode production vs development
if(settings.production) {
// Always override
pushOptions.gateway = '';
feedbackOptions.gateway = '';
if(pushOptions.port !== undefined) {
pushOptions.port = 2195;
if(feedbackOptions.port !== undefined) {
feedbackOptions.port = 2196;
} else {
// Honor the gateway settings for testing
pushOptions.gateway = pushOptions.gateway || '';
feedbackOptions.gateway = feedbackOptions.gateway || '';
// Keep the options for testing verification
this._pushOptions = pushOptions;
this._feedbackOptions = feedbackOptions;
inherits(ApnsProvider, EventEmitter);
ApnsProvider.prototype._initPushConnection = function( pushSettings ) {
ApnsProvider.prototype._setupPushConnection = function(options) {
var self = this;
if(options && !options.port){
delete options.port;
var connection = new apn.Connection(options);
function errorHandler(err) {
console.log('Cannot initialize APNS connection. %s', err.stack);
self.emit('error', err);
connection.on('error', errorHandler);
connection.on('socketError', errorHandler);
connection.on('transmissionError', function(code, notification, recipient) {
var err = new Error('Cannot send APNS notification: ' + code);
self.emit(err, notification, recipient);
this._connection = connection;
ApnsProvider.prototype._setupFeedback = function(options) {
if (!options) {
console.log('Feedback channel is not enabled in the application settings.');
var self = this;
this._feedback = new apn.Feedback(options);
this._feedback.on('feedback', function (devices) {
self.emit('devicesGone', devices);
ApnsProvider.prototype.pushNotification = function( notification, deviceToken, appId ) {
var note = new apn.Notification();
//note.expiry = notification.getTimeToLiveInSecondsFromNow() || note.expiry;
note.badge = notification.badge;
note.sound = notification.sound;
note.alert = notification.alert;
note.payload = {};
Object.keys(notification).forEach(function (key) {
note.payload[key] = notification[key];
this._connection.pushNotification(note, deviceToken);
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