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Last active November 17, 2016 17:09
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Multi dimensional array with automatic expansion
# Multi dimensional array with automatic expansion
# compatible with masked arrays
import numpy as np
# convert a flat index to a dimension indexes
# 7 => (1,1,1)
def static_index_to_key(itemsize, strides, index):
key = [0] * len(strides)
index *= itemsize
last_d = 0
for d in range(len(strides)):
key[d] = int((index - last_d) / strides[d])
last_d += key[d] * strides[d]
# convert dimension indexes to flat index
# (1,1,1) => 7
def static_key_to_index(itemsize, strides, key):
index = 0
for d in range(len(strides)):
index += (strides[d] / itemsize) * key[d]
# Multi dimensional array with automatic expansion
# You can assign values outside the current bounds and the array will fit to accomodate
# If you query a key outside the current bound it will return None
# v1.0 10/2016 pemn
class FitArray(np.ndarray):
_default_value = np.nan
# custom serializer that can handle multiple dimensions and None type
# the default serializar will break when it sees a None instead of dtype
def __str__(self):
r = ""
for i in range(self.size):
r += "%d %s %s\n" % (i, self.index_to_key(i), self.flat[i])
# get a value, or None if outside current bounds
def __getitem__(self, key):
# Ensure key has tuple type
if type(key)==int:
for i in range(self.ndim):
# the requested key is outside the current bounds
if i < len(key) and (isinstance(key[i], int) and key[i] >= self.shape[i]):
# inside bounds
# print("key def",key)
# out of bounds
# set a value, extending array dimensions as needed
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# Ensure key has list type
if type(key)==int:
key=[key, 0]
new_shape = list(self.shape)
for i in range(max(len(key),self.ndim)):
if(i >= len(new_shape)):
# if we are trying to access beyond the current dimensions, we need to extend
if key[i] >= new_shape[i]:
new_shape[i] = key[i]+1
# if key is smaller than the current data, adjust so it will access the first element of each dimension
# Ex.: [3,3] => [3,3,0,0]
if i >= len(key):
if(self.shape != tuple(new_shape)):
return super().__setitem__(key, value)
# fit the array to a new (bigger) shape, while preserving the key addresses
def fit(self, new_shape):
old_size, old_strides = self.size, self.strides
# resize will give the array a new shape, but data will fall on different keys addresses
super().resize(new_shape, refcheck=False)
# fixes the data positions according to old shape key addresses
for i in range(self.size -1, -1, -1):
# the current key on the new shape
new_key = self.index_to_key(i)
# the flat index of the current key in the old shape
old_i = static_key_to_index(self.itemsize, old_strides, new_key)
# the corresponding key on the old shape
old_key = static_index_to_key(self.itemsize, old_strides, old_i)
if(old_i < old_size and old_key == new_key):
# put on this position the correct value restored directly from the position that inherited the data after the resize
super().__setitem__(new_key, super().__getitem__(self.index_to_key(old_i)))
super().__setitem__(new_key, self._default_value)
def index_to_key(self, index):
return(static_index_to_key(self.itemsize, self.strides, index))
def key_to_index(self, index):
return(static_key_to_index(self.itemsize, self.strides, index))
# entry point
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 2 dimensions, fixed starting size
a = FitArray((3,3), dtype = np.float_)
for i in range(a.shape[0]):
for j in range(a.shape[1]):
a[i,j] = i * 10 + j
# resize to a (4,4) shape preserving the current data structure
a[3,3] = 33
# 3 dimensions, free starting shape
b = FitArray((0,0,0), 'float')
b[1,1,1] = 111
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