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Created July 11, 2024 05:04
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Fire effect in evy
cell_size := 2
cells_width := 100 / cell_size
cells_height := 100 / cell_size
cells := [[0]*cells_width] * cells_height
// Defines the gradient used for our flame cells
palette_stops := [
// black
{pos:0 col:{hue:12 sat:2 light:0}}
// smoke!
{pos:20 col:{hue:12 sat:2 light:30}}
// black (end of flames) - using two stops here to make a wide black band
{pos:30 col:{hue:12 sat:2 light:0}}
{pos:60 col:{hue:12 sat:100 light:0}}
// dark red
{pos:100 col:{hue:12 sat:100 light:20}}
// orange
{pos:128 col:{hue:28 sat:100 light:44}}
// bright orange
{pos:164 col:{hue:28 sat:100 light:89}}
// very bright yellow
{pos:256 col:{hue:51 sat:100 light:100}}
// generate our array of pre-generated colours
palette := (build_palette palette_stops)
// add some random specs to the screen to start with
on animate
func update_cells
// add some random colours at the bottom
for col := range 0 cells_width
cells[cells_height - 1][col] = (rand 256)
// weights used for blending colours from the current row and the one below
weightNextMid := 8
weightNextSide := 4
weightCurMid := 6
weightCurSide := 1
weightRand := 0
divis := weightNextMid + (weightNextSide * 2) + weightCurMid + (weightCurSide * 2) + weightRand
for row := range 0 cells_height
thisrow := cells[row]
nextrow := cells[(constrain (row + 1) 0 cells_height-1)]
for col := range 0 cells_width
left := constrain (col - 1) 0 cells_width-1
right := constrain (col + 1) 0 cells_width-1
accum := thisrow[col] * weightCurMid
accum = accum + (thisrow[left] * weightCurSide) + (thisrow[right] * weightCurSide)
accum = accum + nextrow[col] * weightNextMid
accum = accum + (nextrow[left] * weightNextSide) + (nextrow[right] * weightNextSide)
// removed random just in case it's slowing things down
//accum = accum + ((rand 16) * weightRand)
accum = accum / divis
accum = accum - 2
if accum < 0
accum = 0
thisrow[col] = (round accum)
func init_cells
for row := range 0 cells_height
for col := range 0 cells_width
cells[row][col] = (rand 64)
func draw_cells
color "rgb(255 0 255)"
for row := range 0 cells_height
y := 100 - (row * cell_size) - cell_size
for col := range 0 cells_width
x := (col * cell_size)
val := cells[row][col]
color palette[val]
move x y
rect cell_size cell_size
// interpolate from one number to another
// amount is how far between a and b we get
// a ----------------------------- b
// 0 0.5 1
func interp:num a:num b:num amount:num
delta := b - a
return a + (delta * amount)
// colorMix is like interp but for colours
// it blends between the two provided colours based on amount
// and returns a string you can use with color()
func colorMix:string a:{}num b:{}num amount:num
h := interp a.hue b.hue amount
s := interp a.sat b.sat amount
l := interp a.light b.light amount
return sprintf "hsl(%.fdeg %.f%% %.f%%)" h s l
// convert a number from one range to another
// eg.
// remap 5 [0 10] [50 100]
// would turn 5 into 75
func remap:num in:num inRange:[]num outRange:[]num
result := in - inRange[0]
result = result / (inRange[1] - inRange[0])
result = result * (outRange[1] - outRange[0])
result = result + outRange[0]
return max outRange[0] (min outRange[1] result)
func constrain:num in:num minimum:num maximum:num
if in < minimum
return minimum
else if in >= maximum
return maximum
return in
func build_palette:[]string stops:[]{}any
palette := [""] * 256
for i := range (len stops)-1
from := stops[i]
to := stops[i + 1]
palette = build_palette_range palette from to
return palette
func build_palette_range:[]string palette:[]string stop1:{}any stop2:{}any
startPos := stop1.pos.(num)
endPos := stop2.pos.(num)
for idx := range startPos endPos
amount := remap idx [startPos endPos] [0 1]
palette[idx] = colorMix stop1.col.({}num) stop2.col.({}num) amount
return palette
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