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Last active March 29, 2022 00:37
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  • Save pengowray/85ea09f675c98d51c54e342bad3cb4a8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Most ambiguous ("worst") four-letter combos in Wordle (only non-short-list allowed guesses) [didn't mean to make this]
19. _ills: bills cills dills fills gills hills jills kills lills mills nills pills rills sills tills vills wills yills zills
15. _acks: backs cacks dacks hacks jacks kacks lacks macks packs racks sacks tacks wacks yacks zacks
15. _angs: bangs cangs dangs fangs gangs hangs kangs mangs pangs rangs sangs tangs vangs wangs yangs
15. _ests: bests fests gests hests jests kests lests nests pests rests tests vests wests yests zests
15. _ines: bines cines dines fines kines lines mines nines pines rines sines tines vines wines zines
14. _ales: bales dales eales gales hales kales males pales rales sales tales vales wales yales
14. _ares: bares cares dares fares gares hares lares mares nares pares rares tares vares wares
14. _arks: barks carks darks harks jarks karks larks marks narks parks rarks sarks warks yarks
14. _eals: beals deals feals geals heals meals neals peals reals seals teals veals weals zeals
14. _ells: bells cells dells fells hells jells kells mells pells sells tells vells wells yells
14. _inks: binks dinks finks ginks jinks kinks links minks oinks pinks rinks sinks tinks winks
14. _ocks: bocks cocks docks hocks jocks locks mocks nocks pocks rocks socks tocks wocks yocks
14. _ooks: books cooks dooks gooks hooks jooks kooks looks mooks nooks pooks rooks sooks zooks
14. co_ed: coded coked coled coned cooed coped cored cosed coted coved cowed coxed coyed cozed
13. _ails: bails fails hails jails kails mails nails pails rails sails tails vails wails
13. _ates: bates cates dates fates gates hates mates nates pates rates sates tates yates
13. _ears: bears dears fears gears hears lears nears pears rears sears tears wears years
13. _ents: bents cents dents fents gents hents kents pents rents sents tents vents wents
13. _ings: bings dings gings hings kings lings mings pings rings sings tings wings zings
13. _oles: boles coles doles goles holes joles moles noles poles roles soles toles voles
13. _ores: bores cores dores fores gores kores lores mores pores rores sores tores yores
13. _owed: bowed cowed dowed jowed lowed mowed nowed rowed sowed towed vowed wowed yowed
12. _ames: cames dames fames games hames james kames lames names sames tames wames
12. _ants: bants cants dants gants hants kants lants pants rants sants vants wants
12. _ared: bared cared dared eared fared hared oared pared rared sared tared wared
12. _ases: bases cases eases gases lases mases oases pases rases tases vases wases
12. _ites: bites cites dites gites kites lites mites nites rites sites wites yites
12. _oons: boons coons goons hoons loons moons noons poons roons toons woons zoons
12. _ucks: bucks ducks fucks gucks hucks lucks mucks pucks rucks sucks tucks yucks
12. _uffs: buffs cuffs duffs fuffs guffs huffs luffs muffs nuffs puffs ruffs tuffs
12. _umps: bumps dumps gumps humps jumps lumps mumps pumps rumps sumps tumps yumps
12. co_es: codes cokes coles comes cones copes cores coses cotes coves coxes cozes
12. ho_ed: hoaed hohed hoied hoked holed homed honed hoped hosed hoved hoxed hoyed
12. lo_es: lobes lodes loges lokes lomes lopes lores loses lotes loves lowes loxes
12. mo_es: mobes modes mokes moles momes mopes mores moses motes moues moves mozes
12. ra_ed: raced raged rahed raked raped rared rased rated raved raxed rayed razed
12. ra_es: races rages rajes rakes rales rapes rares rases rates raves raxes razes
12. ro_es: robes rodes rohes rokes roles rones ropes rores roses rotes roues roves
12. sa_es: sabes sades safes sages sakes sales sames sanes sates saves saxes sazes
11. _ains: cains fains gains hains kains mains pains rains sains tains wains
11. _akes: bakes cakes fakes hakes jakes lakes makes rakes sakes takes wakes
11. _anes: banes canes fanes janes kanes lanes manes panes sanes vanes wanes
11. _ards: bards cards eards fards hards lards nards pards sards wards yards
11. _asts: basts casts easts fasts gasts lasts masts oasts pasts vasts wasts
11. _aves: caves eaves faves haves laves naves oaves paves raves saves waves
11. _awed: cawed dawed hawed jawed kawed lawed mawed pawed sawed tawed yawed
11. _eans: beans deans geans jeans leans means peans reans seans weans yeans
11. _eats: beats feats geats heats jeats leats meats neats peats seats teats
11. _eeps: beeps deeps geeps jeeps keeps leeps neeps peeps seeps veeps weeps
11. _ends: bends fends hends lends mends pends rends sends tends vends wends
11. _eres: beres ceres deres feres geres heres leres meres peres seres teres
11. _exes: dexes hexes kexes lexes rexes sexes texes vexes wexes yexes zexes
11. _icks: dicks hicks kicks licks micks nicks picks ricks sicks ticks wicks
11. _ikes: bikes dikes fikes hikes kikes likes mikes pikes sikes tikes yikes
11. _okes: bokes cokes hokes jokes lokes mokes pokes rokes sokes tokes yokes
11. _ones: bones cones fones hones jones nones pones rones sones tones zones
11. _ongs: bongs dongs gongs hongs jongs longs mongs nongs pongs songs tongs
11. _onks: bonks conks gonks honks konks monks ponks tonks wonks yonks zonks
11. _oops: coops goops hoops loops moops noops poops roops soops woops yoops
11. _oses: coses doses hoses koses loses moses noses ooses poses roses toses
11. _ulls: bulls culls dulls fulls gulls hulls lulls mulls nulls pulls wulls
11. ca_es: cades cafes cages cakes cames canes capes cares cases cates caves
11. do_es: dobes doges doles domes dopes dores doses dotes doves doxes dozes
11. la_ed: laced laded laked lamed lased lated laved lawed laxed layed lazed
11. ma_es: mabes maces mages makes males manes mares mases mates maxes mazes
11. si_es: sices sides sikes siles sines sipes sires sises sites sixes sizes
11. ta_es: tabes taces tajes takes tales tames tapes tares tases tates taxes
11. wa_es: wades wages wakes wales wames wanes wares wases waves wawes waxes
10. _ades: cades fades gades hades jades kades lades sades vades wades
10. _affs: baffs caffs daffs faffs gaffs haffs naffs raffs waffs yaffs
10. _alls: balls calls falls galls halls lalls malls palls talls walls
10. _arns: barns carns darns earns harns karns larns tarns warns yarns
10. _ated: bated dated fated gated hated lated mated pated rated sated
10. _axes: faxes laxes maxes paxes raxes saxes taxes vaxes waxes zaxes
10. _ecks: becks decks fecks gecks hecks kecks mecks necks pecks recks
10. _eers: beers deers feers jeers leers meers peers seers teers veers
10. _elts: belts celts delts felts gelts kelts melts pelts welts yelts
10. _ides: aides bides cides fides hides nides rides sides tides wides
10. _inds: binds finds hinds kinds linds minds rinds sinds tinds winds
10. _ives: cives dives fives gives hives jives lives rives vives wives
10. _olls: bolls colls dolls jolls lolls molls nolls polls rolls tolls
10. _ools: bools cools dools fools gools mools pools sools tools wools
10. _oots: boots coots foots hoots loots moots poots roots soots toots
10. _otes: botes cotes dotes lotes motes notes potes rotes totes votes
10. _owls: bowls cowls dowls fowls gowls howls jowls nowls sowls yowls
10. cha_s: chads chais chals chams chaps chars chats chavs chaws chays
10. fa_es: faces fades fakes fames fanes fares fates faves faxes fazes
10. la_es: laces lades lakes lames lanes lares lases laves laxes lazes
10. pa_es: paces pages pales panes papes pares pases pates paves paxes
10. ri_es: ribes rices rides riles rimes rines ripes rises rites rives
10. to_ed: toged toked toled toned toped tosed toted towed toyed tozed
10. to_es: toges tokes toles tomes tones topes tores toses totes tozes
10. wa_ed: waded waged waked waled wamed waned wared waved waxed wayed
10. wi_es: wides wifes wiles wines wipes wires wises wites wives wizes
9. _airs: fairs gairs hairs lairs mairs pairs sairs vairs wairs
9. _aker: daker faker jaker laker naker oaker raker saker waker
9. _anks: banks danks fanks hanks lanks ranks tanks wanks yanks
9. _arts: carts darts farts harts karts marts parts tarts warts
9. _ayed: bayed fayed hayed layed mayed payed rayed sayed wayed
9. _azes: dazes fazes gazes hazes lazes mazes nazes razes sazes
9. _eare: beare deare feare geare heare leare meare peare seare
9. _eeds: deeds feeds heeds meeds needs reeds seeds weeds yeeds
9. _eels: feels heels jeels keels peels reels seels teels weels
9. _enes: benes denes genes lenes menes nenes penes senes tenes
9. _etes: betes cetes fetes hetes jetes ketes metes netes tetes
9. _iffs: biffs diffs jiffs miffs niffs riffs tiffs viffs ziffs
9. _iked: biked diked eiked fiked hiked liked miked piked yiked
9. _iled: ailed biled filed oiled piled riled siled tiled wiled
9. _ilts: gilts hilts jilts kilts lilts milts silts tilts wilts
9. _ined: dined fined lined mined pined sined tined vined wined
9. _ints: bints dints hints lints mints oints pints tints vints
9. _ippy: dippy gippy lippy nippy pippy sippy tippy yippy zippy
9. _ists: cists fists gists hists kists lists mists sists wists
9. _oled: coled doled holed joled moled poled soled toled voled
9. _olts: bolts colts dolts holts jolts molts polts tolts volts
9. _omes: comes domes fomes homes lomes momes nomes pomes tomes
9. _ooky: booky cooky gooky hooky kooky looky nooky rooky sooky
9. _orks: borks corks dorks forks horks norks porks works yorks
9. _orts: borts dorts forts morts ports rorts sorts torts worts
9. _osed: cosed dosed hosed losed mosed nosed posed rosed tosed
9. _ouks: bouks douks gouks jouks pouks souks touks youks zouks
9. _ours: cours fours hours jours lours pours sours tours yours
9. _outs: bouts douts gouts houts louts pouts routs souts touts
9. _oxes: boxes coxes doxes foxes goxes hoxes loxes noxes poxes
9. _rays: brays crays drays frays grays krays prays trays xrays
9. _unks: bunks dunks funks gunks hunks junks lunks punks sunks
9. _unts: aunts bunts cunts dunts hunts lunts munts punts runts
9. _usks: busks cusks dusks fusks husks lusks musks rusks tusks
9. _usts: busts dusts fusts gusts justs lusts musts ousts rusts
9. bi_es: bibes bices bides bikes biles bines bises bites bizes
9. bla_s: blabs blads blaes blags blahs blams blats blaws blays
9. bur_s: buras burbs burds burgs burks burls burns burps burrs
9. ca_ed: caaed caged caked caned caped cared cased caved cawed
9. car_s: carbs cards cares carks carls carns carps carrs carts
9. cla_s: clads claes clags clams clans claps clats claws clays
9. do_ed: doled domed doped dosed doted doved dowed doxed dozed
9. fa_ed: faced faded faked famed fared fated faxed fayed fazed
9. fi_es: fices fides fifes fikes files fines fires fives fixes
9. fla_s: flabs flags flaks flams flans flaps flats flaws flays
9. ga_es: gades gages gales games gapes gares gases gates gazes
9. ha_es: hades hajes hakes hales hames hares hates haves hazes
9. har_s: hards hares harks harls harms harns haros harps harts
9. ho_es: hokes holes homes hones hopes hoses hoves howes hoxes
9. le_es: ledes leges lemes lenes leres leses leves lexes lezes
9. lo_ed: lobed lomed looed loped losed loued loved lowed loxed
9. ma_ed: maaed maced maned mased mated mawed maxed mayed mazed
9. pa_ed: paced paged paled paned pared pated paved pawed payed
9. per_s: percs peres peris perks perms perns perps perts pervs
9. po_es: pokes poles pomes pones popes pores poses potes poxes
9. pro_s: proas probs prods profs progs proms props pross prows
9. s_ags: saags scags shags skags slags snags spags stags swags
9. ske_s: skeds skees skegs skens skeos skeps skers skets skews
9. so_as: sobas socas sodas sofas sojas solas somas soras soyas
9. ti_es: tices tides tiges tikes tiles times tines tires tizes
9. whi_s: whids whigs whims whins whios whips whirs whiss whits
8. _ages: cages gages mages pages rages sages wages yages
8. _aids: caids gaids kaids laids maids qaids raids saids
8. _aiks: faiks haiks kaiks laiks maiks naiks paiks raiks
8. _aked: baked caked faked laked naked oaked raked waked
8. _aled: baled daled ealed galed haled naled paled waled
8. _amps: camps damps gamps lamps ramps samps tamps vamps
8. _ands: bands fands hands lands pands rands sands wands
8. _aned: baned caned eaned maned paned saned vaned waned
8. _apes: capes gapes japes napes papes rapes tapes vapes
8. _aths: baths gaths laths maths oaths paths raths taths
8. _aver: caver faver haver laver paver raver saver taver
8. _awks: bawks cawks dawks gawks hawks lawks mawks pawks
8. _awns: bawns dawns fawns lawns mawns pawns rawns yawns
8. _eads: beads deads heads leads meads reads teads yeads
8. _edes: aedes bedes cedes ledes pedes redes sedes yedes
8. _erks: berks jerks merks nerks perks serks yerks zerks
8. _erry: derry herry jerry kerry perry serry terry verry
8. _ewed: dewed hewed jewed mewed newed rewed sewed tewed
8. _iles: biles files miles piles riles siles tiles wiles
8. _imps: dimps gimps limps nimps pimps simps timps wimps
8. _ired: aired fired hired mired sired tired vired wired
8. _ires: cires fires hires mires sires tires vires wires
8. _irls: birls cirls dirls girls nirls pirls tirls virls
8. _oils: boils coils foils moils noils roils soils toils
8. _oked: boked coked hoked joked poked roked toked yoked
8. _olds: bolds colds folds golds holds molds solds wolds
8. _oofs: coofs goofs hoofs loofs poofs roofs woofs yoofs
8. _ooms: booms cooms dooms looms rooms sooms tooms zooms
8. _oped: coped doped hoped loped moped ooped roped toped
8. _opes: copes dopes hopes lopes mopes popes ropes topes
8. _oted: coted doted moted noted poted roted toted voted
8. _rows: brows crows drows frows grows prows trows vrows
8. _ubby: bubby cubby fubby hubby nubby rubby subby tubby
8. _ules: dules gules hules mules pules rules tules yules
8. _ungs: bungs dungs fungs lungs mungs pungs rungs tungs
8. _ures: aures cures dures jures lures mures pures sures
8. _urls: burls curls furls gurls hurls murls nurls purls
8. _urrs: burrs currs durrs furrs murrs nurrs purrs turrs
8. ba_ed: baaed baked baled baned bared based bated bayed
8. ba_es: babes bakes bales banes bares bases bates bayes
8. bar_s: barbs bards bares barfs barks barms barns barps
8. bea_s: beads beaks beals beams beans bears beats beaus
8. bo_ed: boded boked boned booed bored bowed boxed boyed
8. bo_es: bodes bokes boles bones bores botes bowes boxes
8. boo_s: boobs boohs books bools booms boons boors boots
8. bra_s: brads braes brags braks brans brats braws brays
8. bri_s: bries brigs briks brims brins brios briss brits
8. chi_s: chias chibs chics chiks chins chips chits chivs
8. clo_s: clods clogs clons clops clots clous clows cloys
8. dor_s: dorbs dores doris dorks dorms dorps dorrs dorts
8. du_es: duces dudes dukes dules dunes dupes dures duxes
8. goo_s: goods goofs googs gooks gools goons goops goors
8. ha_ed: haded haled hamed hared hated hawed hayed hazed
8. ka_as: kakas kamas kanas kapas karas katas kavas kawas
8. la_er: lacer lader laker lamer laser laver lawer laxer
8. lea_s: leads leafs leaks leams leans leaps lears leats
8. lu_es: lubes luces ludes luges lunes lures lutes luxes
8. mar_s: maras marcs mares margs marks marls marms marts
8. mi_es: mikes miles mimes mines mires mises mites mixes
8. min_s: minas minds mines mings minis minks minos mints
8. mo_ed: moled mooed moped mosed moted moved mowed mozed
8. moo_s: moobs moods mooks mools moons moops moors moots
8. no_es: nodes noles nomes nones noses notes noxes noyes
8. par_s: paras pards pares paris parks parps parrs parts
8. po_ed: pohed poked poled pooed pored posed poted poxed
8. po_ts: poets polts ponts poots ports posts potts pouts
8. poo_s: poods poofs poohs pooks pools poons poops poots
8. ra_er: rager raker raper raser rater raver rawer razer
8. rea_s: reads reais reaks reals reams reans reaps rears
8. ro_ed: robed roded roked roped rosed roted roved rowed
8. s_its: shits skits slits smits snits spits suits swits
8. s_ots: scots shots slots snots soots spots stots swots
8. sa_ed: sabed safed saned sared sated saved sawed sayed
8. sca_s: scabs scads scags scams scans scars scats scaws
8. sha_s: shads shags shahs shams shans shaps shaws shays
8. sla_s: slabs slaes slags slams slaps slats slaws slays
8. spa_s: spaes spags spams spans spars spats spaws spays
8. spi_s: spics spies spifs spiks spims spins spits spivs
8. ta_as: tahas takas talas tanas tapas taras tavas tawas
8. tra_s: trabs trads trams trans traps trass trats trays
8. war_s: warbs wards wares warks warms warns warps warts
8. wi_ed: wifed wiled wined wiped wired wised wited wived
7. _aces: daces faces laces maces paces races taces
7. _adis: cadis gadis kadis padis qadis sadis wadis
7. _ager: cager gager jager pager rager sager yager
7. _aggy: daggy faggy jaggy naggy raggy saggy taggy
7. _amed: famed gamed hamed lamed named tamed wamed
7. _ammy: gammy hammy jammy lammy rammy sammy tammy
7. _anty: banty canty janty manty panty tanty wanty
7. _aped: caped gaped japed naped raped taped vaped
7. _aris: daris garis laris naris paris saris zaris
7. _arps: barps carps harps jarps parps tarps warps
7. _ased: based cased eased lased mased rased tased
7. _aser: baser easer laser maser raser saser taser
7. _ater: dater gater mater oater pater rater tater
7. _auds: bauds dauds gauds hauds lauds mauds yauds
7. _aved: caved eaved laved paved raved saved waved
7. _azed: dazed fazed gazed hazed lazed mazed razed
7. _eeks: geeks keeks leeks peeks reeks seeks weeks
7. _eens: deens feens keens peens reens teens weens
7. _eils: ceils deils heils seils teils veils weils
7. _eins: beins meins peins reins teins veins zeins
7. _elly: delly felly gelly kelly nelly telly welly
7. _emes: demes femes hemes lemes memes semes temes
7. _enny: benny fenny genny henny jenny tenny wenny
7. _erms: berms derms ferms germs herms perms terms
7. _eros: aeros ceros deros heros keros weros zeros
7. _ices: bices dices fices rices sices tices vices
7. _ided: aided bided cided hided nided sided tided
7. _iers: biers fiers kiers liers piers tiers viers
7. _inny: finny ginny hinny linny minny pinny tinny
7. _inos: dinos finos kinos linos minos vinos winos
7. _ipes: kipes lipes pipes ripes sipes wipes yipes
7. _irks: birks dirks firks kirks lirks mirks yirks
7. _ises: bises mises pises rises sises vises wises
7. _iter: biter citer kiter liter miter niter titer
7. _ived: dived gived hived jived lived rived wived
7. _iver: aiver fiver hiver jiver siver viver wiver
7. _lans: alans clans elans flans glans plans ulans
7. _olos: bolos dolos holos kolos nolos polos solos
7. _oner: boner doner honer loner moner toner zoner
7. _oods: foods goods hoods moods poods roods woods
7. _oper: coper doper hoper loper moper roper toper
7. _oppy: boppy coppy hoppy loppy moppy soppy toppy
7. _oral: boral goral horal loral poral roral soral
7. _oras: boras goras horas koras moras soras toras
7. _orms: borms corms dorms forms gorms norms worms
7. _otty: botty dotty hotty jotty motty potty totty
7. _oups: coups doups loups moups noups roups soups
7. _oxed: boxed coxed doxed foxed hoxed loxed poxed
7. _rees: brees crees drees frees grees prees trees
7. _ries: bries cries dries fries pries tries wries
7. _ukes: bukes cukes dukes jukes nukes pukes yukes
7. _uses: buses fuses muses puses ruses suses wuses
7. _utty: butty cutty gutty jutty rutty tutty vutty
7. _ykes: bykes dykes fykes hykes rykes sykes tykes
7. _yres: ayres byres eyres gyres lyres pyres tyres
7. ba_ks: backs balks banks barks basks bauks bawks
7. ba_ts: bafts bahts baits bants basts batts bayts
7. bal_s: balas balds bales balks balls balms balus
7. ban_s: bancs bands banes bangs banks banns bants
7. bo_ks: boaks bocks bonks books borks bosks bouks
7. bo_ts: boats boets bolts boots borts botts bouts
7. bol_s: bolas bolds boles bolls bolos bolts bolus
7. bre_s: breds brees breis brens brers brews breys
7. chir_: chirk chirl chirm chiro chirr chirt chiru
7. coo_s: coofs cooks cools cooms coons coops coots
7. cra_s: crabs crags crams crans craps craws crays
7. cri_s: crias cribs cries crims crios crips crits
7. cur_s: curbs curds cures curfs curls curns currs
7. dar_s: darbs dares dargs daris darks darns darts
7. de_es: debes dekes deles demes denes deres dexes
7. dee_s: deeds deems deens deeps deers deets deevs
7. do_er: doner doper doser doter dover dower dozer
7. dra_s: drabs drags drams draps drats draws drays
7. flo_s: flobs flocs floes flogs flops flors flows
7. fra_s: frabs frags fraps frass frats fraus frays
7. goo_y: gooby gooky gooly goony goopy goory goosy
7. her_s: herbs herds heres herls herms herns heros
7. ho_ks: hocks hoiks holks honks hooks horks howks
7. hoo_s: hoods hoofs hooks hoons hoops hoors hoots
7. kai_s: kaids kaies kaifs kaiks kails kaims kains
7. li_es: lifes likes limes lines lipes lites lives
7. lin_s: linds lines lings links linns linos lints
7. ma_as: macas malas mamas manas maras masas mayas
7. mal_s: malas males malis malls malms malts malus
7. me_es: memes menes meres meses metes meves mezes
7. mil_s: milds miles milfs milks mills milos milts
7. mo_ts: moats moits molts moots morts mosts motts
7. na_es: nabes names napes nares nates naves nazes
7. pi_es: pikes piles pines pipes pises pixes pizes
7. pol_s: poles polis polks polls polos polts polys
7. pu_as: puhas pujas pukas pulas pumas punas pupas
7. pul_s: pulas pules pulis pulks pulls pulps pulus
7. roo_s: roods roofs rooks rooms roons roops roots
7. s_ats: scats seats skats slats spats stats swats
7. s_aws: scaws shaws skaws slaws snaws spaws staws
7. s_ims: saims shims skims slims spims stims swims
7. s_red: sared sered shred sired sored spred sured
7. sa_er: saber sager saker saser saver sawer sayer
7. scra_: scrab scrae scrag scran scrat scraw scray
7. scu_s: scuds scugs sculs scums scups scurs scuts
7. se_ts: seats sects sekts sents septs setts sexts
7. shi_s: shies shims shins ships shirs shits shivs
7. si_ed: sided siled sined siped sired sited sized
7. ski_s: skids skies skims skins skios skips skits
7. sor_s: soras sorbs sords sores sorns sorts sorus
7. sta_s: stabs stags staps stars stats staws stays
7. ste_s: steds stems stens steps stets stews steys
7. swa_s: swabs swads swags swans swaps swats sways
7. ta_er: taber taler taser tater taver tawer taxer
7. to_os: tocos tohos tokos tomos topos toros toyos
7. to_ts: tofts toits tolts toots torts touts towts
7. tre_s: trees treks trems tress trets trews treys
7. tro_s: trods trogs trois trons trots trows troys
7. tur_s: turds turfs turks turms turns turps turrs
7. va_es: vades vales vanes vapes vares vases vaxes
7. wa_ts: wadts wafts waits wants warts wasts watts
7. wee_s: weeds weeks weels weems weens weeps weets
6. _aded: faded haded jaded laded vaded waded
6. _adge: cadge fadge gadge madge radge wadge
6. _alas: balas galas malas nalas palas talas
6. _alis: dalis kalis malis palis valis walis
6. _amas: camas gamas kamas lamas mamas samas
6. _anas: kanas lanas manas nanas ranas tanas
6. _anga: fanga kanga panga ranga sanga tanga
6. _aras: karas maras naras paras taras varas
6. _ardy: bardy cardy lardy mardy pardy vardy
6. _arky: barky darky larky narky parky sarky
6. _arls: carls earls farls harls jarls marls
6. _arms: barms farms garms harms marms warms
6. _arre: barre darre garre narre tarre warre
6. _auls: cauls hauls mauls pauls sauls wauls
6. _auts: dauts fauts mauts sauts tauts vauts
6. _avas: cavas favas javas kavas lavas tavas
6. _axed: faxed laxed maxed raxed taxed waxed
6. _eaze: ceaze feaze leaze peaze seaze teaze
6. _eets: beets deets keets leets meets weets
6. _eles: deles heles peles seles teles veles
6. _erns: derns ferns herns kerns perns terns
6. _etas: betas fetas getas ketas wetas zetas
6. _ezes: bezes fezes lezes mezes rezes zezes
6. _ibes: bibes gibes jibes kibes ribes vibes
6. _icht: dicht licht micht nicht richt sicht
6. _icky: dicky kicky micky sicky ticky wicky
6. _ight: aight bight dight hight kight pight
6. _iker: biker diker hiker liker piker siker
6. _iler: miler oiler piler siler tiler viler
6. _itch: aitch bitch fitch gitch mitch titch
6. _ited: cited dited kited lited sited wited
6. _laps: alaps claps flaps klaps plaps slaps
6. _lays: alays blays clays flays plays slays
6. _lops: clops elops flops glops plops slops
6. _lows: blows clows flows glows plows slows
6. _lues: blues clues flues glues plues slues
6. _obby: cobby dobby gobby mobby nobby yobby
6. _obos: bobos gobos hobos kobos lobos zobos
6. _odes: bodes codes lodes modes nodes rodes
6. _offs: boffs coffs doffs goffs koffs toffs
6. _ogie: bogie cogie dogie fogie logie vogie
6. _olas: bolas colas kolas molas solas tolas
6. _olly: colly lolly molly polly tolly wolly
6. _omas: bomas comas homas lomas nomas somas
6. _onne: bonne conne donne ronne sonne tonne
6. _ooed: booed cooed looed mooed pooed wooed
6. _ords: bords cords fords lords sords words
6. _oris: doris goris horis loris noris zoris
6. _oved: coved doved hoved loved moved roved
6. _oves: coves doves hoves loves moves roves
6. _owie: bowie dowie rowie towie yowie zowie
6. _oyed: boyed coyed hoyed joyed noyed toyed
6. _rabs: crabs drabs frabs grabs krabs trabs
6. _rogs: brogs crogs frogs grogs progs trogs
6. _ubes: cubes jubes lubes pubes rubes tubes
6. _uddy: cuddy duddy fuddy nuddy puddy wuddy
6. _uggy: fuggy huggy muggy puggy ruggy vuggy
6. _uked: duked euked juked nuked puked yuked
6. _unny: dunny gunny nunny punny runny tunny
6. _urds: burds curds hurds nurds surds turds
6. _ured: cured dured lured mured pured sured
6. _ushy: cushy gushy hushy lushy rushy tushy
6. _ytes: bytes cytes gytes kytes lytes wytes
6. ar_as: arbas areas arias arnas arpas arras
6. b_ats: beats bhats blats boats brats buats
6. b_tes: bates betes bites botes butes bytes
6. bar_y: barby bardy barky barmy barny barry
6. be_es: bedes benes beres beses betes bezes
6. bo_os: bobos bohos bokos bolos boyos bozos
6. boo_y: booay boody boofy boogy booky boomy
6. bor_s: boras bords bores borks borms borts
6. bu_ks: bucks buiks bulks bunks burks busks
6. buff_: buffa buffe buffi buffo buffs buffy
6. bun_s: bunas bunds bungs bunks bunns bunts
6. bund_: bunde bundh bunds bundt bundu bundy
6. c_tes: cates cetes cites cotes cutes cytes
6. ca_as: cabas cacas camas capas casas cavas
6. ca_ks: cacks calks carks casks cauks cawks
6. cal_s: calfs calks calls calms calos calps
6. cam_s: camas cames camis camos camps camus
6. char_: chara chare chark charr chars chary
6. co_ey: coley coney cooey corey cosey cozey
6. co_ts: coats coits colts coots costs cotts
6. code_: codec coded coden coder codes codex
6. com_s: comas combs comes comms comps comus
6. cor_s: cords cores corks corms corns corps
6. da_es: daces dales dames dares dates dazes
6. del_s: deles delfs delis dells delos delts
6. di_es: dices dikes dimes dines dites dives
6. do_ts: doats doits dolts dorts douts dowts
6. fa_er: facer fader faker farer faver fayer
6. far_s: fards fares farls farms faros farts
6. fi_ed: fifed fiked filed fined fired fixed
6. fli_s: flics flies flims flips flirs flits
6. fo_ds: foids folds fonds foods fords fouds
6. for_s: forbs fords fores forks forms forts
6. ga_ed: gaged galed gamed gaped gated gazed
6. gir_s: girds girls girns giros girrs girts
6. gra_s: grabs grads grams grans gravs grays
6. ha_ks: hacks haiks hanks harks hasks hawks
6. hal_s: hales halfs halls halms halos halts
6. he_es: hebes heles hemes heres hetes hexes
6. hol_s: holds holes holks holms holos holts
6. hose_: hosed hosel hosen hoser hoses hosey
6. ju_es: jubes jukes jupes jures jutes juves
6. ka_is: kadis kakis kalis kamis katis kazis
6. kee_s: keefs keeks keels keens keeps keets
6. kin_s: kinas kinds kines kings kinks kinos
6. lim_s: limas limbs limes limns limos limps
6. lin_y: lindy liney lingy linky linny linty
6. loo_s: loofs looks looms loons loops loots
6. mai_s: maids maiks mails maims mains mairs
6. man_s: manas manes mangs manis manos manus
6. mo_as: molas monas moras mowas moxas moyas
6. mo_os: mofos mohos mojos mokos monos mozos
6. mol_s: molas molds moles molls molts molys
6. na_as: nadas nagas nalas nanas napas naras
6. nar_s: naras narcs nards nares naris narks
6. ne_ts: neats nerts nests netts newts nexts
6. pa_as: pacas palas papas paras pauas pawas
6. pal_s: palas pales palis palls palms palps
6. pare_: pared paren pareo pares pareu parev
6. pea_s: peags peaks peals peans pears peats
6. pi_as: picas pikas pimas pinas pipas pitas
6. pila_: pilae pilaf pilao pilar pilau pilaw
6. po_ks: pocks polks ponks pooks porks pouks
6. pra_s: prads prams praos prats praus prays
6. pu_es: pubes puces pukes pules pures puses
6. qua_s: quads quags quais quass quats quays
6. ra_as: ragas raias rajas ranas ratas rayas
6. ra_ee: ragee rakee ramee ranee raree razee
6. rai_s: raias raids raiks rails rains raits
6. ran_s: ranas rands rangs ranis ranks rants
6. re_es: redes reges rekes reses rexes rezes
6. ro_ts: ronts roots rorts rosts routs rowts
6. ru_es: rubes rudes rules rumes runes ruses
6. s_aps: shaps slaps snaps soaps staps swaps
6. s_ars: scars sears snars soars spars stars
6. s_eds: seeds sheds skeds sleds sneds steds
6. s_ews: shews skews slews smews spews stews
6. s_ies: shies skies snies spies sties swies
6. s_ogs: scogs shogs skogs slogs smogs snogs
6. s_ops: scops shops slops soops stops swops
6. s_ugs: scugs skugs slugs smugs snugs spugs
6. s_uts: sauts scuts shuts sluts smuts souts
6. sai_s: saics saids sails saims sains sairs
6. se_es: sedes seles semes senes seres sexes
6. see_s: seeds seeks seels seems seeps seers
6. sho_s: shoes shogs shoos shops shots shows
6. si_er: sider siker siler siver sixer sizer
6. sil_s: silds siles silks sills silos silts
6. sin_s: sinds sines sings sinhs sinks sinus
6. skee_: skeed skeef skeen skeer skees skeet
6. slo_s: slobs sloes slogs slops slots slows
6. slu_s: slubs slues slugs slums slurs sluts
6. sore_: sored soree sorel sorer sores sorex
6. sou_s: souks souls soums soups sours souts
6. sto_s: stoas stobs stops stoss stots stows
6. ta_ed: tamed taped tared tased tawed taxed
6. ta_ts: tacts taits tarts tatts tauts tawts
6. tal_s: talas talcs tales talks talls talus
6. tar_s: taras tares tarns taros tarps tarts
6. te_es: teles temes tenes teres tetes texes
6. tea_s: teads teaks teals teams tears teats
6. ter_s: teras teres terfs terms terns terts
6. ti_ed: ticed tided tiled timed tined tired
6. tin_s: tinas tinds tines tings tinks tints
6. tor_s: toras torcs tores toros torrs torts
6. tri_s: tries trigs trims trins trios trips
6. vi_es: vibes vices vines vires vises vives
6. win_s: winds wines wings winks winns winos
5. _abes: babes mabes nabes sabes tabes
5. _aced: faced laced maced paced raced
5. _aged: caged gaged paged raged waged
5. _aits: baits gaits raits taits waits
5. _akas: hakas kakas takas vakas wakas
5. _akis: kakis makis rakis sakis takis
5. _alms: balms calms halms malms palms
5. _anna: canna manna nanna tanna wanna
5. _anto: canto manto panto santo tanto
5. _apas: capas kapas napas papas tapas
5. _appy: gappy nappy pappy yappy zappy
5. _arbs: barbs carbs darbs garbs warbs
5. _arer: barer carer darer farer yarer
5. _aros: faros haros karos saros taros
5. _asks: basks casks hasks masks tasks
5. _asps: gasps hasps jasps rasps wasps
5. _asse: basse passe rasse sasse tasse
5. _atus: latus patus ratus tatus vatus
5. _auch: gauch lauch nauch sauch vauch
5. _augh: faugh haugh kaugh saugh waugh
5. _auld: cauld fauld hauld tauld yauld
5. _avin: bavin mavin pavin ravin savin
5. _awer: lawer pawer rawer sawer tawer
5. _azoo: bazoo gazoo kazoo razoo wazoo
5. _eaks: beaks leaks peaks reaks teaks
5. _eams: beams leams reams seams teams
5. _echs: mechs pechs sechs techs yechs
5. _edgy: hedgy kedgy ledgy sedgy wedgy
5. _eems: deems neems seems teems weems
5. _eeze: feeze heeze jeeze leeze neeze
5. _eirs: heirs keirs leirs seirs weirs
5. _eist: deist feist geist neist reist
5. _enge: henge menge tenge venge wenge
5. _enis: benis denis fenis lenis penis
