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Created December 22, 2022 15:15
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  • Save peisuke/56430261971a982a238654d777ebc1f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class="controller-container">
<button id="js-join-trigger">Join</button>
<button id="js-leave-trigger">Leave</button>
<div id="canvas"></div>
<div id="js-videos-container" class="videos-container">
<audio id="js-local-video"></audio>
const localVideo = document.getElementById('js-local-video');
const videosContainer = document.getElementById('js-videos-container');
const joinTrigger = document.getElementById('js-join-trigger');
const leaveTrigger = document.getElementById('js-leave-trigger');
const canvasElem = document.getElementById('canvas');
const Peer = window.Peer;
const peer = new Peer({key: "xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"});
let room = null; // 部屋
let position = {"X": 300, "Y": 300}; // 自分の位置
let users = {}; // 他人の位置(キーはID)
let dragPosition = null
async function setup() {
canvas = createCanvas(600, 600);
// メディアを初期化しておく
localVideo.srcObject = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: false, audio: true});
function mousePressed() {
dragPosition = {"positionX": position.X, "positionY": position.Y, "mouseX": mouseX, "mouseY": mouseY}
function mouseDragged() {
if (dragPosition !== null && mouseIsPressed) {
position.X = dragPosition.positionX + (mouseX - dragPosition.mouseX)
position.Y = dragPosition.positionY + (mouseY - dragPosition.mouseY)
function mouseReleased() {
dragPosition = null;
function sync() {
room.send({"X": position.X, "Y": position.Y});
const sigmoid = (x) => { return Math.exp(x) / (Math.exp(x) + 1) };
const remoteVideos = videosContainer.querySelectorAll('[data-peer-id]');
.forEach(remoteVideo => {
id = remoteVideo.getAttribute("data-peer-id");
if (id in users)
remoteVideo.volume = sigmoid(10 - (dist(position.X, position.Y, users[id].X, users[id].Y) / 20));
setTimeout(sync, 100);
function draw() {
background(255, 255, 255);
for (const id in users)
ellipse(users[id].X, users[id].Y, 30, 30);
ellipse(position.X, position.Y, 50, 50);
// joinボタンを押すと入室
joinTrigger.addEventListener('click', () => {
// 部屋に入る
room = peer.joinRoom("room-name", {mode: 'sfu', stream: localVideo.srcObject});
// 部屋に入ったらスタート
room.on('open', () => {
setTimeout(sync, 100);
// 他の人のメディアを自分のvideoContainerに追加
room.on('stream', async stream => {
const remoteVideo = document.createElement('audio');
remoteVideo.srcObject = stream;
remoteVideo.setAttribute('data-peer-id', stream.peerId);
// 他の人の位置情報が受信されたら追加・更新
room.on('data', async (data) => { users[data.src] =; });
// 他の人が抜けたら、ビデオを削除
room.on('peerLeave', peerId => {
const remoteVideo = videosContainer.querySelector(`[data-peer-id="${peerId}"]`);
remoteVideo.srcObject.getTracks().forEach(track => { track.stop(); });
remoteVideo.srcObject = null;
delete users[peerId];
// 自信が抜ける場合は全てのビデオ情報を削除
room.once('close', () => {
const remoteVideos = videosContainer.querySelectorAll('[data-peer-id]');
.forEach(remoteVideo => {
remoteVideo.srcObject.getTracks().forEach(track => track.stop());
remoteVideo.srcObject = null;
// Leaveボタンを押したらルームから離れる
leaveTrigger.addEventListener('click', () => {
users = {}
}, { once: true });
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