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Created May 14, 2024 20:38
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image to sound
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFilter
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import write
threshold = 200
# Open image and convert to numpy array
img ="matterhorn.png")
# Apply Gaussian blur
# img = img.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=1))
a = np.array(img)
mask = np.linalg.norm(a-a[0,0], ord=2, axis=2)
mask = np.where(mask>threshold, 255.0, 0.0)
mask = mask.cumsum(axis=0)
mask = mask.clip(0.0, 255.0)
# Convert numpy array back to image
new_img = Image.fromarray(mask)
# Save the new image"mask.gif")
window_size = 1000
sample_rate = 48000
contour = np.argmax(mask, axis=0)
contour = (-contour + np.max(contour))
contour = 10**(contour.astype(np.float64)/20)
angle = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(len(contour)))
peak = np.argmax(contour)
contour = angle * contour
steps = range(len(contour)-window_size+1)
for i in steps:
step_peak = peak - i
if step_peak < 0:
# print(step_peak)
freq_bin = step_peak / (window_size * 2 + 1) * sample_rate
# print(freq_bin)
window = contour[i:i+window_size]
window = np.hstack((0, window, window[::-1]))
wave = np.real(np.fft.ifft(window))
wave /= np.max(np.abs(wave))
# wave = np.tile(wave, 10)
write(f'sample/wave{int(freq_bin):05d}.wav', sample_rate, wave)
# bounds = (i, 0, i+window_size, img.height)
# win = img.crop(bounds)
# mwin = new_img.crop(bounds)
# plt.plot(sound)
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