5. _ered: cered dered lered mered sered
5. _erts: certs nerts perts terts verts
5. _eses: beses leses meses reses yeses
5. _esse: cesse desse fesse gesse jesse
5. _exed: hexed sexed vexed wexed yexed
5. _hang: bhang chang phang thang whang
5. _hats: bhats chats ghats khats whats
5. _iddy: diddy kiddy middy tiddy widdy
5. _idos: aidos didos eidos fidos lidos
5. _ieve: kieve lieve mieve nieve rieve
5. _ifts: gifts lifts rifts sifts tifts
5. _iggy: biggy ciggy figgy jiggy wiggy
5. _ilch: filch hilch milch pilch zilch
5. _ilds: eilds gilds milds silds wilds
5. _ilos: filos kilos lilos milos silos
5. _imbo: bimbo dimbo himbo kimbo timbo
5. _imed: aimed limed mimed rimed timed
5. _imes: dimes limes mimes rimes times
5. _inas: kinas minas pinas tinas vinas
5. _inge: dinge ginge minge tinge winge
5. _ingy: bingy lingy mingy wingy zingy
5. _inky: dinky hinky linky sinky zinky
5. _iped: biped piped riped siped wiped
5. _irer: airer direr firer hirer wirer
5. _irns: airns firns girns kirns pirns
5. _isks: bisks disks fisks lisks risks
5. _itts: bitts ditts fitts mitts ritts
5. _ixes: fixes mixes nixes pixes sixes
5. _izes: bizes pizes sizes tizes wizes
5. _lams: blams clams flams glams slams
5. _lats: blats clats flats plats slats
5. _lews: alews clews flews plews slews
5. _lits: blits clits flits glits slits
5. _logs: blogs clogs flogs slogs vlogs
5. _oads: goads loads roads toads woads
5. _oars: boars hoars roars soars voars
5. _oats: boats coats doats goats moats
5. _obes: dobes jobes lobes mobes robes
5. _ocos: cocos docos jocos locos tocos
5. _oddy: doddy noddy poddy soddy voddy
5. _oins: coins foins joins loins roins
5. _oker: koker roker toker woker yoker
5. _olks: folks holks polks volks yolks
5. _omos: homos jomos nomos pomos tomos
5. _oned: boned coned honed toned zoned
5. _onga: conga donga longa ponga wonga
5. _onts: fonts oonts ponts ronts wonts
5. _ooey: cooey hooey looey sooey zooey
5. _ooly: cooly dooly gooly hooly mooly
5. _oors: boors doors goors hoors moors
5. _ored: bored cored gored pored sored
5. _orel: borel forel lorel morel sorel
5. _oric: boric doric loric roric toric
5. _orns: corns horns morns porns sorns
5. _orse: corse dorse gorse morse torse
5. _osts: costs hosts mosts posts rosts
5. _otas: botas iotas jotas lotas rotas
5. _otch: gotch hotch kotch potch rotch
5. _oule: foule joule noule poule roule
5. _ouls: fouls mouls nouls rouls souls
5. _ouse: bouse douse souse touse youse
5. _owan: cowan gowan lowan powan rowan
5. _owns: downs gowns lowns powns towns
5. _owse: bowse dowse lowse sowse towse
5. _owts: dowts lowts nowts rowts towts
5. _oyle: foyle goyle hoyle moyle soyle
5. _ozed: cozed dozed mozed oozed tozed
5. _ozes: cozes dozes mozes oozes tozes
5. _rams: crams drams grams prams trams
5. _rans: brans crans grans krans trans
5. _raps: craps draps fraps traps wraps
5. _rate: frate orate prate urate wrate
5. _rats: brats drats frats prats trats
5. _rent: brent drent prent urent yrent
5. _reys: breys dreys greys preys treys
5. _rier: brier frier prier trier wrier
5. _rigs: brigs frigs grigs prigs trigs
5. _rise: brise crise frise grise prise
5. _rits: brits crits frits grits writs
5. _ryer: cryer fryer pryer tryer wryer
5. _udes: dudes gudes ludes nudes rudes
5. _ulas: aulas gulas hulas kulas pulas
5. _ulks: bulks hulks oulks pulks sulks
5. _umas: dumas humas lumas oumas pumas
5. _ummy: lummy nummy rummy tummy yummy
5. _undy: bundy cundy fundy gundy oundy
5. _unes: aunes dunes lunes runes tunes
5. _ural: aural dural fural jural sural
5. _uras: auras buras duras muras suras
5. _urns: burns curns durns gurns turns
5. _urry: burry durry gurry lurry murry
5. _utes: butes cutes jutes lutes mutes
5. _ynes: dynes lynes pynes synes tynes
5. _ythe: hythe kythe lythe sythe tythe
5. a_ers: abers acers agers apers avers
5. a_ing: acing ahing aking awing axing
5. al_as: albas alfas algas alias almas
5. alan_: aland alane alang alans alant
5. ami_s: amias amids amies amins amirs
5. an_as: angas anlas annas anoas antas
5. ar_ed: arced arked arled armed arsed
5. are_e: areae arede arene arere arete
5. area_: aread areae areal arear areas
5. b_kes: bakes bikes bokes bukes bykes
5. b_lls: balls bells bills bolls bulls
5. b_nds: bands bends binds bonds bunds
5. b_rks: barks berks birks borks burks
5. ba_ds: balds bands bards bauds bawds
5. ba_ls: baals baels bails balls bawls
5. ba_us: babus bahus bajus balus bapus
5. baw_s: bawds bawks bawls bawns bawrs
5. be_ts: beats beets belts bents bests
5. bin_s: binds bines bings binks bints
5. bir_s: birds birks birls biros birrs
5. blo_s: blobs blocs blogs blots blows
5. bo_as: bobas bolas bomas boras botas
5. bore_: bored boree borel borer bores
5. c_its: chits clits coits crits cuits
5. c_lls: calls cells cills colls culls
5. c_ons: chons cions clons coons crons
5. c_res: cares ceres cires cores cures
5. ca_er: caber cager caner carer caver
5. care_: cared carer cares caret carex
5. cas_s: casas cases casks casts casus
5. chi_o: chiao chico chimo chino chiro
5. chin_: chine ching chink chino chins
5. cho_s: chocs chogs chons chops chows
5. ci_es: cides cines cires cites cives
5. co_er: coder comer cooer coper coyer
5. co_ks: cocks conks cooks corks cowks
5. co_ls: coals coils colls cools cowls
5. co_ps: comps coops corps coups cowps
5. coi_s: coifs coils coins coirs coits
5. col_s: colas colds coles colls colts
5. comb_: combe combi combo combs comby
5. con_s: cones confs conks conns conus
5. cose_: cosec cosed coses coset cosey
5. cre_s: creds crees crems creps crews
5. cro_s: crocs crogs crons crops crows
5. cu_es: cubes cukes cures cutes cuzes
5. d_als: daals deals dhals dials duals
5. d_cks: dacks decks dicks docks ducks
5. da_ed: daled dared dated dawed dazed
5. da_ts: dalts dants darts dauts dawts
5. de_is: defis delis denis desis devis
5. de_os: decos delos demos deros devos
5. dea_s: deads deals deans dears deaws
5. der_s: deres derms derns deros dervs
5. di_as: dikas disas ditas divas diyas
5. di_ed: diced diked dined dited dived
5. di_ls: dials diels dills diols dirls
5. di_ts: dicts diets dints dirts ditts
5. din_s: dines dings dinks dinos dints
5. do_ie: dobie dogie dovie dowie doxie
5. do_ks: docks doeks dooks dorks douks
5. doo_s: doobs dooks dools dooms doors
5. dou_s: doucs douks doums doups douts
5. dow_s: dowds dowls downs dowps dowts
5. du_ts: ducts duets duits dunts dusts
5. dur_s: duras dures durns duros durrs
5. ea_ed: ealed eaned eared eased eaved
5. f_nds: fands fends finds fonds funds
5. fan_s: fands fanes fangs fanks fanos
5. fe_es: feces femes feres fetes fezes
5. fe_ts: feats felts fents fests fetts
5. fee_s: feebs feeds feels feens feers
5. fi_os: ficos fidos figos filos finos
5. fil_s: files filks fills films filos
5. fin_s: finds fines finis finks finos
5. fle_s: fleas flees flegs flews fleys
5. fo_ls: foals foils fools fouls fowls
5. g_ans: geans glans grans guans gyans
5. gau_s: gauds gaums gaups gaurs gauss
5. ge_ts: geats geits gelts gents gests
5. gle_s: gleds glees gleis glens gleys
5. go_fs: goafs goffs golfs goofs gowfs
5. gor_s: goras gores goris gorms gorps
5. gow_s: gowds gowfs gowks gowls gowns
5. gre_e: grebe grece grege grese greve
5. gri_e: grice gride grike grise grize
5. gri_s: grids grigs grins grips grits
5. gul_s: gulas gules gulfs gulls gulps
5. h_cks: hacks hecks hicks hocks hucks
5. h_les: hales heles holes hules hyles
5. ha_ts: haets hafts halts hants harts
5. he_ds: heads heeds heids hends herds
5. he_ls: heals heels heils hells herls
5. hea_s: heads heals heaps hears heats
5. hel_s: heles hells helms helos helps
5. ho_ey: hokey holey homey hooey hosey
5. hoo_y: hoody hooey hooky hooly hooty
5. ja_es: jades jakes james janes japes
5. jo_ed: jobed joked joled jowed joyed
5. ka_es: kades kaies kales kames kanes
5. kar_s: karas karks karns karos karts
5. ki_es: kibes kikes kines kipes kites
5. kil_s: kills kilns kilos kilps kilts
5. ku_us: kudus kukus kurus kutus kuzus
5. l_mes: lames lemes limes lomes lymes
5. l_nes: lanes lenes lines lunes lynes
5. l_res: lares leres lores lures lyres
5. la_ks: lacks laiks lanks larks lawks
5. lace_: laced lacer laces lacet lacey
5. lan_s: lanas lands lanes lanks lants
5. lar_s: lards lares laris larks larns
5. len_s: lends lenes lengs lenis lenos
5. li_ed: liked limed lined lited lived
5. li_er: liber lifer liger liker liter
5. li_os: lidos lilos limos linos lipos
5. lo_ie: locie logie looie louie lovie
5. lo_ns: loans loins loons louns lowns
5. lou_s: louis louns loups lours louts
5. lu_ed: lubed luged lured luted luxed
5. lu_er: luger lurer luser luter luxer
5. lun_s: lunas lunes lungs lunks lunts
5. ly_es: lymes lynes lyres lyses lytes
5. m_cks: macks mecks micks mocks mucks
5. m_lls: malls mells mills molls mulls
5. m_ngs: mangs mengs mings mongs mungs
5. m_res: mares meres mires mores mures
5. m_ses: mases meses mises moses muses
5. m_tes: mates metes mites motes mutes
5. ma_is: makis malis manis mavis maxis
5. ma_ks: macks maiks marks masks mawks
5. ma_ts: malts marts masts matts mauts
5. mane_: maneb maned maneh manes manet
5. mas_s: masas mases masks masts masus
5. me_ed: mened mered meted meved mewed
5. mer_s: mercs meres meris merks merls
5. mi_ed: miked mimed mined mired mixed
5. mi_os: micos milos minos miros misos
5. mo_ls: moils molls mools mouls moyls
5. mot_s: motes moths motis motts motus
5. mote_: moted moten motes motet motey
5. mu_ed: muled mured mused muted muxed
5. mu_es: mules mures muses mutes muxes
5. mur_s: muras mures murks murls murrs
5. murr_: murra murre murri murrs murry
5. ni_es: nides nifes nines nites nixes
5. no_ls: noels noils nolls nouls nowls
5. o_ers: omers oners overs oxers oyers
5. p_cks: packs pecks picks pocks pucks
5. p_les: pales peles piles poles pules
5. p_lls: palls pells pills polls pulls
5. p_ned: paned pened pined pwned pyned
5. p_nes: panes penes pines pones pynes
5. p_nts: pants pents pints ponts punts
5. p_res: pares peres pores pures pyres
5. pa_er: pacer pager pater paver pawer
5. pa_ls: paals pails palls pauls pawls
5. pac_s: pacas paces packs pacos pacts
5. pe_es: pedes pekes peles penes peres
5. pe_ks: peaks pecks peeks penks perks
5. pe_ns: peans peens peins peons perns
5. pe_ts: peats pelts pents perts pests
5. pee_s: peeks peels peens peeps peers
5. pel_s: pelas peles pelfs pells pelts
5. pen_s: pends penes penis penks pents
5. pi_ed: piked piled pined piped pized
5. pile_: pilea piled pilei piler piles
5. pin_s: pinas pines pings pinks pints
5. pla_s: plaas plans plaps plats plays
5. plo_s: plods plops plots plows ploys
5. po_ey: pogey pokey poley poney posey
5. pon_s: ponds pones pongs ponks ponts
5. prim_: prima primi primp prims primy
5. qui_s: quids quims quins quips quits
5. quin_: quina quine quino quins quint
5. r_cks: racks recks ricks rocks rucks
5. r_nds: rands rends rinds runds rynds
5. r_ses: rases reses rises roses ruses
5. ra_is: rabis ragis rakis ramis ranis
5. rag_s: ragas rages raggs ragis ragus
5. rat_s: ratas rates raths ratos ratus
5. rave_: raved ravel raver raves ravey
5. ree_s: reeds reefs reeks reels reens
5. ri_ed: riced riled rimed riped rived
5. rot_s: rotas rotes rotis rotls rotos
5. rou_s: roues rouls roums roups routs
5. s_abs: scabs slabs snabs stabs swabs
5. s_ams: scams seams shams slams spams
5. s_ans: scans seans shans spans swans
5. s_art: scart skart slart spart swart
5. s_ays: shays slays spays stays sways
5. s_ets: shets skets spets stets suets
5. s_irs: sairs seirs shirs smirs stirs
5. s_ive: shive skive slive stive swive
5. s_nes: sanes senes sines sones synes
5. s_oot: scoot sloot smoot snoot spoot
5. s_ows: scows shows slows snows stows
5. s_urs: scurs slurs smurs sours spurs
5. same_: samek samel samen sames samey
5. sar_s: sards saris sarks saros sarus
5. sea_s: seals seams seans sears seats
5. sile_: siled silen siler siles silex
5. sn_bs: snabs snebs snibs snobs snubs
5. sna_s: snabs snags snaps snars snaws
5. sni_s: snibs snies snigs snips snits
5. sno_s: snobs snods snogs snots snows
5. so_es: soces sokes soles sones sores
5. sol_s: solas solds soles solos solus
5. soo_s: sooks sools sooms soops soots
5. spe_s: specs speks speos spets spews
5. sti_e: stile stime stipe stire stive
5. swi_s: swies swigs swims swiss swits
5. t_ars: tears thars tiars tsars tzars
5. t_ins: tains teins thins trins twins
5. t_les: tales teles tiles toles tules
5. t_mps: tamps temps timps tumps tymps
5. t_nes: tenes tines tones tunes tynes
5. t_res: tares teres tires tores tyres
5. ta_is: tabis takis tamis tapis taxis
5. ta_us: tabus talus tapus tatus taxus
5. tac_s: taces tachs tacks tacos tacts
5. te_ts: teats tents terts tests texts
5. than_: thana thane thang thans thanx
5. to_as: toeas togas tolas toras tosas
5. to_er: toker toner toper toter toyer
5. tol_s: tolas toles tolls tolts tolus
5. tope_: toped topee topek toper topes
5. tron_: trona tronc trone tronk trons
5. ty_es: tyees tykes tynes types tyres
5. vi_as: vigas vinas visas vitas vivas
5. wa_ks: wacks walks wanks warks wauks
5. wai_s: waifs wails wains wairs waits
5. wal_s: walds wales walis walks walls
5. wan_s: wands wanes wangs wanks wants
5. we_ts: weets wefts welts wents wests
5. wil_s: wilds wiles wilis wills wilts
5. woo_s: woods woofs wools woons woops
5. yel_s: yelks yells yelms yelps yelts
5. yo_ks: yocks yolks yonks yorks youks
4. _aals: baals daals paals taals
4. _abis: labis nabis rabis tabis
4. _acer: facer lacer macer pacer
4. _acha: bacha dacha kacha pacha
4. _ache: mache nache rache tache
4. _addy: baddy faddy laddy waddy
4. _afts: bafts hafts rafts wafts
4. _agas: jagas nagas ragas sagas
4. _aggs: haggs jaggs maggs raggs
4. _agus: kagus magus ragus vagus
4. _aine: daine faine raine saine
4. _aird: caird laird raird yaird
4. _aire: maire paire vaire zaire
4. _aith: baith haith laith saith
4. _alks: balks calks talks walks
4. _alla: calla nalla palla walla
4. _ally: bally gally pally wally
4. _alpa: calpa kalpa salpa talpa
4. _alts: dalts halts malts salts
4. _aman: caman daman saman zaman
4. _amba: gamba hamba mamba samba
4. _ambo: gambo jambo sambo zambo
4. _ambs: gambs iambs jambs lambs
4. _amis: camis kamis ramis tamis
4. _ampy: campy dampy vampy yampy
4. _amus: camus namus ramus wamus
4. _ance: hance nance pance rance
4. _andy: bandy gandy kandy pandy
4. _anky: hanky manky tanky wanky
4. _aper: gaper japer raper vaper
4. _apus: bapus hapus kapus tapus
4. _arge: marge parge sarge targe
4. _arle: carle farle marle parle
4. _ashy: dashy hashy mashy washy
4. _atis: katis natis satis zatis
4. _atts: batts matts tatts watts
4. _auks: bauks cauks jauks wauks
4. _ault: dault gault hault sault
4. _aups: caups gaups jaups yaups
4. _aurs: baurs daurs gaurs waurs
4. _avel: cavel favel javel ravel
4. _awas: kawas pawas tawas wawas
4. _awls: bawls pawls wawls yawls
4. _ayer: bayer fayer hayer sayer
4. _ayle: bayle hayle kayle rayle
4. _azer: dazer hazer mazer razer
4. _ches: aches eches iches oches
4. _eaps: heaps leaps neaps reaps
4. _ease: fease mease pease sease
4. _eeve: deeve keeve peeve reeve
4. _elds: gelds melds velds welds
4. _empt: dempt kempt nempt tempt
4. _ench: dench hench kench tench
4. _ente: kente rente sente yente
4. _ento: bento cento lento mento
4. _eons: aeons jeons neons peons
4. _erne: cerne gerne kerne terne
4. _esta: cesta festa testa vesta
4. _esty: festy pesty resty yesty
4. _eths: beths heths meths teths
4. _etts: fetts netts setts yetts
4. _eves: leves meves neves yeves
4. _hews: chews shews thews whews
4. _hing: ahing ching ehing ohing
4. _hins: chins shins thins whins
4. _hows: chows dhows shows whows
4. _huts: bhuts chuts phuts shuts
4. _ials: dials rials sials vials
4. _ibbs: bibbs dibbs jibbs sibbs
4. _iced: diced riced ticed viced
4. _ider: bider eider hider sider
4. _iefs: fiefs kiefs liefs niefs
4. _iels: ciels diels riels wiels
4. _ifes: fifes lifes nifes wifes
4. _ifty: mifty nifty rifty wifty
4. _ikas: dikas pikas sikas tikas
4. _ilks: bilks filks milks silks
4. _imas: bimas limas pimas simas
4. _imer: aimer dimer mimer rimer
4. _irds: birds girds jirds yirds
4. _iros: biros giros miros tiros
4. _irrs: birrs girrs tirrs yirrs
4. _issy: cissy hissy kissy pissy
4. _itas: ditas litas pitas vitas
4. _ithe: hithe kithe sithe withe
4. _iths: kiths liths piths withs
4. _itre: litre mitre nitre titre
4. _ivas: divas kivas rivas vivas
4. _izen: dizen hizen mizen wizen
4. _lags: blags clags flags slags
4. _lary: alary clary flary glary
4. _laws: blaws claws flaws slaws
4. _leys: bleys fleys gleys sleys
4. _lies: clies flies plies vlies
4. _lims: flims glims plims slims
4. _lips: blips clips flips slips
4. _lobs: blobs flobs globs slobs
4. _lots: blots clots plots slots
4. _lubs: blubs clubs flubs slubs
4. _lued: blued flued glued slued
4. _luey: bluey cluey fluey gluey
4. _lums: alums glums plums slums
4. _lype: blype clype flype slype
4. _nows: enows gnows knows snows
4. _oans: koans loans moans roans
4. _ocky: cocky jocky pocky tocky
4. _odge: bodge modge podge wodge
4. _oers: doers goers hoers moers
4. _ogan: bogan dogan hogan logan
4. _ogey: bogey dogey fogey pogey
4. _oggy: boggy doggy loggy moggy
4. _ohos: bohos cohos mohos tohos
4. _oids: foids loids roids voids
4. _oily: doily noily roily soily
4. _oits: coits doits moits toits
4. _oley: coley foley holey poley
4. _ombs: bombs combs tombs wombs
4. _ommy: commy mommy pommy tommy
4. _omps: comps pomps romps yomps
4. _once: bonce nonce ponce sonce
4. _ondo: kondo mondo rondo tondo
4. _onds: bonds fonds honds ponds
4. _onny: bonny donny nonny sonny
4. _oobs: boobs doobs moobs noobs
4. _oody: boody doody foody hoody
4. _oofy: boofy poofy roofy woofy
4. _oopy: goopy poopy roopy woopy
4. _ooty: footy hooty rooty zooty
4. _ophs: kophs qophs sophs tophs
4. _orky: corky dorky forky porky
4. _orps: corps dorps gorps yorps
4. _orty: borty dorty porty rorty
4. _osey: cosey hosey mosey posey
4. _oths: coths goths moths soths
4. _otte: botte lotte motte rotte
4. _otts: botts cotts motts potts
4. _ouns: bouns louns nouns touns
4. _owes: bowes howes lowes yowes
4. _ownd: lownd pownd rownd sownd
4. _owps: cowps dowps lowps sowps
4. _rads: brads grads prads trads
4. _rags: brags crags drags frags
4. _rame: arame brame crame grame
4. _rang: krang orang prang wrang
4. _rant: brant drant orant trant
4. _rere: arere brere drere frere
4. _rews: brews crews grews trews
4. _rims: brims crims prims trims
4. _rips: crips drips grips trips
4. _rith: brith crith frith grith
4. _roke: droke proke troke wroke
4. _rone: grone irone krone trone
4. _rons: crons frons irons trons
4. _uans: duans guans tuans yuans
4. _ubas: bubas jubas subas tubas
4. _ucky: ducky gucky sucky yucky
4. _udos: budos judos kudos ludos
4. _uers: huers puers ruers suers
4. _uids: guids muids quids suids
4. _uits: cuits duits quits suits
4. _ulus: lulus pulus sulus zulus
4. _umpy: bumpy humpy rumpy tumpy
4. _unas: bunas lunas punas tunas
4. _unds: bunds funds runds tunds
4. _uppy: buppy cuppy duppy yuppy
4. _urfs: curfs surfs turfs zurfs
4. _urks: burks lurks murks turks
4. _urra: durra hurra murra surra
4. _urst: curst durst hurst wurst
4. _ussy: gussy mussy pussy wussy
4. _uxes: duxes luxes muxes tuxes
4. _yers: dyers eyers oyers tyers
4. _yked: byked dyked fyked ryked
4. _yles: fyles hyles kyles wyles
4. _ynds: kynds rynds synds wynds
4. _ypes: hypes kypes sypes types
4. a_ays: adays alays apays aways
4. a_ear: abear afear anear arear
4. a_ene: agene akene amene arene
4. a_gas: aigas algas angas avgas
4. a_ine: aline amine avine azine
4. a_las: amlas anlas atlas aulas
4. a_man: adman amman atman axman
4. a_ons: aeons agons axons azons
4. a_res: acres apres aures ayres
4. a_ros: acros aeros afros agros
4. ab_es: abbes abies ables abyes
4. ac_ed: ached acned acred acted
4. ac_es: aches acmes acnes acres
4. ai_ed: aided ailed aimed aired
4. al_os: alcos alkos aloos altos
4. an_le: ancle anele anile anole
4. ar_al: areal argal artal arval
4. aura_: aurae aural aurar auras
4. b_cks: backs becks bocks bucks
4. b_des: bedes bides bodes bydes
4. b_ffs: baffs biffs boffs buffs
4. b_ked: baked biked boked byked
4. b_nes: banes benes bines bones
4. b_ngs: bangs bings bongs bungs
4. b_nks: banks binks bonks bunks
4. b_nts: bants bents bints bunts
4. b_rds: bards birds bords burds
4. b_res: bares beres bores byres
4. b_ses: bases beses bises buses
4. b_sks: basks bisks bosks busks
4. b_tts: batts bitts botts butts
4. ba_dy: baddy baldy bandy bardy
4. band_: banda bandh bands bandy
4. bar_e: barbe barde barre barye
4. bard_: barde bardo bards bardy
4. barr_: barra barre barro barry
4. base_: based basen baser bases
4. bass_: basse bassi basso bassy
4. bast_: basta basti basto basts
4. bea_y: beaky beamy beany beaty
4. bee_s: beefs beeps beers beets
4. ben_s: bends benes benis bents
4. ber_s: beres bergs berks berms
4. bi_ed: bided biked biled biped
4. bi_er: bider biker biner biter
4. bi_ks: bilks binks birks bisks
4. bide_: bided bider bides bidet
4. bl_bs: blabs blebs blobs blubs
4. bl_ts: blats blets blits blots
4. ble_s: blebs blees blets bleys
4. blin_: bling blini blins bliny
4. blu_s: blubs bluds blues blurs
4. blue_: blued blues bluet bluey
4. bo_ie: bogie bonie bosie bowie
4. bo_ls: boils bolls bools bowls
4. boa_s: boabs boaks boars boats
4. bon_e: bonce bonie bonne bonze
4. bon_s: bonds bones bongs bonks
4. bowe_: bowed bower bowes bowet
4. br_me: brame breme brome brume
4. bran_: brane brank brans brant
4. bre_e: brede breme brere breve
4. bro_s: brods brogs broos brows
4. bu_as: bubas budas bunas buras
4. bu_ts: buats bunts busts butts
4. bu_ty: bufty bunty busty butty
4. bun_y: bundy bungy bunjy bunty
4. by_es: bydes bykes byres bytes
4. c_des: cades cedes cides codes
4. c_ops: chops clops coops crops
4. c_red: cared cered cored cured
4. c_sts: casts cists costs cysts
4. ca_on: cajon capon caron caxon
4. ca_ps: calps camps carps caups
4. cad_e: cadee cadge cadie cadre
4. camp_: campi campo camps campy
4. can_s: canes cangs canns cants
4. cane_: caned caneh caner canes
4. cap_s: capas capes caphs capos
4. car_y: carby cardy carny carvy
4. cau_s: cauks cauls caums caups
4. cave_: caved cavel caver caves
4. ce_es: cedes cepes ceres cetes
4. cha_e: chace chape chare chave
4. cha_k: chack chank chark chawk
4. chic_: chica chich chico chics
4. choo_: choof chook choom choon
4. chu_s: chubs chugs chums chuts
4. cla_t: clapt clart clast claut
4. cle_s: clefs clegs clems clews
4. clo_e: cloke clote cloye cloze
4. co_al: comal copal cowal coxal
4. co_as: cocas codas colas comas
4. co_by: cobby colby comby corby
4. co_en: coden cohen copen cozen
4. co_fs: coffs coifs confs coofs
4. co_ky: cocky conky cooky corky
4. co_ns: coins conns coons corns
4. co_te: coate comte conte coste
4. coo_y: cooey cooky cooly coomy
4. cooe_: cooed cooee cooer cooey
4. cope_: coped copen coper copes
4. corn_: corni corno corns cornu
4. cour_: courb courd coure cours
4. coze_: cozed cozen cozes cozey
4. cr_ps: craps creps crips crops
4. cra_e: crake crame crape crare
4. cube_: cubeb cubed cuber cubes
4. cure_: cured curer cures curet
4. d_ffs: daffs diffs doffs duffs
4. d_ked: deked diked duked dyked
4. d_kes: dekes dikes dukes dykes
4. d_les: dales deles doles dules
4. d_lls: dells dills dolls dulls
4. d_mes: dames demes dimes domes
4. d_nes: denes dines dunes dynes
4. d_ngs: dangs dings dongs dungs
4. d_nts: dants dents dints dunts
4. d_res: dares deres dores dures
4. da_er: daker darer dater dazer
4. da_ks: dacks danks darks dawks
4. dau_s: daubs dauds daurs dauts
4. daw_s: dawds dawks dawns dawts
4. de_ed: deked deled dered dewed
4. de_ts: debts deets delts dents
4. dear_: deare dearn dears deary
4. di_er: dicer diker dimer direr
4. di_ks: dicks dinks dirks disks
4. dike_: diked diker dikes dikey
4. div_s: divas dives divis divos
4. do_ly: doily dooly dowly doyly
4. do_os: docos dodos dojos dolos
4. dol_s: doles dolls dolos dolts
4. doo_y: doody dooly doomy doozy
4. dose_: dosed doseh doser doses
4. dove_: doved doven dover doves
4. dre_s: drees dregs dreks dreys
4. du_ed: duded duked duped dured
4. dua_s: duads duals duans duars
4. dun_s: dunes dungs dunks dunts
4. e_ics: emics epics erics etics
4. el_in: elain eldin eloin elsin
4. f_ats: feats fiats flats frats
4. f_ces: faces feces fices fyces
4. f_lls: falls fells fills fulls
4. f_mes: fames femes fomes fumes
4. f_nks: fanks fenks finks funks
4. f_res: fares feres fires fores
4. f_rms: farms ferms firms forms
4. f_sts: fasts fests fists fusts
4. fa_ts: facts farts fasts fauts
4. fai_s: faiks fails fains fairs
4. fake_: faked faker fakes fakey
4. fe_ds: feeds fends feods feuds
4. fen_s: fends fenis fenks fents
4. fi_ks: filks finks firks fisks
4. fir_s: fires firks firms firns
4. fl_es: flees flies floes flues
4. fla_y: flamy flary flawy flaxy
4. fo_es: fomes fones fores foxes
4. fr_gs: frags frigs frogs frugs
4. fri_s: fribs fries frigs frits
4. fro_s: froes frogs frons frows
4. fume_: fumed fumer fumes fumet
4. fuse_: fused fusee fusel fuses
4. g_ats: geats ghats gnats goats
4. g_its: gaits geits glits grits
4. g_mps: gamps gimps gumps gymps
4. g_nny: genny ginny gunny gynny
4. g_res: gares geres gores gyres
4. g_sts: gasts gests gists gusts
4. ga_ps: gamps gasps gaups gawps
4. gai_s: gaids gains gairs gaits
4. gam_s: gamas gambs games gamps
4. gamb_: gamba gambe gambo gambs
4. gar_s: garbs gares garis garms
4. gea_s: geals geans gears geats
4. gen_s: genas genes gents genus
4. gi_ts: gifts gilts girts gists
4. gibe_: gibed gibel giber gibes
4. gil_s: gilas gilds gills gilts
4. gl_ms: glams glims gloms glums
4. glee_: gleed gleek glees gleet
4. gli_s: glias glibs glims glits
4. glo_s: globs gloms glops glows
4. glu_s: glues glugs glums gluts
4. glue_: glued gluer glues gluey
4. go_ds: goads golds goods gowds
4. go_ks: gonks gooks gouks gowks
4. go_ls: goals goels gools gowls
4. goa_s: goads goafs goals goats
4. gol_s: golds goles golfs golps
4. gram_: grama grame gramp grams
4. gre_s: grees grens grews greys
4. gri_t: grift griot gript grist
4. gro_s: grogs groks grots grows
4. gry_e: gryce gryde gryke grype
4. gun_y: gundy gungy gunky gunny
4. gy_es: gybes gyres gytes gyves
4. h_kes: hakes hikes hokes hykes
4. h_llo: hallo hillo hollo hullo
4. h_lls: halls hells hills hulls
4. h_nds: hands hends hinds honds
4. h_nts: hants hents hints hunts
4. ha_er: haler haver hayer hazer
4. ha_fs: haafs haffs halfs haufs
4. ha_ls: hails halls harls hauls
4. ha_ms: haems halms harms hawms
4. ha_se: halse hanse hause hawse
4. hai_s: haiks hails hains hairs
4. hal_a: halfa halma halva halwa
4. han_s: hands hangs hanks hants
4. hau_s: hauds haufs hauls hauns
4. haul_: hauld haulm hauls hault
4. he_ed: heled hewed hexed heyed
4. he_ps: heaps helps hemps hesps
4. he_ts: heats hefts hents hests
4. hi_ed: hided hiked hired hived
4. hi_er: hider hiker hirer hiver
4. hi_es: hides hikes hires hives
4. hire_: hired hiree hirer hires
4. ho_as: hokas homas horas hoyas
4. ho_en: hogen hosen hoten hoven
4. ho_rs: hoars hoers hoors hours
4. ho_ts: holts hoots hosts houts
4. hon_s: honds hones hongs honks
4. hor_s: horas horis horks horns
4. hove_: hovea hoved hoven hoves
4. how_s: howes howfs howks howls
4. hu_ks: hucks hulks hunks husks
4. hul_s: hulas hules hulks hulls
4. ja_ps: jaaps jarps jasps jaups
4. jamb_: jambe jambo jambs jambu
4. jive_: jived jiver jives jivey
4. jo_es: jobes jokes joles jones
4. k_ang: kiang klang krang kyang
4. k_ars: kbars knars ksars kyars
4. kan_s: kanas kanes kangs kants
4. ke_ts: keets kelts kents kests
4. ker_s: kerbs kerfs kerns keros
4. kno_s: knobs knops knots knows
4. ko_as: kohas kokas kolas koras
4. ko_os: kobos kolos koros kotos
4. kor_s: koras kores koros korus
4. kra_s: krabs krais krans krays
4. ku_is: kufis kumis kuris kutis
4. l_cks: lacks licks locks lucks
4. l_des: lades ledes lodes ludes
4. l_lls: lalls lills lolls lulls
4. l_mas: lamas limas lomas lumas
4. l_med: lamed lemed limed lomed
4. l_ngs: lengs lings longs lungs
4. l_ses: lases leses loses lyses
4. l_sts: lasts lests lists lusts
4. l_ted: lated lited luted lyted
4. l_tes: lites lotes lutes lytes
4. l_ves: laves leves lives loves
4. l_xes: laxes lexes loxes luxes
4. la_ch: laich lanch larch lauch
4. la_ds: laids lands lards lauds
4. la_in: lakin lapin lawin layin
4. lai_s: laics laids laiks lairs
4. lam_s: lamas lambs lames lamps
4. le_is: lenis levis lewis lexis
4. le_rs: lears leers lehrs leirs
4. le_ts: leats leets lefts lests
4. lea_y: leady leany leary leavy
4. lee_s: leeks leeps leers leets
4. li_as: limas lipas liras litas
4. li_ks: licks links lirks lisks
4. li_ns: liens limns linns lions
4. li_ts: lifts lilts lints lists
4. lie_s: liefs liens liers lieus
4. limb_: limba limbi limbs limby
4. lime_: limed limen limes limey
4. lo_an: logan lohan loran lowan
4. lo_os: lobos locos logos lotos
4. lo_ts: lofts loots louts lowts
4. loa_s: loads loafs loams loans
4. loc_s: lochs locis locks locos
4. loo_y: looby looey looky loony
4. lose_: losed losel losen loses
4. lot_s: lotas lotes lotos lotus
4. low_s: lowes lowns lowps lowts
4. lu_ks: lucks lunks lurks lusks
4. lure_: lured lurer lures lurex
4. lute_: lutea luted luter lutes
4. m_les: males miles moles mules
4. m_lts: malts melts milts molts
4. m_nas: manas minas monas mynas
4. m_rks: marks merks mirks murks
4. m_sts: masts mists mosts musts
4. m_ted: mated meted moted muted
4. m_ths: maths meths moths myths
4. m_tis: metis mitis motis mutis
4. m_tts: matts mitts motts mutts
4. ma_er: macer maser mater mazer
4. ma_ls: mails malls marls mauls
4. ma_us: magus malus manus masus
4. mac_s: macas maces machs macks
4. mala_: malam malar malas malax
4. mar_e: marae marge marle marse
4. maze_: mazed mazer mazes mazey
4. me_ds: meads meeds melds mends
4. me_ls: meals mells merls mewls
4. me_se: mease mense merse meuse
4. mea_s: meads meals means meats
4. mel_s: melas melds mells melts
4. men_s: mends menes mengs menus
4. mere_: mered merel merer meres
4. mi_er: miler mimer miter mixer
4. mi_is: midis mihis minis mitis
4. mi_ks: micks milks minks mirks
4. mi_ts: milts mints mists mitts
4. mime_: mimed mimeo mimer mimes
4. mir_s: mires mirks miros mirvs
4. mixe_: mixed mixen mixer mixes
4. mo_ey: mobey mopey mosey motey
4. mo_ks: mocks monks mooks mosks
4. mo_us: modus momus mopus motus
4. mon_s: monas mongs monks monos
4. mool_: moola mooli mools mooly
4. mope_: moped moper mopes mopey
4. mor_s: moras mores morns morts
4. mora_: morae moras morat moray
4. mung_: munga munge mungo mungs
4. mus_s: muses musks musos musts
4. muse_: mused muser muses muset
4. n_tes: nates netes nites notes
4. na_ed: naked naled named naped
4. na_is: nabis naris natis nazis
4. nea_s: neals neaps nears neats
4. ni_er: niger niner niter nixer
4. no_al: nodal nopal notal noxal
4. no_ed: nosed noted nowed noyed
4. non_s: nonas nones nongs nonis
4. noo_s: noobs nooks noons noops
4. o_als: odals opals orals ovals
4. o_ens: omens opens ouens ovens
4. o_ler: ogler oiler oller owler
4. o_ter: oater ofter opter oxter
4. p_ans: paans peans pians plans
4. p_ats: peats plats prats pyats
4. p_eon: paeon pheon pleon preon
4. p_kes: pekes pikes pokes pukes
4. p_led: paled piled poled puled
4. p_lis: palis pilis polis pulis
4. p_ngs: pangs pings pongs pungs
4. p_nks: penks pinks ponks punks
4. p_ons: peons phons pions poons
4. p_ots: phots plots poots pyots
4. p_ses: pases pises poses puses
4. p_xes: paxes pixes poxes pyxes
4. pa_is: padis palis paris pavis
4. pa_ks: packs paiks parks pawks
4. pa_ts: pacts pants parts pasts
4. pace_: paced pacer paces pacey
4. pai_s: paiks pails pains pairs
4. pale_: palea paled pales palet
4. pan_s: pands panes pangs pants
4. par_e: parae parge parle parve
4. pate_: pated paten pater pates
4. pave_: paved paven paver paves
4. paw_s: pawas pawks pawls pawns
4. pe_se: pease peise perse peyse
4. pea_e: peage peare pease peaze
4. perv_: perve pervo pervs pervy
4. pike_: piked piker pikes pikey
4. pil_s: piles pilis pills pilus
4. pole_: poled poler poles poley
4. pon_y: poncy poney pongy ponty
