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(type (;0;) (func (param i32)))
(type (;1;) (func (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type (;2;) (func (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type (;3;) (func (param i32) (result i64)))
(type (;4;) (func (param i32 i32 i32)))
(type (;5;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(type (;6;) (func))
(type (;7;) (func (param i32 i32)))
(type (;8;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(type (;9;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(type (;10;) (func (result i32)))
(type (;11;) (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(type (;12;) (func (param i32 i64 i64 i32)))
(type (;13;) (func (param i64 i32) (result i64)))
(type (;14;) (func (param i64 i64) (result i64)))
(type (;15;) (func (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)))
(type (;16;) (func (param i64 i64 i32) (result i64)))
(type (;17;) (func (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64 i32)))
(type (;18;) (func (param i32) (result f32)))
(type (;19;) (func (param i32) (result f64)))
(type (;20;) (func (param i64) (result f64)))
(type (;21;) (func (param i64 i64) (result f32)))
(type (;22;) (func (param i64 i64) (result f64)))
(type (;23;) (func (param f32) (result i32)))
(type (;24;) (func (param f32) (result i64)))
(type (;25;) (func (param i32 f32)))
(type (;26;) (func (param f64) (result i32)))
(type (;27;) (func (param f64) (result i64)))
(type (;28;) (func (param i32 f64)))
(type (;29;) (func (param f32 f32) (result f32)))
(type (;30;) (func (param f64 f64) (result f64)))
(type (;31;) (func (param f32 i32) (result f32)))
(type (;32;) (func (param f64 i32) (result f64)))
(type (;33;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(type (;34;) (func (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "mapping_callback" (func $mapping_callback (type 5)))
(func $_ZN19source_map_mappings4sort13do_quick_sort17h95c347691c6dfef4E (type 9) (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 12
(tee_local 6
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 36))))
(i32.const 32)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 24)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 20)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 28)))
(set_local 8
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 4)))
(set_local 16
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 12)))
(set_local 17
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))
(loop ;; label = @7
(br_if 6 (;@1;)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 5 (;@2;)
(tee_local 19
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)))))
(set_local 13
(i32.const -1)
(get_local 19))
(i32.const -1)))
(set_local 21
(get_local 16)))
(set_local 15
(get_local 17)))
(set_local 22
(tee_local 20
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4)))))
(set_local 23
(get_local 0)))
(loop ;; label = @8
(set_local 14
(get_local 22))
(set_local 22
(get_local 15))
(set_local 18
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 11))
(get_local 23)))
(set_local 23
(get_local 14))
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(tee_local 21
(get_local 18)
(tee_local 15
(get_local 21))
(i32.const 19))
(get_local 15)))
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 8))))
(get_local 13))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 14))
(get_local 20)
(get_local 22))
(get_local 17)
(get_local 15))
(get_local 16)
(get_local 21))
(block ;; label = @9
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(tee_local 15
(get_local 21)
(get_local 19))
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 5 (;@4;)
(tee_local 18
(get_local 4)
(get_local 15)
(tee_local 23
(get_local 15)
(get_local 4)))))
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 24
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 15
(get_local 1)
(get_local 15)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 23))
(i32.const 36))))))
( align=1
(get_local 15)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 23
(get_local 1)
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 36))))))
(set_local 25
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 18
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 24)))))
( align=1
(get_local 18)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 21
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 24)))))
(set_local 26
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 18
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 16)))))
( align=1
(get_local 18)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 22
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 16)))))
(set_local 27
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 18
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 18)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 14
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 21)
(get_local 25))
( align=1
(get_local 23)
(get_local 24))
( align=1
(get_local 14)
(get_local 27))
( align=1
(get_local 22)
(get_local 26))
(set_local 18
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 15)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 15)
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 23)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 23)
(get_local 18)))
(set_local 23
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 36)))
(set_local 21
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -1)))
(set_local 15
(get_local 3))
(loop ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(block ;; label = @12
(br_if 0 (;@12;)
(tee_local 24
(tee_local 18
(get_local 1)
(get_local 23))))
(get_local 6))))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@11;)
(get_local 24)
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@12;)
(tee_local 24
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 4)))
(get_local 7))))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@11;)
(get_local 24)
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 22
(get_local 9)))
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(tee_local 14
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 28))))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 18
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 2)))
(br 1 (;@13;)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 2)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(tee_local 24
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 8))))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 2 (;@12;)
(get_local 24)
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(tee_local 24
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 10))))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 2 (;@12;)
(get_local 24)
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(tee_local 24
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 24)))
(get_local 11))))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 2 (;@12;)
(get_local 24)
(i64.const 0)))
(block ;; label = @15
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(get_local 14)
(get_local 22)))
(br_if 2 (;@13;)
(get_local 14)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 2 (;@13;)
(tee_local 18
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 32))))
(tee_local 22
(get_local 12)))))
(set_local 18
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 18)
(get_local 22))))
(br 1 (;@14;)))
(br_if 2 (;@13;)
(get_local 14)
(get_local 22)))
(br 1 (;@14;)))
(br_if 1 (;@14;)
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 18
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 21
(get_local 15))
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(get_local 15)
(get_local 18)))
(br_if 4 (;@11;)
(tee_local 22
(get_local 15)
(get_local 18)
(tee_local 21
(get_local 18)
(get_local 15)))))
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 24
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 21
(get_local 1)
(get_local 18)
(get_local 15)
(get_local 21))
(i32.const 36))))))
( align=1
(get_local 21)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 22
(get_local 1)
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 36))))))
(set_local 25
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 14
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 24)))))
( align=1
(get_local 14)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 13
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 24)))))
(set_local 26
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 14
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 16)))))
( align=1
(get_local 14)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 19
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 16)))))
(set_local 27
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 14
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 14)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 20
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 13)
(get_local 25))
( align=1
(get_local 22)
(get_local 24))
( align=1
(get_local 20)
(get_local 27))
( align=1
(get_local 19)
(get_local 26))
(set_local 14
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 21)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 21)
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 22)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 22)
(get_local 14))
(set_local 21
(get_local 18)))
(set_local 23
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 36)))
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(tee_local 15
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 4))))
(block ;; label = @16
(br_if 0 (;@16;)
(tee_local 15
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 4 (;@12;)
(tee_local 18
(get_local 4)
(get_local 15)
(tee_local 23
(get_local 15)
(get_local 4)))))
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 24
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 23
(get_local 1)
(get_local 15)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 23))
(i32.const 36))))))
( align=1
(get_local 23)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 18
(get_local 1)
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 36))))))
(set_local 25
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 22
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 24)))))
( align=1
(get_local 22)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 14
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 24)))))
(set_local 26
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 22
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 16)))))
( align=1
(get_local 22)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 13
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 16)))))
(set_local 27
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 22
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 22)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 19
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 14)
(get_local 25))
( align=1
(get_local 18)
(get_local 24))
( align=1
(get_local 19)
(get_local 27))
( align=1
(get_local 13)
(get_local 26))
(set_local 22
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 23)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 23)
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 18)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 18)
(get_local 22)))
(call $_ZN19source_map_mappings4sort13do_quick_sort17h95c347691c6dfef4E
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 23
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -1)))
(get_local 23)
(get_local 15))))
(br_if 0 (;@16;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 4)))))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 676))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 676))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 676))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 796))
(call $_ZN3std9panicking11begin_panic17h9ddae7c0bee28cbcE)
(func $_ZN19source_map_mappings4sort13do_quick_sort17hd2ed3eeff49328cdE (type 9) (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 12
(tee_local 6
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 36))))
(i32.const 32)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 24)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 20)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 4)))
(set_local 8
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 28)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16)))
(set_local 16
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 12)))
(set_local 17
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))
(loop ;; label = @7
(br_if 5 (;@2;)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 6 (;@1;)
(tee_local 19
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)))))
(set_local 13
(i32.const -1)
(get_local 19))
(i32.const -1)))
(set_local 21
(get_local 16)))
(set_local 15
(get_local 17)))
(set_local 22
(tee_local 20
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4)))))
(set_local 23
(get_local 0)))
(loop ;; label = @8
(set_local 14
(get_local 22))
(set_local 22
(get_local 15))
(set_local 18
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 11))
(get_local 23)))
(set_local 23
(get_local 14))
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(tee_local 21
(get_local 18)
(tee_local 15
(get_local 21))
(i32.const 19))
(get_local 15)))
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 8))))
(get_local 13))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 14))
(get_local 20)
(get_local 22))
(get_local 17)
(get_local 15))
(get_local 16)
(get_local 21))
(block ;; label = @9
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(tee_local 15
(get_local 21)
(get_local 19))
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 5 (;@4;)
(tee_local 18
(get_local 4)
(get_local 15)
(tee_local 23
(get_local 15)
(get_local 4)))))
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 24
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 15
(get_local 1)
(get_local 15)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 23))
(i32.const 36))))))
( align=1
(get_local 15)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 23
(get_local 1)
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 36))))))
(set_local 25
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 18
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 24)))))
( align=1
(get_local 18)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 21
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 24)))))
(set_local 26
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 18
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 16)))))
( align=1
(get_local 18)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 22
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 16)))))
(set_local 27
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 18
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 18)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 14
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 21)
(get_local 25))
( align=1
(get_local 23)
(get_local 24))
( align=1
(get_local 14)
(get_local 27))
( align=1
(get_local 22)
(get_local 26))
(set_local 18
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 15)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 15)
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 23)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 23)
(get_local 18)))
(set_local 23
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 36)))
(set_local 22
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -1)))
(set_local 15
(get_local 3))
(loop ;; label = @10
(set_local 18
(get_local 8)))
(block ;; label = @11
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(tee_local 14
(tee_local 21
(get_local 1)
(get_local 23)))
(i32.const 28))))
(i32.const 2)))
(br_if 3 (;@11;)
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 2)))
(br 1 (;@13;)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 2)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(tee_local 24
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 7))))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 2 (;@12;)
(get_local 24)
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(tee_local 24
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 10))))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 2 (;@12;)
(get_local 24)
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(tee_local 24
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 24)))
(get_local 11))))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 2 (;@12;)
(get_local 24)
(i64.const 0)))
(block ;; label = @15
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(get_local 14)
(get_local 18)))
(br_if 1 (;@14;)
(get_local 14)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@14;)
(tee_local 18
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 32))))
(tee_local 14
(get_local 12)))))
(br_if 2 (;@13;)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 18)
(get_local 14)))
(i32.const 1)))
(br 3 (;@12;)))
(br_if 2 (;@13;)
(get_local 14)
(get_local 18)))
(br 1 (;@14;)))
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(tee_local 24
(get_local 21))
(get_local 6))))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@14;)
(get_local 24)
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(tee_local 24
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 4)))
(get_local 9))))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@14;)
(get_local 24)
(i64.const 0))
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 18
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 22
(get_local 15))
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(get_local 15)
(get_local 18)))
(br_if 4 (;@11;)
(tee_local 22
(get_local 15)
(get_local 18)
(tee_local 21
(get_local 18)
(get_local 15)))))
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 24
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 21
(get_local 1)
(get_local 18)
(get_local 15)
(get_local 21))
(i32.const 36))))))
( align=1
(get_local 21)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 22
(get_local 1)
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 36))))))
(set_local 25
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 14
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 24)))))
( align=1
(get_local 14)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 13
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 24)))))
(set_local 26
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 14
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 16)))))
( align=1
(get_local 14)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 19
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 16)))))
(set_local 27
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 14
(get_local 21)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 14)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 20
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 13)
(get_local 25))
( align=1
(get_local 22)
(get_local 24))
( align=1
(get_local 20)
(get_local 27))
( align=1
(get_local 19)
(get_local 26))
(set_local 14
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 21)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 21)
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 22)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 22)
(get_local 14))
(set_local 22
(get_local 18)))
(set_local 23
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 36)))
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(tee_local 15
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 4))))
(block ;; label = @16
(br_if 0 (;@16;)
(tee_local 15
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 4 (;@12;)
(tee_local 18
(get_local 4)
(get_local 15)
(tee_local 23
(get_local 15)
(get_local 4)))))
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 24
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 23
(get_local 1)
(get_local 15)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 23))
(i32.const 36))))))
( align=1
(get_local 23)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 18
(get_local 1)
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 36))))))
(set_local 25
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 21
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 24)))))
( align=1
(get_local 21)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 14
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 24)))))
(set_local 26
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 21
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 16)))))
( align=1
(get_local 21)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 13
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 16)))))
(set_local 27
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 21
(get_local 23)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 21)
(i64.load align=1
(tee_local 19
(get_local 18)
(i32.const 8)))))
( align=1
(get_local 14)
(get_local 25))
( align=1
(get_local 18)
(get_local 24))
( align=1
(get_local 19)
(get_local 27))
( align=1
(get_local 13)
(get_local 26))
(set_local 21
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 23)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 23)
(i32.load offset=32 align=1
(get_local 18)))
( offset=32 align=1
(get_local 18)
(get_local 21)))
(call $_ZN19source_map_mappings4sort13do_quick_sort17hd2ed3eeff49328cdE
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 23
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -1)))
(get_local 23)
(get_local 15))))
(br_if 0 (;@16;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 22)
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 4)))))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 676))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 676))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 676))
(call $_ZN3std9panicking11begin_panic17h9ddae7c0bee28cbcE)
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 796))
(func $_ZN36_$LT$T$u20$as$u20$core..any..Any$GT$11get_type_id17hb32669f178e0755bE (type 3) (param i32) (result i64)
(i64.const 1229646359891580772))
(func $_ZN3std9panicking11begin_panic17h9ddae7c0bee28cbcE (type 6)
(local i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 0
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 37))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 448))
(call $_ZN3std9panicking20rust_panic_with_hook17h3a1583cf5ff3fe4cE
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 120)
(i32.const 424))
(func $_ZN47_$LT$source_map_mappings..Mappings$LT$O$GT$$GT$20by_original_location17h0e2de86708c66705E (type 7) (param i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 17
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 1)))))
(set_local 11
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 20))))
(br 1 (;@2;)))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(i32.load8_u offset=24
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 2
(tee_local 14
(get_local 1)))
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 36))))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 37))
(br 3 (;@2;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 4))
(br 2 (;@3;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 6))
(br 1 (;@4;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 21)))
(loop ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(block ;; label = @15
(block ;; label = @16
(block ;; label = @17
(block ;; label = @18
(block ;; label = @19
(block ;; label = @20
(block ;; label = @21
(block ;; label = @22
(block ;; label = @23
(block ;; label = @24
(block ;; label = @25
(block ;; label = @26
(block ;; label = @27
(block ;; label = @28
(block ;; label = @29
(block ;; label = @30
(block ;; label = @31
(block ;; label = @32
(block ;; label = @33
(block ;; label = @34
(block ;; label = @35
(block ;; label = @36
(block ;; label = @37
(block ;; label = @38
(block ;; label = @39
(block ;; label = @40
(block ;; label = @41
(block ;; label = @42
(block ;; label = @43
(block ;; label = @44
(block ;; label = @45
(block ;; label = @46
(block ;; label = @47
(block ;; label = @48
(block ;; label = @49
(block ;; label = @50
(block ;; label = @51
(block ;; label = @52
(block ;; label = @53
(block ;; label = @54
(block ;; label = @55
(block ;; label = @56
(block ;; label = @57
(block ;; label = @58
(block ;; label = @59
(block ;; label = @60
(block ;; label = @61
(block ;; label = @62
(block ;; label = @63
(block ;; label = @64
(block ;; label = @65
(block ;; label = @66
(block ;; label = @67
(block ;; label = @68
(block ;; label = @69
(block ;; label = @70
(block ;; label = @71
(block ;; label = @72
(block ;; label = @73
(br_table 4 (;@69;) 5 (;@68;) 6 (;@67;) 1 (;@72;) 3 (;@70;) 7 (;@66;) 8 (;@65;) 9 (;@64;) 10 (;@63;) 11 (;@62;) 12 (;@61;) 16 (;@57;) 17 (;@56;) 14 (;@59;) 15 (;@58;) 26 (;@47;) 27 (;@46;) 28 (;@45;) 29 (;@44;) 30 (;@43;) 31 (;@42;) 32 (;@41;) 33 (;@40;) 18 (;@55;) 19 (;@54;) 20 (;@53;) 21 (;@52;) 22 (;@51;) 23 (;@50;) 38 (;@35;) 24 (;@49;) 25 (;@48;) 37 (;@36;) 36 (;@37;) 35 (;@38;) 34 (;@39;) 13 (;@60;) 2 (;@71;) 0 (;@73;) 0 (;@73;)
(get_local 18)))
( offset=12
(get_local 13)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 16)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 12
(get_local 16))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 3))
(br 66 (;@7;)))
(br_if 37 (;@36;)
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 37))
(br 65 (;@8;)))
(set_local 16
(get_local 14))
(set_local 13
(get_local 12))
(br_if 39 (;@34;)
(get_local 12))
(br 38 (;@35;)))
(br_if 36 (;@37;)
(get_local 14)
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 0))
(br 63 (;@10;)))
(set_local 16
(get_local 14)
(i32.const 36)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 14))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 1))
(br 62 (;@11;)))
(set_local 14
(get_local 16)
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 36))
(tee_local 15
(get_local 16)
(get_local 2)))))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 37 (;@36;)
(tee_local 16
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 16)
(get_local 15)))))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 2))
(br 61 (;@12;)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 16))
(br_if 38 (;@35;)
(get_local 13))
(get_local 16))))
(br 37 (;@36;)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 6))
(br 59 (;@14;)))
(set_local 14
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))))
(i32.const 36)))
(set_local 15
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 7))
(br 58 (;@15;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 37 (;@36;)
(get_local 14)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 8))
(br 57 (;@16;)))
(set_local 14
(get_local 14)
(i32.const -36)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 28)))
(set_local 15
(tee_local 16
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 36))))
(br_if 35 (;@38;)
(tee_local 12
(get_local 12)))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 9))
(br 56 (;@17;)))
(set_local 21
(get_local 16)
(i32.const -28))))
(set_local 20
(get_local 16)
(i32.const -4))))
(set_local 14
(get_local 16)
(i32.const -12))))
(set_local 15
(get_local 16)
