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Last active January 29, 2016 15:19
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AABB transformation
//-O0: SSE is ~6.3x faster
//-O1: SSE is ~4.6x faster
//-O2: SSE is ~2.5x faster
//-O3: SSE is ~2.2x faster
//-Og: SSE is ~5.5x faster
//-Ofast: SSE is ~1.7x faster
//-Os: SSE is ~2.3x faster
//You probably should not trust these timings.
//Compiled with GCC 5.3.1
//Ran on a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU
//Matrices are in column-major layout (or OpenGL or non-Direct3D layout).
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include <math.h>
void transformAABB_SSE(const float matrix_[4][4], float min[4], float max[4]) {
__m128 rmin = _mm_loadu_ps((const float*)matrix_+12);
__m128 rmax = rmin;
#define ITER(j) {\
__m128 x = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(min[j]), _mm_loadu_ps((const float*)&matrix_[j]));\
__m128 y = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(max[j]), _mm_loadu_ps((const float*)&matrix_[j]));\
rmin = _mm_add_ps(rmin, _mm_min_ps(x, y));\
rmax = _mm_add_ps(rmax, _mm_max_ps(x, y));\
#undef ITER
_mm_store_ps(min, rmin);
_mm_store_ps(max, rmax);
void transformAABB(const float matrix[4][4], float min[4], float max[4]) {
float rmin[3] = {matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2]};
float rmax[3] = {matrix[3][0], matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2]};
#define ITER(i, j) {\
float x = min[j] * matrix[j][i];\
float y = max[j] * matrix[j][i];\
rmin[i] += fmin(x, y);\
rmax[i] += fmax(x, y);\
ITER(0, 0)
ITER(0, 1)
ITER(0, 2)
ITER(1, 0)
ITER(1, 1)
ITER(1, 2)
ITER(2, 0)
ITER(2, 1)
ITER(2, 2)
#undef ITER
min[0] = rmin[0];
min[1] = rmin[1];
min[2] = rmin[2];
max[0] = rmax[0];
max[1] = rmax[1];
max[2] = rmax[2];
int main(int argc) {
const float matrix[4][4];
float min[4];
float max[4];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
transformAABB_SSE(matrix, min, max);
//Stop the compiler from optimizing stuff away.
return min[0] + min[1] + min[2] + max[0] + max[1] + max[2];
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