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Debian Binary Package Building HOWTO by Chr. Clemens Lee

Debian Binary Package Building HOWTO

This mini-HOWTO shows how to build a minimal Debian .deb package.

Chr. Clemens Lee

Revision History

Revision 5.0 2014-05-01 (penguinpowernz)

  • formatted into markdown
  • fixed a few typos
  • added some more headings to the TOC

Revision 4.0 2005-08-09 (ccl)

  • updated email address and added link to Turkish translation by Oguz Yarimtepe

Revision 3.0 2003-12-19 (ccl)

  • fixed two typos reported by Claudio Cattazzo

Revision 2.0 2003-12-13 (ccl)

  • applying Frank Lichtenheld's feedback

Revision 1.0 2003-11-08 (ccl)

  • first version

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Resources on the Web
  3. Getting Started
  4. Package Structure
  5. debian-binary
  6. data.tar.gz
  7. control.tar.gz
  8. Hands On
  9. control
  10. dpkg-deb
  11. Double Check
  12. lintian
  13. Minimal Documentation
  14. fakeroot
  15. More Documentation
  16. Summary
  17. Prerequisite files
  18. Setup temporary debian directories
  19. Copy files into temporary debian tree
  20. Build and check binary Debian package
  21. What Else
  22. Credits
  23. Links

1. Introduction

The intended use of such a newly created archive is to install it only on your own box, not to get them into the official Debian distribution. To follow the 'official' process, please study the Debian New Maintainers' Guide.

Normal Debian packages get a proper source package, including a debian/ rules file which automates the steps involved in creating the binary package. Here we just show how to package a simple shell script or binary executable into a small binary package.

BTW, I assume you know how to use tar, man, and what a .tar.gz file and Debian is (and how to use an editor ;-), but I assume you have never touched programs like ar or dpkg.

1.1. Resources on the Web

The Debian Reference gives an excellent overview as well as detailed information for everything Debian specific.

The official document for creating your own Debian packages is the Debian New Maintainers' Guide.

2. Getting Started

From the Debian Reference 2.2.2 2002-11-30:

The internals of this Debian binary package format are described in the deb(5) manual page. Because this internal format is subject to change (between major releases of Debian), always use dpkg-deb(8) for manipulating .deb files.

From the dpkg-deb man page:

dpkg-deb packs, unpacks and provides information about Debian archives. .deb files can also be manipulated with ar and tar alone if necessary. Use dpkg to install and remove packages from your system.

You might find lots of example .deb files in directory /var/cache/apt/archives/. With dpkg-deb -I somepackage.deb you might get a general overview of what this package offers in particular. dpkg-deb -c somepackage.deb lists all files which will be installed.

List content of the .deb file with ar tv somepackage.deb. Use the x option to extract the files.

3. Package Structure

Let's examine one example package a little bit closer. E.g. file parted_1.4.24-4_i386.deb contains these three files:

$ ar tv parted_1.4.24-4_i386.deb                                             
rw-r--r-- 0/0      4 Mar 28 13:46 2002 debian-binary                         
rw-r--r-- 0/0   1386 Mar 28 13:46 2002 control.tar.gz                        
rw-r--r-- 0/0  39772 Mar 28 13:46 2002 data.tar.gz                           

Now we can start to extract all files including the content of the tar files.

3.1. debian-binary

The content of this file is 2.0\n. This states the version of the deb file format. For 2.0 all other lines get ignored.

3.2. data.tar.gz

The data.tar.gz file contains all the files that will be installed with their destination paths:

drwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2002-03-28 13:44:57 ./                                         
drwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2002-03-28 13:44:49 ./sbin/                                    
-rwxr-xr-x root/root     31656 2002-03-28 13:44:49 ./sbin/parted                              
drwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2002-03-28 13:44:38 ./usr/                                     
drwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2002-03-28 13:44:41 ./usr/share/                               
drwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2002-03-28 13:44:38 ./usr/share/man/                           
drwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2002-03-28 13:44:52 ./usr/share/man/man8/                      
-rw-r--r-- root/root      1608 2002-03-28 13:44:37 ./usr/share/man/man8/parted.8.gz           
drwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2002-03-28 13:44:41 ./usr/share/doc/                           
drwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2002-03-28 13:44:52 ./usr/share/doc/parted/                    
-rw-r--r-- root/root      1880 2002-03-07 14:20:08 ./usr/share/doc/parted/README.Debian       
-rw-r--r-- root/root      1347 2002-02-27 01:40:50 ./usr/share/doc/parted/copyright           
-rw-r--r-- root/root      6444 2002-03-28 13:37:33 ./usr/share/doc/parted/changelog.Debian.gz 
-rw-r--r-- root/root     15523 2002-03-28 02:36:43 ./usr/share/doc/parted/changelog.gz        

It must be the last file in the deb archive.

3.3. control.tar.gz

In our example this file has the following content:

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1336 Mar 28  2002 control              
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          388 Mar 28  2002 md5sums              
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          253 Mar 28  2002 postinst             
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          194 Mar 28  2002 prerm                

md5sums contains for each file in data.tar.gz the md5sum. In our example the content looks like this:

1d15dcfb6bb23751f76a2b7b844d3c57  sbin/parted                                
4eb9cc2e192f1b997cf13ff0b921af74  usr/share/man/man8/parted.8.gz             
2f356768104a09092e26a6abb012c95e  usr/share/doc/parted/README.Debian         
a6259bd193f8f150c171c88df2158e3e  usr/share/doc/parted/copyright             
7f8078127a689d647586420184fc3953  usr/share/doc/parted/changelog.Debian.gz   
98f217a3bf8a7407d66fd6ac8c5589b7  usr/share/doc/parted/changelog.gz          

Don't worry, the md5sums file as well as the postinst and prerm files are not mandatory for your first package. But please take a note of their existence, every proper official Debian package has them for good reasons.

prerm and postinst seem to take care of removing old documentation files and adding a link from doc to share/doc.

$ cat postinst                                                                 
set -e                                                                         
# Automatically added by dh_installdocs                                        
if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then                                                
  if [ -d /usr/doc -a ! -e /usr/doc/parted -a -d /usr/share/doc/parted ]; then 
    ln -sf ../share/doc/parted /usr/doc/parted                                 
# End automatically added section                                              
$ cat prerm                                                                    
set -e                                                                         
# Automatically added by dh_installdocs                                        
if [ \( "$1" = "upgrade" -o "$1" = "remove" \) -a -L /usr/doc/parted ]; then   
  rm -f /usr/doc/parted                                                        
# End automatically added section                                              

And finally the most interesting file:

$ cat control                                                                
Package: parted                                                              
Version: 1.4.24-4                                                            
Section: admin                                                               
Priority: optional                                                           
Architecture: i386                                                           
Depends: e2fsprogs (>= 1.27-2), libc6 (>= 2.2.4-4), libncurses5 (>= \        
5.2.20020112a-1), libparted1.4 (>= 1.4.13+14pre1), libreadline4 (>= \        
4.2a-4), libuuid1                                                            
Suggests: parted-doc                                                         
Conflicts: fsresize                                                          
Replaces: fsresize                                                           
Installed-Size: 76                                                           
Maintainer: Timshel Knoll <>                               
Description: The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program                  
 GNU Parted is a program that allows you to create, destroy,                 
 resize, move and copy hard disk partitions. This is useful                  
 for creating space for new operating systems, reorganizing                  
 disk usage, and copying data to new hard disks.                             
 This package contains the Parted binary and manual page.                    
 Parted currently supports DOS, Mac, Sun, BSD, GPT and PC98                  
 disklabels/partition tables, as well as a 'loop' (raw disk)                 
 type which allows use on RAID/LVM. Filesystems supported are                
 ext2, ext3, FAT (FAT16 and FAT32) and linux-swap. Parted can                
 also detect HFS (Mac OS), JFS, NTFS, ReiserFS, UFS and XFS                  
 filesystems, but cannot create/remove/resize/check these                    
 filesystems yet.                                                            
 The nature of this software means that any bugs could cause                 
 massive data loss. While there are no known bugs at the moment,             
 they could exist, so please back up all important files before              
 running it, and do so at your own risk.                                     