(i32.const -16))))
(set_local 13
(get_local 16)
(i32.const -20))))
(set_local 19
(get_local 16)
(i32.const -24))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 16)
(i32.const -32))))
(set_local 5
(get_local 16)
(i32.const -36))))
(br_if 36 (;@37;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 36)))))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 10))
(br 55 (;@18;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 8))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 5))
( offset=16
(get_local 2)
(get_local 13))
( offset=20
(get_local 2)
(get_local 15))
( offset=24
(get_local 2)
(get_local 14))
( offset=8 align=4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 21)
(get_local 19)
(i64.const 32))))
( offset=28 align=4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 20)
(i64.const 32))
(get_local 12))))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 38 (;@35;)
(tee_local 12
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 36))))
(get_local 16)))
(br 37 (;@36;)))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 4))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0))
(br 43 (;@30;)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 16
(get_local 2)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 36))))
(get_local 4))
(get_local 16)
(get_local 3))
( offset=8 align=4
(get_local 16)
(get_local 21)
(i64.const 32))
(get_local 20)))
( offset=16
(get_local 16)
(get_local 5))
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 9))
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 24))
(get_local 10))
( align=4
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 28))
(get_local 19)
(i64.const 32))
(get_local 14))))
(set_local 13
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 16
(get_local 15))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 14))
(br 52 (;@21;)))
(br_if 33 (;@40;)
(get_local 12)
(get_local 16)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 11))
(br 51 (;@22;)))
(set_local 14
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 28)))
(set_local 16
(tee_local 15
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 36))))
(br_if 35 (;@38;)
(tee_local 14
(get_local 14)))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 12))
(br 50 (;@23;)))
(set_local 21
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -24))))
(set_local 20
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -28))))
(set_local 19
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -4))))
(set_local 10
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -12))))
(set_local 9
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -16))))
(set_local 5
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -20))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -32))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -36))))
(br_if 35 (;@38;)
(get_local 13)
(get_local 8)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 23))
(br 49 (;@24;)))
(br_if 42 (;@31;)
(tee_local 16
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 13)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 24))
(br 48 (;@25;)))
(br_if 42 (;@31;)
(tee_local 22
(tee_local 8
(get_local 16)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 16)
(get_local 8)))))
(i64.const 36)))
(i64.const 32))))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 25))
(br 47 (;@26;)))
(br_if 42 (;@31;)
(tee_local 16
(get_local 22)))
(i32.const -1)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 26))
(br 46 (;@27;)))
(br_if 42 (;@31;)
(get_local 13)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 27))
(br 45 (;@28;)))
(br_if 42 (;@31;)
(tee_local 16
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc7realloc17hcf00e9bf14c866efE
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 16)))))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 28))
(br 44 (;@29;)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 16)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 7)
(get_local 16)
(get_local 16)))
(get_local 16)))
(br 30 (;@43;)))
(br_if 41 (;@32;)
(tee_local 16
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 16)))))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 31))
(br 42 (;@31;)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 16)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 6)
(get_local 16)
(get_local 16)))
(get_local 16)))
(br 29 (;@44;)))
(br_if 29 (;@44;)
(get_local 13)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 16))
(br 40 (;@33;)))
(get_local 17)
(i64.const -6293828406367066284))
( offset=8
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 1241770546413374981))
(call $_ZN19source_map_mappings4sort13do_quick_sort17hd2ed3eeff49328cdE
(get_local 17)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const -1)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 13))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 17))
(br 39 (;@34;)))
(set_local 16
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16)))
(br_if 29 (;@44;)
(tee_local 15
(tee_local 14
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 12)))))))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 18))
(br 38 (;@35;)))
(br_if 29 (;@44;)
(get_local 16))))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 19))
(br 37 (;@36;)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 15))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 20))
(br 36 (;@37;)))
(get_local 16)
(get_local 8))
(get_local 14)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 11))
(br_if 28 (;@45;)
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 21))
(br 35 (;@38;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(get_local 11))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 17)
(i32.const 16)))
(call $_ZN4core6option13expect_failed17h8cc73d0e2c4bcc02E
(i32.const 240))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 308))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 700))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 4))
(br 27 (;@46;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 5))
(br 26 (;@47;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 5))
(br 25 (;@48;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 1))
(br 24 (;@49;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 3))
(br 23 (;@50;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 38))
(br 22 (;@51;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 3))
(br 21 (;@52;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 7))
(br 20 (;@53;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 36))
(br 19 (;@54;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 35))
(br 18 (;@55;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 15))
(br 17 (;@56;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 15))
(br 16 (;@57;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 11))
(br 15 (;@58;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 14))
(br 14 (;@59;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 13))
(br 13 (;@60;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 13))
(br 12 (;@61;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 13))
(br 11 (;@62;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 17))
(br 10 (;@63;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 17))
(br 9 (;@64;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 20))
(br 8 (;@65;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 20))
(br 7 (;@66;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 22))
(br 6 (;@67;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 34))
(br 5 (;@68;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 33))
(br 4 (;@69;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 32))
(br 3 (;@70;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 30))
(br 2 (;@71;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 29))
(br 1 (;@72;)))
(set_local 18
(i32.const 29))
(br 0 (;@73;)))
(func $_ZN49_$LT$alloc..raw_vec..RawVec$LT$T$C$$u20$A$GT$$GT$6double17h4604209c086038deE (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32 i32 i32)
(set_local 2
(i32.const 4))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))))))
(br_if 2 (;@3;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 72)))
(i32.const -1)))
(br_if 3 (;@2;)
(tee_local 3
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc7realloc17hcf00e9bf14c866efE
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 2)))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@4;)))
(br_if 3 (;@2;)
(tee_local 3
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 144))))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 2))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 700))
(func $_ZN4core3ptr13drop_in_place17h212fc3d4f6c69954E (type 0) (param i32))
(func $get_last_error (type 10) (result i32)
(local i32)
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=12
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 6))))
(func $allocate_mappings (type 11) (param i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 3))
(i32.const 2))
(i32.const 2))))
(i64.const 2)))
(i64.const 32))))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const -1)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 2)))
(br_if 1 (;@3;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 2))))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 4)))
( offset=4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))))
(call $_ZN4core6option13expect_failed17h8cc73d0e2c4bcc02E
(i32.const 240))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 700))
(func $parse_mappings (type 11) (param i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 16
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 17
(tee_local 13
(tee_local 11
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -4))))
(i32.const 1))))
(i64.const 36)))
(i64.const 32))))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(tee_local 12
(get_local 17)))
(i32.const -1)))
(set_local 2
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -8)))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 4))
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(get_local 12)))
(br_if 1 (;@7;)
(tee_local 4
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 12))))))
( offset=20
(get_local 16)
(get_local 13))
( offset=16
(get_local 16)
(get_local 4))
( offset=24
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)
(get_local 11)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 2))
(set_local 15
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 9
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 18
(i64.const 0))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(loop ;; label = @11
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(block ;; label = @15
(block ;; label = @16
(block ;; label = @17
(block ;; label = @18
(block ;; label = @19
(block ;; label = @20
(br_if 0 (;@20;)
(tee_local 12
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 255)))
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 2 (;@18;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 2)))
(br_if 2 (;@18;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@19;)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 13)))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 2))
(br_if 7 (;@13;)
(tee_local 10
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 255)))
(i32.const 44)))
(block ;; label = @21
(br_if 0 (;@21;)
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 59)))
(set_local 8
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 18
(i64.const 0))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 2))
(br 8 (;@13;)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 17
(i64.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @22
(block ;; label = @23
(br_if 0 (;@23;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 2)))
(block ;; label = @24
(block ;; label = @25
(br_if 0 (;@25;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 13
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 8)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@24;)))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 0
(get_local 3))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 12)
(get_local 13))))
(br_if 3 (;@22;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 1))))
(block ;; label = @26
(br_if 0 (;@26;)
(tee_local 13
(tee_local 12
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 255)))
(i32.const -65)))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 26)))
(block ;; label = @27
(br_if 0 (;@27;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const -97))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 26)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 12)
(i32.const -71)))
(br 1 (;@26;)))
(block ;; label = @28
(br_if 0 (;@28;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const -48))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 10)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 4)))
(br 1 (;@27;)))
(block ;; label = @29
(br_if 0 (;@29;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 47)))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 62))
(br_if 1 (;@28;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 43)))
(br 7 (;@22;)))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 63)))
(br_if 2 (;@27;)
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 63)))
(br_if 4 (;@25;)
(tee_local 17
(get_local 13))
(i64.const 31))
(get_local 11))
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 17)))
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 5)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 2))
(br_if 0 (;@29;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 32))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 2))
(br_if 8 (;@21;)
(tee_local 12
(tee_local 18
(get_local 18)
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(i64.const -1)))
(tee_local 17
(tee_local 19
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 1)))
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 19))
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 1)))))
(i64.const -1)))
(get_local 12)
(tee_local 18
(get_local 18)
(get_local 17)))
(i64.const -1)))))
(br_if 8 (;@21;)
(get_local 18)
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(br_if 9 (;@20;)
(get_local 18)
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 2))
(block ;; label = @30
(block ;; label = @31
(br_if 0 (;@31;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 10
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1)))
(block ;; label = @32
(br_if 0 (;@32;)
(tee_local 13
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 44)))
(br_if 2 (;@30;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 59))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 10))
(br 8 (;@24;)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 0
(get_local 3))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 0))
(br 7 (;@25;)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 17
(i64.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @33
(block ;; label = @34
(br_if 0 (;@34;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 2)))
(block ;; label = @35
(block ;; label = @36
(br_if 0 (;@36;)
(get_local 10)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 11
(get_local 10))
(i32.const 8)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@35;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 10
(get_local 3))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(get_local 11))))
(br_if 3 (;@33;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1))))
(block ;; label = @37
(br_if 0 (;@37;)
(tee_local 11
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 255)))
(i32.const -65)))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 26)))
(block ;; label = @38
(br_if 0 (;@38;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -97))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 26)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -71)))
(br 1 (;@37;)))
(block ;; label = @39
(br_if 0 (;@39;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -48))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 10)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4)))
(br 1 (;@38;)))
(block ;; label = @40
(br_if 0 (;@40;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 47)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 62))
(br_if 1 (;@39;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 43)))
(br 7 (;@33;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 63)))
(br_if 2 (;@38;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 63)))
(br_if 2 (;@38;)
(tee_local 17
(get_local 11))
(i64.const 31))
(get_local 12))
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 17)))
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 5)))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 2))
(br_if 0 (;@40;)
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 32))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 2))
(br_if 8 (;@32;)
(tee_local 17
(tee_local 19
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 1)))
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 19))
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 1)))))
(i64.const -1))
(tee_local 0
(tee_local 17
(get_local 9))
(get_local 17)))
(i64.const 0)))))
(br_if 8 (;@32;)
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(br_if 9 (;@31;)
(get_local 0))
(set_local 9
(get_local 17)))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 17
(i64.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @41
(br_if 3 (;@38;)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 10)))
(block ;; label = @42
(br_if 0 (;@42;)
(tee_local 12
(tee_local 13
(get_local 10)))
(i32.const -65)))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 26)))
(block ;; label = @43
(br_if 0 (;@43;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const -97))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 26)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 13)
(i32.const -71)))
(br 1 (;@42;)))
(block ;; label = @44
(br_if 0 (;@44;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const -48))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 10)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 4)))
(br 1 (;@43;)))
(block ;; label = @45
(br_if 0 (;@45;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 47)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 62))
(br_if 1 (;@44;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 43)))
(br 7 (;@38;)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 63)))
(br_if 2 (;@43;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 63)))
(br_if 2 (;@43;)
(tee_local 17
(get_local 12))
(i64.const 31))
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 17)))
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 5)))
(br_if 0 (;@45;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 32))))
(br_if 8 (;@37;)
(tee_local 17
(tee_local 19
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 1)))
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 19))
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 1)))))
(i64.const -1))
(tee_local 0
(tee_local 17
(get_local 7))
(get_local 17)))
(i64.const 0)))))
(br_if 8 (;@37;)
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(br_if 9 (;@36;)
(get_local 0))
(set_local 7
(get_local 17)))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 17
(i64.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @46
(br_if 3 (;@43;)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 10)))
(block ;; label = @47
(br_if 0 (;@47;)
(tee_local 12
(tee_local 13
(get_local 10)))
(i32.const -65)))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 26)))
(block ;; label = @48
(br_if 0 (;@48;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const -97))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 26)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 13)
(i32.const -71)))
(br 1 (;@47;)))
(block ;; label = @49
(br_if 0 (;@49;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const -48))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 10)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 4)))
(br 1 (;@48;)))
(block ;; label = @50
(br_if 0 (;@50;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 47)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 62))
(br_if 1 (;@49;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 43)))
(br 7 (;@43;)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 63)))
(br_if 2 (;@48;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 63)))
(br_if 2 (;@48;)
(tee_local 17
(get_local 12))
(i64.const 31))
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 17)))
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 5)))
(br_if 0 (;@50;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 32))))
(br_if 8 (;@42;)
(tee_local 17
(tee_local 19
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 1)))
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 19))
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 1)))))
(i64.const -1))
(tee_local 0
(tee_local 17
(get_local 6))
(get_local 17)))
(i64.const 0)))))
(br_if 8 (;@42;)
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 8 (;@42;)
(get_local 0))
(set_local 6
(get_local 17)))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @51
(br_if 0 (;@51;)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 10)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 3))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 0))
(br 7 (;@44;)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 0
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 6 (;@45;)
(tee_local 13
(get_local 10)))
(i32.const 44)))
(br_if 6 (;@45;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 59)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 17
(i64.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @52
(block ;; label = @53
(br_if 0 (;@53;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 2)))
(block ;; label = @54
(block ;; label = @55
(br_if 0 (;@55;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 13
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 8)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@54;)))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 0
(get_local 3))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 12)
(get_local 13))))
(br_if 3 (;@52;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 1))))
(block ;; label = @56
(br_if 0 (;@56;)
(tee_local 13
(tee_local 12
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 255)))
(i32.const -65)))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 26)))
(block ;; label = @57
(br_if 0 (;@57;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const -97))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 26)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 12)
(i32.const -71)))
(br 1 (;@56;)))
(block ;; label = @58
(br_if 0 (;@58;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const -48))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 10)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 4)))
(br 1 (;@57;)))
(block ;; label = @59
(br_if 0 (;@59;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 47)))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 62))
(br_if 1 (;@58;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 43)))
(br 7 (;@52;)))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 63)))
(br_if 2 (;@57;)
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 63)))
(br_if 2 (;@57;)
(tee_local 17
(get_local 13))
(i64.const 31))
(get_local 11))
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 17)))
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 5)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 2))
(br_if 0 (;@59;)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 32)))
(br 6 (;@53;)))
(block ;; label = @60
(br_if 0 (;@60;)
(get_local 15)))
( offset=32
(get_local 16)
(i64.const -6293828406367066284))
( offset=40
(get_local 16)
(i64.const 1241770546413374981))
(call $_ZN19source_map_mappings4sort13do_quick_sort17h95c347691c6dfef4E
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 32))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -1))))
(set_local 12
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 16)))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 32))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 2))))
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 2))
(get_local 0)))
(i32.store16 offset=32
(get_local 16)
(i32.load16_u offset=12 align=1
(get_local 16)))
(i32.store16 offset=8
(get_local 16)
(i32.load16_u offset=32
(get_local 16)))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 14 (;@46;)
(get_local 2))
(br 15 (;@45;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 5))
(br_if 11 (;@49;)
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 16)))
(br 12 (;@48;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 3))
(br_if 10 (;@50;)
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 16)))
(br 11 (;@49;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 5))
(br 4 (;@56;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 4))
(br_if 8 (;@52;)
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 16)))
(br 9 (;@51;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 2))
(br_if 2 (;@58;)
(tee_local 17
(tee_local 19
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 1)))
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 19))
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 1)))))
(i64.const -1))
(tee_local 12
(tee_local 17
(get_local 5))
(get_local 17)))
(i64.const 0)))))
(br_if 2 (;@58;)
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(br_if 3 (;@57;)
(get_local 12))
(set_local 5
(get_local 17)))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 18)))
(block ;; label = @61
(br_if 0 (;@61;)
(get_local 15)
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 16))))
(call $_ZN49_$LT$alloc..raw_vec..RawVec$LT$T$C$$u20$A$GT$$GT$6double17h4604209c086038deE
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 16)))
(set_local 15
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8))))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 16))))
( offset=4
(tee_local 11
(get_local 4)
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 36))))
(get_local 10))
(get_local 11)
(get_local 8))
( offset=8
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=16
(get_local 11)
(get_local 9))
( offset=20
(get_local 11)
(get_local 7))
( offset=24
(get_local 11)
(get_local 6))
( offset=28
(get_local 11)
(get_local 14))
( offset=32
(get_local 11)
(get_local 5))
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8))
(tee_local 15
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 1))))
(br 0 (;@61;)))
(br_if 5 (;@56;)
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 16))))
(br 4 (;@57;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 3 (;@58;)
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 16)))
(br 4 (;@57;)))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 700))
(call $_ZN4core6option13expect_failed17h8cc73d0e2c4bcc02E
(i32.const 240))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 4
(get_local 11))
(br_if 1 (;@60;)
(get_local 2))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 1)))
(block ;; label = @62
(block ;; label = @63
