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Created September 29, 2019 17:55
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import fileinput
width = 640//16
height = 480//16
lineno = 0
for line in fileinput.input():
if line.startswith("# vim:"): continue
if line.startswith("-"):
fill = height-(lineno%height)
empty = " "*width + "\n"
print(empty*fill, end='')
lineno += fill
elif line.startswith("#"):
lineno += 1
lineno += 1
fill = height-(lineno%height)
empty = " "*width + "\n"
print(empty*fill, end='')
import fileinput
width = 640//16
height = 480//16
lineno = 0
for line in fileinput.input():
for i, char in enumerate(line[:-1]):
if i%2:
print(format(ord(char), '08b'))
print(format(ord(char), '08b'), end='')
# vim: tw=40 cc=40
# Open Source
# Formal Verification
# in VHDL
# by
# Pepijn de Vos
# ORConf 2019
# Who am I?
Twitter: @pepijndevos
2008 Wishful Coding
Self-taught web developer
2012 Recurse Center
Awesome coding retreat
2013 Freenom
Python developer
2015 University of Twente
Bsc Electrical Engineering
Msc Integrated Circuit Design
7400 CPU
Hacking on GHDL
Internship at Symbiotic EDA
Documenting Gowin FPGA bitstream
p.s. looking for things after graduation
# All the pieces involved
* Yosys - Synthesis
* Nextpnr - Place and Route
* SymbiYosys - Formal verification
* GHDL - VHDL simulator
HDL -> netlist -> bitstream
^ Yosys ^ Nextpnr
Formal Verification:
HDL -> netlist -> SMT
^ Yosys ^ SymbiYosys
Yosys frontends:
* verilog (built-in)
* Verific (commercial, SV, VHDL)
"GHDL is an open-source simulator for
the VHDL language. GHDL fully supports
the 1987, 1993, 2002 versions of the
IEEE 1076 VHDL standard, and partially
the latest 2008 revision."
* Very mature, Tristan Gingold has
been working on it for decades.
* Better VHDL-2008 support than even
most commercial tools.
* Written in Ada. Obscure but very
similar to VHDL.
* Support for synthesis <-- NEW, WIP
# ghdlsynth-beta
Experimental frontend plugin for Yosys
that converts VHDL to RTLIL <-- NEW, WIP
$ yosys -m ghdl
> ghdl file.vhd -e module
> synth_gowin -vout bitstream.v
# GHDL synthesis status
What works:
* Most things
* PSL! (used in formal verification)
What does not work:
* Functions -- update: supported now
* Memory inference
* Some uncommon constructs
* Operators on odd type combos
* ...
Bottom line:
* Large existing projects are not
likely to work YET.
* Writing new code using supported
constructs is feasible, such as...
# Formally verified CPU
* Synthesized using GHDL+Yosys
* Formally verified using SymbiYosys
* Less than 100 7400 logic chips
* Currently running this presentation
# What is formal verification?
Property testing with a SMT solver.
Think Quickcheck not Coq.
1. Make assumptions about valid inputs
2. Assert properties that should hold
3. SMT solver tries to break asserts
# What is PSL?
Property Specification Language.
Extension language that provides assert,
assume, restrict, cover keywords.
Also, sequences for properties in time.
Usually in special comments. Natively
supported in VHDL-2008, and GHDL.
# An example
The bit-serial ALU of my CPU
process(opcode, a, b, ci)
case opcode is
when "000" => -- add
y <= a xor b xor ci; -- output
co <= (a and b) -- carry
or (a and ci)
or (b and ci);
cr <= '0'; -- carry reset value
end case;
end process;
process(clk, rst_n)
if(rising_edge(clk)) then
if(rst_n = '0') then
ci <= cr; -- reset the carry
ci <= co; -- forward carry
end if;
end if;
end process;
# An example
Restrict valid reset inputs to
restrict { {rst_n = '0';
(rst_n = '1')[*8]}[+]};
Specify that when the ALU is active, the
opcode will stay constant.
assume always {rst_n='0'; rst_n='1'} |=>
opcode = last_op until rst_n = '0';
Assert that at reset after 8 bits, the
accumulated inputs produces the expected
addition: assert always
{opcode = "000" and rst_n = '1';
rst_n = '0'} |-> y_sr = a_sr+b_sr;
# An example
Add .sby file:
mode bmc
depth 20
smtbmc z3
ghdl --std=08 alu.vhd -e alu
prep -top alu
Run it:
$ sby --yosys "yosys -m ghdl" -f alu.sby
BMC failed!
Assert failed in alu: addition
# an example
opcode XOR x SUB x ADD
rst_n ____/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\____
ci ~~~~\__/~~\_____/~~~~~~~~~~~\____
cr ____/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\____
a_sr 0 x==x==x==x==x==x==x==x==x 29
b_sr 0 x==x==x==x==x==x==x==x==x 150
y_sr 0 x==x==x==x==x==x==x==x==x-122
29-150=-121! Off by one!
XOR on the cycle before SUB causes
carry reset to be 0 rather than 1!
The power of formal: find edgecases!
Solution 1: combinatorial reset
ci <= cr when first = '1' else cip;
Solution 2: opcode stable before reset
assume always {rst_n='0'; rst_n='1'} |->
opcode = last_op until rst_n = '0';
# Conclusion
GHDL synthesis support is growing fast!
I hope you check it out (and contribute)
Formal verification is an easy and
powerful way to test your code.
See also:
Formally Verifying AXI Interfaces
by Dan Gisselquist
Come talk to me for more info.
Drink more water,
be excellent to each other ;)
# thank you!
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Twitter: @pepijndevos
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