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Akka cheatsheet (untyped)

Akka cheatsheet (untyped)

Table of Contents

  1. Actor model
  2. Message
  3. Actor communication and state
    1. Forwarding
    2. Actor lifecycle
      1. Creation
      2. Deletion
    3. Supervision
    4. Actor behavior
      1. Hot-swapping method
      2. Behavior stack
      3. Stashing
      4. Combining both
    5. Ask pattern
  4. Routers & dispatchers
    1. Routers
      1. Router types
      2. Creation
      3. Config
    2. Dispatchers
      1. Dispatcher types
      2. Usage
      3. Config
  5. Cluster
    1. Joining a cluster
    2. Cluster management
    3. Communication
    4. Cluster failure
    5. Healing a cluster
  6. Cluster sharding
    1. Stateless applications issues
    2. Database sharding
    3. Communication
      1. Extractors
      2. Balancing shards
    4. Implementation
      1. Create
      2. Find
      3. Proxy
    5. Stateful applications pros
      1. Implementation
      2. Working asynchronously
      3. Real case example
    6. Passivation
    7. Rebalancing
      1. Configuration
      2. Remembering entities
        1. Implementation
      3. Delaying deployment

Actor model

An actor is a class which look like this:

object Waiter {
  def props(coffeeHouse: ActorRef, barista: ActorRef): Props = Props(new Waiter(coffeeHouse, barista))


class Waiter(coffeeHouse: ActorRef, barista: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  override def receive(): Receive = ???

An actor has a companion object with a special method props which explains how to instantiate it.

ActorLogging is a trait which includes actor logging functionalities. Ie:"This is a log message")


A message represents an action for an Actor to do. We also speak about behavior.

Express them with a case class if it takes parameters or a case object otherwise.

object Waiter {
  def props(coffeeHouse: ActorRef, barista: ActorRef): Props = Props(new Waiter(coffeeHouse, barista))
  case class ServeCoffee(coffee: Coffee) // case class because of parameter

Inside the actor class, you'll have to define abstract method receive which is made to handle messages from different actors. In most case you have to use pattern matching to interpret these messages:

override def receive(): Receive = {
  case ServeCoffee(coffee) => coffeeHouse ! ApproveCoffee(coffee, sender())
  case ComplaintFromCustomer() => ...

! is used to send a message to an actor. Here we send ApproveCoffee message to coffeeHouse actor. sender() can help you to identify the sender of a message your actor received.

Actor communication and state


Can be used to skip an intermediary actor (act as a middleman) and deliver a message to another actor with the original sender as parameter:

cook.forward(PrepareCoffee(coffee, customer)). In the current context, the PrepareCoffee message is usually sent by a waiter actor to the cook. In that particular case, we are another actor and we want to skip the waiter and send an order directly to the cook. On its side, the cook will see the waiter as the sender() and act like if nothing different happened.

Actor lifecycle


Actors can't be created inside a companion object because they depends on implicit context which is related to Actor trait.

The first will be created by the actor-system this way:

system.actorOf(NewActor.props(params), "new actor name")

Inside an actor, you can create a child actor by using:

context.actorOf(NewActor.props(params), "new actor name")

To get notified when a child actor is terminated/stopped you have to watch it: This command is commonly called directly after the child actor being started.


context.stop(actor). When called, all children are stopped and a Terminated event is fired and received by the watching actor:

case Terminated(customer) =>"The actor $customer is terminated !")

If it's not handled then a DeathPactException is thrown.

Moreover the stop() command will stop the actor after the message it's currently processing. There are several ways to stop an actor like special messages:

  • actor ! PoisonPill
  • actor ! Kill

Those two messages are enqueued into the actor mailbox and thus stop the actor when it deals with one of them. The last one will throw an ActorKilledException


The idea is to handle errors/exceptions and define a resulting strategy on how to proceed after.

There are two different default strategies: OneForOneStrategy and AllForOneStrategy. The first provides a strategy for a faulty child actor and the latter, a strategy for all children (even if they aren't faulty).

For most exceptions the default strategy is to restart the faulty actor and continue.

// Override restarts on CaffeineException by stopping the faulty actor
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = {
  val decider: SupervisorStrategy.Decider = {
    case CaffeineException => Stop
    case FrustratedException(expectedCoffee, guest) =>
      cook.forward(PrepareCoffee(expectedCoffee, guest))


In the above case we decided to stop the actor when a CaffeineException is triggered and to override restart of the other exception by forwarding a message to the cook. The latter provides a self-healing scenario to our workflow (global application isn't stopped and exception managed properly).


