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Last active March 7, 2021 12:14
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az metrics
Metric Metric Display Name Unit Aggregation Type Description Dimensions
1 azure.analysisservices_servers.qpu_metric QPU Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: QPU. Range 0-100 for S1, 0-200 for S2 and 0-400 for S4 ServerResourceType
2 azure.analysisservices_servers.memory_metric Memory Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Memory. Range 0-25 GB for S1, 0-50 GB for S2 and 0-100 GB for S4 ServerResourceType
3 azure.analysisservices_servers.total_connection_requests Total Connection Requests Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Total connection requests. These are arrivals. ServerResourceType
4 azure.analysisservices_servers.successfull_connections_per_sec Successful Connections Per Sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Rate of successful connection completions. ServerResourceType
5 azure.analysisservices_servers.total_connection_failures Total Connection Failures Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Total failed connection attempts. ServerResourceType
6 azure.analysisservices_servers.current_user_sessions Current User Sessions Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Current number of user sessions established. ServerResourceType
7 azure.analysisservices_servers.query_pool_busy_threads Query Pool Busy Threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of busy threads in the query thread pool. ServerResourceType
8 azure.analysisservices_servers.command_pool_job_queue_length Command Pool Job Queue Length Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of jobs in the queue of the command thread pool. ServerResourceType
9 azure.analysisservices_servers.processing_pool_job_queue_length Processing Pool Job Queue Length Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of non-I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool. ServerResourceType
10 azure.analysisservices_servers.current_connections Connection: Current connections Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Current number of client connections established. ServerResourceType
11 azure.analysisservices_servers.cleaner_current_price Memory: Cleaner Current Price Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Current price of memory, $/byte/time, normalized to 1000. ServerResourceType
12 azure.analysisservices_servers.cleaner_memory_shrinkable Memory: Cleaner Memory shrinkable Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Amount of memory, in bytes, subject to purging by the background cleaner. ServerResourceType
13 azure.analysisservices_servers.cleaner_memory_nonshrinkable Memory: Cleaner Memory nonshrinkable Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Amount of memory, in bytes, not subject to purging by the background cleaner. ServerResourceType
14 azure.analysisservices_servers.memory_usage Memory: Memory Usage Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Memory usage of the server process as used in calculating cleaner memory price. Equal to counter Process\PrivateBytes plus the size of memory-mapped data, ignoring any memory which was mapped or allocated by the xVelocity in-memory analytics engine (VertiPaq) in excess of the xVelocity engine Memory Limit. ServerResourceType
15 azure.analysisservices_servers.memory_limit_hard Memory: Memory Limit Hard Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Hard memory limit, from configuration file. ServerResourceType
16 azure.analysisservices_servers.memory_limit_high Memory: Memory Limit High Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: High memory limit, from configuration file. ServerResourceType
17 azure.analysisservices_servers.memory_limit_low Memory: Memory Limit Low Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Low memory limit, from configuration file. ServerResourceType
18 azure.analysisservices_servers.memory_limit_verti_paq Memory: Memory Limit VertiPaq Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: In-memory limit, from configuration file. ServerResourceType
19 azure.analysisservices_servers.quota Memory: Quota Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Current memory quota, in bytes. Memory quota is also known as a memory grant or memory reservation. ServerResourceType
20 azure.analysisservices_servers.quota_blocked Memory: Quota Blocked Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Current number of quota requests that are blocked until other memory quotas are freed. ServerResourceType
21 azure.analysisservices_servers.verti_paq_nonpaged Memory: VertiPaq Nonpaged Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Bytes of memory locked in the working set for use by the in-memory engine. ServerResourceType
22 azure.analysisservices_servers.verti_paq_paged Memory: VertiPaq Paged Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Bytes of paged memory in use for in-memory data. ServerResourceType
23 azure.analysisservices_servers.rows_read_per_sec Processing: Rows read per sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Rate of rows read from all relational databases. ServerResourceType
24 azure.analysisservices_servers.rows_converted_per_sec Processing: Rows converted per sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Rate of rows converted during processing. ServerResourceType
25 azure.analysisservices_servers.rows_written_per_sec Processing: Rows written per sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Rate of rows written during processing. ServerResourceType
26 azure.analysisservices_servers.command_pool_busy_threads Threads: Command pool busy threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of busy threads in the command thread pool. ServerResourceType
27 azure.analysisservices_servers.command_pool_idle_threads Threads: Command pool idle threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of idle threads in the command thread pool. ServerResourceType
28 azure.analysisservices_servers.long_parsing_busy_threads Threads: Long parsing busy threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of busy threads in the long parsing thread pool. ServerResourceType
29 azure.analysisservices_servers.long_parsing_idle_threads Threads: Long parsing idle threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of idle threads in the long parsing thread pool. ServerResourceType
30 azure.analysisservices_servers.long_parsing_job_queue_length Threads: Long parsing job queue length Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of jobs in the queue of the long parsing thread pool. ServerResourceType
31 azure.analysisservices_servers.processing_pool_busy_iojob_threads Threads: Processing pool busy I/O job threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of threads running I/O jobs in the processing thread pool. ServerResourceType
32 azure.analysisservices_servers.processing_pool_busy_non_iothreads Threads: Processing pool busy non-I/O threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of threads running non-I/O jobs in the processing thread pool. ServerResourceType
33 azure.analysisservices_servers.processing_pool_iojob_queue_length Threads: Processing pool I/O job queue length Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool. ServerResourceType
34 azure.analysisservices_servers.processing_pool_idle_iojob_threads Threads: Processing pool idle I/O job threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool. ServerResourceType
35 azure.analysisservices_servers.processing_pool_idle_non_iothreads Threads: Processing pool idle non-I/O threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of idle threads in the processing thread pool dedicated to non-I/O jobs. ServerResourceType
36 azure.analysisservices_servers.query_pool_idle_threads Threads: Query pool idle threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool. ServerResourceType
37 azure.analysisservices_servers.query_pool_job_queue_length Threads: Query pool job queue lengt Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of jobs in the queue of the query thread pool. ServerResourceType
38 azure.analysisservices_servers.short_parsing_busy_threads Threads: Short parsing busy threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of busy threads in the short parsing thread pool. ServerResourceType
39 azure.analysisservices_servers.short_parsing_idle_threads Threads: Short parsing idle threads Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of idle threads in the short parsing thread pool. ServerResourceType
40 azure.analysisservices_servers.short_parsing_job_queue_length Threads: Short parsing job queue length Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Number of jobs in the queue of the short parsing thread pool. ServerResourceType
41 azure.analysisservices_servers.memory_thrashing_metric Memory Thrashing Percent Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Average memory thrashing. ServerResourceType
42 azure.analysisservices_servers.mashup_engine_qpu_metric M Engine QPU Count Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: QPU usage by mashup engine processes ServerResourceType
43 azure.analysisservices_servers.mashup_engine_memory_metric M Engine Memory Bytes Average Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers: Memory usage by mashup engine processes ServerResourceType
1 azure.apimanagement_service.total_requests Total Gateway Requests Count Total Microsoft.ApiManagement/service: Number of gateway requests Location, Hostname
2 azure.apimanagement_service.successful_requests Successful Gateway Requests Count Total Microsoft.ApiManagement/service: Number of successful gateway requests Location, Hostname
3 azure.apimanagement_service.unauthorized_requests Unauthorized Gateway Requests Count Total Microsoft.ApiManagement/service: Number of unauthorized gateway requests Location, Hostname
4 azure.apimanagement_service.failed_requests Failed Gateway Requests Count Total Microsoft.ApiManagement/service: Number of failures in gateway requests Location, Hostname
5 azure.apimanagement_service.other_requests Other Gateway Requests Count Total Microsoft.ApiManagement/service: Number of other gateway requests Location, Hostname
6 azure.apimanagement_service.duration Overall Duration of Gateway Requests Milliseconds Average Microsoft.ApiManagement/service: Overall Duration of Gateway Requests in milliseconds Location, Hostname
7 azure.apimanagement_service.capacity Capacity (Preview) Percent Maximum Microsoft.ApiManagement/service: Utilization metric for ApiManagement service Location
1 azure.automation_automationaccounts.total_job Total Jobs Count Total Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts: The total number of jobs RunbookName, Status
1 azure.batch_batchaccounts.core_count Dedicated Core Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of dedicated cores in the batch account No Dimensions
2 azure.batch_batchaccounts.total_node_count Dedicated Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of dedicated nodes in the batch account No Dimensions
3 azure.batch_batchaccounts.low_priority_core_count LowPriority Core Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of low-priority cores in the batch account No Dimensions
4 azure.batch_batchaccounts.total_low_priority_node_count Low-Priority Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of low-priority nodes in the batch account No Dimensions
5 azure.batch_batchaccounts.creating_node_count Creating Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of nodes being created No Dimensions
6 azure.batch_batchaccounts.starting_node_count Starting Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of nodes starting No Dimensions
7 azure.batch_batchaccounts.waiting_for_start_task_node_count Waiting For Start Task Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of nodes waiting for the Start Task to complete No Dimensions
8 azure.batch_batchaccounts.start_task_failed_node_count Start Task Failed Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of nodes where the Start Task has failed No Dimensions
9 azure.batch_batchaccounts.idle_node_count Idle Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of idle nodes No Dimensions
10 azure.batch_batchaccounts.offline_node_count Offline Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of offline nodes No Dimensions
11 azure.batch_batchaccounts.rebooting_node_count Rebooting Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of rebooting nodes No Dimensions
12 azure.batch_batchaccounts.reimaging_node_count Reimaging Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of reimaging nodes No Dimensions
13 azure.batch_batchaccounts.running_node_count Running Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of running nodes No Dimensions
14 azure.batch_batchaccounts.leaving_pool_node_count Leaving Pool Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of nodes leaving the Pool No Dimensions
15 azure.batch_batchaccounts.unusable_node_count Unusable Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of unusable nodes No Dimensions
16 azure.batch_batchaccounts.preempted_node_count Preempted Node Count Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Number of preempted nodes No Dimensions
17 azure.batch_batchaccounts.task_start_event Task Start Events Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of tasks that have started No Dimensions
18 azure.batch_batchaccounts.task_complete_event Task Complete Events Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of tasks that have completed No Dimensions
19 azure.batch_batchaccounts.task_fail_event Task Fail Events Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of tasks that have completed in a failed state No Dimensions
20 azure.batch_batchaccounts.pool_create_event Pool Create Events Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of pools that have been created No Dimensions
21 azure.batch_batchaccounts.pool_resize_start_event Pool Resize Start Events Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of pool resizes that have started No Dimensions
22 azure.batch_batchaccounts.pool_resize_complete_event Pool Resize Complete Events Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of pool resizes that have completed No Dimensions
23 azure.batch_batchaccounts.pool_delete_start_event Pool Delete Start Events Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of pool deletes that have started No Dimensions
24 azure.batch_batchaccounts.pool_delete_complete_event Pool Delete Complete Events Count Total Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts: Total number of pool deletes that have completed No Dimensions
1 azure.cache_redis.connectedclients Connected Clients Count Maximum No Dimensions
2 azure.cache_redis.totalcommandsprocessed Total Operations Count Total No Dimensions
3 azure.cache_redis.cachehits Cache Hits Count Total No Dimensions
4 azure.cache_redis.cachemisses Cache Misses Count Total No Dimensions
5 azure.cache_redis.getcommands Gets Count Total No Dimensions
6 azure.cache_redis.setcommands Sets Count Total No Dimensions
7 azure.cache_redis.operations_per_second Operations Per Second Count Total No Dimensions
8 azure.cache_redis.evictedkeys Evicted Keys Count Total No Dimensions
9 azure.cache_redis.totalkeys Total Keys Count Maximum No Dimensions
10 azure.cache_redis.expiredkeys Expired Keys Count Total No Dimensions
11 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory Used Memory Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
12 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory_rss Used Memory RSS Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
13 azure.cache_redis.server_load Server Load Percent Maximum No Dimensions
14 azure.cache_redis.cache_write Cache Write BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
15 azure.cache_redis.cache_read Cache Read BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
16 azure.cache_redis.percent_processor_time CPU Percent Maximum No Dimensions
17 azure.cache_redis.connectedclients0 Connected Clients (Shard 0) Count Maximum No Dimensions
18 azure.cache_redis.totalcommandsprocessed0 Total Operations (Shard 0) Count Total No Dimensions
19 azure.cache_redis.cachehits0 Cache Hits (Shard 0) Count Total No Dimensions
20 azure.cache_redis.cachemisses0 Cache Misses (Shard 0) Count Total No Dimensions
21 azure.cache_redis.getcommands0 Gets (Shard 0) Count Total No Dimensions
22 azure.cache_redis.setcommands0 Sets (Shard 0) Count Total No Dimensions
23 azure.cache_redis.operations_per_second0 Operations Per Second (Shard 0) Count Total No Dimensions
24 azure.cache_redis.evictedkeys0 Evicted Keys (Shard 0) Count Total No Dimensions
25 azure.cache_redis.totalkeys0 Total Keys (Shard 0) Count Maximum No Dimensions
26 azure.cache_redis.expiredkeys0 Expired Keys (Shard 0) Count Total No Dimensions
27 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory0 Used Memory (Shard 0) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
28 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory_rss0 Used Memory RSS (Shard 0) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
29 azure.cache_redis.server_load0 Server Load (Shard 0) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
30 azure.cache_redis.cache_write0 Cache Write (Shard 0) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
31 azure.cache_redis.cache_read0 Cache Read (Shard 0) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
32 azure.cache_redis.percent_processor_time0 CPU (Shard 0) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
33 azure.cache_redis.connectedclients1 Connected Clients (Shard 1) Count Maximum No Dimensions
34 azure.cache_redis.totalcommandsprocessed1 Total Operations (Shard 1) Count Total No Dimensions
35 azure.cache_redis.cachehits1 Cache Hits (Shard 1) Count Total No Dimensions
36 azure.cache_redis.cachemisses1 Cache Misses (Shard 1) Count Total No Dimensions
37 azure.cache_redis.getcommands1 Gets (Shard 1) Count Total No Dimensions
38 azure.cache_redis.setcommands1 Sets (Shard 1) Count Total No Dimensions
39 azure.cache_redis.operations_per_second1 Operations Per Second (Shard 1) Count Total No Dimensions
40 azure.cache_redis.evictedkeys1 Evicted Keys (Shard 1) Count Total No Dimensions
41 azure.cache_redis.totalkeys1 Total Keys (Shard 1) Count Maximum No Dimensions
42 azure.cache_redis.expiredkeys1 Expired Keys (Shard 1) Count Total No Dimensions
43 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory1 Used Memory (Shard 1) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
44 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory_rss1 Used Memory RSS (Shard 1) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
45 azure.cache_redis.server_load1 Server Load (Shard 1) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
46 azure.cache_redis.cache_write1 Cache Write (Shard 1) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
47 azure.cache_redis.cache_read1 Cache Read (Shard 1) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
48 azure.cache_redis.percent_processor_time1 CPU (Shard 1) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
49 azure.cache_redis.connectedclients2 Connected Clients (Shard 2) Count Maximum No Dimensions
50 azure.cache_redis.totalcommandsprocessed2 Total Operations (Shard 2) Count Total No Dimensions
51 azure.cache_redis.cachehits2 Cache Hits (Shard 2) Count Total No Dimensions
52 azure.cache_redis.cachemisses2 Cache Misses (Shard 2) Count Total No Dimensions
53 azure.cache_redis.getcommands2 Gets (Shard 2) Count Total No Dimensions
54 azure.cache_redis.setcommands2 Sets (Shard 2) Count Total No Dimensions
55 azure.cache_redis.operations_per_second2 Operations Per Second (Shard 2) Count Total No Dimensions
56 azure.cache_redis.evictedkeys2 Evicted Keys (Shard 2) Count Total No Dimensions
