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Created December 4, 2015 23:23
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Create an alias to connect to SSH and set up the key pair authentication to avoid using passwords
echo "This will setup keypair-authentication so you would not need password to connect to server anymore"
# ssh_alias=""
echo "SSH alias?"; read ssh_alias
# ssh_user="root"
echo "Username?"; read ssh_user
# ssh_server=""
echo "Server IP?"; read ssh_server
# ssh_port="22"
echo "Port?"; read ssh_port
echo -e "\n\n\n" | ssh-keygen -t rsa -f $ssh_keyfile -N ""
if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/ssh-copy-id ]; then
echo "Installing ssh-copy-id"
curl -L | sh
echo "Installing the key on the server "$ssh_server
ssh_string=$(echo $ssh_user"@"$ssh_server" -p"$ssh_port)
ssh-copy-id -i $ssh_keyfile "$ssh_string"
echo "Updating .ssh/config on your machine"
echo "\n\n# An alias to connect to "$ssh_alias" server\nHost "$ssh_alias"\n\tHostname "$ssh_server"\n\tUser "$ssh_user"\n\tPort "$ssh_port"\n\tIdentityFile "$ssh_keyfile"\n\n" >> $HOME/.ssh/config
echo "SSH into server using the alias"
ssh $ssh_alias
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