4. pong_: ponga pongo pongs pongy
4. por_s: pores porks porns ports
4. por_y: porgy porky porny porty
4. pou_s: poufs pouks pours pouts
4. pr_ms: prams prems prims proms
4. pr_se: prase prese prise pryse
4. prat_: prate prats pratt praty
4. pre_s: prees prems preps preys
4. pri_s: pries prigs prims priss
4. pros_: proso pross prost prosy
4. pu_ka: pucka pukka pulka punka
4. pu_us: pudus pukus pulus pupus
4. puke_: puked puker pukes pukey
4. pun_s: punas pungs punks punts
4. pur_s: pures puris purls purrs
4. r_des: redes rides rodes rudes
4. r_ins: rains reins roins ruins
4. r_ked: raked reked roked ryked
4. r_kes: rakes rekes rokes rykes
4. r_les: rales riles roles rules
4. r_nts: rants rents ronts runts
4. ra_ks: racks raiks ranks rarks
4. ra_us: ragus rakus ramus ratus
4. rage_: raged ragee rager rages
4. rake_: raked rakee raker rakes
4. rang_: ranga rangi rangs rangy
4. rate_: rated ratel rater rates
4. raze_: razed razee razer razes
4. re_an: redan reman reran rewan
4. re_ds: reads redds reeds rends
4. re_ed: reded refed reked rewed
4. re_et: relet remet revet rewet
4. re_ie: regie relie retie revie
4. re_it: rebit recit relit resit
4. re_ks: reaks recks reeks reiks
4. re_on: recon redon rejon rewon
4. re_os: redos regos renos repos
4. rice_: riced ricer rices ricey
4. rin_s: rinds rines rings rinks
4. ris_s: rises risks risps risus
4. rive_: rived rivel riven rives
4. ro_ls: roils rolls rotls rouls
4. roa_s: roads roams roans roars
4. roo_y: roofy rooky roopy rooty
4. rope_: roped roper ropes ropey
4. rud_s: rudas rudds rudes rudis
4. run_s: runds runes rungs runts
4. rus_s: rusas ruses rusks rusts
4. s_ail: scail skail spail swail
4. s_cks: sacks sicks socks sucks
4. s_eer: skeer sleer speer sweer
4. s_ees: skees smees snees swees
4. s_ens: siens skens stens syens
4. s_ent: shent sient stent suent
4. s_ins: sains shins skins spins
4. s_ips: ships skips slips snips
4. s_kes: sakes sikes sokes sykes
4. s_les: sales seles siles soles
4. s_nds: sands sends sinds synds
4. s_obs: slobs snobs stobs swobs
4. s_res: seres sires sores sures
4. s_row: scrow serow shrow strow
4. s_rra: serra sirra sorra surra
4. s_uls: sauls sculs shuls souls
4. s_ums: scums slums soums stums
4. s_yer: sayer shyer skyer slyer
4. sa_in: sabin sarin sasin savin
4. sa_is: sadis sakis saris satis
4. san_s: sands sanes sangs sants
4. sang_: sanga sangh sango sangs
4. save_: saved saver saves savey
4. sco_s: scogs scops scots scows
4. scro_: scrob scrod scrog scrow
4. scul_: sculk scull sculp sculs
4. se_er: seder sefer serer sexer
4. se_ls: seals seels seils sells
4. se_rs: sears seers seirs serrs
4. sea_e: seame seare sease seaze
4. sen_s: senas sends senes sents
4. ser_s: seres serfs serks serrs
4. serr_: serra serre serrs serry
4. sh_ts: shets shits shots shuts
4. she_s: sheas sheds shets shews
4. size_: sized sizel sizer sizes
4. sk_gs: skags skegs skogs skugs
4. skel_: skelf skell skelm skelp
4. sl_bs: slabs slebs slobs slubs
4. sl_ts: slats slits slots sluts
4. sle_s: slebs sleds slews sleys
4. smo_t: smolt smoot smout smowt
4. sn_gs: snags snigs snogs snugs
4. snar_: snarf snark snars snary
4. snoo_: snood snook snool snoot
4. so_ks: soaks socks sooks souks
4. so_le: socle soole sowle soyle
4. so_ls: soils sools souls sowls
4. so_ps: soaps soops soups sowps
4. so_ts: softs soots sorts souts
4. sold_: solde soldi soldo solds
4. sole_: soled solei soler soles
4. son_e: sonce sonde sonne sonse
4. sow_e: sowce sowle sowne sowse
4. sow_s: sowfs sowls sowms sowps
4. sp_er: spaer speer spier spuer
4. sp_ts: spats spets spits spots
4. spa_d: spaed spald spard spayd
4. spa_e: spake spale spane spate
4. spa_l: spail spall spaul spawl
4. spal_: spald spale spall spalt
4. spu_s: spuds spues spugs spurs
4. st_re: stere stire sture styre
4. ste_e: stede stele steme stere
4. sten_: stend steno stens stent
4. stir_: stire stirk stirp stirs
4. sto_n: stoln stonn stoun stown
4. sto_t: stoat stoit stopt stott
4. stoa_: stoae stoai stoas stoat
4. ston_: stond stong stonk stonn
4. stra_: strad strae strag strak
4. stu_s: stubs studs stums stuns
4. sur_s: suras surds sures surfs
4. sura_: surah sural suras surat
4. swar_: sward sware swarf swart
4. swee_: sweed sweel sweer swees
4. swi_e: swile swipe swire swive
4. sy_es: syces sykes synes sypes
4. t_ans: thans tians trans tuans
4. t_cks: tacks ticks tocks tucks
4. t_ffs: teffs tiffs toffs tuffs
4. t_igs: taigs thigs trigs twigs
4. t_kes: takes tikes tokes tykes
4. t_lls: talls tells tills tolls
4. t_mes: tames temes times tomes
4. t_ned: tined toned tuned tyned
4. t_ngs: tangs tings tongs tungs
4. t_ros: taros tiros toros tyros
4. t_yer: toyer tryer tuyer twyer
4. ta_ks: tacks talks tanks tasks
4. ta_ls: taals taels tails talls
4. tai_s: taigs tails tains taits
4. tala_: talak talaq talar talas
4. tan_s: tanas tangs tanhs tanks
4. tap_s: tapas tapes tapis tapus
4. tape_: taped tapen tapes tapet
4. tat_s: tates taths tatts tatus
4. te_ls: teals teels teils tells
4. tee_s: teels teems teens teers
4. teen_: teend teene teens teeny
4. tir_s: tires tirls tiros tirrs
4. to_se: toise torse touse towse
4. ton_s: tones tongs tonks tonus
4. tone_: toned toner tones toney
4. too_s: tools tooms toons toots
4. top_s: topes tophs topis topos
4. tou_s: touks touns tours touts
4. tran_: trank tranq trans trant
4. tu_es: tubes tules tunes tuxes
4. tun_s: tunas tunds tunes tungs
4. tw_er: tweer twier twoer twyer
4. twa_s: twaes twals twats tways
4. twee_: tweel tween tweep tweer
4. ulna_: ulnad ulnae ulnar ulnas
4. un_ed: unbed unked unled unred
4. un_et: unget unket unlet unwet
4. un_id: unbid unkid unlid unrid
4. vi_ed: viced vined vired vised
4. vi_ls: vials vills viols virls
4. vin_s: vinas vines vinos vints
4. vine_: vined viner vines vinew
4. volt_: volta volte volti volts
4. w_lds: walds welds wilds wolds
4. w_lls: walls wells wills wulls
4. w_nds: wands wends winds wynds
4. wa_ds: wadds walds wands wards
4. wa_er: wader waker waler waxer
4. wa_fs: waffs waifs wakfs waqfs
4. wa_ls: wails walls wauls wawls
4. wad_s: wadds wades wadis wadts
4. wake_: waked waken waker wakes
4. wan_y: waney wanky wanly wanty
4. was_s: wases wasms wasps wasts
4. we_ds: weeds weids welds wends
4. we_ls: weals weels weils wells
4. wel_s: welds welks wells welts
4. wh_ps: whaps whips whops whups
4. whe_s: whens whets whews wheys
4. wo_ds: woads wolds woods words
4. wor_s: words works worms worts
4. y_kes: yikes ylkes yokes yukes
4. y_rks: yarks yerks yirks yorks
4. yar_s: yards yarks yarns yarrs
4. ye_es: yedes yeses yeves yexes
4. ye_ks: yelks yerks yesks yeuks
4. yea_s: yeads yeahs yeans years
4. yoke_: yoked yokel yoker yokes
3. _aaed: baaed caaed maaed
3. _aars: haars maars yaars
3. _abas: babas cabas yabas
3. _abba: dabba gabba yabba
3. _abby: fabby gabby yabby
3. _aber: caber saber taber
3. _able: gable hable sable
3. _abob: cabob kabob nabob
3. _abra: labra sabra zabra
3. _abus: babus habus tabus
3. _acas: cacas macas pacas
3. _achs: bachs machs tachs
3. _acts: facts pacts tacts
3. _ader: fader lader wader
3. _ados: dados fados sados
3. _adre: cadre madre padre
3. _affy: baffy daffy faffy
3. _agga: dagga ragga wagga
3. _agos: dagos kagos sagos
3. _agot: cagot fagot magot
3. _ahal: kahal lahal nahal
3. _aifs: kaifs naifs waifs
3. _aika: haika kaika laika
3. _aiko: daiko maiko taiko
3. _aims: kaims maims saims
3. _ajes: hajes rajes tajes
3. _akey: cakey fakey jakey
3. _alea: galea palea talea
3. _aler: haler taler waler
3. _almy: calmy malmy palmy
3. _alop: galop jalop salop
3. _alps: calps palps salps
3. _alse: halse salse valse
3. _alus: balus malus talus
3. _amal: hamal ramal tamal
3. _amey: gamey mamey samey
3. _amin: gamin ramin tamin
3. _amme: damme gamme kamme
3. _anch: ganch hanch lanch
3. _anda: banda panda vanda
3. _aneh: caneh kaneh maneh
3. _angi: hangi rangi tangi
3. _anns: banns canns janns
3. _anos: fanos manos nanos
3. _arby: barby carby warby
3. _aree: laree raree saree
3. _argo: largo pargo sargo
3. _aric: baric daric naric
3. _arra: barra marra parra
3. _arrs: carrs parrs yarrs
3. _arse: carse farse marse
3. _arst: earst karst warst
3. _arta: carta jarta yarta
3. _aspy: gaspy paspy waspy
3. _assy: bassy lassy massy
3. _asta: basta hasta rasta
3. _atal: datal katal ratal
3. _atch: gatch natch ratch
3. _aten: laten oaten paten
3. _atos: datos jatos ratos
3. _auns: fauns hauns rauns
3. _auri: cauri kauri mauri
3. _aven: daven maven paven
3. _avey: ravey savey wavey
3. _awds: bawds dawds gawds
3. _awny: fawny lawny yawny
3. _axer: laxer taxer waxer
3. _ayne: fayne rayne sayne
3. _azar: bazar gazar lazar
3. _ched: ached eched iched
3. _cker: acker icker ocker
3. _eame: heame reame seame
3. _eamy: beamy reamy seamy
3. _eany: beany leany meany
3. _eath: beath meath neath
3. _ebec: rebec xebec zebec
3. _ebel: debel jebel nebel
3. _echt: fecht hecht wecht
3. _eder: ceder heder seder
3. _edis: cedis jedis pedis
3. _eefs: beefs keefs reefs
3. _eely: deely jeely seely
3. _eery: beery peery veery
3. _eese: feese leese neese
3. _eest: geest reest weest
3. _effs: jeffs meffs teffs
3. _efte: hefte lefte wefte
3. _efts: hefts lefts wefts
3. _egar: begar regar segar
3. _eges: leges reges veges
3. _egos: regos segos vegos
3. _egus: degus negus tegus
3. _eids: deids heids weids
3. _eifs: neifs reifs seifs
3. _eise: peise seise weise
3. _ekes: dekes pekes rekes
3. _elfs: delfs pelfs selfs
3. _elos: delos helos telos
3. _elps: helps kelps yelps
3. _elty: felty kelty melty
3. _eman: deman leman reman
3. _emmy: femmy gemmy jemmy
3. _emps: hemps kemps temps
3. _endu: pendu tendu vendu
3. _enet: benet denet genet
3. _enna: henna penna senna
3. _enne: benne renne tenne
3. _enos: kenos lenos renos
3. _ense: cense lense mense
3. _enty: benty genty tenty
3. _enus: genus menus venus
3. _erai: perai serai terai
3. _erbs: herbs kerbs verbs
3. _erds: herds nerds yerds
3. _erer: ferer merer serer
3. _erfs: kerfs serfs terfs
3. _eric: ceric seric xeric
3. _erma: derma herma kerma
3. _erse: herse merse perse
3. _etch: ketch letch vetch
3. _eted: beted feted meted
3. _eton: beton jeton seton
3. _euch: heuch leuch teuch
3. _eugh: heugh leugh teugh
3. _evel: devel kevel nevel
3. _ewan: dewan rewan sewan
3. _ewel: newel sewel tewel
3. _exer: hexer sexer vexer
3. _exts: nexts sexts texts
3. _eyed: feyed heyed keyed
3. _eyer: feyer geyer keyer
3. _ezzy: bezzy fezzy lezzy
3. _gged: egged igged ugged
3. _hams: chams shams whams
3. _hans: khans shans thans
3. _haps: chaps shaps whaps
3. _hare: chare phare whare
3. _haws: chaws shaws thaws
3. _haya: chaya khaya shaya
3. _hets: khets shets whets
3. _hine: chine rhine thine
3. _hips: chips ships whips
3. _hirr: chirr shirr whirr
3. _hish: phish shish whish
3. _hits: chits shits whits
3. _hizz: chizz phizz whizz
3. _hops: chops shops whops
3. _iars: fiars liars tiars
3. _iber: giber jiber liber
3. _iens: liens miens siens
3. _ifer: fifer lifer rifer
3. _iffy: biffy miffy niffy
3. _igan: ligan wigan zigan
3. _igas: aigas gigas vigas
3. _iggs: biggs miggs riggs
3. _ighs: highs nighs sighs
3. _ikis: pikis tikis wikis
3. _ilar: filar hilar pilar
3. _ille: fille mille rille
3. _ilty: kilty milty silty
3. _ilum: filum hilum pilum
3. _imbi: limbi nimbi zimbi
3. _imbs: limbs nimbs zimbs
3. _indy: kindy lindy rindy
3. _iner: biner niner viner
3. _inna: dinna pinna winna
3. _inns: jinns linns winns
3. _ions: cions lions pions
3. _ipas: lipas nipas pipas
3. _irth: airth firth yirth
3. _irts: airts dirts girts
3. _isps: lisps risps wisps
3. _itis: mitis titis zitis
3. _ivvy: bivvy civvy divvy
3. _ixed: fixed mixed nixed
3. _ixer: mixer nixer sixer
3. _izzy: bizzy mizzy tizzy
3. _labs: blabs flabs slabs
3. _lads: blads clads glads
3. _laes: blaes claes slaes
3. _lane: alane flane slane
3. _lart: blart clart slart
3. _lebs: blebs plebs slebs
3. _leek: cleek fleek gleek
3. _lees: blees flees glees
3. _lent: blent glent olent
3. _lods: alods clods plods
3. _loes: aloes floes sloes
3. _long: flong klong plong
3. _loop: bloop cloop gloop
3. _lote: clote flote zlote
3. _lugs: glugs plugs slugs
3. _mirs: amirs emirs smirs
3. _mits: emits omits smits
3. _mped: amped imped umped
3. _narm: enarm inarm unarm
3. _nars: gnars knars snars
3. _ncus: incus oncus uncus
3. _nfix: enfix infix unfix
3. _nits: knits snits units
3. _oals: coals foals goals
3. _oams: foams loams roams
3. _oary: goary hoary roary
3. _obed: jobed lobed robed
3. _oble: coble moble roble
3. _oded: boded coded roded
3. _oels: goels koels noels
3. _ofts: lofts softs tofts
3. _oges: doges loges toges
3. _ogos: gogos logos pogos
3. _ogue: bogue cogue togue
3. _ohed: hohed oohed pohed
3. _oile: moile toile voile
3. _oing: boing hoing toing
3. _oirs: coirs loirs noirs
3. _ojis: gojis kojis rojis
3. _okey: hokey jokey pokey
3. _okos: bokos mokos tokos
3. _olar: bolar tolar volar
3. _olfs: golfs rolfs wolfs
3. _olus: bolus solus tolus
3. _omal: comal domal romal
3. _oman: roman soman toman
3. _ombe: bombe combe pombe
3. _ombo: bombo combo gombo
3. _omed: domed homed lomed
3. _omer: comer gomer vomer
3. _onas: donas monas nonas
3. _onda: fonda honda zonda
3. _onde: monde ronde sonde
3. _oney: coney poney toney
3. _ongo: congo mongo pongo
3. _onky: conky honky wonky
3. _onte: conte monte ronte
3. _onty: jonty monty ponty
3. _ooch: cooch hooch mooch
3. _oomy: boomy coomy doomy
3. _oony: goony loony moony
3. _oord: boord hoord loord
3. _oose: boose roose woose
3. _oove: hoove moove poove
3. _oppa: koppa poppa zoppa
3. _opsy: copsy mopsy popsy
3. _oram: coram foram joram
3. _orbs: dorbs forbs sorbs
3. _oree: boree doree soree
3. _orer: borer porer sorer
3. _oria: coria moria noria
3. _orma: korma norma qorma
3. _ormy: dormy gormy wormy
3. _orta: porta sorta torta
3. _oser: doser hoser noser
3. _otal: dotal notal rotal
3. _oter: doter noter toter
3. _othy: bothy gothy mothy
3. _otos: kotos lotos rotos
3. _otta: cotta gotta lotta
3. _ough: hough lough sough
3. _oums: doums roums soums
3. _oura: doura goura koura
3. _ousy: bousy mousy tousy
3. _outh: couth fouth routh
3. _oven: doven hoven roven
3. _owar: dowar jowar sowar
3. _ower: bower dower vower
3. _owfs: gowfs howfs sowfs
3. _owks: cowks gowks howks
3. _owne: bowne lowne sowne
3. _owth: fowth rowth sowth
3. _oxie: doxie foxie moxie
3. _oyas: hoyas moyas soyas
3. _oyau: boyau coyau noyau
3. _pode: apode epode spode
3. _pter: apter opter upter
3. _raal: craal graal kraal
3. _rack: brack drack frack
3. _rape: crape frape trape
3. _rapt: trapt wrapt yrapt
3. _raws: braws craws draws
3. _reed: dreed preed treed
3. _rems: crems prems trems
3. _rena: crena frena urena
3. _rens: brens grens wrens
3. _rest: drest prest trest
3. _rets: arets frets trets
3. _reve: breve greve preve
3. _ribs: cribs dribs fribs
3. _rill: brill prill trill
3. _rins: brins grins trins
3. _rios: brios crios trios
3. _rist: frist grist trist
3. _rize: brize frize grize
3. _rods: brods prods trods
3. _rome: brome crome drome
3. _ronk: cronk pronk tronk
3. _rops: crops drops props
3. _rore: crore frore prore
3. _rues: crues grues trues
3. _rugs: drugs frugs trugs
3. _ubed: cubed lubed tubed
3. _ubit: cubit oubit qubit
3. _uces: duces luces puces
3. _udas: budas judas rudas
3. _udus: kudus pudus wudus
3. _uffa: buffa luffa puffa
3. _uffe: buffe ruffe tuffe
3. _uffy: buffy fuffy huffy
3. _ugal: fugal jugal rugal
3. _uger: auger huger luger
3. _ughs: eughs sughs vughs
3. _uing: cuing duing ruing
3. _uist: buist muist quist
3. _ukus: jukus kukus pukus
3. _uled: muled puled ruled
3. _ulla: bulla mulla nulla
3. _ully: cully hully pully
3. _ulse: bulse dulse mulse
3. _umbo: bumbo dumbo rumbo
3. _ungy: bungy dungy gungy
3. _unky: gunky junky punky
3. _unty: bunty punty runty
3. _upas: oupas pupas zupas
3. _upes: dupes jupes supes
3. _urat: curat jurat surat
3. _urdy: curdy gurdy nurdy
3. _urgy: durgy lurgy surgy
3. _uris: auris kuris puris
3. _urly: gurly hurly murly
3. _urps: burps rurps turps
3. _urus: gurus kurus rurus
3. _used: fused mused sused
3. _utch: cutch kutch mutch
3. _uted: luted muted outed
3. _uter: cuter luter muter
3. _utis: cutis kutis mutis
3. _uton: futon muton puton
3. _utta: gutta outta sutta
3. _utts: butts mutts putts
3. _uzzy: buzzy huzzy muzzy
3. _vens: avens evens ovens
3. _ways: aways sways tways
3. _weel: aweel sweel tweel
3. _wned: awned owned pwned
3. _ymes: cymes lymes zymes
3. _ynde: hynde kynde tynde
3. _yned: pyned syned tyned
3. _yoid: hyoid myoid pyoid
3. _yots: eyots pyots ryots
3. _yped: hyped syped typed
3. _ypos: gypos hypos typos
3. _yrie: ayrie eyrie kyrie
3. _yros: gyros pyros tyros
3. _zars: czars izars tzars
3. a_ars: afars agars arars
3. a_bas: abbas albas arbas
3. a_ent: ahent ament anent
3. a_hed: aahed ached ashed
3. a_ias: alias amias arias
3. a_ies: abies ajies amies
3. a_ils: anils arils axils
3. a_ker: acker anker asker
3. a_led: ailed arled axled
3. a_les: ables arles axles
3. a_mas: agmas almas atmas
3. a_ole: amole anole azole
3. a_red: acred adred aired
3. a_ris: abris arris auris
3. a_ses: apses arses asses
3. a_ted: acted anted apted
3. a_yls: acyls amyls aryls
3. aba_a: abaca abaka abaya
3. abac_: abaca abaci abacs
3. able_: abler ables ablet
3. abri_: abrim abrin abris
3. ad_ed: added adred adzed
3. aggr_: aggri aggro aggry
3. agle_: aglee aglet agley
3. ahin_: ahind ahing ahint
3. ai_er: aimer airer aiver
3. aid_s: aidas aides aidos
3. ala_s: alans alaps alays
3. ale_s: alecs alefs alews
3. alo_s: alods aloes aloos
3. amen_: amene amens ament
3. ami_e: amice amide amine
3. ami_o: amido amigo amino
3. amid_: amide amido amids
3. amin_: amine amino amins
3. amni_: amnia amnic amnio
3. an_on: ancon anion anyon
3. anna_: annal annas annat
3. ant_s: antas antes antis
3. anta_: antae antar antas
3. aper_: apers apert apery
3. aps_s: apses apsis apsos
3. ar_is: arris arsis artis
3. aret_: arete arets arett
3. arg_l: argal argil argol
3. argo_: argol argon argot
3. arme_: armed armer armet
3. arse_: arsed arses arsey
3. as_er: asker asper aster
3. ashe_: ashed ashes ashet
3. aspi_: aspic aspie aspis
3. at_as: atlas atmas atuas
3. ato_s: atocs atoks atoms
3. ato_y: atomy atony atopy
3. aur_s: auras aures auris
3. ave_s: avels avens avers
3. avi_e: avine avise avize
3. b_ads: beads blads brads
3. b_aks: beaks boaks braks
3. b_bas: babas bobas bubas
3. b_ded: bided boded byded
3. b_ers: beers biers brers
3. b_ets: beets blets boets
3. b_ffo: biffo boffo buffo
3. b_ffy: baffy biffy buffy
3. b_ins: beins blins brins
3. b_its: baits blits brits
3. b_les: bales biles boles
3. b_lks: balks bilks bulks
3. b_mas: bemas bimas bomas
3. b_mbo: bimbo bombo bumbo
3. b_ndy: bandy bendy bundy
3. b_nty: banty benty bunty
3. b_ogs: biogs blogs brogs
3. b_rls: birls burls byrls
3. b_rms: barms berms borms
3. b_sti: basti besti busti
3. b_sts: basts bests busts
3. b_tty: betty botty butty
3. b_uts: bhuts bouts bruts
3. b_zzy: bezzy bizzy buzzy
3. ba_er: barer baser bayer
3. ba_hs: bachs baghs baths
3. ba_ns: banns barns bawns
3. ba_oo: baboo baloo bazoo
3. ba_ra: bajra bakra barra
3. bab_s: babas babes babus
3. bacc_: bacca bacco baccy
3. bake_: baked baken bakes
3. bal_y: baldy balky bally
3. ban_a: banda bania banya
3. bant_: bants bantu banty
3. barb_: barbe barbs barby
3. bare_: bared barer bares
3. bas_n: basan basen bason
3. bas_o: basho basso basto
3. bas_s: bases basks basts
3. bat_s: bates baths batts
3. batt_: batta batts battu
3. bau_s: bauds bauks baurs
3. baye_: bayed bayer bayes
3. be_ad: bedad begad bemad
3. be_ks: beaks becks berks
3. be_ty: beaty benty betty
3. bean_: beano beans beany
3. beat_: beath beats beaty
3. beau_: beaus beaut beaux
3. bede_: bedel bedes bedew
3. bela_: belah belar belay
3. ben_y: bendy benny benty
3. benn_: benne benni benny
3. bent_: bento bents benty
3. bes_t: besat besit besot
3. bet_s: betas betes beths
3. bi_gs: biggs bings biogs
3. bi_gy: biggy bilgy bingy
3. bi_os: bigos biros bitos
3. biff_: biffo biffs biffy
3. bike_: biked biker bikes
3. bil_s: biles bilks bills
3. bit_s: bites bitos bitts
3. bl_es: blaes blees blues
3. blat_: blate blats blatt
3. ble_t: blent blert blest
3. bli_s: blins blips blits
3. blud_: blude bluds bludy
3. bo_bs: boabs bombs boobs
3. bo_ds: bolds bonds bords
3. bo_er: boner borer bower
3. bo_rs: boars boors bowrs
3. bo_se: boose bouse bowse
3. bo_ty: borty botty boxty
3. boba_: bobac bobak bobas
3. bocc_: bocca bocce bocci
3. bog_e: bogie bogle bogue
3. boke_: boked bokeh bokes
3. bomb_: bombe bombo bombs
3. bone_: boned boner bones
3. bora_: borak boral boras
3. bort_: borts borty bortz
3. bot_s: botas botes botts
3. bott_: botte botts botty
3. bou_s: bouks bouns bouts
3. bour_: bourd bourg bourn
3. bow_e: bowie bowne bowse
3. bow_s: bowes bowls bowrs
3. boxe_: boxed boxen boxes
3. boy_s: boyfs boygs boyos
3. br_ds: brads breds brods
3. br_es: braes brees bries
3. br_gs: brags brigs brogs
3. br_ns: brans brens brins
3. br_ts: brats brits bruts
3. br_ws: braws brews brows
3. bra_e: brame brane braze
3. bra_t: bract brant brast
3. brac_: brach brack bract
3. bree_: breem breer brees
3. brit_: brith brits britt
3. bu_es: bukes buses butes
3. bu_ls: buhls bulls burls
3. bubb_: bubba bubbe bubby
3. buck_: bucko bucks bucku
3. bud_s: budas budis budos
3. bul_s: bulbs bulks bulls
3. bump_: bumph bumps bumpy
3. bun_e: bunce bunde bunje
3. bur_a: burka burqa bursa
3. burk_: burka burke burks
3. burr_: burro burrs burry
3. bus_s: buses busks busts
3. bus_y: busby busky busty
3. bust_: busti busts busty
3. c_ams: chams clams crams
3. c_ans: clans crans cyans
3. c_aps: chaps claps craps
3. c_apt: chapt clapt coapt
3. c_ats: chats clats coats
3. c_aws: chaws claws craws
3. c_ays: chays clays crays
3. c_cas: cacas cocas cycas
3. c_ded: ceded cided coded
3. c_der: ceder coder cyder
3. c_ems: chems clems crems
3. c_ews: chews clews crews
3. c_ffs: caffs coffs cuffs
3. c_ine: chine cline crine
3. c_ins: cains chins coins
3. c_ips: chips clips crips
3. c_kes: cakes cokes cukes
3. c_lts: celts colts cults
3. c_mas: camas comas cymas
3. c_mes: cames comes cymes
3. c_nes: canes cines cones
3. c_nto: canto cento conto
3. c_nts: cants cents cunts
3. c_ogs: chogs clogs crogs
3. c_omb: clomb coomb cromb
3. c_ows: chows clows crows
3. c_oze: cloze cooze croze
3. c_pes: capes cepes copes
3. c_rds: cards cords curds
3. c_ria: ceria coria curia
3. c_rls: carls cirls curls
3. c_rns: carns corns curns
3. c_ves: caves cives coves
3. ca_ls: calls carls cauls
3. ca_ns: cains canns carns
3. ca_os: calos camos capos
3. ca_ts: cants carts casts
3. cage_: caged cager cages
3. cake_: caked cakes cakey
3. cali_: calid calif calix
3. cant_: canto cants canty
3. cape_: caped capes capex
3. capo_: capon capos capot
3. car_e: carle carse carte
3. carb_: carbo carbs carby
3. card_: cardi cards cardy
3. caro_: carob carom caron
3. cart_: carta carte carts
3. ce_ts: celts cents certs
3. cede_: ceded ceder cedes
3. cell_: cella celli cells
3. cent_: cento cents centu
3. cer_s: ceres ceros certs
3. ch_co: chaco chico choco
3. ch_ms: chams chems chums
3. ch_ps: chaps chips chops
3. ch_rr: charr chirr churr
3. ch_ts: chats chits chuts
3. ch_ws: chaws chews chows
3. cha_a: chana chara chaya
3. chac_: chace chack chaco
3. chan_: chana chang chank
3. chap_: chape chaps chapt
3. che_s: chefs chems chews
3. chi_e: chile chine chive
3. chim_: chimb chimo chimp
3. chiv_: chive chivs chivy
3. cho_o: choco choko cholo
3. chol_: chola choli cholo
3. ci_ls: ciels cills cirls
3. cir_s: circs cires cirls
3. cite_: cited citer cites
3. cl_es: claes clies clues
3. cl_gs: clags clegs clogs
3. cl_pe: clepe clipe clype
3. cl_ps: claps clips clops
3. cl_pt: clapt clept clipt
3. cl_ts: clats clits clots
3. cl_ws: claws clews clows
3. cla_e: clade clame clave
3. clar_: claro clart clary
3. cle_k: cleck cleek cleik
3. cli_e: clime cline clipe
3. cli_s: clies clips clits
3. cli_t: clift clint clipt
3. clip_: clipe clips clipt
3. co_ds: coeds colds cords
3. co_ia: cobia conia coria
3. co_ie: cogie cosie cozie
3. co_in: colin conin covin
3. co_ly: coaly colly cooly
3. co_ms: comms cooms corms
3. co_pt: coapt compt coopt
3. co_ta: costa cotta couta
3. coal_: coala coals coaly
3. coat_: coate coati coats
3. coc_s: cocas cocks cocos
3. coho_: cohoe cohog cohos
3. col_y: colby coley colly
3. cole_: coled coles coley
3. com_e: comae combe comte
3. com_o: combo commo compo
3. coma_: comae comal comas
3. comm_: commo comms commy
3. comp_: compo comps compt
3. con_e: conge conne conte
3. con_o: congo conto convo
3. cone_: coned cones coney
3. cong_: conga conge congo
3. coom_: coomb cooms coomy
3. cop_y: copay coppy copsy
3. cor_y: corby corey corky
3. core_: cored cores corey
3. cost_: costa coste costs
3. cot_s: cotes coths cotts
3. cow_s: cowks cowls cowps
3. cr_es: crees cries crues
3. cr_ms: crams crems crims
3. cr_ws: craws crews crows
3. crap_: crape craps crapy
3. cri_e: crine cripe crise
3. cro_e: crome crore croze
3. cro_t: croft crost crout
3. crud_: crudo cruds crudy
3. cu_ch: culch curch cutch
3. cu_dy: cuddy cundy curdy
3. cu_er: cuber curer cuter
3. cu_fs: cuffs cuifs curfs
3. cu_ts: cuits cults cunts
3. cul_s: culls culms cults
3. cult_: culti cults culty
3. cur_t: curat curet curst
3. cute_: cuter cutes cutey
3. cyma_: cymae cymar cymas
3. d_ads: deads duads dyads
3. d_ces: daces dices duces
3. d_ddy: diddy doddy duddy
3. d_dos: dados didos dodos
3. d_ers: deers doers dyers
3. d_ets: deets diets duets
3. d_led: daled deled doled
3. d_lts: dalts delts dolts
3. d_mps: damps dimps dumps
3. d_nks: danks dinks dunks
3. d_nny: danny donny dunny
3. d_ole: dhole doole drole
3. d_ols: dhols diols dools
3. d_red: dared dered dured
3. d_rks: darks dirks dorks
3. d_rns: darns derns durns
3. d_rts: darts dirts dorts
3. d_sks: desks disks dusks
3. d_tal: datal dital dotal
3. d_ted: dated dited doted
3. d_tes: dates dites dotes
3. d_wed: dawed dewed dowed
3. d_xes: dexes doxes duxes
3. d_xie: dexie dixie doxie
3. da_ns: damns darns dawns
3. da_os: dados dagos datos
3. dal_s: dales dalis dalts
3. dam_s: dames damns damps
3. dan_s: dangs danks dants
3. dare_: dared darer dares
3. date_: dated dater dates
3. daub_: daube daubs dauby
3. daze_: dazed dazer dazes
3. de_an: decan deman dewan
3. de_ds: deads deeds deids
3. de_ls: deals deils dells
3. de_ns: deans deens derns
3. deb_s: debes debts debus
3. debu_: debud debur debus
3. deca_: decad decaf decan
3. demo_: demob demoi demos
3. den_s: denes denis dents
3. der_y: deray derny derry
3. dev_s: devas devis devos
3. devo_: devon devos devot
3. dewa_: dewan dewar dewax
3. dhol_: dhole dholl dhols
3. di_os: didos dinos divos
3. dic_s: dices dicks dicts
3. dice_: diced dicer dices
3. dict_: dicta dicts dicty
3. die_s: diebs diels diets
3. dir_s: dirks dirls dirts
3. dis_s: disas discs disks
3. dit_s: ditas dites ditts
3. do_as: donas dopas dosas
3. do_bs: doabs doobs dorbs
3. do_ce: dolce dooce douce
3. do_ls: dolls dools dowls
3. do_ms: dooms dorms doums
3. do_na: donna doona downa
3. do_ps: dorps doups dowps
3. do_rs: doers doors dorrs
3. do_se: dorse douse dowse
3. doc_s: docks docos docus
3. donn_: donna donne donny
3. dool_: doole dools dooly
3. dope_: doped doper dopes
3. dor_y: dorky dormy dorty
3. dote_: doted doter dotes
3. dou_a: doula douma doura
3. dow_e: dowie dowle dowse
3. dowl_: dowle dowls dowly
3. doze_: dozed dozer dozes
3. dr_bs: drabs dribs drubs
3. dr_gs: drags dregs drugs
3. dr_ps: draps drips drops
3. dree_: dreed dreer drees
3. dri_s: dribs dries drips
3. dro_e: droke drole drome
3. droo_: droob droog drook
3. dru_s: drubs drugs drums
3. du_as: dukas dumas duras
3. du_ks: ducks dunks dusks
3. du_ls: duals duels dulls
3. duc_s: duces ducks ducts
3. dum_s: dumas dumbs dumps
3. dupe_: duped duper dupes
3. dur_y: durgy duroy durry
3. duro_: duroc duros duroy
3. durr_: durra durrs durry
3. dyke_: dyked dykes dykey
3. e_ers: egers ewers eyers
3. e_ing: ehing ering exing
3. e_its: edits emits exits
3. e_ked: eiked euked ewked
3. e_ses: eases erses esses
3. e_ven: eeven elven erven
3. ea_es: eales eases eaves
3. ear_s: eards earls earns
3. ease_: eased easer eases
3. edge_: edged edger edges
3. elve_: elven elver elves
3. embo_: embog embow embox
3. emi_s: emics emirs emits
3. emme_: emmer emmet emmew
3. en_ew: endew enmew ensew
3. ende_: ended ender endew
3. ergo_: ergon ergos ergot
3. eric_: erica erick erics
3. f_ggy: faggy figgy fuggy
3. f_ked: faked fiked fyked
3. f_kes: fakes fikes fykes
3. f_nes: fanes fines fones
3. f_rds: fards fords fyrds
3. f_rer: farer ferer firer
3. f_sty: festy fisty fusty
3. f_xed: faxed fixed foxed
3. f_xes: faxes fixes foxes
3. f_yer: fayer feyer fryer
3. f_zes: fazes fezes fuzes
3. fa_ls: fails falls farls
3. fa_ns: fains fauns fawns
3. fa_os: fados fanos faros
3. face_: faced facer faces
3. fade_: faded fader fades
3. fang_: fanga fango fangs
3. fare_: fared farer fares
3. fav_s: favas faves favus
3. fave_: favel faver faves
3. fe_ed: feted feued feyed
3. fe_ls: feals feels fells
3. fe_ly: felly ferly feyly
3. fe_se: fease feese fesse
3. fea_e: feare fease feaze
3. fea_s: feals fears feats
3. fear_: feare fears feart
3. fer_s: feres ferms ferns
3. fest_: festa fests festy
3. fet_s: fetas fetes fetts
3. fi_er: fifer firer fiver
3. fi_ts: fiats fists fitts
3. fife_: fifed fifer fifes
3. fill_: fille fillo fills
3. fire_: fired firer fires
3. fis_s: fiscs fisks fists
3. fl_bs: flabs flobs flubs
3. fl_gs: flags flegs flogs
3. fl_ps: flaps flips flops
3. fl_te: flite flote flyte
3. fl_ws: flaws flews flows
3. flam_: flamm flams flamy
3. flaw_: flawn flaws flawy
3. flee_: fleek fleer flees
3. flit_: flite flits flitt
3. flu_y: fluey fluky fluty
3. flue_: flued flues fluey
3. fo_ie: fogie folie foxie
3. fo_le: fogle foule foyle
3. fo_ts: fonts foots forts
3. foi_s: foids foils foins
3. foli_: folia folic folie
3. fon_s: fonds fones fonts
3. fond_: fonda fonds fondu
3. foo_s: foods fools foots
3. fore_: forel fores forex
3. fou_s: fouds fouls fours
3. fou_t: fouat fouet fount
3. fr_es: frees fries froes
3. fr_ts: frats frets frits
3. frat_: frate frati frats
3. frit_: frith frits fritt
3. fror_: frore frorn frory
3. fu_ed: fumed fused fuzed
3. fu_es: fumes fuses fuzes
3. fu_ks: fucks funks fusks
3. fu_ls: fuels fulls furls
3. fun_s: funds fungs funks
3. fund_: fundi funds fundy
3. fus_s: fuses fusks fusts
3. fuze_: fuzed fuzee fuzes
3. fy_es: fyces fykes fyles
3. g_ads: glads goads grads
3. g_als: geals goals gyals
3. g_ars: gears gnars guars
3. g_ees: ghees glees grees
3. g_est: geest ghest goest
3. g_ffs: gaffs goffs guffs
3. g_ids: gaids grids guids
3. g_las: galas gilas gulas
3. g_lds: gelds gilds golds
3. g_les: gales goles gules
3. g_lls: galls gills gulls
3. g_lly: gally gelly gilly
3. g_nch: ganch ginch gonch
3. g_ngs: gangs gings gongs
3. g_nks: ginks gonks gunks
3. g_ows: glows gnows grows
3. g_ppy: gappy gippy gyppy
3. g_rls: girls grrls gurls
3. g_rms: garms germs gorms
3. g_tch: gatch gitch gotch
3. g_tes: gates gites gytes
3. g_ums: gaums geums glums
3. ga_ch: ganch gatch gauch
3. ga_ds: gaids gauds gawds
3. ga_er: gager gaper gater
3. ga_ts: gaits gants gasts
3. gage_: gaged gager gages
3. gait_: gaita gaits gaitt
3. gal_s: galas gales galls
3. gala_: galah galas galax
3. gale_: galea galed gales
3. gam_y: gamay gamey gammy
3. game_: gamed games gamey
3. gape_: gaped gaper gapes
3. garb_: garbe garbo garbs
3. gas_s: gases gasps gasts
3. gate_: gated gater gates
3. gau_y: gaucy gaumy gauzy
3. gaw_s: gawds gawks gawps
3. geni_: genic genii genip
3. ger_e: gerbe gerle gerne
3. gi_es: gibes gites gives
3. gi_py: gilpy gimpy gippy
3. gla_s: glads glams glans
3. gla_y: glady glary glazy
3. gleb_: gleba glebe gleby
3. glob_: globi globs globy
3. gna_s: gnars gnats gnaws
3. gnar_: gnarl gnarr gnars
3. go_ch: gonch gotch gouch
3. go_er: gofer goier gomer
3. go_es: goles gores goxes
3. go_is: gobis gojis goris
3. go_ps: golps goops gorps
3. go_ty: goaty goety gouty
3. gobb_: gobbi gobbo gobby
3. gon_f: gonef gonif gonof
3. gon_s: gongs gonks gonys
3. gool_: goold gools gooly
3. gr_ce: grece grice gryce
3. gr_ns: grans grens grins
