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Last active December 11, 2015 22:49
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import pytest
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps
# TODO: Make it possible to pass standard pytest.fixture args here too, like scope, params etc..
def pytest_contextfixture(fn):
ctxmgr = contextmanager(fn)
def actual_fixture(request, scope='function'):
ctxinst = ctxmgr()
# TODO: Proper exception propagation?
request.addfinalizer(lambda: ctxinst.__exit__(None, None, None))
return ctxinst.__enter__()
return actual_fixture
def my_fixture():
# Test setup with possibly nested with-blocks can be performed here
yield 1234
# Teardown is possible here.
def test_something(my_fixture):
assert my_fixture == 1234
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hpk42 commented Jan 31, 2013

Can't remember if we looked at this particular scheme. I guess it could also be implemented by detecting that a fixture function is a generator. As "request" is needed anyway for introspection and receiving params, it would only mean a slightly nicer syntax for specifying finalizers. Instead of registering a callback, you'd write the teardown code behind the yield. At this point it's not worth to support it from the core, but your hack might be the basis for a little plugin which provides a "pytest.contextfixture" helper.

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pelme commented Feb 1, 2013

A note about a more concrete use case for this:

I use context manager for a lot of mocking/patching, and a lot of our internal test helpers are context managers themselves. Just doing the teardown after yield is nice and a slightly shorter than registering a finalizer callback.The really important feature for me is the ability to re-use other context managers from a fixture:

A lot of my tests looks like this today:

def test_foo():
    with setup_something():
        with setup_something_else() as dependency:
            result = fn_under_test(dependency)

    assert result == 'expected'

So this becomes

def dependency(request):
    with setup_something():
        with setup_something_else() as d:
            yield d

def test_foo(dependency):
    assert fn_under_test(dependency) == 'expected'

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can we just have normal fixtures support the contextmanager protocol

then it would become

def dependency(request):

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hpk42 commented Feb 1, 2013

@pelme not sure about the nested context-managers - wouldn't their teardown execute too early? In any case, you should specify the dependency-fixture in the signature, otherwise we have no way to sort/group tests by fixture and scope.

@ronny i wouldn't like to introduce a second parallel way to write fixture functions in the core. It doesn't really add much except a different syntax.

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pelme commented Feb 2, 2013

@RonnyPfannschmidt Yeah, it would be nicer, but then the order of @contextmanager and @pytest.fixture would be important. I think it could support both variants... i.e. support decorating "real" context managers too, like your example and also something like

class Foo(object):
    def __enter__(self): pass
    def __exit__(self, *a, **kw): pass 

But it could also support decorating a generator, in that case it would turn it would be applied to contextmanager().

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pelme commented Feb 2, 2013

@hpk42 No, the teardown/exit executes in the right order. I have packaged this gist up at with tests that prove this too!

Yes, using context managers like this breaks fixture ordering, but in my use case I am not really concerned about that.

To give a more concrete example: The context managers I am using are mostly mock patchers, where I only use function scope.


def some_object_to_test(request):
    an_object_to_test = Something()

    with mock.patch('some_module', 'foo'):
        with mock.patch(Something, 'bar', 'a faked value'):
            yield an_object_to_test

def test_a(some_object_to_test):

def test_b(some_object_to_test):

def test_c(some_object_to_test):

Today, I am doing something like this (which indeed works, but it feels a bit awkward):

def setup_some_object_to_test():
    an_object_to_test = Something()

    with mock.patch('some_module', 'foo'):
        with mock.patch(Something, 'bar', 'a faked value'):
            yield an_object_to_test

def test_a(some_object_to_test):
    with setup_some_object_to_test() as some_object_to_test:

def test_b():
    with setup_some_object_to_test() as some_object_to_test:

def test_c():
    with setup_some_object_to_test() as some_object_to_test:

Those mocks is not really suitable for re-use as standalone fixtures, and most of these fixtures are defined in the local test modules themselves.

For more general fixtures, they should be defined as modular fixtures themselves.

There might be a better solution all together, but I hope this shows my reasoning. :)

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