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Created October 27, 2012 19:17
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public class JavaGenTest {
public static interface F<a, b> {
b f(a a);
public static abstract class P2<a, b> {
private static final class _P2<a, b> extends P2<a, b> {
private final a _1;
private final b _2;
private _P2(final a _1, final b _2) {
this._1 = _1;
this._2 = _2;
public <M> M match(final F<a, F<b, M>> ifP2) {
return ifP2.f(_1).f(_2);
public abstract <M> M match(final F<a, F<b, M>> ifP2);
public static abstract class List<a> {
private static final class _Nil<a> extends List<a> {
private _Nil() {
public <M> M match(final M ifNil, final F<a, F<List<a>, M>> ifCons) {
return ifNil;
private static final class _Cons<a> extends List<a> {
private final a _1;
private final List<a> _2;
private _Cons(final a _1, final List<a> _2) {
this._1 = _1;
this._2 = _2;
public <M> M match(final M ifNil, final F<a, F<List<a>, M>> ifCons) {
return ifCons.f(_1).f(_2);
public abstract <M> M match(final M ifNil, final F<a, F<List<a>, M>> ifCons);
public static final <a, b> F<a, F<b, P2<a, b>>> P2(final a _a, final b _b) {
return new F<a, F<b, P2<a, b>>>() {
public F<b, P2<a, b>> f(final a _1) {
return new F<b, P2<a, b>>() {
public P2<a, b> f(final b _2) {
return new P2._P2<a, b>(_1, _2);
public static final <a> List<a> Nil(final a _a) {
return new List._Nil<a>();
public static final <a> F<a, F<List<a>, List<a>>> Cons(final a _a) {
return new F<a, F<List<a>, List<a>>>() {
public F<List<a>, List<a>> f(final a _1) {
return new F<List<a>, List<a>>() {
public List<a> f(final List<a> _2) {
return new List._Cons<a>(_1, _2);
public static final <a, b, c> F<F<a, F<b, c>>, F<List<a>, F<List<b>, List<c>>>> zipWith(final a _a, final b _b, final c _c) {
return new F<F<a, F<b, c>>, F<List<a>, F<List<b>, List<c>>>>() {
public F<List<a>, F<List<b>, List<c>>> f(final F<a, F<b, c>> f) {
return new F<List<a>, F<List<b>, List<c>>>() {
public F<List<b>, List<c>> f(final List<a> xs) {
return new F<List<b>, List<c>>() {
public List<c> f(final List<b> ys) {
return (xs).match(Nil((c) null), new F<a, F<List<a>, List<c>>>() {
public F<List<a>, List<c>> f(final a x) {
return new F<List<a>, List<c>>() {
public List<c> f(final List<a> xs) {
return (ys).match(Nil((c) null), new F<b, F<List<b>, List<c>>>() {
public F<List<b>, List<c>> f(final b y) {
return new F<List<b>, List<c>>() {
public List<c> f(final List<b> ys) {
return Cons((c) null).f(f.f(x).f(y)).f(
zipWith((a) null, (b) null, (c) null).f(f).f(xs).f(ys));
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