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Created May 1, 2010 23:53
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# - download comic from
# example: ./ 580-582
# this will fetch 海賊王 from vol.580 to vol.582
use File::Basename;
if ( ! $ARGV[0] ) {
print "Usage: $0 <URL> [<VOL>]\n";
} else {
$filename = "log/".basename($ARGV[0]);
if (! -e $filename) {
mkdir 'log';
system "wget $ARGV[0] -P log";
system "piconv -f big5 -t utf8 < $filename > $filename.utf8";
open(F, "$filename".'.utf8') or die "$!\n";
while(<F>) {
$itemid = $1 if /var itemid=(\d+);/;
$codes = $1 if /var codes="(.*)"/;
$name = $1 if /:\[ (.*?) <font/;
for (split(/\|/, $codes)) {
$codes{$1} = $2 if /(\d+?) (.*)/;
$last = $1;
($ARGV[1]) ? &grab_vol($ARGV[1]) : &grab_vol($last);
sub grab_vol() {
my $vol_input = $_[0];
my $dest = "$name/$vol_input";
system "mkdir -p $dest" if ! -e $dest;
# "codes" pattern:
# num sid did page_number random_word
# example:
# 582 2 3 19 kccmrn2qhcnt7x8w76ncwbap939vg72a24ywwnmc
if ($vol_input =~ /-/) { ($a, $b) = (split/-/,$vol_input); } # download series
else { $a = $b = $vol_input; } # download single volume
for ($a..$b) {
$vol = $_;
if ($codes{$vol}) {
print "Grab $name volume number: $vol\n";
($sid, $did, $page, $code) = (split/ /, $codes{$vol});
# URL pattern:
# "http://img"+sid+""+did+"/"+itemid+"/"+num+"/"+img+".jpg"
# example:
for (1..$page) {
$img = sprintf("%.3d", $_);
$n = (($_-1)/10)%10+((($_-1)%10)*3);
$rand = substr($code, $n, 3);
$url = "http://img".$sid."$did/$itemid/$vol/$img".'_'.$rand.".jpg";
system "wget $url --refer $ARGV[0] -O $dest/$vol-$img.jpg";
} else { print "No such volume\n"; }
system "zip -j $name/$name-$ $name/$vol_input/*; rm -rf $name/$vol_input"
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