57 azure.cache_redis.totalkeys2 Total Keys (Shard 2) Count Maximum No Dimensions
58 azure.cache_redis.expiredkeys2 Expired Keys (Shard 2) Count Total No Dimensions
59 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory2 Used Memory (Shard 2) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
60 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory_rss2 Used Memory RSS (Shard 2) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
61 azure.cache_redis.server_load2 Server Load (Shard 2) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
62 azure.cache_redis.cache_write2 Cache Write (Shard 2) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
63 azure.cache_redis.cache_read2 Cache Read (Shard 2) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
64 azure.cache_redis.percent_processor_time2 CPU (Shard 2) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
65 azure.cache_redis.connectedclients3 Connected Clients (Shard 3) Count Maximum No Dimensions
66 azure.cache_redis.totalcommandsprocessed3 Total Operations (Shard 3) Count Total No Dimensions
67 azure.cache_redis.cachehits3 Cache Hits (Shard 3) Count Total No Dimensions
68 azure.cache_redis.cachemisses3 Cache Misses (Shard 3) Count Total No Dimensions
69 azure.cache_redis.getcommands3 Gets (Shard 3) Count Total No Dimensions
70 azure.cache_redis.setcommands3 Sets (Shard 3) Count Total No Dimensions
71 azure.cache_redis.operations_per_second3 Operations Per Second (Shard 3) Count Total No Dimensions
72 azure.cache_redis.evictedkeys3 Evicted Keys (Shard 3) Count Total No Dimensions
73 azure.cache_redis.totalkeys3 Total Keys (Shard 3) Count Maximum No Dimensions
74 azure.cache_redis.expiredkeys3 Expired Keys (Shard 3) Count Total No Dimensions
75 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory3 Used Memory (Shard 3) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
76 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory_rss3 Used Memory RSS (Shard 3) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
77 azure.cache_redis.server_load3 Server Load (Shard 3) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
78 azure.cache_redis.cache_write3 Cache Write (Shard 3) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
79 azure.cache_redis.cache_read3 Cache Read (Shard 3) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
80 azure.cache_redis.percent_processor_time3 CPU (Shard 3) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
81 azure.cache_redis.connectedclients4 Connected Clients (Shard 4) Count Maximum No Dimensions
82 azure.cache_redis.totalcommandsprocessed4 Total Operations (Shard 4) Count Total No Dimensions
83 azure.cache_redis.cachehits4 Cache Hits (Shard 4) Count Total No Dimensions
84 azure.cache_redis.cachemisses4 Cache Misses (Shard 4) Count Total No Dimensions
85 azure.cache_redis.getcommands4 Gets (Shard 4) Count Total No Dimensions
86 azure.cache_redis.setcommands4 Sets (Shard 4) Count Total No Dimensions
87 azure.cache_redis.operations_per_second4 Operations Per Second (Shard 4) Count Total No Dimensions
88 azure.cache_redis.evictedkeys4 Evicted Keys (Shard 4) Count Total No Dimensions
89 azure.cache_redis.totalkeys4 Total Keys (Shard 4) Count Maximum No Dimensions
90 azure.cache_redis.expiredkeys4 Expired Keys (Shard 4) Count Total No Dimensions
91 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory4 Used Memory (Shard 4) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
92 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory_rss4 Used Memory RSS (Shard 4) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
93 azure.cache_redis.server_load4 Server Load (Shard 4) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
94 azure.cache_redis.cache_write4 Cache Write (Shard 4) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
95 azure.cache_redis.cache_read4 Cache Read (Shard 4) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
96 azure.cache_redis.percent_processor_time4 CPU (Shard 4) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
97 azure.cache_redis.connectedclients5 Connected Clients (Shard 5) Count Maximum No Dimensions
98 azure.cache_redis.totalcommandsprocessed5 Total Operations (Shard 5) Count Total No Dimensions
99 azure.cache_redis.cachehits5 Cache Hits (Shard 5) Count Total No Dimensions
100 azure.cache_redis.cachemisses5 Cache Misses (Shard 5) Count Total No Dimensions
101 azure.cache_redis.getcommands5 Gets (Shard 5) Count Total No Dimensions
102 azure.cache_redis.setcommands5 Sets (Shard 5) Count Total No Dimensions
103 azure.cache_redis.operations_per_second5 Operations Per Second (Shard 5) Count Total No Dimensions
104 azure.cache_redis.evictedkeys5 Evicted Keys (Shard 5) Count Total No Dimensions
105 azure.cache_redis.totalkeys5 Total Keys (Shard 5) Count Maximum No Dimensions
106 azure.cache_redis.expiredkeys5 Expired Keys (Shard 5) Count Total No Dimensions
107 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory5 Used Memory (Shard 5) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
108 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory_rss5 Used Memory RSS (Shard 5) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
109 azure.cache_redis.server_load5 Server Load (Shard 5) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
110 azure.cache_redis.cache_write5 Cache Write (Shard 5) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
111 azure.cache_redis.cache_read5 Cache Read (Shard 5) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
112 azure.cache_redis.percent_processor_time5 CPU (Shard 5) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
113 azure.cache_redis.connectedclients6 Connected Clients (Shard 6) Count Maximum No Dimensions
114 azure.cache_redis.totalcommandsprocessed6 Total Operations (Shard 6) Count Total No Dimensions
115 azure.cache_redis.cachehits6 Cache Hits (Shard 6) Count Total No Dimensions
116 azure.cache_redis.cachemisses6 Cache Misses (Shard 6) Count Total No Dimensions
117 azure.cache_redis.getcommands6 Gets (Shard 6) Count Total No Dimensions
118 azure.cache_redis.setcommands6 Sets (Shard 6) Count Total No Dimensions
119 azure.cache_redis.operations_per_second6 Operations Per Second (Shard 6) Count Total No Dimensions
120 azure.cache_redis.evictedkeys6 Evicted Keys (Shard 6) Count Total No Dimensions
121 azure.cache_redis.totalkeys6 Total Keys (Shard 6) Count Maximum No Dimensions
122 azure.cache_redis.expiredkeys6 Expired Keys (Shard 6) Count Total No Dimensions
123 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory6 Used Memory (Shard 6) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
124 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory_rss6 Used Memory RSS (Shard 6) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
125 azure.cache_redis.server_load6 Server Load (Shard 6) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
126 azure.cache_redis.cache_write6 Cache Write (Shard 6) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
127 azure.cache_redis.cache_read6 Cache Read (Shard 6) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
128 azure.cache_redis.percent_processor_time6 CPU (Shard 6) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
129 azure.cache_redis.connectedclients7 Connected Clients (Shard 7) Count Maximum No Dimensions
130 azure.cache_redis.totalcommandsprocessed7 Total Operations (Shard 7) Count Total No Dimensions
131 azure.cache_redis.cachehits7 Cache Hits (Shard 7) Count Total No Dimensions
132 azure.cache_redis.cachemisses7 Cache Misses (Shard 7) Count Total No Dimensions
133 azure.cache_redis.getcommands7 Gets (Shard 7) Count Total No Dimensions
134 azure.cache_redis.setcommands7 Sets (Shard 7) Count Total No Dimensions
135 azure.cache_redis.operations_per_second7 Operations Per Second (Shard 7) Count Total No Dimensions
136 azure.cache_redis.evictedkeys7 Evicted Keys (Shard 7) Count Total No Dimensions
137 azure.cache_redis.totalkeys7 Total Keys (Shard 7) Count Maximum No Dimensions
138 azure.cache_redis.expiredkeys7 Expired Keys (Shard 7) Count Total No Dimensions
139 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory7 Used Memory (Shard 7) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
140 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory_rss7 Used Memory RSS (Shard 7) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
141 azure.cache_redis.server_load7 Server Load (Shard 7) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
142 azure.cache_redis.cache_write7 Cache Write (Shard 7) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
143 azure.cache_redis.cache_read7 Cache Read (Shard 7) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
144 azure.cache_redis.percent_processor_time7 CPU (Shard 7) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
145 azure.cache_redis.connectedclients8 Connected Clients (Shard 8) Count Maximum No Dimensions
146 azure.cache_redis.totalcommandsprocessed8 Total Operations (Shard 8) Count Total No Dimensions
147 azure.cache_redis.cachehits8 Cache Hits (Shard 8) Count Total No Dimensions
148 azure.cache_redis.cachemisses8 Cache Misses (Shard 8) Count Total No Dimensions
149 azure.cache_redis.getcommands8 Gets (Shard 8) Count Total No Dimensions
150 azure.cache_redis.setcommands8 Sets (Shard 8) Count Total No Dimensions
151 azure.cache_redis.operations_per_second8 Operations Per Second (Shard 8) Count Total No Dimensions
152 azure.cache_redis.evictedkeys8 Evicted Keys (Shard 8) Count Total No Dimensions
153 azure.cache_redis.totalkeys8 Total Keys (Shard 8) Count Maximum No Dimensions
154 azure.cache_redis.expiredkeys8 Expired Keys (Shard 8) Count Total No Dimensions
155 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory8 Used Memory (Shard 8) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
156 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory_rss8 Used Memory RSS (Shard 8) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
157 azure.cache_redis.server_load8 Server Load (Shard 8) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
158 azure.cache_redis.cache_write8 Cache Write (Shard 8) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
159 azure.cache_redis.cache_read8 Cache Read (Shard 8) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
160 azure.cache_redis.percent_processor_time8 CPU (Shard 8) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
161 azure.cache_redis.connectedclients9 Connected Clients (Shard 9) Count Maximum No Dimensions
162 azure.cache_redis.totalcommandsprocessed9 Total Operations (Shard 9) Count Total No Dimensions
163 azure.cache_redis.cachehits9 Cache Hits (Shard 9) Count Total No Dimensions
164 azure.cache_redis.cachemisses9 Cache Misses (Shard 9) Count Total No Dimensions
165 azure.cache_redis.getcommands9 Gets (Shard 9) Count Total No Dimensions
166 azure.cache_redis.setcommands9 Sets (Shard 9) Count Total No Dimensions
167 azure.cache_redis.operations_per_second9 Operations Per Second (Shard 9) Count Total No Dimensions
168 azure.cache_redis.evictedkeys9 Evicted Keys (Shard 9) Count Total No Dimensions
169 azure.cache_redis.totalkeys9 Total Keys (Shard 9) Count Maximum No Dimensions
170 azure.cache_redis.expiredkeys9 Expired Keys (Shard 9) Count Total No Dimensions
171 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory9 Used Memory (Shard 9) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
172 azure.cache_redis.usedmemory_rss9 Used Memory RSS (Shard 9) Bytes Maximum No Dimensions
173 azure.cache_redis.server_load9 Server Load (Shard 9) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
174 azure.cache_redis.cache_write9 Cache Write (Shard 9) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
175 azure.cache_redis.cache_read9 Cache Read (Shard 9) BytesPerSecond Maximum No Dimensions
176 azure.cache_redis.percent_processor_time9 CPU (Shard 9) Percent Maximum No Dimensions
1 azure.classiccompute_virtualmachines.percentage cpu Percentage CPU Percent Average Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines: The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s). No Dimensions
2 in Network In Bytes Total Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines: The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic). No Dimensions
3 out Network Out Bytes Total Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines: The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic). No Dimensions
4 azure.classiccompute_virtualmachines.disk read bytes/sec Disk Read BytesPerSecond Average Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines: Average bytes read from disk during monitoring period. No Dimensions
5 azure.classiccompute_virtualmachines.disk write bytes/sec Disk Write BytesPerSecond Average Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines: Average bytes written to disk during monitoring period. No Dimensions
6 azure.classiccompute_virtualmachines.disk read operations/sec Disk Read Operations/Sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines: Disk Read IOPS. No Dimensions
7 azure.classiccompute_virtualmachines.disk write operations/sec Disk Write Operations/Sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines: Disk Write IOPS. No Dimensions
1 azure.classiccompute_domainnames_slots_roles.percentage cpu Percentage CPU Percent Average Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles: The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s). No Dimensions
2 in Network In Bytes Total Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles: The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic). No Dimensions
3 out Network Out Bytes Total Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles: The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic). No Dimensions
4 azure.classiccompute_domainnames_slots_roles.disk read bytes/sec Disk Read BytesPerSecond Average Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles: Average bytes read from disk during monitoring period. No Dimensions
5 azure.classiccompute_domainnames_slots_roles.disk write bytes/sec Disk Write BytesPerSecond Average Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles: Average bytes written to disk during monitoring period. No Dimensions
6 azure.classiccompute_domainnames_slots_roles.disk read operations/sec Disk Read Operations/Sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles: Disk Read IOPS. No Dimensions
7 azure.classiccompute_domainnames_slots_roles.disk write operations/sec Disk Write Operations/Sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles: Disk Write IOPS. No Dimensions
1 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.total_calls Total Calls Count Total Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Total number of calls. No Dimensions
2 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.successful_calls Successful Calls Count Total Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Number of successful calls. No Dimensions
3 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.total_errors Total Errors Count Total Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Total number of calls with error response (HTTP response code 4xx or 5xx). No Dimensions
4 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.blocked_calls Blocked Calls Count Total Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Number of calls that exceeded rate or quota limit. No Dimensions
5 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.server_errors Server Errors Count Total Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Number of calls with service internal error (HTTP response code 5xx). No Dimensions
6 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.client_errors Client Errors Count Total Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Number of calls with client side error (HTTP response code 4xx). No Dimensions
7 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.data_in Data In Bytes Total Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Size of incoming data in bytes. No Dimensions
8 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.data_out Data Out Bytes Total Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Size of outgoing data in bytes. No Dimensions
9 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.latency Latency MilliSeconds Average Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Latency in milliseconds. No Dimensions
10 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.characters_translated Characters Translated Count Total Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Total number of characters in incoming text request. No Dimensions
11 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.speech_session_duration Speech Session Duration Seconds Total Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Total duration of speech session in seconds. No Dimensions
12 azure.cognitiveservices_accounts.total_transactions Total Transactions Count Total Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts: Total number of transactions No Dimensions
1 azure.compute_virtualmachines.percentage cpu Percentage CPU Percent Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines: The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s) No Dimensions
2 in Network In Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines: The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) No Dimensions
3 out Network Out Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines: The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) No Dimensions
4 azure.compute_virtualmachines.disk read bytes Disk Read Bytes Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines: Total bytes read from disk during monitoring period No Dimensions
5 azure.compute_virtualmachines.disk write bytes Disk Write Bytes Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines: Total bytes written to disk during monitoring period No Dimensions
6 azure.compute_virtualmachines.disk read operations/sec Disk Read Operations/Sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines: Disk Read IOPS No Dimensions
7 azure.compute_virtualmachines.disk write operations/sec Disk Write Operations/Sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines: Disk Write IOPS No Dimensions
8 azure.compute_virtualmachines.cpu credits remaining CPU Credits Remaining Count Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines: Total number of credits available to burst No Dimensions
9 azure.compute_virtualmachines.cpu credits consumed CPU Credits Consumed Count Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines: Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine No Dimensions
1 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets.percentage cpu Percentage CPU Percent Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets: The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s) No Dimensions
2 in Network In Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets: The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) No Dimensions
3 out Network Out Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets: The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) No Dimensions
4 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets.disk read bytes Disk Read Bytes Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets: Total bytes read from disk during monitoring period No Dimensions
5 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets.disk write bytes Disk Write Bytes Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets: Total bytes written to disk during monitoring period No Dimensions
6 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets.disk read operations/sec Disk Read Operations/Sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets: Disk Read IOPS No Dimensions
7 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets.disk write operations/sec Disk Write Operations/Sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets: Disk Write IOPS No Dimensions
