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Created November 15, 2023 12:20
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L-System example in evylang
pi := 3.14159
// --- starting position and size of the tree
// trunk length
startSize := 30
// pointing upwards!
startAngle := radians 90
// --- specifies the tree colours
rootColor := {hue:25 sat:64 light:20}
tipColor := {hue:95 sat:89 light:36}
// --- thickness of the branches
rootWidth := 3
tipWidth := 0.25
// --- controls the shape of the tree
// how much each branch turns from its parent
angleChange := radians 45
// how much smaller each branch is than its parent
sizeChange := 0.63
// --- controls the swaying of the tree
// the current angle of sway
angleOffset := 0
// how fast we sway
swaySpeed := 0.8
// how far to sway
swayAmount := 0.2
// how much large branches sway
largeSway := 0.05
// how much small branches sway
smallSway := 2
// --- limits how many branches to draw
// ⚠️ be careful changing this!
maxIter := 5 // maximum "depth" of branches
// to draw
minSize := 0.5 // minimum length of a branch
paused := false
on animate t:num
if !paused
angleOffset = (sin (t / 1000 * swaySpeed)) * swayAmount
func redraw
clear "#e3f8f7"
width 0.5
color "red"
fill "none"
move 50 10
draw 50 10 startAngle startSize 0
// draws a branch and then draws its two children
func draw x:num y:num angle:num size:num iter:num
if size < minSize or iter > maxIter
trunkWidth := remap size [minSize startSize] [tipWidth rootWidth]
width trunkWidth
sway := remap size [minSize startSize] [smallSway largeSway]
amount := remap iter [0 maxIter] [0 1]
color (colorMix rootColor tipColor amount)
newX := x + (cos angle) * size
newY := y + (sin angle) * size
// draw line for this branch
line newX newY
newAngle := angle + (angleOffset * sway)
newSize := size * sizeChange
// draw the left child branch
draw newX newY newAngle-angleChange newSize iter+1
// draw the right...
draw newX newY newAngle+angleChange newSize iter+1
// move back to the start
move x y
// converts from degrees to radians
func radians:num degrees:num
return (degrees * pi) / 180
// interpolate from one number to another
// amount is how far between a and b we get
// a ----------------------------- b
// 0 0.5 1
func interp:num a:num b:num amount:num
delta := b - a
return a + (delta * amount)
// colorMix is like interp but for colours
// it blends between the two provided colours based on amount
// and returns a string you can use with color()
func colorMix:string a:{}num b:{}num amount:num
h := interp a.hue b.hue amount
s := interp a.sat b.sat amount
l := interp a.light b.light amount
return sprintf "hsl(%.fdeg %.f%% %.f%%)" h s l
// convert a number from one range to another
// eg.
// remap 5 [0 10] [50 100]
// would turn 5 into 75
func remap:num in:num inRange:[]num outRange:[]num
result := in - inRange[0]
result = result / (inRange[1] - inRange[0])
result = result * (outRange[1] - outRange[0])
result = result + outRange[0]
return max outRange[0] (min outRange[1] result)
on key k:string
if k == " "
paused = !paused
on input id:string val:string
if id == "sliderx"
degreesValue := remap (str2num val) [0 100] [5 90]
angleChange = radians degreesValue
// sizeChange = remap (str2num val) [0 100] [0.458 0.9]
smallSway = remap (str2num val) [0 100] [0.5 5]
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