3. grip_: grips gript gripy
3. gris_: grise grist grisy
3. guan_: guana guano guans
3. gula_: gulag gular gulas
3. gulp_: gulph gulps gulpy
3. gur_s: gurls gurns gurus
3. gur_y: gurdy gurly gurry
3. gusl_: gusla gusle gusli
3. gy_ed: gybed gyred gyved
3. gy_os: gynos gypos gyros
3. gyr_s: gyres gyros gyrus
3. h_ars: haars hears hoars
3. h_led: haled heled holed
3. h_lms: halms helms holms
3. h_los: halos helos holos
3. h_lts: halts hilts holts
3. h_mes: hames hemes homes
3. h_ngs: hangs hings hongs
3. h_nks: hanks honks hunks
3. h_nky: hanky hinky honky
3. h_rds: hards herds hurds
3. h_res: hares heres hires
3. h_rls: harls herls hurls
3. h_rns: harns herns horns
3. h_sts: hests hists hosts
3. h_ugh: haugh heugh hough
3. h_ves: haves hives hoves
3. h_yed: hayed heyed hoyed
3. ha_al: hadal halal hamal
3. ha_ds: hands hards hauds
3. ha_le: hable haole hayle
3. ha_ns: hains harns hauns
3. ha_us: habus hakus hapus
3. haik_: haika haiks haiku
3. hak_s: hakas hakes hakus
3. hale_: haled haler hales
3. haye_: hayed hayer hayey
3. haze_: hazed hazer hazes
3. he_er: heder hewer hexer
3. he_gh: heigh heugh hewgh
3. hei_s: heids heils heirs
3. hexe_: hexed hexer hexes
3. hi_ts: hilts hints hists
3. hide_: hided hider hides
3. hike_: hiked hiker hikes
3. hil_s: hills hilts hilus
3. hin_s: hinds hings hints
3. hive_: hived hiver hives
3. ho_ds: holds honds hoods
3. ho_er: honer hoper hoser
3. ho_fs: hoofs houfs howfs
3. ho_me: holme homme horme
3. ho_os: hobos holos homos
3. hok_s: hokas hokes hokis
3. hoke_: hoked hokes hokey
3. hole_: holed holes holey
3. hom_s: homas homes homos
3. home_: homed homes homey
3. hone_: honed honer hones
3. hook_: hooka hooks hooky
3. hope_: hoped hoper hopes
3. hora_: horah horal horas
3. hou_s: houfs hours houts
3. hu_as: huias hulas humas
3. hull_: hullo hulls hully
3. hum_s: humas humfs humps
3. hur_s: hurds hurls hurts
3. hy_es: hykes hyles hypes
3. i_ons: icons ikons irons
3. imid_: imide imido imids
3. in_le: incle ingle inkle
3. iodi_: iodic iodid iodin
3. j_bes: jibes jobes jubes
3. j_kes: jakes jokes jukes
3. j_lls: jells jills jolls
3. j_mmy: jammy jemmy jimmy
3. j_wed: jawed jewed jowed
3. ja_as: jafas jagas javas
3. ja_ed: jaded japed jawed
3. ja_er: jager jaker japer
3. ja_ks: jacks jarks jauks
3. jake_: jaker jakes jakey
3. jape_: japed japer japes
3. jar_s: jarks jarls jarps
3. jee_s: jeels jeeps jeers
3. jibe_: jibed jiber jibes
3. jinn_: jinne jinni jinns
3. jo_ks: jocks jooks jouks
3. jo_ty: jolty jonty jotty
3. jock_: jocko jocks jocky
3. joke_: joked jokes jokey
3. jol_s: joles jolls jolts
3. jou_s: jougs jouks jours
3. k_ans: khans koans krans
3. k_aps: klaps knaps koaps
3. k_cks: kacks kecks kicks
3. k_rns: karns kerns kirns
3. k_ros: karos keros koros
3. k_tas: katas ketas kutas
3. k_tch: ketch kotch kutch
3. k_tes: ketes kites kytes
3. ka_al: kahal katal kaval
3. ka_ks: kacks kaiks karks
3. ka_ns: kains kaons karns
3. ka_os: kagos karos kayos
3. kam_s: kamas kames kamis
3. kap_s: kapas kaphs kapus
3. kaur_: kauri kauru kaury
3. ke_ch: keech kench ketch
3. ke_ps: keeps kelps kemps
3. kel_s: kells kelps kelts
3. kel_y: kelly kelpy kelty
3. kemp_: kemps kempt kempy
3. kha_s: khafs khans khats
3. ki_ks: kicks kinks kirks
3. kie_s: kiefs kiers kievs
3. kind_: kinda kinds kindy
3. kite_: kited kiter kites
3. kn_ts: knits knots knuts
3. kna_s: knags knaps knars
3. knu_s: knubs knurs knuts
3. knur_: knurl knurr knurs
3. kora_: korai koras korat
3. kra_t: kraft krait kraut
3. kran_: krang krans kranz
3. ku_as: kuias kulas kutas
3. kula_: kulak kulan kulas
3. kut_s: kutas kutis kutus
3. ky_es: kyles kypes kytes
3. kya_s: kyaks kyars kyats
3. kyli_: kylie kylin kylix
3. l_ams: leams loams lyams
3. l_bra: labra libra lubra
3. l_ers: laers leers liers
3. l_fts: lefts lifts lofts
3. l_gan: lagan ligan logan
3. l_ger: leger liger luger
3. l_ges: leges loges luges
3. l_irs: lairs leirs loirs
3. l_kes: lakes likes lokes
3. l_mps: lamps limps lumps
3. l_nds: lands lends linds
3. l_nks: lanks links lunks
3. l_nts: lants lints lunts
3. l_pin: lapin lipin lupin
3. l_rks: larks lirks lurks
3. l_sed: lased losed lysed
3. l_ved: laved lived loved
3. l_xed: laxed loxed luxed
3. la_as: lamas lanas lavas
3. la_dy: laddy laldy lardy
3. la_is: labis lapis laris
3. la_ra: labra laura lavra
3. lab_a: labda labia labra
3. lade_: laded lader lades
3. lai_h: laich laigh laith
3. lair_: laird lairs lairy
3. lake_: laked laker lakes
3. lame_: lamed lamer lames
3. lase_: lased laser lases
3. lass_: lassi lassu lassy
3. late_: lated laten latex
3. lath_: lathi laths lathy
3. lave_: laved laver laves
3. laxe_: laxed laxer laxes
3. le_ds: leads lends leuds
3. le_ps: leaps leeps lerps
3. lear_: leare lears leary
3. leme_: lemed lemel lemes
3. lev_s: levas leves levis
3. li_in: likin linin lipin
3. lian_: liana liane liang
3. liar_: liard liars liart
3. like_: liked liker likes
3. lil_s: lills lilos lilts
3. lim_a: limba limma limpa
3. lima_: liman limas limax
3. line_: lined lines liney
3. ling_: linga lings lingy
3. lip_s: lipas lipes lipos
3. lis_s: lisks lisps lists
3. lit_s: litas lites liths
3. lite_: lited liter lites
3. live_: lived liven lives
3. lo_ds: loads loids lords
3. lo_en: loden losen lozen
3. lo_is: locis loris louis
3. lo_ps: loops loups lowps
3. lob_s: lobes lobos lobus
3. logo_: logoi logon logos
3. loi_s: loids loins loirs
3. long_: longa longe longs
3. lope_: loped loper lopes
3. lor_s: lords lores loris
3. lott_: lotta lotte lotto
3. lou_e: louie loupe loure
3. lour_: loure lours loury
3. love_: loved loves lovey
3. lown_: lownd lowne lowns
3. lu_us: luaus lulus lusus
3. luge_: luged luger luges
3. lus_s: lusks lusts lusus
3. luxe_: luxed luxer luxes
3. m_chs: machs mechs mochs
3. m_dge: madge modge mudge
3. m_ffs: meffs miffs muffs
3. m_ggs: maggs miggs muggs
3. m_ils: mails moils muils
3. m_kes: makes mikes mokes
3. m_las: malas melas molas
3. m_lds: melds milds molds
3. m_lty: malty melty milty
3. m_mes: memes mimes momes
3. m_ned: maned mened mined
3. m_nes: manes menes mines
3. m_nge: menge minge munge
3. m_nis: manis minis munis
3. m_nos: manos minos monos
3. m_ras: maras moras muras
3. m_red: mered mired mured
3. m_rid: marid mirid murid
3. m_rls: marls merls murls
3. m_rly: marly mirly murly
3. m_rra: marra morra murra
3. m_rse: marse merse morse
3. m_sed: mased mosed mused
3. m_sks: masks mosks musks
3. m_ssy: massy messy mussy
3. m_ter: mater miter muter
3. m_wed: mawed mewed mowed
3. m_xed: maxed mixed muxed
3. m_xes: maxes mixes muxes
3. m_zes: mazes mezes mozes
3. ma_gs: maggs mangs margs
3. ma_le: macle maile marle
3. ma_ms: maims malms marms
3. ma_os: makos manos mayos
3. ma_re: maare madre maire
3. ma_rs: maars mairs mawrs
3. ma_se: maise manse marse
3. ma_ty: malty manty masty
3. mace_: maced macer maces
3. mach_: mache machi machs
3. mag_s: mages maggs magus
3. mai_e: maile maire maise
3. mail_: maile maill mails
3. mak_s: makes makis makos
3. mali_: malic malik malis
3. mant_: manta manto manty
3. mar_a: maria marka marra
3. mar_y: mardy marly marvy
3. mara_: marae marah maras
3. marl_: marle marls marly
3. mas_y: mashy massy masty
3. mase_: mased maser mases
3. mat_s: mates maths matts
3. mate_: mated mater mates
3. mau_s: mauds mauls mauts
3. mau_y: mauby mausy mauzy
3. mavi_: mavie mavin mavis
3. maw_s: mawks mawns mawrs
3. me_ic: melic mesic metic
3. me_ts: meats meets melts
3. mea_e: meane meare mease
3. mean_: meane means meany
3. mee_s: meeds meers meets
3. mein_: meins meint meiny
3. mens_: mensa mense mensh
3. mer_e: merde merle merse
3. met_s: metes meths metis
3. meti_: metic metif metis
3. mi_as: micas mihas minas
3. mi_ch: milch misch mitch
3. mi_ty: mifty milty misty
3. mic_s: micas micks micos
3. milt_: milts milty miltz
3. min_e: minae minge minke
3. min_y: mincy mingy minny
3. mina_: minae minar minas
3. ming_: minge mings mingy
3. mire_: mired mires mirex
3. mis_s: mises misos mists
3. mit_s: mites mitis mitts
3. mo_er: moder moner moper
3. mo_ie: mobie monie moxie
3. mo_le: moble moile moyle
3. mo_ns: moans moons morns
3. mo_ra: moira morra mowra
3. mo_rs: moers mohrs moors
3. mo_te: monte moste motte
3. moch_: mochi mochs mochy
3. mok_s: mokes mokis mokos
3. moll_: molla molls molly
3. mon_e: monde monie monte
3. mona_: monad monal monas
3. moo_y: mooly moony moory
3. moon_: moong moons moony
3. mop_y: mopey moppy mopsy
3. mor_e: morae morne morse
3. mos_s: moses mosks mosts
3. mose_: mosed moses mosey
3. mot_y: motey mothy motty
3. mott_: motte motts motty
3. mou_s: moues mouls moups
3. mu_ga: mugga mulga munga
3. mu_ks: mucks murks musks
3. mu_ls: muils mulls murls
3. mu_ts: munts musts mutts
3. muci_: mucic mucid mucin
3. mugg_: mugga muggs muggy
3. mui_s: muids muils muirs
3. mule_: muled mules muley
3. mum_s: mumms mumps mumus
3. mun_s: mungs munis munts
3. mure_: mured mures murex
3. mut_s: mutes mutis mutts
3. mute_: muted muter mutes
3. myop_: myope myops myopy
3. myth_: mythi myths mythy
3. n_cks: necks nicks nocks
3. n_ddy: neddy noddy nuddy
3. n_des: nides nodes nudes
3. n_ffs: naffs niffs nuffs
3. n_lls: nills nolls nulls
3. n_nes: nenes nines nones
3. n_rds: nards nerds nurds
3. n_rks: narks nerks norks
3. n_tty: natty netty nitty
3. na_ks: nabks naiks narks
3. nab_s: nabes nabis nabks
3. nai_s: naifs naiks nails
3. name_: named namer names
3. napp_: nappa nappe nappy
3. ne_el: nebel nevel newel
3. ne_es: nenes netes neves
3. ne_ks: necks nerks neuks
3. ne_us: negus nevus nexus
3. nee_e: neele neese neeze
3. nee_s: needs neems neeps
3. ner_s: nerds nerks nerts
3. nika_: nikab nikah nikau
3. nitr_: nitre nitro nitry
3. nixe_: nixed nixer nixes
3. no_as: nomas nonas novas
3. no_ks: nocks nooks norks
3. nol_s: noles nolls nolos
3. nom_s: nomas nomes nomos
3. nor_s: noris norks norms
3. nose_: nosed noser noses
3. note_: noted noter notes
3. nou_s: nouls nouns noups
3. noul_: nould noule nouls
3. nur_s: nurds nurls nurrs
3. o_led: ogled oiled owled
3. o_mic: ogmic ohmic osmic
3. o_rie: oorie ourie owrie
3. oas_s: oases oasis oasts
3. obol_: obole oboli obols
3. octa_: octad octan octas
3. og_es: ogees ogles ogres
3. ogle_: ogled ogler ogles
3. once_: oncer onces oncet
3. oo_ed: oohed ooped oozed
3. ove_s: ovels ovens overs
3. owle_: owled owler owlet
3. oxi_s: oxids oxies oxims
3. p_age: peage phage plage
3. p_aty: peaty platy praty
3. p_eps: peeps poeps preps
3. p_ers: peers piers puers
3. p_ets: piets poets pyets
3. p_ins: pains peins pyins
3. p_ise: paise peise prise
3. p_ked: piked poked puked
3. p_key: pikey pokey pukey
3. p_las: palas pelas pulas
3. p_ler: piler poler puler
3. p_lly: pally polly pully
3. p_mps: pimps pomps pumps
3. p_nce: pance ponce punce
3. p_nds: pands pends ponds
3. p_nga: panga ponga punga
3. p_ngo: pengo pingo pongo
3. p_nty: panty ponty punty
3. p_ods: plods poods prods
3. p_ops: plops poops props
3. p_pas: papas pipas pupas
3. p_pes: papes pipes popes
3. p_ppy: pappy peppy pippy
3. p_red: pared pored pured
3. p_ris: paris peris puris
3. p_rks: parks perks porks
3. p_rns: perns pirns porns
3. p_rts: parts perts ports
3. p_sts: pasts pests posts
3. p_tto: petto potto putto
3. p_yse: peyse poyse pryse
3. pa_en: paren paten paven
3. pa_ka: pakka paska patka
3. pa_le: padle pagle parle
3. pa_ly: pally parly patly
3. pa_ns: paans pains pawns
3. page_: paged pager pages
3. pal_a: palea palla palsa
3. pal_y: palay pally palmy
3. pall_: palla palls pally
3. pand_: panda pands pandy
3. pant_: panto pants panty
3. par_i: pardi parki parti
3. par_o: pareo pargo parvo
3. par_y: pardy parky parly
3. pard_: pardi pards pardy
3. park_: parki parks parky
3. pat_s: pates paths patus
3. pav_n: pavan paven pavin
3. pavi_: pavid pavin pavis
3. pe_is: pedis penis peris
3. pe_ls: peals peels pells
3. pea_y: peaky peaty peavy
3. pear_: peare pears peart
3. peck_: pecke pecks pecky
3. pee_e: peece peepe peeve
3. per_e: perce perse perve
3. per_y: perdy perry pervy
3. pi_al: pibal pical pipal
3. pi_is: pikis pilis pipis
3. pi_ns: pians pions pirns
3. pi_ot: picot pinot pitot
3. pi_ta: pieta pinta pitta
3. pi_ul: picul pikul pipul
3. pik_s: pikas pikes pikis
3. pio_s: pions pious pioys
3. pip_s: pipas pipes pipis
3. pipe_: piped pipes pipet
3. plas_: plash plasm plast
3. plat_: plats platt platy
3. ple_s: pleas plebs plews
3. plo_k: plonk plook plouk
3. plu_s: plues plugs plums
3. po_al: podal pokal poral
3. po_ge: podge pogge porge
3. po_gy: podgy pongy porgy
3. po_in: porin potin powin
3. po_ns: poons porns powns
3. po_os: pogos polos pomos
3. po_ps: poeps pomps poops
3. po_ty: ponty porty potty
3. poe_s: poems poeps poets
3. poke_: poked pokes pokey
3. pom_s: pomes pomos pomps
3. poo_y: poofy poopy poovy
3. pore_: pored porer pores
3. porn_: porno porns porny
3. port_: porta ports porty
3. pose_: posed poses posey
3. pott_: potto potts potty
3. pou_e: pouke poule poupe
3. poul_: poule poulp poult
3. pown_: pownd powns powny
3. pre_y: predy premy prexy
3. pres_: presa prese prest
3. prie_: prief prier pries
3. pro_e: proke prole prore
3. pro_o: promo proso proto
3. psoa_: psoae psoai psoas
3. pu_ed: puked puled pured
3. pu_er: pucer puker puler
3. pu_is: pubis pulis puris
3. pu_ks: pucks pulks punks
3. pu_sy: pudsy pursy pussy
3. puk_s: pukas pukes pukus
3. pule_: puled puler pules
3. pull_: pulli pulls pully
3. pun_y: punky punny punty
3. punk_: punka punks punky
3. punt_: punto punts punty
3. pur_y: purpy pursy purty
3. putt_: putti putto putts
3. py_es: pynes pyres pyxes
3. py_ts: pyats pyets pyots
3. qu_ds: quads quids quods
3. qua_e: quale quare quate
3. que_n: quean quern queyn
3. qui_t: quint quirt quist
3. quip_: quipo quips quipu
3. quoi_: quoif quoin quoit
3. r_ads: reads riads roads
3. r_als: reals rials ryals
3. r_bes: ribes robes rubes
3. r_ffs: raffs riffs ruffs
3. r_mal: ramal romal rumal
3. r_mps: ramps romps rumps
3. r_nes: rines rones runes
3. r_ngs: rangs rings rungs
3. r_ots: riots roots ryots
3. r_ped: raped riped roped
3. r_per: raper roper ryper
3. r_pes: rapes ripes ropes
3. r_sts: rests rosts rusts
3. r_tes: rates rites rotes
3. r_ved: raved rived roved
3. r_ves: raves rives roves
3. r_yne: rayne rhyne royne
3. ra_he: rache raphe rathe
3. ra_in: ramin ravin rawin
3. ra_ns: rains rauns rawns
3. ra_ts: rafts raits rants
3. ragg_: ragga raggs raggy
3. rak_s: rakes rakis rakus
3. ram_s: ramis ramps ramus
3. rami_: ramie ramin ramis
3. ran_e: rance ranee ranke
3. rape_: raped raper rapes
3. rare_: rared raree rares
3. rase_: rased raser rases
3. rata_: ratal ratan ratas
3. rath_: ratha rathe raths
3. re_id: rebid redid resid
3. re_ig: rejig renig rerig
3. re_in: renin repin rewin
3. re_ns: reans reens reins
3. re_st: reast reest reist
3. re_ve: reave reeve reive
3. rea_e: reame reate reave
3. ream_: reame reams reamy
3. recc_: recce recco reccy
3. rect_: recta recti recto
3. red_s: redds redes redos
3. red_y: reddy redly redry
3. redi_: redia redid redip
3. redo_: redon redos redox
3. rei_s: reifs reiks reins
3. reke_: reked rekes rekey
3. reme_: remen remet remex
3. ren_s: rends renos rents
3. res_s: reses rests resus
3. res_w: resaw resew resow
3. resa_: resat resaw resay
3. rese_: resee reses resew
3. rest_: resto rests resty
3. rew_n: rewan rewin rewon
3. rh_ne: rhine rhone rhyne
3. ri_as: ribas rivas rizas
3. ri_er: ricer rifer rimer
3. ri_ks: ricks rinks risks
3. ri_ls: rials riels rills
3. ri_ts: rifts riots ritts
3. rift_: rifte rifts rifty
3. rile_: riled riles riley
3. rime_: rimed rimer rimes
3. ro_al: romal roral rotal
3. ro_an: roman rotan rowan
3. ro_ds: roads roids roods
3. ro_en: rouen roven rowen
3. ro_ms: roams rooms roums
3. ro_ns: roans roins roons
3. ro_ps: romps roops roups
3. ro_st: roist roust royst
3. ro_te: roate ronte rotte
3. roi_s: roids roils roins
3. roke_: roked roker rokes
3. rol_s: roles rolfs rolls
3. ron_e: ronde ronne ronte
3. rori_: roric rorid rorie
3. rose_: rosed roses roset
3. rota_: rotal rotan rotas
3. rove_: roved roven roves
3. rowe_: rowed rowel rowen
3. rum_y: rumly rummy rumpy
3. rump_: rumpo rumps rumpy
3. s_ads: scads shads swads
3. s_ane: slane spane stane
3. s_ang: spang stang swang
3. s_ank: skank slank swank
3. s_are: seare soare sware
3. s_ces: sices soces syces
3. s_des: sades sedes sides
3. s_eal: sheal speal sweal
3. s_ean: skean spean stean
3. s_ede: stede suede swede
3. s_eed: skeed sneed sweed
3. s_eel: sheel speel sweel
3. s_eld: seeld sield speld
3. s_ell: skell snell stell
3. s_end: scend shend stend
3. s_eps: seeps skeps steps
3. s_ers: seers skers suers
3. s_eys: sleys steys sweys
3. s_gos: sagos segos sugos
3. s_ick: saick snick spick
3. s_ids: saids skids suids
3. s_ier: shier slier spier
3. s_ile: spile stile swile
3. s_ils: sails seils soils
3. s_ily: shily slily soily
3. s_ink: skink spink swink
3. s_ipe: slipe stipe swipe
3. s_irr: shirr skirr smirr
3. s_ker: saker siker syker
3. s_lva: selva silva sylva
3. s_mas: samas simas somas
3. s_mis: semis simis sumis
3. s_mps: samps simps sumps
3. s_ned: saned sined syned
3. s_ngs: sangs sings songs
3. s_ool: shool skool snool
3. s_oor: smoor spoor stoor
3. s_pes: sipes supes sypes
3. s_rag: scrag sprag strag
3. s_ral: seral soral sural
3. s_ran: saran scran skran
3. s_rat: scrat sprat surat
3. s_rds: sards sords surds
3. s_ree: saree siree soree
3. s_ris: saris shris siris
3. s_rod: sarod scrod sprod
3. s_ubs: slubs snubs stubs
3. s_uds: scuds spuds studs
3. s_use: scuse sluse souse
3. s_ver: saver siver syver
3. s_wed: sawed sewed sowed
3. s_xes: saxes sexes sixes
3. s_yed: sayed skyed styed
3. s_yes: scyes snyes styes
3. s_yre: skyre spyre styre
3. sa_an: saman sapan saran
3. sa_ds: saids sands sards
3. sa_os: sados sagos saros
3. sa_ts: salts sants sauts
3. sabe_: sabed saber sabes
3. sad_s: sades sadis sados
3. sag_s: sagas sages sagos
3. saic_: saice saick saics
3. sal_e: salle salse salue
3. sal_s: sales salps salts
3. sal_t: salat salet salut
3. sale_: salep sales salet
3. sam_s: samas sames samps
3. san_o: sango sanko santo
3. sate_: sated satem sates
3. sc_gs: scags scogs scugs
3. sc_ts: scats scots scuts
3. scap_: scapa scape scapi
3. scar_: scarp scars scart
3. scat_: scath scats scatt
3. scau_: scaud scaup scaur
3. scud_: scudi scudo scuds
3. scut_: scuta scute scuts
3. se_al: sepal seral setal
3. se_ed: sered sewed sexed
3. se_fs: seifs selfs serfs
3. seam_: seame seams seamy
3. seel_: seeld seels seely
3. sei_s: seifs seils seirs
3. sel_s: seles selfs sells
3. sell_: sella selle sells
3. sen_a: senna sensa senza
3. sen_i: sengi sensi senti
3. sent_: sente senti sents
3. sera_: serac serai seral
3. sere_: sered serer seres
3. sew_n: sewan sewen sewin
3. sewe_: sewed sewel sewen
3. sexe_: sexed sexer sexes
3. sh_er: shier shoer shyer
3. sh_ns: shans shins shuns
3. sh_ps: shaps ships shops
3. sh_te: shite shote shute
3. sh_ws: shaws shews shows
3. shaw_: shawm shawn shaws
3. she_l: sheal sheel sheol
3. shea_: sheaf sheal sheas
3. sher_: sherd shere shero
3. shi_r: shier shirr shiur
3. shie_: shiel shier shies
3. shis_: shish shiso shist
3. shiv_: shiva shive shivs
3. shoe_: shoed shoer shoes
3. shoo_: shool shoon shoos
3. shot_: shote shots shott
3. shu_s: shuls shuns shuts
3. shul_: shule shuln shuls
3. si_ar: simar sitar sizar
3. si_as: sidas sikas simas
3. si_ks: sicks silks sinks
3. si_ts: sifts silts sists
3. sick_: sicko sicks sicky
3. side_: sided sider sides
3. sim_s: simas simis simps
3. sire_: sired siree sires
3. sk_ed: skeed skied skyed
3. sk_ts: skats skets skits
3. ska_s: skags skats skaws
3. ske_n: skean skeen skein
3. skie_: skied skies skiey
3. skin_: skink skins skint
3. skye_: skyed skyer skyey
3. sl_er: sleer slier slyer
3. sl_es: slaes sloes slues
3. sl_gs: slags slogs slugs
3. sl_ms: slams slims slums
3. sl_ps: slaps slips slops
3. sl_ws: slaws slews slows
3. sla_e: slade slake slane
3. sli_s: slims slips slits
3. slip_: slipe slips slipt
3. slo_d: sloid slojd sloyd
3. sme_k: smeek smeik smerk
3. smu_s: smugs smurs smuts
3. sn_es: snees snies snyes
3. sne_s: snebs sneds snees
3. sno_k: snoek snook snowk
3. so_ce: sonce souce sowce
3. so_ed: soled sored sowed
3. so_er: soger soler sorer
3. so_ms: sooms soums sowms
3. so_se: sonse souse sowse
3. so_us: sojus solus sorus
3. soa_s: soaks soaps soars
3. soc_s: socas soces socks
3. soft_: softa softs softy
3. sola_: solah solan solas
3. son_y: sonly sonny sonsy
3. sor_a: sorda sorra sorta
3. sor_o: sorbo sordo sorgo
3. sord_: sorda sordo sords
3. sp_al: speal spial spyal
3. sp_ed: spaed spred spued
3. sp_es: spaes spies spues
3. sp_le: spale spile spule
3. spa_t: spait spalt spart
3. spae_: spaed spaer spaes
3. spai_: spail spain spait
3. span_: spane spang spans
3. spar_: spard spars spart
3. spe_l: speal speel speil
3. spea_: speal spean speat
3. spic_: spica spick spics
3. spin_: spina spink spins
3. spoo_: spoom spoor spoot
3. spr_d: sprad spred sprod
3. spr_g: sprag sprog sprug
3. spra_: sprad sprag sprat
3. spue_: spued spuer spues
3. squi_: squid squit squiz
3. st_bs: stabs stobs stubs
3. st_de: stade stede stude
3. st_me: steme stime styme
3. st_ms: stems stims stums
3. st_pe: stipe stope stupe
3. st_ps: staps steps stops
3. st_ts: stats stets stots
3. st_ws: staws stews stows
3. star_: starn starr stars
3. sted_: stedd stede steds
3. stee_: steek steem steen
3. stel_: stela stele stell
3. sti_s: sties stims stirs
3. stim_: stime stims stimy
3. sto_p: stoep stoup stowp
3. stop_: stope stops stopt
3. stou_: stoun stoup stour
3. stow_: stown stowp stows
3. stri_: stria strig strim
3. stro_: strop strow stroy
3. stu_e: stude stupe sture
3. sty_e: styme styre styte
3. su_ds: sudds suids surds
3. su_es: supes sures suses
3. su_ks: sucks sulks sunks
3. su_ra: supra surra sutra
3. suet_: suete suets suety
3. sum_s: sumis sumos sumps
3. sun_s: sunis sunks sunns
3. sw_le: swale swile swole
3. sw_ts: swats swits swots
3. swa_e: swage swale sware
3. swan_: swang swank swans
3. swo_s: swobs swops swots
3. syn_s: syncs synds synes
3. t_ads: teads toads trads
3. t_als: taals teals twals
3. t_ats: teats trats twats
3. t_ees: thees trees tyees
3. t_ers: teers tiers tyers
3. t_fts: tifts tofts tufts
3. t_ill: thill trill twill
3. t_ils: tails teils toils
3. t_its: taits toits twits
3. t_ler: taler tiler tyler
3. t_lly: telly tilly tolly
3. t_med: tamed temed timed
3. t_mmy: tammy tommy tummy
3. t_nas: tanas tinas tunas
3. t_nds: tends tinds tunds
3. t_nks: tanks tinks tonks
3. t_nny: tenny tinny tunny
3. t_nty: tanty tenty tinty
3. t_ped: taped toped typed
3. t_pes: tapes topes types
3. t_pis: tapis tipis topis
3. t_ras: taras teras toras
3. t_red: tared tired tyred
3. t_rns: tarns terns turns
3. t_rrs: tirrs torrs turrs
3. t_rts: tarts terts torts
3. t_ter: tater titer toter
3. t_tes: tates tetes totes
3. t_tty: titty totty tutty
3. t_wed: tawed tewed towed
3. t_xes: taxes texes tuxes
3. ta_ar: talar tasar tatar
3. ta_ga: taiga tanga targa
3. ta_hs: tachs tanhs taths
3. ta_ky: takky talky tanky
3. tab_s: tabes tabis tabus
3. tach_: tache tacho tachs
3. tak_s: takas takes takis
3. tal_a: talea talma talpa
3. tale_: talea taler tales
3. tam_s: tames tamis tamps
3. tan_a: tanga tanka tanna
3. tan_y: tanky tansy tanty
3. tang_: tanga tangi tangs
3. tank_: tanka tanks tanky
3. tant_: tanti tanto tanty
3. taro_: taroc tarok taros
3. tase_: tased taser tases
3. tass_: tassa tasse tasso
3. tax_s: taxes taxis taxus
3. taxe_: taxed taxer taxes
3. taxo_: taxol taxon taxor
3. te_as: tepas teras texas
3. te_ed: teaed temed tewed
3. te_ms: teams teems terms
3. te_ne: teene tenne terne
3. te_ns: teens teins terns
3. te_rs: tears teers tehrs
3. tel_s: teles tells telos
3. temp_: tempi temps tempt
3. ten_e: tenge tenne tenue
3. ten_s: tends tenes tents
3. tenn_: tenne tenno tenny
3. ter_e: terce terfe terne
3. test_: testa teste tests
3. tex_s: texas texes texts
3. th_ns: thans thens thins
3. tha_s: thans thars thaws
3. the_s: thees thens thews
3. thee_: theed theek thees
3. thi_l: thill thiol thirl
3. ti_is: tikis tipis titis
3. ti_rs: tiars tiers tirrs
3. ti_ts: tifts tilts tints
3. tif_s: tiffs tifos tifts
3. tik_s: tikas tikes tikis
3. til_s: tiles tills tilts
3. tile_: tiled tiler tiles
3. tine_: tinea tined tines
3. to_an: tolan toman toran
3. to_ks: tocks tonks touks
3. to_ls: toils tolls tools
3. to_ns: toons touns towns
3. to_sy: tossy tousy towsy
3. to_us: tofus tolus tonus
3. to_ze: toaze touze towze
3. tof_s: toffs tofts tofus
3. toke_: toked toker tokes
3. tola_: tolan tolar tolas
3. tom_s: tombs tomes tomos
3. toph_: tophe tophi tophs
3. tora_: torah toran toras
3. tors_: torse torsi torsk
3. tort_: torta torte torts
3. tote_: toted toter totes
3. tow_e: towie towse towze
3. tow_y: towny towsy towzy
3. tr_es: trees tries trues
3. tr_gs: trigs trogs trugs
3. tr_ke: trike troke tryke
3. tr_ms: trams trems trims
3. tr_ns: trans trins trons
3. tr_ps: traps trips tryps
3. tr_ts: trats trets trots
3. tr_ys: trays treys troys
3. tra_t: trant trapt tratt
3. trap_: trape traps trapt
3. tree_: treed treen trees
3. tri_e: tride trike trine
3. trio_: triol trior trios
3. tro_e: trode troke trone
3. tro_k: troak trock tronk
3. troa_: troad troak troat
3. tu_as: tubas tufas tunas
3. tu_ks: tucks turks tusks
3. tuba_: tubae tubar tubas
3. tuf_s: tufas tuffs tufts
3. tune_: tuned tuner tunes
3. twi_s: twigs twins twits
3. twin_: twink twins twiny
3. ty_ed: tyned typed tyred
3. typ_s: types typos typps
3. type_: typed types typey
3. u_ped: umped upped urped
3. umia_: umiac umiak umiaq
3. un_ay: unlay unpay unsay
3. unba_: unbag unban unbar
3. unc_s: unces uncos uncus
3. unri_: unrid unrig unrip
3. unse_: unsee unsew unsex
3. ur_al: ureal urial urnal
3. ur_ed: urged urned urped
3. ura_e: urare urase urate
3. ura_i: uraei urali urari
3. urge_: urged urger urges
3. v_ils: vails veils vrils
3. v_les: vales veles voles
3. v_nts: vants vents vints
3. va_ed: vaded vaned vaped
3. va_ts: vants vasts vauts
3. va_us: vagus varus vatus
3. vair_: vaire vairs vairy
3. van_s: vanes vangs vants
3. vape_: vaped vaper vapes
3. var_s: varas vares varus
3. ve_es: veges veles vexes
3. ve_ls: veals veils vells
3. ve_ts: vents verts vests
3. veal_: veale veals vealy
3. veg_s: vegas veges vegos
3. vel_s: velds veles vells
3. ven_s: vends vents venus
3. vexe_: vexed vexer vexes
3. vi_er: viler viner viver
3. vibe_: vibes vibex vibey
3. vire_: vired vireo vires
3. vo_ed: voled voted vowed
3. vo_es: voces voles votes
3. vol_e: volae volte volve
3. vol_s: voles volks volts
3. vole_: voled voles volet
3. w_cks: wacks wicks wocks
3. w_ddy: waddy widdy wuddy
3. w_ens: weens whens wrens
3. w_irs: wairs weirs whirs
3. w_its: waits whits writs
3. w_led: waled wiled wyled
3. w_les: wales wiles wyles
3. w_lly: wally welly wolly
3. w_nks: wanks winks wonks
3. w_nts: wants wents wonts
3. w_ses: wases wises wuses
3. w_sts: wasts wests wists
3. wack_: wacke wacko wacks
3. wade_: waded wader wades
3. wak_s: wakas wakes wakfs
3. wale_: waled waler wales
3. wall_: walla walls wally
3. wane_: waned wanes waney
3. ware_: wared wares warez
3. wau_s: wauks wauls waurs
3. wave_: waved waves wavey
3. waw_s: wawas wawes wawls
3. waxe_: waxed waxer waxes
3. wea_s: weals weans wears
3. wei_s: weids weils weirs
3. welk_: welke welks welkt
3. wh_ts: whats whets whits
3. wha_s: whams whaps whats
3. whi_t: whift whipt whist
3. whis_: whish whiss whist
3. whor_: whore whorl whort
3. wi_er: wiper wirer wiver
3. wife_: wifed wifes wifey
3. wine_: wined wines winey
3. wing_: winge wings wingy
3. wipe_: wiped wiper wipes
3. wire_: wired wirer wires
3. wis_s: wises wisps wists
3. with_: withe withs withy
3. wive_: wived wiver wives
3. wo_ks: wocks wonks works
3. wrie_: wried wrier wries
3. y_cks: yacks yocks yucks
3. y_ked: yiked yoked yuked
3. y_ppy: yappy yippy yuppy
3. y_rds: yards yerds yirds
3. ya_es: yages yales yates
3. ya_ks: yacks yanks yarks
3. ya_ps: yapps yaups yawps
3. yaw_s: yawls yawns yawps
3. ye_ds: yeads yeeds yerds
3. ye_ts: yelts yests yetts
3. yes_s: yeses yesks yests
3. yi_es: yikes yipes yites
3. yir_s: yirds yirks yirrs
3. yo_es: yokes yores yowes
3. yo_ps: yomps yoops yorps
3. yog_s: yogas yoghs yogis
3. yogi_: yogic yogin yogis
3. yor_s: yores yorks yorps
3. your_: yourn yours yourt
3. yuck_: yucko yucks yucky
3. zin_s: zincs zines zings
3. zin_y: zincy zingy zinky
3. zinc_: zinco zincs zincy
3. zo_ks: zonks zooks zouks
3. zoea_: zoeae zoeal zoeas
3. zone_: zoned zoner zones
3. zoo_s: zooks zooms zoons
2. _aans: naans paans
2. _abla: nabla tabla
2. _abot: jabot sabot
2. _abre: cabre sabre
2. _acca: bacca yacca
2. _acet: lacet tacet
2. _acey: lacey pacey
2. _acho: nacho tacho
2. _acky: cacky jacky
2. _acon: macon racon
2. _acos: pacos tacos
2. _acta: facta pacta
2. _adas: dadas nadas
2. _adid: gadid madid
2. _aels: baels taels
2. _afes: cafes safes
2. _agis: ragis yagis
2. _ahas: hahas tahas
2. _ahed: aahed rahed
2. _ahoo: wahoo yahoo
2. _aick: haick saick
2. _aics: laics saics
2. _aiga: saiga taiga
2. _aile: maile raile
2. _aint: daint haint
2. _aira: naira taira
2. _airy: lairy vairy
2. _aisa: baisa paisa
2. _aise: maise paise
2. _aist: maist saist
2. _aita: gaita raita
2. _aken: baken waken
2. _akia: rakia sakia
2. _akin: lakin takin
2. _akka: pakka yakka
2. _akus: hakus rakus
2. _alal: halal salal
2. _alam: kalam malam
2. _alar: malar talar
2. _alax: galax malax
2. _alds: balds walds
2. _aldy: baldy laldy
2. _alet: palet salet
2. _alfs: calfs halfs
2. _alic: malic salic
2. _alid: calid halid
2. _alif: calif kalif
2. _alix: calix salix
2. _alky: balky talky
2. _alle: dalle salle
2. _alma: halma talma
2. _alos: calos halos
2. _alsa: balsa palsa
2. _alty: malty walty
2. _alut: galut salut
2. _alva: halva malva
2. _alwa: halwa malwa
2. _ambe: gambe jambe
2. _ambi: bambi iambi
2. _amee: mamee ramee
2. _amen: samen yamen
2. _amer: lamer namer
2. _amia: lamia zamia
2. _amie: mamie ramie
2. _ampi: campi sampi
2. _anat: manat qanat
2. _ancy: dancy nancy
2. _ango: fango sango
2. _anid: canid ranid
2. _anis: manis ranis
2. _anja: ganja zanja
2. _anko: panko sanko
2. _anny: danny janny
2. _ansa: hansa sansa
2. _anse: hanse manse
2. _anze: wanze zanze
2. _apan: japan sapan
2. _aphs: caphs kaphs
2. _apis: lapis tapis
2. _apok: kapok yapok
2. _apon: capon yapon
2. _apos: capos gapos
2. _appa: nappa tappa
2. _appe: nappe rappe
2. _appi: happi pappi
2. _arae: marae parae
2. _aran: saran varan
2. _arbe: barbe garbe
2. _arbo: carbo garbo
2. _arch: larch parch
2. _arco: narco yarco
2. _arcs: marcs narcs
2. _arcy: darcy farcy
2. _ardi: cardi pardi
2. _ardo: bardo tardo
2. _arfs: barfs zarfs
2. _arga: darga targa
2. _args: dargs margs
2. _aria: maria varia
2. _arly: marly parly
2. _arnt: earnt larnt
2. _arny: barny carny
2. _aron: caron maron
2. _arri: karri marri
2. _arro: barro farro
2. _arry: barry tarry
2. _arti: aarti parti
2. _arum: garum larum
2. _arus: sarus varus
2. _arve: parve varve
2. _arvy: carvy marvy
2. _asas: casas masas
2. _asha: kasha pasha
2. _ashi: dashi nashi
2. _assa: massa tassa
2. _assi: bassi lassi
2. _asso: basso tasso
2. _asti: basti fasti
2. _asty: masty vasty
2. _asus: casus masus
2. _atai: matai satai
2. _atas: katas ratas
2. _atha: hatha ratha
2. _athe: eathe rathe
2. _atin: matin patin
2. _atly: fatly patly
2. _atte: matte patte
2. _aube: daube taube
2. _auby: dauby mauby
2. _aufs: haufs laufs
2. _aulk: baulk waulk
2. _aums: caums gaums
2. _aund: laund maund
2. _aunt: naunt saunt
2. _aury: kaury saury
2. _auzy: gauzy mauzy
2. _aval: kaval laval
2. _avie: cavie mavie
2. _avis: mavis pavis
2. _avvy: lavvy navvy
2. _awah: dawah sawah
2. _awin: lawin rawin
2. _awky: mawky pawky
2. _awps: gawps yawps
2. _awrs: bawrs mawrs
2. _awse: hawse tawse
2. _awts: dawts tawts
2. _axis: maxis taxis
2. _axon: caxon taxon
2. _ayan: dayan mayan
2. _ayas: mayas rayas
2. _ayin: layin zayin
2. _ayos: kayos mayos
2. _ayst: mayst sayst
2. _azir: nazir wazir
2. _azis: kazis nazis
2. _bbed: abbed ebbed
2. _bore: abore ybore
2. _cads: ecads scads
2. _cers: acers icers
2. _dals: odals udals
2. _dits: adits edits
2. _drad: adrad ydrad
2. _dred: adred ydred
2. _dyls: idyls odyls