8 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets.cpu credits remaining CPU Credits Remaining Count Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets: Total number of credits available to burst No Dimensions
9 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets.cpu credits consumed CPU Credits Consumed Count Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets: Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine No Dimensions
1 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets_virtualmachines.percentage cpu Percentage CPU Percent Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines: The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s) No Dimensions
2 in Network In Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines: The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) No Dimensions
3 out Network Out Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines: The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) No Dimensions
4 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets_virtualmachines.disk read bytes Disk Read Bytes Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines: Total bytes read from disk during monitoring period No Dimensions
5 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets_virtualmachines.disk write bytes Disk Write Bytes Bytes Total Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines: Total bytes written to disk during monitoring period No Dimensions
6 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets_virtualmachines.disk read operations/sec Disk Read Operations/Sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines: Disk Read IOPS No Dimensions
7 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets_virtualmachines.disk write operations/sec Disk Write Operations/Sec CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines: Disk Write IOPS No Dimensions
8 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets_virtualmachines.cpu credits remaining CPU Credits Remaining Count Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines: Total number of credits available to burst No Dimensions
9 azure.compute_virtualmachinescalesets_virtualmachines.cpu credits consumed CPU Credits Consumed Count Average Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines: Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine No Dimensions
1 azure.containerinstance_containergroups.cpu_usage CPU Usage Count Average Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups: CPU usage on all cores in millicores. containerName
2 azure.containerinstance_containergroups.memory_usage Memory Usage Bytes Average Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups: Total memory usage in byte. containerName
1 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dciapi_calls Customer Insights API Calls Count Total No Dimensions
2 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcimapping_import_operation_successful_lines Mapping Import Operation Successful Lines Count Total No Dimensions
3 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcimapping_import_operation_failed_lines Mapping Import Operation Failed Lines Count Total No Dimensions
4 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcimapping_import_operation_total_lines Mapping Import Operation Total Lines Count Total No Dimensions
5 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcimapping_import_operation_runtime_in_seconds Mapping Import Operation Runtime In Seconds Seconds Total No Dimensions
6 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_profile_export_succeeded Outbound Profile Export Succeeded Count Total No Dimensions
7 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_profile_export_failed Outbound Profile Export Failed Count Total No Dimensions
8 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_profile_export_duration Outbound Profile Export Duration Seconds Total No Dimensions
9 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_kpi_export_succeeded Outbound Kpi Export Succeeded Count Total No Dimensions
10 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_kpi_export_failed Outbound Kpi Export Failed Count Total No Dimensions
11 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_kpi_export_duration Outbound Kpi Export Duration Seconds Total No Dimensions
12 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_kpi_export_started Outbound Kpi Export Started Seconds Total No Dimensions
13 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_kpi_record_count Outbound Kpi Record Count Seconds Total No Dimensions
14 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_profile_export_count Outbound Profile Export Count Seconds Total No Dimensions
15 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_initial_profile_export_failed Outbound Initial Profile Export Failed Seconds Total No Dimensions
16 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_initial_profile_export_succeeded Outbound Initial Profile Export Succeeded Seconds Total No Dimensions
17 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_initial_kpi_export_failed Outbound Initial Kpi Export Failed Seconds Total No Dimensions
18 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_initial_kpi_export_succeeded Outbound Initial Kpi Export Succeeded Seconds Total No Dimensions
19 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcioutbound_initial_profile_export_duration_in_seconds Outbound Initial Profile Export Duration In Seconds Seconds Total No Dimensions
20 azure.customerinsights_hubs.adla_job_for_standard_kpi_failed Adla Job For Standard Kpi Failed In Seconds Seconds Total No Dimensions
21 azure.customerinsights_hubs.adla_job_for_standard_kpi_time_out Adla Job For Standard Kpi TimeOut In Seconds Seconds Total No Dimensions
22 azure.customerinsights_hubs.adla_job_for_standard_kpi_completed Adla Job For Standard Kpi Completed In Seconds Seconds Total No Dimensions
23 azure.customerinsights_hubs.import_asavalues_failed Import ASA Values Failed Count Count Total No Dimensions
24 azure.customerinsights_hubs.import_asavalues_succeeded Import ASA Values Succeeded Count Count Total No Dimensions
25 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dciprofiles_count Profile Instance Count Count Last No Dimensions
26 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dciinteractions_per_month_count Interactions per Month Count Count Last No Dimensions
27 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcikpis_count KPI Count Count Last No Dimensions
28 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcisegments_count Segment Count Count Last No Dimensions
29 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcipredictive_match_policies_count Predictive Match Count Count Last No Dimensions
30 azure.customerinsights_hubs.dcipredictions_count Prediction Count Count Last No Dimensions
1 azure.datafactory_datafactories.failed_runs Failed Runs Count Total pipelineName, activityName, windowEnd, windowStart
2 azure.datafactory_datafactories.successful_runs Successful Runs Count Total pipelineName, activityName, windowEnd, windowStart
1 azure.datafactory_factories.pipeline_failed_runs Failed pipeline runs metrics Count Total FailureType, Name
2 azure.datafactory_factories.pipeline_succeeded_runs Succeeded pipeline runs metrics Count Total FailureType, Name
3 azure.datafactory_factories.activity_failed_runs Failed activity runs metrics Count Total ActivityType, PipelineName, FailureType, Name
4 azure.datafactory_factories.activity_succeeded_runs Succeeded activity runs metrics Count Total ActivityType, PipelineName, FailureType, Name
5 azure.datafactory_factories.trigger_failed_runs Failed trigger runs metrics Count Total Name, FailureType
6 azure.datafactory_factories.trigger_succeeded_runs Succeeded trigger runs metrics Count Total Name, FailureType
7 azure.datafactory_factories.integration_runtime_cpu_percentage Integration runtime CPU utilization Percent Average IntegrationRuntimeName, NodeName
8 azure.datafactory_factories.integration_runtime_available_memory Integration runtime available memory Bytes Average IntegrationRuntimeName, NodeName
1 azure.datalakeanalytics_accounts.job_ended_success Successful Jobs Count Total Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts: Count of successful jobs. No Dimensions
2 azure.datalakeanalytics_accounts.job_ended_failure Failed Jobs Count Total Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts: Count of failed jobs. No Dimensions
3 azure.datalakeanalytics_accounts.job_ended_cancelled Cancelled Jobs Count Total Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts: Count of cancelled jobs. No Dimensions
4 azure.datalakeanalytics_accounts.job_auended_success Successful AU Time Seconds Total Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts: Total AU time for successful jobs. No Dimensions
5 azure.datalakeanalytics_accounts.job_auended_failure Failed AU Time Seconds Total Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts: Total AU time for failed jobs. No Dimensions
6 azure.datalakeanalytics_accounts.job_auended_cancelled Cancelled AU Time Seconds Total Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts: Total AU time for cancelled jobs. No Dimensions
1 azure.datalakestore_accounts.total_storage Total Storage Bytes Maximum Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts: Total amount of data stored in the account. No Dimensions
2 azure.datalakestore_accounts.data_written Data Written Bytes Total Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts: Total amount of data written to the account. No Dimensions
3 azure.datalakestore_accounts.data_read Data Read Bytes Total Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts: Total amount of data read from the account. No Dimensions
4 azure.datalakestore_accounts.write_requests Write Requests Count Total Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts: Count of data write requests to the account. No Dimensions
5 azure.datalakestore_accounts.read_requests Read Requests Count Total Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts: Count of data read requests to the account. No Dimensions
1 azure.dbformysql_servers.cpu_percent CPU percent Percent Average Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers: CPU percent No Dimensions
2 azure.dbformysql_servers.compute_limit Compute Unit limit Count Average Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers: Compute Unit limit No Dimensions
3 azure.dbformysql_servers.compute_consumption_percent Compute Unit percentage Percent Average Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers: Compute Unit percentage No Dimensions
4 azure.dbformysql_servers.memory_percent Memory percent Percent Average Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers: Memory percent No Dimensions
5 azure.dbformysql_servers.io_consumption_percent IO percent Percent Average Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers: IO percent No Dimensions
6 azure.dbformysql_servers.storage_percent Storage percentage Percent Average Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers: Storage percentage No Dimensions
7 azure.dbformysql_servers.storage_used Storage used Bytes Average Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers: Storage used No Dimensions
8 azure.dbformysql_servers.storage_limit Storage limit Bytes Average Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers: Storage limit No Dimensions
9 azure.dbformysql_servers.active_connections Total active connections Count Average Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers: Total active connections No Dimensions
10 azure.dbformysql_servers.connections_failed Total failed connections Count Average Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers: Total failed connections No Dimensions
1 azure.dbforpostgresql_servers.cpu_percent CPU percent Percent Average Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers: CPU percent No Dimensions
2 azure.dbforpostgresql_servers.compute_limit Compute Unit limit Count Average Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers: Compute Unit limit No Dimensions
3 azure.dbforpostgresql_servers.compute_consumption_percent Compute Unit percentage Percent Average Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers: Compute Unit percentage No Dimensions
4 azure.dbforpostgresql_servers.memory_percent Memory percent Percent Average Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers: Memory percent No Dimensions
5 azure.dbforpostgresql_servers.io_consumption_percent IO percent Percent Average Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers: IO percent No Dimensions
6 azure.dbforpostgresql_servers.storage_percent Storage percentage Percent Average Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers: Storage percentage No Dimensions
7 azure.dbforpostgresql_servers.storage_used Storage used Bytes Average Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers: Storage used No Dimensions
8 azure.dbforpostgresql_servers.storage_limit Storage limit Bytes Average Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers: Storage limit No Dimensions
9 azure.dbforpostgresql_servers.active_connections Total active connections Count Average Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers: Total active connections No Dimensions
10 azure.dbforpostgresql_servers.connections_failed Total failed connections Count Average Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers: Total failed connections No Dimensions
1 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.telemetry.ingress.all_protocol Telemetry message send attempts Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages attempted to be sent to your IoT hub No Dimensions
2 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.telemetry.ingress.success Telemetry messages sent Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages sent successfully to your IoT hub No Dimensions
3 azure.devices_iothubs.c2d.commands.egress.complete.success Commands completed Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of cloud-to-device commands completed successfully by the device No Dimensions
4 azure.devices_iothubs.c2d.commands.egress.abandon.success Commands abandoned Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of cloud-to-device commands abandoned by the device No Dimensions
5 azure.devices_iothubs.c2d.commands.egress.reject.success Commands rejected Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of cloud-to-device commands rejected by the device No Dimensions
6 azure.devices_iothubs.devices.total_devices Total devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of devices registered to your IoT hub No Dimensions
7 azure.devices_iothubs.devices.connected_devices.all_protocol Connected devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of devices connected to your IoT hub No Dimensions
8 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.telemetry.egress.success Telemetry messages delivered Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of times messages were successfully written to endpoints (total) No Dimensions
9 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.telemetry.egress.dropped Dropped messages Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of messages dropped because the delivery endpoint was dead No Dimensions
10 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.telemetry.egress.orphaned Orphaned messages Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of messages not matching any routes including the fallback route No Dimensions
11 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.telemetry.egress.invalid Invalid messages Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of messages not delivered due to incompatibility with the endpoint No Dimensions
12 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.telemetry.egress.fallback Messages matching fallback condition Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of messages written to the fallback endpoint No Dimensions
13 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.endpoints.egress.event_hubs Messages delivered to Event Hub endpoints Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of times messages were successfully written to Event Hub endpoints No Dimensions
14 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.endpoints.latency.event_hubs Message latency for Event Hub endpoints Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average latency between message ingress to the IoT hub and message ingress into an Event Hub endpoint, in milliseconds No Dimensions
15 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.endpoints.egress.service_bus_queues Messages delivered to Service Bus Queue endpoints Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of times messages were successfully written to Service Bus Queue endpoints No Dimensions
16 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.endpoints.latency.service_bus_queues Message latency for Service Bus Queue endpoints Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average latency between message ingress to the IoT hub and message ingress into a Service Bus Queue endpoint, in milliseconds No Dimensions
17 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.endpoints.egress.service_bus_topics Messages delivered to Service Bus Topic endpoints Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of times messages were successfully written to Service Bus Topic endpoints No Dimensions
18 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.endpoints.latency.service_bus_topics Message latency for Service Bus Topic endpoints Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average latency between message ingress to the IoT hub and message ingress into a Service Bus Topic endpoint, in milliseconds No Dimensions
19 Messages delivered to the built-in endpoint (messages/events) Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of times messages were successfully written to the built-in endpoint (messages/events) No Dimensions
20 Message latency for the built-in endpoint (messages/events) Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average latency between message ingress to the IoT hub and message ingress into the built-in endpoint (messages/events), in milliseconds No Dimensions
21 Messages delivered to storage endpoints Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of times messages were successfully written to storage endpoints No Dimensions
22 Message latency for storage endpoints Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average latency between message ingress to the IoT hub and message ingress into a storage endpoint, in milliseconds No Dimensions
23 Data written to storage Bytes Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Amount of data, in bytes, written to storage endpoints No Dimensions
24 Blobs written to storage Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of blobs written to storage endpoints No Dimensions
25 Successful twin reads from devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all successful device-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
26 Failed twin reads from devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed device-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
27 Response size of twin reads from devices Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average, min, and max of all successful device-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
28 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.twin.update.success Successful twin updates from devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all successful device-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
29 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.twin.update.failure Failed twin updates from devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed device-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
