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Last active March 9, 2017 00:43
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CSV generator example
'use strict';
let objToCsv = (function() {
let defaultOptions = {
showLabel: true,
lineBreak: '\r\n',
separator: ','
// escape quotes
let naiveFixString = str => typeof str === 'string' ? str.replace(/"/g, '\"') : '';
// escape quotes and then quote
let quoteString = str => '"' + naiveFixString(str) + '"';
* take an array of row objects, output CSV string
* @param {Object[]} rowArray - list of row objects
* @param {string} title - the title which is displayed in the first lines of the output (default to '')
* @param {Object} options - options object with sane defaults (see below)
* @param {boolean} [options.showLabel=true] - whether to include column labels in the output
* @param {string} [options.lineBreak='\r\n'] - string to separate lines
* @returns {string} single (multiline) string CSV output
function objToCsv(rowArray, title, options) {
let opts = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options);
if (!rowArray || !rowArray.length) return {message: 'invalid row list', data:rowArray};
if (!rowArray[0].hasOwnProperty('Cells')) return {message: 'no Cells object', data:rowArray[0]};
const colNames =
Object.keys(rowArray.reduce( (accum, cur) => {
Object.keys(cur['Cells']).forEach( key => accum[key] = true );
return accum;
}, {})).sort()
return (title ? opts.lineBreak + title + opts.lineBreak + opts.lineBreak: '') +
? + opts.lineBreak
: ''
) + row => {
return colName => quoteString(row.Cells[colName]) || '' );
return objToCsv;
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