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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Learn how to connect Redbooth API in Objective-C using Oauth2. We are going to use AFNetworking and GROAuth2SessionManager libraries to simplify the process. Learn how, and start integrating Redbooth in your apps
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.2'
pod 'GROAuth2SessionManager', '~> 0.2'
- (void)loginWithUser:(NSString*)username password:(NSString*)password
NSURL *apiURL = [[RedboothAPIClient sharedInstance] baseURL];
// API Client and Secret are required
// You can get them from Redbooth registering your application
// Once got them, introduce in two constants bellow
NSString *apiClient = @"";
NSString *apiSecret = @"";
GROAuth2SessionManager *sessionManager = [GROAuth2SessionManager managerWithBaseURL:apiURL clientID:apiClient secret:apiSecret];
[sessionManager authenticateUsingOAuthWithPath:@"/oauth/token"
scope:@"read_projects write_projects offline_access"
success:^(AFOAuthCredential *credential) {
NSLog(@"Login successful");
//Setting token singleton Redbooth API Client
[[RedboothApiClient sharedInstance] setAuthorizationHeaderWithToken:credential.accessToken];
// Enjoy!
failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Error login: %@", error);
// RedboothAPIClient.h
// Created by Redbooth
@interface RedboothApiClient : AFHTTPSessionManager
// Singleton instance
+ (RedboothApiClient *)sharedInstance;
+ (void)resetInstance;
// Authentication
- (void)setAuthorizationHeaderWithToken:(NSString *)token;
// RedboothAPIClient.h
// Created by Redbooth
#import "RedboothApiClient.h"
#define apiURL @""
static RedboothApiClient *_sharedInstance = nil;
@implementation RedboothApiClient
#pragma mark - Singleton instance
+ (RedboothApiClient *)sharedInstance
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
_sharedInstance = [[RedboothApiClient alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:apiURL]];
return _sharedInstance;
- (id)initWithBaseURL:(NSURL *)url
self = [super initWithBaseURL:url];
if (self) {
[self setRequestSerializer:[AFJSONRequestSerializer serializer]];
[self setResponseSerializer:[AFJSONResponseSerializer serializer]];
self.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes = [NSSet setWithArray:@[@"text/html",@"application/json",@"text/plain"]];
return self;
+ (void)resetInstance
[_sharedInstance clearAuthorizationHeader];
[_sharedInstance updateHeader];
NSHTTPCookieStorage* cookies = [NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage];
NSArray* httpCookies = [cookies cookies];
for (NSHTTPCookie* cookie in httpCookies) {
[cookies deleteCookie:cookie];
#pragma mark - Authentication
- (void)setAuthorizationHeaderWithToken:(NSString *)token
[self.requestSerializer setValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"OAuth %@", token] forHTTPHeaderField:@"Authorization"];
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