(block ;; label = @64
(br_if 0 (;@64;)
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 0))
( offset=12
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4))
(br 1 (;@63;)))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 2))))
(i32.store16 offset=12
(get_local 16)
(i32.load16_u offset=8
(get_local 16)))
(tee_local 11
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 0)))
(i32.store16 offset=16
(get_local 16)
(i32.load16_u offset=12
(get_local 16)))
(br_if 1 (;@63;)
(tee_local 0
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 28)))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 4))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(get_local 12))
(tee_local 12
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 32))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 11)))
(i32.store16 offset=32
(get_local 16)
(i32.load16_u offset=16
(get_local 16)))
( offset=8
(get_local 0)
(get_local 15))
( offset=12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
(i32.store8 offset=24
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 27))
(get_local 12)))
(i32.store16 offset=25 align=1
(get_local 0)
(i32.load16_u offset=32
(get_local 16))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 48)))
(get_local 0)))
(func $free_mappings (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))))
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 0)))))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0)))
(func $by_generated_location (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 36)))))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 7)))
(loop ;; label = @3
(set_local 5
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 12)))
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))))
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 9
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 28))))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 32)))
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 11
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))))
(set_local 9
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 24))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 20))))
(set_local 7
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16)))))
(call $mapping_callback
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 10)
(get_local 7)
(get_local 8)
(get_local 9)
(get_local 11)
(get_local 12))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 36)))
(get_local 1)))))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 96))
(func $compute_column_spans (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 3 (;@2;)
(i32.load8_u offset=24
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 4
(get_local 0)))
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 36))))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 2 (;@3;)))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 96))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 7))
(br 2 (;@3;)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 4))
(br 1 (;@4;)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 6)))
(loop ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(block ;; label = @15
(block ;; label = @16
(block ;; label = @17
(block ;; label = @18
(block ;; label = @19
(block ;; label = @20
(block ;; label = @21
(block ;; label = @22
(br_table 4 (;@18;) 5 (;@17;) 6 (;@16;) 1 (;@21;) 3 (;@19;) 7 (;@15;) 8 (;@14;) 2 (;@20;) 0 (;@22;) 0 (;@22;)
(get_local 8)))
( offset=12
(get_local 7)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 6)))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 3
(get_local 6))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 3))
(br 15 (;@7;)))
(br_if 7 (;@15;)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 7))
(br 14 (;@8;)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 4))
(set_local 7
(get_local 3))
(br_if 9 (;@13;)
(get_local 3))
(br 8 (;@14;)))
(br_if 6 (;@16;)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0))
(br 12 (;@10;)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 36)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 4))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 1))
(br 11 (;@11;)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 6)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 36))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 6)
(get_local 1)))))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 7 (;@15;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 6)
(get_local 2)))))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 2))
(br 10 (;@12;)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 6))
(br_if 8 (;@14;)
(get_local 7))
(get_local 6))))
(br 7 (;@15;)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 6))
(br 8 (;@14;)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 4))
(br 6 (;@16;)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 5))
(br 5 (;@17;)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 5))
(br 4 (;@18;)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 1))
(br 3 (;@19;)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 3))
(br 2 (;@20;)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 8))
(br 1 (;@21;)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 3))
(br 0 (;@22;)))
(func $by_original_location (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 13
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 0)))
(call $_ZN47_$LT$source_map_mappings..Mappings$LT$O$GT$$GT$20by_original_location17h0e2de86708c66705E
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 0))
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 13))
(i32.const 36)))))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 13)))
(get_local 7)))
(loop ;; label = @3
(set_local 5
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 12)))
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))))
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 9
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 28))))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 32)))
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 11
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))))
(set_local 9
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 24))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 20))))
(set_local 7
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16)))))
(call $mapping_callback
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 10)
(get_local 7)
(get_local 8)
(get_local 9)
(get_local 11)
(get_local 12))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 36)))
(get_local 1)))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 16)))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 96))
(func $original_location_for (type 8) (param i32 i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -1))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 0)))))
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 0
(get_local 5))
(loop ;; label = @9
(set_local 11
(get_local 11)
(tee_local 9
(tee_local 8
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 11)))
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 10
(i32.load offset=4
(tee_local 9
(get_local 4)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 36))))))
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 10)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 9)))
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(get_local 8)))
(i32.const 1)))))
(set_local 11
(tee_local 0
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 8
(i32.load offset=4
(tee_local 0
(get_local 4)
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 36))))))
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 8)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))))
(i32.const -1))
(get_local 11)))
(br_if 1 (;@8;)
(get_local 0))))
(block ;; label = @10
(br_if 0 (;@10;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 3 (;@7;)
(get_local 11)))
(br_if 3 (;@7;)
(get_local 5)
(tee_local 11
(get_local 11)
(i32.const -1)))))
(set_local 11
(get_local 4)
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 36))))
(br 2 (;@8;)))
(br_if 2 (;@8;)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 11)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 4)
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 36))))
(br 1 (;@9;)))
(br_if 4 (;@6;)
(get_local 11)
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 4)
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 36)))))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 5
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 12)))
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 11)))
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 11)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 11)))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 9
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @11
(br_if 0 (;@11;)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 28))))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 32)))
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1)))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 24))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 20))))
(set_local 0
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 11)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 1)))
(call $mapping_callback
(get_local 6)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 8)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 9)
(get_local 10)))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 96))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking18panic_bounds_check17hdb5694950094706bE
(i32.const 200)
(get_local 11)
(get_local 5))
(func $generated_location_for (type 9) (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 12
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -1))
(i32.const 2)))
(call $_ZN47_$LT$source_map_mappings..Mappings$LT$O$GT$$GT$20by_original_location17h0e2de86708c66705E
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 0))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 5
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 12)))
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 12)))))
(block ;; label = @9
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 11
(get_local 6))
(loop ;; label = @10
(br_if 6 (;@4;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 5)
(tee_local 8
(tee_local 7
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 10)))
(i32.const 36))))
(i32.const 28)))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 10)
(get_local 8)
(tee_local 9
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 20))))
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 9
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 1))))
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 24))))
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 9))
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if 0 (;@10;)
(tee_local 11
(get_local 11)
(get_local 7)))
(i32.const 1)))))
(br_if 6 (;@4;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 5)
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 36))))
(i32.const 28)))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 10
(tee_local 0
(tee_local 11
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 11
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 20))))
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 11)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 11
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 11)
(get_local 1))))
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 24))))
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 11)))
(i32.const -1))
(get_local 10)))
(br_if 1 (;@9;)
(get_local 0))))
(block ;; label = @11
(br_if 0 (;@11;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 3 (;@8;)
(get_local 10)))
(br_if 3 (;@8;)
(get_local 6)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 10)
(i32.const -1)))))
(br_if 2 (;@9;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 5)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 36)))))
(br 3 (;@8;)))
(br_if 2 (;@9;)
(get_local 6)
(get_local 10)))
(br_if 1 (;@10;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 5)
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 36)))))
(br 2 (;@9;)))
(br_if 5 (;@6;)
(get_local 10)
(get_local 6)))
(br_if 1 (;@10;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 5)
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 36)))))))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 9
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 12)))
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 8
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @12
(br_if 0 (;@12;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 28))))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 32)))
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 24))))
(set_local 11
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 20))))
(set_local 10
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 1)))
(call $mapping_callback
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 8)
(get_local 9)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 10)
(get_local 11)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 7)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 16)))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 96))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking18panic_bounds_check17hdb5694950094706bE
(i32.const 216)
(get_local 10)
(get_local 6))
(func $all_generated_locations_for (type 9) (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 13
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 0)))
( offset=12
(get_local 13)
(get_local 2))
(call $_ZN47_$LT$source_map_mappings..Mappings$LT$O$GT$$GT$20by_original_location17h0e2de86708c66705E
(get_local 13)
(get_local 0))
(set_local 5
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 13)))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 13)))))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 12
(get_local 7))
(loop ;; label = @6
(br_if 3 (;@3;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 6)
(tee_local 11
(tee_local 10
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 8)))
(i32.const 36))))
(i32.const 28)))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 8
(get_local 8)
(get_local 11)
(tee_local 9
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 20))))
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 9
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 1))))
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 24))))
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 9))
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(tee_local 12
(get_local 12)
(get_local 10)))
(i32.const 1)))))
(br_if 1 (;@5;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 6)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 36))))
(i32.const 28)))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 0
(tee_local 12
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 20))))
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 12)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 12
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 12)
(get_local 1))))
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 24))))
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 12))
(i32.const -1))
(get_local 8))))
(set_local 14
(get_local 4))
(i64.const 32))
(get_local 3))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 6)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 36)))
(i32.const -20)))
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(loop ;; label = @11
(br_if 1 (;@10;)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 4 (;@7;)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const -2))
(get_local 7)))
(br_if 3 (;@8;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 12)))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -36)))
(set_local 8
(get_local 8)
(i32.const -1)))
(br_if 0 (;@11;)
(tee_local 12
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 11
(get_local 11)))
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 11)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 12)
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 12)
(get_local 1))))
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 1)
(tee_local 10
(get_local 10)))
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 10)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 12))))
(br 2 (;@9;)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 232))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 232))
(block ;; label = @12
(br_if 0 (;@12;)
(get_local 7)
(get_local 8)))
(br_if 1 (;@11;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 6)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 36))))
(i32.const 28)))
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 7)
(get_local 8))
(i32.const 36)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 12))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 3))))
(set_local 14
(i64.const 0))
(set_local 15
(i64.const 0))
(block ;; label = @13
(br_if 0 (;@13;)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 15
(get_local 6)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 36)))
(i32.const 24)))
(i64.const 32)))
(set_local 14
(i64.const 1)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 0)
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 14
(get_local 15)
(get_local 14))))
(block ;; label = @14
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 5)))
(block ;; label = @15
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(get_local 14))
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 14)
(i64.const 32))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 32)))
(loop ;; label = @16
(br_if 6 (;@10;)
(tee_local 8
(tee_local 5
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -4))))
(i32.const 2))))
(br_if 2 (;@14;)
(tee_local 8
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -16)))
(get_local 8))))
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 2 (;@14;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 8))
(get_local 2)))
(br_if 2 (;@14;)
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 8))
(get_local 10)))
(call $mapping_callback
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -32)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -28)))
(tee_local 8
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -24)))
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -20)))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 8))
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 12))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -12)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -8)))
(tee_local 8
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 8)))
(br_if 0 (;@16;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 36)))
(get_local 11))
(i32.const 32)))
(br 2 (;@14;)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 32)))
(loop ;; label = @17
(br_if 5 (;@12;)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -4))))
(i32.const 2)))
(br_if 1 (;@16;)
(tee_local 5
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -16)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 2)))))
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@16;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 5))
(get_local 2)))
(call $mapping_callback
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -32)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -28)))
(tee_local 5
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -24)))
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -20)))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5))
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 12))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -12)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -8)))
(tee_local 8
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 8)))
(br_if 0 (;@17;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 36)))
(get_local 10))
(i32.const 32)))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 16)))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking18panic_bounds_check17hdb5694950094706bE
(i32.const 820)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const -2))
(get_local 7))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 96))
(func $_ZN33_$LT$alloc..vec..Vec$LT$T$GT$$GT$17extend_from_slice17hf32cce05235feb59E (type 4) (param i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 0))))
(get_local 2)))
(br_if 4 (;@3;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 5 (;@2;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 5))))
(i32.const -1)))
(br_if 1 (;@6;)
(get_local 6)))
(br_if 2 (;@5;)
(tee_local 6
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc7realloc17hcf00e9bf14c866efE
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 5))))
( offset=8
(get_local 7)
(get_local 5))
( offset=4
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))
( offset=12
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 0)))
(br 2 (;@5;)))
(br_if 4 (;@3;)
(tee_local 6
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 5))))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 6))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 4))
(call $memcpy
(get_local 6)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 16)))
(call $_ZN4core6option13expect_failed17h8cc73d0e2c4bcc02E
(i32.const 1552))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 1572))
( offset=8
(get_local 7)
(get_local 5))
( offset=4
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))
( offset=12
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1))
(func $_ZN4core6result13unwrap_failed17h280ac599f4feac65E (type 6)
(local i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 64))))
( offset=12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16))
( offset=8
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2400))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 40))
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 1))
( offset=44
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2))
( offset=48
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 56)))
( offset=24
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 5360))
( offset=20
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2))
( offset=40
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))
( offset=16
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 836))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 2))
( offset=32
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 40)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 36))
(i32.const 2))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking9panic_fmt17h1678a65e9c34566fE
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 852))
(func $_ZN4core6result13unwrap_failed17h66aaf2f3ab2aa221E (type 6)
(local i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 64))))
( offset=12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 57))
( offset=8
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2256))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 40))
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 3))
( offset=44
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2))
( offset=48
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 56)))
( offset=24
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 5360))
( offset=20
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2))
( offset=40
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))
( offset=16
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 836))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 2))
( offset=32
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 40)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 36))
(i32.const 2))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking9panic_fmt17h1678a65e9c34566fE
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 852))
(func $_ZN4core6result13unwrap_failed17h9ac3158972eed62dE (type 6)
(local i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 64))))
( offset=12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 24))
( offset=8
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2416))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 40))
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 4))
( offset=44
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2))
( offset=48
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 56)))
( offset=24
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 5360))
( offset=20
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2))
( offset=40
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))
( offset=16
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 836))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 2))
( offset=32
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 40)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 36))
(i32.const 2))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking9panic_fmt17h1678a65e9c34566fE
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 852))
(func $_ZN4core3fmt5Write10write_char17hc6cbe38e9a8ebb7fE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 8
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0))
( offset=4
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 127)))
(i32.store8 offset=4
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 1))
(br 1 (;@1;)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 2048)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 2))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 192))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 31))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 65536)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 3))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 2))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 224))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 15))
(br 1 (;@5;)))
(i32.store8 offset=4
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 18))
(i32.const 240)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 4))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 3))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 2))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 128))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 63)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 3))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 12)))
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 128))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 63)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 4))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 6)))
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 6))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 63))
(i32.const 128))))
(call $_ZN3std2io5Write9write_all17h2303798b23a6a4afE
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 7))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(i32.load8_u offset=8
(get_local 8))
(i32.const 3)))
(set_local 9
(i64.load offset=8
(get_local 8)))
(block ;; label = @8
(block ;; label = @9
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@8;)
