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Last active July 24, 2023 03:01
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Subreddit Directory for /r/CasualConversation/w/directory

/r/CasualConversation tends to attract people who just need someone to talk to.^* Sometimes these conversations don't fall into the spirit of the sub so we will re-direct them to an existing subreddit that may better suit their needs.

^(This listing also serves to share subreddits beyond what we can fit in our sidebar. Let us know about any others you'd like to see added at /r/IdeasForCC)

See the Index to jump to a relevant section. ⤑


^(If you're having a tough time please check out our) ^Support ^Resources.
^(Need help now?) ^( call) ^1-800-273-TALK ^(8255) ^or ^text ^START ^to ^741-741 ^for ^the ^(Crisis Text Line.) ^(International lines can be found) ^(here) ^and ^(here.)


→ Cheering up

category reddit communities & links →
Someone to talk to /r/7CupsofTea /r/kindvoice /r/Needafriend /r/Hardshipmates /r/havingahardtime /r/getting_over_it/r/Needafriend listing
Cheering up /r/feelgood /r/MMFB

→ Venting

category reddit communities & links →
Distress / Venting /r/vent /r/talk /r/offmychest /r/whatsbotheringyou /r/havingahardtime /r/DiaryOfARedditor /r/confession
/r/confessions /r/TrueOffMyChest /r/Dear_Ex /r/UnsentLetters
Rant /r/rant /r/Anger /r/rage /r/apologizeplease

→ Counseling & Coping

category reddit communities & links →
Therapy, Self Help, Coping Skills /r/dbtselfhelp /r/CBTpractice /r/SelfHelp /r/helpmecope /r/traumatoolbox /r/arttocope /r/polarbeartunes
Hard times, Grieving /r/7CupsofTea /r/hardshipmates /r/kindvoice /r/familysupport /r/BackOnYourFeet /r/havingahardtime /r/toxicparents

→ Advice & Self-Improvement

category reddit communities & links →
General /r/Advice /r/needadvice /r/confidence /r/WhereDoIBegin /r/Iwanttolearn
Gendered Advice /r/TwoXChromosomes /r/AskMen /r/AskWomen /r/askwomenadvice /r/AskParents /r/MotherlyAdvice
Teen /r/highschool /r/teenagers /r/askredditteenagers /r/teenrelationships /r/troubledteens /r/itgetsbetter
Education /r/applyingtocollege
Tutors, Mentorship /r/mentors /r/needacoach /r/internetparents /r/tutor
Career, Life /r/careerguidance /r/findapath /r/forhire /r/EmploymentAssistance /r/Jobs /r/resumes /r/LifeGoals /r/existential_crisis ・ My Next Move50 Ways To Get A Job
Social /r/SocialSkills /r/NoLongerAlone /r/socialanxiety /r/Needafriend
/r/MakingFriends /r/MakeNewFriendsHere /r/r4r /r/friendship
Relationship /r/relationships /r/relationship_advice /r/dating_advice /r/ihaveissues /r/relationship_tips
/r/teenagers /r/longdistance /r/AskMen /r/AskWomen /r/LGBT /r/Marriage /r/datingoverthirty /r/sexover30 /r/AskMenOver30 /r/AskWomenOver30
/r/BreakUps /r/Dear_Ex /r/ExNoContact /r/nocontact /r/divorce /r/rejectionhelp /r/rejectiontherapy /r/abandonment
Gift Ideas: /r/Gifts /r/GiftIdeas /r/perfectgifts
Parenting, Caregiving /r/parenting /r/radicalparenting /r/SingleParents /r/nanny /r/caregiversupport /r/stepparents ・ Listing 1, 2
Pregnancy ・ /r/TryingForABaby /r/adoption /r/Infertility
Sexual /r/SaferSex /r/SexPositive /r/birthcontrol /r/STD
Legal /r/legaladvice
Financial /r/FinancialPlanning /r/frugal /r/FinancialIndependence /r/lifegoals
Medical /r/AskDocs /r/health /r/getwell /r/AskDoctorSmeeee ・ (Reddit's Medical Information Disclaimer)

| Self-Improvement | /r/selfhelp /r/productivity /r/getdisciplined /r/DecidingToBeBetter /r/GetMotivated /r/LifeGoals /r/ZenHabits /r/NonZeroDay | /r/GotMotivated /r/GetMotivated /r/MotivateMe /r/GetStudying /r/GetOutOfBed /r/selfimprovement /r/affirmations Lifestyle | Fitness: /r/loseit /r/gainit /r/fitness /r/health Sobriety: /r/teetotal /r/sobernauts Caffiene: /r/decaf | /r/eood Fashion | /r/femalefasionadvice, /r/malefashionadvice, /r/frugalfemalefashion, /r/frugalmalefashion Makeup: /r/makeupaddiction Skills | Writing: /r/handwriting /r/writing /r/writingprompts /r/WritingHub /r/writing/wiki/hub