Further information about the control file can be obtained via man 5 deb-control.

4. Hands On

Now it is time to get practical ourselves. I have a simple shell script named linuxstatus which I want to install as /usr/bin/linuxstatus. So first let's create a directory named debian next to the file linuxstatus.

$ mkdir -p ./debian/usr/bin                                                  
$ cp linuxstatus ./debian/usr/bin                                            

4.1. control

Let's start with the control file. The version number must have a dash with an additional Debian package version number, e.g. 1.1-1. If your program consists e.g. only of portable shell scripts, use all as its Architecture.

For Depends you might need to find out to which package a certain file or program your new package relies onto belongs to. You can use dpkg -S <file> for this to find this out, e.g.:

$ dkpg -S /bin/cat                                                           
coreutils: /bin/cat                                                          

Then to find out more about package coreutils you can use the command apt-cache showpkg coreutils, which will tell you among other things the current version number that is installed on the system.

As a side note, there are two more ways to find the same information. There is a web page where you can search for Debian files: []( distrib/packages). Go to the bottom of that page to fill out the web form.

Last not least there is a nice GUI application named kpackage, which provides convenient package browsing options and also allows to search after packages given individual file names.

Suggests, Conflicts, and Replaces etc. can be left out if not needed.

So here is the result of our first control file:

Package: linuxstatus                                                         
Version: 1.1-1                                                               
Section: base                                                                
Priority: optional                                                           
Architecture: all                                                            
Depends: bash (>= 2.05a-11), textutils (>= 2.0-12), awk, procps (>= \        
1:2.0.7-8), sed (>= 3.02-8), grep (>= 2.4.2-3), coreutils (>= 5.0-5)         
Maintainer: Chr. Clemens Lee <>                              
Description: Linux system information                                        
 This script provides a broad overview of different                          
 system aspects.                                                             

The control file gets copied into a directory called DEBIAN inside the other debian directory.

$ mkdir -p debian/DEBIAN                                                                          
$ find ./debian -type d | xargs chmod 755   # this is necessary on Debian Woody, don't ask me why 
$ cp control debian/DEBIAN                                                                        

If you expect your package to have a bigger audience in the future it might help to read this: Writing Debian package descriptions article.

4.2. dpkg-deb

Now it is almost done. Just type:

$ dpkg-deb --build debian                                                    
dpkg-deb: building package `linuxstatus' in `debian.deb'.                    
$ mv debian.deb linuxstatus_1.1-1_all.deb                                    

Uh, that was all easier than expected. Now we just have to install this package on our box and we are done:

root# dpkg -i ./linuxstatus_1.1-1_all.deb                                    

Type linuxstatus or ls -l /usr/bin/linuxstatus to see if it worked. If you don't like your package any more, just type dpkg -r linuxstatus and check again that the package is deinstalled. If you install a newer version you don't have to remove the old one first, thought.

If you are curious about the version numbering scheme and naming conventions for a Debian package, have a read at [this section]( manuals/reference/ch-system.en.html#s-pkgname) in The Debian Reference.

5. Double Check

Now that you have gotten a first impression and build your own binary package, it is time to get a little bit more serious and have a look at the quality of the package that we have produced.

5.1. lintian

Luckily for us the Debian project provides a lint like tool for checking Debian packages. This tool is named lintian. If you have not installed it yet on your system, this is a good moment (apt-get install lintian).

Now we use this little treasure tool on our new package file:

$ lintian linuxstatus_1.1-1_all.deb                                          
E: linuxstatus: binary-without-manpage linuxstatus                           
E: linuxstatus: no-copyright-file                                            
W: linuxstatus: prerm-does-not-remove-usr-doc-link                           
W: linuxstatus: postinst-does-not-set-usr-doc-link                           

Uh, doesn't look so perfect. We miss a man page, copyright file, and also those prerm and postinst scripts.

5.2. Minimal Documentation

This is not the place to say much about writing and creating man pages, there are many books that have one or another chapter related to this topic and there is also The Linux MAN-PAGE-HOWTO online. So lets do a little time warp and assume you have now a perfect man page for your script at location ./man/man1/linuxstatus.1.