(i32.load8_u offset=4
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 2))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))))
(block ;; label = @10
(br_if 0 (;@10;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 1))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 1)))
( align=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 9))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN4core3fmt5Write9write_fmt17h0201abd2c7a2e43dE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 32))))
( offset=4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 16))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 8))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=8
(get_local 2)
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 1
(call $_ZN4core3fmt5write17hd6a32f6ec1cda42dE
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4))
(i32.const 1148)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 32)))
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN4core3ptr13drop_in_place17h5496d959d8fbafa0E (type 0) (param i32))
(func $_ZN3std5error5Error5cause17h3e89e66bf2d8e776E (type 7) (param i32 i32)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0)))
(func $_ZN3std5error5Error7type_id17hf9d38fb02a815816E (type 3) (param i32) (result i64)
(i64.const 8133356169590032690))
(func $_ZN281_$LT$std..error..$LT$impl$u20$core..convert..From$LT$alloc..string..String$GT$$u20$for$u20$alloc..boxed..Box$LT$std..error..Error$u20$$u2b$$u20$core..marker..Send$u20$$u2b$$u20$core..marker..Sync$u20$$u2b$$u20$$u27$static$GT$$GT$..from..StringError$u20$as$u20$std..error..Error$GT$11description17h4aec6f35a72e7f22E (type 7) (param i32 i32)
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))))
(func $_ZN282_$LT$std..error..$LT$impl$u20$core..convert..From$LT$alloc..string..String$GT$$u20$for$u20$alloc..boxed..Box$LT$std..error..Error$u20$$u2b$$u20$core..marker..Send$u20$$u2b$$u20$core..marker..Sync$u20$$u2b$$u20$$u27$static$GT$$GT$..from..StringError$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Display$GT$3fmt17hb7e080c8d90d76a0E (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(call $_ZN4core3fmt9Formatter3pad17h596e7ca0f3648eabE
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 0))))
(func $_ZN94_$LT$$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$9write_str17hae1fe75e2b1418f6E (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(call $_ZN3std2io5Write9write_all17h2303798b23a6a4afE
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(i32.load8_u offset=8
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 3)))
(set_local 4
(i64.load offset=8
(get_local 3)))
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(i32.load8_u offset=4
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 2))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 1))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 1)))
( align=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 4))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN280_$LT$std..error..$LT$impl$u20$core..convert..From$LT$alloc..string..String$GT$$u20$for$u20$alloc..boxed..Box$LT$std..error..Error$u20$$u2b$$u20$core..marker..Send$u20$$u2b$$u20$core..marker..Sync$u20$$u2b$$u20$$u27$static$GT$$GT$..from..StringError$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Debug$GT$3fmt17h0feeaf1ee29b277bE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(i32.store8 offset=8
(get_local 3)
(call_indirect (type 1)
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 1184)
(i32.const 11)
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 28))))))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
( offset=4
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0))
(i32.store8 offset=9
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=12
(get_local 3)
(get_local 0))
(call $_ZN4core3fmt8builders10DebugTuple5field17h3e69bb56abf581bfE
(get_local 3)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 1196)))
(set_local 1
(i32.load8_u offset=8
(get_local 3)))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3)))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 255)))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 1))
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 0))
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 3))))
(i32.const 4))))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(call_indirect (type 1)
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 3744)
(i32.const 1)
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 28)))))))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 9)))
(i32.const 255))))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 1 (;@3;)
(call_indirect (type 1)
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 3680)
(i32.const 1)
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 28)))))))
(set_local 1
(call_indirect (type 1)
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 3888)
(i32.const 1)
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 28)))))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 1)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 0)))
(func $_ZN4core3ptr13drop_in_place17h53915d04764f9e4aE (type 0) (param i32))
(func $_ZN4core3ptr13drop_in_place17h811b41b3b55d6288E (type 0) (param i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0)))))
(func $_ZN33_$LT$alloc..arc..Arc$LT$T$GT$$GT$9drop_slow17h5691c54cf55db889E (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 0)))))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 20)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 28))))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const -1)))
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))))
(func $_ZN36_$LT$T$u20$as$u20$core..any..Any$GT$11get_type_id17h32b7570c8a8c46d1E (type 3) (param i32) (result i64)
(i64.const 4522005880510657852))
(func $_ZN49_$LT$alloc..raw_vec..RawVec$LT$T$C$$u20$A$GT$$GT$6double17h54f501e0ff0c0001E (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))))
(br_if 2 (;@2;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const -1)))
(br_if 1 (;@3;)
(tee_local 1
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc7realloc17hcf00e9bf14c866efE
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 2))))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 4))
(br_if 2 (;@2;)
(tee_local 1
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 4))))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 2))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16)))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 1572))
( offset=8
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 4))
( offset=12
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1))
( offset=4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
( offset=8 align=4
(get_local 3)
(i64.load offset=8 align=4
(get_local 3)))
( offset=4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN4core3fmt5Write9write_fmt17h1880290ac0fa3bb2E (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 32))))
( offset=4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 16))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 8))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=8
(get_local 2)
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 1
(call $_ZN4core3fmt5write17hd6a32f6ec1cda42dE
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4))
(i32.const 1636)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 32)))
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN4core3ptr13drop_in_place17h16aef45916ff39cbE (type 0) (param i32))
(func $_ZN53_$LT$$RF$$u27$a$u20$T$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Debug$GT$3fmt17h8a5de226fe787174E (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64)
(set_local 3
(i32.load offset=8
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(call_indirect (type 2)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 34)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=16
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 28))))))))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 12)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 2))
(set_local 16
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(loop ;; label = @9
(set_local 8
(get_local 1))
(set_local 14
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const -1)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 255)))
(br 1 (;@13;)))
(block ;; label = @15
(block ;; label = @16
(br_if 0 (;@16;)
(get_local 14)
(get_local 6)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 14))
(i32.const 63)))
(set_local 14
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 2))))
(br 1 (;@15;)))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 1
(get_local 6)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 31)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 255)))
(block ;; label = @17
(block ;; label = @18
(block ;; label = @19
(br_if 0 (;@19;)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 255)))
(i32.const 223)))
(br_if 1 (;@18;)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 6)))
(set_local 15
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 63)))
(set_local 10
(tee_local 14
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1))))
(br 2 (;@17;)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 12)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 6))))
(br 2 (;@17;)))
(set_local 15
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 10
(get_local 6)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 255))
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 6))))
(block ;; label = @20
(br_if 0 (;@20;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 240)))
(br_if 2 (;@18;)
(get_local 10)
(get_local 6)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 10))
(i32.const 63)))
(br 3 (;@17;)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 12)
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 12)))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 14))
(br 2 (;@18;)))
(set_local 9
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 1
(get_local 14)))
(br_if 2 (;@18;)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 6))
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 18))
(i32.const 1835008)))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 255))))
(i32.const 1114112))))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 2))
(block ;; label = @21
(block ;; label = @22
(block ;; label = @23
(block ;; label = @24
(block ;; label = @25
(block ;; label = @26
(block ;; label = @27
(block ;; label = @28
(block ;; label = @29
(br_if 0 (;@29;)
(tee_local 10
(get_local 9)
(i32.const -9)))
(i32.const 30)))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 116))
(set_local 12
(i32.const 9))
(block ;; label = @30
(br_table 9 (;@21;) 0 (;@30;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 3 (;@27;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 6 (;@24;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 2 (;@28;) 6 (;@24;) 9 (;@21;)
(get_local 10)))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 110))
(br 3 (;@27;)))
(br_if 4 (;@26;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 92))))
(br_if 2 (;@28;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 65535)))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 4 (;@26;)
(call $_ZN4core12char_private5check17h2eee265d0e79cbe2E
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 3904)
(i32.const 41)
(i32.const 4000)
(i32.const 304)
(i32.const 4304)
(i32.const 326))))
(br 3 (;@27;)))
(set_local 13
(i32.const 114)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 9))
(br 4 (;@26;)))
(block ;; label = @31
(br_if 0 (;@31;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 131072)))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 1 (;@30;)
(call $_ZN4core12char_private5check17h2eee265d0e79cbe2E
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 4640)
(i32.const 33)
(i32.const 4720)
(i32.const 150)
(i32.const 4880)
(i32.const 360)))
(br 2 (;@29;)))
(br_if 1 (;@30;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const -918000))
(i32.const 196112)))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 1 (;@30;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const -195102))
(i32.const 722657))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const -191457))
(i32.const 3102))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const -183970))
(i32.const 13))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 2097150))
(i32.const 178206))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const -173783))
(i32.const 40))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const -177973))
(i32.const 10))))))))))
(set_local 12
(get_local 9))
(br 1 (;@30;)))
(set_local 17
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 2))
(i32.const 7)))
(i64.const 21474836480)))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 3))
(set_local 12
(get_local 9)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 9)))
(block ;; label = @32
(br_if 0 (;@32;)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 14)
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 1)))
(block ;; label = @33
(br_if 0 (;@33;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 3)))
(br_if 1 (;@32;)
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 32)))
(i32.const 255))
(i32.const 4))
(i32.const 2))
(i32.const 5536)))
(get_local 17)))
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if 4 (;@29;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 16)))
(block ;; label = @34
(br_if 0 (;@34;)
(get_local 16)))
(br_if 0 (;@34;)
(get_local 16)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 5 (;@29;)
(get_local 16)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 5 (;@29;)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 16)))
(i32.const -65))))
(block ;; label = @35
(br_if 0 (;@35;)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@35;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 5 (;@30;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 5 (;@30;)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const -65))))
(br_if 3 (;@32;)
(call_indirect (type 1)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 16))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 16))
(get_local 7))))
(set_local 16
(get_local 17)
(i64.const 32))))
(set_local 15
(get_local 17)))
(block ;; label = @36
(loop ;; label = @37
(set_local 9
(get_local 16))
(block ;; label = @38
(block ;; label = @39
(block ;; label = @40
(block ;; label = @41
(block ;; label = @42
(block ;; label = @43
(br_if 0 (;@43;)
(tee_local 16
(get_local 14)
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@42;)
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 2)))
(br_if 7 (;@36;)
(get_local 16)
(i32.const 3)))
(set_local 16
(i32.const 4))
(br_if 7 (;@36;)
(tee_local 11
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 7))
(i32.const -1)))
(i32.const 4)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 92))
(block ;; label = @44
(br_table 0 (;@44;) 4 (;@40;) 5 (;@39;) 6 (;@38;) 3 (;@41;) 0 (;@44;)
(get_local 11)))
(set_local 16
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 6 (;@38;)
(call_indirect (type 2)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 125)
(get_local 5))))
(br 11 (;@33;)))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 16
(get_local 9))
(br_if 5 (;@39;)
(call_indirect (type 2)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 13)
(get_local 5))))
(br 10 (;@34;)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 92))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 16
(get_local 9)))
(br_if 3 (;@41;)
(call_indirect (type 2)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 10)
(get_local 5))))
(br 8 (;@36;)))
(set_local 16
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 15)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 15)
(i32.const 2)))
(set_local 15
(get_local 15)
(i32.const -1))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 15)))
(br_if 2 (;@42;)
(call_indirect (type 2)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 48)
(i32.const 87)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 13)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 28)))
(i32.const 15)))
(i32.const 10)))
(get_local 9))
(get_local 5))))
(br 7 (;@37;)))
(set_local 16
(i32.const 2))
(br_if 1 (;@43;)
(call_indirect (type 2)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 123)
(get_local 5))))
(br 6 (;@38;)))
(set_local 16
(i32.const 3))
(br_if 0 (;@44;)
(call_indirect (type 2)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 117)
(get_local 5))))
(br 5 (;@39;)))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 1))
(block ;; label = @45
(br_if 0 (;@45;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 128)))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 2))
(br_if 0 (;@45;)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 2048)))
(set_local 14
(i32.const 3)
(i32.const 4)
(get_local 12)
(i32.const 65536)))))
(set_local 16
(get_local 14)
(get_local 0))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(get_local 8))
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 0 (;@45;)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 6)))))
(br_if 3 (;@42;)
(get_local 16)))
(br_if 3 (;@42;)
(get_local 16)
(get_local 3)))
(block ;; label = @46
(br_if 0 (;@46;)
(get_local 16)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 5 (;@41;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 2)
(get_local 16))))
(i32.const -65))))
(call $_ZN4core3str16slice_error_fail17h8b2e72a56421f20bE
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 16)
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 1)))
(call $_ZN4core3str16slice_error_fail17h8b2e72a56421f20bE
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 16)
(get_local 0))
(set_local 7
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 12)))
(set_local 16
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 2)
(get_local 16))))
(br_if 1 (;@45;)
(call_indirect (type 1)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 16))
(get_local 7))))))
(i32.const 1)))
(call_indirect (type 2)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 34)
(get_local 5)))
(func $_ZN3std10sys_common11thread_info11THREAD_INFO7__getit17h2085631e806b07acE (type 10) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=1660
(i32.const 0))))
(set_local 0
(i32.load offset=1664
(i32.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0))
( offset=1660
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=1660
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 2)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 2))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 1)))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 2))
(br_if 2 (;@3;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 20)))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1660))
( offset=8
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 3))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=1660
(i32.const 0))))
(set_local 0
(i32.load offset=1664
(i32.const 0)))
(br_if 3 (;@3;)
(tee_local 3
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 0))
( offset=1660
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=1660
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 3))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4))))
(get_local 3)))
(func $_ZN50_$LT$T$u20$as$u20$core..convert..Into$LT$U$GT$$GT$4into17h1956fb53550e3195E (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 64))))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1)))
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(tee_local 3
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 1))))
( offset=52
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
( offset=48
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3))
( offset=56
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=36
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
( offset=32
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3))
( offset=40
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 0))
(call $_ZN33_$LT$alloc..vec..Vec$LT$T$GT$$GT$17extend_from_slice17h79959fbd4f22bf95E
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 32))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 48))
(i32.const 8)))
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=40
(get_local 4))))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8)))
(get_local 0))
( offset=48
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=32
(get_local 4))))
( offset=52
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=36
(get_local 4))))
( offset=20
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2))
( offset=16
(get_local 4)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 3))))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8)))
(get_local 0))
( offset=48
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 4))))
( offset=52
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 4))))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 3))))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 32))
(i32.const 8)))
(get_local 0))
( offset=48
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 4))))
( offset=52
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 4))))
( offset=36
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3))
( offset=32
(get_local 4)
(get_local 0))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 0
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 12)))))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 2))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 3))
( align=4
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 5
(i64.load offset=32
(get_local 4))))
( offset=48
(get_local 4)
(get_local 5))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 64)))
(get_local 0)))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 2932))
(func $_ZN3std6thread5local2os13destroy_value17h2d44bb318980dd39E (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0))))))
(set_local 2
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 4
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 2)))
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 4)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 3)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 4))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(i32.load8_u offset=8
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 2)))
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)))
(i32.const -1)))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))
(call $_ZN33_$LT$alloc..arc..Arc$LT$T$GT$$GT$9drop_slow17h5691c54cf55db889E
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(tee_local 0
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 4)))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))
(set_local 0
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
(func $_ZN3std6thread5local2os13destroy_value17h6ff5c6075567aeb7E (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0))))))
(set_local 2
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 4
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 2)))
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 4)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 3)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 4))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 0
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@3;)
(tee_local 4
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 4)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 4))
(set_local 4
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 0))
(func $_ZN3std6thread5local2os13destroy_value17hae89329a0e9f7232E (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0))))))
(set_local 2
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 4
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 2)))
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 4)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 3)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 4))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 0)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 0)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 12)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(tee_local 0
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 4)))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))
(set_local 0
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
(func $_ZN3std10sys_common4util10dumb_print17he0a452ce0d9c3713E (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 16))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16))))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=16
(get_local 1)
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 0)))
(call $_ZN3std2io5Write9write_fmt17h58576c31a34d40dcE
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 40))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16)))
(set_local 0
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 1)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 3))
(i32.const 2))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 0))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))))
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 48))))
(func $_ZN4core3ptr13drop_in_place17h8701af4f02319dfaE (type 0) (param i32))
(func $_ZN3std9panicking11begin_panic17hb30cebcff6e710d0E (type 4) (param i32 i32 i32)
(local i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 3
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 0))
(call $_ZN3std9panicking20rust_panic_with_hook17h3a1583cf5ff3fe4cE
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 2188)
(get_local 2))
(func $_ZN3std9panicking15begin_panic_fmt17h3b63f1ed3a6a18cbE (type 7) (param i32 i32)
(local i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
( offset=16
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=8
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 16))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16))))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 8)))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=24
(get_local 3)
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 0)))
(call $_ZN4core3fmt5Write9write_fmt17h1880290ac0fa3bb2E
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 24))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 3)))
( offset=24
(get_local 3)
(i64.load offset=8
(get_local 3)))
(call $_ZN3std9panicking11begin_panic17h69011b7ef8f0a345E
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 24))
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN3std9panicking11begin_panic17h69011b7ef8f0a345E (type 7) (param i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 32))))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))))
(get_local 3)
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 0
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 12))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2))))
( align=4
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 2))
( offset=16
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4))
(call $_ZN3std9panicking20rust_panic_with_hook17h3a1583cf5ff3fe4cE