→ Mental Health, Grief & Sadness

category reddit communities & links →
Sadness / Depression /r/depression /r/depressed /r/hardshipmates /r/mixednuts /r/BackOnYourFeet /r/sad /r/mentalhealth /r/GFD
Treatment: /r/depressionregimens /r/eood
Suicide /r/suicidewatch /r/SWResources /r/stopselfharm ・ Coping with Suicidal Thoughts (PDF)
Anxiety /r/anxiety /r/panicparty /r/mixednuts
Mental Illness /r/mixednuts /r/BipolarReddit /r/mentalillness /r/Diagnosed /r/OCD /r/ADHD /r/autism
/r/neurodiversity /r/uniqueminds
Intense Anger /r/rant /r/Anger
Loss of a Loved One, Grieving /r/LostALovedOne /r/griefsupport /r/inmemoryof /r/Grieving /r/Death
From Suicide: /r/SuicideBereavement Military: /r/thefallen
Stories: /r/obituaries /r/obits Pets: /r/Petloss
Survivors: /r/babyloss /r/widowers /r/childrenofdeadparents /r/abandonment

| Abuse | /r/AbuseInterrupted /r/sfts /r/survivorsofabuse /r/bullying Rape, Sexual Assault | /r/rapecounseling /r/rape /r/secondary_survivors /r/pandys /r/AdultSurvivors /r/afterthesilence /r/titleix /r/MSTsurvivors /r/mengetrapedtoo Self-Harm | /r/stopselfharm /r/selfharmcommunity /r/dbtselfhelp Eating Disorders | /r/BodyAcceptance /r/EDRecovery /r/arfid /r/FoodAddiction /r/stopselfharm /r/dbtselfhelp /r/EatingDisorderHope | Substance Abuse & Recovery | /r/addiction /r/REDDITORSINRECOVERY /r/addictionprevention Drinking | /r/stopdrinking /r/DinosaursInRecovery /r/SMARTRecovery /r/alcoholism /r/alcoholicsanonymous Smoking | /r/stopsmoking /r/leaves /r/StopDipping Sexual | /r/NoFap /r/pornfree Other | /r/opiatesrecovery /r/problemgambling /r/Trichsters Internet Addiction | /r/NoSurf /r/HowToQuitReddit Video Game Addiction | /r/StopGaming /r/addiction ・ Post by /u/doctordaedalus

→ Other Serious Topics

category reddit communities & links →
Not Casual / Serious /r/SeriousConversation /r/DepthHub
Debates /r/changemyview /r/DebateReligion
Religion /r/DebateReligion
Politics /r/politics /r/PoliticalDiscussion /r/CasualPolitics
Ageism /r/youthrights /r/kidsrights
Drugs /r/Drugs/wiki/subreddits
NSFW, Hypersexual /r/sex /r/SaferSex /r/SexPositive /r/cancer
Health Complications /r/health /r/cancer

→ Assistance, Favors, Fundraising

category reddit communities & links →
Assistance / Help /r/Assistance /r/Food_Pantry
monetary /r/Borrow /r/care /r/microlending /r/basicneeds
not monetary /r/ineedafavor /r/needabro
Fundraising /r/gofundme

→ Research, Crowdsourcing

category reddit communities & links →
Not Conversational
Searching /r/tipofmytongue /r/helpmefind /r/findareddit /r/LookingForSomeoneWho
Identification /r/whatisthisthing /r/whatsthisworth /r/whereisthis
/r/whatsthisbug /r/whatsthisbird /r/whatsthisplant /r/whatsthisrock
Research, Survey /r/SampleSize /r/TodayIResearched /r/answers
Suggestions /r/ifyoulikeblank
Homework /r/HomeworkHelp /r/Proofreading /r/favors /r/ineedafavor
Purchasing /r/GoodValue /r/WhereCanIBuyThis /r/BuyItForLife /r/WhatToLookForInA /r/shutupandtakemymoney /r/isitbullshit
Team, Collaboration /r/TeamItUp /r/LookingForSomeoneWho
Contests /r/helpmewin

