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Created October 15, 2020 02:09
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Dares via circa 2018 to 2019
"Take your characters to the beach.",
"Injure one of your characters.",
"Turn up the heat: set something on fire!",
"Give your character a puppy.",
"Your main character\u2019s parents drop by unexpectedly.",
"Force a character to eat their least favorite food.",
"Incorporate a random heat wave or cold snap.",
"Your main character receives a mysterious letter.",
"Someone spills food/liquid/blood all over a character.",
"Someone gets a surprise visit... from beyond the grave.",
"Have a character tell a joke! Right now! No matter how inappropriate the moment is!",
"Your characters have to take care of an infant for a day.",
"Your characters get terribly, horribly lost.",
"Give your main character a new hobby.",
"Throw your characters a party.",
"Give a character a very important errand to run.",
"Write in a dream sequence.",
"Give your character a sudden thirst.",
"Reveal a horrible secret.",
"Change the weather!",
"Your character finds a sack of money.",
"Include the object directly to your left in the next scene.\t",
"Your characters break out into song!",
"Write yourself in as a very minor character.",
"Introduce a talking animal.",
"Give a character a haunting debt to pay.",
"Make a minor character crucial to the plot.",
"Reduce a character to tears with a single word.",
"Introduce a doppelg\u00e4nger.",
"Switch points of view for an entire chapter.",
"Make a character run into the last person they want to see.",
"Blow something up!",
"Your side characters decide your main character needs a makeover.",
"Trick your main character into believing something that isn't true.",
"Make a character have an allergic reaction to something. ",
"Include a llama that becomes a pivotal part of your next chapter.",
"Kill off your favorite secondary character.",
"Add a dangerous chase scene.",
"Your characters' lives are now a Broadway musical!",
"A character knows they're in a novel and constantly breaks the fourth wall.",
"Make something happen that the reader would never expect. ",
"Invent a popular social networking site.",
"Have your antagonist develop a killer sweet tooth.",
"Make your protagonist meet up with a herd of unicorns.",
"Have one character have a sudden personality switch with another.",
"Your character finds an animal that does not belong in their part of the world.",
"Introduce a character that your protagonist is destined to marry.",
"Make a character burst into tears for no apparent reason.",
"Have someone eat poisoned food.",
"Take something small you wrote in an earlier chapter and make it really significant.",
"Give your protagonist a nice glass of chocolate milk.",
"Have your protagonist give in to fear and flee.",
"Put your characters 1,000 years back in time.",
"Make your protagonist fall in love with two people at once.",
"Create a human character based on your pet.",
"Write an entire chapter that revolves around an old sandwich.",
"Include a dog who steals underwear.",
"Have a character receive a mysterious letter.",
"Give one of your characters amnesia.",
"Have your characters play truth or dare.",
"Have your main character read a book you love.",
"Your main character meets the supporting character in a freak accident.",
"Write in a character who is constantly quoting books or movies.",
"Include a character who always giggles at inappropriate times.",
"Include a fortune cookie with a peculiar fortune.",
"Give one of your characters a long-lost sibling.",
"Give a minor character a backstory.",
"Surprise! Your protagonist finds out that they are related to their arch enemy.",
"Name a character after a fruit or a vegetable.",
"Make your main character spend an hour untangling electronics cords.",
"Your main character wakes up with a craving for cheesecake.",
"Have your protagonist spend a few hours home alone.",
"For the next chapter, write exactly the opposite of what your character would do.",
"Have an unexpected guest come calling.",
"Have someone play a prank.",
"Have your antagonist meet up with your protagonist in a bakery.",
"Have one character betray another.",
"Have a character embarrass themselves in public. ",
"Use as many puns as you can think of in your next chapter. ",
"Give your characters nicknames.",
"End the next chapter with a literal cliffhanger.",
"Add a conspiracy to your plot.",
"Create an evil twin for one of your characters.",
"Have a character break something that doesn't belong to them.",
"Write a scene that takes place in a house of mirrors.",
"Write a scene where your main character confesses their deepest secret.",
"Have your characters disappear one by one.",
"Create a scene in which your character goes through the extremely tedious process of cutting a pineapple.",
"Make one of your characters recite a love ballad.",
"Write a scene set in complete darkness.",
"Include a character from a previous novel.",
"Have a character lose something incredibly important. ",
"Give a minor character a monologue.",
"Have a character go on a rant about the good old days. ",
"Write a scene in the future tense.",
"Have your character spend a rainy day inside. ",
"Your character shows up unprepared for an important event.",
"Your characters spend a chapter searching for someone who has wandered off.",
"Have a character get arrested for an absurd crime.",
"Foreshadow a later event.",
"Give your character some unexpected good news.",
"Make your character leave the country.",
"Have your characters attend a concert.",
"Spontaneous dance party!",
"Include a descriptive scene where a character makes a sandwich.",
"Give your main character doubts about his or her mission.",
"Include someone speaking a foreign language in your next chapter.",
"Add a scene where a character runs into a childhood friend.",
"Include as many similes as possible in your next chapter.",
"Include real dialogue that you overhear in a public place.",
"Include a flashback in your next chapter.",
"Bring back a minor character from earlier in your novel.",
"Make your characters play a board game.",
"Add a character who almost never speaks the truth. ",
"Add a scene where a character stumbles into a secret room.",
"Give a character a sudden obsession for an entire chapter.",
"Have a non-important character say the most memorable quote you can think of.",
"Have your main character consult his or her mother for advice.",
"Kill off a character.",
"Include a very long to-do list.",
"Back up your novel in at least two places.",
"Make one of your characters fall in love with the antagonist.",
"Give a character a lucky object.",
"Make one of your characters believe in a conspiracy theory.",
"Send your characters to the worst party ever.",
"Write a scene you never thought you'd write.",
"Make one of your characters really moody.",
"Write horoscopes for your characters.",
"Incorporate the title of your novel into a line of dialogue.",
"Turn one of your good characters evil.",
"Turn one of your evil characters good.",
"Invent a new word and incorporate it into your novel.",
"Your current setting is now haunted!",
"Give your main character a unique quirk or habit.",
"Give a character a new addiction.",
"Send your characters 100 years into the future.",
"Incorporate the object directly to your right.",
"Have someone propose to your main character.",
"Change the occupation of a character.",
"Have your characters meet someone very important on a train.",
"It\u2019s your protagonist\u2019s birthday!",
"Incorporate your favorite book, movie, or video game.",
"Give a character or location a crazy, unpronounceable name.",
"Your character discovers a time capsule.",
"Write the next chapter in a different genre.",
"Incorporate a literal plot bunny into your novel."
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