The same for a copyright file. You can find enough examples under the /usr/share/doc directory with this command: find /usr/share/doc -name "copyright"

So here is our own example of a 'copyright' file:

Copyright: Chr. Clemens Lee <>                               
The home page of linuxstatus is at:                                                       
The entire code base may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General   
Public License (GPL), which appears immediately below.  Alternatively, all   
of the source code as any code derived from that code may instead be         
distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), at the       
choice of the distributor. The complete text of the LGPL appears at the      
bottom of this file.                                                         
See /usr/share/common-licenses/(GPL|LGPL)                                    

For the prerm and postinst scripts we copy one to one the postinst examples from the parted package above into files with the same name in our own project directory. These files should work for us just as well.

Now we create the debian package again. In the control file we first increase the version number from 1.1-1 to 1.2-1 (since we have written a new man page we increase our internal release number). We also need to copy the new files to their appropriate places:

$ mkdir -p ./debian/usr/share/man/man1                                       
$ mkdir -p ./debian/usr/share/doc/linuxstatus                                
$ find ./debian -type d | xargs chmod 755                                    
$ cp ./man/man1/linuxstatus.1 ./debian/usr/share/man/man1                    
$ cp ./copyright ./debian/usr/share/doc/linuxstatus                          
$ cp ./prerm ./postinst ./debian/DEBIAN                                      
$ gzip --best ./debian/usr/share/man/man1/linuxstatus.1                      
$ dpkg-deb --build debian                                                    
dpkg-deb: building package `linuxstatus' in `debian.deb'.                    
$ mv debian.deb linuxstatus_1.2-1_all.deb                                    

Gzip is necessary because lintian expects man page files to be compressed as small as possible.

5.3. fakeroot

Now lets see if our package has become a better Debian citizen:

$ lintian linuxstatus_1.2-1_all.deb                                                                     
E: linuxstatus: control-file-has-bad-owner prerm clemens/clemens != root/root                           
E: linuxstatus: control-file-has-bad-owner postinst clemens/clemens != root/root                        
E: linuxstatus: bad-owner-for-doc-file usr/share/doc/linuxstatus/ clemens/clemens != root/root          
E: linuxstatus: bad-owner-for-doc-file usr/share/doc/linuxstatus/copyright clemens/clemens != root/root 
E: linuxstatus: debian-changelog-file-missing                                                           

Ups, new complains. OK, we will not give up. Actually most errors seem to be the same problem. Our files are all packaged for user and group clemens, while I assume most people would prefer having them installed as root/root. But this is easily fixed using the tool fakeroot. So lets fix and check this quickly (while ignoring the changelog issue):

$ fakeroot dpkg-deb --build debian                                           
dpkg-deb: building package `linuxstatus' in `debian.deb'.                    
$ mv debian.deb linuxstatus_1.2-1_all.deb                                    
$ lintian linuxstatus_1.2-1_all.deb                                          
E: linuxstatus: debian-changelog-file-missing                                

Fine, but we have yet another file to add to the package.

5.4. More Documentation

Let me tell you already that next to a changelog file in the doc/linuxstatus directory a changelog.Debian file is also required. Both should be gzipped as well.

Here are two example files, changelog:

linuxstatus (1.2-1)                                                          
  * Made Debian package lintian clean.                                       
 -- Chr. Clemens Lee <>  2002-12-13                          

and changelog.Debian:

linuxstatus Debian maintainer and upstream author are identical.             
Therefore see also normal changelog file for Debian changes.                 

The Debian Policy file has more details regarding the format of the changelog file.