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1668)
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN3std9panicking20rust_panic_with_hook17h3a1583cf5ff3fe4cE (type 4) (param i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 9
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 96))))
(set_local 6
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 5
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 2)))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN3std9panicking18update_panic_count11PANIC_COUNT7__getit17h82940181d0f9918fE)))
(call $_ZN4core6result13unwrap_failed17h66aaf2f3ab2aa221E)
(set_local 7
(i32.const 1))
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=4 align=1
(get_local 2)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 3)))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 76))
(i32.const 0))
( offset=60
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 1))
( offset=56
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 1684))
( offset=64
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=72
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 5492))
(call $_ZN3std10sys_common4util10dumb_print17he0a452ce0d9c3713E
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 56)))
( align=4
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 1))
( offset=4 align=1
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=1692
(i32.const 0)))
(i32.const -1)))
( offset=1692
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN3std9panicking18update_panic_count11PANIC_COUNT7__getit17h82940181d0f9918fE)))
(call $_ZN4core6result13unwrap_failed17h66aaf2f3ab2aa221E)
(call $_ZN3std9panicking11begin_panic17hb30cebcff6e710d0E
(i32.const 1696)
(i32.const 25)
(i32.const 1724))
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 2))
(br_if 1 (;@7;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 1)))
(br 2 (;@6;)))
( align=4
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 1))
( offset=4 align=1
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0)))
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(br_if 0 (;@11;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=1028
(i32.const 0)))
(i32.const 3)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 4))
(block ;; label = @12
(br_table 0 (;@12;) 4 (;@8;) 2 (;@10;) 3 (;@9;) 0 (;@12;)
(get_local 2)))
( offset=1028
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 1))
(br 3 (;@9;)))
(call $_ZN3std9panicking11begin_panic17hb30cebcff6e710d0E
(i32.const 1040)
(i32.const 40)
(i32.const 1080))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 2))
(br 1 (;@11;)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.store8 offset=15
(get_local 9)
(get_local 8))
( offset=20
(get_local 9)
(get_local 4))
( offset=16
(get_local 9)
(get_local 3))
( offset=24
(get_local 9)
(get_local 5))
( offset=28
(get_local 9)
(get_local 6))
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(call_indirect (type 3)
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 1))))
(i64.const 1229646359891580772)))
( offset=32
(get_local 9)
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 2
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))
(br 1 (;@13;)))
(block ;; label = @15
(block ;; label = @16
(br_if 0 (;@16;)
(call_indirect (type 3)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2))
(i64.const 4522005880510657852)))
(set_local 2
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(br 1 (;@15;)))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 8))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 1824)))
( offset=32
(get_local 9)
(get_local 0)))
( offset=36
(get_local 9)
(get_local 2))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 1))
(i32.store8 offset=47
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 1))
(block ;; label = @17
(block ;; label = @18
(br_if 0 (;@18;)
(tee_local 6
(call $_ZN46_$LT$std..thread..local..LocalKey$LT$T$GT$$GT$8try_with17h4ac4d7018b64931bE)))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 0))
(br 1 (;@17;)))
(block ;; label = @19
(block ;; label = @20
(br_if 0 (;@20;)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 6))))
(set_local 0
(i32.const 0))
(br 1 (;@19;)))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 2
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 20))))
(i32.const -1)))
(br_if 0 (;@20;)
(get_local 2))
(call $_ZN4core5slice20slice_index_len_fail17h78a6bb1c12f710aaE
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0))))
( offset=52
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 9)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)))
( offset=48
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 1808)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2)))
( offset=60
(get_local 9)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 32)))
( offset=56
(get_local 9)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 48)))
( offset=64
(get_local 9)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 16)))
( offset=68
(get_local 9)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 24)))
( offset=72
(get_local 9)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 28)))
( offset=76
(get_local 9)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 15)))
(block ;; label = @21
(br_if 0 (;@21;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN3std9panicking12LOCAL_STDERR7__getit17hd47d6d88639863f2E)))
(call $_ZN4core6result13unwrap_failed17h66aaf2f3ab2aa221E)
(block ;; label = @22
(block ;; label = @23
(block ;; label = @24
(block ;; label = @25
(block ;; label = @26
(br_if 0 (;@26;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 1)))
( align=4
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 1))
(set_local 1
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 2)))
( offset=8
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @27
(br_if 0 (;@27;)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@27;)
(get_local 1)))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 2)))))
(br_if 0 (;@27;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@26;)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 1))))
(block ;; label = @28
(br_if 0 (;@28;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4)))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -1))
(set_local 10
(i64.load offset=8 align=4
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 0))
( offset=8
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=88
(get_local 9)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 48)))
( offset=80
(get_local 9)
(get_local 10))
(br_if 2 (;@26;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 10))))
(call $_ZN3std9panicking12default_hook28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h4b292e839adf731dE
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 56))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 88))
(i32.const 1832))
(br_if 4 (;@24;)
(get_local 6)))
(br 3 (;@25;)))
(call $_ZN4core6result13unwrap_failed17h280ac599f4feac65E)
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 2220))
(call $_ZN3std9panicking12default_hook28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h4b292e839adf731dE
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 56))
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 10)
(i64.const 32)))))
(block ;; label = @29
(br_if 0 (;@29;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN3std9panicking12LOCAL_STDERR7__getit17hd47d6d88639863f2E)))
(call $_ZN4core6result13unwrap_failed17h66aaf2f3ab2aa221E)
(block ;; label = @30
(block ;; label = @31
(block ;; label = @32
(block ;; label = @33
(br_if 0 (;@33;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 1)))
( align=4
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 1))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 2)))
( offset=8
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @34
(br_if 0 (;@34;)
(get_local 5)))
(br_if 0 (;@34;)
(get_local 4)))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 2)))))
(br_if 0 (;@34;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 5))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 1 (;@33;)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 1))))
(block ;; label = @35
(br_if 0 (;@35;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4)))))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const -1))
(br_if 2 (;@33;)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 2))))
(set_local 5
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 12)))
(br 3 (;@32;)))
(call $_ZN4core6result13unwrap_failed17h280ac599f4feac65E)
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 2220))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 2))))
(set_local 5
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 12)))
(br_if 0 (;@35;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 2)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8)))))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 0))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4))
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 1 (;@34;)
(get_local 6))))
(get_local 6)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 6)))
(i32.const -1)))
(br_if 0 (;@35;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(call $_ZN33_$LT$alloc..arc..Arc$LT$T$GT$$GT$9drop_slow17h5691c54cf55db889E
(get_local 6)))
(block ;; label = @36
(br_if 0 (;@36;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=80
(get_local 9))))
(get_local 1)))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 2)
(i32.load offset=84
(get_local 9))))
(br_if 0 (;@36;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=84
(get_local 9)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.load offset=80
(get_local 9))))
( offset=1692
(i32.const 0)
(i32.load offset=1692
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const -1)))
(block ;; label = @37
(br_if 0 (;@37;)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 76))
(i32.const 0))
( offset=60
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 1))
( offset=56
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 1740))
( offset=64
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=72
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 5492))
(call $_ZN3std10sys_common4util10dumb_print17he0a452ce0d9c3713E
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 56))))
(func $_ZN3std9panicking12default_hook28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h4b292e839adf731dE (type 4) (param i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 832))))
( offset=32
(get_local 7)
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 3
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 5
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))
( offset=36
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 2))
( offset=40
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 32))
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 2))
( offset=48
(get_local 7)
(get_local 5))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 32))
(i32.const 20))
(i32.const 2))
( offset=56
(get_local 7)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 60))
(i32.const 5))
( offset=64
(get_local 7)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 68))
(i32.const 5))
( offset=8
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1864))
( offset=12
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 6))
( offset=16
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 6084))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 5))
( offset=24
(get_local 7)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 32)))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 20))
(i32.const 5))
(call_indirect (type 4)
(get_local 7)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 8))
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 2))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(get_local 7))
(i32.const 2))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 7))))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3))))
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 3))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 3)))
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 4)))
(i32.store8 offset=1920
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load8_u offset=1920
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if 1 (;@6;)
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 52))
(i32.const 0))
( offset=36
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1))
( offset=32
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1924))
( offset=40
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=48
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 5492))
(call_indirect (type 4)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 32))
(get_local 2))
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 2 (;@6;)
(i32.load8_u offset=8
(get_local 7))
(i32.const 2))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 7))))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))))
(block ;; label = @9
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))
(br 1 (;@8;)))
(br_if 1 (;@8;)
(i32.load8_u offset=1024
(i32.const 0)))
(i32.store8 offset=1024
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 1
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 832)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 32)))
(loop ;; label = @10
( align=4
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 0))
(br_if 0 (;@10;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 1
(call $_ZN50_$LT$T$u20$as$u20$core..convert..Into$LT$U$GT$$GT$4into17h1956fb53550e3195E
(i32.const 1248)
(i32.const 35)))
(br_if 2 (;@8;)
(tee_local 0
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 12)))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1212))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 2))))
(i32.store16 offset=8
(get_local 7)
(i32.load16_u align=1
(get_local 7)))
(i32.store8 offset=8
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 11))
(get_local 1)))
(i32.store16 offset=9 align=1
(get_local 0)
(i32.load16_u offset=8
(get_local 7)))
(i32.store8 offset=1024
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 0))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 0))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))))
(block ;; label = @11
(br_if 0 (;@11;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 832)))
(call $_ZN3std9panicking11begin_panic17hb30cebcff6e710d0E
(i32.const 928)
(i32.const 32)
(i32.const 960))
(func $_ZN4core3ptr13drop_in_place17h261ee3efea5754faE (type 0) (param i32))
(func $_ZN3std2io5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$$u20$for$u20$$RF$$u27$a$u20$mut$u20$W$GT$5write17hd8ebe5b2f35beaaeE (type 8) (param i32 i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(set_local 4
(call $_ZN50_$LT$T$u20$as$u20$core..convert..Into$LT$U$GT$$GT$4into17h1956fb53550e3195E
(i32.const 1248)
(i32.const 35)))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 5
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 12)))))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 4))
( offset=4
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1212))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 9))
(i32.const 2))))
(i32.store16 offset=12
(get_local 6)
(i32.load16_u offset=9 align=1
(get_local 6)))
(i32.store8 offset=8
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 11))
(get_local 4)))
(i32.store16 offset=9 align=1
(get_local 5)
(i32.load16_u offset=12
(get_local 6)))
( offset=8
(get_local 0)
(get_local 5))
( align=4
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 8589934593))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16)))
(func $_ZN3std2io5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$$u20$for$u20$$RF$$u27$a$u20$mut$u20$W$GT$5flush17h535b15f06336c97fE (type 7) (param i32 i32)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 3)))
(func $_ZN3std2io5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$$u20$for$u20$$RF$$u27$a$u20$mut$u20$W$GT$9write_all17h1c2192b0eb8ae192E (type 8) (param i32 i32 i32 i32)
(call $_ZN3std2io5Write9write_all17h2303798b23a6a4afE
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)))
(func $_ZN3std2io5impls69_$LT$impl$u20$$u20$for$u20$$RF$$u27$a$u20$mut$u20$W$GT$9write_fmt17h3b95781e7b70509aE (type 4) (param i32 i32 i32)
(local i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 32))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 16))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 8))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=8
(get_local 3)
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 2)))
(call $_ZN3std2io5Write9write_fmt17h58576c31a34d40dcE
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 32))))
(func $_ZN3std9panicking12LOCAL_STDERR7__getit17hd47d6d88639863f2E (type 10) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=2068
(i32.const 0))))
(set_local 0
(i32.load offset=2072
(i32.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0))
( offset=2068
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=2068
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 2)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 2))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 1)))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 2))
(br_if 2 (;@3;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 20)))))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 36))
(i32.const 8))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 8)))))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 36))
(i32.const 4))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 4)))))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 8)))
(get_local 3))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 4)))
(get_local 0))
( offset=36
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 4))))
( offset=12
(get_local 4)
(get_local 0))
( offset=4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 2068))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 12))
(get_local 3)))
( offset=8
(get_local 2)
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 4)))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=2068
(i32.const 0))))
(set_local 0
(i32.load offset=2072
(i32.const 0)))
(br_if 3 (;@3;)
(tee_local 3
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 0))
( offset=2068
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=2068
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 3))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2))
(set_local 3
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4)))
(br 1 (;@6;)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 48)))
(get_local 3)))
(func $_ZN3std9panicking18update_panic_count11PANIC_COUNT7__getit17h82940181d0f9918fE (type 10) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=2180
(i32.const 0))))
(set_local 0
(i32.load offset=2184
(i32.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0))
( offset=2180
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=2180
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 2)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 2))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 1)))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 2))
(br_if 2 (;@3;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 12)))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 2180))
( offset=4 align=4
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 0))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=2180
(i32.const 0))))
(set_local 0
(i32.load offset=2184
(i32.const 0)))
(br_if 3 (;@3;)
(tee_local 3
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 8)))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 0))
( offset=2180
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 0
(i32.load offset=2180
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3)))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 3))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4))))
(get_local 3)))
(func $_ZN4core3ptr13drop_in_place17ha24b3337447972b4E.854 (type 0) (param i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0)))))
(func $_ZN55_$LT$$RF$$u27$a$u20$T$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Display$GT$3fmt17h1bca825720ed8aabE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(call $_ZN4core3fmt9Formatter3pad17h596e7ca0f3648eabE
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))))
(func $_ZN96_$LT$core..fmt..Write..write_fmt..Adapter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$10write_char17h5b209750785952faE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 8
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 128)))
(br_if 1 (;@3;)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 0)))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))))
(br 2 (;@2;)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0))
( offset=12
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 2048)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 2))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 192))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 31))
(br 1 (;@5;)))
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 65536)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 3))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 2))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 224))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 15))
(br 1 (;@7;)))
(i32.store8 offset=12
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 18))
(i32.const 240)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 4))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 3))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 2))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 128))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 63)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 12))
(get_local 3))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 12)))
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 128))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 63)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 12))
(get_local 4))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 6)))
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 12))
(get_local 6))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 63))
(i32.const 128)))
(call $_ZN33_$LT$alloc..vec..Vec$LT$T$GT$$GT$17extend_from_slice17hf32cce05235feb59E
(get_local 0)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 12))
(get_local 7))
(br 2 (;@6;)))
(call $_ZN49_$LT$alloc..raw_vec..RawVec$LT$T$C$$u20$A$GT$$GT$6double17h54f501e0ff0c0001E
(get_local 0))
(set_local 4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))))
(get_local 0))
(get_local 4))
(get_local 1))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 1))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 16)))
(i32.const 0))
(func $_ZN96_$LT$core..fmt..Write..write_fmt..Adapter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$10write_char17hf47a46c211b51c9dE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(call $_ZN4core3fmt5Write10write_char17hc6cbe38e9a8ebb7fE
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1)))
(func $_ZN96_$LT$core..fmt..Write..write_fmt..Adapter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$9write_fmt17hbfda7e217317800bE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 64))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 16)))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16))))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 8)))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=8
(get_local 4)
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)))
( offset=36
(get_local 4)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 40))
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 40))
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 3)))
( offset=40
(get_local 4)
(i64.load offset=8
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 1
(call $_ZN4core3fmt5write17hd6a32f6ec1cda42dE
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 36))
(i32.const 1636)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 40))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 64)))
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN96_$LT$core..fmt..Write..write_fmt..Adapter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$9write_fmt17hf9d7099fe21f11f3E (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 64))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 16)))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16))))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 8)))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=8
(get_local 4)
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)))
( offset=36
(get_local 4)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 40))
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 40))
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 3)))
( offset=40
(get_local 4)
(i64.load offset=8
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 1
(call $_ZN4core3fmt5write17hd6a32f6ec1cda42dE
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 36))
(i32.const 1148)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 40))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 64)))
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN96_$LT$core..fmt..Write..write_fmt..Adapter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$9write_str17h7824b3f834c6808cE (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(call $_ZN33_$LT$alloc..vec..Vec$LT$T$GT$$GT$17extend_from_slice17hf32cce05235feb59E
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 0))
(func $_ZN96_$LT$core..fmt..Write..write_fmt..Adapter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$9write_str17h8860fc16fbfc280eE (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(call $_ZN3std2io5Write9write_all17h2303798b23a6a4afE
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(i32.load8_u offset=8
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 3)))
(set_local 4
(i64.load offset=8
(get_local 3)))
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(i32.load8_u offset=4
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 2))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8)))))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 1))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 1)))
( align=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 4))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN68_$LT$std..thread..local..AccessError$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Debug$GT$3fmt17hc5b5b08c0610aa26E (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(call_indirect (type 1)
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 2208)
(i32.const 11)
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 28))))))
(func $_ZN46_$LT$std..thread..local..LocalKey$LT$T$GT$$GT$8try_with17h4ac4d7018b64931bE (type 10) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(br_if 0 (;@11;)
(tee_local 0
(call $_ZN3std10sys_common11thread_info11THREAD_INFO7__getit17h2085631e806b07acE))))
(br_if 1 (;@10;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 3)))
( align=4