2. _eaky: beaky peaky
2. _eald: heald weald
2. _eart: feart peart
2. _eary: deary leary
2. _east: heast reast
2. _eaty: beaty peaty
2. _eave: deave reave
2. _eavy: leavy peavy
2. _ebby: debby webby
2. _eben: heben leben
2. _ebes: debes hebes
2. _ebid: cebid rebid
2. _ebop: bebop rebop
2. _ebur: debur gebur
2. _ebus: debus zebus
2. _ecal: cecal recal
2. _ecco: recco secco
2. _eccy: leccy reccy
2. _echy: techy yechy
2. _ecit: fecit recit
2. _ecke: becke pecke
2. _ecta: recta tecta
2. _eddy: neddy reddy
2. _eded: ceded reded
2. _edel: bedel wedel
2. _edge: kedge sedge
2. _edum: ledum sedum
2. _edye: bedye redye
2. _eech: keech reech
2. _eedy: deedy heedy
2. _eeld: neeld seeld
2. _eeny: teeny weeny
2. _eepy: seepy weepy
2. _effo: deffo reffo
2. _efis: defis refis
2. _efog: befog defog
2. _egas: degas vegas
2. _eggo: leggo reggo
2. _eggs: teggs yeggs
2. _egie: regie vegie
2. _egum: begum degum
2. _ehme: fehme vehme
2. _ehrs: lehrs tehrs
2. _ehua: kehua lehua
2. _eify: deify reify
2. _eint: feint meint
2. _einy: meiny veiny
2. _eism: deism seism
2. _eive: neive reive
2. _eize: peize weize
2. _eked: deked reked
2. _elah: belah selah
2. _elar: belar velar
2. _elas: melas pelas
2. _eled: deled heled
2. _elee: belee gelee
2. _elic: melic telic
2. _elid: felid gelid
2. _elis: delis nelis
2. _elks: welks yelks
2. _ella: cella sella
2. _ello: jello rello
2. _elms: helms yelms
2. _elon: belon pelon
2. _emal: femal hemal
2. _emas: bemas nemas
2. _embs: kembs wembs
2. _emed: lemed temed
2. _emel: gemel lemel
2. _emic: demic hemic
2. _emix: bemix remix
2. _emma: gemma lemma
2. _emos: demos memos
2. _empy: hempy kempy
2. _enal: genal venal
2. _enas: genas senas
2. _enay: denay renay
2. _endo: kendo zendo
2. _endy: bendy fendy
2. _ened: mened pened
2. _eney: reney veney
2. _enga: benga renga
2. _engs: lengs mengs
2. _enia: tenia xenia
2. _enic: genic xenic
2. _enin: renin venin
2. _enks: fenks penks
2. _enni: benni penni
2. _enon: tenon xenon
2. _ensa: mensa sensa
2. _enta: menta yenta
2. _enti: lenti senti
2. _epal: sepal tepal
2. _epla: pepla repla
2. _epos: pepos repos
2. _epoy: sepoy tepoy
2. _epta: lepta septa
2. _eral: neral seral
2. _eray: beray deray
2. _erce: perce terce
2. _ercs: mercs percs
2. _erel: kerel merel
2. _erge: cerge serge
2. _eria: ceria feria
2. _erig: derig rerig
2. _eris: meris peris
2. _erle: gerle merle
2. _erls: herls merls
2. _erny: derny ferny
2. _erps: lerps perps
2. _erra: serra verra
2. _erst: perst verst
2. _ertz: hertz nertz
2. _erve: kerve perve
2. _ervo: pervo servo
2. _ervs: dervs pervs
2. _ervy: nervy pervy
2. _esat: besat resat
2. _esaw: besaw resaw
2. _esee: besee resee
2. _esit: besit resit
2. _esks: desks yesks
2. _este: geste teste
2. _esti: besti cesti
2. _esto: mesto resto
2. _esus: jesus resus
2. _etis: metis yetis
2. _etol: ketol metol
2. _etre: metre petre
2. _etri: petri tetri
2. _etta: betta fetta
2. _etty: betty netty
2. _etup: getup letup
2. _euds: feuds leuds
2. _euks: neuks yeuks
2. _eums: geums neums
2. _evas: devas levas
2. _even: eeven yeven
2. _evis: devis levis
2. _ewar: dewar sewar
2. _ewax: dewax rewax
2. _ewen: sewen yewen
2. _ewet: bewet rewet
2. _ewie: jewie newie
2. _ewin: rewin sewin
2. _ewit: pewit tewit
2. _ffed: effed offed
2. _gers: agers egers
2. _gger: agger egger
2. _glus: aglus iglus
2. _gmas: agmas egmas
2. _hack: chack thack
2. _hads: chads shads
2. _hais: bhais chais
2. _hals: chals dhals
2. _hana: chana thana
2. _harm: pharm tharm
2. _hars: chars thars
2. _hays: chays shays
2. _hazi: ghazi khazi
2. _heal: sheal wheal
2. _heas: rheas sheas
2. _heep: cheep wheep
2. _hees: ghees thees
2. _hens: thens whens
2. _hent: ahent shent
2. _here: chere shere
2. _heth: cheth kheth
2. _hewy: chewy thewy
2. _hias: chias ohias
2. _hiel: chiel shiel
2. _hies: rhies shies
2. _higs: thigs whigs
2. _hilk: thilk whilk
2. _hill: shill thill
2. _hims: shims whims
2. _hirl: chirl thirl
2. _hirs: shirs whirs
2. _hist: shist whist
2. _hive: chive shive
2. _hivs: chivs shivs
2. _hogs: chogs shogs
2. _hola: chola shola
2. _hole: dhole thole
2. _holi: choli tholi
2. _homp: chomp whomp
2. _hone: ohone rhone
2. _hons: chons phons
2. _hoof: choof whoof
2. _hoon: choon shoon
2. _hoot: bhoot whoot
2. _horl: shorl whorl
2. _hots: phots shots
2. _hott: chott shott
2. _huds: khuds thuds
2. _hugs: chugs thugs
2. _hurl: churl thurl
2. _huru: ahuru uhuru
2. _hyle: chyle phyle
2. _iane: diane liane
2. _iang: kiang liang
2. _ians: pians tians
2. _iant: hiant riant
2. _ibed: gibed jibed
2. _ibla: kibla qibla
2. _ical: pical tical
2. _icas: micas picas
2. _icca: ticca wicca
2. _iccy: biccy piccy
2. _icer: dicer ricer
2. _iche: fiche miche
2. _ichy: tichy vichy
2. _icin: ficin ricin
2. _icos: ficos micos
2. _icot: dicot picot
2. _icra: micra picra
2. _idas: aidas sidas
2. _idge: fidge kidge
2. _idgy: midgy ridgy
2. _idis: bidis midis
2. _ield: bield sield
2. _iems: hiems riems
2. _ient: fient sient
2. _iets: diets piets
2. _ifed: fifed wifed
2. _iger: liger niger
2. _igne: eigne ligne
2. _igos: bigos figos
2. _igot: gigot jigot
2. _ikau: nikau pikau
2. _ikey: dikey pikey
2. _ikoi: hikoi kikoi
2. _ilas: gilas zilas
2. _iley: kiley riley
2. _ilia: cilia milia
2. _ilis: pilis wilis
2. _illi: dilli villi
2. _illo: fillo hillo
2. _illy: gilly tilly
2. _ilus: hilus pilus
2. _imar: cimar simar
2. _imba: limba simba
2. _imen: limen vimen
2. _impy: gimpy jimpy
2. _inal: binal vinal
2. _inar: dinar minar
2. _inca: finca vinca
2. _inch: ginch linch
2. _inct: cinct tinct
2. _incy: mincy zincy
2. _iney: liney winey
2. _inga: ainga linga
2. _ingo: jingo pingo
2. _inic: dinic vinic
2. _inin: kinin linin
2. _inis: finis minis
2. _inke: minke zinke
2. _inon: ninon pinon
2. _inty: linty tinty
2. _iols: diols viols
2. _iota: biota diota
2. _ipis: pipis tipis
2. _ippo: gippo zippo
2. _ipps: kipps ripps
2. _iram: diram ziram
2. _iree: hiree siree
2. _irga: jirga virga
2. _irid: mirid virid
2. _irly: mirly nirly
2. _irra: sirra wirra
2. _irri: cirri kirri
2. _isas: disas visas
2. _isco: cisco pisco
2. _iscs: discs fiscs
2. _ised: vised wised
2. _isms: gisms jisms
2. _isos: misos pisos
2. _isty: fisty misty
2. _isus: nisus risus
2. _ital: cital dital
2. _iton: niton piton
2. _itro: nitro vitro
2. _itsy: bitsy ditsy
2. _itta: pitta vitta
2. _itte: bitte fitte
2. _itty: nitty titty
2. _itup: situp titup
2. _itus: aitus situs
2. _itzy: ditzy ritzy
2. _iven: liven riven
2. _ixie: dixie nixie
2. _ixit: dixit fixit
2. _ixte: mixte sixte
2. _ized: pized sized
2. _izel: sizel zizel
2. _kats: ikats skats
2. _kees: akees skees
2. _kene: akene skene
2. _kkas: akkas ekkas
2. _lack: alack plack
2. _lade: clade slade
2. _lady: blady glady
2. _laff: blaff flaff
2. _lain: blain elain
2. _land: aland eland
2. _lang: alang klang
2. _lash: blash plash
2. _last: clast plast
2. _late: alate blate
2. _latt: blatt platt
2. _laty: platy slaty
2. _lawn: blawn flawn
2. _leas: fleas pleas
2. _lebe: glebe plebe
2. _leck: aleck cleck
2. _leds: gleds sleds
2. _leer: fleer sleer
2. _lefs: alefs clefs
2. _legs: clegs flegs
2. _leis: gleis vleis
2. _lems: clems ylems
2. _leum: ileum oleum
2. _liad: eliad iliad
2. _lial: glial ilial
2. _lias: alias glias
2. _lied: clied flied
2. _lift: clift glift
2. _like: glike ylike
2. _lime: clime glime
2. _line: aline cline
2. _ling: bling pling
2. _lint: clint elint
2. _lipe: clipe slipe
2. _lipt: clipt slipt
2. _lisk: flisk glisk
2. _list: alist blist
2. _lite: blite flite
2. _live: blive slive
2. _ller: iller oller
2. _loam: cloam gloam
2. _locs: blocs flocs
2. _logy: elogy ology
2. _loin: aloin eloin
2. _lonk: clonk plonk
2. _look: blook plook
2. _loot: cloot sloot
2. _loye: cloye ploye
2. _loys: cloys ploys
2. _loze: cloze gloze
2. _luff: pluff sluff
2. _lume: blume glume
2. _lunk: blunk clunk
2. _lurs: blurs slurs
2. _lute: elute glute
2. _luts: gluts sluts
2. _lyer: plyer slyer
2. _mbar: embar imbar
2. _mber: omber umber
2. _mbos: ambos umbos
2. _mbus: embus ombus
2. _meer: ameer emeer
2. _mens: amens omens
2. _mide: amide imide
2. _mido: amido imido
2. _mids: amids imids
2. _mine: amine imine
2. _mino: amino imino
2. _mmas: emmas ummas
2. _mmew: emmew immew
2. _molt: smolt ymolt
2. _move: amove emove
2. _mowt: amowt smowt
2. _mrah: omrah umrah
2. _nags: knags snags
2. _nana: anana jnana
2. _naps: knaps snaps
2. _napt: inapt unapt
2. _narl: gnarl knarl
2. _nary: snary unary
2. _naws: gnaws snaws
2. _nces: onces unces
2. _ncle: ancle incle
2. _ndew: endew indew
2. _ndue: endue indue
2. _nees: knees snees
2. _nell: knell snell
2. _nion: anion inion
2. _nked: inked unked
2. _nker: anker inker
2. _nkus: ankus onkus
2. _nlay: onlay unlay
2. _nmew: enmew unmew
2. _nned: inned onned
2. _nobs: knobs snobs
2. _nots: knots snots
2. _nsew: ensew unsew
2. _ntis: antis intis
2. _ntra: antra intra
2. _nubs: knubs snubs
2. _nure: enure inure
2. _nurn: enurn inurn
2. _nwit: inwit unwit
2. _oabs: boabs doabs
2. _oach: loach poach
2. _oady: coady toady
2. _oafs: goafs loafs
2. _oaks: boaks soaks
2. _oaps: koaps soaps
2. _oast: hoast loast
2. _oate: coate roate
2. _oave: loave soave
2. _oban: goban koban
2. _obar: gobar lobar
2. _obas: bobas sobas
2. _obbo: gobbo yobbo
2. _obie: dobie mobie
2. _obus: lobus zobus
2. _ocas: cocas socas
2. _occi: bocci cocci
2. _occo: cocco zocco
2. _oces: soces voces
2. _oche: boche loche
2. _ochs: lochs mochs
2. _ocko: jocko socko
2. _ocus: docus hocus
2. _odal: nodal podal
2. _odas: codas sodas
2. _odel: jodel yodel
2. _oden: coden loden
2. _oder: coder moder
2. _odex: codex podex
2. _odic: iodic sodic
2. _odle: bodle yodle
2. _odus: modus nodus
2. _oeas: toeas zoeas
2. _oeps: boeps poeps
2. _oest: doest goest
2. _oeth: doeth goeth
2. _oets: boets poets
2. _ofta: kofta softa
2. _ogas: togas yogas
2. _oggs: hoggs noggs
2. _oghs: hoghs yoghs
2. _ogle: bogle fogle
2. _ogon: cogon logon
2. _ohen: cohen kohen
2. _ohns: fohns johns
2. _ohur: mohur sohur
2. _oick: hoick yoick
2. _oise: hoise toise
2. _oist: roist zoist
2. _ojos: dojos mojos
2. _ojus: sojus wojus
2. _okas: hokas kokas
2. _okis: hokis mokis
2. _okol: jokol sokol
2. _okum: hokum kokum
2. _olan: solan tolan
2. _oler: poler soler
2. _olia: dolia folia
2. _olic: colic folic
2. _olky: folky yolky
2. _olla: holla molla
2. _olog: colog lolog
2. _olon: holon solon
2. _olve: volve wolve
2. _olys: molys polys
2. _ombi: combi zombi
2. _omby: comby womby
2. _omic: domic nomic
2. _omus: comus momus
2. _onge: conge longe
2. _ongi: hongi wongi
2. _onia: conia gonia
2. _onic: monic yonic
2. _onie: bonie monie
2. _onin: conin ronin
2. _onis: nonis yonis
2. _only: fonly sonly
2. _onna: donna gonna
2. _onsy: donsy sonsy
2. _onus: conus tonus
2. _ooby: gooby looby
2. _oohs: boohs poohs
2. _ooka: hooka pooka
2. _oold: goold woold
2. _oole: doole soole
2. _oong: boong moong
2. _oori: koori poori
2. _oory: goory moory
2. _oosh: hoosh woosh
2. _opak: gopak hopak
2. _opal: copal nopal
2. _opek: kopek topek
2. _opey: mopey ropey
2. _opra: copra sopra
2. _oque: roque toque
2. _orae: morae porae
2. _orah: horah torah
2. _oran: loran toran
2. _orat: korat morat
2. _orby: corby forby
2. _ordo: fordo sordo
2. _orex: forex sorex
2. _orgo: borgo sorgo
2. _orie: oorie rorie
2. _orme: forme horme
2. _orno: corno porno
2. _oros: koros toros
2. _orra: morra sorra
2. _orro: morro zorro
2. _orrs: dorrs torrs
2. _orsy: gorsy horsy
2. _orus: korus sorus
2. _osas: dosas tosas
2. _osel: hosel losel
2. _osen: hosen losen
2. _oset: coset roset
2. _osie: bosie cosie
2. _osin: eosin rosin
2. _osks: bosks mosks
2. _osse: fosse gosse
2. _ossy: lossy tossy
2. _osta: costa hosta
2. _oste: coste moste
2. _otan: cotan rotan
2. _oten: hoten moten
2. _otis: motis rotis
2. _otto: lotto potto
2. _otus: lotus motus
2. _ouce: douce souce
2. _ouch: gouch mouch
2. _oues: moues roues
2. _ouff: houff pouff
2. _oufs: houfs poufs
2. _ouge: bouge vouge
2. _ould: mould nould
2. _oult: boult poult
2. _ouma: douma louma
2. _oupe: loupe poupe
2. _oupy: roupy soupy
2. _ourd: bourd courd
2. _oure: coure loure
2. _ourn: bourn yourn
2. _oust: moust roust
2. _ovea: fovea hovea
2. _ovie: dovie lovie
2. _owds: dowds gowds
2. _owee: wowee zowee
2. _owff: howff sowff
2. _owle: dowle sowle
2. _owly: dowly jowly
2. _owny: powny towny
2. _owre: howre powre
2. _owry: cowry lowry
2. _oxal: coxal noxal
2. _oxen: boxen woxen
2. _oyer: coyer toyer
2. _oyne: foyne royne
2. _oyos: boyos toyos
2. _ozen: cozen lozen
2. _ozie: cozie tozie
2. _ozos: bozos mozos
2. _payd: apayd spayd
2. _pays: apays spays
2. _pics: epics spics
2. _play: splay uplay
2. _pods: apods spods
2. _pted: apted opted
2. _quid: equid squid
2. _rach: brach orach
2. _ract: bract fract
2. _raff: draff graff
2. _raic: craic vraic
2. _rail: brail drail
2. _raks: araks braks
2. _rana: grana prana
2. _rank: brank trank
2. _raos: praos uraos
2. _rapy: crapy grapy
2. _rare: crare urare
2. _rase: prase urase
2. _rass: frass trass
2. _rast: brast wrast
2. _ratt: pratt tratt
2. _raus: fraus praus
2. _rave: drave trave
2. _rbia: erbia urbia
2. _read: aread oread
2. _real: areal ureal
2. _rear: arear drear
2. _reas: areas ureas
2. _reck: dreck treck
2. _rede: arede brede
2. _reds: breds creds
2. _reer: breer dreer
2. _reic: areic ureic
2. _reif: preif treif
2. _reks: dreks treks
2. _reon: freon preon
2. _reps: creps preps
2. _rese: grese prese
2. _rewe: crewe krewe
2. _rgon: argon ergon
2. _rgot: argot ergot
2. _rial: prial urial
2. _rias: arias crias
2. _rice: drice grice
2. _rick: erick wrick
2. _ride: gride tride
2. _rids: grids irids
2. _riel: ariel oriel
2. _riff: griff triff
2. _rike: grike trike
2. _riki: ariki briki
2. _rils: arils vrils
2. _rine: crine trine
2. _ring: ering iring
2. _riot: ariot griot
2. _ript: dript gript
2. _ripy: gripy tripy
2. _riss: briss priss
2. _ritt: britt fritt
2. _rked: arked irked
2. _rles: arles orles
2. _rmer: armer ormer
2. _rned: erned urned
2. _roat: groat troat
2. _rock: brock trock
2. _roid: aroid droid
2. _role: drole prole
2. _romo: bromo promo
2. _rona: krona trona
2. _ronc: bronc tronc
2. _rool: brool crool
2. _roon: croon kroon
2. _rose: brose erose
2. _rost: crost prost
2. _rosy: brosy prosy
2. _roth: troth wroth
2. _rots: grots trots
2. _rris: arris orris
2. _rses: arses erses
2. _rubs: drubs grubs
2. _rued: grued trued
2. _rugo: erugo trugo
2. _rume: brume grume
2. _rump: frump grump
2. _rums: arums drums
2. _runk: crunk krunk
2. _ruse: cruse druse
2. _rust: brust frust
2. _rusy: crusy drusy
2. _rval: arval orval
2. _ryke: gryke tryke
2. _sars: ksars tsars
2. _scar: escar oscar
2. _shes: ashes ishes
2. _sked: asked tsked
2. _sker: asker esker
2. _sses: asses esses
2. _taps: ataps staps
2. _tats: etats stats
2. _tems: items stems
2. _tens: etens stens
2. _timy: atimy stimy
2. _tria: atria stria
2. _ttar: attar ottar
2. _uads: duads quads
2. _uana: guana ruana
2. _uars: duars guars
2. _uats: buats quats
2. _ubar: fubar tubar
2. _uber: cuber suber
2. _ubus: bubus rubus
2. _ucko: bucko yucko
2. _ucre: lucre sucre
2. _udds: rudds sudds
2. _udge: mudge pudge
2. _udgy: fudgy judgy
2. _udic: ludic pudic
2. _udie: nudie rudie
2. _udis: budis rudis
2. _udor: pudor sudor
2. _udsy: pudsy sudsy
2. _uels: duels fuels
2. _uets: duets suets
2. _uffo: buffo cuffo
2. _ufts: tufts yufts
2. _ufty: bufty tufty
2. _ugae: nugae rugae
2. _ugas: gugas yugas
2. _uggs: muggs vuggs
2. _uias: huias kuias
2. _uina: quina tuina
2. _uins: quins ruins
2. _uint: quint suint
2. _ukas: dukas pukas
2. _ukhs: rukhs sukhs
2. _ukka: dukka pukka
2. _ulan: kulan yulan
2. _ulet: culet gulet
2. _ulpa: culpa tulpa
2. _ulph: gulph sulph
2. _ulps: gulps pulps
2. _umbs: dumbs numbs
2. _umen: numen rumen
2. _umes: fumes rumes
2. _umfs: bumfs humfs
2. _umis: kumis sumis
2. _umma: gumma summa
2. _umph: bumph sumph
2. _unce: bunce punce
2. _unch: dunch runch
2. _unco: bunco junco
2. _uned: runed tuned
2. _unga: munga punga
2. _unge: gunge munge
2. _ungo: fungo mungo
2. _unis: munis sunis
2. _unns: bunns sunns
2. _uped: duped ouped
2. _uple: duple tuple
2. _upon: jupon yupon
2. _uppa: cuppa zuppa
2. _uran: buran furan
2. _urbs: burbs curbs
2. _urer: curer lurer
2. _uret: buret curet
2. _urex: lurex murex
2. _urfy: surfy turfy
2. _urie: curie ourie
2. _urin: burin purin
2. _uros: duros euros
2. _urre: kurre murre
2. _ursh: gursh qursh
2. _urta: kurta yurta
2. _urts: hurts yurts
2. _urum: aurum durum
2. _usel: fusel ousel
2. _user: luser muser
2. _usky: busky tusky
2. _usle: gusle pusle
2. _usos: husos musos
2. _usse: musse russe
2. _usso: cusso kusso
2. _usty: busty fusty
2. _usus: lusus susus
2. _utin: cutin rutin
2. _utsy: gutsy nutsy
2. _utti: putti tutti
2. _utto: cutto putto
2. _utus: kutus tutus
2. _uxed: luxed muxed
2. _uzel: ouzel puzel
2. _uzes: cuzes fuzes
2. _uzus: kuzus yuzus
2. _vels: avels ovels
2. _vers: avers overs
2. _vule: mvule ovule
2. _wain: swain twain
2. _wale: dwale swale
2. _wang: dwang swang
2. _wank: swank twank
2. _wats: swats twats
2. _weer: sweer tweer
2. _wies: owies swies
2. _wigs: swigs twigs
2. _wile: dwile swile
2. _wine: dwine gwine
2. _wink: swink twink
2. _wire: swire twire
2. _wits: swits twits
2. _xies: exies oxies
2. _xing: axing exing
2. _xons: axons exons
2. _yals: gyals ryals
2. _yans: cyans gyans
2. _yats: kyats pyats
2. _ycee: lycee sycee
2. _yces: fyces syces
2. _yens: hyens syens
2. _ygal: pygal zygal
2. _ying: hying nying
2. _yins: ayins pyins
2. _ylic: hylic xylic
2. _ylix: cylix kylix
2. _ymar: cymar symar
2. _ymps: gymps tymps
2. _yral: gyral pyral
2. _yran: pyran tyran
2. _yred: gyred tyred
2. _yssa: lyssa nyssa
2. _ysts: cysts xysts
2. _yted: lyted wyted
2. _zine: azine ezine
2. a_ahs: amahs ayahs
2. a_ana: anana asana
2. a_and: aband aland
2. a_ans: alans azans
2. a_ant: alant avant
2. a_aps: alaps ataps
2. a_ast: agast avast
2. a_ate: alate amate
2. a_ave: agave awave
2. a_aya: abaya ayaya
2. a_con: ancon ascon
2. a_cos: alcos arcos
2. a_cus: arcus ascus
2. a_ded: added aided
2. a_der: adder alder
2. a_des: aedes aides
2. a_ele: abele anele
2. a_els: avels axels
2. a_ens: amens avens
2. a_ery: aiery apery
2. a_ets: abets arets
2. a_gal: algal argal
2. a_ger: agger auger
2. a_ght: aight aught
2. a_hes: aches ashes
2. a_ide: amide azide
2. a_ido: amido azido
2. a_ids: acids amids
2. a_igh: ahigh anigh
2. a_ile: anile axile
2. a_ins: amins ayins
2. a_ion: anion avion
2. a_ios: adios agios
2. a_ise: anise avise
2. a_ish: apish arish
2. a_ism: agism apism
2. a_ist: agist alist
2. a_ita: agita akita
2. a_ked: arked asked
2. a_kos: alkos askos
2. a_lee: aglee allee
2. a_let: ablet aglet
2. a_med: aimed armed
2. a_men: admen axmen
2. a_mer: aimer armer
2. a_mes: acmes almes
2. a_mil: armil aumil
2. a_mos: ammos atmos
2. a_nas: annas arnas
2. a_ned: acned awned
2. a_nes: acnes aunes
2. a_ods: alods apods
2. a_oha: aloha aroha
2. a_oid: aroid axoid
2. a_oks: amoks atoks
2. a_old: acold ahold
2. a_omy: anomy atomy
2. a_one: agone axone
2. a_ore: abore afore
2. a_ort: amort aport
2. a_pen: arpen aspen
2. a_pro: appro aspro
2. a_ras: arras auras
2. a_ria: agria atria
2. a_rie: aerie ayrie
2. a_rin: abrin agrin
2. a_rit: afrit amrit
2. a_sey: absey arsey
2. a_sis: apsis arsis
2. a_tar: antar attar
2. a_ter: apter aster
2. a_tis: antis artis
2. a_tos: altos autos
2. a_uas: aquas atuas
2. a_uki: aduki azuki
2. a_ums: alums arums
2. a_una: abuna aguna
2. a_ura: anura asura
2. a_way: alway asway
2. ab_am: abeam abram
2. ab_ts: abets abuts
2. abas_: abash abask
2. abb_s: abbas abbes
2. abbe_: abbed abbes
2. abe_s: abers abets
2. abea_: abeam abear
2. abor_: abord abore
2. abr_m: abram abrim
2. abra_: abram abray
2. abun_: abuna abune
2. acer_: acerb acers
2. ache_: ached aches
2. acid_: acids acidy
2. acin_: acing acini
2. acke_: ackee acker
2. acne_: acned acnes
2. acr_s: acres acros
2. acre_: acred acres
2. act_n: actin acton
2. ad_an: adhan adman
2. ada_s: adaws adays
2. adde_: added adder
2. adi_s: adios adits
2. adm_n: adman admen
2. adr_d: adrad adred
2. adze_: adzed adzes
2. afar_: afara afars
2. ag_as: aghas agmas
2. ag_ne: agene agone
2. ag_os: agios agros
2. ag_rs: agars agers
2. ag_st: agast agist
2. aga_e: agave agaze
2. agam_: agama agami
2. agi_a: agila agita
2. agis_: agism agist
2. ago_e: agoge agone
2. agon_: agone agons
2. agri_: agria agrin
2. ague_: agued agues
2. ah_nt: ahent ahint
2. ai_as: aidas aigas
2. ai_ee: ainee aiyee
2. aide_: aided aides
2. aido_: aidoi aidos
2. aime_: aimed aimer
2. air_s: airns airts
2. aire_: aired airer
2. airt_: airth airts
2. al_ck: alack aleck
2. al_ee: albee allee
2. al_es: almes aloes
2. al_fs: alefs alifs
2. al_id: alcid algid
2. al_in: algin aloin
2. al_ne: alane aline
2. al_yl: alkyl allyl
2. ala_e: alane alate
2. alap_: alapa alaps
2. alde_: aldea alder
2. alec_: aleck alecs
2. alef_: alefs aleft
2. alga_: algal algas
2. algi_: algid algin
2. ali_s: alias alifs
2. alky_: alkyd alkyl
2. all_l: allel allyl
2. alle_: allee allel
2. alm_h: almah almeh
2. alm_s: almas almes
2. alma_: almah almas
2. alme_: almeh almes
2. almu_: almud almug
2. aloe_: aloed aloes
2. am_an: amban amman
2. am_as: amias amlas
2. am_it: ambit amrit
2. am_ne: amene amine
2. am_ns: amens amins
2. am_os: ambos ammos
2. amic_: amice amici
2. amig_: amiga amigo
2. amm_n: amman ammon
2. ammo_: ammon ammos
2. amo_e: amole amove
2. amo_t: amort amowt
2. an_ae: ansae antae
2. an_ar: anear antar
2. an_ra: antra anura
2. ana_a: anana anata
2. ani_e: anile anise
2. anil_: anile anils
2. anim_: anima animi
2. ank_s: ankhs ankus
2. ant_e: antae antre
2. ante_: anted antes
2. antr_: antra antre
2. ap_es: apres apses
2. ap_is: aphis apsis
2. ap_rt: apert aport
2. apa_d: apaid apayd
2. apa_e: apace apage
2. apay_: apayd apays
2. ape_k: apeak apeek
2. apis_: apish apism
2. apod_: apode apods
2. app_l: appal appel
2. app_y: appay appuy
2. appa_: appal appay
2. appu_: appui appuy
2. apte_: apted apter
2. aqua_: aquae aquas
2. ar_ba: araba aroba
2. ar_el: ariel artel
2. ar_es: arles arses
2. ar_et: armet arret
2. ar_ic: areic artic
2. ar_il: argil armil
2. ar_ls: arils aryls
2. ar_os: arcos arvos
2. ar_ot: argot ariot
2. ar_us: arcus argus
2. ara_s: araks arars
2. arc_s: arcos arcus
2. are_a: areca arepa
2. are_d: aread aredd
2. are_s: areas arets
2. ared_: aredd arede
2. arg_n: argan argon
2. arga_: argal argan
2. ari_s: arias arils
2. arle_: arled arles
2. aro_a: aroba aroha
2. arr_s: arras arris
2. arra_: arrah arras
2. ars_s: arses arsis
2. art_l: artal artel
2. arti_: artic artis
2. as_ed: ashed asked
2. as_es: ashes asses
2. as_ic: asdic aspic
2. aske_: asked asker
2. asko_: askoi askos
2. aspe_: aspen asper
2. assa_: assai assam
2. asse_: asses assez
2. ast_r: aster astir
2. at_my: atimy atomy
2. atm_s: atmas atmos
2. atma_: atman atmas
2. atok_: atoke atoks
2. atom_: atoms atomy
2. atri_: atria atrip
2. atta_: attap attar
2. au_as: aulas auras
2. au_es: aunes aures
2. au_ic: aulic auric
2. au_os: aulos autos
2. aul_s: aulas aulos
2. aulo_: auloi aulos
2. aun_s: aunes aunts
2. aure_: aurei aures
2. auri_: auric auris
2. av_ze: avize avyze
2. ava_t: avant avast
2. avis_: avise aviso
2. aw_ls: awdls awols
2. aw_to: awato aweto
2. awne_: awned awner
2. ax_ls: axels axils
2. axi_e: axile axite
2. axil_: axile axils
2. axle_: axled axles
2. axm_n: axman axmen
2. axon_: axone axons
2. az_ns: azans azons
2. azi_e: azide azine
2. azid_: azide azido
2. azo_e: azole azote
2. azot_: azote azoth
2. azur_: azurn azury
2. azym_: azyme azyms
2. b_abs: blabs boabs
2. b_ach: biach brach
2. b_aes: blaes braes
2. b_ags: blags brags
2. b_aky: beaky braky
2. b_als: baals beals
2. b_ams: beams blams
2. b_ans: beans brans
2. b_ars: bears boars
2. b_art: blart boart
2. b_aws: blaws braws
2. b_ays: blays brays
2. b_aze: braze buaze
2. b_bes: babes bibes
2. b_bus: babus bubus
2. b_cca: bacca bocca
2. b_ccy: baccy biccy
2. b_dis: bidis budis
2. b_ees: blees brees
2. b_els: baels bhels
2. b_ent: blent brent
2. b_eps: beeps boeps
2. b_eys: bleys breys
2. b_ggy: biggy boggy
2. b_gie: bagie bogie
2. b_iks: briks buiks
2. b_ils: bails boils
2. b_ing: bling boing
2. b_ist: blist buist
2. b_ite: blite boite
2. b_ith: baith brith
2. b_ize: baize brize
2. b_lar: belar bolar
2. b_las: balas bolas
2. b_lds: balds bolds
2. b_led: baled biled
2. b_lgy: bilgy bulgy
2. b_lts: belts bolts
2. b_lus: balus bolus
2. b_nce: bonce bunce
2. b_nco: banco bunco
2. b_ndh: bandh bundh
2. b_ned: baned boned
2. b_ner: biner boner
2. b_ngy: bingy bungy
2. b_nia: bania bunia
2. b_nne: benne bonne
2. b_nns: banns bunns
2. b_nny: benny bonny
2. b_nya: banya bunya
2. b_obs: blobs boobs
2. b_ose: boose brose
2. b_ots: blots boots
2. b_ows: blows brows
2. b_ppy: boppy buppy
2. b_ras: boras buras
2. b_rbs: barbs burbs
2. b_rde: barde borde
2. b_red: bared bored
2. b_rer: barer borer
2. b_rfi: barfi burfi
2. b_rgs: bergs burgs
2. b_ric: baric boric
2. b_rns: barns burns
2. b_rps: barps burps
2. b_rro: barro burro
2. b_rrs: birrs burrs
2. b_rry: barry burry
2. b_rse: birse burse
2. b_sky: bosky busky
2. b_som: besom bisom
2. b_son: bason boson
2. b_ssi: bassi byssi
2. b_tas: betas botas
2. b_ted: bated beted
2. b_ths: baths beths
2. b_tta: batta betta
2. b_tte: bitte botte
2. b_uds: bauds bluds
2. b_uks: bauks bouks
2. b_ume: blume brume
2. b_urs: baurs blurs
2. b_vvy: bevvy bivvy
2. b_wet: bewet bowet
2. b_wls: bawls bowls
2. b_wrs: bawrs bowrs
2. b_yed: bayed boyed
2. b_zes: bezes bizes
2. ba_an: bajan basan
2. ba_as: babas balas
2. ba_ca: bacca barca
2. ba_co: bacco banco
2. ba_en: baken basen
2. ba_fs: baffs barfs
2. ba_ky: balky barky
2. ba_ms: balms barms
2. ba_rs: baurs bawrs
2. ba_sa: baisa balsa
2. ba_ta: basta batta
2. ba_ti: balti basti
2. ba_tu: bantu battu
2. ba_ty: banty bawty
2. bab_l: babel babul
2. babe_: babel babes
2. babu_: babul babus
2. bac_a: bacca bacha
2. bac_s: bachs backs
2. bach_: bacha bachs
2. baf_s: baffs bafts
2. baff_: baffs baffy
2. bah_s: bahts bahus
2. bahu_: bahus bahut
2. bai_a: baisa baiza
2. bai_s: bails baits
2. bait_: baith baits
2. baiz_: baiza baize
2. bajr_: bajra bajri
2. bald_: balds baldy
2. bale_: baled bales
2. balk_: balks balky
2. ball_: balls bally
2. balu_: balun balus
2. ban_y: bandy banty
2. banc_: banco bancs
2. bane_: baned banes
2. bar_a: barca barra
2. bar_o: bardo barro
2. barf_: barfi barfs
2. bark_: barks barky
2. barm_: barms barmy
2. barn_: barns barny
2. bas_i: bassi basti
2. bate_: bated bates
2. bay_s: bayes bayts
2. be_ah: bekah belah
2. be_ar: begar belar
2. be_as: bemas betas
2. be_at: bepat besat
2. be_ay: belay beray
2. be_ds: beads bends
2. be_ee: belee besee
2. be_et: benet bewet
2. be_ga: belga benga
2. be_ls: beals bells
2. be_ms: beams berms
2. be_ns: beans beins
2. be_ny: beany benny
2. be_on: belon beton
2. be_ot: begot besot
2. be_rs: bears beers
2. beak_: beaks beaky
2. beam_: beams beamy
2. bear_: beare bears
2. beck_: becke becks
2. beer_: beers beery
2. beg_m: begem begum
2. bega_: begad begar
2. beig_: beige beigy
2. bel_s: bells belts
2. bem_d: bemad bemud
2. bema_: bemad bemas
2. bend_: bends bendy
2. bene_: benes benet
2. berk_: berko berks
2. berm_: berme berms
2. bes_s: beses bests
2. besa_: besat besaw
2. bese_: besee beses
2. beso_: besom besot
2. best_: besti bests
2. bet_d: beted betid
2. bete_: beted betes
2. bett_: betta betty
2. bev_r: bever bevor
2. bh_ts: bhats bhuts
2. bha_s: bhais bhats
2. bi_bo: bilbo bimbo
2. bi_ch: biach bitch
2. bi_ds: binds birds
2. bi_ls: bills birls
2. bi_ly: bialy bigly
2. bi_ou: bijou bitou
2. bi_rs: biers birrs
2. bi_sy: birsy bitsy
2. bi_ts: bints bitts
2. bial_: biali bialy
2. bib_s: bibbs bibes
2. bid_s: bides bidis
2. big_s: biggs bigos
2. big_y: biggy bigly
2. bigg_: biggs biggy
2. bigh_: bigha bight
2. bil_y: bilby bilgy
2. bilb_: bilbo bilby
2. bile_: biled biles
2. bima_: bimah bimas
2. bind_: bindi binds
2. bine_: biner bines
2. bing_: bings bingy
2. bip_d: biped bipod
2. bir_e: birle birse
2. birl_: birle birls
2. birs_: birse birsy
2. bis_s: bises bisks
2. bite_: biter bites
2. bito_: bitos bitou
2. bitt_: bitte bitts
2. bizz_: bizzo bizzy
2. bl_ds: blads bluds
2. bl_dy: blady bludy
2. bl_gs: blags blogs
2. bl_rt: blart blert
2. bl_st: blest blist
2. bl_te: blate blite
2. bl_ws: blaws blows
2. bl_ys: blays bleys
2. bla_e: blase blate
2. bla_n: blain blawn
2. bla_t: blart blatt
2. blad_: blads blady
2. blae_: blaer blaes
2. blas_: blase blash
2. blaw_: blawn blaws
2. bli_e: blite blive
2. bli_y: blimy bliny
2. blit_: blite blits
2. bloo_: blook bloop
2. blow_: blows blowy
2. blu_d: blued bluid
2. blu_e: blude blume
2. blu_y: bludy bluey
2. bo_ak: bobak borak
2. bo_ar: bolar boyar
2. bo_ce: bocce bonce
2. bo_el: borel botel
2. bo_fs: boffs boyfs
2. bo_ge: bodge bouge
2. bo_gs: bongs boygs
2. bo_gy: boggy boogy
2. bo_ky: booky bosky
2. bo_la: boxla boyla
2. bo_le: bodle bogle
2. bo_ms: booms borms
2. bo_ne: bonne bowne
2. bo_ng: boing boong
2. bo_ns: boons bouns
2. bo_on: boron boson
2. bo_rd: boord bourd
2. bo_sy: bousy boysy
2. bo_te: boite botte
2. bo_us: bogus bolus
2. boar_: boars boart
2. bob_s: bobas bobos
2. bobo_: bobol bobos
2. boc_e: bocce boche
2. bod_e: bodge bodle
2. bode_: boded bodes
2. boe_s: boeps boets
2. boff_: boffo boffs
2. bog_y: bogey boggy
2. bogu_: bogue bogus
2. boin_: boing boink
2. bok_s: bokes bokos
2. bola_: bolar bolas
2. bom_s: bomas bombs
2. bonn_: bonne bonny
2. bonz_: bonza bonze
2. boo_d: booed boord
2. booa_: booai booay
2. book_: books booky
2. boom_: booms boomy
2. boon_: boong boons
2. boor_: boord boors
2. bor_e: borde boree
2. bor_l: boral borel
2. bord_: borde bords
2. bos_n: boson bosun
2. bosk_: bosks bosky
2. bot_y: bothy botty
2. bote_: botel botes
2. bou_e: bouge bouse
2. bous_: bouse bousy
2. bow_t: bowat bowet
2. boya_: boyar boyau
2. br_ch: brach broch
2. br_ck: brack brock
2. br_er: breer brier
2. br_gh: brogh brugh
2. br_ks: braks briks
2. br_nt: brant brent
2. br_os: brios broos
2. br_se: brise brose
2. br_st: brast brust
2. br_ys: brays breys
2. br_ze: braze brize
2. bra_a: brava braza
2. bra_i: braai bravi
2. bra_k: brack brank
2. bra_y: braky braxy
2. brak_: braks braky
2. brav_: brava bravi
2. braz_: braza braze
2. bre_m: bream breem
2. bred_: brede breds
2. brei_: breid breis
2. bren_: brens brent
2. brer_: brere brers
2. bri_e: brise brize
2. brie_: brier bries
2. brik_: briki briks
2. bris_: brise briss
2. bro_e: brome brose
2. bro_h: broch brogh
2. broc_: broch brock
2. brog_: brogh brogs
2. brom_: brome bromo
2. bron_: bronc brond
2. broo_: brool broos
2. bros_: brose brosy
2. bru_e: brule brume
2. bru_t: bruit brust
2. brui_: bruin bruit
2. brus_: brusk brust
2. bu_bs: bulbs burbs
2. bu_by: bubby busby
2. bu_ds: bunds burds
2. bu_fi: buffi burfi
2. bu_fs: buffs bumfs
2. bu_gs: bungs burgs
2. bu_gy: bulgy bungy
2. bu_ko: bucko bunko
2. bu_ns: bunns burns
2. bu_os: budos bufos
2. bu_ps: bumps burps
2. bu_py: bumpy buppy
2. bu_rs: buhrs burrs
2. bu_se: bulse burse
2. bub_s: bubas bubus
2. buba_: bubal bubas
2. buc_u: buchu bucku
2. buf_s: buffs bufos
2. buf_y: buffy bufty
2. buh_s: buhls buhrs
2. bull_: bulla bulls
2. bum_s: bumfs bumps
2. bun_a: bunia bunya
2. bun_o: bunco bunko
2. bunc_: bunce bunco
2. bung_: bungs bungy
2. bunj_: bunje bunjy
2. bunk_: bunko bunks
2. bunt_: bunts bunty
2. bur_e: burke burse
2. bur_n: buran burin
2. bur_o: buroo burro
2. bura_: buran buras
2. burg_: burgh burgs
2. burs_: bursa burse
2. busk_: busks busky
2. but_s: butes butts
2. bute_: buteo butes
2. butt_: butts butty
2. by_ed: byded byked
2. byde_: byded bydes
2. byke_: byked bykes
2. byr_s: byres byrls
2. c_ads: chads clads
2. c_ags: clags crags
2. c_als: chals coals
2. c_ame: clame crame
2. c_ape: chape crape
2. c_are: chare crare
2. c_ars: chars czars
2. c_ary: chary clary
2. c_ave: chave clave
2. c_bby: cobby cubby
2. c_ber: caber cuber
2. c_cks: cacks cocks
2. c_cky: cacky cocky
2. c_dis: cadis cedis
2. c_eds: coeds creds
2. c_eep: cheep cleep
2. c_efs: chefs clefs
2. c_ias: chias crias
2. c_ibs: chibs cribs
2. c_ies: clies cries
2. c_ifs: coifs cuifs
2. c_ils: ceils coils
2. c_ing: ching cuing
2. c_ipe: clipe cripe
2. c_ked: caked coked
2. c_lix: calix cylix
2. c_lla: calla cella
