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Last active February 6, 2020 13:00
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from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse as sp
from word_analyze import tokenize
def is_key_exist(d: Dict, key: any):
return d.get(key) is not None
class Okapi:
def __init__(self, extract_words_func: callable, b: float = 0.75, k1: float = 2.0, delta: float = 1.0,
norm: bool = True):
:param extract_words_func: ドキュメントを単語リスト化する関数オブジェクト.
:param b: constant
:param k1: constant
:param delta: constant
self.K1, self.B, = k1, b, delta # 定数
self.norm = norm # 正規化するかしないか
self.word2id_dict = {} # 単語とインデックスの辞書
self.idf = np.array([]) # inverse document frequency
self.avg_word_count_in_doc = 0 # ドキュメント内の単語数の平均
if not callable(extract_words_func):
raise RuntimeError("extract_words_funcは呼び出し可能オブジェクトでなければいけません")
self.extract_words_func = extract_words_func
def fit_transform(self, documents: List[str]):
return self.transform(documents)
def fit(self, documents: List[str]):
:param documents:
counter = 0
for document in documents:
searched_dict = {}
words = self.extract_words_func(document)
self.avg_word_count_in_doc += len(words)
for word in words:
if is_key_exist(searched_dict, word):
searched_dict[word] = True
# 他のドキュメントですでに出た単語
if is_key_exist(self.word2id_dict, word):
self.idf[self.word2id_dict[word]] += 1.0
self.word2id_dict[word] = counter
counter += 1
self.idf = np.append(self.idf, [1.0])
documents_len = len(documents)
self.idf = np.log2(documents_len / (self.idf + 0.0000001)) # logに00が入らないようにする
self.avg_word_count_in_doc = self.avg_word_count_in_doc / documents_len
def transform(self, documents: List[str]) -> sp.lil_matrix:
:param documents:
:return: object of scipy.sparse.lil_matrix
result = sp.lil_matrix((len(documents), len(self.word2id_dict)))
for i, doc in enumerate(documents):
# 単語の出現頻度
word_weight_dict, words_count = self._terms_frequency(doc)
# Combine Weight重み付け
for ind in word_weight_dict.keys():
word_weight_dict[ind] = self._bm25_weight(ind, word_weight_dict[ind], words_count)
if self.norm:
# 正規化
total_dist = sum(list(map(lambda item: item[1], word_weight_dict.items())))
for ind in word_weight_dict.keys():
word_weight_dict[ind] /= total_dist
# 疎行列にベクトル追加
for item in word_weight_dict.items():
result[i, item[0]] = item[1]
return result
def _terms_frequency(self, doc: str) -> Tuple[Dict[int, float], int]:
:param doc:
word_weight_dict = {} # key: 単語ID, value: 頻度
words = self.extract_words_func(doc)
# Term Frequency
for word in words:
if not is_key_exist(self.word2id_dict, word):
# TODO 辞書に無い単語の扱い
if is_key_exist(word_weight_dict, self.word2id_dict[word]):
word_weight_dict[self.word2id_dict[word]] += 1.0
word_weight_dict[self.word2id_dict[word]] = 1.0
return word_weight_dict, len(words)
def _bm25_weight(self, word_index: int, word_freq: float, word_count_in_doc: int) -> float:
Okapi BM25+重み計算
:param word_index:
:param word_freq:
:param word_count_in_doc:
return self.idf[word_index] * ( + (word_freq * (self.K1 + 1.0))) / (
word_freq + self.K1 * (1.0 - self.B + self.B * (word_count_in_doc / self.avg_word_count_in_doc)))
def get_feature_names(self) -> List[str]:
return list(self.word2id_dict.keys())
if __name__ == "__main__":
a = [
"蛇の目はPure Pythonな形態素解析器です。",
f = tokenize
o = Okapi(f)
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