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Created November 9, 2018 10:52
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Sumblime Text Plugin: Remove ANSI escape sequence from selected text
# Sublime Text Plugin
# Remove ANSI Escape sequence from text
# Written by Giuseppe Mastrangelo
# select text and from console execute:
# view.run_command("remove_ansi_escape")
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import re
class RemoveAnsiEscapeCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
selection = self.view.sel()
for region in selection:
region_text = self.view.substr(region)
ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]')
cleaned_text = ansi_escape.sub('', region_text)
self.view.replace(edit, region, cleaned_text)
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