2. c_lly: colly cully
2. c_lms: calms culms
2. c_lpa: calpa culpa
2. c_mae: comae cymae
2. c_mar: cimar cymar
2. c_mpo: campo compo
2. c_mps: camps comps
2. c_mus: camus comus
2. c_ned: caned coned
2. c_nns: canns conns
2. c_ocs: chocs crocs
2. c_oky: choky cooky
2. c_omp: chomp clomp
2. c_onk: clonk cronk
2. c_oon: choon croon
2. c_ost: coost crost
2. c_ots: clots coots
2. c_out: chout crout
2. c_ped: caped coped
2. c_ppy: coppy cuppy
2. c_rbs: carbs curbs
2. c_rby: carby corby
2. c_rdy: cardy curdy
2. c_rer: carer curer
2. c_ret: caret curet
2. c_rks: carks corks
2. c_rny: carny curny
2. c_rps: carps corps
2. c_rrs: carrs currs
2. c_rse: carse corse
2. c_rts: carts certs
2. c_sco: casco cisco
2. c_sec: cosec cusec
2. c_sed: cased cosed
2. c_ses: cases coses
2. c_sks: casks cusks
2. c_sta: cesta costa
2. c_tch: cutch cwtch
2. c_ted: cited coted
2. c_ter: citer cuter
2. c_ubs: chubs clubs
2. c_ues: clues crues
2. c_ums: caums chums
2. c_unk: clunk crunk
2. c_ups: caups coups
2. c_use: chuse cruse
2. c_ved: caved coved
2. c_vie: cavie civie
2. c_wed: cawed cowed
2. c_wks: cawks cowks
2. c_yer: coyer cryer
2. c_zes: cozes cuzes
2. ca_ds: caids cards
2. ca_ex: capex carex
2. ca_fs: caffs calfs
2. ca_id: calid canid
2. ca_ie: cadie cavie
2. ca_is: cadis camis
2. ca_ky: cacky casky
2. ca_le: caple carle
2. ca_ms: calms caums
2. ca_ob: cabob carob
2. ca_ot: cagot capot
2. ca_pi: campi carpi
2. ca_re: cabre cadre
2. ca_ri: capri cauri
2. ca_se: caese carse
2. ca_us: camus casus
2. cabo_: cabob caboc
2. cac_s: cacas cacks
2. cack_: cacks cacky
2. cad_s: cades cadis
2. cade_: cadee cades
2. cadg_: cadge cadgy
2. cadi_: cadie cadis
2. caf_s: cafes caffs
2. cai_s: caids cains
2. caj_n: cajon cajun
2. cal_a: calla calpa
2. cal_x: calix calyx
2. call_: calla calls
2. calm_: calms calmy
2. calp_: calpa calps
2. cama_: caman camas
2. can_d: caned canid
2. can_o: canso canto
2. cann_: canna canns
2. cans_: canso canst
2. car_i: cardi carpi
2. carl_: carle carls
2. carn_: carns carny
2. carp_: carpi carps
2. case_: cased cases
2. cask_: casks casky
2. cau_a: cauda causa
2. caul_: cauld cauls
2. cav_s: cavas caves
2. ce_ed: ceded cered
2. ce_li: ceili celli
2. ce_ls: ceils cells
2. ce_se: cense cesse
2. ced_s: cedes cedis
2. ceil_: ceili ceils
2. cel_s: cells celts
2. cer_c: ceric ceroc
2. cer_e: cerge cerne
2. cere_: cered ceres
2. ceri_: ceria ceric
2. cero_: ceroc ceros
2. cert_: certs certy
2. cest_: cesta cesti
2. ch_bs: chibs chubs
2. ch_cs: chics chocs
2. ch_gs: chogs chugs
2. ch_la: chela chola
2. ch_le: chile chyle
2. ch_mo: chemo chimo
2. ch_mp: chimp chomp
2. ch_ng: chang ching
2. ch_nk: chank chink
2. ch_ns: chins chons
2. ch_re: chare chere
2. ch_rk: chark chirk
2. ch_rl: chirl churl
2. ch_rt: chert chirt
2. ch_ve: chave chive
2. ch_vs: chavs chivs
2. ch_vy: chevy chivy
2. ch_wk: chawk chowk
2. cha_o: chaco chado
2. cha_t: chaft chapt
2. chad_: chado chads
2. chav_: chave chavs
2. chaw_: chawk chaws
2. chay_: chaya chays
2. che_a: cheka chela
2. che_p: cheep chelp
2. che_y: chevy chewy
2. chel_: chela chelp
2. chem_: chemo chems
2. cher_: chere chert
2. chew_: chews chewy
2. chi_k: chink chirk
2. chi_l: chiel chirl
2. chia_: chiao chias
2. cho_a: chola chota
2. cho_k: chook chowk
2. cho_t: chott chout
2. choc_: choco chocs
2. chok_: choko choky
2. chot_: chota chott
2. chou_: chout choux
2. chow_: chowk chows
2. chuf_: chufa chuff
2. chur_: churl churr
2. chy_e: chyle chyme
2. ci_ed: cided cited
2. cide_: cided cides
2. cin_s: cines cinqs
2. cive_: cives civet
2. cl_ds: clads clods
2. cl_me: clame clime
2. cl_ms: clams clems
2. cl_nk: clonk clunk
2. cl_ns: clans clons
2. cl_ve: clave cleve
2. cl_ys: clays cloys
2. clad_: clade clads
2. clam_: clame clams
2. clap_: claps clapt
2. clav_: clave clavi
2. cle_e: clepe cleve
2. clee_: cleek cleep
2. clep_: clepe clept
2. clie_: clied clies
2. clin_: cline clint
2. clo_p: clomp cloop
2. clom_: clomb clomp
2. clon_: clonk clons
2. cloo_: cloop cloot
2. clot_: clote clots
2. clou_: clour clous
2. cloy_: cloye cloys
2. clu_s: clubs clues
2. clue_: clues cluey
2. co_ae: comae coxae
2. co_an: cotan cowan
2. co_be: combe corbe
2. co_bs: cobbs combs
2. co_ec: codec cosec
2. co_my: commy coomy
2. co_og: cohog colog
2. co_on: codon cogon
2. co_os: cocos cohos
2. co_rb: coarb courb
2. co_rs: coirs cours
2. co_us: comus conus
2. co_za: cobza colza
2. coa_s: coals coats
2. coa_t: coact coapt
2. coa_y: coady coaly
2. cob_a: cobia cobza
2. cobb_: cobbs cobby
2. cocc_: cocci cocco
2. cock_: cocks cocky
2. cod_n: coden codon
2. cod_s: codas codes
2. cog_e: cogie cogue
2. coke_: coked cokes
2. coli_: colic colin
2. coll_: colls colly
2. com_y: comby commy
2. come_: comer comes
2. con_a: conga conia
2. con_y: coney conky
2. coni_: conia conin
2. conk_: conks conky
2. conn_: conne conns
2. cont_: conte conto
2. coo_e: cooee cooze
2. coo_t: coopt coost
2. cook_: cooks cooky
2. cool_: cools cooly
2. coop_: coops coopt
2. copa_: copal copay
2. cor_e: corbe corse
2. cor_i: corgi corni
2. cor_o: corno corso
2. corb_: corbe corby
2. cork_: corks corky
2. cors_: corse corso
2. cos_e: cosie coste
2. cos_s: coses costs
2. cote_: coted cotes
2. cott_: cotta cotts
2. cou_e: coude coure
2. cou_s: coups cours
2. cout_: couta couth
2. cove_: coved coves
2. cowa_: cowal cowan
2. coxa_: coxae coxal
2. coxe_: coxed coxes
2. coy_u: coyau coypu
2. coye_: coyed coyer
2. cr_bs: crabs cribs
2. cr_ds: creds cruds
2. cr_ft: croft cruft
2. cr_gs: crags crogs
2. cr_me: crame crome
2. cr_nk: cronk crunk
2. cr_ns: crans crons
2. cr_pe: crape cripe
2. cr_py: crapy crepy
2. cr_re: crare crore
2. cr_se: crise cruse
2. cr_th: crith crwth
2. crai_: craic craig
2. cram_: crame crams
2. cree_: creel crees
2. crep_: creps crepy
2. crew_: crewe crews
2. crip_: cripe crips
2. crit_: crith crits
2. croc_: croci crocs
2. crom_: cromb crome
2. cron_: cronk crons
2. croo_: crool croon
2. cru_e: cruse cruve
2. cru_k: cruck crunk
2. cru_s: cruds crues
2. cru_t: cruet cruft
2. cru_y: crudy crusy
2. crue_: crues cruet
2. crus_: cruse crusy
2. cu_ec: cumec cusec
2. cu_ed: cubed cured
2. cu_et: culet curet
2. cu_it: cubit cunit
2. cu_ls: culls curls
2. cu_pa: culpa cuppa
2. cu_py: cuppy cuspy
2. cu_ty: culty cutty
2. cuff_: cuffo cuffs
2. cui_s: cuifs cuits
2. cul_y: cully culty
2. cule_: culet culex
2. cull_: culls cully
2. cupp_: cuppa cuppy
2. cur_i: curli cursi
2. cur_y: curdy curny
2. curd_: curds curdy
2. curi_: curia curie
2. curl_: curli curls
2. curn_: curns curny
2. curs_: cursi curst
2. cus_s: cusks cusps
2. cus_y: cushy cuspy
2. cusp_: cusps cuspy
2. cut_s: cutes cutis
2. cut_y: cutey cutty
2. cuti_: cutin cutis
2. cutt_: cutto cutty
2. cy_as: cycas cymas
2. cy_es: cymes cytes
2. cyan_: cyano cyans
2. cyca_: cycad cycas
2. cym_s: cymas cymes
2. d_abs: doabs drabs
2. d_ams: drams dwams
2. d_ans: deans duans
2. d_ars: dears duars
2. d_ats: doats drats
2. d_ave: deave drave
2. d_aws: deaws draws
2. d_bby: debby dobby
2. d_bes: debes dobes
2. d_cht: dicht docht
2. d_cky: dicky ducky
2. d_cos: decos docos
2. d_cts: dicts ducts
2. d_eks: doeks dreks
2. d_els: diels duels
2. d_ere: deere drere
2. d_est: doest drest
2. d_ggy: daggy doggy
2. d_ice: deice drice
2. d_ily: doily drily
2. d_ine: daine dwine
2. d_its: doits duits
2. d_kas: dikas dukas
2. d_ker: daker diker
2. d_key: dikey dykey
2. d_lce: dolce dulce
2. d_lia: dolia dulia
2. d_lis: dalis delis
2. d_los: delos dolos
2. d_man: daman deman
2. d_mbo: dimbo dumbo
2. d_mic: demic domic
2. d_nar: denar dinar
2. d_nch: dench dunch
2. d_nna: dinna donna
2. d_omo: dsomo duomo
2. d_ows: dhows drows
2. d_ped: doped duped
2. d_per: doper duper
2. d_pes: dopes dupes
2. d_ppy: dippy duppy
2. d_rbs: darbs dorbs
2. d_rer: darer direr
2. d_ric: daric doric
2. d_ris: daris doris
2. d_rky: darky dorky
2. d_rms: derms dorms
2. d_ros: deros duros
2. d_rrs: dorrs durrs
2. d_rry: derry durry
2. d_rzi: darzi durzi
2. d_sas: disas dosas
2. d_shi: dashi deshi
2. d_shy: dashy dishy
2. d_ter: dater doter
2. d_ubs: daubs drubs
2. d_ums: doums drums
2. d_use: douse druse
2. d_uts: dauts douts
2. d_vas: devas divas
2. d_ved: dived doved
2. d_ven: daven doven
2. d_ves: dives doves
2. d_vis: devis divis
2. d_vos: devos divos
2. d_vot: devot divot
2. d_wan: dewan diwan
2. d_war: dewar dowar
2. d_wds: dawds dowds
2. d_wns: dawns downs
2. d_wts: dawts dowts
2. d_yas: diyas dryas
2. d_zed: dazed dozed
2. d_zer: dazer dozer
2. d_zes: dazes dozes
2. da_ah: dadah dawah
2. da_an: daman dayan
2. da_bs: darbs daubs
2. da_cy: dancy darcy
2. da_ds: dauds dawds
2. da_en: daven dawen
2. da_ga: dagga darga
2. da_gs: dangs dargs
2. da_is: dalis daris
2. da_ls: daals dahls
2. da_nt: daint daynt
2. dac_s: daces dacks
2. dad_s: dadas dados
2. dada_: dadah dadas
2. daff_: daffs daffy
2. dagg_: dagga daggy
2. dain_: daine daint
2. dale_: daled dales
2. dama_: daman damar
2. damp_: damps dampy
2. dan_y: dancy danny
2. dar_y: darcy darky
2. darg_: darga dargs
2. dari_: daric daris
2. dark_: darks darky
2. dash_: dashi dashy
2. dat_s: dates datos
2. dawe_: dawed dawen
2. de_ar: denar dewar
2. de_as: degas devas
2. de_at: defat derat
2. de_ay: denay deray
2. de_el: debel devel
2. de_ko: decko dekko
2. de_ks: decks desks
2. de_ly: deely delly
2. de_ms: deems derms
2. de_re: deare deere
2. de_rs: dears deers
2. de_ry: deary derry
2. de_us: debus degus
2. de_ve: deave deeve
2. de_vs: deevs dervs
2. dea_e: deare deave
2. dea_y: deary deawy
2. deaw_: deaws deawy
2. debe_: debel debes
2. dec_s: decks decos
2. deck_: decko decks
2. dee_e: deere deeve
2. dee_y: deedy deely
2. deed_: deeds deedy
2. deer_: deere deers
2. deev_: deeve deevs
2. deg_s: degas degus
2. degu_: degum degus
2. dei_s: deids deils
2. deis_: deism deist
2. deke_: deked dekes
2. dele_: deled deles
2. delf_: delfs delft
2. dell_: dells delly
2. dem_s: demes demos
2. dem_t: demit dempt
2. demi_: demic demit
2. dena_: denar denay
2. dene_: denes denet
2. dera_: derat deray
2. dere_: dered deres
2. derm_: derma derms
2. dern_: derns derny
2. derr_: derro derry
2. des_s: desis desks
2. dh_ls: dhals dhols
2. dh_ti: dhoti dhuti
2. dha_s: dhaks dhals
2. dho_i: dhobi dhoti
2. dho_s: dhols dhows
2. di_an: divan diwan
2. di_bs: dibbs diebs
2. di_ht: dicht dight
2. di_ie: didie dixie
2. di_ky: dicky dinky
2. di_na: dinna divna
2. di_ne: diane diene
2. di_ot: dicot divot
2. di_ta: dicta diota
2. dic_t: dicht dicot
2. dic_y: dicky dicty
2. dick_: dicks dicky
2. dik_s: dikas dikes
2. dill_: dilli dills
2. dim_s: dimes dimps
2. dime_: dimer dimes
2. dine_: dined dines
2. ding_: dinge dings
2. dink_: dinks dinky
2. dirk_: dirke dirks
2. disc_: disci discs
2. dit_y: ditsy ditzy
2. dita_: dital ditas
2. dite_: dited dites
2. diva_: divan divas
2. dive_: dived dives
2. divo_: divos divot
2. dixi_: dixie dixit
2. djin_: djinn djins
2. do_al: domal dotal
2. do_ar: douar dowar
2. do_dy: doddy doody
2. do_ee: donee doree
2. do_en: doven doyen
2. do_ic: domic doric
2. do_la: dobla doula
2. do_le: doole dowle
2. do_ma: dolma douma
2. do_my: doomy dormy
2. do_ra: dobra doura
2. do_ty: dorty dotty
2. doa_s: doabs doats
2. dob_a: dobla dobra
2. dobr_: dobra dobro
2. doe_s: doeks doers
2. dog_y: dogey doggy
2. doge_: doges dogey
2. dogg_: doggo doggy
2. doil_: doilt doily
2. dol_a: dolia dolma
2. dolc_: dolce dolci
2. dole_: doled doles
2. dolo_: dolor dolos
2. dome_: domed domes
2. don_a: donga donna
2. don_e: donee donne
2. don_s: donas dongs
2. don_y: donny donsy
2. dona_: donah donas
2. done_: donee doner
2. dong_: donga dongs
2. doo_e: dooce doole
2. doom_: dooms doomy
2. door_: doorn doors
2. dop_s: dopas dopes
2. dor_a: dorba dorsa
2. dor_e: doree dorse
2. dorb_: dorba dorbs
2. dore_: doree dores
2. dori_: doric doris
2. dork_: dorks dorky
2. dorm_: dorms dormy
2. dors_: dorsa dorse
2. dort_: dorts dorty
2. dos_s: dosas doses
2. dosa_: dosai dosas
2. dou_e: douce douse
2. douc_: douce doucs
2. doum_: douma doums
2. dow_r: dowar dower
2. dowe_: dowed dower
2. down_: downa downs
2. doxe_: doxed doxes
2. dr_ck: drack dreck
2. dr_es: drees dries
2. dr_il: drail droil
2. dr_ms: drams drums
2. dr_nt: drant drent
2. dr_pt: dript dropt
2. dr_ws: draws drows
2. dr_ys: drays dreys
2. drac_: drack draco
2. dre_r: drear dreer
2. dre_t: drent drest
2. drip_: drips dript
2. dro_k: drook drouk
2. dro_s: drops drows
2. droi_: droid droil
2. drop_: drops dropt
2. dru_e: drupe druse
2. dru_y: drusy druxy
2. drus_: druse drusy
2. drya_: dryad dryas
2. dso_o: dsobo dsomo
2. du_al: ducal dural
2. du_bo: dubbo dumbo
2. du_gy: dungy durgy
2. du_ka: dukka dumka
2. du_ky: ducky dumky
2. du_ns: duans durns
2. du_rs: duars durrs
2. duca_: ducal ducat
2. duck_: ducks ducky
2. dude_: duded dudes
2. due_s: duels duets
2. duet_: duets duett
2. duf_s: duffs dufus
2. duk_s: dukas dukes
2. duke_: duked dukes
2. dul_e: dulce dulse
2. dul_s: dules dulls
2. dumb_: dumbo dumbs
2. dumk_: dumka dumky
2. dun_h: dunch dunsh
2. dun_y: dungy dunny
2. dung_: dungs dungy
2. dunn_: dunno dunny
2. duom_: duomi duomo
2. dup_y: duply duppy
2. dupl_: duple duply
2. dura_: dural duras
2. dure_: dured dures
2. dus_s: dusks dusts
2. dw_le: dwale dwile
2. dwa_m: dwalm dwaum
2. dwal_: dwale dwalm
2. dwi_e: dwile dwine
2. dy_es: dykes dynes
2. dyne_: dynel dynes
2. e_ads: ecads egads
2. e_der: eider ender
2. e_ens: etens evens
2. e_est: egest ewest
2. e_fed: effed elfed
2. e_ged: edged egged
2. e_ger: edger egger
2. e_ile: edile esile
2. e_ine: exine ezine
2. e_mas: egmas emmas
2. e_mew: emmew enmew
2. e_ned: eaned erned
2. e_nes: ernes esnes
2. e_ode: epode exode
2. e_ons: ebons exons
2. e_red: eared erred
2. e_rls: earls eorls
2. e_sin: elsin eosin
2. e_uct: educt eruct
2. e_ure: emure enure
2. e_ves: eaves elves
2. eale_: ealed eales
2. ear_t: earnt earst
2. earn_: earns earnt
2. eas_s: eases easts
2. eave_: eaved eaves
2. ebbe_: ebbed ebbet
2. ech_s: eches echos
2. eche_: eched eches
2. educ_: educe educt
2. egg_r: eggar egger
2. egge_: egged egger
2. el_en: elmen elven
2. elan_: eland elans
2. elog_: eloge elogy
2. elv_n: elvan elven
2. em_cs: emacs emics
2. em_er: emeer emmer
2. em_ts: emits empts
2. em_us: embus emeus
2. emba_: embar embay
2. emer_: emerg emery
2. emm_s: emmas emmys
2. emo_e: emote emove
2. emu_e: emule emure
2. emyd_: emyde emyds
2. en_rm: enarm enorm
2. en_ws: enews enows
2. eno_s: enols enows
2. enur_: enure enurn
2. epha_: ephah ephas
2. epho_: ephod ephor
2. er_ed: erned erred
2. er_es: ernes erses
2. er_vs: erevs eruvs
2. erne_: erned ernes
2. es_ar: escar eskar
2. es_es: esnes esses
2. esk_r: eskar esker
2. esto_: estoc estop
2. eta_e: etage etape
2. eth_l: ethal ethyl
2. eve_s: evens evets
2. ex_at: exeat expat
2. ex_de: exode exude
2. ex_me: exeme exome
2. exi_s: exies exits
2. exin_: exine exing
2. exo_e: exode exome
2. eyr_s: eyras eyres
2. eyri_: eyrie eyrir
2. f_abs: flabs frabs
2. f_ags: flags frags
2. f_als: feals foals
2. f_ams: flams foams
2. f_aps: flaps fraps
2. f_ars: fears fiars
2. f_ays: flays frays
2. f_bby: fabby fubby
2. f_cks: fecks fucks
2. f_ddy: faddy fuddy
2. f_des: fades fides
2. f_dge: fadge fidge
2. f_dos: fados fidos
2. f_ees: flees frees
2. f_els: feels fuels
2. f_ena: faena frena
2. f_ere: fiere frere
2. f_ers: feers fiers
2. f_ffs: faffs fuffs
2. f_ffy: faffy fuffy
2. f_gie: fogie fugie
2. f_gle: fogle fugle
2. f_ies: flies fries
2. f_ils: fails foils
2. f_ins: fains foins
2. f_irs: fairs flirs
2. f_ist: feist frist
2. f_its: flits frits
2. f_itt: flitt fritt
2. f_lch: felch filch
2. f_les: files fyles
2. f_lks: filks folks
2. f_med: famed fumed
2. f_ndy: fendy fundy
2. f_ngo: fango fungo
2. f_ngs: fangs fungs
2. f_nis: fenis finis
2. f_nny: fenny finny
2. f_nos: fanos finos
2. f_nts: fents fonts
2. f_ods: feods foods
2. f_oes: floes froes
2. f_ogs: flogs frogs
2. f_ory: flory frory
2. f_osh: flosh frosh
2. f_ows: flows frows
2. f_red: fared fired
2. f_rks: firks forks
2. f_rls: farls furls
2. f_rns: ferns firns
2. f_rth: firth furth
2. f_rts: farts forts
2. f_rze: forze furze
2. f_sks: fisks fusks
2. f_sse: fesse fosse
2. f_ted: fated feted
2. f_tes: fates fetes
2. f_tly: fatly fitly
2. f_tte: fitte fytte
2. f_tts: fetts fitts
2. f_twa: fatwa fetwa
2. f_uds: feuds fouds
2. f_ued: feued flued
2. f_ump: flump frump
2. f_ver: faver fiver
2. f_ves: faves fives
2. f_yed: fayed feyed
2. f_yne: fayne foyne
2. f_zed: fazed fuzed
2. fa_ci: farci fasci
2. fa_ds: fands fards
2. fa_ir: fakir faqir
2. fa_ks: faiks fanks
2. fa_ne: faine fayne
2. fac_a: facia facta
2. fac_s: faces facts
2. fact_: facta facts
2. fad_s: fades fados
2. faff_: faffs faffy
2. fain_: faine fains
2. fak_r: faker fakir
2. faki_: fakie fakir
2. fame_: famed fames
2. fano_: fanon fanos
2. far_d: farad fared
2. far_e: farle farse
2. farc_: farci farcy
2. farl_: farle farls
2. fas_i: fasci fasti
2. fast_: fasti fasts
2. fate_: fated fates
2. fau_d: fauld faurd
2. fau_s: fauns fauts
2. fawn_: fawns fawny
2. faxe_: faxed faxes
2. fay_e: fayne fayre
2. faye_: fayed fayer
2. faze_: fazed fazes
2. fe_er: ferer feyer
2. fe_ks: fecks fenks
2. fe_ns: feens ferns
2. fe_ny: fenny ferny
2. fe_rs: fears feers
2. fe_ta: festa fetta
2. fe_ty: felty festy
2. fe_ze: feaze feeze
2. fec_s: feces fecks
2. fec_t: fecht fecit
2. fee_e: feese feeze
2. fei_t: feint feist
2. fel_s: fells felts
2. fel_y: felly felty
2. fell_: fells felly
2. felt_: felts felty
2. fen_y: fendy fenny
2. fend_: fends fendy
2. fer_y: ferly ferny
2. fere_: ferer feres
2. ferm_: fermi ferms
2. fern_: ferns ferny
2. fet_a: fetta fetwa
2. fete_: feted fetes
2. fett_: fetta fetts
2. feye_: feyed feyer
2. fi_ch: filch fitch
2. fi_is: fifis finis
2. fi_ms: films firms
2. fi_rs: fiars fiers
2. fia_s: fiars fiats
2. fic_s: fices ficos
2. fich_: fiche fichu
2. fid_s: fides fidos
2. fie_s: fiefs fiers
2. fie_t: fient fiest
2. fier_: fiere fiers
2. fif_s: fifes fifis
2. fike_: fiked fikes
2. fil_i: filii filmi
2. file_: filed files
2. film_: filmi films
2. fine_: fined fines
2. fist_: fists fisty
2. fitt_: fitte fitts
2. five_: fiver fives
2. fixe_: fixed fixes
2. fl_cs: flics flocs
2. fl_ed: flied flued
2. fl_mp: flimp flump
2. fl_ms: flams flims
2. fl_rs: flirs flors
2. fl_ry: flary flory
2. fl_ts: flats flits
2. fl_ys: flays fleys
2. flan_: flane flans
2. fle_r: fleer fleur
2. flea_: fleam fleas
2. flex_: flexi flexo
2. flie_: flied flies
2. flim_: flimp flims
2. flor_: flors flory
2. flot_: flota flote
2. flu_r: fluor flurr
2. flu_s: flubs flues
2. fly_e: flype flyte
2. fo_ey: fogey foley
2. fo_ks: folks forks
2. fo_ky: folky forky
2. fo_ms: foams forms
2. fo_ns: fohns foins
2. fo_th: fouth fowth
2. foa_s: foals foams
2. fog_e: fogie fogle
2. fol_s: folds folks
2. fol_y: foley folky
2. folk_: folks folky
2. foo_y: foody footy
2. food_: foods foody
2. foot_: foots footy
2. for_e: forme forze
2. for_y: forby forky
2. forb_: forbs forby
2. ford_: fordo fords
2. fork_: forks forky
2. form_: forme forms
2. forz_: forza forze
2. foss_: fossa fosse
2. foue_: fouer fouet
2. foul_: foule fouls
2. foxe_: foxed foxes
2. foy_e: foyle foyne
2. fr_bs: frabs fribs
2. fr_er: frier fryer
2. fr_re: frere frore
2. fr_sh: frosh frush
2. fr_st: frist frust
2. fra_e: frape frate
2. frac_: frack fract
2. frap_: frape fraps
2. fre_s: frees frets
2. fre_t: freet freit
2. free_: frees freet
2. fri_e: frise frize
2. fri_t: frist fritt
2. frie_: frier fries
2. fris_: frise frist
2. friz_: frize frizz
2. fro_y: frory frowy
2. frow_: frows frowy
2. frus_: frush frust
2. fu_al: fugal fural
2. fu_dy: fuddy fundy
2. fu_ee: fusee fuzee
2. fu_gy: fudgy fuggy
2. fu_il: fusil fuzil
2. fu_us: fucus fugus
2. fub_y: fubby fubsy
2. fuc_s: fucks fucus
2. fud_y: fuddy fudgy
2. fuff_: fuffs fuffy
2. fug_e: fugie fugle
2. fug_y: fuggy fugly
2. fugi_: fugie fugio
2. fugl_: fugle fugly
2. fung_: fungo fungs
2. fur_l: fural furol
2. fur_s: furls furrs
2. fura_: fural furan
2. furz_: furze furzy
2. fus_l: fusel fusil
2. fust_: fusts fusty
2. fyke_: fyked fykes
2. g_ams: glams grams
2. g_ana: grana guana
2. g_ary: glary goary
2. g_bby: gabby gobby
2. g_bed: gibed gybed
2. g_bes: gibes gybes
2. g_cks: gecks gucks
2. g_des: gades gudes
2. g_dso: gadso godso
2. g_ebe: glebe grebe
2. g_eek: gleek greek
2. g_ens: glens grens
2. g_eys: gleys greys
2. g_gas: gigas gugas
2. g_iff: gliff griff
2. g_ift: glift grift
2. g_ike: glike grike
2. g_ins: gains grins
2. g_ist: geist grist
2. g_let: gilet gulet
2. g_lfs: golfs gulfs
2. g_lps: golps gulps
2. g_lpy: gilpy gulpy
2. g_lts: gelts gilts
2. g_mbo: gambo gombo
2. g_mel: gemel gimel
2. g_mma: gemma gumma
2. g_mme: gamme gimme
2. g_mmy: gammy gemmy
2. g_ndy: gandy gundy
2. g_nef: ganef gonef
2. g_nge: ginge gunge
2. g_nof: ganof gonof
2. g_nts: gants gents
2. g_nzo: ginzo gonzo
2. g_oby: globy gooby
2. g_ode: geode glode
2. g_ogs: googs grogs
2. g_oks: gooks groks
2. g_ols: gaols gools
2. g_ops: glops goops
2. g_pos: gapos gypos
2. g_ppo: gippo gyppo
2. g_ral: goral gyral
2. g_rbe: garbe gerbe
2. g_red: gored gyred
2. g_ris: garis goris
2. g_rmy: germy gormy
2. g_rns: girns gurns
2. g_ron: giron gyron
2. g_ros: giros gyros
2. g_rsh: girsh gursh
2. g_rus: gurus gyrus
2. g_sse: gesse gosse
2. g_ths: gaths goths
2. g_tta: gotta gutta
2. g_uch: gauch gouch
2. g_ued: glued grued
2. g_ues: glues grues
2. g_ume: glume grume
2. g_uts: gluts gouts
2. g_ved: gived gyved
2. g_ves: gives gyves
2. g_wds: gawds gowds
2. g_wks: gawks gowks
2. g_yle: goyle guyle
2. ga_al: gayal gazal
2. ga_as: galas gamas
2. ga_ba: gabba gamba
2. ga_be: gambe garbe
2. ga_bo: gambo garbo
2. ga_bs: gambs garbs
2. ga_cy: gaucy gawcy
2. ga_is: gadis garis
2. ga_je: gadje gauje
2. ga_ls: galls gaols
2. ga_ms: garms gaums
2. ga_my: gammy gaumy
2. ga_os: gajos gapos
2. ga_py: gappy gaspy
2. ga_rs: gairs gaurs
2. gabb_: gabba gabby
2. gad_e: gadge gadje
2. gad_o: gadjo gadso
2. gad_s: gades gadis
2. gadi_: gadid gadis
2. gadj_: gadje gadjo
2. gall_: galls gally
2. gam_e: gambe gamme
2. gama_: gamas gamay
2. gami_: gamic gamin
2. gamm_: gamme gammy
2. gan_f: ganef ganof
2. gan_s: gangs gants
2. gane_: ganef ganev
2. gap_s: gapes gapos
2. gar_e: garbe garre
2. gasp_: gasps gaspy
2. gat_r: gater gator
2. gat_s: gates gaths
2. gauc_: gauch gaucy
2. gaum_: gaums gaumy
2. gaw_y: gawcy gawsy
2. gaza_: gazal gazar
2. gaze_: gazed gazes
2. gazo_: gazon gazoo
2. ge_as: genas getas
2. ge_es: genes geres
2. ge_id: gelid geoid
2. ge_ks: gecks geeks
2. ge_ms: germs geums
2. ge_my: gemmy germy
2. ge_st: geest geist
2. gear_: geare gears
2. gee_s: geeks geeps
2. gel_s: gelds gelts
2. gemm_: gemma gemmy
2. gen_a: genoa genua
2. gen_y: genny genty
2. gena_: genal genas
2. gene_: genes genet
2. geno_: genoa genom
2. gent_: gents genty
2. genu_: genua genus
2. ger_s: geres germs
2. germ_: germs germy
2. ges_e: gesse geste
2. gess_: gesse gesso
2. gest_: geste gests
2. gh_st: ghast ghest
2. gha_t: ghast ghaut
2. gi_as: gigas gilas
2. gi_ch: ginch gitch
2. gi_ds: gilds girds
2. gi_ed: gibed gived
2. gi_el: gibel gimel
2. gi_ls: gills girls
2. gi_mo: gismo gizmo
2. gi_on: gipon giron
2. gib_s: gibes gibus
2. gig_e: gighe gigue
2. gil_y: gilly gilpy
2. gill_: gills gilly
2. gimp_: gimps gimpy
2. gin_s: gings ginks
2. ging_: ginge gings
2. gipp_: gippo gippy
2. giro_: giron giros
2. gis_s: gisms gists
2. gism_: gismo gisms
2. give_: gived gives
2. gl_bs: glibs globs
2. gl_by: gleby globy
2. gl_de: glede glode
2. gl_ds: glads gleds
2. gl_ed: gleed glued
2. gl_es: glees glues
2. gl_me: glime glume
2. gl_ns: glans glens
2. gl_ts: glits gluts
2. gla_r: glair glaur
2. glad_: glads glady
2. glai_: glaik glair
2. glau_: glaum glaur
2. gle_e: glebe glede
2. gle_t: gleet glent
2. gled_: glede gleds
2. glen_: glens glent
2. gli_e: glike glime
2. glia_: glial glias
2. glif_: gliff glift
2. glim_: glime glims
2. glit_: glits glitz
2. glo_e: glode gloze
2. glo_t: glost glout
2. glu_e: glume glute
2. glum_: glume glums
2. glut_: glute gluts
2. gn_ws: gnaws gnows
2. gnaw_: gnawn gnaws
2. go_an: goban gowan
2. go_bo: gobbo gombo
2. go_by: gobby gooby
2. go_gs: gongs googs
2. go_ns: goons gowns
2. go_os: gobos gogos
2. go_rs: goers goors
2. go_ry: goary goory
2. go_se: gorse gosse
2. go_sy: goosy gorsy
2. go_ts: goats gouts
2. goa_y: goary goaty
2. goat_: goats goaty
2. gob_s: gobis gobos
2. goba_: goban gobar
2. goe_s: goels goers
2. goet_: goeth goety
2. gold_: golds goldy
2. golp_: golpe golps
2. gon_a: gonia gonna
2. goni_: gonia gonif
2. gook_: gooks gooky
2. goon_: goons goony
2. goop_: goops goopy
2. goor_: goors goory
2. gop_k: gopak gopik
2. gor_y: gormy gorsy
2. gora_: goral goras
2. gore_: gored gores
2. gorm_: gorms gormy
2. gors_: gorse gorsy
2. goth_: goths gothy
2. gou_s: gouks gouts
2. gout_: gouts gouty
2. gr_bs: grabs grubs
2. gr_de: gride gryde
2. gr_ds: grads grids
2. gr_es: grees grues
2. gr_ff: graff griff
2. gr_gs: grigs grogs
2. gr_ke: grike gryke
2. gr_ma: grama groma
2. gr_me: grame grume
2. gr_mp: gramp grump
2. gr_pt: gript grypt
2. gr_py: grapy gripy
2. gr_se: grese grise
2. gr_ts: grits grots
2. gr_ws: grews grows
2. gr_ys: grays greys
2. gra_a: grama grana
2. gra_p: graip gramp
2. gran_: grana grans
2. gre_o: grebo grego
2. greb_: grebe grebo
2. gree_: greek grees
2. greg_: grege grego
2. gri_y: gripy grisy
2. grid_: gride grids
2. grif_: griff grift
2. grit_: grith grits
2. gro_f: groof grouf
2. gro_y: grody grovy
2. gru_d: grued grund
2. gru_e: grufe grume
2. gru_s: grubs grues
2. grue_: grued grues
2. grum_: grume grump
2. gryp_: grype grypt
2. gu_as: gugas gulas
2. gu_dy: gundy gurdy
2. gu_es: gudes gules
2. gu_fs: guffs gulfs
2. gu_ge: gunge gurge
2. gu_ks: gucks gunks
2. gu_ky: gucky gunky
2. gu_le: gusle guyle
2. gu_ls: gulls gurls
2. gu_ns: guans gurns
2. gu_ps: gulps gumps
2. gu_sy: gussy gutsy
2. gua_o: guaco guano
2. gua_s: guans guars
2. guck_: gucks gucky
2. gul_y: gulfy gulpy
2. gule_: gules gulet
2. gulf_: gulfs gulfy
2. gumm_: gumma gummi
2. gung_: gunge gungy
2. gunk_: gunks gunky
2. gurl_: gurls gurly
2. gus_y: gushy gussy
2. gut_y: gutsy gutty
2. gutt_: gutta gutty
2. guy_e: guyle guyse
2. gya_s: gyals gyans
2. gybe_: gybed gybes
2. gyn_e: gynae gynie
2. gypp_: gyppo gyppy
2. gyre_: gyred gyres
2. gyro_: gyron gyros
2. gyve_: gyved gyves
2. h_ast: heast hoast
2. h_ded: haded hided
2. h_der: heder hider
2. h_des: hades hides
2. h_ems: haems hiems
2. h_ers: hoers huers
2. h_ffs: haffs huffs
2. h_fts: hafts hefts
2. h_ggs: haggs hoggs
2. h_ghs: highs hoghs
2. h_ick: haick hoick
2. h_iks: haiks hoiks
2. h_ils: hails heils
2. h_ing: hoing hying
2. h_irs: hairs heirs
2. h_jab: hejab hijab
2. h_jra: hejra hijra
2. h_kas: hakas hokas
2. h_ked: hiked hoked
2. h_las: hulas hylas
2. h_lks: holks hulks
2. h_lon: halon holon
2. h_mal: hamal hemal
2. h_mas: homas humas
2. h_med: hamed homed
2. h_mic: hemic humic
2. h_mps: hemps humps
2. h_mpy: hempy humpy
2. h_nch: hanch hench
2. h_ngi: hangi hongi
2. h_nny: henny hinny
2. h_ped: hoped hyped
2. h_pes: hopes hypes
2. h_ply: haply hiply
2. h_red: hared hired
2. h_rks: harks horks
2. h_rms: harms herms
2. h_ros: haros heros
2. h_rst: horst hurst
2. h_rts: harts hurts
2. h_shy: hashy hushy
2. h_sks: hasks husks
2. h_sps: hasps hesps
2. h_sta: hasta hosta
2. h_tes: hates hetes
2. h_the: hithe hythe
2. h_ufs: haufs houfs
2. h_vea: hevea hovea
2. h_ved: hived hoved
2. h_ver: haver hiver
2. h_wed: hawed hewed
2. h_wks: hawks howks
2. h_xed: hexed hoxed
2. h_xes: hexes hoxes
2. h_yle: hayle hoyle
2. ha_am: hakam haram
2. ha_as: hahas hakas
2. ha_gs: haggs hangs
2. ha_im: hakim harim
2. ha_ji: hadji hajji
2. ha_ly: haily haply
2. ha_ma: halma haoma
2. ha_os: halos haros
2. ha_ps: harps hasps
2. ha_rs: haars hairs
2. haa_s: haafs haars
2. hade_: haded hades
2. hae_s: haems haets
2. haf_s: haffs hafts
2. hail_: hails haily
2. hain_: hains haint
2. haj_s: hajes hajis
2. hak_m: hakam hakim
2. haka_: hakam hakas
2. hake_: hakea hakes
2. hal_d: haled halid
2. half_: halfa halfs
2. hall_: hallo halls
2. halm_: halma halms
2. halo_: halon halos
2. ham_a: hamba hamza
2. hame_: hamed hames
2. han_e: hance hanse
2. hanc_: hance hanch
2. hang_: hangi hangs
2. hank_: hanks hanky
2. hans_: hansa hanse
2. har_m: haram harim
2. hare_: hared hares
2. has_s: hasks hasps
2. hate_: hated hates
2. have_: haver haves
2. haw_s: hawks hawms
2. he_ch: hench heuch
2. he_ms: helms herms
2. he_os: helos heros
2. he_py: heapy hempy
2. he_rs: hears heirs
2. he_ry: henry herry
2. hea_e: heame heare
2. heal_: heald heals
2. heap_: heaps heapy
2. hear_: heare hears
2. hebe_: heben hebes
2. hee_s: heeds heels
2. heed_: heeds heedy
2. heft_: hefte hefts
2. hele_: heled heles
2. helo_: helos helot
2. hem_s: hemes hemps
2. hemi_: hemic hemin
2. hemp_: hemps hempy
2. hen_s: hends hents
2. hen_y: henny henry
2. henn_: henna henny
2. her_e: herse herye
2. her_y: herby herry
2. herb_: herbs herby
2. herm_: herma herms
2. hes_s: hesps hests
2. het_s: hetes heths
2. heu_h: heuch heugh
2. hewe_: hewed hewer
2. hex_d: hexad hexed
2. high_: highs hight
2. hill_: hillo hills
2. hilu_: hilum hilus
2. hin_y: hinky hinny
2. ho_an: hogan honan
2. ho_ch: hooch hotch
2. ho_ff: houff howff
2. ho_gs: hoggs hongs
2. ho_is: hokis horis
2. ho_ky: honky hooky
2. ho_ns: hoons horns
2. ho_st: hoast horst
2. ho_ty: hooty hotty
2. hoa_y: hoagy hoary
2. hoar_: hoars hoary
2. hoc_s: hocks hocus
2. hog_n: hogan hogen
2. hog_s: hoggs hoghs
2. holl_: holla hollo
2. holm_: holme holms
2. holo_: holon holos
2. hom_e: homie homme
2. hond_: honda honds
2. hong_: hongi hongs
2. honk_: honks honky
2. hoo_h: hooch hoosh
2. hood_: hoods hoody
2. hoor_: hoord hoors
2. hoot_: hoots hooty
2. hors_: horst horsy
2. hos_s: hoses hosts
2. host_: hosta hosts
2. houf_: houff houfs
2. hour_: houri hours
2. how_e: howbe howre
2. howf_: howff howfs
2. hoxe_: hoxed hoxes
2. hu_fs: huffs humfs
2. hu_ls: hulls hurls
2. hu_ly: hully hurly
2. hu_ts: hunts hurts
2. huff_: huffs huffy
2. hul_y: hulky hully
2. hulk_: hulks hulky
2. hump_: humps humpy
2. hun_s: hunks hunts
2. hurl_: hurls hurly
2. hus_s: husks husos
2. huzz_: huzza huzzy
2. hy_ns: hyens hymns
2. hyl_s: hylas hyles
2. hyle_: hyleg hyles
2. hyp_s: hypes hypos
2. hype_: hyped hypes
2. hyph_: hypha hyphy
2. i_hes: iches ishes
2. i_ids: imids irids
2. i_ked: inked irked
2. i_ker: icker inker
2. i_kle: ickle inkle
2. i_led: idled isled
2. i_les: idles isles
2. i_tle: istle ixtle
2. iamb_: iambi iambs
2. ic_er: icier icker
2. iche_: iched iches
2. id_es: idees idles
2. id_ls: idols idyls
2. id_nt: idant ident
2. ide_s: ideas idees
2. idle_: idled idles
2. idol_: idola idols
2. ik_ns: ikans ikons
2. ika_s: ikans ikats
2. il_al: ileal ilial
2. il_um: ileum ilium
2. ilea_: ileac ileal
2. ileu_: ileum ileus
2. ilia_: iliad ilial
2. im_ed: imbed imped
2. imi_e: imide imine
2. imi_o: imido imino
2. imin_: imine imino
2. immi_: immit immix
2. imsh_: imshi imshy
2. in_ed: inked inned
2. in_el: incel intel
2. in_it: innit inwit
2. in_ra: infra intra
2. in_rm: inarm inerm
2. incu_: incus incut
2. ind_e: indie indue
2. ind_w: indew indow
2. indi_: india indie
2. indo_: indol indow
2. inke_: inked inker
2. int_l: intel intil
2. inti_: intil intis
2. inur_: inure inurn
2. iron_: irone irons
2. is_es: ishes isles
2. isle_: isled isles
2. ivie_: ivied ivies
2. izar_: izard izars
2. j_bed: jibed jobed
2. j_cks: jacks jocks
2. j_cky: jacky jocky
2. j_cos: jocos jucos
2. j_ffs: jeffs jiffs
2. j_ggy: jaggy jiggy
2. j_had: jehad jihad
2. j_ked: joked juked
2. j_key: jakey jokey
2. j_lts: jilts jolts
2. j_mbe: jambe jembe
2. j_mon: jamon jomon
2. j_nes: janes jones
2. j_nks: jinks junks
2. j_nns: janns jinns
2. j_nny: janny jenny
2. j_nty: janty jonty
2. j_pes: japes jupes
2. j_rks: jarks jerks
2. j_sts: jests justs
2. j_tes: jetes jutes
2. j_tty: jotty jutty
2. j_uks: jauks jouks
2. j_ves: jives juves
2. ja_an: japan jawan
2. ja_ey: jakey jasey
2. ja_ls: jails jarls
2. jack_: jacks jacky
2. jade_: jaded jades
2. jag_r: jager jagir
2. jag_s: jagas jaggs
2. jagg_: jaggs jaggy
2. jal_p: jalap jalop
2. jam_s: jambs james
2. jan_s: janes janns
2. jan_y: janny janty
2. jann_: janns janny
2. jasp_: jaspe jasps
2. jau_s: jauks jaups