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 8589934592))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
(br 2 (;@9;)))
(i32.const 0)))
(br_if 8 (;@3;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const -1)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
(br_if 1 (;@10;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 2))))
(br_if 5 (;@6;)
(i32.load8_u offset=1344
(i32.const 0)))
(i32.store8 offset=1344
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 6 (;@5;)
(tee_local 5
(i64.load offset=1408
(i32.const 0)))
(i64.const -1)))
( offset=1408
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 1)))
(i32.store8 offset=1344
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 2 (;@9;)
(tee_local 1
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 1)))))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 2 (;@9;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 48)))))
( offset=8
(get_local 2)
(get_local 5))
( align=4
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 4294967297))
( offset=16
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 0))
( offset=24
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=28
(get_local 2)
(get_local 1))
(i32.store8 offset=32
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=36
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1))
( offset=40
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 3 (;@8;)
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -1))
(block ;; label = @12
(br_if 0 (;@12;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))))
(i32.const 2)))
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 12)))))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)))
(i32.const -1)))
(br_if 0 (;@12;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))
(call $_ZN33_$LT$alloc..arc..Arc$LT$T$GT$$GT$9drop_slow17h5691c54cf55db889E
(get_local 3))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 12))
(get_local 2))
( align=4
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 0))
(br 1 (;@11;)))
(br_if 2 (;@10;)
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -1))
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 2 (;@10;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -1)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 12)))))
(call $_ZN4core6result13unwrap_failed17h280ac599f4feac65E)
(call $_ZN3std9panicking11begin_panic17hb30cebcff6e710d0E
(i32.const 1360)
(i32.const 32)
(i32.const 1392))
(i32.store8 offset=1344
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 0))
(call $_ZN3std9panicking11begin_panic17hb30cebcff6e710d0E
(i32.const 1424)
(i32.const 55)
(i32.const 1480))
(call $_ZN4core6result13unwrap_failed17h9ac3158972eed62dE)
(func $_ZN36_$LT$T$u20$as$u20$core..any..Any$GT$11get_type_id17h5aeaffe9c9ac00abE (type 3) (param i32) (result i64)
(i64.const 1229646359891580772))
(func $_ZN3std2io5Write9write_all17h2303798b23a6a4afE (type 4) (param i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 3
(call $_ZN50_$LT$T$u20$as$u20$core..convert..Into$LT$U$GT$$GT$4into17h1956fb53550e3195E
(i32.const 1248)
(i32.const 35)))
(br_if 2 (;@1;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 12)))))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3))
( offset=4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1212))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 9))
(i32.const 2))))
(i32.store16 offset=12
(get_local 4)
(i32.load16_u offset=9 align=1
(get_local 4)))
(i32.store8 offset=8
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 11))
(get_local 3)))
(i32.store16 offset=9 align=1
(get_local 2)
(i32.load16_u offset=12
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 2))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2))
(br 1 (;@2;)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 3)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16)))
(func $_ZN3std2io5Write9write_fmt17h58576c31a34d40dcE (type 4) (param i32 i32 i32)
(local i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 11))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 22))))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 9))
(i32.load16_u align=1
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 20))))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
(i32.store8 offset=4
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 3))
( offset=5 align=1
(get_local 3)
(i32.load offset=16 align=1
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 16))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=16
(get_local 3)
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 2)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(call $_ZN4core3fmt5write17hd6a32f6ec1cda42dE
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 2440)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16)))))
(br_if 3 (;@3;)
(i32.load8_u offset=4
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 3)))
(set_local 1
(call $_ZN50_$LT$T$u20$as$u20$core..convert..Into$LT$U$GT$$GT$4into17h1956fb53550e3195E
(i32.const 2464)
(i32.const 15)))
(br_if 5 (;@1;)
(tee_local 2
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(i32.const 12)))))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 1))
( offset=4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1212))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 45))
(i32.const 2))))
(i32.store16 offset=16
(get_local 3)
(i32.load16_u offset=45 align=1
(get_local 3)))
(i32.store8 offset=8
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 11))
(get_local 1)))
(i32.store16 offset=9 align=1
(get_local 2)
(i32.load16_u offset=16
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 2))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2))
(br_if 1 (;@5;)
(i32.const 0)))
(br 2 (;@4;)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 3))
(br_if 1 (;@5;)
(i32.const 0)))
(br_if 2 (;@4;)
(i32.load8_u offset=4
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 2))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 0
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8))))))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 2))))
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 2)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 2))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0)))
(br 1 (;@6;)))
( align=4
(get_local 0)
(i64.load offset=4 align=4
(get_local 3))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 48)))
(func $_ZN4core3ptr13drop_in_place17hb440a269127140e8E (type 0) (param i32)
(local i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(i32.load8_u offset=4
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 2))))
(call_indirect (type 0)
(tee_local 0
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))))))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))))
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 1)))))
(func $rust_eh_personality (type 6))
(func $__ashlti3 (type 12) (param i32 i64 i64 i32)
(local i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 64)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 63))))
(get_local 2)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 63)))))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4)))
(br 1 (;@1;)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 63)))))
(set_local 1
(i64.const 0)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 2)))
(func $__ashrti3 (type 12) (param i32 i64 i64 i32)
(local i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 64)))
(br_if 2 (;@1;)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 63)))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 63))))))
(br 1 (;@2;)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 63)))))
(set_local 4
(i64.const 63)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 2)
(get_local 4))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 2)))
(func $__lshrti3 (type 12) (param i32 i64 i64 i32)
(local i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 64)))
(br_if 2 (;@1;)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 63)))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 63))))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 2)
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 4
(i64.const 0))
(br 1 (;@2;)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 63)))))
(set_local 4
(i64.const 0))
(set_local 2
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 2)))
(func $__ashldi3 (type 13) (param i64 i32) (result i64)
(local i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 32)))
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 0
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32)))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31))))))
(i64.const 32))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 1))))))
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31))))
(i64.const 32)))
(func $__ashrdi3 (type 13) (param i64 i32) (result i64)
(local i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 32)))
(br_if 2 (;@1;)
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 0))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31))))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32))))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 31)))))
(br 1 (;@2;)))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 31))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32))))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)))
(i64.const 32))
(get_local 1)))))
(get_local 0))
(func $__lshrdi3 (type 13) (param i64 i32) (result i64)
(local i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 32)))
(br_if 2 (;@1;)
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 0))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31))))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32))))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 31)))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)))
(i64.const 32)))
(br 1 (;@2;)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31))))
(set_local 0
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)))))
(get_local 0))
(func $__divsi3 (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 3)))))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 0))
(get_local 2))
(get_local 3))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 31))))
(get_local 1))))
(func $__divdi3 (type 14) (param i64 i64) (result i64)
(local i64 i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 3)))
(i64.const 0)))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 0))
(get_local 2))
(get_local 3))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 63))))
(get_local 1))))
(func $__divti3 (type 15) (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)
(local i32 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 7
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 7)))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 7)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 7))))))
(i64.const 0)))
(call $__udivti3
(get_local 5)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 7
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 7)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 7))))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 5))
(tee_local 7
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2))
(i64.const 63)))))
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8)))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 7)))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16)))
(func $__modsi3 (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 2
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 2)))))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 2))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 1))))
(func $__moddi3 (type 14) (param i64 i64) (result i64)
(local i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 2
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 2)))
(i64.const 0)))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 2))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 1))))
(func $__modti3 (type 15) (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)
(local i32 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 7
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 7)))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 7)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 7))))))
(i64.const 0)))
(call $__umodti3
(get_local 5)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 7
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 7)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 7))))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 5))
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8)))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 7)))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16)))
(func $__divmodsi4 (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 4)))))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 0))
(get_local 3))
(get_local 4))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 31))))
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 1))))
(get_local 4)))
(func $__divmoddi4 (type 16) (param i64 i64 i32) (result i64)
(local i64 i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 4)))
(i64.const 0)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 0))
(get_local 3))
(get_local 4))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 63))))
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 1))))
(get_local 4)))
(func $__multi3 (type 15) (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)
(local i64 i64 i64 i64 i64)
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 9
(tee_local 7
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(tee_local 8
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 32)))))
(tee_local 7
(tee_local 6
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(tee_local 5
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 32))))
(tee_local 6
(get_local 6)
(get_local 7)))
(i64.const 32)))))
(i64.const 32))
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 4294967295))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(i64.const 32))
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 32)))
(get_local 8)
(get_local 5)))))))
(func $__muloti4 (type 17) (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64 i32)
(local i32 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(call $__multi3
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 32))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 8
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 40))))
(set_local 7
(i64.load offset=32
(get_local 6)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 2))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4))))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1))
(br 1 (;@2;)))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808))))))
(br_if 1 (;@3;)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 2))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 2))))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 10
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 9
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 9)))
(i64.const 2))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 9)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 9))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 9)))))
(i64.const 0))
(get_local 1))))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 11
(tee_local 2
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 2)))
(i64.const 2))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 2))
(get_local 11)
(get_local 2)))))
(i64.const 0))
(get_local 4))))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 9)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 2))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 2 (;@3;)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4))
(i64.const 0)))
(call $__divti3
(get_local 6)
(i64.const -1)
(i64.const 9223372036854775807)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(get_local 10)
(get_local 6)))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 8)))))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)))))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1))
(br 1 (;@4;)))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4))))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(tee_local 2
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 3)))
(tee_local 4
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 0))))))
(i64.const -1)))
(call $__divti3
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16))
(i64.const 0)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 4))
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 10)
(i64.load offset=16
(get_local 6)))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 24)))))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)))))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 8))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 48)))
(func $__muldi3 (type 14) (param i64 i64) (result i64)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 32)))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0))))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32))))
(tee_local 7
(tee_local 5
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 65535)))
(tee_local 6
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16)))))
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 65535)))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16))))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 5)))
(i32.const 16))))
(i32.const 65535)))
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 3))))))
(i64.const 32))
(get_local 7)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 65535))))))
(func $__mulosi4 (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -2147483648)))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -2147483648)))
(br_if 1 (;@3;)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 0))
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 2)))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 5
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 5)))
(i32.const 2)))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 5)))
(br_if 2 (;@3;)
(get_local 6)))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 2147483647)
(get_local 6))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(get_local 6)))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(tee_local 3
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 6)))
(i32.const -1)))
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -2147483648)
(get_local 3))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))))
(func $__mulodi4 (type 16) (param i64 i64 i32) (result i64)
(local i64 i64 i64 i64)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 0)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 2)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))
(br_if 1 (;@3;)
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 2)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 0))
(get_local 3)))
(i64.const 2)))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 5
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 5)))
(i64.const 2)))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 5)))
(br_if 2 (;@3;)
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 9223372036854775807)
(get_local 6))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(get_local 6)))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(tee_local 3
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 6)))
(i64.const -1)))
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 4)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)
(get_local 3))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))))
(func $__floatsisf (type 18) (param i32) (result f32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 31)
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 31))))
(get_local 1)))))))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.const 32)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 24)))
(br_if 2 (;@3;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 25)))
(br_if 3 (;@2;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 26)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 58)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 31)))
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 6))
(i32.const 31)))))
(br 3 (;@2;)))
(f32.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 24)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 31))))
(br 2 (;@3;)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 2))
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 3))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 2)))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16777216)))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3))))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 23))
(i32.const 1065353216))
(i32.const 2139095040))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const -2147483648)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8388607)))))
(func $__floatsidf (type 19) (param i32) (result f64)
(local i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 1054)
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 31))))
(get_local 1)))))))
(i64.const 52))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 31)))
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 117)
(i32.const 32)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 63))))
(i64.const 4503599627370495))))))
(f64.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;)))
(func $__floatdidf (type 20) (param i64) (result f64)
(local i32 i32 i32 i64 i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 63)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 4
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 63))))
(get_local 4))))))))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.const 64)
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 53)))
(br_if 2 (;@3;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 54)))
(br_if 3 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 55)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 119)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 63))))
(i64.const 0)))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 9))
(i32.const 63))))))
(br 3 (;@2;)))
(f64.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 53)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 63)))))
(br 2 (;@3;)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 1))))
(set_local 4
(tee_local 5
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 2))
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 4))
(i64.const 1)))
(i64.const 2)))
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 3))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 9007199254740992))))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1023)))
(i64.const 52))
(i64.const 9218868437227405312))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))))
(func $__floattisf (type 21) (param i64 i64) (result f32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 f32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 127)
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 0
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 63))))
(i64.const 1)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 0)
(get_local 6)))
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))))
(get_local 6))))
(tee_local 6
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))))
(i64.const 64))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 0)))))))
(br_if 1 (;@5;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.const 128)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 24)))
(br_if 2 (;@4;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 25)))
(br_if 3 (;@3;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 26)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 154)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 127)))
(call $__lshrti3
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 102))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 5))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))))
(i64.const 0)))
(i64.load offset=16
(get_local 5))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8))))
(br 3 (;@3;)))
(set_local 8
(f32.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;)))
(br 4 (;@2;)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 32))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 24)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 0
(i64.load offset=32
(get_local 5)))
(br 2 (;@4;)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 63))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 1))))
(set_local 0
(tee_local 7
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 7
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 2))
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 6)))
(i64.const 1)))
(i64.const 2))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 1)
(get_local 6)
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 6)))))
(i64.const 62))))
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 3))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 61)))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 16777216))))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 23))
(i32.const 1065353216))
(i32.const 2139095040))
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 32)))
(i32.const -2147483648)))
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 8388607))))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 48)))
(get_local 8))
(func $__floattidf (type 22) (param i64 i64) (result f64)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 f64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 127)
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 0
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 63))))
(i64.const 1)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 0)
(get_local 6)))
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))))
(get_local 6))))
(tee_local 6
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))))
(i64.const 64))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 0)))))))
(br_if 1 (;@5;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.const 128)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 53)))
(br_if 2 (;@4;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 54)))
(br_if 3 (;@3;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 55)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 183)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 127)))
(call $__lshrti3
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 73))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 5))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))))
(i64.const 0)))
(i64.load offset=16
(get_local 5))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8))))
(br 3 (;@3;)))
(set_local 8
(f64.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;)))
(br 4 (;@2;)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 32))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 53)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 0
(i64.load offset=32
(get_local 5)))
