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Last active June 17, 2017 16:45
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Projectplace Python API connection wrapper
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Example Usage:
>>> from apiconnection import ApiConnection
>>> settings = {
... 'api_endpoint': '',
... 'consumer_key': 'REDACTED',
... 'consumer_secret': 'REDACTED'}
>>> conn = ApiConnection(settings)
Redirecting to
Enter OAuth verifier: REDACTED
New access token: oauth_token_secret=REDACTED&oauth_token=REDACTED
>>> response = conn.request('GET', '/1/user/me/profile')
>>> response.json()
from urlparse import parse_qs
import random
import time
import oauth2 as oauth
import requests
def _parse_parameters(parameter_string):
Takes a string containing parameters and dictifies them.
@return: dict
parsed_string = parse_qs(parameter_string)
for k, v in parsed_string.items():
if isinstance(v, list):
parsed_string[k] = v[0]
return parsed_string
class ApiConnection():
done_count = 0
def __init__(self, settings):
Receives information about an API provider and attempts to establish a connection.
Takes a settings object that MUST contain the following:
settings: {
'api_endpoint': ' or something',
'consumer_key': 'CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret': 'CONSUMER_SECRET',
It also optionally supports the addition of access_token_key and access_token_secret. That way
the ApiConnection knows to skip the OAuth dance and allows you to get started using the APIs
right away. Like this:
settings: {
'api_endpoint': ' or something',
'consumer_key': 'CONSUMER_KEY',
'consumer_secret': 'CONSUMER_SECRET',
'access_token_key': 'OPTIONAL_VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY',
@param settings: a dictionary containing API settings
@type settings: dict
self.api_endpoint = settings['api_endpoint']
self.consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=settings['consumer_key'], secret=settings['consumer_secret'])
self.signature_method = oauth.SignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1()
self.prepared_requests = []
if "access_token_key" in settings and "access_token_secret" in settings:
self.access_token = oauth.Token(key=settings['access_token_key'], secret=settings['access_token_secret'])
self.access_token = self._establish_connection()
from colorama import init
def request_token_endpoint(self):
return self.api_endpoint + '/initiate'
def authorize_endpoint(self):
return self.api_endpoint + '/authorize'
def access_token_endpoint(self):
return self.api_endpoint + '/token'
def _minimal_oauth_parameters(self):
All of these parameters are absolutely necessary for an oauth
request to take place.
def _generate_nonce():
""" Returns a string with a random number. """
return str(random.getrandbits(20))
def _get_timestamp():
""" Returns a string with a UNIX timestamp representing UTC now."""
return str(int(time.time()))
return {
'oauth_nonce': _generate_nonce(),
'oauth_signature_method': 'HMAC-SHA1',
'oauth_timestamp': _get_timestamp(),
'oauth_version': '1.0',
'oauth_consumer_key': self.consumer.key
def _pack_oauth_request(self, method, url, parameters, consumer, token):
req = oauth.Request(method=method, url=url, parameters=parameters)
req.sign_request(self.signature_method, consumer, token)
auth_header = req.to_header()
payload = req.get_nonoauth_parameters()
return auth_header, payload
def _send_oauth_request(self, method, url, parameters, consumer, token=None, request_body=""):
Gateway for all OAuth requests.
@param method: The HTTP verb, "GET" or "POST"
@type method: str
@param url: The URL to call
@type url: str
@param parameters: a dict with parameters to send to the API, only
oauth parameters and POST form parameters need to be in here. GET
parameters are implicitly included by means of the url.
