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Created October 16, 2019 20:37
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A game of logic gates
(ns logicgame.core
(:use clojure.core.logic)
(defne ando [a b y]
([1 1 1])
([1 0 0])
([0 1 0])
([0 0 0]))
(defne oro [a b y]
([1 1 1])
([1 0 1])
([0 1 1])
([0 0 0]))
(defne xoro [a b y]
([1 1 0])
([1 0 1])
([0 1 1])
([0 0 0]))
(defne noto [a y]
([0 1])
([1 0]))
(defn inv [goal a b y]
(fresh [z]
(goal a b z)
(noto z y)))
(def nando (partial inv ando))
(def noro (partial inv oro))
(defn tile [N E S W op port]
(fresh [p1 p2 p3 p4
ca cb cc cd]
(== port [ca cb cc cd])
(permuteo [[:N N] [:E E] [:S S] [:W W]] [p1 p2 p3 p4])
(matche [op p1 p2 p3 p4]
([:and [ca a] [cb b] [cc y] [cd x]]
(ando a b y) (== x :x))
([:or [ca a] [cb b] [cc y] [cd x]]
(oro a b y) (== x :x))
([:nand [ca a] [cb b] [cc y] [cd x]]
(nando a b y) (== x :x))
([:nor [ca a] [cb b] [cc y] [cd x]]
(noro a b y) (== x :x))
([:not [ca a] [cb y] [cc x1] [cd x2]]
(noto a y) (== x1 :x) (== x2 :x))
([:open [ca x1] [cb x2] [cc x3] [cd x4]]
(== x1 :x) (== x2 :x) (== x3 :x) (== x4 :x))
([:w2 [ca a] [cb b] [cc x1] [cd x2]]
(== a b) (== x1 :x) (== x2 :x))
([:w3 [ca a] [cb b] [cc c] [cd x]]
(== a b) (== b c) (== x :x))
([:w4 [ca a] [cb b] [cc c] [cd d]]
(== a b) (== b c) (== c d)))))
(defn grid [w h]
(let [numw (* h w)
hvars (repeatedly numw lvar)]
(->> hvars (partition w) (map vec) (into []))))
(defn board [size edges gates ports]
(let [[N E S W] (map vec (partition size edges))
vvars (vec (concat [N] (grid size (dec size)) [S]))
hvars (vec (concat [E] (grid size (dec size)) [W]))
params (for [x (range size)
y (range size)]
[(get-in vvars [y x]) ; N
(get-in hvars [(inc x) y]) ; E
(get-in vvars [(inc y) x]) ; S
(get-in hvars [x y]) ; W
(get-in gates [y x])
(get-in ports [y x])])]
(everyg #(apply tile %) params)))
(defn -main
"I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
[strsize strnum & stredges]
(let [size (Integer/parseInt strsize)
numres (Integer/parseInt strnum)
pattern (map read-string stredges)
edges (vec (take (* 4 size) (cycle pattern)))
ops (grid size size)
ports (grid size size)]
(run numres [opg portg]
(== opg ops)
(== portg ports)
(board size edges ops ports)))))
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