30 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.twin.update.size Size of twin updates from devices Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average, min, and max size of all successful device-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
31 azure.devices_iothubs.c2d.methods.success Successful direct method invocations Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all successful direct method calls. No Dimensions
32 azure.devices_iothubs.c2d.methods.failure Failed direct method invocations Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed direct method calls. No Dimensions
33 azure.devices_iothubs.c2d.methods.request_size Request size of direct method invocations Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average, min, and max of all successful direct method requests. No Dimensions
34 azure.devices_iothubs.c2d.methods.response_size Response size of direct method invocations Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average, min, and max of all successful direct method responses. No Dimensions
35 Successful twin reads from back end Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
36 Failed twin reads from back end Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
37 Response size of twin reads from back end Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average, min, and max of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
38 azure.devices_iothubs.c2d.twin.update.success Successful twin updates from back end Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
39 azure.devices_iothubs.c2d.twin.update.failure Failed twin updates from back end Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
40 azure.devices_iothubs.c2d.twin.update.size Size of twin updates from back end Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average, min, and max size of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
41 azure.devices_iothubs.twin_queries.success Successful twin queries Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all successful twin queries. No Dimensions
42 azure.devices_iothubs.twin_queries.failure Failed twin queries Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed twin queries. No Dimensions
43 azure.devices_iothubs.twin_queries.result_size Twin queries result size Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The average, min, and max of the result size of all successful twin queries. No Dimensions
44 Successful creations of twin update jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all successful creation of twin update jobs. No Dimensions
45 Failed creations of twin update jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed creation of twin update jobs. No Dimensions
46 Successful creations of method invocation jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all successful creation of direct method invocation jobs. No Dimensions
47 Failed creations of method invocation jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed creation of direct method invocation jobs. No Dimensions
48 Successful calls to list jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all successful calls to list jobs. No Dimensions
49 Failed calls to list jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed calls to list jobs. No Dimensions
50 Successful job cancellations Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all successful calls to cancel a job. No Dimensions
51 Failed job cancellations Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed calls to cancel a job. No Dimensions
52 Successful job queries Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all successful calls to query jobs. No Dimensions
53 Failed job queries Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed calls to query jobs. No Dimensions
54 Completed jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all completed jobs. No Dimensions
55 Failed jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: The count of all failed jobs. No Dimensions
56 azure.devices_iothubs.d2c.telemetry.ingress.send_throttle Number of throttling errors Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of throttling errors due to device throughput throttles No Dimensions
57 azure.devices_iothubs.daily_message_quota_used Total number of messages used Count Average Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Number of total messages used today. This is a cumulative value that is reset to zero at 00:00 UTC every day. No Dimensions
58 azure.devices_iothubs.device_data_usage Total devicedata usage Count Total Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs: Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub No Dimensions
1 azure.devices_provisioningservices.registration_attempts Registration attempts Count Total Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices: Number of device registrations attempted ProvisioningServiceName, IotHubName, Status
2 azure.devices_provisioningservices.device_assignments Devices assigned Count Total Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices: Number of devices assigned to an IoT hub ProvisioningServiceName, IotHubName
3 azure.devices_provisioningservices.attestation_attempts Attestation attempts Count Total Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices: Number of device attestations attempted ProvisioningServiceName, Status, Protocol
1 azure.devices_elasticpools.elastic_pool.requested_usage_rate requested usage rate Percent Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools: requested usage rate No Dimensions
1 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.tenant_hub.requested_usage_rate requested usage rate Percent Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: requested usage rate No Dimensions
2 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.device_data_usage Total devicedata usage Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub No Dimensions
3 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.telemetry.ingress.all_protocol Telemetry message send attempts Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages attempted to be sent to your IoT hub No Dimensions
4 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.telemetry.ingress.success Telemetry messages sent Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages sent successfully to your IoT hub No Dimensions
5 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.c2d.commands.egress.complete.success Commands completed Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of cloud-to-device commands completed successfully by the device No Dimensions
6 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.c2d.commands.egress.abandon.success Commands abandoned Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of cloud-to-device commands abandoned by the device No Dimensions
7 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.c2d.commands.egress.reject.success Commands rejected Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of cloud-to-device commands rejected by the device No Dimensions
8 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.devices.total_devices Total devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of devices registered to your IoT hub No Dimensions
9 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.devices.connected_devices.all_protocol Connected devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of devices connected to your IoT hub No Dimensions
10 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.telemetry.egress.success Telemetry messages delivered Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of times messages were successfully written to endpoints (total) No Dimensions
11 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.telemetry.egress.dropped Dropped messages Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of messages dropped because the delivery endpoint was dead No Dimensions
12 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.telemetry.egress.orphaned Orphaned messages Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of messages not matching any routes including the fallback route No Dimensions
13 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.telemetry.egress.invalid Invalid messages Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of messages not delivered due to incompatibility with the endpoint No Dimensions
14 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.telemetry.egress.fallback Messages matching fallback condition Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of messages written to the fallback endpoint No Dimensions
15 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.endpoints.egress.event_hubs Messages delivered to Event Hub endpoints Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of times messages were successfully written to Event Hub endpoints No Dimensions
16 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.endpoints.latency.event_hubs Message latency for Event Hub endpoints Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average latency between message ingress to the IoT hub and message ingress into an Event Hub endpoint, in milliseconds No Dimensions
17 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.endpoints.egress.service_bus_queues Messages delivered to Service Bus Queue endpoints Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of times messages were successfully written to Service Bus Queue endpoints No Dimensions
18 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.endpoints.latency.service_bus_queues Message latency for Service Bus Queue endpoints Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average latency between message ingress to the IoT hub and message ingress into a Service Bus Queue endpoint, in milliseconds No Dimensions
19 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.endpoints.egress.service_bus_topics Messages delivered to Service Bus Topic endpoints Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of times messages were successfully written to Service Bus Topic endpoints No Dimensions
20 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.endpoints.latency.service_bus_topics Message latency for Service Bus Topic endpoints Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average latency between message ingress to the IoT hub and message ingress into a Service Bus Topic endpoint, in milliseconds No Dimensions
21 Messages delivered to the built-in endpoint (messages/events) Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of times messages were successfully written to the built-in endpoint (messages/events) No Dimensions
22 Message latency for the built-in endpoint (messages/events) Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average latency between message ingress to the IoT hub and message ingress into the built-in endpoint (messages/events), in milliseconds No Dimensions
23 Messages delivered to storage endpoints Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of times messages were successfully written to storage endpoints No Dimensions
24 Message latency for storage endpoints Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average latency between message ingress to the IoT hub and message ingress into a storage endpoint, in milliseconds No Dimensions
25 Data written to storage Bytes Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Amount of data, in bytes, written to storage endpoints No Dimensions
26 Blobs written to storage Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of blobs written to storage endpoints No Dimensions
27 Successful twin reads from devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all successful device-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
28 Failed twin reads from devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed device-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
29 Response size of twin reads from devices Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average, min, and max of all successful device-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
30 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.twin.update.success Successful twin updates from devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all successful device-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
31 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.twin.update.failure Failed twin updates from devices Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed device-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
32 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.twin.update.size Size of twin updates from devices Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average, min, and max size of all successful device-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
33 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.c2d.methods.success Successful direct method invocations Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all successful direct method calls. No Dimensions
34 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.c2d.methods.failure Failed direct method invocations Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed direct method calls. No Dimensions
35 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.c2d.methods.request_size Request size of direct method invocations Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average, min, and max of all successful direct method requests. No Dimensions
36 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.c2d.methods.response_size Response size of direct method invocations Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average, min, and max of all successful direct method responses. No Dimensions
37 Successful twin reads from back end Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
38 Failed twin reads from back end Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
39 Response size of twin reads from back end Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average, min, and max of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads. No Dimensions
40 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.c2d.twin.update.success Successful twin updates from back end Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
41 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.c2d.twin.update.failure Failed twin updates from back end Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
42 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.c2d.twin.update.size Size of twin updates from back end Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average, min, and max size of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates. No Dimensions
43 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.twin_queries.success Successful twin queries Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all successful twin queries. No Dimensions
44 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.twin_queries.failure Failed twin queries Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed twin queries. No Dimensions
45 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.twin_queries.result_size Twin queries result size Bytes Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The average, min, and max of the result size of all successful twin queries. No Dimensions
46 Successful creations of twin update jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all successful creation of twin update jobs. No Dimensions
47 Failed creations of twin update jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed creation of twin update jobs. No Dimensions
48 Successful creations of method invocation jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all successful creation of direct method invocation jobs. No Dimensions
49 Failed creations of method invocation jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed creation of direct method invocation jobs. No Dimensions
50 Successful calls to list jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all successful calls to list jobs. No Dimensions
51 Failed calls to list jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed calls to list jobs. No Dimensions
52 Successful job cancellations Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all successful calls to cancel a job. No Dimensions
53 Failed job cancellations Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed calls to cancel a job. No Dimensions
54 Successful job queries Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all successful calls to query jobs. No Dimensions
55 Failed job queries Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed calls to query jobs. No Dimensions
56 Completed jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all completed jobs. No Dimensions
57 Failed jobs Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: The count of all failed jobs. No Dimensions
58 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.d2c.telemetry.ingress.send_throttle Number of throttling errors Count Total Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of throttling errors due to device throughput throttles No Dimensions
59 azure.devices_elasticpools_iothubtenants.daily_message_quota_used Total number of messages used Count Average Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants: Number of total messages used today. This is a cumulative value that is reset to zero at 00:00 UTC every day. No Dimensions
1 azure.documentdb_databaseaccounts.metadata_requests Metadata Requests Count Count Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts: Count of metadata requests. Cosmos DB maintains system metadata collection for each account, that allows you to enumerate collections, databases, etc, and their configurations, free of charge. GlobalDatabaseAccountName, DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, StatusCode
2 azure.documentdb_databaseaccounts.mongo_request_charge Mongo Request Charge Count Total Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts: Mongo Request Units Consumed GlobalDatabaseAccountName, DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, CommandName, ErrorCode
3 azure.documentdb_databaseaccounts.mongo_requests Mongo Requests Count Count Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts: Number of Mongo Requests Made GlobalDatabaseAccountName, DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, CommandName, ErrorCode
4 azure.documentdb_databaseaccounts.total_request_units Total Request Units Count Total Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts: Request Units consumed GlobalDatabaseAccountName, DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, StatusCode
5 azure.documentdb_databaseaccounts.total_requests Total Requests Count Count Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts: Number of requests made GlobalDatabaseAccountName, DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, StatusCode
1 azure.eventhub_namespaces.successful_requests Successful Requests (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Successful Requests for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
2 azure.eventhub_namespaces.server_errors Server Errors. (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Server Errors for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
3 azure.eventhub_namespaces.user_errors User Errors. (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: User Errors for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
4 azure.eventhub_namespaces.quota_exceeded_errors Quota Exceeded Errors. (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Quota Exceeded Errors for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
5 azure.eventhub_namespaces.throttled_requests Throttled Requests. (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Throttled Requests for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
