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Last active July 9, 2017 03:05
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Aurelia custom attribute to invoke a callback when an element gets added to the dom. Demo:
import {customAttribute, bindable, LogManager} from 'aurelia-framework';
const logger:Logger = LogManager.getLogger("attached");
* MIT License. Patrick Eisenmann.
* Apply this attribute to an element to have a callback invoked when the element added to the DOM
* @param {Function} callback. Required. The function to be invoked.
* The first argument to the callback is the Element that had the attached on it.
* Any arguments specified by the args parameter will be passed as individual args after the element.
* @param {Object|ViewModel} scope. Optional. The thisArg of the callback when invoked.
* @param {Array} args. Optional. Additional arguments passed to the callback.
* Example:
* foo-view.js
export class FooView {
constructor() {
this.$this = this;
this.elements = {}; = [{
id: 10000,
name: 'Hello'
id: 10001,
name: 'World'
id: 10002,
name: 'Tomato'
mySubElementAttached(element, index) {
this.elements[index] = element;
* foo-view.html
<require from="attributes/attached"></require>
<div repeat.for="datum of data" attached="callback.bind: $parent.mySubElementAttached; scope.bind: $parent.$this; args.bind: [$index]">
${$index}: ${}: ${}
export class Attached {
@bindable callback;
@bindable scope;
@bindable args;
static inject = [Element];
constructor(element) {
this.element = element;
attached() {"Attached!", this.args);
if (typeof this.callback === 'function') {
this.callback.apply(this.scope, [this.element, ...(this.args || [])]);
else {
logger.error('Callback was type', typeof this.callback, ', not a function. Did you forget to callback.bind? Callback: ', this.callback, ' Scope: ', this.scope, 'Args: ', this.args);
throw `attached attribute invoked, but callback was '${this.callback}' instead of a function.`;
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A new context is created when repeat.for is used. bindingContext will contain the child context and not the parent context. Under such conditions, you need to pass scope.

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