Here we override the OneForOneStrategy by only adding our exceptions thanks to orElse which will apply the default decider if exceptions do not match.

Actor behavior

Sometimes you would like to change an actor behavior for specific reasons.

Hot-swapping method
override def receive: Receive = ready
def ready: Receive = {
  case _ => context.become(busy)
  // Send Done msg to self when done.
def busy: Receive = {
  case Done => context.become(ready)
Behavior stack
def ready: Receive = {
  case _ => context.become(busy, discardOld = false)
  // Send Done msg to self when done.
def busy: Receive = {
  case Done => context.unbecome()

Here the idea is to keep old state behavior in a stack. When Done is handled, the old state is set back.

Be careful not to create memory-leaks !


The idea is to also keep messages that are not handled by our actor in order to process them later:

def ready: Receive = {
  case _ => context.become(busy)
  // Send Done msg to self when done.
def busy: Receive = {
  case Done =>
    unstashAll()          // stashed messages will be added to the actor mailbox.
  case _ =>

Stash size can be set in config

Combining both
// Barista actor
override def receive: Receive = ready
private def ready: Receive = {
  case PrepareCoffee(coffee, guest) =>
      CoffeePrepared(selectCoffee(coffee), guest),
private def busy(waiter: ActorRef): Receive = {
  case coffeePrepared: CoffeePrepared =>
    waiter ! coffeePrepared
  case _ => stash()

When using timers, be sure to define its value into a lazy variable otherwise you'll probably get a NullPointerException due to initialization order.

Ask pattern

Send a message (request) and expect an answer (response). In order to do this, use ask ? operator (which is a Future). Be sure to import it with: import akka.pattern.ask:

import akka.pattern.ask


val response = actor ? PingMessage

response.mapTo[PongMessage] onComplete {
  case Success() => ???
  case Failure() => ???

or in an actor:

actor ? PingMessage pipeTo self

Here we pipe the response of the Future to ourself.

Hint: In actor code only use ask in combination with pipeTo to not break the single thread illusion. More concretely always use pipeTo with Futures inside actors.

Ex: Getting the status of an actor (CoffeeHouse)


object CoffeeHouse {
  case object GetStatus
  case class Status(guestCount: Int)

class CoffeeHouse ... {
  override def receive: Receive = {
    case GetStatus => sender() ! Status(guestBook.size)

CoffeeHouseApp (the actor-system):

object CoffeeHouseApp {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val coffeeHouseApp = new CoffeeHouseApp(system)(statusTimeout)

  class CoffeeHouseApp(system: ActorSystem)(implicit statusTimeout: Timeout) {
    import system.dispatcher
    protected def status(): Unit = {
      (coffeeHouse ? CoffeeHouse.GetStatus).mapTo[CoffeeHouse.Status] onComplete {
        case Success(status) =>"Number of guests: ${status.guestCount}")
        case Failure(error) => log.error(s"An error occurred while trying to get the status: $error")

We're asking the actor CoffeeHouse by sending it a GetStatus message which will respond with the number of guests. Then, we map the Future into a Status case class which will handle a parameter corresponding to this number.

Routers & dispatchers


The router routes messages to routees. Routees are actors that can process messages in parallel.

There are many routing strategies provided by Akka:

Strategy Purpose
RandomRoutingLogic Choose an actor randomly
RoundRobinRoutingLogic Choose an actor by order in a pool 
SmallestMailboxRoutingLogic Choose the smallest mailbox actor (local actors only) 
ConsistentHashingRoutingLogic Choose an actor considering a given pattern
BroadcastRoutingLogic Choose every actors
ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRoutingLogic Choose also everyone and select the first one which responds
TailChoppingRoutingLogic Choose everyone too but ask each one independently (delay between all asks)
Router types
Type Role
Pool Router Create and supervise routees with a given configuration
Group Router Each routee has its own parent and the router only routes messages to them

Hint: Kill and PoisonPill cannot be interpreted by the routees


There are basically two different ways of creating a router. One way using the provided config and another way providing directly the router strategy:

context.actorOf(Props(new SomeActor).withRouter(FromConfig()), "some-actor-name") // 1
context.actorOf(FromConfig.props(SomeActor.props()), "some-actor-name")           // 1 bis
context.actorOf(RoundRobinPool(4).props(Props(new SomeActor)), "some-actor-name") // 2

Here is an example of configuration:

akka {
  actor {
    deployment {
      /coffee-house/barista {     // represents /actor-system/actor
        router = round-robin-pool
        nr-of-instances = 4


Dispatchers are basically an entity which can control how many threads are allocated to actors for a given amount of time.

