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Created September 1, 2015 10:19
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Byteify User-Defined Function -- convert "###.## KB/GB/MB/KiB/MiB/GiB" to values
' 1. Open Excel's VBA Editor using Alt-F11
' 2. Right-Click on the "VBAProject (Spreadsheet_Name)" entry and choose "Insert > Module"
' 3. Paste the below code starting from the line beginning with "Function" up to and including the line "End Function"
' 4. Now you can use the User-Defined Function in your spreadsheet
' =Byteify(Cell, [AssumeBinaryPrefix=False])
' Cell : The Cell Reference (if actually a range, it will use the top left cell only)
' AssumeBinaryPrefix : KB, MB, GB will be assumed to be powers of 1024 (in other words, same as KiB, MiB, GiB)
Function Byteify(Cell As Range, Optional AssumeBinaryPrefix As Boolean = False)
Sarr = Split(Cell.Cells(1, 1).Value, " ")
Num = Sarr(0)
If UBound(Sarr) < 1 Then Suff = "B" Else Suff = UCase(Sarr(1))
Pow = InStr("BKMGT", Left(Suff, 1)) - 1
If Pow < 0 Then
Byteify = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
R = Mid(Suff, 2)
Select Case R
Case "IB": Base = 1024
Case "B"
If AssumeBinaryPrefix Then Base = 1024 Else Base = 1000
End Select
Byteify = Val(Num) * (Base ^ Pow)
End Function
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