(br 2 (;@4;)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 63))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 1))))
(set_local 0
(tee_local 7
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 7
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 2))
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 6)))
(i64.const 1)))
(i64.const 2))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 1)
(get_local 6)
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 6)))))
(i64.const 62))))
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 3))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 61)))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 9007199254740992))))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1023)))
(i64.const 52))
(i64.const 9218868437227405312))
(get_local 1)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 4503599627370495))))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 48)))
(get_local 8))
(func $__floatunsisf (type 18) (param i32) (result f32)
(local i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 31)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)))))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.const 32)
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 24)))
(br_if 2 (;@3;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 25)))
(br_if 3 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 26)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 58)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 31)))
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 6))
(i32.const 31)))))
(br 3 (;@2;)))
(f32.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 24)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 31))))
(br 2 (;@3;)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 0
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2))
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 3))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2)))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 16777216)))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 23))
(i32.const 1065353216))
(i32.const 2139095040))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8388607)))))
(func $__floatunsidf (type 19) (param i32) (result f64)
(local i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 1054)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)))))
(i64.const 52))
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 117)
(i32.const 32)
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 63))))
(i64.const 4503599627370495))))))
(f64.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;)))
(func $__floatundidf (type 20) (param i64) (result f64)
(local i32 i32 i32 i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 63)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0))))))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.const 64)
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 53)))
(br_if 2 (;@3;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 54)))
(br_if 3 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 55)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 119)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 63))))
(i64.const 0)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 9))
(i32.const 63))))))
(br 3 (;@2;)))
(f64.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 53)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 63)))))
(br 2 (;@3;)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 1))))
(set_local 0
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 2))
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 1)))
(i64.const 2)))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 3))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 9007199254740992))))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1023)))
(i64.const 52))
(i64.const 9218868437227405312))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))))
(func $__floatuntisf (type 21) (param i64 i64) (result f32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 f32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 127)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 1))
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 64))
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 0)))))))
(br_if 1 (;@5;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.const 128)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 24)))
(br_if 2 (;@4;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 25)))
(br_if 3 (;@3;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 26)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 5)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 154)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 127)))
(call $__lshrti3
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 102))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 5))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))))
(i64.const 0)))
(i64.load offset=16
(get_local 5))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8))))
(br 3 (;@3;)))
(set_local 7
(f32.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;)))
(br 4 (;@2;)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 32))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 24)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 1
(i64.load offset=32
(get_local 5)))
(br 2 (;@4;)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 63))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 1))))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 0
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 2))
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 0)))
(i64.const 1)))
(i64.const 2))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 1)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 6)))
(get_local 0)))))
(i64.const 62))))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 3))
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 61)))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 16777216))))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3))))
(set_local 7
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 23))
(i32.const 1065353216))
(i32.const 2139095040))
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 8388607))))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 48)))
(get_local 7))
(func $__floatuntidf (type 22) (param i64 i64) (result f64)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 f64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 127)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 1))
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 64))
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 0)))))))
(br_if 1 (;@5;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.const 128)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 53)))
(br_if 2 (;@4;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 54)))
(br_if 3 (;@3;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 55)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 5)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 183)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 127)))
(call $__lshrti3
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 73))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 5))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))))
(i64.const 0)))
(i64.load offset=16
(get_local 5))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8))))
(br 3 (;@3;)))
(set_local 7
(f64.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;)))
(br 4 (;@2;)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 32))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 53)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 1
(i64.load offset=32
(get_local 5)))
(br 2 (;@4;)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 63))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 1))))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 0
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 2))
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 0)))
(i64.const 1)))
(i64.const 2))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 1)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 6)))
(get_local 0)))))
(i64.const 62))))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 3))
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 61)))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 9007199254740992))))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3))))
(set_local 7
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1023)))
(i64.const 52))
(i64.const 9218868437227405312))
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 4503599627370495))))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 48)))
(get_local 7))
(func $__fixsfsi (type 23) (param f32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(i32.const 1065353216)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 23)))
(i32.const -127)))
(i32.const 30)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31))
(i32.const 2147483647))))
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8388607))
(i32.const 8388608)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 22)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 150)
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 31))))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 10))
(i32.const 31)))))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1))))
(func $__fixsfdi (type 24) (param f32) (result i64)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i64)
(set_local 5
(i64.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(i32.const 1065353216)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 23)))
(i32.const -127)))
(i32.const 62)))
(set_local 5
(i64.const 9223372036854775807)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1)))))
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8388607))
(i32.const 8388608)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 22)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 150)
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 31)))))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 2))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 42))
(i32.const 63))))))
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 5))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1))))
(func $__fixsfti (type 25) (param i32 f32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(set_local 7
(i64.const 0))
(set_local 8
(i64.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 5
(tee_local 2
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(i32.const 1065353216)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 23)))
(i32.const -127)))
(i32.const 126)))
(set_local 8
(i64.const 9223372036854775807)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -1)))))
(set_local 7
(i64.const -1)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 2))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 8))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8388607))
(i32.const 8388608)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 22)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 150)
(get_local 5))
(i32.const 31)))))
(set_local 8
(i64.const 0))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 6)
(get_local 3))
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 106))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 8
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 8))))
(set_local 7
(get_local 6))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 7))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -1)))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 8)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 8))
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 0))))
(get_local 2)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16))))
(func $__fixdfsi (type 26) (param f64) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i64 i64)
(set_local 2
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)))
(i64.const 52))))
(i32.const 2047)))
(i32.const 1023)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1023))
(i32.const 30)))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 2147483647)
(i32.const -2147483648)
(get_local 3)
(i64.const -1)))))
(get_local 2)))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 4503599627370495))
(i64.const 4503599627370496))
(i64.const 1075)
(get_local 4))
(i64.const 63)))))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 3)
(i64.const -1))))
(func $__fixdfdi (type 27) (param f64) (result i64)
(local i32 i64 i64 i64)
(set_local 4
(i64.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(i64.const 52))))
(i32.const 2047)))
(i32.const 1023)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1023)))
(i32.const 62)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 63))
(i64.const 9223372036854775807))))
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 4503599627370495))
(i64.const 4503599627370496)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 51)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 1075)
(get_local 3))
(i64.const 63))))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 13))
(i64.const 63)))))
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 2)
(i64.const -1))))
(func $__fixdfti (type 28) (param i32 f64)
(local i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(set_local 7
(i64.const 0))
(set_local 8
(i64.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 5
(get_local 1)))
(i64.const 52)))))
(i32.const 2047)))
(i32.const 1023)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -1023)))
(i32.const 126)))
(set_local 8
(i64.const 9223372036854775807)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 5)
(i64.const -1)))))
(set_local 7
(i64.const -1)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 3))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 8))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 4503599627370495))
(i64.const 4503599627370496)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 51)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 1075)
(get_local 6))
(i64.const 63))))
(set_local 8
(i64.const 0))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 4)
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 77))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 8
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8))))
(set_local 7
(get_local 4))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 7))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 5)
(i64.const -1)))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 8)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 8))
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 0))))
(get_local 3)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16))))
(func $__fixunssfsi (type 23) (param f32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(i32.const 1065353216)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 23)))
(i32.const -127)))
(i32.const 31)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31))
(i32.const -1))))
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8388607))
(i32.const 8388608)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 22)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 150)
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 31))))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 10))
(i32.const 31)))))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1))))
(func $__fixunssfdi (type 24) (param f32) (result i64)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i64)
(set_local 5
(i64.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(i32.const 1065353216)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 23)))
(i32.const -127)))
(i32.const 63)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))
(i64.const -1))))
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8388607))
(i32.const 8388608)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 22)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 150)
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 31)))))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 2))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 42))
(i32.const 63))))))
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 5))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1))))
(func $__fixunssfti (type 25) (param i32 f32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(set_local 7
(i64.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 5
(tee_local 2
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(i32.const 1065353216)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 31)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 23)))
(i32.const -127)))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 31)))
(i64.const -1))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 7))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8388607))
(i32.const 8388608)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 22)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 150)
(get_local 5))
(i32.const 31)))))
(set_local 8
(i64.const 0))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 6)
(get_local 3))
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 106))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 8
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 8))))
(set_local 7
(get_local 6))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 7))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -1)))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 8)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 8))
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 0))))
(get_local 2)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16))))
(func $__fixunsdfsi (type 26) (param f64) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i64 i64)
(set_local 2
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)))
(i64.const 52))))
(i32.const 2047)))
(i32.const 1023)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 63))))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1023))
(i32.const 31)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 63)))
(i32.const -1))))
(get_local 2)))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 4503599627370495))
(i64.const 4503599627370496))
(i64.const 1075)
(get_local 4))
(i64.const 63)))))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 3)
(i64.const -1))))
(func $__fixunsdfdi (type 27) (param f64) (result i64)
(local i32 i64 i64 i64)
(set_local 4
(i64.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(i64.const 52))))
(i32.const 2047)))
(i32.const 1023)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 63))))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1023)))
(i32.const 63)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 63))
(i64.const -1))))
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 4503599627370495))
(i64.const 4503599627370496)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 51)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 1075)
(get_local 3))
(i64.const 63))))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 13))
(i64.const 63)))))
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 2)
(i64.const -1))))
(func $__fixunsdfti (type 28) (param i32 f64)
(local i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(set_local 7
(i64.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 5
(get_local 1)))
(i64.const 52)))))
(i32.const 2047)))
(i32.const 1023)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 63))))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -1023)))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 63))
(i64.const -1))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 7))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 4503599627370495))
(i64.const 4503599627370496)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 51)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 1075)
(get_local 6))
(i64.const 63))))
(set_local 6
(i64.const 0))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 4)
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 77))
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8))))
(set_local 7
(get_local 4))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 7))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 5)
(i64.const -1)))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 6))
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 0))))
(get_local 3)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16))))
(func $__mulsf3 (type 29) (param f32 f32) (result f32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64)
(set_local 7
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 8388607)))
(set_local 6
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 8388607)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const -2147483648)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 23))
(i32.const 255)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 23))
(i32.const 255)))
(i32.const -1))
(i32.const 253)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const -1))
(i32.const 254))))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 2147483647)))
(i32.const 2139095041)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4194304)))))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 2147483647)))
(i32.const 2139095041)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 4194304)))))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -2147483648))
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 2143289344)
(get_local 9)))))
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -2147483648))
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 2143289344)
(get_local 8)))))
(br_if 1 (;@6;)
(get_local 8)))
(br_if 1 (;@6;)
(get_local 9)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 8388607)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 9)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 6)))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 31)))))
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 8388607)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 9)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 7))))
(get_local 10)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 7)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 31)))))
(set_local 2
(tee_local 12
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const -2147483648)))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 8388608)))))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 4)
(get_local 10))
(get_local 5)))
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(br_if 0 (;@10;)
(tee_local 5
(tee_local 12
(get_local 12)
(i64.const 32)))))
(i32.const 8388608)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 31))
(get_local 12))
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -127)))
(br 1 (;@9;)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -126))))
(block ;; label = @11
(br_if 0 (;@11;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 255)))
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 2139095040)))))
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(br_if 0 (;@13;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8388607))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 23))))
(br 1 (;@12;)))
(br_if 1 (;@12;)
(tee_local 3
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 31)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 31)))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 31)))))
(set_local 11
(get_local 3)
(get_local 11)))
(block ;; label = @14
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -2147483647)))
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 1)))))
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -2147483648)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 11))))
(get_local 11)))
(func $__muldf3 (type 30) (param f64 f64) (result f64)
(local i32 i32 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(set_local 9
(tee_local 5
(get_local 1)))
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))
(set_local 8
(tee_local 4
(get_local 0)))
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 5)
(get_local 4))
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 52))
(i64.const 2047)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 52))
(i64.const 2047)))
(i64.const -1))
(i64.const 2045)))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(get_local 7)
(i64.const -1))
(i64.const 2046))))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 10
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 9223372036854775807)))
(i64.const 9218868437227405313)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 2251799813685248)))
(br 2 (;@2;)))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 11
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 9223372036854775807)))
(i64.const 9218868437227405313)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 2251799813685248)))
(br 2 (;@3;)))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 10)
(i64.const 9218868437227405312)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 5)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808))
(get_local 4))
(i64.const 9221120237041090560)
(get_local 11)
(i64.const 0))))
(br 2 (;@4;)))
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(get_local 11)
(i64.const 9218868437227405312)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 4)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808))
(get_local 5))
(i64.const 9221120237041090560)
(get_local 10)
(i64.const 0))))
(br 2 (;@5;)))
(br_if 1 (;@6;)
(get_local 10)))
(br_if 1 (;@6;)
(get_local 11)))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(get_local 10)
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 12)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 8))))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 8)
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 53))
(i64.const 63)))))
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(get_local 11)
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 12)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 9)))))
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 9)
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 53))
(i64.const 63)))))
(call $__multi3
(get_local 3)
(get_local 9)
(i64.const 11))
(i64.const -9223372036854775808))
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 8)
(i64.const 4503599627370496))
(i64.const 0))
(set_local 2
(get_local 6))
(get_local 2))
(get_local 7))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 3)))
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(br_if 0 (;@10;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8))))
(i64.const 4503599627370496)))))
(set_local 5
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 63))
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 1))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 1)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -1023)))
(br 1 (;@9;)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -1022))))
(block ;; label = @11
(br_if 0 (;@11;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 2047)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 12)