Dispatcher types
Type  Role
Dispatcher Share threads from a pool of threads (the default one)
PinnedDispatcher Each actor gets its own thread (rarely used)
CallingThreadDispatcher Use only one thread (only used for test purposes)

Generally speaking an other dispatcher from the default one is used for long running blocking operations like a big SQL query or any other type of process which requires a long execution. Thus you'll have to use a specific dispatcher for this kind of operation. The default one is used for really fast operations.

context.actorOf(Props(new SomeActor).withDispatcher("my-dispatcher")

Here is an optimized dispatcher configuration exploiting the maximum of a machine. In that case my computer has 6 physical cores:

akka {
  actor {
    deployment {
      /coffee-house/barista {
        router = round-robin-pool
        nr-of-instances = 12
    default-dispatcher {
      fork-join-executor {
        parallelism-min = 4
        parallelism-factor = 3.0 // Nb of physical cores / 2
        parallelism-max = 18     // Limit is = nb physical * parallelism-factor

Here, parallelism keyword represents threads.

You can recognize a good configuration when there's no spiky behavior in your processed messages diagram (oscillating value of operation per second).

One other fact: it's preferable not to have the same values into nr-of-instances and parallelism-max because it means your routees will fight together with internal actors (whose belong to Akka internals) to get the thread execution time allowed. You have to leave some extra-threads.


In Akka cluster stack we distinguish three important notions:

Notion Purpose
Cluster aware routers Distributes application instances across cluster machines
Cluster sharding Distributes actors across cluster machines (caching actors to prevent database reads)
Distributed data In-memory, replicated data storage for each node

In order to activate clusters, update your application.conf with:

akka {
  actor {
    provider = cluster

Then, you are going to interact with remote actors. They are accessible through an address of this form: akka://<ActorSystem>@<Hostname>:<Port>/<ActorPath>. To enable remote addresses, you have to set a remote transport protocol (Artery):

akka {
  remote {
    artery {
      transport=tcp                  // Or aeron-udp / tls-tcp
      canonical {

Each instance of the actor system that connects to the cluster is associated to an uid which is randomly generated and represents it's lifecycle.

Joining a cluster

To join an existing cluster, you have to retrieve its seed nodes:


akka {
  cluster {
    seed-nodes = [

Or, alternatively you can use Akka Cluster Bootstrap technique to dynamically assign seed nodes.

Cluster management

Akka HTTP Cluster Management provides a set of HTTP endpoints to manage the cluster.

akka {
  management {
    http {
      hostname = ""
      port = 8558
      route-providers-read-only = true // Or false to w access to this endpoint.

To start use: Akka management: AkkaManagement(system).start() after actor system has been created.


Method Route Description
GET /cluster/members/ Exposes the status of the cluster, membership, unreachable nodes, etc.
PUT /cluster/members/{address} Initiate a change to the cluster membership
GET /cluster/shards/{name} Exposes the shard information


Each node/member of the cluster interact with each other through a gossip protocol. They inform others about their own status at a given time and when all nodes are aware of each others it's called gossip convergence.

  • It begins with the Joining state, then once all nodes have seen the new one trying to join them, the leader sets it to Up.
  • When leaving the cluster, a node will move itself to the Leaving state
  • After leaving, once convergence is reached (every one is aware of the leave), the leader sets it to Exiting
  • Then the node sets it as Removed and must be restarted before it can rejoin

In order to gossip, each node interact with others thanks to a heartbeat message defining the node status.

Cluster failure

In case of network failure resulting in a network partition, you'll have to manually Down an Unreachable member.

To do so, you can use Akka Management by sending a form-data HTTP PUT to: <akka-management-address>/cluster/members/<member-address> with the following body: operation=down.

WARNING: Be sure to Terminate the member before downing it in order to avoid a Split Brain condition.

Healing a cluster

  • Your nodes are Up and it's okay
  • A problem occurs and a node become Unreachable as your Akka Management dashboard shows you at http://localhost:8558/cluster/members
  • You have to terminate the member/node:
    • Find its PID: lsof -i :2551 | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $2}'.
    • Kill it: kill -9 <pid>
  • You have to Down the node: curl -w '\n' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' -F operation=down http://localhost:8559/cluster/members/{address}
  • Then, restart the node !