6 azure.eventhub_namespaces.incoming_requests Incoming Requests (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Incoming Requests for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
7 azure.eventhub_namespaces.incoming_messages Incoming Messages (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Incoming Messages for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
8 azure.eventhub_namespaces.outgoing_messages Outgoing Messages (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Outgoing Messages for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
9 azure.eventhub_namespaces.incoming_bytes Incoming Bytes. (Preview) Bytes Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Incoming Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
10 azure.eventhub_namespaces.outgoing_bytes Outgoing Bytes. (Preview) Bytes Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Outgoing Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
11 azure.eventhub_namespaces.active_connections ActiveConnections (Preview) Count Average Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Total Active Connections for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) No Dimensions
12 azure.eventhub_namespaces.connections_opened Connections Opened. (Preview) Count Average Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Connections Opened for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
13 azure.eventhub_namespaces.connections_closed Connections Closed. (Preview) Count Average Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Connections Closed for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
14 azure.eventhub_namespaces.capture_backlog Capture Backlog. (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Capture Backlog for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
15 azure.eventhub_namespaces.captured_messages Captured Messages. (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Captured Messages for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
16 azure.eventhub_namespaces.captured_bytes Captured Bytes. (Preview) Bytes Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Captured Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub. (Preview) EntityName
17 azure.eventhub_namespaces.size Size (Preview) Bytes Average Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Size of an EventHub in Bytes. (Preview) EntityName
18 azure.eventhub_namespaces.inreqs Incoming Requests Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Total incoming send requests for a namespace No Dimensions
19 azure.eventhub_namespaces.succreq Successful Requests Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Total successful requests for a namespace No Dimensions
20 azure.eventhub_namespaces.failreq Failed Requests Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Total failed requests for a namespace No Dimensions
21 azure.eventhub_namespaces.svrbsy Server Busy Errors Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Total server busy errors for a namespace No Dimensions
22 azure.eventhub_namespaces.interr Internal Server Errors Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Total internal server errors for a namespace No Dimensions
23 azure.eventhub_namespaces.miscerr Other Errors Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Total failed requests for a namespace No Dimensions
24 azure.eventhub_namespaces.inmsgs Incoming Messages (Deprecated) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Total incoming messages for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Incoming Messages metric instead No Dimensions
25 azure.eventhub_namespaces.ehinmsgs Incoming Messages Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Total incoming messages for a namespace No Dimensions
26 azure.eventhub_namespaces.outmsgs Outgoing Messages (Deprecated) Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Total outgoing messages for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Outgoing Messages metric instead No Dimensions
27 azure.eventhub_namespaces.ehoutmsgs Outgoing Messages Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Total outgoing messages for a namespace No Dimensions
28 azure.eventhub_namespaces.ehinmbs Incoming bytes (Deprecated) Bytes Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Event Hub incoming message throughput for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Incoming bytes metric instead No Dimensions
29 azure.eventhub_namespaces.ehinbytes Incoming bytes Bytes Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Event Hub incoming message throughput for a namespace No Dimensions
30 azure.eventhub_namespaces.ehoutmbs Outgoing bytes (Deprecated) Bytes Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Event Hub outgoing message throughput for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Outgoing bytes metric instead No Dimensions
31 azure.eventhub_namespaces.ehoutbytes Outgoing bytes Bytes Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Event Hub outgoing message throughput for a namespace No Dimensions
32 azure.eventhub_namespaces.ehabl Archive backlog messages Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Event Hub archive messages in backlog for a namespace No Dimensions
33 azure.eventhub_namespaces.ehamsgs Archive messages Count Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Event Hub archived messages in a namespace No Dimensions
34 azure.eventhub_namespaces.ehambs Archive message throughput Bytes Total Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces: Event Hub archived message throughput in a namespace No Dimensions
1 azure.hdinsight_clusters.gateway_requests Gateway Requests Count Total Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters: Number of gateway requests ClusterDnsName, HttpStatus
2 azure.hdinsight_clusters.categorized_gateway_requests Categorized Gateway Requests Count Total Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters: Number of gateway requests by categories (1xx/2xx/3xx/4xx/5xx) ClusterDnsName, HttpStatus
1 azure.insights_autoscalesettings.observed_metric_value Observed Metric Value Count Average Microsoft.Insights/AutoscaleSettings: The value computed by autoscale when executed MetricTriggerSource
2 azure.insights_autoscalesettings.metric_threshold Metric Threshold Count Average Microsoft.Insights/AutoscaleSettings: The configured autoscale threshold when autoscale ran. MetricTriggerRule
3 azure.insights_autoscalesettings.observed_capacity Observed Capacity Count Average Microsoft.Insights/AutoscaleSettings: The capacity reported to autoscale when it executed. No Dimensions
4 azure.insights_autoscalesettings.scale_actions_initiated Scale Actions Initiated Count Total Microsoft.Insights/AutoscaleSettings: The direction of the scale operation. ScaleDirection
1 azure.keyvault_vaults.service_api_hit Total Service Api Hits Count Count Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults: Number of total service api hits ActivityType, ActivityName
2 azure.keyvault_vaults.service_api_latency Overall Service Api Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults: Overall latency of service api requests ActivityType, ActivityName, StatusCode
3 azure.keyvault_vaults.service_api_result Total Service Api Results Count Count Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults: Number of total service api results ActivityType, ActivityName, StatusCode
1 azure.locationbasedservices_accounts.latency Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.LocationBasedServices/accounts: Duration of API calls OperationName, OperationResult
1 azure.logic_workflows.runs_started Runs Started Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow runs started. No Dimensions
2 azure.logic_workflows.runs_completed Runs Completed Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow runs completed. No Dimensions
3 azure.logic_workflows.runs_succeeded Runs Succeeded Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow runs succeeded. No Dimensions
4 azure.logic_workflows.runs_failed Runs Failed Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow runs failed. No Dimensions
5 azure.logic_workflows.runs_cancelled Runs Cancelled Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow runs cancelled. No Dimensions
6 azure.logic_workflows.run_latency Run Latency Seconds Average Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Latency of completed workflow runs. No Dimensions
7 azure.logic_workflows.run_success_latency Run Success Latency Seconds Average Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Latency of succeeded workflow runs. No Dimensions
8 azure.logic_workflows.run_throttled_events Run Throttled Events Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow action or trigger throttled events. No Dimensions
9 azure.logic_workflows.run_failure_percentage Run Failure Percentage Percent Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Percentage of workflow runs failed. No Dimensions
10 azure.logic_workflows.actions_started Actions Started Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow actions started. No Dimensions
11 azure.logic_workflows.actions_completed Actions Completed Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow actions completed. No Dimensions
12 azure.logic_workflows.actions_succeeded Actions Succeeded Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow actions succeeded. No Dimensions
13 azure.logic_workflows.actions_failed Actions Failed Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow actions failed. No Dimensions
14 azure.logic_workflows.actions_skipped Actions Skipped Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow actions skipped. No Dimensions
15 azure.logic_workflows.action_latency Action Latency Seconds Average Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Latency of completed workflow actions. No Dimensions
16 azure.logic_workflows.action_success_latency Action Success Latency Seconds Average Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Latency of succeeded workflow actions. No Dimensions
17 azure.logic_workflows.action_throttled_events Action Throttled Events Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow action throttled events.. No Dimensions
18 azure.logic_workflows.triggers_started Triggers Started Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow triggers started. No Dimensions
19 azure.logic_workflows.triggers_completed Triggers Completed Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow triggers completed. No Dimensions
20 azure.logic_workflows.triggers_succeeded Triggers Succeeded Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow triggers succeeded. No Dimensions
21 azure.logic_workflows.triggers_failed Triggers Failed Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow triggers failed. No Dimensions
22 azure.logic_workflows.triggers_skipped Triggers Skipped Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow triggers skipped. No Dimensions
23 azure.logic_workflows.triggers_fired Triggers Fired Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow triggers fired. No Dimensions
24 azure.logic_workflows.trigger_latency Trigger Latency Seconds Average Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Latency of completed workflow triggers. No Dimensions
25 azure.logic_workflows.trigger_fire_latency Trigger Fire Latency Seconds Average Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Latency of fired workflow triggers. No Dimensions
26 azure.logic_workflows.trigger_success_latency Trigger Success Latency Seconds Average Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Latency of succeeded workflow triggers. No Dimensions
27 azure.logic_workflows.trigger_throttled_events Trigger Throttled Events Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow trigger throttled events. No Dimensions
28 azure.logic_workflows.billable_action_executions Billable Action Executions Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow action executions getting billed. No Dimensions
29 azure.logic_workflows.billable_trigger_executions Billable Trigger Executions Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow trigger executions getting billed. No Dimensions
30 azure.logic_workflows.total_billable_executions Total Billable Executions Count Total Microsoft.Logic/workflows: Number of workflow executions getting billed. No Dimensions
1 azure.network_loadbalancers.vip_availability VIP Availability Count Average Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers: Availability of VIP endpoints, based on probe results VipAddress, VipPort
2 azure.network_loadbalancers.dip_availability DIP Availability Count Average Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers: Availability of DIP endpoints, based on probe results ProtocolType, DipPort, VipAddress, VipPort, DipAddress
3 azure.network_loadbalancers.byte_count Byte Count Count Total Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers: Total number of Bytes transmitted within time period VipAddress, VipPort, Direction
4 azure.network_loadbalancers.packet_count Packet Count Count Total Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers: Total number of Packets transmitted within time period VipAddress, VipPort, Direction
5 azure.network_loadbalancers.syncount SYN Count Count Total Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers: Total number of SYN Packets transmitted within time period VipAddress, VipPort, Direction
6 azure.network_loadbalancers.snat_connection_count SNAT Connection Count Count Total Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers: Total number of new SNAT connections created within time period VipAddress, DipAddress, ConnectionState
1 azure.network_dnszones.query_volume Query Volume Count Total Microsoft.Network/dnszones: Number of queries served for a DNS zone No Dimensions
2 azure.network_dnszones.record_set_count Record Set Count Count Maximum Microsoft.Network/dnszones: Number of Record Sets in a DNS zone No Dimensions
3 azure.network_dnszones.record_set_capacity_utilization Record Set Capacity Utilization Percent Maximum Microsoft.Network/dnszones: Percent of Record Set capacity utilized by a DNS zone No Dimensions
1 azure.network_publicipaddresses.packets_in_ddo_s Inbound packets DDoS CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound packets DDoS No Dimensions
2 azure.network_publicipaddresses.packets_dropped_ddo_s Inbound packets dropped DDoS CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound packets dropped DDoS No Dimensions
3 azure.network_publicipaddresses.packets_forwarded_ddo_s Inbound packets forwarded DDoS CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound packets forwarded DDoS No Dimensions
4 azure.network_publicipaddresses.tcppackets_in_ddo_s Inbound TCP packets DDoS CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound TCP packets DDoS No Dimensions
5 azure.network_publicipaddresses.tcppackets_dropped_ddo_s Inbound TCP packets dropped DDoS CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound TCP packets dropped DDoS No Dimensions
6 azure.network_publicipaddresses.tcppackets_forwarded_ddo_s Inbound TCP packets forwarded DDoS CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound TCP packets forwarded DDoS No Dimensions
7 azure.network_publicipaddresses.udppackets_in_ddo_s Inbound UDP packets DDoS CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound UDP packets DDoS No Dimensions
8 azure.network_publicipaddresses.udppackets_dropped_ddo_s Inbound UDP packets dropped DDoS CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound UDP packets dropped DDoS No Dimensions
9 azure.network_publicipaddresses.udppackets_forwarded_ddo_s Inbound UDP packets forwarded DDoS CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound UDP packets forwarded DDoS No Dimensions
10 azure.network_publicipaddresses.bytes_in_ddo_s Inbound bytes DDoS BytesPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound bytes DDoS No Dimensions
11 azure.network_publicipaddresses.bytes_dropped_ddo_s Inbound bytes dropped DDoS BytesPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound bytes dropped DDoS No Dimensions
12 azure.network_publicipaddresses.bytes_forwarded_ddo_s Inbound bytes forwarded DDoS BytesPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound bytes forwarded DDoS No Dimensions
13 azure.network_publicipaddresses.tcpbytes_in_ddo_s Inbound TCP bytes DDoS BytesPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound TCP bytes DDoS No Dimensions
14 azure.network_publicipaddresses.tcpbytes_dropped_ddo_s Inbound TCP bytes dropped DDoS BytesPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound TCP bytes dropped DDoS No Dimensions
15 azure.network_publicipaddresses.tcpbytes_forwarded_ddo_s Inbound TCP bytes forwarded DDoS BytesPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound TCP bytes forwarded DDoS No Dimensions
16 azure.network_publicipaddresses.udpbytes_in_ddo_s Inbound UDP bytes DDoS BytesPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound UDP bytes DDoS No Dimensions
17 azure.network_publicipaddresses.udpbytes_dropped_ddo_s Inbound UDP bytes dropped DDoS BytesPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound UDP bytes dropped DDoS No Dimensions
18 azure.network_publicipaddresses.udpbytes_forwarded_ddo_s Inbound UDP bytes forwarded DDoS BytesPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound UDP bytes forwarded DDoS No Dimensions
19 azure.network_publicipaddresses.if_under_ddo_sattack Under DDoS attack or not Count Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Under DDoS attack or not No Dimensions
20 azure.network_publicipaddresses.ddo_strigger_tcppackets Inbound TCP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound TCP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation No Dimensions
21 azure.network_publicipaddresses.ddo_strigger_udppackets Inbound UDP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound UDP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation No Dimensions
22 azure.network_publicipaddresses.ddo_strigger_synpackets Inbound SYN packets to trigger DDoS mitigation CountPerSecond Maximum Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Inbound SYN packets to trigger DDoS mitigation No Dimensions
23 azure.network_publicipaddresses.vip_availability Availability Count Average Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Average IPAddress availability within time period Port
24 azure.network_publicipaddresses.byte_count Byte Count Count Total Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Total number of Bytes transmitted within time period Port, Direction
25 azure.network_publicipaddresses.packet_count Packet Count Count Total Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Total number of Packets transmitted within time period Port, Direction
26 azure.network_publicipaddresses.syn_count SYN Count Count Total Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses: Total number of SYN Packets transmitted within time period Port, Direction
1 azure.network_applicationgateways.throughput Throughput BytesPerSecond Total Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways: Number of bytes per second the Application Gateway has served No Dimensions
2 azure.network_applicationgateways.unhealthy_host_count Unhealthy Host Count Count Average Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways: Number of unhealthy backend hosts. You can filter on a per backend pool basis to show healthy/unhealthy hosts in a specific backend pool. BackendSettingsPool
3 azure.network_applicationgateways.healthy_host_count Healthy Host Count Count Average Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways: Number of healthy backend hosts. You can filter on a per backend pool basis to show healthy/unhealthy hosts in a specific backend pool. BackendSettingsPool.
