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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Visualising biggus expressions in with networkx and dot (blue are results)
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import biggus
def which(program):
import os
def is_exe(fpath):
return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
if fpath:
if is_exe(program):
return program
for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
path = path.strip('"')
exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
if is_exe(exe_file):
return exe_file
return None
def write_networkx_to_dot(dg, filename):
import os
p = nx.to_pydot(dg)
except AttributeError:
raise ImportError("Can not find pydot module. Please install.\n"
" pip install pydot")
dot_name = filename + '.dot'
with open(dot_name, 'w') as f:
dot = which('dot')
if dot is None:
raise ImportError('Unable to find the dot executable.')
subprocess.check_output([dot, '-Tpdf', dot_name, '-o', '{}.pdf'.format(filename)])
print("Writing graph to %s.pdf" % filename)
class Group(biggus.AllThreadedEngine.Group):
A collection of Array instances which are to be evaluated in
def dot(self, graph):
g = graph
for array in self.arrays:
iteration_order = range(array.ndim)
node = self._make_node(array, iteration_order, masked=False)
result_node_id = id(array)
# Result nodes are blue.
g.add_node(result_node_id, label='Array\n{}'.format(array.shape),
shape='box', color="blue")
if isinstance(node, biggus.StreamsHandlerNode):
sh = node.streams_handler
node_id = id(node)
if isinstance(sh, biggus._AggregationStreamsHandler):
node_id = id(sh)
# Single aggregation.
sh_name = sh.__class__.__name__.strip('_').replace('StreamsHandler', '')
g.add_node(node_id, label='Aggregation\n({}, ax={})'.format(sh_name, sh.axis), shape='circle')
g.add_edge(node_id, result_node_id)
input_id = id(sh.array)
g.add_node(input_id, label='Array\n{}'.format(sh.array.shape), shape='box')
g.add_edge(input_id, node_id)
elif isinstance(sh, biggus._ElementwiseStreamsHandler):
op = sh.operator
if isinstance(op, np.ufunc):
name = op.__name__
name = 'Elementwise\n({})'.format(op)
g.add_node(node_id, label=name, shape='circle')
g.add_edge(node_id, result_node_id)
for arr in sh.sources:
input_id = id(arr)
if isinstance(arr, biggus.BroadcastArray):
shp = arr.array.shape
if not shp:
# Trivial scalars have no shape.
label = str(arr.array.ndarray())
input_id = label
label = 'Array\n{}'.format(shp)
label = 'Array\n{}'.format(arr.shape)
g.add_node(input_id, label=label, shape='box')
g.add_edge(input_id, node_id)
raise NotImplementedError('Not yet dealt with this type of StreamsHandler.')
elif isinstance(node, biggus.ProducerNode):
raise NotImplementedError('Not yet dealt with this type {}.'.format(type(node)))
class BiggusExpressionVis(object):
def _groups(self, arrays):
# XXX Placeholder implementation which assumes everything
# is compatible and can be evaluated in parallel.
return [Group(arrays, range(len(arrays)))]
def dot(self, *arrays, **kwargs):
fname = kwargs.pop('fname', 'biggus_expression')
if kwargs:
raise TypeError('Unexpected kwargs to dot. {}'.format(kwargs.keys()))
graph = nx.DiGraph()
for group in self._groups(arrays):
write_networkx_to_dot(graph, filename=fname)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Put the sys prefix directory on the path.
os.environ['PATH'] += ':{}/bin'.format(sys.prefix)
e = BiggusExpressionVis()
a = biggus.zeros([200, 20, 20])
b = biggus.mean(a - a, axis=0)
s = biggus.std(a, axis=0), b, b + 1, b - 1, s, s - b)
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