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Created August 19, 2016 20:34
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module type CALC = sig
type stack
val display_stack: (stack -> string)
val evaluate: (string -> string)
module Calc : CALC = struct
open Core.Std
open Num
exception Invalid_token
exception Stack_underflow
type token = string
type stack = num list
type oper = stack -> stack
type binary = (num -> num -> num)
type unary = (num -> num)
type atom = | Value of num
| Oper of oper
let string_of_num n = (float_of_num n) |> sprintf "%.*f" 10
let oper_of_binary (f: binary): oper =
fun stk -> match stk with
| x :: y :: xs -> (f y x) :: xs
| _ -> raise Stack_underflow
let oper_of_unary (f: unary): oper =
fun stk -> match stk with
| x :: xs -> (f x) :: xs
| _ -> raise Stack_underflow
let num_of_token (tkn: token): num =
match (String.split_on_chars ~on:['.'] tkn) with
| [whole] -> num_of_string whole
| [whole; part] ->
let whole_num = num_of_string whole in
let numer = num_of_string part in
let denom = Int.pow 10 (String.length part) |> num_of_int in
whole_num +/ (numer // denom)
| _ -> raise Invalid_token
let token_to_atom: (token -> atom) = function
| "+" -> Oper (oper_of_binary add_num)
| "-" -> Oper (oper_of_binary sub_num)
| "*" -> Oper (oper_of_binary mult_num)
| "/" -> Oper (oper_of_binary div_num)
| "abs" -> Oper (oper_of_unary abs_num)
| "mod" -> Oper (oper_of_binary mod_num)
| tkn -> Value (num_of_token tkn)
let eval (stk: stack) (atm: atom): stack =
match atm with
| Oper (fn) -> (fn stk)
| Value (v) -> (v :: stk)
let display_stack (stk: stack): string =
let rec loop reg stk str =
match (reg, stk) with
| ([], _) | (_, []) -> str
| (r::rs, s::ss) ->
let v = string_of_num s in
loop rs ss (str ^ r ^ v) in
loop ["X: ";"; Y: ";"; Z: ";"; T: "] stk ""
let calculate (atoms: atom list): stack =
List.fold ~init:[] ~f:eval atoms
let evaluate (line: string): string =
|> String.split_on_chars ~on:[' ']
|> ~f:token_to_atom
|> calculate
|> display_stack
with exc -> Exn.to_string exc
let _ =
while true do
let line = read_line () in
if String.length line > 0
then Calc.evaluate line |> Core.Std.printf "%s\n"
else raise End_of_file
End_of_file -> ()
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