4 azure.network_applicationgateways.total_requests Total Requests Count Total Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways: Count of successful requests that Application Gateway has served BackendSettingsPool
5 azure.network_applicationgateways.failed_requests Failed Requests Count Total Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways: Count of failed requests that Application Gateway has served BackendSettingsPool
6 azure.network_applicationgateways.response_status Response Status Count Total Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways: Http response status returned by Application Gateway. The response status code distribution can be further categoized to show responses in 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx categories. HttpStatusGroup
7 azure.network_applicationgateways.current_connections Current Connections Count Total Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways: Count of current connections established with Application Gateway No Dimensions
1 azure.network_virtualnetworkgateways.tunnel_average_bandwidth Tunnel Bandwidth BytesPerSecond Average Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways: Average bandwidth of a tunnel in bytes per second ConnectionName, RemoteIP
2 azure.network_virtualnetworkgateways.tunnel_egress_bytes Tunnel Egress Bytes Bytes Total Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways: Outgoing bytes of a tunnel ConnectionName, RemoteIP
3 azure.network_virtualnetworkgateways.tunnel_ingress_bytes Tunnel Ingress Bytes Bytes Total Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways: Incoming bytes of a tunnel ConnectionName, RemoteIP
4 azure.network_virtualnetworkgateways.tunnel_egress_packets Tunnel Egress Packets Count Total Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways: Outgoing packet count of a tunnel ConnectionName, RemoteIP
5 azure.network_virtualnetworkgateways.tunnel_ingress_packets Tunnel Ingress Packets Count Total Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways: Incoming packet count of a tunnel ConnectionName, RemoteIP
6 azure.network_virtualnetworkgateways.tunnel_egress_packet_drop_tsmismatch Tunnel Egress TS Mismatch Packet Drop Count Total Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways: Outgoing packet drop count from traffic selector mismatch of a tunnel ConnectionName, RemoteIP
7 azure.network_virtualnetworkgateways.tunnel_ingress_packet_drop_tsmismatch Tunnel Ingress TS Mismatch Packet Drop Count Total Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways: Incoming packet drop count from traffic selector mismatch of a tunnel ConnectionName, RemoteIP
1 azure.network_expressroutecircuits.bits_in_per_second BitsInPerSecond CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits: Bits ingressing Azure per second No Dimensions
2 azure.network_expressroutecircuits.bits_out_per_second BitsOutPerSecond CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits: Bits egressing Azure per second No Dimensions
1 azure.network_trafficmanagerprofiles.qps_by_endpoint Queries by Endpoint Returned Count Total Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles: Number of times a Traffic Manager endpoint was returned in the given time frame EndpointName
2 azure.network_trafficmanagerprofiles.probe_agent_current_endpoint_state_by_profile_resource_id Endpoint Status by Endpoint Count Maximum Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles: 1 if an endpoint's probe status is "Enabled", 0 otherwise. EndpointName
1 azure.network_networkwatchers_connectionmonitors.probes_failed_percent % Probes Failed Percent Average Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors: % of connectivity monitoring probes failed No Dimensions
2 azure.network_networkwatchers_connectionmonitors.average_roundtrip_ms Avg. Round-trip Time (ms) MilliSeconds Average Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors: Average network round-trip time (ms) for connectivity monitoring probes sent between source and destination No Dimensions
1 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.registration.all Registration Operations Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of all successful registration operations (creations updates queries and deletions). No Dimensions
2 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.registration.create Registration Create Operations Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of all successful registration creations. No Dimensions
3 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.registration.update Registration Update Operations Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of all successful registration updates. No Dimensions
4 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.registration.get Registration Read Operations Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of all successful registration queries. No Dimensions
5 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.registration.delete Registration Delete Operations Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of all successful registration deletions. No Dimensions
6 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.incoming Incoming Messages Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of all successful send API calls. No Dimensions
7 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.incoming.scheduled Scheduled Push Notifications Sent Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Scheduled Push Notifications Cancelled No Dimensions
8 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.incoming.scheduled.cancel Scheduled Push Notifications Cancelled Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Scheduled Push Notifications Cancelled No Dimensions
9 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.scheduled.pending Pending Scheduled Notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Pending Scheduled Notifications No Dimensions
10 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.installation.all Installation Management Operations Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Installation Management Operations No Dimensions
11 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.installation.get Get Installation Operations Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Get Installation Operations No Dimensions
12 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.installation.upsert Create or Update Installation Operations Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Create or Update Installation Operations No Dimensions
13 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.installation.patch Patch Installation Operations Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Patch Installation Operations No Dimensions
14 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.installation.delete Delete Installation Operations Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Delete Installation Operations No Dimensions
15 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.allpns.success Successful notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of all successful notifications. No Dimensions
16 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.allpns.invalidpayload Payload Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the PNS returned a bad payload error. No Dimensions
17 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.allpns.pnserror External Notification System Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because there was a problem communicating with the PNS (excludes authentication problems). No Dimensions
18 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.allpns.channelerror Channel Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the channel was invalid not associated with the correct app throttled or expired. No Dimensions
19 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.allpns.badorexpiredchannel Bad or Expired Channel Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the channel/token/registrationId in the registration was expired or invalid. No Dimensions
20 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.success WNS Successful Notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of all successful notifications. No Dimensions
21 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.invalidcredentials WNS Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials) Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. (Windows Live does not recognize the credentials). No Dimensions
22 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.badchannel WNS Bad Channel Error Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was not recognized (WNS status: 404 not found). No Dimensions
23 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.expiredchannel WNS Expired Channel Error Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI is expired (WNS status: 410 Gone). No Dimensions
24 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.throttled WNS Throttled Notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because WNS is throttling this app (WNS status: 406 Not Acceptable). No Dimensions
25 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.tokenproviderunreachable WNS Authorization Errors (Unreachable) Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Windows Live is not reachable. No Dimensions
26 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.invalidtoken WNS Authorization Errors (Invalid Token) Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The token provided to WNS is not valid (WNS status: 401 Unauthorized). No Dimensions
27 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.wrongtoken WNS Authorization Errors (Wrong Token) Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The token provided to WNS is valid but for another application (WNS status: 403 Forbidden). This can happen if the ChannelURI in the registration is associated with another app. Check that the client app is associated with the same app whose credentials are in the notification hub. No Dimensions
28 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.invalidnotificationformat WNS Invalid Notification Format Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The format of the notification is invalid (WNS status: 400). Note that WNS does not reject all invalid payloads. No Dimensions
29 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.invalidnotificationsize WNS Invalid Notification Size Error Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The notification payload is too large (WNS status: 413). No Dimensions
30 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.channelthrottled WNS Channel Throttled Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (WNS response header: X-WNS-NotificationStatus:channelThrottled). No Dimensions
31 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.channeldisconnected WNS Channel Disconnected Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (WNS response header: X-WNS-DeviceConnectionStatus: disconnected). No Dimensions
32 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.dropped WNS Dropped Notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (X-WNS-NotificationStatus: dropped but not X-WNS-DeviceConnectionStatus: disconnected). No Dimensions
33 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.pnserror WNS Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Notification not delivered because of errors communicating with WNS. No Dimensions
34 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.wns.authenticationerror WNS Authentication Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Notification not delivered because of errors communicating with Windows Live invalid credentials or wrong token. No Dimensions
35 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.apns.success APNS Successful Notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of all successful notifications. No Dimensions
36 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.apns.invalidcredentials APNS Authorization Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. No Dimensions
37 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.apns.badchannel APNS Bad Channel Error Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the token is invalid (APNS status code: 8). No Dimensions
38 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.apns.expiredchannel APNS Expired Channel Error Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of token that were invalidated by the APNS feedback channel. No Dimensions
39 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.apns.invalidnotificationsize APNS Invalid Notification Size Error Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the payload was too large (APNS status code: 7). No Dimensions
40 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.apns.pnserror APNS Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with APNS. No Dimensions
41 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.gcm.success GCM Successful Notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of all successful notifications. No Dimensions
42 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.gcm.invalidcredentials GCM Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials) Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. No Dimensions
43 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.gcm.badchannel GCM Bad Channel Error Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration was not recognized (GCM result: Invalid Registration). No Dimensions
44 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.gcm.expiredchannel GCM Expired Channel Error Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration was expired (GCM result: NotRegistered). No Dimensions
45 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.gcm.throttled GCM Throttled Notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because GCM throttled this app (GCM status code: 501-599 or result:Unavailable). No Dimensions
46 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.gcm.invalidnotificationformat GCM Invalid Notification Format Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the payload was not formatted correctly (GCM result: InvalidDataKey or InvalidTtl). No Dimensions
47 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.gcm.invalidnotificationsize GCM Invalid Notification Size Error Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the payload was too large (GCM result: MessageTooBig). No Dimensions
48 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.gcm.wrongchannel GCM Wrong Channel Error Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration is not associated to the current app (GCM result: InvalidPackageName). No Dimensions
49 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.gcm.pnserror GCM Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with GCM. No Dimensions
50 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.gcm.authenticationerror GCM Authentication Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials the credentials are blocked or the SenderId is not correctly configured in the app (GCM result: MismatchedSenderId). No Dimensions
51 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.mpns.success MPNS Successful Notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of all successful notifications. No Dimensions
52 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.mpns.invalidcredentials MPNS Invalid Credentials Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. No Dimensions
53 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.mpns.badchannel MPNS Bad Channel Error Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was not recognized (MPNS status: 404 not found). No Dimensions
54 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.mpns.throttled MPNS Throttled Notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because MPNS is throttling this app (WNS MPNS: 406 Not Acceptable). No Dimensions
55 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.mpns.invalidnotificationformat MPNS Invalid Notification Format Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the payload of the notification was too large. No Dimensions
56 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.mpns.channeldisconnected MPNS Channel Disconnected Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was disconnected (MPNS status: 412 not found). No Dimensions
57 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.mpns.dropped MPNS Dropped Notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that were dropped by MPNS (MPNS response header: X-NotificationStatus: QueueFull or Suppressed). No Dimensions
58 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.mpns.pnserror MPNS Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with MPNS. No Dimensions
59 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.outgoing.mpns.authenticationerror MPNS Authentication Errors Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. No Dimensions
60 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.notificationhub.pushes All Outgoing Notifications Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: All outgoing notifications of the notification hub No Dimensions
61 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.incoming.all.requests All Incoming Requests Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Total incoming requests for a notification hub No Dimensions
62 azure.notificationhubs_namespaces_notificationhubs.incoming.all.failedrequests All Incoming Failed Requests Count Total Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs: Total incoming failed requests for a notification hub No Dimensions
1 azure.powerbidedicated_capacities.query_duration Query Duration Milliseconds Average Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities: DAX Query duration in last interval No Dimensions
2 azure.powerbidedicated_capacities.query_pool_job_queue_length Threads: Query pool job queue length Count Average Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities: Number of jobs in the queue of the query thread pool. No Dimensions
1 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% free inodes Average_% Free Inodes Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Free Inodes Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
2 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% free space Average_% Free Space Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Free Space Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
3 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% used inodes Average_% Used Inodes Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Used Inodes Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
4 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% used space Average_% Used Space Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Used Space Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
5 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_disk read bytes/sec Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
6 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_disk reads/sec Average_Disk Reads/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Disk Reads/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
7 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_disk transfers/sec Average_Disk Transfers/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Disk Transfers/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
8 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_disk write bytes/sec Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
9 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_disk writes/sec Average_Disk Writes/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Disk Writes/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
10 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_free megabytes Average_Free Megabytes Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Free Megabytes Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
11 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_logical disk bytes/sec Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
12 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% available memory Average_% Available Memory Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Available Memory Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
13 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% available swap space Average_% Available Swap Space Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Available Swap Space Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
14 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% used memory Average_% Used Memory Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Used Memory Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
15 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% used swap space Average_% Used Swap Space Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Used Swap Space Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
16 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_available mbytes memory Average_Available MBytes Memory Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Available MBytes Memory Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
17 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_available mbytes swap Average_Available MBytes Swap Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Available MBytes Swap Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
18 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_page reads/sec Average_Page Reads/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Page Reads/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
19 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_page writes/sec Average_Page Writes/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Page Writes/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
20 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_pages/sec Average_Pages/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Pages/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
21 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_used mbytes swap space Average_Used MBytes Swap Space Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Used MBytes Swap Space Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
22 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_used memory mbytes Average_Used Memory MBytes Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Used Memory MBytes Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