2. je_es: jefes jetes
2. je_ls: jeels jells
2. je_ns: jeans jeons
2. je_ts: jeats jests
2. je_us: jehus jesus
2. jea_s: jeans jeats
2. jeel_: jeels jeely
2. jef_s: jefes jeffs
2. jell_: jello jells
2. jes_s: jests jesus
2. ji_ed: jibed jived
2. ji_er: jiber jiver
2. ji_es: jibes jives
2. jib_s: jibbs jibes
2. jibb_: jibba jibbs
2. jil_s: jills jilts
2. jim_y: jimmy jimpy
2. jin_s: jinks jinns
2. jo_gs: jongs jougs
2. jo_ls: jolls jowls
2. jo_ns: johns joins
2. jo_os: jocos jomos
2. jobe_: jobed jobes
2. joc_s: jocks jocos
2. jole_: joled joles
2. jolt_: jolts jolty
2. jomo_: jomon jomos
2. jon_s: jones jongs
2. jor_m: joram jorum
2. jowl_: jowls jowly
2. ju_al: jugal jural
2. ju_as: jubas judas
2. ju_os: jucos judos
2. ju_us: jujus jukus
2. jub_s: jubas jubes
2. jud_s: judas judos
2. juk_s: jukes jukus
2. juke_: juked jukes
2. junk_: junks junky
2. jur_l: jural jurel
2. jura_: jural jurat
2. jure_: jurel jures
2. k_ack: kiack kyack
2. k_ats: khats kyats
2. k_bar: kabar kebar
2. k_bob: kabob kebob
2. k_bos: kobos kybos
2. k_dge: kedge kidge
2. k_efs: keefs kiefs
2. k_ell: knell kvell
2. k_els: keels koels
2. k_ets: keets khets
2. k_eve: keeve kieve
2. k_fir: kafir kefir
2. k_iks: kaiks kliks
2. k_kas: kakas kokas
2. k_las: kolas kulas
2. k_les: kales kyles
2. k_lim: kelim kilim
2. k_lls: kells kills
2. k_los: kilos kolos
2. k_lps: kelps kilps
2. k_lts: kelts kilts
2. k_lty: kelty kilty
2. k_mbo: kembo kimbo
2. k_mis: kamis kumis
2. k_nas: kanas kinas
2. k_ndo: kendo kondo
2. k_nds: kinds kynds
2. k_ndy: kandy kindy
2. k_nes: kanes kines
2. k_ngs: kangs kings
2. k_nks: kinks konks
2. k_nos: kenos kinos
2. k_nts: kants kents
2. k_pes: kipes kypes
2. k_phs: kaphs kophs
2. k_ppa: kippa koppa
2. k_ras: karas koras
2. k_rat: karat korat
2. k_rks: karks kirks
2. k_rma: kerma korma
2. k_rri: karri kirri
2. k_rus: korus kurus
2. k_sts: kests kists
2. k_the: kithe kythe
2. k_tis: katis kutis
2. k_vas: kavas kivas
2. ka_ha: kacha kasha
2. ka_me: kamme kasme
2. ka_oo: karoo kazoo
2. ka_ri: karri kauri
2. ka_ts: kants karts
2. ka_us: kagus kapus
2. kab_b: kabab kabob
2. kaba_: kabab kabar
2. kad_s: kades kadis
2. kag_s: kagos kagus
2. kaik_: kaika kaiks
2. kain_: kaing kains
2. kak_s: kakas kakis
2. kal_s: kales kalis
2. kali_: kalif kalis
2. kami_: kamik kamis
2. kana_: kanae kanas
2. kane_: kaneh kanes
2. kang_: kanga kangs
2. kapo_: kapok kapow
2. kapu_: kapus kaput
2. kar_t: karat karst
2. kar_y: karsy karzy
2. kara_: karas karat
2. karo_: karoo karos
2. kars_: karst karsy
2. kat_s: katas katis
2. kata_: katal katas
2. kava_: kaval kavas
2. kawa_: kawas kawau
2. ke_ar: kebar kesar
2. ke_bs: kembs kerbs
2. ke_el: kerel kevel
2. ke_es: ketes kexes
2. ke_fs: keefs kerfs
2. ke_ks: kecks keeks
2. ke_ls: keels kells
2. ke_ma: keema kerma
2. ke_ns: keens kerns
2. ke_os: kenos keros
2. ke_py: kelpy kempy
2. ke_ve: keeve kerve
2. kedg_: kedge kedgy
2. keen_: keeno keens
2. kell_: kells kelly
2. kelp_: kelps kelpy
2. kelt_: kelts kelty
2. kem_s: kembs kemps
2. kemb_: kembo kembs
2. ken_s: kenos kents
2. kent_: kente kents
2. ker_e: kerne kerve
2. ker_y: kerky kerry
2. kern_: kerne kerns
2. ket_s: ketas ketes
2. kev_l: kevel kevil
2. keye_: keyed keyer
2. kh_ts: khats khets
2. kha_i: khadi khazi
2. khet_: kheth khets
2. ki_as: kinas kivas
2. ki_dy: kiddy kindy
2. ki_ns: kilns kirns
2. ki_os: kilos kinos
2. ki_ps: kilps kipps
2. ki_ts: kilts kists
2. kib_i: kibbi kibei
2. kibb_: kibbe kibbi
2. kibe_: kibei kibes
2. kick_: kicks kicky
2. kidd_: kiddo kiddy
2. kiev_: kieve kievs
2. kil_y: kiley kilty
2. kilt_: kilts kilty
2. kip_s: kipes kipps
2. kipp_: kippa kipps
2. kir_s: kirks kirns
2. kit_s: kites kiths
2. kith_: kithe kiths
2. kl_ng: klang klong
2. kn_bs: knobs knubs
2. kn_ps: knaps knops
2. kn_rl: knarl knurl
2. kn_rs: knars knurs
2. kn_we: knawe knowe
2. knar_: knarl knars
2. know_: knowe knows
2. ko_bu: kombu konbu
2. ko_es: kores koses
2. ko_ks: konks kooks
2. ko_ls: koels kohls
2. ko_ra: kokra koura
2. koa_s: koans koaps
2. koh_s: kohas kohls
2. kok_m: kokam kokum
2. koka_: kokam kokas
2. kol_s: kolas kolos
2. kook_: kooks kooky
2. koru_: korun korus
2. koto_: kotos kotow
2. kr_ng: krang kreng
2. krai_: krais krait
2. kron_: krona krone
2. kud_s: kudos kudus
2. kum_s: kumis kumys
2. kur_s: kuris kurus
2. ky_ie: kylie kyrie
2. kyl_e: kylie kyloe
2. kynd_: kynde kynds
2. l_ach: loach luach
2. l_ads: leads loads
2. l_afs: leafs loafs
2. l_ans: leans loans
2. l_ard: liard lyard
2. l_ars: lears liars
2. l_art: liart lyart
2. l_bed: lobed lubed
2. l_bes: lobes lubes
2. l_ces: laces luces
2. l_dos: lidos ludos
2. l_gge: legge ligge
2. l_ids: laids loids
2. l_ked: laked liked
2. l_ker: laker liker
2. l_kin: lakin likin
2. l_man: leman liman
2. l_mbi: limbi lumbi
2. l_mbs: lambs limbs
2. l_mby: lamby limby
2. l_mma: lemma limma
2. l_mme: lemme lumme
2. l_mmy: lammy lummy
2. l_nas: lanas lunas
2. l_nch: lanch linch
2. l_nga: linga longa
2. l_nos: lenos linos
2. l_ons: lions loons
2. l_pes: lipes lopes
2. l_ppy: lippy loppy
2. l_rds: lards lords
2. l_rdy: lardy lordy
2. l_red: lered lured
2. l_ris: laris loris
2. l_ser: laser luser
2. l_sks: lisks lusks
2. l_ssy: lassy lossy
2. l_tah: latah lotah
2. l_tas: litas lotas
2. l_ter: liter luter
2. l_the: lethe lythe
2. l_ths: laths liths
2. l_tic: lotic lytic
2. l_tta: lotta lytta
2. l_tus: latus lotus
2. l_uch: lauch leuch
2. l_uds: lauds leuds
2. l_ugh: leugh lough
2. l_und: laund lound
2. l_vas: lavas levas
2. l_vvy: lavvy luvvy
2. l_wed: lawed lowed
2. l_wns: lawns lowns
2. l_xer: laxer luxer
2. l_zes: lazes lezes
2. la_al: lahal laval
2. la_an: lagan lauan
2. la_ar: lahar lazar
2. la_hs: lakhs laths
2. la_ia: labia lamia
2. la_ns: larns lawns
2. la_rs: laers lairs
2. la_ts: lants lasts
2. labi_: labia labis
2. lac_s: laces lacks
2. laha_: lahal lahar
2. lai_y: lairy laity
2. laic_: laich laics
2. laik_: laika laiks
2. lait_: laith laity
2. lak_s: lakes lakhs
2. lam_y: lamby lammy
2. lamb_: lambs lamby
2. lana_: lanai lanas
2. land_: lande lands
2. lapi_: lapin lapis
2. lar_y: lardy larky
2. lard_: lards lardy
2. lare_: laree lares
2. lark_: larks larky
2. larn_: larns larnt
2. las_s: lases lasts
2. lat_s: laths latus
2. lau_s: lauds laufs
2. lav_s: lavas laves
2. lava_: laval lavas
2. law_s: lawks lawns
2. lawe_: lawed lawer
2. lawn_: lawns lawny
2. laz_s: lazes lazos
2. laze_: lazed lazes
2. lazz_: lazzi lazzo
2. le_ch: letch leuch
2. le_ed: lemed lered
2. le_ks: leaks leeks
2. le_se: leese lense
2. le_ze: leaze leeze
2. lea_e: leare leaze
2. lead_: leads leady
2. lean_: leans leany
2. lee_e: leese leeze
2. left_: lefte lefts
2. lege_: leger leges
2. legg_: legge leggo
2. lemm_: lemma lemme
2. lent_: lenti lento
2. lep_a: lepra lepta
2. ler_s: leres lerps
2. lere_: lered leres
2. les_s: leses lests
2. leu_h: leuch leugh
2. leuc_: leuch leuco
2. leve_: levee leves
2. levi_: levin levis
2. lex_s: lexes lexis
2. lezz_: lezza lezzy
2. li_an: ligan liman
2. li_en: limen liven
2. li_ey: limey liney
2. li_ne: liane ligne
2. li_ps: limps lisps
2. li_re: litre livre
2. li_rs: liars liers
2. libr_: libra libri
2. lic_t: licht licit
2. lich_: lichi licht
2. lif_s: lifes lifts
2. life_: lifer lifes
2. lig_e: ligge ligne
2. lim_n: liman limen
2. lim_y: limby limey
2. limp_: limpa limps
2. lind_: linds lindy
2. link_: links linky
2. linn_: linns linny
2. lint_: lints linty
2. linu_: linum linux
2. lir_s: liras lirks
2. lita_: litai litas
2. lith_: litho liths
2. lo_as: lomas lotas
2. lo_el: lorel losel
2. lo_er: loner loper
2. lo_ey: looey lovey
2. lo_fs: loafs loofs
2. lo_ic: loric lotic
2. lo_ks: locks looks
2. lo_ms: loams looms
2. lo_nd: lound lownd
2. lo_pe: loipe loupe
2. lo_rs: loirs lours
2. lo_ry: loury lowry
2. lo_us: lobus lotus
2. lobe_: lobed lobes
2. loc_e: loche locie
2. loch_: loche lochs
2. loci_: locie locis
2. lode_: loden lodes
2. log_n: logan logon
2. log_s: loges logos
2. logi_: logia logie
2. loll_: lolls lolly
2. lom_s: lomas lomes
2. lome_: lomed lomes
2. loo_d: looed loord
2. looe_: looed looey
2. loof_: loofa loofs
2. look_: looks looky
2. loon_: loons loony
2. lor_l: loral lorel
2. lora_: loral loran
2. lord_: lords lordy
2. lore_: lorel lores
2. lori_: loric loris
2. lot_a: lotsa lotta
2. lota_: lotah lotas
2. lou_d: loued lound
2. loui_: louie louis
2. loun_: lound louns
2. loup_: loupe loups
2. low_d: lowed lownd
2. low_e: lowne lowse
2. lowe_: lowed lowes
2. loxe_: loxed loxes
2. lu_as: lumas lunas
2. lu_gi: lungi lurgi
2. lu_ts: lunts lusts
2. lube_: lubed lubes
2. luc_s: luces lucks
2. lud_s: ludes ludos
2. luff_: luffa luffs
2. lul_s: lulls lulus
2. lum_s: lumas lumps
2. lumm_: lumme lummy
2. lune_: lunes lunet
2. lung_: lungi lungs
2. lur_s: lures lurks
2. lur_y: lurgy lurry
2. lurg_: lurgi lurgy
2. ly_ed: lysed lyted
2. lyar_: lyard lyart
2. lyc_a: lycea lycra
2. lyce_: lycea lycee
2. lys_s: lyses lysis
2. lyse_: lysed lyses
2. lysi_: lysin lysis
2. lyte_: lyted lytes
2. m_ans: means moans
2. m_are: maare meare
2. m_ats: meats moats
2. m_bes: mabes mobes
2. m_cas: macas micas
2. m_che: mache miche
2. m_chi: machi mochi
2. m_dii: medii modii
2. m_ers: meers moers
2. m_ggy: moggy muggy
2. m_hua: mahua mohua
2. m_ids: maids muids
2. m_ile: maile moile
2. m_ins: mains meins
2. m_ira: mbira moira
2. m_ire: maire moire
2. m_irs: mairs muirs
2. m_ist: maist muist
2. m_kis: makis mokis
2. m_kos: makos mokos
2. m_lar: malar mylar
2. m_led: moled muled
2. m_lic: malic melic
2. m_lik: malik melik
2. m_lla: molla mulla
2. m_msy: mimsy mumsy
2. m_mus: momus mumus
2. m_nad: menad monad
2. m_nds: mends minds
2. m_ngo: mongo mungo
2. m_nks: minks monks
2. m_nse: manse mense
2. m_nta: manta menta
2. m_nto: manto mento
2. m_nts: mints munts
2. m_nty: manty monty
2. m_nus: manus menus
2. m_ons: moons muons
2. m_ops: moops myops
2. m_rae: marae morae
2. m_rcs: marcs mercs
2. m_rel: merel morel
2. m_rex: mirex murex
2. m_ria: maria moria
2. m_rle: marle merle
2. m_rri: marri murri
2. m_rts: marts morts
2. m_sas: masas mesas
2. m_ser: maser muser
2. m_shy: mashy meshy
2. m_sos: misos musos
2. m_ssa: massa missa
2. m_sty: masty misty
2. m_tch: mitch mutch
2. m_thy: mothy mythy
2. m_tre: metre mitre
2. m_tte: matte motte
2. m_tza: matza motza
2. m_uls: mauls mouls
2. m_usy: mausy mousy
2. m_ved: meved moved
2. m_ves: meves moves
2. m_yas: mayas moyas
2. m_zed: mazed mozed
2. m_zzy: mizzy muzzy
2. ma_ar: makar malar
2. ma_ds: maids mauds
2. ma_ey: mamey mazey
2. ma_ge: madge marge
2. ma_hs: machs maths
2. ma_ic: mafic malic
2. ma_id: madid marid
2. ma_ie: mamie mavie
2. ma_in: matin mavin
2. ma_ky: manky mawky
2. ma_ns: mains mawns
2. ma_on: macon maron
2. ma_ri: marri mauri
2. ma_st: maist mayst
2. ma_sy: massy mausy
2. ma_wa: mahwa malwa
2. maar_: maare maars
2. mac_e: mache macle
2. mad_e: madge madre
2. mah_a: mahua mahwa
2. maik_: maiko maiks
2. mair_: maire mairs
2. mais_: maise maist
2. mal_a: malva malwa
2. mal_y: malmy malty
2. malm_: malms malmy
2. malt_: malts malty
2. mam_e: mamee mamie
2. mame_: mamee mamey
2. man_a: manna manta
2. man_t: manat manet
2. man_y: manky manty
2. mana_: manas manat
2. manu_: manul manus
2. marg_: marge margs
2. mari_: maria marid
2. mark_: marka marks
2. maro_: maron maror
2. marr_: marra marri
2. mass_: massa massy
2. mast_: masts masty
2. mat_o: matlo matzo
2. matt_: matte matts
2. matz_: matza matzo
2. mav_n: maven mavin
2. mawk_: mawks mawky
2. max_s: maxes maxis
2. maxe_: maxed maxes
2. may_s: mayas mayos
2. maya_: mayan mayas
2. me_as: melas mesas
2. me_el: merel mesel
2. me_hs: mechs meths
2. me_is: meris metis
2. me_ks: mecks merks
2. me_le: medle merle
2. me_ne: meane mesne
2. me_ns: means meins
2. me_nt: meint meynt
2. me_ny: meany meiny
2. me_os: mebos memos
2. me_re: meare metre
2. me_th: meath meith
2. me_to: mento mesto
2. me_us: menus meous
2. meat_: meath meats
2. mec_s: mechs mecks
2. meli_: melic melik
2. melt_: melts melty
2. mem_s: memes memos
2. men_a: mensa menta
2. men_d: menad mened
2. men_e: menge mense
2. mene_: mened menes
2. meng_: menge mengs
2. ment_: menta mento
2. meo_s: meous meows
2. mer_l: merel meril
2. merc_: merch mercs
2. meri_: meril meris
2. merl_: merle merls
2. mes_l: mesal mesel
2. mes_s: mesas meses
2. mes_y: meshy messy
2. mesa_: mesal mesas
2. mese_: mesel meses
2. mete_: meted metes
2. meth_: metho meths
2. meve_: meved meves
2. mezz_: mezze mezzo
2. mi_ds: milds minds
2. mi_en: mixen mizen
2. mi_fs: miffs milfs
2. mi_gs: miggs mings
2. mi_gy: midgy mingy
2. mi_ky: micky mirky
2. mi_ra: micra mikra
2. miao_: miaou miaow
2. mich_: miche micht
2. mick_: micks micky
2. mid_y: middy midgy
2. mif_y: miffy mifty
2. miff_: miffs miffy
2. mih_s: mihas mihis
2. mik_a: mikra mikva
2. mike_: miked mikes
2. mil_a: milia milpa
2. mil_r: miler milor
2. mile_: miler miles
2. milk_: milko milks
2. mill_: mille mills
2. milo_: milor milos
2. mine_: mined mines
2. mink_: minke minks
2. mir_d: mired mirid
2. mir_y: mirky mirly
2. miri_: mirid mirin
2. mirk_: mirks mirky
2. mis_o: misdo misgo
2. mist_: mists misty
2. mite_: miter mites
2. mo_al: molal monal
2. mo_ch: mooch mouch
2. mo_ds: molds moods
2. mo_el: mohel morel
2. mo_hs: mochs moths
2. mo_hy: mochy mothy
2. mo_is: mokis motis
2. mo_la: molla moola
2. mo_ly: molly mooly
2. mo_ps: moops moups
2. mo_sy: mopsy mousy
2. mo_ty: monty motty
2. moa_s: moans moats
2. mob_e: mobie moble
2. mob_y: mobby mobey
2. mobe_: mobes mobey
2. moc_s: mochs mocks
2. mod_s: modes modus
2. mode_: moder modes
2. moh_s: mohos mohrs
2. mohu_: mohua mohur
2. moi_e: moile moire
2. moi_s: moils moits
2. moil_: moile moils
2. moir_: moira moire
2. mola_: molal molas
2. mole_: moled moles
2. molt_: molto molts
2. mom_s: momes momus
2. momm_: momma mommy
2. mon_o: mondo mongo
2. mond_: monde mondo
2. mong_: mongo mongs
2. moni_: monic monie
2. mont_: monte monty
2. moor_: moors moory
2. mop_s: mopes mopus
2. mor_a: moria morra
2. more_: morel mores
2. morn_: morne morns
2. morr_: morra morro
2. most_: moste mosts
2. moth_: moths mothy
2. moul_: mould mouls
2. mous_: moust mousy
2. move_: moved moves
2. moy_s: moyas moyls
2. moyl_: moyle moyls
2. moz_s: mozes mozos
2. moze_: mozed mozes
2. mu_er: muser muter
2. mu_ge: mudge munge
2. mu_gs: muggs mungs
2. mu_ha: musha mutha
2. mu_id: mucid murid
2. mu_is: munis mutis
2. mu_ly: muhly murly
2. mu_ra: mudra murra
2. mu_rs: muirs murrs
2. mu_se: mulse musse
2. mu_sy: mumsy mussy
2. mu_ti: mufti murti
2. muc_o: mucho mucro
2. mul_a: mulga mulla
2. mul_e: mulie mulse
2. mul_s: mules mulls
2. mull_: mulla mulls
2. muls_: mulse mulsh
2. munt_: munts muntu
2. mur_a: murra murva
2. mur_d: mured murid
2. mur_i: murri murti
2. mur_y: murly murry
2. murl_: murls murly
2. mus_a: musca musha
2. mus_r: musar muser
2. mus_t: muset musit
2. muss_: musse mussy
2. must_: musth musts
2. muxe_: muxed muxes
2. my_id: myoid mysid
2. myna_: mynah mynas
2. n_bby: nobby nubby
2. n_dal: nidal nodal
2. n_dus: nidus nodus
2. n_eve: naeve nieve
2. n_ifs: naifs neifs
2. n_ils: nails noils
2. n_ked: naked nuked
2. n_lla: nalla nulla
2. n_mas: nemas nomas
2. n_mbs: nimbs numbs
2. n_men: nomen numen
2. n_mes: names nomes
2. n_nas: nanas nonas
2. n_nce: nance nonce
2. n_nny: nonny nunny
2. n_ons: neons noons
2. n_pas: napas nipas
2. n_ppy: nappy nippy
2. n_ris: naris noris
2. n_rls: nirls nurls
2. n_ter: niter noter
2. n_ves: naves neves
2. n_wed: newed nowed
2. n_wts: newts nowts
2. n_xes: nixes noxes
2. na_ch: natch nauch
2. na_er: naker namer
2. na_fs: naffs naifs
2. na_la: nabla nalla
2. na_re: nacre narre
2. naa_s: naams naans
2. nac_e: nache nacre
2. nach_: nache nacho
2. naev_: naeve naevi
2. nair_: naira nairu
2. nake_: naked naker
2. nam_s: names namus
2. nan_a: nanna nanua
2. nan_s: nanas nanos
2. nanc_: nance nancy
2. nap_s: napas napes
2. nape_: naped napes
2. narc_: narco narcs
2. nari_: naric naris
2. nark_: narks narky
2. nat_s: nates natis
2. nave_: naves navew
2. naz_s: nazes nazis
2. nazi_: nazir nazis
2. ne_ds: needs nerds
2. ne_ms: neems neums
2. ne_ns: nemns neons
2. ne_ps: neaps neeps
2. neat_: neath neats
2. nebe_: nebek nebel
2. neel_: neeld neele
2. neem_: neemb neems
2. nem_s: nemas nemns
2. ner_l: neral nerol
2. nerk_: nerka nerks
2. nert_: nerts nertz
2. net_s: netes netts
2. nett_: netts netty
2. neu_s: neuks neums
2. neum_: neume neums
2. nev_s: neves nevus
2. neve_: nevel neves
2. new_s: newbs newts
2. newe_: newed newel
2. nex_s: nexts nexus
2. ni_ab: nikab niqab
2. ni_al: nidal nival
2. ni_ed: nided nixed
2. ni_fs: niefs niffs
2. ni_ls: nills nirls
2. ni_on: ninon niton
2. ni_ty: nifty nitty
2. ni_us: nidus nisus
2. nid_s: nides nidus
2. nide_: nided nides
2. nif_s: nifes niffs
2. nif_y: niffy nifty
2. niff_: niffs niffy
2. nim_s: nimbs nimps
2. nimb_: nimbi nimbs
2. nine_: niner nines
2. nirl_: nirls nirly
2. nit_y: nitry nitty
2. nite_: niter nites
2. no_er: noser noter
2. no_gs: noggs nongs
2. no_is: nonis noris
2. no_ns: noons nouns
2. no_ny: nonny nouny
2. no_os: nolos nomos
2. no_ps: noops noups
2. no_um: notum novum
2. nod_s: nodes nodus
2. noi_s: noils noirs
2. noil_: noils noily
2. nome_: nomen nomes
2. nomo_: nomoi nomos
2. none_: nones nonet
2. nook_: nooks nooky
2. nor_a: noria norma
2. nori_: noria noris
2. norm_: norma norms
2. noun_: nouns nouny
2. nova_: novae novas
2. now_s: nowls nowts
2. now_y: noway nowty
2. nowt_: nowts nowty
2. noye_: noyed noyes
2. nu_dy: nuddy nurdy
2. nu_es: nudes nukes
2. nu_ls: nulls nurls
2. nude_: nuder nudes
2. nuke_: nuked nukes
2. null_: nulla nulls
2. nurd_: nurds nurdy
2. nuts_: nutso nutsy
2. o_ahs: odahs opahs
2. o_ang: obang orang
2. o_ays: ofays okays
2. o_bit: oobit oubit
2. o_eum: odeum oleum
2. o_ias: obias ohias
2. o_ies: owies oxies
2. o_ime: ojime oxime
2. o_ing: ohing oping
2. o_ist: odist ovist
2. o_its: obits omits
2. o_ium: odium onium
2. o_ker: oaker ocker
2. o_les: ogles orles
2. o_ned: onned owned
2. o_nts: oints oonts
2. o_oli: oboli ovoli
2. o_ped: ooped ouped
2. o_res: ogres owres
2. o_ses: oases ooses
2. o_sts: oasts ousts
2. o_tas: octas oktas
2. o_ted: opted outed
2. o_zos: orzos ouzos
2. oa_ed: oaked oared
2. oa_er: oaker oater
2. oa_es: oases oaves
2. oake_: oaked oaker
2. oate_: oaten oater
2. ob_li: obeli oboli
2. obi_s: obias obits
2. obo_s: oboes obols
2. oc_er: ocher ocker
2. oche_: ocher oches
2. ochr_: ochre ochry
2. od_ls: odals odyls
2. od_um: odeum odium
2. oda_s: odahs odals
2. odi_m: odism odium
2. odis_: odism odist
2. odyl_: odyle odyls
2. og_ed: ogeed ogled
2. ogee_: ogeed ogees
2. oile_: oiled oiler
2. oin_s: oinks oints
2. ok_as: okras oktas
2. ol_ie: oldie ollie
2. ol_os: oleos olios
2. olei_: oleic olein
2. olla_: ollas ollav
2. om_ah: omlah omrah
2. ome_s: omens omers
2. on_us: oncus onkus
2. onc_s: onces oncus
2. one_y: onely onery
2. oner_: oners onery
2. oo_es: ooses oozes
2. ooze_: oozed oozes
2. opa_s: opahs opals
2. opte_: opted opter
2. or_es: orfes orles
2. or_in: orcin orpin
2. or_is: ornis orris
2. or_os: ordos orzos
2. orac_: orach oracy
2. oran_: orang orant
2. orgi_: orgia orgic
2. orlo_: orlon orlop
2. os_ia: ossia ostia
2. ou_as: oumas oupas
2. ou_ed: ouped outed
2. ou_el: ousel ouzel
2. oup_s: oupas ouphs
2. ouph_: ouphe ouphs
2. outr_: outre outro
2. ov_ls: ovals ovels
2. ovol_: ovoli ovolo
2. ow_ed: owled owned
2. ow_es: owies owres
2. oxim_: oxime oxims
2. p_als: paals peals
2. p_ang: phang prang
2. p_are: peare phare
2. p_ase: pease prase
2. p_att: platt pratt
2. p_ays: plays prays
2. p_cas: pacas picas
2. p_cer: pacer pucer
2. p_ces: paces puces
2. p_cky: pecky pocky
2. p_ddy: poddy puddy
2. p_dge: podge pudge
2. p_dis: padis pedis
2. p_ems: poems prems
2. p_ese: phese prese
2. p_eve: peeve preve
2. p_ggy: peggy puggy
2. p_ial: phial prial
2. p_ies: plies pries
2. p_ims: plims prims
2. p_ing: piing pling
2. p_ink: plink prink
2. p_ion: prion psion
2. p_kas: pikas pukas
2. p_ker: piker puker
2. p_kka: pakka pukka
2. p_lao: pilao pulao
2. p_lau: pelau pilau
2. p_lea: palea pilea
2. p_lks: polks pulks
2. p_lon: pelon pylon
2. p_lps: palps pulps
2. p_lts: pelts polts
2. p_lus: pilus pulus
2. p_mas: pimas pumas
2. p_nas: pinas punas
2. p_nko: panko pinko
2. p_nna: penna pinna
2. p_nni: panni penni
2. p_nny: pinny punny
2. p_nto: panto punto
2. p_oas: proas psoas
2. p_ofs: poofs profs
2. p_onk: plonk pronk
2. p_ony: peony piony
2. p_ows: plows prows
2. p_oye: pioye ploye
2. p_oys: pioys ploys
2. p_rae: parae porae
2. p_rai: perai pirai
2. p_ral: poral pyral
2. p_rdy: pardy perdy
2. p_rge: parge porge
2. p_rin: porin purin
2. p_rky: parky porky
2. p_rls: pirls purls
2. p_rog: perog pirog
2. p_rps: parps perps
2. p_rrs: parrs purrs
2. p_rty: porty purty
2. p_rve: parve perve
2. p_rvo: parvo pervo
2. p_sos: pesos pisos
2. p_ssy: pissy pussy
2. p_ted: pated poted
2. p_ter: pater peter
2. p_tes: pates potes
2. p_ths: paths piths
2. p_tin: patin potin
2. p_ton: piton puton
2. p_tti: petti putti
2. p_tts: potts putts
2. p_uff: pluff pouff
2. p_ums: piums plums
2. p_uts: phuts pouts
2. p_wns: pawns powns
2. p_xed: poxed pyxed
2. p_yer: plyer pryer
2. pa_an: paean pavan
2. pa_aw: papaw pawaw
2. pa_ds: pands pards
2. pa_dy: pandy pardy
2. pa_eo: pareo paseo
2. pa_ha: pacha pasha
2. pa_in: patin pavin
2. pa_ki: palki parki
2. pa_ky: parky pawky
2. pa_ma: padma parma
2. pa_pi: palpi pappi
2. pa_ps: palps parps
2. pa_py: pappy paspy
2. pa_re: padre paire
2. pa_ri: padri pagri
2. pa_rs: pairs parrs
2. pa_sa: paisa palsa
2. pa_se: paise passe
2. paa_s: paals paans
2. pac_a: pacha pacta
2. pact_: pacta pacts
2. pad_e: padle padre
2. padr_: padre padri
2. pae_n: paean paeon
2. pag_d: paged pagod
2. pai_e: paire paise
2. pair_: paire pairs
2. pais_: paisa paise
2. pal_i: palki palpi
2. pala_: palas palay
2. palm_: palms palmy
2. palp_: palpi palps
2. pan_a: panda panga
2. pan_e: pance panne
2. pan_o: panko panto
2. pan_y: pandy panty
2. pane_: paned panes
2. pang_: panga pangs
2. pann_: panne panni
2. paol_: paoli paolo
2. pap_s: papas papes
2. papa_: papas papaw
2. papp_: pappi pappy
2. par_a: parma parra
2. para_: parae paras
2. parg_: parge pargo
2. parl_: parle parly
2. parr_: parra parrs
2. part_: parti parts
2. parv_: parve parvo
2. pas_a: pasha paska
2. pas_s: pases pasts
2. pase_: paseo pases
2. pash_: pasha pashm
2. pat_n: paten patin
2. pau_s: pauas pauls
2. pav_d: paved pavid
2. pav_s: paves pavis
2. pawa_: pawas pawaw
2. pawe_: pawed pawer
2. pawk_: pawks pawky
2. pay_d: payed paysd
2. pe_as: pebas pelas
2. pe_ce: peece perce
2. pe_du: pendu perdu
2. pe_hs: pechs peghs
2. pe_it: petit pewit
2. pe_ky: peaky pecky
2. pe_os: pepos pesos
2. pe_ps: peeps perps
2. pe_re: peare petre
2. pe_rs: pears peers
2. pe_ry: peery perry
2. pe_ty: peaty pesty
2. pe_ve: peeve perve
2. pe_vy: peavy pervy
2. pe_ze: peaze peize
2. peag_: peage peags
2. peak_: peaks peaky
2. peat_: peats peaty
2. pec_s: pechs pecks
2. ped_s: pedes pedis
2. pee_y: peeoy peery
2. peep_: peepe peeps
2. peer_: peers peery
2. pei_e: peise peize
2. pek_n: pekan pekin
2. pel_a: pelma pelta
2. pela_: pelas pelau
2. pelt_: pelta pelts
2. pend_: pends pendu
2. pene_: pened penes
2. peni_: penie penis
2. penn_: penna penni
2. peon_: peons peony
2. perc_: perce percs
2. perd_: perdu perdy
2. pere_: perea peres
2. pers_: perse perst
2. pes_s: pesos pests
2. pest_: pests pesty
2. pet_i: petri petti
2. pet_r: petar peter
2. petr_: petre petri
2. pett_: petti petto
2. ph_ts: phots phuts
2. pha_e: phage phare
2. phar_: phare pharm
2. phe_e: phene phese
2. pho_s: phons phots
2. phon_: phono phons
2. phyl_: phyla phyle
2. pi_au: pikau pilau
2. pi_er: piker piler
2. pi_ks: picks pinks
2. pi_ls: pills pirls
2. pi_ny: pinny piony
2. pi_on: pinon piton
2. pi_ts: piets pints
2. pi_us: pilus pious
2. pian_: piani pians
2. pic_l: pical picul
2. pic_s: picas picks
2. pica_: pical picas
2. pie_s: piers piets
2. pier_: piers piert
2. piet_: pieta piets
2. pika_: pikas pikau
2. pil_r: pilar piler
2. pil_w: pilaw pilow
2. pilu_: pilum pilus
2. pim_s: pimas pimps
2. pin_a: pinna pinta
2. pin_o: pingo pinko
2. pine_: pined pines
2. ping_: pingo pings
2. pink_: pinko pinks
2. pinn_: pinna pinny
2. pino_: pinon pinot
2. pint_: pinta pints
2. pion_: pions piony
2. pioy_: pioye pioys
2. pip_l: pipal pipul
2. pip_t: pipet pipit
2. pipa_: pipal pipas
2. pipi_: pipis pipit
2. pir_s: pirls pirns
2. pis_s: pises pisos
2. pis_y: pisky pissy
2. pit_s: pitas piths
2. pito_: piton pitot
2. pize_: pized pizes
2. pl_as: plaas pleas
2. pl_es: plies plues
2. pl_ms: plims plums
2. pl_ng: pling plong
2. pl_nk: plink plonk
2. pl_ps: plaps plops
2. pl_sh: plash plesh
2. pl_ts: plats plots
2. pl_ws: plews plows
2. pl_ys: plays ploys
2. pla_t: plast platt
2. play_: playa plays
2. pleb_: plebe plebs
2. pli_s: plies plims
2. plin_: pling plink
2. plon_: plong plonk
2. plot_: plots plotz
2. ploy_: ploye ploys
2. plum_: plums plumy
2. po_ae: porae potae
2. po_ch: poach potch
2. po_ds: ponds poods
2. po_er: poler porer
2. po_fs: poofs poufs
2. po_ka: poaka pooka
2. po_ke: poake pouke
2. po_ky: pocky porky
2. po_ls: polls pools
2. po_nd: poind pownd
2. po_ny: porny powny
2. po_sy: popsy potsy
2. poak_: poaka poake
2. pock_: pocks pocky
2. pod_y: poddy podgy
2. podg_: podge podgy
2. pol_y: poley polly
2. poli_: polio polis
2. poll_: polls polly
2. ponc_: ponce poncy
2. pone_: pones poney
2. pont_: ponts ponty
2. poo_a: pooja pooka
2. poof_: poofs poofy
2. pook_: pooka pooks
2. poop_: poops poopy
2. poor_: poori poort
2. poov_: poove poovy
2. por_e: porae porge
2. pora_: porae poral
2. porg_: porge porgy
2. pork_: porks porky
2. pos_s: poses posts
2. pot_o: potoo potto
2. pot_s: potes potts
2. pot_y: potsy potty
2. pote_: poted potes
2. pou_t: poult poupt
2. pouf_: pouff poufs
2. pouk_: pouke pouks
2. poup_: poupe poupt
2. pow_n: powan powin
2. poxe_: poxed poxes
2. pr_ds: prads prods
2. pr_er: prier pryer
2. pr_es: prees pries
2. pr_gs: prigs progs
2. pr_ll: prill proll
2. pr_my: premy primy
2. pr_nk: prink pronk
2. pr_nt: prent prunt
2. pr_on: preon prion
2. pr_ps: preps props
2. pr_ss: priss pross
2. pr_st: prest prost
2. pr_ys: prays preys
2. pra_e: prase prate
2. pran_: prana prang
2. pre_e: prese preve
2. pre_t: prent prest
2. pree_: preed prees
2. prem_: prems premy
2. preo_: preon preop
2. pri_l: prial prill
2. pri_y: pricy primy
2. pris_: prise priss
2. pro_l: proll proul
2. pro_n: proin proyn
2. prol_: prole proll
2. prom_: promo proms
2. pu_ls: pulls purls
2. pu_ps: pulps pumps
2. pu_rs: puers purrs
2. pu_to: punto putto
2. pu_ts: punts putts
2. pu_ty: punty purty
2. pub_s: pubes pubis
2. puc_s: puces pucks
2. puce_: pucer puces
2. puck_: pucka pucks
2. pud_y: puddy pudsy
2. puff_: puffa puffs
2. puja_: pujah pujas
2. pul_o: pulao pulmo
2. pula_: pulao pulas
2. puli_: pulik pulis
2. pulk_: pulka pulks
2. pum_s: pumas pumps
2. pun_a: punga punka
2. pung_: punga pungs
2. pup_s: pupas pupus
2. pupa_: pupae pupas
2. pure_: pured pures
2. puri_: purin puris
2. py_al: pygal pyral
2. py_ed: pyned pyxed
2. pyne_: pyned pynes
2. pyr_s: pyres pyros
2. pyra_: pyral pyran
2. pyre_: pyres pyrex
2. pyx_s: pyxes pyxis
2. pyxe_: pyxed pyxes
2. pyxi_: pyxie pyxis
2. q_ids: qaids quids
2. qu_ff: quaff quiff
2. qu_it: qubit quoit
2. qu_na: quena quina
2. qu_nt: quant quint
2. qu_ps: quips quops
2. qu_re: quare quire
2. qu_te: quate quyte
2. qu_ts: quats quits
2. qu_ys: quays queys
2. quai_: quair quais
2. quat_: quate quats
2. quay_: quayd quays
2. quey_: queyn queys
2. qui_e: quine quire
2. qui_o: quino quipo
2. quir_: quire quirt
2. quo_s: quods quops
2. r_ams: reams roams
2. r_ans: reans roans
2. r_ars: rears roars
2. r_ata: reata riata
2. r_ate: reate roate
2. r_bat: rabat rybat
2. r_bby: ribby rubby
2. r_ble: roble ruble
2. r_ced: raced riced
2. r_ces: races rices
2. r_che: rache ruche
2. r_con: racon recon
2. r_dds: redds rudds
2. r_ded: reded roded
2. r_don: radon redon
2. r_els: reels riels
2. r_eve: reeve rieve
2. r_fts: rafts rifts
2. r_ges: rages reges
2. r_ggs: raggs riggs
2. r_ggy: raggy ruggy
2. r_ids: raids roids
2. r_iks: raiks reiks
2. r_ils: rails roils
2. r_ine: raine rhine
2. r_ird: raird reird
2. r_ist: reist roist
2. r_ker: raker roker
2. r_led: riled ruled
2. r_lls: rills rolls
2. r_man: reman roman
2. r_men: remen rumen
2. r_mes: rimes rumes
2. r_met: ramet remet
2. r_mmy: rammy rummy
2. r_mus: ramus rimus
2. r_nga: ranga renga
2. r_nin: renin ronin
2. r_nks: ranks rinks
2. r_nne: renne ronne
2. r_nte: rente ronte
2. r_pps: repps ripps
2. r_res: rares rores
2. r_sed: rased rosed
2. r_shi: rishi roshi
2. r_sit: resit rosit
2. r_sks: risks rusks
2. r_sps: rasps risps
2. r_sse: rasse russe
2. r_sus: resus risus
2. r_tal: ratal rotal
2. r_tan: ratan rotan
2. r_tas: ratas rotas
2. r_tch: ratch rotch
2. r_ted: rated roted
2. r_ths: raths ruths
2. r_tos: ratos rotos
2. r_vel: ravel rivel
2. r_ven: riven roven
2. r_wan: rewan rowan
2. r_wed: rewed rowed
2. r_win: rawin rewin
2. r_wth: rewth rowth
2. r_xes: raxes rexes
2. r_zes: razes rezes
2. ra_al: ramal ratal
2. ra_ds: raids rands
2. ra_el: ratel ravel
2. ra_ga: ragga ranga
2. ra_gs: raggs rangs
2. ra_gy: raggy rangy
2. ra_le: raile rayle
2. ra_ne: raine rayne
2. ra_on: racon radon
2. ra_oo: ratoo razoo
2. ra_ps: ramps rasps
2. ra_ta: raita rasta
2. rabi_: rabic rabis
2. rac_s: races racks
2. race_: raced races
2. raf_s: raffs rafts
2. rag_e: ragde ragee
2. rai_e: raile raine
2. rail_: raile rails
2. rain_: raine rains
2. rait_: raita raits
2. raj_s: rajas rajes
2. raki_: rakia rakis
2. ram_e: ramee ramie
2. rame_: ramee ramet
2. rani_: ranid ranis
2. rank_: ranke ranks
2. rap_e: raphe rappe
2. rar_s: rares rarks
2. ras_s: rases rasps
2. rat_l: ratal ratel
2. rato_: ratoo ratos
2. raxe_: raxed raxes
2. ray_e: rayle rayne
2. raya_: rayah rayas
2. re_ax: retax rewax
2. re_ay: renay resay
2. re_em: rehem retem
2. re_ey: rekey reney
2. re_fs: reefs reifs
2. re_fy: reefy reify
2. re_ia: redia retia
2. re_is: reais refis
2. re_ix: refix remix
2. re_lo: realo rello
2. re_ls: reals reels
2. re_ly: redly refly
2. re_ox: redox retox
2. re_ps: reaps repps
2. re_ry: redry refry
2. re_ta: reata recta
2. re_te: reate rente
2. re_to: recto resto
2. re_ts: rents rests
2. read_: readd reads
2. real_: realo reals
2. reat_: reata reate
2. rebi_: rebid rebit
2. rec_o: recco recto
2. red_d: reded redid
2. red_n: redan redon
2. red_x: redox redux
2. redd_: redds reddy
2. rede_: reded redes
2. redu_: redub redux
2. ree_e: reede reeve
2. ree_y: reefy reeky
2. reed_: reede reeds
2. reef_: reefs reefy
2. reek_: reeks reeky
2. ref_y: refly refry
2. refe_: refed refel
2. refi_: refis refix
2. reg_a: regma regna
2. reg_r: regar regur
2. reg_s: reges regos
2. reif_: reifs reify
2. reik_: reiki reiks
2. rein_: reink reins
2. rel_t: relet relit
2. reli_: relie relit
2. rem_n: reman remen
2. rem_x: remex remix
2. rema_: reman remap
2. ren_e: renne rente
2. ren_y: renay reney
2. reni_: renig renin
2. rent_: rente rents
2. rep_s: repos repps
2. repo_: repos repot
2. res_d: resid resod
2. res_t: resat resit
2. res_y: resay resty
2. resi_: resid resit
2. reso_: resod resow
2. ret_x: retax retox
2. reta_: retag retax
2. reti_: retia retie
2. rewa_: rewan rewax
2. rewe_: rewed rewet
2. rh_mb: rhomb rhumb
2. rh_me: rheme rhime
2. rhi_e: rhime rhine
2. ri_ds: riads rinds
2. ri_ey: ricey riley
2. ri_gs: riggs rings
2. ri_ps: ripps risps
2. ri_us: rimus risus
2. ria_s: riads rials
2. rib_s: ribas ribes
2. ric_s: rices ricks
2. rie_s: riels riems
2. rif_s: riffs rifts
2. ril_s: riles rills
2. rill_: rille rills
2. rim_s: rimes rimus
2. rind_: rinds rindy
2. rip_s: ripes ripps
2. ripe_: riped ripes
2. rit_s: rites ritts
2. riv_s: rivas rives
2. ro_eo: romeo roneo
2. ro_er: roker roper
2. ro_et: roset rozet
2. ro_fs: rolfs roofs
2. ro_ie: rorie rowie
2. ro_in: ronin rosin
2. ro_is: rojis rotis
2. ro_it: rosit rozit
2. ro_ks: rocks rooks
2. ro_le: roble roule
2. ro_ne: ronne royne
2. ro_py: roopy roupy
2. ro_th: routh rowth
2. ro_ty: rooty rorty
2. roar_: roars roary
2. robe_: robed robes
2. rode_: roded rodes
2. roil_: roils roily
2. roma_: romal roman
2. ron_o: rondo roneo
2. ron_s: rones ronts