There are different strategies to make your cluster self-healing by resolving split brain thanks to Lightbend Split Brain Resolver:

  • static-quorum: specifies the number of nodes in the cluster (static)
  • keep-majority: tracks the size of the cluster and keep the majority which is re-calculated when adding/removing nodes
  • keep-oldest: keep the oldest node sub-cluster
  • keep-referee: keep all nodes which communicate to a designated node called the referee
  • down-all: if any node become Unreachable, terminate all nodes
  • lease-majority: (for kubernetes) similar to keep-majority

Cluster sharding

Sharding provides a way to serve reads directly from memory, rather than the database.

Stateless applications issues

These are applications which doesn't rely on a context/state to work. Basically there's no state in the application. Although they are not completely stateless since their database(s) keeps state anyway ! This kind of application provides strong consistency, it means a single source of truth: the database.

WARNING: It also means a single point of contention: the source of truth becomes a bottleneck. It can also be a single point of failure !

Database sharding

We've previously seen cons of using stateless applications due to their single point of contention. Sharding can help to solve this issue by replicating data into subsets called shards (also known as partitions). Shards are accessed by a shard coordinator which routes all requests to corresponding shard.

Shards are distributed into shard regions (usually one shard region per JVM for a type of entity / one shard region by node).


Entity is a reference to an Actor and are distributed into Shards. In order to process incoming messages, an Extractor function is used to divide it into:

  • An entity id
  • A Message which will be passed to the Entity actor

Inside the actor, its entity id can be accessed via: Basically, if you want to generate a random ID based on the entity's name:

private val entityId = UID.fromString(
  • Entity Id

The crucial information in order to communicate is the Entity Id.

A common pattern is to create an envelope that contains the entity id and the associated message. Otherwise you'll have to extract the entity id from the message itself.

case class Envelope(entityId: String, message: Any)
val idExtractor: ExtractEntityId = {
  case Envelope(id, msg) => (id, msg)

You may want to extract the shard from an envelope:

  • Shard Id

Once again, extract your shard id this way, with the Hashcode modulo method:

val shardIdExtractor: ExtractShardId = {
  case Envelope(id, _) =>
    (Math.abs(id.hashCode % totalShards)).toString

Best practice: 10 shards per node

Balancing shards

The idea is to have an even distribution of entities in each shard of each node to avoid hotspots (unbalanced distribution: too many entities in a single shard).



...a shard for a specific actor type:

val shardActorRefs = ClusterSharding(actorSystem).start(
  "myShardedActors",                    // Name for the type of actors being sharded
  idExtractor,                          // Entity Id extractor function
  shardIdExtractor                      // Shard Id extractor function
shardActorRefs ! Envelope(entityId, someMessage)
Find existing shard region:

val shardActorRefs = ClusterSharding(actorSystem).shardRegion("myShardedActors")

Useful when you don't want to recreate it.


Used when there's no shard on the local node (it won't create any shard region):

val proxyActorRefs = ClusterSharding(actorSystem).startProxy(

Stateful applications pros

Stateless applications have their database as a single point of contention.

In stateful applications, each sharded actor handles messages one at a time. Thus, actors are a point of contention. However the contention is distributed across many actors as the cluster can be scaled up (or down) as necessary.

It means no more contention !


It consists at adding a state into the Actor:

class MyActor extends Actor {
  private var state = ...
  override def receive: Receive = {
    case GetState => sender() ! state
    case UpdateState(newState) =>
      state = newState

Best practice: is to use wrappers such as Actors or Futures to avoid blocking operations to database.

class NonBlockingDB {
  def write(state: MyState): Future[Done]
  def read(id: MyId): Future[MyState]
Working asynchronously

The actor below won't process incoming messages until its state has been loaded:

class MyActor extends Actor with Stash {
  var state: Option[State] = None // No value in state by default

    .read(id)                     // read() is asynchronous and results into a Future
    .map(state =>
      StateLoaded(state)          // Encapsulate extracted state into a case class
    ) pipeTo self                 // Return state to ourself

  override def receive: Receive = waitingForState     // Delay receiving messages

  def waitingForState: Receive = {
    case StateLoaded(s) =>
      state = Some(s)
      context.become(running)            // Or another one behavior
    case Status.Failure(e) => throw e    // throw exception and restart the Actor (by default)
    case _ =>


Notice that when an exception occurs, the actor is restarted thanks to the default strategy of exceptions. However, all messages previously received in the mailbox which have been stashed are not lost and will be processed once the actor is restarted !