23 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_total bytes transmitted Average_Total Bytes Transmitted Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Total Bytes Transmitted Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
24 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_total bytes received Average_Total Bytes Received Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Total Bytes Received Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
25 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_total bytes Average_Total Bytes Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Total Bytes Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
26 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_total packets transmitted Average_Total Packets Transmitted Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Total Packets Transmitted Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
27 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_total packets received Average_Total Packets Received Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Total Packets Received Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
28 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_total rx errors Average_Total Rx Errors Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Total Rx Errors Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
29 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_total tx errors Average_Total Tx Errors Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Total Tx Errors Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
30 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_total collisions Average_Total Collisions Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Total Collisions Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
31 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_avg. disk sec/read Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
32 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_avg. disk sec/transfer Average_Avg. Disk sec/Transfer Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Avg. Disk sec/Transfer Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
33 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_avg. disk sec/write Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
34 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_physical disk bytes/sec Average_Physical Disk Bytes/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Physical Disk Bytes/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
35 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_pct privileged time Average_Pct Privileged Time Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Pct Privileged Time Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
36 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_pct user time Average_Pct User Time Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Pct User Time Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
37 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_used memory k_bytes Average_Used Memory kBytes Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Used Memory kBytes Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
38 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_virtual shared memory Average_Virtual Shared Memory Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Virtual Shared Memory Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
39 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% dpc time Average_% DPC Time Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% DPC Time Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
40 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% idle time Average_% Idle Time Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Idle Time Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
41 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% interrupt time Average_% Interrupt Time Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Interrupt Time Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
42 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% io wait time Average_% IO Wait Time Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% IO Wait Time Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
43 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% nice time Average_% Nice Time Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Nice Time Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
44 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% privileged time Average_% Privileged Time Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Privileged Time Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
45 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% processor time Average_% Processor Time Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Processor Time Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
46 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% user time Average_% User Time Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% User Time Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
47 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_free physical memory Average_Free Physical Memory Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Free Physical Memory Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
48 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_free space in paging files Average_Free Space in Paging Files Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Free Space in Paging Files Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
49 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_free virtual memory Average_Free Virtual Memory Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Free Virtual Memory Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
50 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_processes Average_Processes Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Processes Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
51 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_size stored in paging files Average_Size Stored In Paging Files Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Size Stored In Paging Files Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
52 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_uptime Average_Uptime Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Uptime Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
53 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_users Average_Users Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Users Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
54 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_avg. disk sec/read Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
55 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_avg. disk sec/write Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
56 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_current disk queue length Average_Current Disk Queue Length Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Current Disk Queue Length Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
57 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_disk reads/sec Average_Disk Reads/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Disk Reads/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
58 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_disk transfers/sec Average_Disk Transfers/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Disk Transfers/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
59 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_disk writes/sec Average_Disk Writes/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Disk Writes/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
60 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_free megabytes Average_Free Megabytes Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Free Megabytes Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
61 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% free space Average_% Free Space Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Free Space Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
62 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_available mbytes Average_Available MBytes Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Available MBytes Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
63 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% committed bytes in use Average_% Committed Bytes In Use Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Committed Bytes In Use Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
64 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_bytes received/sec Average_Bytes Received/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Bytes Received/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
65 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_bytes sent/sec Average_Bytes Sent/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Bytes Sent/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
66 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_bytes total/sec Average_Bytes Total/sec Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Bytes Total/sec Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
67 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_% processor time Average_% Processor Time Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_% Processor Time Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
68 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).average_processor queue length Average_Processor Queue Length Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Average_Processor Queue Length Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem
69 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).heartbeat Heartbeat Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Heartbeat Computer, OSType, Version, SourceComputerId
70 azure.operationalinsights_workspaces(public preview).update Update Count Average Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces(Public Preview): Update Computer, Product, Classification, UpdateState, Optional, Approved
1 azure.relay_namespaces.listener_connections-success ListenerConnections-Success Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: Successful ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
2 azure.relay_namespaces.listener_connections-client_error ListenerConnections-ClientError Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: ClientError on ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
3 azure.relay_namespaces.listener_connections-server_error ListenerConnections-ServerError Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: ServerError on ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
4 azure.relay_namespaces.sender_connections-success SenderConnections-Success Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: Successful SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
5 azure.relay_namespaces.sender_connections-client_error SenderConnections-ClientError Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: ClientError on SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
6 azure.relay_namespaces.sender_connections-server_error SenderConnections-ServerError Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: ServerError on SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
7 azure.relay_namespaces.listener_connections-total_requests ListenerConnections-TotalRequests Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: Total ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
8 azure.relay_namespaces.sender_connections-total_requests SenderConnections-TotalRequests Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: Total SenderConnections requests for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
9 azure.relay_namespaces.active_connections ActiveConnections Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: Total ActiveConnections for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
10 azure.relay_namespaces.active_listeners ActiveListeners Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: Total ActiveListeners for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
11 azure.relay_namespaces.bytes_transferred BytesTransferred Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: Total BytesTransferred for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
12 azure.relay_namespaces.listener_disconnects ListenerDisconnects Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: Total ListenerDisconnects for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
13 azure.relay_namespaces.sender_disconnects SenderDisconnects Count Total Microsoft.Relay/namespaces: Total SenderDisconnects for Microsoft.Relay. EntityName
1 azure.search_searchservices.search_latency Search Latency Seconds Average Microsoft.Search/searchServices: Average search latency for the search service No Dimensions
2 azure.search_searchservices.search_queries_per_second Search queries per second CountPerSecond Average Microsoft.Search/searchServices: Search queries per second for the search service No Dimensions
3 azure.search_searchservices.throttled_search_queries_percentage Throttled search queries percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Search/searchServices: Percentage of search queries that were throttled for the search service No Dimensions
1 azure.servicebus_namespaces.successful_requests Successful Requests (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Total successful requests for a namespace (Preview) EntityName,
2 azure.servicebus_namespaces.server_errors Server Errors. (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Server Errors for Microsoft.ServiceBus. (Preview) EntityName,
3 azure.servicebus_namespaces.user_errors User Errors. (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: User Errors for Microsoft.ServiceBus. (Preview) EntityName,
4 azure.servicebus_namespaces.throttled_requests Throttled Requests. (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Throttled Requests for Microsoft.ServiceBus. (Preview) EntityName,
5 azure.servicebus_namespaces.incoming_requests Incoming Requests (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Incoming Requests for Microsoft.ServiceBus. (Preview) EntityName
6 azure.servicebus_namespaces.incoming_messages Incoming Messages (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Incoming Messages for Microsoft.ServiceBus. (Preview) EntityName
7 azure.servicebus_namespaces.outgoing_messages Outgoing Messages (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Outgoing Messages for Microsoft.ServiceBus. (Preview) EntityName
8 azure.servicebus_namespaces.active_connections ActiveConnections (Preview) Count Total Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Total Active Connections for Microsoft.ServiceBus. (Preview) No Dimensions
9 azure.servicebus_namespaces.size Size (Preview) Bytes Average Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Size of an Queue/Topic in Bytes. (Preview) EntityName
10 azure.servicebus_namespaces.messages Count of messages in a Queue/Topic. (Preview) Count Average Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Count of messages in a Queue/Topic. (Preview) EntityName
11 azure.servicebus_namespaces.active_messages Count of active messages in a Queue/Topic. (Preview) Count Average Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Count of active messages in a Queue/Topic. (Preview) EntityName
12 azure.servicebus_namespaces.cpuxns CPU usage per namespace Percent Maximum Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Service bus premium namespace CPU usage metric No Dimensions
13 azure.servicebus_namespaces.wsxns Memory size usage per namespace Percent Maximum Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces: Service bus premium namespace memory usage metric No Dimensions
1 azure.sql_servers_databases.cpu_percent CPU percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: CPU percentage No Dimensions
2 azure.sql_servers_databases.physical_data_read_percent Data IO percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: Data IO percentage No Dimensions
3 azure.sql_servers_databases.log_write_percent Log IO percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: Log IO percentage No Dimensions
4 azure.sql_servers_databases.dtu_consumption_percent DTU percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: DTU percentage No Dimensions
5 Total database size Bytes Maximum Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: Total database size No Dimensions
6 azure.sql_servers_databases.connection_successful Successful Connections Count Total Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: Successful Connections No Dimensions
7 azure.sql_servers_databases.connection_failed Failed Connections Count Total Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: Failed Connections No Dimensions
8 azure.sql_servers_databases.blocked_by_firewall Blocked by Firewall Count Total Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: Blocked by Firewall No Dimensions
9 azure.sql_servers_databases.deadlock Deadlocks Count Total Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: Deadlocks No Dimensions
10 azure.sql_servers_databases.storage_percent Database size percentage Percent Maximum Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: Database size percentage No Dimensions
11 azure.sql_servers_databases.xtp_storage_percent In-Memory OLTP storage percent Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: In-Memory OLTP storage percent No Dimensions
12 azure.sql_servers_databases.workers_percent Workers percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: Workers percentage No Dimensions
13 azure.sql_servers_databases.sessions_percent Sessions percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: Sessions percentage No Dimensions
14 azure.sql_servers_databases.dtu_limit DTU Limit Count Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: DTU Limit No Dimensions
15 azure.sql_servers_databases.dtu_used DTU used Count Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: DTU used No Dimensions
16 azure.sql_servers_databases.dwu_limit DWU limit Count Maximum Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: DWU limit No Dimensions
17 azure.sql_servers_databases.dwu_consumption_percent DWU percentage Percent Maximum Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: DWU percentage No Dimensions
18 azure.sql_servers_databases.dwu_used DWU used Count Maximum Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: DWU used No Dimensions
19 azure.sql_servers_databases.dw_cpu_percent DW node level CPU percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: DW node level CPU percentage DwLogicalNodeId
20 azure.sql_servers_databases.dw_physical_data_read_percent DW node level Data IO percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases: DW node level Data IO percentage DwLogicalNodeId
1 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.cpu_percent CPU percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: CPU percentage No Dimensions
2 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.physical_data_read_percent Data IO percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: Data IO percentage No Dimensions
3 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.log_write_percent Log IO percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: Log IO percentage No Dimensions
4 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.dtu_consumption_percent DTU percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: DTU percentage No Dimensions
5 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.storage_percent Storage percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: Storage percentage No Dimensions
6 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.workers_percent Workers percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: Workers percentage No Dimensions
7 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.sessions_percent Sessions percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: Sessions percentage No Dimensions
8 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.e_dtu_limit eDTU limit Count Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: eDTU limit No Dimensions
9 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.storage_limit Storage limit Bytes Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: Storage limit No Dimensions
10 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.e_dtu_used eDTU used Count Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: eDTU used No Dimensions
11 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.storage_used Storage used Bytes Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: Storage used No Dimensions
12 azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.xtp_storage_percent In-Memory OLTP storage percent Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools: In-Memory OLTP storage percent No Dimensions
1 azure.sql_servers.dtu_consumption_percent DTU percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Sql/servers: DTU percentage ElasticPoolResourceId
2 azure.sql_servers.storage_used Storage used Bytes Average Microsoft.Sql/servers: Storage used ElasticPoolResourceId
1 azure.storage_storageaccounts.used_capacity Used capacity Bytes Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts: Account used capacity No Dimensions
2 azure.storage_storageaccounts.transactions Transactions Count Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts: The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName
3 azure.storage_storageaccounts.ingress Ingress Bytes Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts: The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. GeoType, ApiName
4 azure.storage_storageaccounts.egress Egress Bytes Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts: The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. GeoType, ApiName
5 azure.storage_storageaccounts.success_server_latency Success Server Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts: The average latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in AverageE2ELatency. GeoType, ApiName
6 azure.storage_storageaccounts.success_e2_elatency Success E2E Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts: The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. GeoType, ApiName
