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Created June 18, 2018 18:56
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Bluetooth scanning
# Huge thanks to:
# This script scans the area looking for a list of devices with known Bluetooth
# MAC addresses. Once seen, a notification is immediately sent to the Bomba
# system. After that an occasional scan occurs to see if the device is still
# in the area, notifying when it is "missing" then again several minutes later
# when it still hasn't been seen and is certainly "gone".
import fcntl
import struct
import array
import bluetooth
import bluetooth._bluetooth as bt
import time
import os
import datetime
def bluetooth_rssi(addr):
# Open hci socket
hci_sock = bt.hci_open_dev()
hci_fd = hci_sock.fileno()
# Connect to device (to whatever you like)
# Original timeout was 10 seconds. For some reason at 5 seconds
# or less it goes wonky with non-present BT MACs
bt_sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.L2CAP)
result = bt_sock.connect_ex((addr, 1)) # PSM 1 - Service Discovery
if result != 0:
return -255 # failed to connect before timeout
# Get ConnInfo
reqstr = struct.pack("6sB17s", bt.str2ba(addr), bt.ACL_LINK, "\0" * 17)
request = array.array("c", reqstr )
handle = fcntl.ioctl(hci_fd, bt.HCIGETCONNINFO, request, 1)
handle = struct.unpack("8xH14x", request.tostring())[0]
# Get RSSI
cmd_pkt=struct.pack('H', handle)
rssi = bt.hci_send_req(hci_sock, bt.OGF_STATUS_PARAM,
bt.OCF_READ_RSSI, bt.EVT_CMD_COMPLETE, 4, cmd_pkt)
rssi = struct.unpack('b', rssi[3])[0]
# Close sockets
return rssi
return -255
# This writes a file safely without worry of access
def AtomicWrite(path, text):
tmppath = path + ".tmp"
output = open(tmppath, "w")
os.rename(tmppath, path) # atomic action
while True:
mtime = 0
if os.path.isfile("/media/ramdisk/user_MAC_IDs.txt"):
mtime = os.path.getmtime("/media/ramdisk/user_MAC_IDs.txt")
with open("/media/ramdisk/user_MAC_IDs.txt", "r") as f:
newMACs =
newInArea = []
newLastSeenInArea = []
newRssi = []
# Initialize the data structures for each MAC address.
# Initially set all to far away
for MAC in newMACs:
iOldMAC = MACs.index(MAC) # this will cause exception if not found
# not found in existing data structure, so add with initial values
MACs = newMACs
inArea = newInArea
rssi = newRssi
lastSeenInArea = newLastSeenInArea
while True:
if os.path.isfile("/media/ramdisk/user_MAC_IDs.txt") and mtime != os.path.getmtime("/media/ramdisk/user_MAC_IDs.txt"):
print "Reloading MACs..."
break # break out of the loop to load/rebuild the structures
print "Scanning..."
seen = [] # MAC is visible
missing = [] # MAC hasn't been seen in a bit
gone = [] # MAC hasn't been seen for a long time
for MAC in MACs:
idx = MACs.index(MAC)
# once seen, no need to rescan for device more than once
# a minute.
if inArea[idx] and time.time() - abs(lastSeenInArea[idx]) < 60:
# read new value
rssi[idx] = bluetooth_rssi(MAC)
# RSSI values have a high of zero and go down from there. I.e.
# higher is stronger.
# 0 is almost certainly in the same room
# Single digits (e.g. -5) is probably the same room, but I saw 0 to -6 from the room above (thru wood floors)
# -10 to -19 could be same room or adjacent room (thru plaster walls)
# -20 to -30 is probably in the house, but a distant room
# -30 to -150 is very distant in the house
# -255 is not seen at all (away from the house)
# Values will certainly fluctuate even if the phone doesn't move. For
# example, here are three subsequent readings from a CSR 4.0 module
# without moving the phone:
# Same room: 0 0 0
# Room above: -3 -4 -1
# Near room (plaster, stairs): -255 -19 -25
# Near room (drywall, open door): -1 -6 -11
# Near room (2 drywalls): -16 -11 -6
# Distant room: -25 -22 -26
# Very distant room: -255 -27 -255
strength = rssi[idx]
print "Scan: [",idx,"]",MAC," strength=",strength
if strength > -100:
if not inArea[idx]:
inArea[idx] = True
lastSeenInArea[idx] = time.time()
seen.append(MAC + " " + str(strength))
# if not seen for 60 seconds, consider missing
if inArea[idx] and lastSeenInArea[idx] > 0 and time.time() - lastSeenInArea[idx] >= 60:
# negative time indicates that we've issued a 'missing' notice already
lastSeenInArea[idx] = -lastSeenInArea[idx]
print, "left the area: ", MAC
# if not seen for 5 minutes, consider gone
if inArea[idx] and time.time() - abs(lastSeenInArea[idx]) >= 5*60:
inArea[idx] = False
# lastSeenInArea[idx] = 0
print, "left the area: ", MAC
if seen:
print "=== Seen: ",seen
with open("/media/ramdisk/ipc/seen_bluetooth", "w") as f:
if missing:
print "=== Missing: ",missing
with open("/media/ramdisk/ipc/missing_bluetooth", "w") as f:
if gone:
print "=== Has left: ",gone
with open("/media/ramdisk/ipc/depart_bluetooth", "w") as f:
time.sleep(1) # prevent rapid spinning if no MAC IDs
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