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Islamic Political Thought
All Dates are Tentative
Aug. 29: Course Introduction
September 2 Monday Labor Day Weekend - COLLEGE CLOSED - NO CLASSES
I. Interrogations
Session 1. (Sep. 5 & 9)
Hamid Dabashi “Can Non-Europeans Think?” in Hamid Dabashi (2015) Can Non-Europeans Think? London: Zed Books -- chapter 1
Session 2. (Sep. 12 & 16)
Hamid Enayat “Introduction: The Relevance of the Past,” in Hamid Enayat (1982) Modern Islamic Political Thought: The Response of the Shi'i and Sunni Muslims to the Twentieth Century. London: The Macmillan Press -- Introduction
II. Islamic Modernism
Session 3. (Sep. 19 & 23)
Sayyid Jamal al-Din al-Afghani “Lecture on Teaching and Learning; and Answer to Renan,” in Charles Kurzman (2002) Modernist Islam 1840-1940: A Sourcebook. New York: Oxford University Press -- chapter 11
September 30 Monday No classes scheduled
Session 4. (Sep. 26 & Oct. 3)
Muhammad Abduh “Laws Should Change in Accordance with the Conditions of Nations and The Theology of Unity,” in Charles Kurzman (2002) Modernist Islam 1840-1940: A Sourcebook. New York: Oxford University Press -- chapter 3
Session 5. (Oct. 7 & 10)
Abd al-Rahman al-Kawakibi “Summary of the Causes of Stagnation,” in Accordance with the Conditions of Nations and The Theology of Unity,” in Charles Kurzman (2002) Modernist Islam 1840-1940: A Sourcebook. New York: Oxford University Press -- chapter 19
October 16 Wednesday Classes follow Monday schedule
Oct. 14 Midterm Exam
Session 6. (Oct. 16 & 17)
Muhammad Iqbal “The Principle of Movement in the Structure of Islam,” in Charles Kurzman (1998) Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook. New York: Oxford University Press -- chapter 27
*Reading for Position paper 1.
Iqbal Singh Sevea “Reconstruction of Islam,” in Iqbal Singh Sevea (2012)The Political Philosophy of Muhammad Iqbal Islam and Nationalism in Late Colonial India. New York: Cambridge University Press -- chapter 3
III. The Rise of Islamism/Political Islam
Session 7. (Oct. 21 & 24)
Abul A'la Maududi “The Law of Rise and Fall,” in Abul A'la Maududi (2007) Rise and Fall of Nations.
Western Australia: Australian Islamic Library -- chapter 1
*Reading for Position paper 2.
Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr “Faith and Ideology,” in Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr (1996) Mawdudi and the Making of Islamic Revivalism. New York: Oxford University Press -- chapter 3
Session 8. (Oct. 28 & 31)
Sayyid Qutb “Jihad in the Cause of Allah,” in Sayyid Qutb (2006) Milestones. Birmingham: Maktabah Booksellers & Publishers -- chapter 4
*Reading for Position paper 3.
Sayed Khatab “Sovereignty and political establishments,” in Sayed Khatab (2006) The Political Thought of Sayyid Qutb. New York: Routledge -- chapter 7
Session 9. (Nov. 4 & 7)
Ali Shariati “Religion Vs. Religion,” in Ali Shariati (1988) Religion Vs. Religion. New Mexico: ABJAD Book Designers and Builders -- chapter 1
*Reading for Position paper 4.
Chandra Muzaffar “Understanding Ali Shariati’s Political Thought,” in Dustin J. Byrd and Seyed Javad Miri (2018) Ali Shariati and the Future of Social Theory, Religion, Revolution, and the Role of the Intellectual-Brill. Boston: Brill -- chapter 9
IV. Islamism/Political Islam and Jihad
Session 10. (Nov. 11 & 14)
Muhammed Abd al Salam Faraj “The Neglected Duty,” in Roxanne L. Euben and Muhammad Qasim Zaman (2009) Princeton Readings in Islamist Thought Texts and Contexts: from al-Banna to Bin Laden. New Jersey: Princeton University Press -- chapter 13
Session 11. (Nov. 18 & 21)
Umar Abdl al-Rahman “The Present Rulers and Islam: Are They Muslims or Not?” in Roxanne L. Euben and Muhammad Qasim Zaman (2009) Princeton Readings in Islamist Thought Texts and Contexts: from al-Banna to Bin Laden. New Jersey: Princeton University Press -- chapter 14
V. Islam & Race
Session 12. (Nov. 25 & Dec. 2)
Malcolm X “ The Ballot or the Bullet, The Black Revolution, and Letters From Abroad,” in George Breitman (1965) Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements. New York: Grove Press. chapters -- 3, 4, and 5
*Reading for Position paper 5.
Nuri Tinaz “Rationalization of Malcolm X’s Religious Understandings, Political Perspectives and Organizational Objectives,” in Dustin J. Byrd and Seyed Javad Miri (2016) Malcolm X: From Political Eschatology to Religious Revolutionary. Boston : Brill -- chapter 13
VI. Islam & Gender
Session 13. (Dec. 5 & 9)
Nadia Yassine “Modernity, Muslim Women, and Politics in the Mediterranean,” in Roxanne L. Euben and Muhammad Qasim Zaman (2009) Princeton Readings in Islamist Thought Texts and Contexts: from al-Banna to Bin Laden. New Jersey: Princeton University Press -- chapter 12
Benazir Bhutto “Politics and the Muslim Woman,” in Charles Kurzman (1998) Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook. New York: Oxford University Press -- chapter 12
Dec. 12 Deadline for all three position papers
Session 14. (Dec. 12)
Nazira Zein-Ed-Din “Unveiling and Veiling,” in Charles Kurzman (1998) Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook. New York: Oxford University Press -- chapter 11
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