2. rond_: ronde rondo
2. rone_: roneo rones
2. ront_: ronte ronts
2. roof_: roofs roofy
2. rook_: rooks rooky
2. roop_: roops roopy
2. roos_: roosa roose
2. root_: roots rooty
2. ror_s: rores rorts
2. rort_: rorts rorty
2. ros_i: roshi rosti
2. ros_s: roses rosts
2. ros_t: roset rosit
2. rosi_: rosin rosit
2. rost_: rosti rosts
2. rot_n: rotan roton
2. rote_: roted rotes
2. roto_: roton rotos
2. roue_: rouen roues
2. roul_: roule rouls
2. roup_: roups roupy
2. rout_: routh routs
2. row_d: rowed rownd
2. row_e: rowie rowme
2. row_n: rowan rowen
2. rowt_: rowth rowts
2. roz_t: rozet rozit
2. ru_al: rugal rumal
2. ru_as: rudas rusas
2. ru_ds: rudds runds
2. ru_ed: ruled runed
2. ru_hs: rukhs ruths
2. ru_in: rubin rutin
2. ru_ks: rucks rusks
2. ru_ps: rumps rurps
2. ru_ts: runts rusts
2. ru_ty: runty rutty
2. ru_us: rubus rurus
2. rub_i: rubai rubli
2. rub_s: rubes rubus
2. rube_: rubel rubes
2. rubl_: ruble rubli
2. rudi_: rudie rudis
2. ruff_: ruffe ruffs
2. ruga_: rugae rugal
2. ruin_: ruing ruins
2. rule_: ruled rules
2. rum_o: rumbo rumpo
2. rum_s: rumes rumps
2. rume_: rumen rumes
2. run_y: runny runty
2. rune_: runed runes
2. runt_: runts runty
2. rur_s: rurps rurus
2. ryke_: ryked rykes
2. s_ade: slade stade
2. s_aes: slaes spaes
2. s_ain: spain swain
2. s_ake: slake spake
2. s_ald: skald spald
2. s_ale: spale swale
2. s_all: scall spall
2. s_alm: shalm smalm
2. s_als: seals sials
2. s_alt: smalt spalt
2. s_aly: shaly swaly
2. s_amy: seamy swamy
2. s_and: scand shand
2. s_ard: spard sward
2. s_arf: snarf swarf
2. s_arn: sharn starn
2. s_ash: shash snash
2. s_ath: scath snath
2. s_att: scatt skatt
2. s_aul: shaul spaul
2. s_aze: seaze smaze
2. s_bas: sobas subas
2. s_ber: saber suber
2. s_bha: sabha subha
2. s_cko: sicko socko
2. s_cky: sicky sucky
2. s_das: sidas sodas
2. s_der: seder sider
2. s_dhe: sadhe sidhe
2. s_ear: skear stear
2. s_eat: sceat speat
2. s_ebs: slebs snebs
2. s_eek: smeek steek
2. s_een: skeen steen
2. s_eil: speil steil
2. s_ein: sdein skein
2. s_eir: speir sweir
2. s_eks: seeks speks
2. s_ems: seems stems
2. s_eos: skeos speos
2. s_ere: shere stere
2. s_ewy: spewy stewy
2. s_fts: sifts softs
2. s_ger: sager soger
2. s_ghs: sighs sughs
2. s_hur: sohur suhur
2. s_ics: saics spics
2. s_ied: skied stied
2. s_ifs: seifs spifs
2. s_igs: snigs swigs
2. s_ine: saine seine
2. s_int: skint suint
2. s_ire: stire swire
2. s_irt: snirt spirt
2. s_ish: shish slish
2. s_ist: saist shist
2. s_ite: shite skite
2. s_ith: saith swith
2. s_ivs: shivs spivs
2. s_ivy: skivy stivy
2. s_lah: selah solah
2. s_lds: silds solds
2. s_led: siled soled
2. s_lep: salep shlep
2. s_ler: siler soler
2. s_lim: sclim sklim
2. s_lks: silks sulks
2. s_lle: salle selle
2. s_lls: sells sills
2. s_los: silos solos
2. s_lph: sulph sylph
2. s_lts: salts silts
2. s_lus: solus sulus
2. s_man: saman soman
2. s_mar: simar symar
2. s_mba: samba simba
2. s_mek: samek shmek
2. s_mes: sames semes
2. s_nks: sinks sunks
2. s_nna: senna sunna
2. s_nsa: sansa sensa
2. s_nts: sants sents
2. s_oat: shoat stoat
2. s_ods: snods spods
2. s_ody: scody skody
2. s_oep: snoep stoep
2. s_oes: shoes sloes
2. s_ola: saola shola
2. s_ole: soole swole
2. s_oln: stoln swoln
2. s_ols: skols sools
2. s_ook: snook stook
2. s_oom: sloom spoom
2. s_ope: shope stope
2. s_opt: stopt swopt
2. s_osh: skosh sposh
2. s_ote: shote soote
2. s_ott: shott stott
2. s_oun: stoun swoun
2. s_oup: scoup stoup
2. s_owp: scowp stowp
2. s_ped: siped syped
2. s_phs: sophs syphs
2. s_por: sapor sopor
2. s_ppy: sippy soppy
2. s_pra: sopra supra
2. s_rad: sprad strad
2. s_rae: scrae strae
2. s_rah: surah syrah
2. s_ras: soras suras
2. s_rer: serer sorer
2. s_rew: sprew strew
2. s_rfs: serfs surfs
2. s_rge: sarge serge
2. s_rgo: sargo sorgo
2. s_rim: scrim strim
2. s_rin: sarin serin
2. s_rks: sarks serks
2. s_rog: scrog sprog
2. s_rus: sarus sorus
2. s_ses: sises suses
2. s_ted: sated sited
2. s_tes: sates sites
2. s_the: sithe sythe
2. s_tup: shtup situp
2. s_ued: slued spued
2. s_ues: slues spues
2. s_uff: scuff sluff
2. s_ugh: saugh sough
2. s_uit: sluit squit
2. s_ule: shule spule
2. s_ull: scull stull
2. s_uns: shuns stuns
2. s_ups: scups soups
2. s_ush: smush snush
2. s_uta: scuta sputa
2. s_ute: scute shute
2. s_war: sewar sowar
2. s_xer: sexer sixer
2. s_yte: skyte styte
2. s_zes: sazes sizes
2. sa_ai: sakai satai
2. sa_al: sabal salal
2. sa_as: sagas samas
2. sa_ba: samba sauba
2. sa_ey: samey savey
2. sa_ga: saiga sanga
2. sa_gh: sangh saugh
2. sa_go: sango sargo
2. sa_gs: saags sangs
2. sa_id: sapid sayid
2. sa_ks: sacks sarks
2. sa_le: sable salle
2. sa_ls: sails sauls
2. sa_ne: saine sayne
2. sa_ps: salps samps
2. sa_ra: sabra sacra
2. sa_se: salse sasse
2. sa_st: saist sayst
2. sa_to: salto santo
2. sab_a: sabha sabra
2. sab_e: sable sabre
2. sab_r: saber sabir
2. sabi_: sabin sabir
2. sabr_: sabra sabre
2. sadh_: sadhe sadhu
2. safe_: safed safes
2. sage_: sager sages
2. sah_b: saheb sahib
2. sai_e: saice saine
2. sain_: saine sains
2. sak_i: sakai sakti
2. sak_s: sakes sakis
2. sake_: saker sakes
2. saki_: sakia sakis
2. sal_l: salal salol
2. sal_p: salep salop
2. sala_: salal salat
2. sali_: salic salix
2. salo_: salol salop
2. salp_: salpa salps
2. salt_: salto salts
2. salu_: salue salut
2. sam_n: saman samen
2. sam_y: samey sammy
2. sama_: saman samas
2. samb_: samba sambo
2. samp_: sampi samps
2. san_a: sanga sansa
2. sane_: saned sanes
2. sant_: santo sants
2. sar_d: sared sarod
2. sar_e: saree sarge
2. sar_n: saran sarin
2. sare_: sared saree
2. sarg_: sarge sargo
2. sari_: sarin saris
2. sark_: sarks sarky
2. saro_: sarod saros
2. sat_s: sates satis
2. sata_: satai satay
2. sau_h: sauch saugh
2. sau_s: sauls sauts
2. sau_t: sault saunt
2. saul_: sauls sault
2. sawe_: sawed sawer
2. say_d: sayed sayid
2. saye_: sayed sayer
2. sc_at: sceat scrat
2. sc_ds: scads scuds
2. sc_ff: scaff scuff
2. sc_im: sclim scrim
2. sc_ll: scall scull
2. sc_ms: scams scums
2. sc_nd: scand scend
2. sc_og: scoog scrog
2. sc_pa: scapa scopa
2. sc_ps: scops scups
2. sc_rs: scars scurs
2. sc_up: scaup scoup
2. sc_ws: scaws scows
2. sca_a: scala scapa
2. sca_d: scand scaud
2. sca_l: scail scall
2. sca_p: scarp scaup
2. sca_t: scart scatt
2. scal_: scala scall
2. scan_: scand scans
2. scen_: scena scend
2. sco_g: scoog scoug
2. sco_p: scoup scowp
2. scoo_: scoog scoot
2. scop_: scopa scops
2. scou_: scoug scoup
2. scow_: scowp scows
2. scr_b: scrab scrob
2. scr_g: scrag scrog
2. scr_w: scraw scrow
2. scri_: scrim scrip
2. scu_e: scuse scute
2. scu_f: scuff scurf
2. scuf_: scuff scuft
2. scur_: scurf scurs
2. se_ar: segar sewar
2. se_ds: seeds sends
2. se_en: sewen seyen
2. se_ge: sedge serge
2. se_ic: sepic seric
2. se_in: serin sewin
2. se_ks: seeks serks
2. se_ms: seams seems
2. se_on: seron seton
2. se_os: segos sekos
2. se_re: seare serre
2. se_sa: sensa sessa
2. se_se: sease seise
2. se_um: sebum sedum
2. se_za: seiza senza
2. sear_: seare sears
2. sec_s: sechs sects
2. sede_: seder sedes
2. sedg_: sedge sedgy
2. see_y: seely seepy
2. seep_: seeps seepy
2. segn_: segni segno
2. sego_: segol segos
2. sei_e: seine seise
2. seis_: seise seism
2. sek_s: sekos sekts
2. sel_a: sella selva
2. sem_e: semee semie
2. sem_s: semes semis
2. seme_: semee semes
2. semi_: semie semis
2. sens_: sensa sensi
2. sepa_: sepad sepal
2. sept_: septa septs
2. ser_c: serac seric
2. ser_e: serge serre
2. ser_n: serin seron
2. seri_: seric serin
2. sero_: seron serow
2. seta_: setae setal
2. sewa_: sewan sewar
2. sex_s: sexes sexts
2. sext_: sexto sexts
2. sh_as: sheas shwas
2. sh_ds: shads sheds
2. sh_ed: shoed shred
2. sh_el: sheel shiel
2. sh_es: shies shoes
2. sh_gs: shags shogs
2. sh_ly: shaly shily
2. sh_ms: shams shims
2. sh_nd: shand shend
2. sh_ol: sheol shool
2. sh_sh: shash shish
2. sh_va: sheva shiva
2. sh_wn: shawn shewn
2. sha_a: shama shaya
2. sha_m: shalm shawm
2. sha_n: sharn shawn
2. shak_: shako shakt
2. shal_: shalm shaly
2. sham_: shama shams
2. shan_: shand shans
2. shay_: shaya shays
2. she_d: shend sherd
2. shen_: shend shent
2. shew_: shewn shews
2. shi_e: shite shive
2. shi_l: shiel shill
2. shil_: shill shily
2. shir_: shirr shirs
2. shit_: shite shits
2. sho_d: shoed showd
2. sho_e: shope shote
2. sho_i: shogi shoji
2. sho_l: shool shorl
2. sho_t: shoat shott
2. shog_: shogi shogs
2. shoj_: shoji shojo
2. shop_: shope shops
2. show_: showd shows
2. shtu_: shtum shtup
2. shu_e: shule shute
2. shut_: shute shuts
2. si_ds: silds sinds
2. si_he: sidhe sithe
2. si_hs: sighs sinhs
2. si_is: simis siris
2. si_ky: sicky sinky
2. si_ls: sials sills
2. si_ns: siens signs
2. si_os: sijos silos
2. si_up: sirup situp
2. si_us: sinus situs
2. sic_s: sices sicks
2. sid_e: sidhe sidle
2. sid_s: sidas sides
2. sidh_: sidha sidhe
2. sien_: siens sient
2. sig_a: sigla signa
2. sig_s: sighs signs
2. sign_: signa signs
2. sik_s: sikas sikes
2. sike_: siker sikes
2. silt_: silts silty
2. sima_: simar simas
2. sine_: sined sines
2. sink_: sinks sinky
2. sipe_: siped sipes
2. sir_s: sires siris
2. siri_: sirih siris
2. sis_s: sises sists
2. sist_: sista sists
2. sit_s: sites situs
2. site_: sited sites
2. situ_: situp situs
2. sixe_: sixer sixes
2. siz_r: sizar sizer
2. sk_an: skean skran
2. sk_ds: skeds skids
2. sk_er: skeer skyer
2. sk_es: skees skies
2. sk_ey: skiey skyey
2. sk_nk: skank skink
2. sk_ns: skens skins
2. sk_os: skeos skios
2. sk_ps: skeps skips
2. sk_rs: skers skyrs
2. sk_rt: skart skort
2. sk_te: skite skyte
2. sk_ws: skaws skews
2. ska_t: skart skatt
2. skat_: skats skatt
2. ske_f: skeef skelf
2. ske_r: skear skeer
2. skea_: skean skear
2. skeg_: skegg skegs
2. sken_: skene skens
2. ski_e: skite skive
2. ski_y: skiey skivy
2. skim_: skimo skims
2. skir_: skirl skirr
2. skit_: skite skits
2. skiv_: skive skivy
2. sko_l: skoal skool
2. sko_s: skogs skols
2. sku_s: skuas skugs
2. sky_e: skyre skyte
2. sky_s: skyfs skyrs
2. skyr_: skyre skyrs
2. sl_id: slaid sloid
2. sl_pe: slipe slype
2. sl_ve: slive slove
2. sl_ys: slays sleys
2. slan_: slane slank
2. slat_: slats slaty
2. sli_e: slipe slive
2. slo_m: sloom slorm
2. sloo_: sloom sloot
2. slop_: slops slopy
2. slu_b: slubb slurb
2. slub_: slubb slubs
2. slue_: slued slues
2. slur_: slurb slurs
2. sm_gs: smogs smugs
2. sm_ik: smaik smeik
2. sm_lt: smalt smolt
2. sm_rs: smirs smurs
2. sm_ts: smits smuts
2. sma_k: smaak smaik
2. sma_m: smalm smarm
2. smal_: smalm smalt
2. sme_s: smees smews
2. smee_: smeek smees
2. smi_s: smirs smits
2. smir_: smirr smirs
2. smoo_: smoor smoot
2. smor_: smore smorg
2. sn_ck: sneck snick
2. sn_ds: sneds snods
2. sn_ps: snaps snips
2. sn_sh: snash snush
2. sn_ts: snits snots
2. sn_ws: snaws snows
2. sna_h: snash snath
2. sne_d: snead sneed
2. snea_: snead sneap
2. snee_: sneed snees
2. sni_t: snift snirt
2. snip_: snips snipy
2. snoe_: snoek snoep
2. snow_: snowk snows
2. snu_s: snubs snugs
2. so_ah: sokah solah
2. so_an: solan soman
2. so_ar: sofar sowar
2. so_de: solde sonde
2. so_do: soldo sordo
2. so_ds: solds sords
2. so_hs: sophs soths
2. so_ly: soily sonly
2. so_ne: sonne sowne
2. so_ol: sokol sotol
2. so_py: soppy soupy
2. so_ra: sopra sorra
2. so_rs: soars sours
2. so_ta: softa sorta
2. soa_e: soare soave
2. soar_: soare soars
2. sock_: socko socks
2. sof_s: sofas softs
2. sofa_: sofar sofas
2. soil_: soils soily
2. soj_s: sojas sojus
2. soke_: soken sokes
2. sol_i: soldi solei
2. sol_n: solan solon
2. solo_: solon solos
2. solu_: solum solus
2. soma_: soman somas
2. son_s: sones songs
2. sonn_: sonne sonny
2. sons_: sonse sonsy
2. soo_e: soole soote
2. soo_y: sooey sooky
2. sook_: sooks sooky
2. sool_: soole sools
2. soot_: soote soots
2. sop_y: sophy soppy
2. soph_: sophs sophy
2. sor_l: soral sorel
2. sora_: soral soras
2. sorb_: sorbo sorbs
2. sort_: sorta sorts
2. sou_e: souce souse
2. souc_: souce souct
2. soup_: soups soupy
2. sow_d: sowed sownd
2. sowf_: sowff sowfs
2. sowl_: sowle sowls
2. sown_: sownd sowne
2. sp_at: speat sprat
2. sp_cs: specs spics
2. sp_de: spide spode
2. sp_ds: spods spuds
2. sp_gs: spags spugs
2. sp_il: spail speil
2. sp_it: spait sprit
2. sp_ks: speks spiks
2. sp_ld: spald speld
2. sp_ms: spams spims
2. sp_ns: spans spins
2. sp_og: splog sprog
2. sp_rs: spars spurs
2. sp_rt: spart spirt
2. sp_ug: speug sprug
2. sp_ws: spaws spews
2. spat_: spate spats
2. spaw_: spawl spaws
2. spay_: spayd spays
2. spaz_: spaza spazz
2. spe_r: speer speir
2. spe_t: speat spect
2. spec_: specs spect
2. spee_: speel speer
2. spei_: speil speir
2. spel_: speld spelk
2. spew_: spews spewy
2. spi_a: spica spina
2. spi_e: spide spile
2. spi_k: spick spink
2. spie_: spier spies
2. spif_: spiff spifs
2. spir_: spirt spiry
2. spit_: spits spitz
2. spo_s: spods spots
2. spod_: spode spods
2. spr_t: sprat sprit
2. spre_: spred sprew
2. spro_: sprod sprog
2. spru_: sprue sprug
2. spu_e: spule spume
2. spum_: spume spumy
2. squa_: squab squaw
2. st_ae: stoae strae
2. st_ds: steds studs
2. st_ed: stied styed
2. st_ep: stoep strep
2. st_es: sties styes
2. st_gy: stagy stogy
2. st_ig: staig strig
2. st_le: stele stile
2. st_ll: stell stull
2. st_my: stimy stymy
2. st_nd: stend stond
2. st_ng: stang stong
2. st_ns: stens stuns
2. st_pa: stipa stupa
2. st_pt: stept stopt
2. st_rs: stars stirs
2. st_un: staun stoun
2. st_ys: stays steys
2. sta_e: stade stane
2. sta_g: staig stang
2. sta_n: starn staun
2. stag_: stags stagy
2. stan_: stane stang
2. stap_: staph staps
2. ste_d: stedd stend
2. ste_l: steil stell
2. ste_n: stean steen
2. ste_t: stent stept
2. stea_: stean stear
2. stem_: steme stems
2. step_: steps stept
2. stew_: stews stewy
2. sti_y: stimy stivy
2. stie_: stied sties
2. stil_: stilb stile
2. stip_: stipa stipe
2. stiv_: stive stivy
2. sto_e: stoae stope
2. sto_k: stonk stook
2. sto_r: stoor stour
2. stoo_: stook stoor
2. stot_: stots stott
2. str_g: strag strig
2. str_m: strim strum
2. str_p: strep strop
2. str_w: strew strow
2. stre_: strep strew
2. stu_m: stulm stumm
2. stud_: stude studs
2. stul_: stull stulm
2. stum_: stumm stums
2. stup_: stupa stupe
2. stur_: sture sturt
2. stye_: styed styes
2. styl_: styli stylo
2. stym_: styme stymy
2. su_ah: subah surah
2. su_as: subas suras
2. su_ci: succi sulci
2. su_ed: sured sused
2. su_hs: sughs sukhs
2. su_is: sumis sunis
2. su_nt: suent suint
2. su_or: sudor sutor
2. su_os: sugos sumos
2. su_ph: sulph sumph
2. su_ts: suets suits
2. su_us: sulus susus
2. suba_: subah subas
2. suck_: sucks sucky
2. sue_e: suede suete
2. sue_s: suers suets
2. sug_s: sughs sugos
2. sui_s: suids suits
2. sul_s: sulks sulus
2. sulf_: sulfa sulfo
2. sump_: sumph sumps
2. sunn_: sunna sunns
2. sur_y: surfy surgy
2. sure_: sured sures
2. surf_: surfs surfy
2. sus_s: suses susus
2. suse_: sused suses
2. sut_a: sutra sutta
2. sw_bs: swabs swobs
2. sw_es: swees swies
2. sw_gs: swags swigs
2. sw_nk: swank swink
2. sw_ps: swaps swops
2. sw_pt: swapt swopt
2. sw_re: sware swire
2. sw_rf: swarf swerf
2. sw_ys: sways sweys
2. swa_k: swack swank
2. swa_l: swail swayl
2. swa_t: swapt swart
2. swa_y: swaly swamy
2. swag_: swage swags
2. swai_: swail swain
2. swal_: swale swaly
2. swap_: swaps swapt
2. sway_: swayl sways
2. swe_l: sweal sweel
2. swe_r: sweer sweir
2. swe_s: swees sweys
2. swit_: swith swits
2. swo_n: swoln swoun
2. swol_: swole swoln
2. swop_: swops swopt
2. sy_ed: syned syped
2. sy_er: syker syver
2. syb_e: sybbe syboe
2. sybo_: syboe sybow
2. syce_: sycee syces
2. syke_: syker sykes
2. syn_h: synch synth
2. sync_: synch syncs
2. syne_: syned synes
2. syp_s: sypes syphs
2. sype_: syped sypes
2. t_ade: teade tsade
2. t_agi: thagi tragi
2. t_ams: teams trams
2. t_ank: trank twank
2. t_ays: trays tways
2. t_aze: teaze toaze
2. t_bes: tabes tubes
2. t_ces: taces tices
2. t_chs: tachs techs
2. t_chy: techy tichy
2. t_cky: ticky tocky
2. t_cos: tacos tocos
2. t_eed: theed treed
2. t_een: treen tween
2. t_els: taels teels
2. t_ema: thema trema
2. t_ems: teems trems
2. t_ens: teens thens
2. t_ews: thews trews
2. t_ges: tiges toges
2. t_hrs: tahrs tehrs
2. t_ier: trier twier
2. t_ile: toile tuile
2. t_ine: thine trine
2. t_iol: thiol triol
2. t_kas: takas tikas
2. t_ked: toked tsked
2. t_kis: takis tikis
2. t_lak: talak tilak
2. t_lar: talar tolar
2. t_las: talas tolas
2. t_led: tiled toled
2. t_lpa: talpa tulpa
2. t_lts: tilts tolts
2. t_lus: talus tolus
2. t_ner: toner tuner
2. t_nge: tenge tinge
2. t_nka: tanka tonka
2. t_nne: tenne tonne
2. t_nts: tents tints
2. t_ons: toons trons
2. t_ots: toots trots
2. t_pal: tepal typal
2. t_pas: tapas tepas
2. t_pek: topek tupek
2. t_pos: topos typos
2. t_ppy: tippy toppy
2. t_que: toque tuque
2. t_ran: toran tyran
2. t_rfs: terfs turfs
2. t_rga: targa terga
2. t_rms: terms turms
2. t_rps: tarps turps
2. t_rry: tarry terry
2. t_rsi: tarsi torsi
2. t_sed: tased tosed
2. t_ses: tases toses
2. t_shy: toshy tushy
2. t_sks: tasks tusks
2. t_ths: taths teths
2. t_tus: tatus tutus
2. t_ugs: thugs trugs
2. t_uts: tauts touts
2. t_wie: tawie towie
2. t_wse: tawse towse
2. t_wts: tawts towts
2. t_zes: tizes tozes
2. ta_et: tacet tapet
2. ta_gs: taigs tangs
2. ta_ie: tatie tawie
2. ta_in: takin tamin
2. ta_ma: tagma talma
2. ta_ns: tains tarns
2. ta_on: tauon taxon
2. ta_or: tabor taxor
2. ta_os: tacos taros
2. ta_pa: talpa tappa
2. ta_ps: tamps tarps
2. ta_ra: taira tayra
2. ta_se: tasse tawse
2. ta_ty: tanty tarty
2. tab_r: taber tabor
2. tabe_: taber tabes
2. tabi_: tabid tabis
2. tabu_: tabun tabus
2. tace_: taces tacet
2. tah_s: tahas tahrs
2. tai_a: taiga taira
2. taig_: taiga taigs
2. taki_: takin takis
2. tal_k: talak taluk
2. tal_r: talar taler
2. tal_y: talcy talky
2. talc_: talcs talcy
2. talk_: talks talky
2. talu_: taluk talus
2. tame_: tamed tames
2. tami_: tamin tamis
2. tan_i: tangi tanti
2. tar_e: targe tarre
2. tar_y: tarry tarty
2. tare_: tared tares
2. targ_: targa targe
2. tarr_: tarre tarry
2. tart_: tarts tarty
2. tas_r: tasar taser
2. tas_s: tases tasks
2. tat_r: tatar tater
2. tate_: tater tates
2. tau_e: taube taupe
2. tava_: tavah tavas
2. taw_e: tawie tawse
2. taw_s: tawas tawts
2. tawa_: tawai tawas
2. tawe_: tawed tawer
2. tax_r: taxer taxor
2. tazz_: tazza tazze
2. te_ch: tench teuch
2. te_ds: teads tends
2. te_fs: teffs terfs
2. te_hs: techs teths
2. te_ia: telia tenia
2. te_nd: teend teind
2. te_ny: teeny tenny
2. te_ta: tecta testa
2. tea_e: teade teaze
2. tead_: teade teads
2. tech_: techs techy
2. teg_s: teggs tegus
2. tegu_: tegua tegus
2. tei_d: teiid teind
2. tei_s: teils teins
2. tein_: teind teins
2. tele_: teles telex
2. teli_: telia telic
2. tell_: tells telly
2. telo_: teloi telos
2. tem_s: temes temps
2. teme_: temed temes
2. ten_y: tenny tenty
2. tend_: tends tendu
2. tent_: tents tenty
2. tepa_: tepal tepas
2. tera_: terai teras
2. tere_: terek teres
2. terf_: terfe terfs
2. tern_: terne terns
2. tes_a: tesla testa
2. tet_s: tetes teths
2. tetr_: tetra tetri
2. teu_h: teuch teugh
2. tewe_: tewed tewel
2. th_gs: thigs thugs
2. th_le: thale thole
2. th_li: thali tholi
2. th_ne: thane thine
2. th_rl: thirl thurl
2. th_rm: tharm therm
2. th_ws: thaws thews
2. th_wy: thawy thewy
2. tha_e: thale thane
2. tha_i: thagi thali
2. tha_m: thaim tharm
2. thal_: thale thali
2. thar_: tharm thars
2. thaw_: thaws thawy
2. the_a: theca thema
2. the_e: thebe thete
2. the_n: thegn thein
2. thei_: theic thein
2. thew_: thews thewy
2. thi_s: thigs thins
2. thil_: thilk thill
2. thin_: thine thins
2. thol_: thole tholi
2. thor_: thoro thorp
2. thr_e: thrae throe
2. thra_: thrae thraw
2. thri_: thrid thrip
2. thu_a: thuja thuya
2. thu_s: thuds thugs
2. thym_: thymi thymy
2. ti_as: tikas tinas
2. ti_er: tiler titer
2. ti_ks: ticks tinks
2. ti_ls: tills tirls
2. ti_ns: tians tiyns
2. ti_on: tigon timon
2. ti_os: tifos tiros
2. ti_ty: tinty titty
2. tia_s: tians tiars
2. tic_s: tices ticks
2. tic_y: tichy ticky
2. tice_: ticed tices
2. tick_: ticks ticky
2. tide_: tided tides
2. till_: tills tilly
2. tilt_: tilth tilts
2. tim_s: times timps
2. time_: timed times
2. tin_y: tinny tinty
2. ting_: tinge tings
2. tint_: tints tinty
2. tire_: tired tires
2. to_ie: towie tozie
2. to_rs: torrs tours
2. to_ue: togue toque
2. to_zy: touzy towzy
2. toad_: toads toady
2. toc_s: tocks tocos
2. tock_: tocks tocky
2. toff_: toffs toffy
2. tog_e: togae togue
2. tog_s: togas toges
2. toga_: togae togas
2. toge_: toged toges
2. toi_e: toile toise
2. toi_s: toils toits
2. toil_: toile toils
2. tok_s: tokes tokos
2. tole_: toled toles
2. toll_: tolls tolly
2. tond_: tondi tondo
2. tonk_: tonka tonks
2. top_e: topee tophe
2. top_i: tophi topoi
2. topo_: topoi topos
2. tor_e: torse torte
2. tor_i: torii torsi
2. tori_: toric torii
2. toro_: toros torot
2. tos_s: tosas toses
2. tos_y: toshy tossy
2. tose_: tosed toses
2. tou_e: touse touze
2. tou_y: tousy touzy
2. tous_: touse tousy
2. touz_: touze touzy
2. tow_s: towns towts
2. town_: towns towny
2. tows_: towse towsy
2. towz_: towze towzy
2. toye_: toyed toyer
2. toyo_: toyon toyos
2. toze_: tozed tozes
2. tr_ck: treck trock
2. tr_de: tride trode
2. tr_ds: trads trods
2. tr_ed: treed trued
2. tr_er: trier tryer
2. tr_go: trigo trugo
2. tr_ll: trill trull
2. tr_ma: trema tryma
2. tr_ne: trine trone
2. tr_nk: trank tronk
2. tr_ss: trass tress
2. tr_st: trest trist
2. tr_ws: trews trows
2. tr_yf: trayf treyf
2. tra_e: trape trave
2. tra_k: traik trank
2. trat_: trats tratt
2. tray_: trayf trays
2. tre_a: trefa trema
2. tre_f: treif treyf
2. trem_: trema trems
2. tres_: tress trest
2. trey_: treyf treys
2. tri_l: trill triol
2. tri_r: trier trior
2. trie_: trier tries
2. trig_: trigo trigs
2. tril_: trild trill
2. trin_: trine trins
2. trip_: trips tripy
2. trod_: trode trods
2. trot_: troth trots
2. tru_s: trues trugs
2. true_: trued trues
2. trug_: trugo trugs
2. tsad_: tsade tsadi
2. tsub_: tsuba tsubo
2. tu_ds: tunds turds
2. tu_ed: tubed tuned
2. tu_er: tuner tuyer
2. tu_fs: tuffs turfs
2. tu_le: tuile tuple
2. tu_ns: tuans turns
2. tu_ps: tumps turps
2. tu_ty: tufty tutty
2. tub_s: tubas tubes
2. tube_: tubed tubes
2. tuff_: tuffe tuffs
2. tuft_: tufts tufty
2. tum_y: tummy tumpy
2. tump_: tumps tumpy
2. tup_k: tupek tupik
2. turf_: turfs turfy
2. turm_: turme turms
2. turn_: turns turnt
2. tus_y: tushy tusky
2. tusk_: tusks tusky
2. tutt_: tutti tutty
2. tw_nk: twank twink
2. tw_rp: twerp twirp
2. tw_ts: twats twits
2. twe_p: tweep twerp
2. twer_: twerk twerp
2. twi_e: twire twite
2. twil_: twill twilt
2. twir_: twire twirp
2. twit_: twite twits
2. ty_os: typos tyros
2. ty_ps: tymps typps
2. tye_s: tyees tyers
2. tyne_: tyned tynes
2. tyr_s: tyres tyros
2. tyre_: tyred tyres
2. u_ali: ugali urali
2. u_ase: ukase urase
2. u_dee: undee urdee
2. u_dos: undos updos
2. u_eal: ureal uveal
2. u_eas: ureas uveas
2. u_ged: ugged urged
2. u_lay: unlay uplay
2. u_led: unled upled
2. u_man: unman urman
2. u_see: unsee upsee
2. u_vas: ulvas urvas
2. ul_as: ulnas ulvas
2. ul_ie: ulyie ulzie
2. ul_ma: ulama ulema
2. um_ah: ummah umrah
2. um_as: ummas umras
2. um_ed: ummed umped
2. umb_e: umble umbre
2. umbe_: umbel umber
2. umma_: ummah ummas
2. umra_: umrah umras
2. un_ag: unbag ungag
2. un_am: undam unjam
2. un_an: unban unman
2. un_aw: unlaw unsaw
2. un_ee: undee unsee
2. un_ew: unmew unsew
2. un_in: unpin untin
2. un_ip: unhip unrip
2. un_ix: unfix unmix
2. un_od: ungod unsod
2. un_os: uncos undos
2. un_us: unaus uncus
2. una_s: unais unaus
2. unar_: unarm unary
2. unb_d: unbed unbid
2. unco_: uncos uncoy
2. ung_t: unget ungot
2. ungo_: ungod ungot
2. unk_d: unked unkid
2. unke_: unked unket
2. unl_d: unled unlid
2. unla_: unlaw unlay
2. unle_: unled unlet
2. unp_n: unpen unpin
2. unpe_: unpeg unpen
2. unr_d: unred unrid
2. uns_w: unsaw unsew
2. unsa_: unsaw unsay
2. unw_t: unwet unwit
2. up_ed: upled upped
2. upr_n: upran uprun
2. upse_: upsee upsey
2. ur_as: ureas urvas
2. ur_te: urate urite
2. urar_: urare urari
2. urea_: ureal ureas
2. uren_: urena urent
2. usur_: usure usury
2. uvea_: uveal uveas
2. v_als: veals vials
2. v_ces: vices voces
2. v_ers: veers viers
2. v_gas: vegas vigas
2. v_gie: vegie vogie
2. v_lar: velar volar
2. v_lls: vells vills
2. v_lva: volva vulva
2. v_nal: venal vinal
2. v_ned: vaned vined
2. v_nes: vanes vines
2. v_res: vares vires
2. v_rtu: vertu virtu
2. v_ses: vases vises
2. v_sts: vasts vests
2. v_xes: vaxes vexes
2. v_zir: vezir vizir
2. va_al: vagal vasal
2. va_as: vakas varas
2. va_te: vaute vawte
2. vade_: vaded vades
2. vai_s: vails vairs
2. val_s: vales valis
2. vamp_: vamps vampy
2. vane_: vaned vanes
2. var_a: varia varna
2. vara_: varan varas
2. vare_: varec vares
2. vari_: varia varix
2. vas_s: vases vasts
2. vast_: vasts vasty
2. vaut_: vaute vauts
2. ve_ds: velds vends
2. ve_ly: vealy veily
2. ve_ry: veery verry
2. vee_s: veeps veers
2. veer_: veers veery
2. vei_s: veils veins
2. vei_y: veily veiny
2. veil_: veils veily
2. vein_: veins veiny
2. veld_: velds veldt
2. ven_e: venae venge
2. vena_: venae venal
2. vend_: vends vendu
2. ver_s: verbs verts
2. verr_: verra verry
2. vert_: verts vertu
2. ves_a: vespa vesta
2. vest_: vesta vests
2. vi_da: vifda vivda
2. vi_ex: vibex vitex
2. vice_: viced vices
2. vie_s: viers views
2. view_: views viewy
2. vill_: villi vills
2. vina_: vinal vinas
2. viol_: viold viols
2. vir_d: vired virid
2. vir_s: vires virls
2. virg_: virga virge
2. vis_e: visie visne
2. vis_s: visas vises
2. vise_: vised vises
2. vita_: vitae vitas
2. viv_s: vivas vives
2. viva_: vivas vivat
2. vive_: viver vives
2. viz_r: vizir vizor
2. vo_er: vomer vower
2. voi_s: voids voips
2. vol_a: volta volva
2. vola_: volae volar
2. volv_: volva volve
2. vote_: voted votes
2. vowe_: vowed vower
2. vro_s: vrous vrows
2. vrou_: vrous vrouw
2. vug_s: vuggs vughs
2. vug_y: vuggy vughy
2. vugg_: vuggs vuggy
2. vugh_: vughs vughy
2. w_ald: weald woald
2. w_ang: whang wrang
2. w_aps: whaps wraps
2. w_des: wades wides
2. w_dge: wadge wodge
2. w_els: weels wiels
2. w_ets: weets whets
2. w_fts: wafts wefts
2. w_gga: wagga wigga
2. w_ids: weids whids
2. w_ift: waift whift
2. w_ils: wails weils
2. w_ins: wains whins
2. w_kas: wakas wekas
2. w_ker: waker woker
2. w_lis: walis wilis
2. w_lks: walks welks
2. w_lts: welts wilts
2. w_mbs: wembs wombs
2. w_ned: waned wined
2. w_nes: wanes wines
2. w_ney: waney winey
2. w_nge: wenge winge
2. w_ngs: wangs wings
2. w_nky: wanky wonky
2. w_nna: wanna winna
2. w_nns: winns wynns
2. w_nze: wanze winze
2. w_oot: whoot wroot
2. w_ops: whops woops
2. w_rds: wards words
2. w_red: wared wired
2. w_res: wares wires
2. w_rks: warks works
2. w_rms: warms worms
2. w_rst: warst wurst
2. w_rts: warts worts
2. w_sps: wasps wisps
2. w_ted: wited wyted
2. w_tes: wites wytes
2. w_ved: waved wived
2. w_ves: waves wives
2. w_xed: waxed wexed
2. w_xes: waxes wexes
2. wa_as: wakas wawas
2. wa_ey: waney wavey
2. wa_is: wadis walis
2. wa_ly: wally wanly
2. wa_ms: warms wasms
2. wa_ns: wains warns
2. wa_oo: wahoo wazoo
2. wa_ps: warps wasps
2. wa_rs: wairs waurs
2. wa_ty: walty wanty
2. wadd_: wadds waddy
2. waf_s: waffs wafts
2. wage_: waged wages
2. wai_e: waide waite
2. waif_: waifs waift
2. wait_: waite waits
2. wal_y: wally walty
2. wald_: waldo walds
2. wali_: walie walis
2. wam_s: wames wamus
2. wame_: wamed wames
2. wan_e: wanle wanze
2. wank_: wanks wanky
2. wanl_: wanle wanly
2. want_: wants wanty
2. warb_: warbs warby
2. was_y: washy waspy
2. wasp_: wasps waspy
2. waul_: waulk wauls
2. we_as: wekas wetas
2. we_ke: weeke welke
2. we_ks: weeks welks
2. we_ly: welly wetly
2. we_ns: weans weens
2. we_ny: weeny wenny
2. we_rs: wears weirs
2. we_te: weete wefte
2. weal_: weald weals
2. wee_e: weeke weete
2. wee_y: weeny weepy
2. week_: weeke weeks
2. ween_: weens weeny
2. weep_: weeps weepy
2. weet_: weete weets
2. weft_: wefte wefts
2. wei_e: weise weize
2. well_: wells welly
2. wen_s: wends wents
2. wexe_: wexed wexes
2. wh_ft: wheft whift
2. wh_lk: whelk whilk
2. wh_mp: whomp whump
2. wh_ms: whams whims
2. wh_ns: whens whins
2. wh_re: whare whore
2. wh_ws: whews whows
2. wham_: whamo whams
2. what_: whata whats
2. whau_: whaup whaur
2. whea_: wheal whear
2. whee_: wheen wheep
2. whel_: whelk whelm
2. whip_: whips whipt
2. whir_: whirr whirs
2. whit_: whits whity
2. who_s: whops whows
2. who_t: whoot whort
2. whoo_: whoof whoot
2. wi_an: wigan witan
2. wi_ds: wilds winds
2. wi_ey: wifey winey
2. wi_ga: wigga wilga
2. wi_gy: wiggy wingy
2. wi_is: wikis wilis
2. wi_ks: wicks winks
2. wi_ls: wiels wills
2. wi_ps: wimps wisps
2. wi_ts: wilts wists
2. wick_: wicks wicky
2. wif_y: wifey wifty
2. wigg_: wigga wiggy
2. wil_a: wilga wilja
2. wile_: wiled wiles
2. win_e: winge winze
2. win_y: winey wingy
2. winn_: winna winns
2. wise_: wised wises
2. wish_: wisha wisht
2. wit_s: wites withs
2. wite_: wited wites
2. wize_: wizen wizes
2. wo_ed: wooed wowed
2. wo_fs: wolfs woofs
2. wo_ld: woald woold
2. wo_ts: wonts worts
2. wol_s: wolds wolfs
2. womb_: wombs womby
2. won_s: wonks wonts
2. wong_: wonga wongi
2. wonk_: wonks wonky
2. woo_d: wooed woold
2. woo_y: woofy woopy
2. woof_: woofs woofy
2. wool_: woold wools
2. woop_: woops woopy
2. woos_: woose woosh
2. worm_: worms wormy
2. wowe_: wowed wowee
2. wr_er: wrier wryer
2. wra_t: wrapt wrast
2. wrap_: wraps wrapt
2. wri_s: wries writs
2. wy_ed: wyled wyted
2. wy_es: wyles wytes
2. wyle_: wyled wyles
2. wyn_s: wynds wynns
2. wyte_: wyted wytes
2. xe_ic: xenic xeric
2. xeni_: xenia xenic
2. xyl_l: xylol xylyl
2. xyst_: xysti xysts
2. y_ans: yeans yuans
2. y_ars: yaars years
2. y_bby: yabby yobby
2. y_cca: yacca yucca
2. y_cch: yecch yucch
2. y_gas: yogas yugas
2. y_gis: yagis yogis
2. y_les: yales yules
2. y_lks: yelks yolks
2. y_lls: yells yills
2. y_mps: yomps yumps
2. y_nks: yanks yonks
2. y_pes: yipes ympes
2. y_pon: yapon yupon
2. y_rrs: yarrs yirrs
2. y_rta: yarta yurta
2. y_tes: yates yites
2. y_uks: yeuks youks
2. y_wed: yawed yowed
2. y_wls: yawls yowls
2. ya_ds: yards yauds
2. ya_er: yager yarer
2. ya_ka: yacka yakka
2. ya_ns: yarns yawns
2. ya_py: yampy yappy
2. ya_rs: yaars yarrs
2. yabb_: yabba yabby
2. yac_a: yacca yacka
2. yack_: yacka yacks
2. yag_s: yages yagis
2. yage_: yager yages
2. yam_n: yamen yamun
2. yan_s: yangs yanks
2. yapo_: yapok yapon
2. yapp_: yapps yappy
2. yar_a: yarfa yarta
2. yar_o: yarco yarto
2. yart_: yarta yarto
2. yau_s: yauds yaups
2. yaw_y: yawey yawny
2. yawe_: yawed yawey
2. yawn_: yawns yawny
2. ycl_d: yclad ycled
2. ydr_d: ydrad ydred
2. ye_en: yeven yewen
2. ye_hs: yeahs yechs
2. year_: yeard years
2. yech_: yechs yechy
2. yent_: yenta yente
2. yer_s: yerds yerks
2. yest_: yests yesty
2. yet_s: yetis yetts
2. yeuk_: yeuks yeuky
2. yeve_: yeven yeves
2. yexe_: yexed yexes
2. yike_: yiked yikes
2. yo_ed: yoked yowed
2. yo_el: yodel yokel
2. yo_hs: yodhs yoghs
2. yo_ic: yogic yonic
2. yo_is: yogis yonis
2. yobb_: yobbo yobby
2. yok_l: yokel yokul
2. yolk_: yolks yolky
2. yon_s: yonis yonks
2. yoni_: yonic yonis
2. yoo_s: yoofs yoops
2. you_s: youks yours
2. yow_s: yowes yowls
2. yowe_: yowed yowes
2. yu_as: yucas yugas
2. yu_es: yukes yules
2. yu_ky: yucky yukky
2. yu_ts: yufts yurts
2. yuc_s: yucas yucks
2. yucc_: yucca yucch
2. yuk_s: yukes yukos
2. yuke_: yuked yukes
2. yumm_: yummo yummy
2. yurt_: yurta yurts
2. z_bus: zebus zobus
2. z_mbi: zimbi zombi
2. z_nes: zines zones
2. z_oty: zloty zooty
2. z_ppa: zoppa zuppa
2. z_ppo: zippo zoppo
2. z_ppy: zappy zippy
2. z_rfs: zarfs zurfs
2. z_ris: zaris zoris
2. z_tis: zatis zitis
2. z_xes: zaxes zexes
2. za_is: zaris zatis
2. zaid_: zaida zaidy
2. zan_a: zanja zanza
2. zan_e: zante zanze
2. zanz_: zanza zanze
2. zar_s: zarfs zaris
2. ze_as: zedas zetas
2. ze_es: zexes zezes
2. zebu_: zebub zebus
2. zer_s: zerks zeros
2. zil_s: zilas zills
2. zill_: zilla zills
2. zimb_: zimbi zimbs
2. zine_: zineb zines
2. zing_: zings zingy
2. zink_: zinke zinky
2. zipp_: zippo zippy
2. zlot_: zlote zloty
2. zo_ae: zoeae zonae
2. zo_ea: zoaea zooea
2. zob_s: zobos zobus
2. zois_: zoism zoist
2. zon_s: zones zonks
2. zoo_y: zooey zooty
2. zooe_: zooea zooey
2. zopp_: zoppa zoppo
2. zori_: zoril zoris
2. zow_e: zowee zowie
2. zupa_: zupan zupas
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