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Created July 21, 2014 08:03
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Save pepoluan/397ba99abe82480b1083 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Many tools provide output in CSV format (e.g., Windows Performance Monitor). Sometimes I want to "extract" certain columns for easier analysis. So I whupped up this small scriptlet for PowerShell to do just that.
Function CSV-FilterCols() {
param (
If (!(Test-Path $InCsv)) {
Write-Error "File $InCsv not found!"
$rawdata = Import-Csv $InCsv
# Store result of Import-Csv in a Global variable, just in case we want to do something with it, too
If (! $NoGlobal) { $Global:rawdata = $rawdata }
$colnames = $rawdata[0] | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | ForEach { $_.Name }
$cols = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.Generic.List[String]
foreach ($r in $ColNameRegex) {
# Need to cast return of @() to String[] so AddRange won't puke
$cols.AddRange([String[]]@($colnames -match $r))
$cols = $cols.ToArray() | Get-Unique
$filtdata = $rawdata | select $cols
If ($OutCsv -eq "") {
Else {
$filtdata | Export-Csv $OutCsv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter $CsvDelimiter
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