@type parameters: dict
@param consumer: the OAuth Consumer object
@type consumer: oauth2.Consumer
@param token: the oauth_token, either a request or an access token will suffice
@type token: oauth2.Token
auth_header, payload = self._pack_oauth_request(method, url, parameters, consumer, token)
if method == "GET":
response = requests.get(url, headers=auth_header, verify=False)
if method == "POST":
response =, headers=auth_header, verify=False, data=payload)
if method == "PUT":
response = requests.put(url, headers=auth_header, verify=False, data=request_body)
return response
def _get_prepared_oauth_request(self, method, url, parameters, consumer, token=None, request_body=""):
auth_header, payload = self._pack_oauth_request(method, url, parameters, consumer, token)
prepared_request = None
if method == "GET":
prepared_request = requests.Request("GET", url, headers=auth_header)
if method == "POST":
prepared_request = requests.Request("POST", url, headers=auth_header, data=payload)
if method == "PUT":
prepared_request = requests.Request("PUT", headers=auth_header, data=request_body)
return prepared_request.prepare()
def _get_request_token(self):
""" Returns an oauth2.Token representing the request token. """
parameters = self._minimal_oauth_parameters()
response = self._send_oauth_request('GET', self.request_token_endpoint, parameters, self.consumer)
parsed_response = _parse_parameters(response.text)
return oauth.Token(key=parsed_response['oauth_token'], secret=parsed_response['oauth_token_secret'])
def _authorize(self, request_token):
Authorizes the opening a web browser to the authorize endpoint and asking the user for the resulting
@return: oauth2.Token representing the verified request token.
import webbrowser
authorize_url = "%s?oauth_token=%s" % (self.authorize_endpoint, request_token.key)
print "Redirecting to %s" % authorize_url
oauth_verifier = raw_input("Enter OAuth verifier: ")
return request_token
def _get_access_token(self, request_token):
Exchanges the verified request token for an access token.
@return: oauth2.Token representing the access token
parameters = self._minimal_oauth_parameters()
parameters['oauth_token'] = request_token.key
parameters['oauth_verifier'] = request_token.verifier
response = self._send_oauth_request('GET', self.access_token_endpoint, parameters, self.consumer, request_token)
parsed_response = _parse_parameters(response.text)
return oauth.Token(key=parsed_response['oauth_token'], secret=parsed_response['oauth_token_secret'])
def _establish_connection(self):
Establishes a trusted connection with the provider's APIs.
This is signified by the access token which is a permanent credential to
act on behalf of a user.
authorized_request_token = self._authorize(self._get_request_token())
access_token = self._get_access_token(authorized_request_token)
print "New access token: %s" % access_token
return access_token
def _pack_request(self, url, parameters):
oauth_parameters = self._minimal_oauth_parameters()
oauth_parameters['oauth_token'] = self.access_token.key
parameters = dict(parameters.items() + oauth_parameters.items())
url = self.api_endpoint + url
return url, parameters
def request(self, method, url, parameters={}, request_body=""):
Performs an API request and returns a requests.response object.
url, parameters = self._pack_request(url, parameters)
response = self._send_oauth_request(method, url, parameters, self.consumer, self.access_token, request_body)
return response
def _get_prepared_request(self, which):
This method returns a Requests.PreparedRequest ready for execution.
@param which: the index of the method signature representing the request we want to send
method, url, parameters, consumer, access_token, request_body = self.prepared_requests[which]
url, parameters = self._pack_request(url, parameters)
return self._get_prepared_oauth_request(method, url, parameters, consumer, access_token, request_body)
def prepare_request(self, method, url, parameters={}, request_body="", times=1):
This method lines up the signature needed to formulate a Requests.PreparedRequest. It simply stores a tuple
of the signature on the prepared_requests list.
for i in range(times):
self.prepared_requests.append((method, url, parameters, self.consumer, self.access_token, request_body))
def send_prepared_requests(self):
Uses the stored request signatures from the prepared_requests list to create Requests.PreparedRequest
objects. Each PreparedRequest is then sent in its own thread and prints the response status code to stdout.
from threading import Thread
session = requests.Session()
concurrent = len(self.prepared_requests)
def send_it(prepared_request, which):
response = session.send(prepared_request)
api_url = prepared_request.url.split('.com')[1]
if response.status_code == 200:
print("%s - %s " % (api_url, response.status_code))
print("%s - %s " % (api_url, response.status_code))
self.done_count += 1
if self.done_count == concurrent:
for i in range(concurrent):
prepared_request = self._get_prepared_request(i)
t = Thread(target=send_it, args=(prepared_request, i,))
t.daemon = True
self.prepared_requests = []
# To prevent the process from dying due to terminal exit
input("Sending %s requests to %s, press ENTER to cancel\r\n" % (concurrent, self.api_endpoint))
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