→ Self-Promotion, Personal Projects

category reddit communities & links →
Self Promotion, Project Plugs /r/somethingimade /r/ShareItWithMe /r/shamelessplug /r/tellreddit /r/TodayIAchieved
General /r/newreddits /r/HeyComeVisitOurSub /r/ideas /r/Lightbulb
Books /r/selfpublish /r/wroteabook /r/CharacterNames
Music /r/wearethemusicmakers /r/letstalkmusic /r/MyMusic /r/ThisIsOurMusic /r/TheseAreOurAlbums /r/RateMyAudio /r/Music /r/soundcloud
Film /r/Filmmakers
Youtube /r/youtubers
Streamer /r/Twitch

→ Meta

category reddit communities & links →
Meta /r/IdeasforCC
Reddit Help Desk101 ・ /r/newtoreddit /r/help
official /r/announcements /r/blog /r/changelog /r/bugs /r/modsupport /r/ideasfortheadmins
discussion /r/TheoryofReddit

                 Help build our listing of alternative sub-reddits and resources. ⤑


#If you like CC, you also might be into…

category reddit communities & links →
CC Network /r/CasualGames /r/CasualMinecrafting /r/SeriousConversation /r/IdeasforCC
See our Official CC Network wiki →
Neighbors /r/CasualDraw /r/casualscience /r/CasualNetflix /r/FriendsFromPlug
Parody /r/intense_conversation /r/k_Conversations
Other Language Conversations Français: /r/banalites , Deutsch: /r/germanconversation
Adult /r/adultcasualconvo /r/ChillConversation
Pineapples /r/knightsofpineapple /r/fruitunion

##→ Happy, Warm & Fuzzy Feel Good Vibes

category reddit communities & links →
Feel good, Happy, Warm & Fuzzy /r/happy /r/GoodFeelings /r/TellMeSomethingGood /r/UpliftingNews /r/goodnewseveryone /r/ExamplesOfGood /r/feelgood /r/MadeMeSmile /r/contagioussmiles /r/contagiouslaughter /r/palatecleanser /r/reasonstolive
Appreciation /r/greenflags /r/ThankYou /r/toastme
Accomplishments /r/AccomplishedToday
Celebration /r/cakeday /r/todayiam /r/TellReddit
/r/JustEngaged /r/JustMarried /r/babybump

##→ Social, Like-minded, Topic-specific

category reddit communities & links →
Social, Like-minded, Topic-specific /r/self /r/lifeinapost /r/TellReddit /r/TodayIAm /r/TIDTRT /r/ThatCrazyTime
AMA, Q&A /r/casualiama /r/ILiveIn /r/drunk /r/drunkenAMA /r/FunAskReddit /r/nostupidquestions /r/isitbullshit /r/TooAfraidToAsk
Facts /r/CasualTodayILearned
Stories /r/ThatCrazyTime /r/TodayIBullshitted Hub: /r/TalesFrom
Thoughts, Theories /r/totd /r/intrusivethoughts /r/Showerthoughts /r/CringyThoughts /r/CreepyThoughts /r/DeepThoughts /r/RandomThoughts /r/SleeplessThoughts /r/childtheories /r/MyTheoryIs Afterthoughts: /r/staircasewit
Predictions /r/markmywords /r/CalledIt
Ideas /r/lightbulb /r/crazyideas /r/shittyideas /r/humorideas /r/onlyintheory /r/TryThisOut
R4R, Social /r/r4r /r/LetsChat /r/InternetFriends /r/penpals /r/nightowls ・ /r/textfriends Listing →/r/Needafriend listing
Meet /r/AlienExchange /r/meetpeople /r/TeaWithStrangers /r/grababeer /r/MeetandEat
Selfies /r/rateme /r/AmIUgly
Grown, Adult /r/RedditForGrownups /r/adultcasualconvo /r/ChillConversation
Alien Human /r/CertainlyNotAliens
Personalities /r/MBTI
Productivity /r/ProductivePenPals
Games /r/casualgames /r/casualminecrafting /r/playdate /r/steamfriend /r/IJustPlayed /r/longlostgamers
In-depth Discussions /r/TrueAskReddit /r/insightfulquestions /r/hypotheticalsituation /r/nostupidquestions /r/seriousconversation /r/WhatWouldYouDoIf /r/DepthHub /r/TheArtifice
Science /r/casualscience
Movies /r/Ijustwatched /r/Trailers /r/TrueFilm /r/MovieSuggestions /r/todayiwatched
Shows /r/Television
Music /r/IJustListened /r/LetsTalkMusic /r/ifyoulikeblank /r/recordstore /r/Flicks
Books /r/BooksAMA