7 azure.storage_storageaccounts.availability Availability Percent Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts: The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. GeoType, ApiName
1 azure.storage_storageaccounts_blobservices.blob_capacity Blob Capacity Bytes Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices: The amount of storage used by the storage account’s Blob service in bytes. BlobType
2 azure.storage_storageaccounts_blobservices.blob_count Blob Count Count Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices: The number of Blob in the storage account’s Blob service. BlobType
3 azure.storage_storageaccounts_blobservices.container_count Blob Container Count Count Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices: The number of containers in the storage account’s Blob service. No Dimensions
4 azure.storage_storageaccounts_blobservices.transactions Transactions Count Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices: The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName
5 azure.storage_storageaccounts_blobservices.ingress Ingress Bytes Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices: The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. GeoType, ApiName
6 azure.storage_storageaccounts_blobservices.egress Egress Bytes Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices: The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. GeoType, ApiName
7 azure.storage_storageaccounts_blobservices.success_server_latency Success Server Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices: The average latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in AverageE2ELatency. GeoType, ApiName
8 azure.storage_storageaccounts_blobservices.success_e2_elatency Success E2E Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices: The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. GeoType, ApiName
9 azure.storage_storageaccounts_blobservices.availability Availability Percent Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices: The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. GeoType, ApiName
1 azure.storage_storageaccounts_tableservices.table_capacity Table Capacity Bytes Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices: The amount of storage used by the storage account’s Table service in bytes. No Dimensions
2 azure.storage_storageaccounts_tableservices.table_count Table Count Count Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices: The number of table in the storage account’s Table service. No Dimensions
3 azure.storage_storageaccounts_tableservices.table_entity_count Table Entity Count Count Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices: The number of table entities in the storage account’s Table service. No Dimensions
4 azure.storage_storageaccounts_tableservices.transactions Transactions Count Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices: The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName
5 azure.storage_storageaccounts_tableservices.ingress Ingress Bytes Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices: The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. GeoType, ApiName
6 azure.storage_storageaccounts_tableservices.egress Egress Bytes Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices: The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. GeoType, ApiName
7 azure.storage_storageaccounts_tableservices.success_server_latency Success Server Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices: The average latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in AverageE2ELatency. GeoType, ApiName
8 azure.storage_storageaccounts_tableservices.success_e2_elatency Success E2E Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices: The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. GeoType, ApiName
9 azure.storage_storageaccounts_tableservices.availability Availability Percent Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices: The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. GeoType, ApiName
1 azure.storage_storageaccounts_queueservices.queue_capacity Queue Capacity Bytes Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices: The amount of storage used by the storage account’s Queue service in bytes. No Dimensions
2 azure.storage_storageaccounts_queueservices.queue_count Queue Count Count Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices: The number of queue in the storage account’s Queue service. No Dimensions
3 azure.storage_storageaccounts_queueservices.queue_message_count Queue Message Count Count Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices: The approximate number of queue messages in the storage account’s Queue service. No Dimensions
4 azure.storage_storageaccounts_queueservices.transactions Transactions Count Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices: The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName
5 azure.storage_storageaccounts_queueservices.ingress Ingress Bytes Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices: The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. GeoType, ApiName
6 azure.storage_storageaccounts_queueservices.egress Egress Bytes Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices: The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. GeoType, ApiName
7 azure.storage_storageaccounts_queueservices.success_server_latency Success Server Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices: The average latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in AverageE2ELatency. GeoType, ApiName
8 azure.storage_storageaccounts_queueservices.success_e2_elatency Success E2E Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices: The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. GeoType, ApiName
9 azure.storage_storageaccounts_queueservices.availability Availability Percent Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices: The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. GeoType, ApiName
1 azure.storage_storageaccounts_fileservices.file_capacity File Capacity Bytes Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices: The amount of storage used by the storage account’s File service in bytes. No Dimensions
2 azure.storage_storageaccounts_fileservices.file_count File Count Count Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices: The number of file in the storage account’s File service. No Dimensions
3 azure.storage_storageaccounts_fileservices.file_share_count File Share Count Count Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices: The number of file shares in the storage account’s File service. No Dimensions
4 azure.storage_storageaccounts_fileservices.transactions Transactions Count Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices: The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName
5 azure.storage_storageaccounts_fileservices.ingress Ingress Bytes Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices: The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. GeoType, ApiName
6 azure.storage_storageaccounts_fileservices.egress Egress Bytes Total Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices: The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. GeoType, ApiName
7 azure.storage_storageaccounts_fileservices.success_server_latency Success Server Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices: The average latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in AverageE2ELatency. GeoType, ApiName
8 azure.storage_storageaccounts_fileservices.success_e2_elatency Success E2E Latency Milliseconds Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices: The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. GeoType, ApiName
9 azure.storage_storageaccounts_fileservices.availability Availability Percent Average Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices: The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. GeoType, ApiName
1 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.resource_utilization SU % Utilization Percent Maximum Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: SU % Utilization No Dimensions
2 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.input_events Input Events Count Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Input Events No Dimensions
3 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.input_event_bytes Input Event Bytes Bytes Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Input Event Bytes No Dimensions
4 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.late_input_events Late Input Events Count Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Late Input Events No Dimensions
5 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.output_events Output Events Count Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Output Events No Dimensions
6 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.conversion_errors Data Conversion Errors Count Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Data Conversion Errors No Dimensions
7 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.errors Runtime Errors Count Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Runtime Errors No Dimensions
8 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.dropped_or_adjusted_events Out of order Events Count Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Out of order Events No Dimensions
9 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.amlcallout_requests Function Requests Count Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Function Requests No Dimensions
10 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.amlcallout_failed_requests Failed Function Requests Count Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Failed Function Requests No Dimensions
11 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.amlcallout_input_events Function Events Count Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Function Events No Dimensions
12 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.deserialization_error Input Deserialization Errors Count Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Input Deserialization Errors No Dimensions
13 azure.streamanalytics_streamingjobs.early_input_events Events whose application time is earlier than their arrival time. Count Total Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs: Events whose application time is earlier than their arrival time. No Dimensions
1 azure.web_serverfarms.cpu_percentage CPU Percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: CPU Percentage Instance
2 azure.web_serverfarms.memory_percentage Memory Percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: Memory Percentage Instance
3 azure.web_serverfarms.disk_queue_length Disk Queue Length Count Average Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: Disk Queue Length Instance
4 azure.web_serverfarms.http_queue_length Http Queue Length Count Average Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: Http Queue Length Instance
5 azure.web_serverfarms.bytes_received Data In Bytes Total Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: Data In Instance
6 azure.web_serverfarms.bytes_sent Data Out Bytes Total Microsoft.Web/serverfarms: Data Out Instance
1 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).cpu_time CPU Time Seconds Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): CPU Time Instance
2 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).requests Requests Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Requests Instance
3 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).bytes_received Data In Bytes Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Data In Instance
4 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).bytes_sent Data Out Bytes Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Data Out Instance
5 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).http101 Http 101 Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Http 101 Instance
6 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).http2xx Http 2xx Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Http 2xx Instance
7 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).http3xx Http 3xx Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Http 3xx Instance
8 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).http401 Http 401 Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Http 401 Instance
9 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).http403 Http 403 Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Http 403 Instance
10 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).http404 Http 404 Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Http 404 Instance
11 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).http406 Http 406 Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Http 406 Instance
12 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).http4xx Http 4xx Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Http 4xx Instance
13 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).http5xx Http Server Errors Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Http Server Errors Instance
14 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).memory_working_set Memory working set Bytes Average Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Memory working set Instance
15 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).average_memory_working_set Average memory working set Bytes Average Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Average memory working set Instance
16 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).average_response_time Average Response Time Seconds Average Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Average Response Time Instance
17 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).app_connections Connections Count Average Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Connections Instance
18 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).handles Handle Count Count Average Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Handle Count Instance
19 azure.web_sites (excluding functions).threads Thread Count Count Average Microsoft.Web/sites (excluding functions): Thread Count Instance
1 azure.web_sites (functions).bytes_received Data In Bytes Total Microsoft.Web/sites (functions): Data In Instance
2 azure.web_sites (functions).bytes_sent Data Out Bytes Total Microsoft.Web/sites (functions): Data Out Instance
3 azure.web_sites (functions).http5xx Http Server Errors Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (functions): Http Server Errors Instance
4 azure.web_sites (functions).memory_working_set Memory working set Bytes Average Microsoft.Web/sites (functions): Memory working set Instance
5 azure.web_sites (functions).average_memory_working_set Average memory working set Bytes Average Microsoft.Web/sites (functions): Average memory working set Instance
6 azure.web_sites (functions).function_execution_units Function Execution Units Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (functions): Function Execution Units Instance
7 azure.web_sites (functions).function_execution_count Function Execution Count Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites (functions): Function Execution Count Instance
1 azure.web_sites_slots.cpu_time CPU Time Seconds Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: CPU Time Instance
2 azure.web_sites_slots.requests Requests Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Requests Instance
3 azure.web_sites_slots.bytes_received Data In Bytes Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Data In Instance
4 azure.web_sites_slots.bytes_sent Data Out Bytes Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Data Out Instance
5 azure.web_sites_slots.http101 Http 101 Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Http 101 Instance
6 azure.web_sites_slots.http2xx Http 2xx Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Http 2xx Instance
7 azure.web_sites_slots.http3xx Http 3xx Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Http 3xx Instance
8 azure.web_sites_slots.http401 Http 401 Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Http 401 Instance
9 azure.web_sites_slots.http403 Http 403 Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Http 403 Instance
10 azure.web_sites_slots.http404 Http 404 Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Http 404 Instance
11 azure.web_sites_slots.http406 Http 406 Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Http 406 Instance
12 azure.web_sites_slots.http4xx Http 4xx Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Http 4xx Instance
13 azure.web_sites_slots.http5xx Http Server Errors Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Http Server Errors Instance
14 azure.web_sites_slots.memory_working_set Memory working set Bytes Average Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Memory working set Instance
15 azure.web_sites_slots.average_memory_working_set Average memory working set Bytes Average Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Average memory working set Instance
16 azure.web_sites_slots.average_response_time Average Response Time Seconds Average Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Average Response Time Instance
17 azure.web_sites_slots.function_execution_units Function Execution Units Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Function Execution Units Instance
18 azure.web_sites_slots.function_execution_count Function Execution Count Count Total Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Function Execution Count Instance
19 azure.web_sites_slots.app_connections Connections Count Average Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Connections Instance
20 azure.web_sites_slots.handles Handle Count Count Average Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Handle Count Instance
21 azure.web_sites_slots.threads Thread Count Count Average Microsoft.Web/sites/slots: Thread Count Instance
1 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.requests Requests Count Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Requests Instance
2 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.bytes_received Data In Bytes Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Data In Instance
3 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.bytes_sent Data Out Bytes Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Data Out Instance
4 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.http101 Http 101 Count Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Http 101 Instance
5 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.http2xx Http 2xx Count Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Http 2xx Instance
6 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.http3xx Http 3xx Count Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Http 3xx Instance
7 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.http401 Http 401 Count Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Http 401 Instance
8 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.http403 Http 403 Count Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Http 403 Instance
9 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.http404 Http 404 Count Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Http 404 Instance
10 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.http406 Http 406 Count Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Http 406 Instance
11 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.http4xx Http 4xx Count Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Http 4xx Instance
12 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.http5xx Http Server Errors Count Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Http Server Errors Instance
13 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.average_response_time Average Response Time Seconds Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Average Response Time Instance
14 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.cpu_percentage CPU Percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: CPU Percentage Instance
15 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.memory_percentage Memory Percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Memory Percentage Instance
16 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.disk_queue_length Disk Queue Length Count Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Disk Queue Length Instance
17 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.http_queue_length Http Queue Length Count Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Http Queue Length Instance
18 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.active_requests Active Requests Count Total Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Active Requests Instance
19 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.total_front_ends Total Front Ends Count Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Total Front Ends No Dimensions
20 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.small_app_service_plan_instances Small App Service Plan Workers Count Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Small App Service Plan Workers No Dimensions
21 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.medium_app_service_plan_instances Medium App Service Plan Workers Count Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Medium App Service Plan Workers No Dimensions
22 azure.web_hostingenvironments_multirolepools.large_app_service_plan_instances Large App Service Plan Workers Count Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools: Large App Service Plan Workers No Dimensions
1 azure.web_hostingenvironments_workerpools.workers_total Total Workers Count Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/workerPools: Total Workers No Dimensions
2 azure.web_hostingenvironments_workerpools.workers_available Available Workers Count Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/workerPools: Available Workers No Dimensions
3 azure.web_hostingenvironments_workerpools.workers_used Used Workers Count Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/workerPools: Used Workers No Dimensions
4 azure.web_hostingenvironments_workerpools.cpu_percentage CPU Percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/workerPools: CPU Percentage Instance
5 azure.web_hostingenvironments_workerpools.memory_percentage Memory Percentage Percent Average Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/workerPools: Memory Percentage Instance
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