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Created December 27, 2015 09:27
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Estimates the minimum, maximum, and average number of turns in a game of Chutes and Ladders.
object Chutes {
val adjust = Map(
1 -> 38, 4 -> 14, 9 -> 31, 16 -> 6, 21 -> 42, 28 -> 84, 36 -> 44,
48 -> 26, 49 -> 11, 51 -> 67, 56 -> 53, 62 -> 19, 64 -> 60, 71 -> 91,
80 -> 100, 87 -> 24, 93 -> 73, 95 -> 75, 98 -> 78
val rand = new util.Random
val runCount = 10000
def play(pos: Int, turns: Int): Int =
if (pos == 100) turns
else {
val next = pos + rand.nextInt(6) + 1
if (next > 100) play(pos, turns + 1)
else play(adjust.getOrElse(next, next), turns + 1)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val runs = (1 to runCount).map { _ => play(0, 0) }
val avg = runs.sum.toDouble / runCount
println(f"Average of $runCount runs is $avg%.2f")
println(f"Max turns was ${runs.max}")
println(f"Min turns was ${runs.min}")
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penryu commented Dec 27, 2015

Most instructions specify that an exact spin is required to win, but none specify what happens if the spin is not exact... except the following:

Chutes and Ladders instructions, ca. 1978

This program includes adjustments for gameplay according to these instructions, notably the following:

  • The initial position is just off the board, designated square 0.
  • Only an exact spin to land on square 100 win. Spins landing beyond square 100 are ignored and play passes to the next player.

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