##→ Supporting Others, Giving

category reddit communities & links →
Supporting Others /r/hardshipmates /r/kindvoice /r/helpit /r/SelfCompassion
Exchange /r/Wishlist /r/Free /r/favors /r/ineedafavor
Generousity /r/RandomKindness /r/getwell
Games: /r/GiftofGames /r/RandomActsOfGaming /r/PlayItForward /r/BoardGameExchange trades: /r/steamgameswap /r/gameswap
Donations /r/donate or /r/Donation
Volunteering /r/helpit /r/volunteer
Feedback /r/Lightbulb
Recommendations /r/ifyoulikeblank

→ Miscellaneous

category reddit communities & links →
Uncategorized /r/beermoney /r/GreenDawn
Self /r/self /r/misc /r/idea /r/ideas /r/CrazyIdeas /r/lifeinapost
/r/TodayImDoing /r/TIR /r/TodayIAte /r/TIG /r/todayibought /r/TodayIMet /r/TodayIDreamed /r/todayiwatched /r/TodayIWon /r/todayisaw
Memes /r/memes /r/adviceanimals
Imaginary Network /r/ImaginaryCityscapes

#→ Still lost? Try /r/findareddit

^(♥ credit to /u/silentnelite for contributing to our listing:




If you are struggling with feelings of depression, with suicidal thoughts or intent, or if you're just having a really tough time, we encourage you to talk to someone and ask for help: Please call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

・ International? See more hotlines here, here, or here

・ More comfortable with texting? Text STARTto 741-741 for the Crisis Text Line

・ Preferr to chat? There's someone here, here, or here.

・ For non-crisis support, try 7 Cups of Tea or /r/kindvoice

I hope things get better for you ~


Support Resources | ⤑ ---|--- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline1-800-273-TALK (8255) | Hotlines by Country: here 24-hour, toll-free, confidential suicide prevention hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Your call is routed to the nearest crisis center in the national network of more than 150 crisis centers. | ☏ TTY: 1-800-799-4889 Chat: Lifeline Chat
National Child Abuse Helpline:1-800-422-4453 | National Drug Abuse:1-800-662-HELP (4357) | National Domestic Violence Crisis Line:1-800-799-SAFE (7233) | ・ Read Coping with Suicidal Thoughts (PDF) and checkout this resource listing for more.

・ Reddit Communities: /r/suicidewatch /r/SWResources /r/depression /r/stopselfharm /r/dbtselfhelp /r/mixednuts /r/BackOnYourFeet /r/assistance

A Great Resource for People Needing Help by /r/HereToHelp ### 

More Hotlines | ⤑ ---|--- Suicide Hotline: ☏ 1-800-SUICIDE (2433) Can use in US, U.K., Canada and Singapore | Suicide Crisis Line: ☏ 1-800-999-9999 | National Suicide Prevention Helpline: ☏ 1-800-273-TALK (8255) | National Adolescent Suicide Helpline: ☏ 1-800-621-4000 | Postpartum Depression: ☏ 1-800-PPD-MOMS | NDMDA Depression Hotline— Support Group: ☏ 1-800-826-3632 | Veterans: ☏ 1-877-VET2VET | Crisis Help LineFor Any Kind of Crisis: ☏ 1-800-233-4357 | Suicide & Depression Crisis Line – Covenant House: ☏ 1-800-999-9999 |

"I am giving you these numbers. Pick the one that you feel best represents you. Program it in you phone. Obscure it so you GF or BF or mom doesnt know [sic] what it is. When that deep low comes again, which it will. Find a nice quiet [sic] place like a car or a room where no one will hear [sic] you. Call the number. They will listen, they want to help you. They can direct you to where you can get help…" — /u/networkdown


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^Feedback? ^Message ^the ^Mods ^or ^head ^to ^our ^metareddit ^/r/IdeasforCC ^・ ^Made ^with ^♥

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