Now hopefully our last step will be:

$ cp ./changelog ./changelog.Debian ./debian/usr/share/doc/linuxstatus       
$ gzip --best ./debian/usr/share/doc/linuxstatus/changelog                   
$ gzip --best ./debian/usr/share/doc/linuxstatus/changelog.Debian            
$ fakeroot dpkg-deb --build ./debian                                         
dpkg-deb: building package `linuxstatus' in `debian.deb'.                    
$ mv debian.deb linuxstatus_1.2-1_all.deb                                    
$ lintian linuxstatus_1.2-1_all.deb                                          

Ah, we get no more complains :-). As root you can install now this package over the old one, again with the standard dpkg -i command:

root# dpkg -i ./linuxstatus_1.2-1_all.deb                                    
(Reading database ... 97124 files and directories currently installed.)      
Preparing to replace linuxstatus 1.1-1 (using linuxstatus_1.2-1_all.deb) ... 
Unpacking replacement linuxstatus ...                                        
Setting up linuxstatus (1.2-1) ...                                           

6. Summary

Not to get confused, let us recapture all steps we have taken to build our binary Debian package.

6.1 Prerequisite files

  1. one or more binary executable or shell script files
  2. a man page for each executable file
  3. a control file
  4. a copyright file
  5. a changelog and changelog.Debian file

6.2 Setup temporary debian directories

  1. create debian/usr/bin directory (or wherever you plan to place your executable files)
  2. create debian/usr/share/man/man1 (or whatever section your man page belongs into)
  3. create debian/DEBIAN directory
  4. create debian/usr/share/doc/<package_name>
  5. make sure all sub directories of 'debian' have file permission 0755

6.3 Copy files into temporary debian tree

  1. copy executable file into debian/usr/bin directory (or wherever you plan to place your executable files)
  2. copy man page file into debian/usr/share/man/man1 directory
  3. copy control file into debian/DEBIAN directory
  4. copy copyright, changelog, and changelog.Debian files into debian/ usr/share/doc/<package_name>
  5. gzip man page, copyright, changelog, and changelog.Debian files with option --best inside the temporary debian tree

6.4 Build and check binary Debian package

  1. invoke dpkg-deb --build using fakeroot on the debian directory
  2. rename resulting debian.deb file to its final package name including version and architecture information
  3. check resulting .deb package file for Debian policy compliance using lintian

7. What Else

There are many details which have not been covered here, like how to distribute Unix daemons, configuration files and much more.

But most important, I want to emphasize again that for Debian maintainers, packages are source packages, not binary packages. They never interact directly with the internals binary packages. In fact only dpkg-deb and dpkg developers need to know what they are. In fact it is not recommended to do so.

If a developer were to explain someone how to build a Debian package, he will certainly explain how to make a source package and how to build it.

On the other hand, not every developer wants to submit his software to Debian (yet), but still wants to profit from the advantages a packaging system like dpkg offers without releasing package source code. Personally I will release my freeware projects still as tar.gz files with source code etc. for all kind of platforms, while I plan to offer more and more .deb packages for the convenience of Debian users who just want to install and use my software.

If someone wants to do the next step to submit a software package to Debian, you have to move on to study the Debian New Maintainers' Guide as well as the Debian Policy Manual first. On your undertaking to create a Debian source package, also have a look at the debian-mentors mailing list to see experienced and beginning Debian developers interacting with each other and tackling similar problem you might encounter.

8. Credits

Thanks to

  • Colin Watson for contributing a sentence in the abstract and giving feedback regarding structure, focus and title of this HowTo,
  • Bill Allombert for contributing a sentence in the 'What Else' section and giving feedback reinforcing what Colin had said as well,
  • Santiago Vila for pointing out that 'md' is a local alias and the (Unix) world has standardized on mkdir,
  • Tabatha Marshall from the TLDP project for general support,
  • Joey Hess, Carlo Perassi, and Joe Riel for minor corrections,
  • Claudio Cattazzo for conversion of my private xml document to standard docbook format together which resulted also in a number of minor corrections and improvements (2003-10-04),
  • Frank Lichtenheld for finding errors introduced when the HTML pages get generated and for suggesting to use dpkg -S <file> when looking for a package containing a certain file (2003-12-13),
  • Hugh Hartmann for translating [this HOWTO to Italian]( Debian-Binary-Package-Building-HOWTO/index.html) and Claudio Cattazzo for revising the translation (2003-12-13), and
  • Oguz Yarimtepe for translating this HOWTO to Turkish (2005-08-09).

9. Links

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