Real case example
class OrderActor(repository: OrderRepository) extends Actor with ActorLogging with Stash {
  import context.dispatcher
  import OrderActor._

  private var state: Option[Order] = None
  private val orderId: OrderId = OrderId(UUID.fromString(

  repository.find(orderId).map(OrderLoaded.apply) pipeTo self         // 1. Asynchronously pick data from DB and send OrderLoaded to ourself when complete

  override def receive: Receive = loading                             // 2. We asked DB so we start loading data

  private def loading: Receive = {
    case OrderLoaded(order) =>                                        // 3. We've got a response from DB
      state = order                                                   // 4. State is updated and behavior changed to running
    case Status.Failure(e) =>
      log.error(e, s"[$orderId] FAILURE: ${e.getMessage}")
      throw e                                                         // In order to restart actor
    case _ => stash()

  private def running: Receive = {
    case OpenOrder(server, table) =>                                  // Here we rely on the state"[$orderId] OpenOrder($server, $table)")
      state match {
        case Some(order) => duplicateOrder(orderId) pipeTo sender()   // 8. State isn't empty, do some stuff
        case None =>
          context.become(waiting)                                     // 5. Wait for DB write since there's no state
          openOrder(orderId, server, table).pipeTo(self)(sender())    // 6. Asynchronous write call to DB (Future) and passing a reference to the original sender() as param


  private def waiting: Receive = {
    case evt @ OrderOpened(order) =>                                  // 6.2 Once openOrder has been completed, store state
      state = Some(order)
      sender() ! evt
      context.become(running)                                         // 7. Re-send event and go back to running behavior
    case failure @ Status.Failure(e) =>
      log.error(e, s"[$orderId] FAILURE: ${e.getMessage}")
      sender() ! failure
      throw e
    case _ => stash()

  private def openOrder(orderId: OrderId, server: Server, table: Table): Future[OrderOpened] = {    // 6.1 Asynchronous DB write and sent back OrderOpened message
    repository.update(Order(orderId, server, table, Seq.empty)).map(OrderOpened.apply)


Basically, it's removing idle actors from memory. Passivation removes actor from memory if it hasn't processed a message since a given configured time.

akka.cluster.sharding.passivate-idle-entity-after = 120 seconds 120s by default.

You can force an actor to Passivate this way:

import ShardRegion.Passivate
context.parent ! Passivate(stopMessage = Stop)
  • Early passivation can result in more frequent database access. Thus, it can reduce or eliminate the benefit of stateful actors.
  • Late passivation can result in high memory usage. It can make the application fragile or expensive to operate.

Best practices:

  • Set passivation time at the determined time an actor is active.
  • Watch your memory usage. If it's too high, then shorten the passivation time.


Happens at node creation/deletion.

It is the operation of moving shards into another Shard region. Messages to an Entity on the moving Shard are buffered. Theorically, once the move has been done, the messages will be delivered (it's not guaranteed).

least-shard-allocation-strategy {
  rebalance-threshold = 1  # Difference of shards > 1 (ie: One node has 3 shards and another one has 5 shards, 5 - 3 > 1, rebalances, otherwise not)
  max-simultaneous-rebalance = 3
Remembering entities

When a shard has been migrated, its entities have been too. You can choose to restart those entities with the following configuration: ClusterShardingSettings(system).withRememberEntities(true) for a specific type of entity, or globally: akka.cluster.sharding.remember-entities = on.

It will disable automatic passivation !

Notice: However you can still passivate an actor by sending its parent a Passivate message.

Notice: The list of entities can be recovered even after a full cluster restart !


Adapt ExtractShardId function by adding a case:

val shardIdExtractor: ExtractShardId = {
  case Envelope(entityId, _) =>
    Math.abs(entityId.hashCode % 30).toString
  case ShardRegion.StartEntity(entityId) =>
    Math.abs(entityId.hashCode % 30).toString

Remembering entities isn't cheap. It requires all nodes in the cluster to be aware of all running entities !

Best practice: Limit Remember entities to cases where there's a small number of active entities.

Use cases:

  • When entity has scheduled process that may not have completed
  • When time to restart an entity is too long (long to hydrate)
  • When resource savings of passivating are insignificant
Delaying deployment avoid first node handling all of the load and thus, become unresponsive

If Remembering entities is enabled, the problem is even more severe because it will also start the remembered entities ! If it succeeds, rebalancing will take a long time.

To prevent a node to handle all of the load, here is a configuration you can set: akka.cluster.min-nr-of-members = 3

Members remain in a Joining state until the minimum requirement is met.

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