(i64.const 9218868437227405312)))
(br 1 (;@10;)))
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(br_if 0 (;@13;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 4503599627370495))
(get_local 2))
(i64.const 52))))
(br 1 (;@12;)))
(br_if 1 (;@12;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 63)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 63)))))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 63))))))
(set_local 5
(get_local 5)
(get_local 7))))
(set_local 12
(get_local 5)
(get_local 12)))
(block ;; label = @14
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(get_local 4)
(i64.const -9223372036854775807)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 12)
(i64.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@13;)))
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(get_local 4)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))
(set_local 12
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 12))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 12)))
(func $__udivmodti4 (type 17) (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 8
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(block ;; label = @15
(block ;; label = @16
(block ;; label = @17
(br_if 0 (;@17;)
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@16;)
(get_local 4))))
(br_if 4 (;@13;)
(get_local 5)))
(br_if 15 (;@2;)
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 0)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))
(i64.const 0))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3)))
(br 5 (;@12;)))
(br_if 1 (;@16;)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 2 (;@15;)
(get_local 4))))
(br_if 7 (;@10;)
(tee_local 13
(get_local 3)
(i64.const -1)))
(get_local 3))))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 65))
(get_local 2)))))))
(br 12 (;@5;)))
(br_if 8 (;@9;)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 2))
(br 8 (;@9;)))
(br_if 12 (;@5;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 4))))
(br_if 4 (;@13;)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 6 (;@11;)
(get_local 6))
(br_if 6 (;@11;)
(tee_local 13
(get_local 4)
(i64.const -1)))
(get_local 4)))))
(block ;; label = @18
(br_if 0 (;@18;)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 13)
(get_local 2))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 2)
(get_local 4))
(i64.const 63))))
(br 8 (;@10;)))
(br_if 2 (;@16;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 2)))))
(i32.const 63)))
(br_if 6 (;@12;)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 2))
(br 6 (;@12;)))
(br_if 11 (;@7;)
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 0))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3)))
(br 5 (;@13;)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 127)
(get_local 6)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 6 (;@12;)))
(block ;; label = @19
(br_if 0 (;@19;)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 0))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 4))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 2)
(get_local 4)))
(br 3 (;@16;)))
(block ;; label = @20
(br_if 0 (;@20;)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))
(i64.const 0))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 13)
(get_local 1))))
(br_if 5 (;@15;)
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 1)))
(call $__lshrti3
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 32))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 40))))
(set_local 1
(i64.load offset=32
(get_local 8)))
(br 5 (;@15;)))
(br_if 2 (;@18;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 2)))))
(i32.const 62)))
(br_if 0 (;@20;)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 1
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 2
(i64.const 0))
(br 2 (;@18;)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 127)
(get_local 6)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1))))
(call $__ashlti3
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 127)))
(call $__lshrti3
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 127)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 8))))
(set_local 14
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 8)))
(set_local 13
(i64.load offset=16
(get_local 8)))
(block ;; label = @21
(block ;; label = @22
(br_if 0 (;@22;)
(get_local 6)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 1)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 3)
(i64.const -1)))
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 9)
(i64.const -1))))
(i64.const -1)))
(set_local 15
(i64.const 0))
(set_local 16
(i64.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @23
(set_local 14
(tee_local 11
(get_local 14)
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 13)
(i64.const 63))))
(tee_local 11
(get_local 10)
(get_local 11))
(get_local 9)
(tee_local 13
(get_local 13)
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 63)))))))
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 13)
(tee_local 12
(get_local 11)
(get_local 3)))))))
(set_local 13
(get_local 13)
(get_local 12)))
(set_local 2
(i64.const 0)
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 63)))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 16)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 1))))
(set_local 16
(tee_local 11
(get_local 11)
(i64.const 1))))
(br_if 0 (;@23;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 6)
(i32.const -1))))
(br 2 (;@21;)))
(set_local 11
(i64.const 0))
(set_local 15
(i64.const 0)))
(block ;; label = @24
(br_if 0 (;@24;)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 13))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 14)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 15)
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 63)))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 11)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 1)))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 2))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 48)))
(func $__udivsi3 (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1))
(get_local 0))))
(i32.const 32)))
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 31)
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 31))))
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 31))))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @6
(set_local 0
(tee_local 0
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 31))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 1))))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 6)))
(set_local 6
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -1))))
(br 2 (;@4;)))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 3))))
(get_local 5)))
(func $__umodsi3 (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1))
(get_local 0))))
(i32.const 31)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 0))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 31)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 31)
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 31))))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 31))))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @5
(set_local 6
(tee_local 6
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 31))))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 2)
(get_local 6))
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 5
(get_local 7)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 7
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -1))))
(br 2 (;@3;)))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 3))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 1)))))
(func $__udivmodsi4 (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 1))
(get_local 0))))
(i32.const 31)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 0))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 31)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 31)
(get_local 5))
(i32.const 31))))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1)))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 31))))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @5
(set_local 7
(tee_local 7
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 31))))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 7))
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 8)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 8
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i32.const -1))))
(br 2 (;@3;)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 4))))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0)
(get_local 6)
(get_local 1)))))
(get_local 6)))
(func $__udivdi3 (type 14) (param i64 i64) (result i64)
(call $__udivmoddi4
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 0)))
(func $__udivmoddi4 (type 16) (param i64 i64 i32) (result i64)
(local i32 i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(block ;; label = @15
(block ;; label = @16
(br_if 0 (;@16;)
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(br_if 1 (;@15;)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 4294967296)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 4 (;@12;)
(get_local 2)))
(br_if 13 (;@3;)
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 3))))
(br 5 (;@11;)))
(br_if 1 (;@15;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)))))
(br_if 2 (;@14;)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 4294967296)))
(br_if 7 (;@9;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -1))
(get_local 3))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 33))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32))))))))
(br 11 (;@5;)))
(set_local 8
(i64.const 0))
(br_if 13 (;@3;)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 10 (;@6;)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 4294967296)))
(br_if 4 (;@12;)
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 6 (;@10;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 32))))))
(br_if 6 (;@10;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -1))
(get_local 3)))
(block ;; label = @17
(br_if 0 (;@17;)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const -4294967296))
(i64.const 4294967295))
(get_local 0))))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32)))
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 31))))))
(br_if 2 (;@15;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 32))))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32))))))
(i32.const 31)))
(set_local 8
(i64.const 0))
(br_if 11 (;@6;)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 9 (;@8;)
(get_local 3))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 0))
(get_local 3))))
(br 9 (;@8;)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 63)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 5 (;@12;)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 32))))
(block ;; label = @18
(br_if 0 (;@18;)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32)))
(get_local 3)))
(i64.const 32))))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32)))
(get_local 3)))))
(block ;; label = @19
(br_if 0 (;@19;)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 4294967295))
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 4294967295))))
(br_if 1 (;@18;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@18;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3))
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 32))))))
(i32.const 30)))
(set_local 8
(i64.const 0))
(br_if 5 (;@14;)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 0)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3))))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 63)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 63)))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 63)))))
(block ;; label = @20
(block ;; label = @21
(br_if 0 (;@21;)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 1)
(i64.const -1)))
(set_local 7
(i64.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @22
(set_local 0
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 8)
(i64.const 63))))
(tee_local 6
(get_local 5)
(get_local 0))
(i64.const 63)))
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 7)
(get_local 8)
(i64.const 1))))
(set_local 7
(tee_local 6
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 1))))
(br_if 0 (;@22;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -1))))
(br 2 (;@20;)))
(set_local 6
(i64.const 0)))
(block ;; label = @23
(br_if 0 (;@23;)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 8)
(i64.const 1)))))
(get_local 8))
(func $__umoddi3 (type 14) (param i64 i64) (result i64)
(local i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
( offset=8
(get_local 2)
(i64.const 0))
(call $__udivmoddi4
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))))
(set_local 0
(i64.load offset=8
(get_local 2)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 0))
(func $__udivti3 (type 15) (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)
(local i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(call $__udivmodti4
(get_local 5)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 1
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))))
(func $__umodti3 (type 15) (param i32 i64 i64 i64 i64)
(local i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 32))))
(tee_local 5
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.const 8)))
(i64.const 0))
( offset=16
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 0))
(call $__udivmodti4
(get_local 6)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16)))
(set_local 1
(i64.load offset=16
(get_local 6)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 32))))
(func $memcpy (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0))
(loop ;; label = @2
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -1))))))
(get_local 0))
(func $memmove (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(get_local 2)))
(loop ;; label = @3
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const -1))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const -1))))
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -1))))
(br 2 (;@1;)))
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0))
(loop ;; label = @4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -1))))))
(get_local 0))
(func $memset (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0))
(loop ;; label = @2
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -1))))))
(get_local 0))
(func $memcmp (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32)
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @3
(br_if 2 (;@1;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(get_local 5))))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 5))))))
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 2))))
(i32.const 0)))
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4)))
(func $__powisf2 (type 31) (param f32 i32) (result f32)
(local i32 f32)
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)
(f32.const 0x1p+0 (;=1;))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1))))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 1))
(loop ;; label = @2
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0))))
(get_local 3)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 2)))))
(f32.const 0x1p+0 (;=1;))
(get_local 3))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 0))))
(func $__powidf2 (type 32) (param f64 i32) (result f64)
(local i32 f64)
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)
(f64.const 0x1p+0 (;=1;))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1))))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 1))
(loop ;; label = @2
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0))))
(get_local 3)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 1))))
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 2)))))
(f64.const 0x1p+0 (;=1;))
(get_local 3))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 0))))
(func $__addsf3 (type 29) (param f32 f32) (result f32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(set_local 5
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 2147483647)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 2147483647)))
(i32.const -1))
(i32.const 2139095038)))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 2139095041)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 4194304)))))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const -1))
(i32.const 2139095038))))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 2139095041)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 4194304)))))
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(f32.const nan (;=nan;))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const -2147483648)))))
(br_if 2 (;@5;)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(br_if 1 (;@6;)
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 0))
(br_if 2 (;@5;)
(get_local 5))))
(set_local 8
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 5)
(get_local 4)))))
(i32.const 8388607)))
(set_local 3
(tee_local 6
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 5)))
(i32.const 23))
(i32.const 255)))
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 23))
(i32.const 255))))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 9)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 8)))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 8)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 31)))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 8388607)))
(block ;; label = @9
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(get_local 3))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 9)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 2)))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 2)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 31)))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 3))
(i32.const 67108864)))
(set_local 8
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 3)))
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(br_if 0 (;@11;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)))))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 1))
(br_if 1 (;@10;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 31)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 7)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 31)))
(i32.const 0))))
(br 1 (;@10;)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 7)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 67108864)))
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const -1)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 2)
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 134217728))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 2)
(get_local 8))
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1))))
(set_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@13;)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2)))))
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 67108863)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 5)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 3))
(i32.const -5)))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 31)))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -2147483648)))
(block ;; label = @15
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 255)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 2139095040)))))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @16
(block ;; label = @17
(br_if 0 (;@17;)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 5))
(br 1 (;@16;)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(tee_local 5
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 5)))
(i32.const 31)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5))
(i32.const 31)))
(i32.const 0)))))
(set_local 5
(tee_local 8
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 8388607))
(get_local 4))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 23))))
(block ;; label = @18
(block ;; label = @19
(br_if 0 (;@19;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 7)))
(i32.const 5)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@18;)))
(br_if 0 (;@19;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 4)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 5)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 1)))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 5)))
(br 2 (;@17;)))
(f32.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;))))
(br_if 0 (;@19;)
(get_local 5))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2)))))
(get_local 1))
(func $__adddf3 (type 30) (param f64 f64) (result f64)
(local i32 i32 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64)
(set_local 7
(tee_local 5
(get_local 1)))
(i64.const 9223372036854775807)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 4
(get_local 0)))
(i64.const 9223372036854775807)))
(i64.const -1))
(i64.const 9218868437227405310)))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 9218868437227405313)))
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 2251799813685248)))))
(br_if 1 (;@4;)
(get_local 7)
(i64.const -1))
(i64.const 9218868437227405310))))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 9218868437227405313)))
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 2251799813685248)))))
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 9218868437227405312)))
(f64.const nan (;=nan;))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 4))
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))))
(br_if 2 (;@5;)
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 9218868437227405312)))
(br_if 1 (;@6;)
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 0))
(br_if 2 (;@5;)
(get_local 7))))
(set_local 6
(tee_local 7
(get_local 5)
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6)))))
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))
(set_local 2
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)))
(i64.const 52)))
(i32.const 2047)))
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 52)))
(i32.const 2047))))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 12)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 6))))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 53))
(i64.const 63)))))
(set_local 5
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))
(block ;; label = @9
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(get_local 2))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 12)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 5))))))
(set_local 5
(get_local 5)
(get_local 8)
(i64.const 53))
(i64.const 63)))))
(set_local 8
(get_local 4)
(get_local 7)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 3))
(i64.const 36028797018963968)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 3)))
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(br_if 0 (;@11;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2)))))
(set_local 5
(i64.const 1))
(br_if 1 (;@10;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 63)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 9)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 63))))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 63))))
(i64.const 0)))))
(br 1 (;@10;)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 9)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 36028797018963968)))
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(get_local 8)
(i64.const -1)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6)))
(i64.const 72057594037927936))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 5)
(get_local 4))
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 1))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@13;)))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5)))))
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 36028797018963967)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 6)))
(i32.const -8)))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 63))))))
(set_local 7
(get_local 7)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))
(block ;; label = @15
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 2047)))
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 9218868437227405312)))))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @16
(block ;; label = @17
(br_if 0 (;@17;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 3))
(br 1 (;@16;)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(tee_local 3
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 63))))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 63))))
(i64.const 0))))))
(set_local 7
(tee_local 5
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 3)))
(i64.const 4503599627370495))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 2))
(i64.const 52))))
(block ;; label = @18
(block ;; label = @19
(br_if 0 (;@19;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 6))
(i32.const 7)))
(i32.const 5)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 7)
(i64.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@18;)))
(br_if 0 (;@19;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 4)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 7)
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 1)))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 7)))
(br 2 (;@17;)))
(f64.const 0x0p+0 (;=0;))))
(br_if 0 (;@19;)
(get_local 7))))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 4)))))
(get_local 1))
(func $__subsf3 (type 29) (param f32 f32) (result f32)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const -2147483648)))
(get_local 0)))
(func $__subdf3 (type 30) (param f64 f64) (result f64)
(get_local 1))
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))
(get_local 0)))
(func $__divsf3 (type 29) (param f32 f32) (result f32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64)
(set_local 7
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 8388607)))
(set_local 6
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 8388607)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2))
(i32.const -2147483648)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 23))
(i32.const 255)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 23))
(i32.const 255)))
(i32.const -1))
(i32.const 253)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const -1))
(i32.const 254))))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 2147483647)))
(i32.const 2139095041)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 4194304)))))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 2147483647)))
(i32.const 2139095041)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 4194304)))))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(i32.const 2143289344)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const -2147483648))
(get_local 2))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 2139095040))))))
(br_if 1 (;@5;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 2139095040)))
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(get_local 8)))
(br_if 1 (;@7;)
(get_local 9)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @9
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 8388607)))
(set_local 10
(i32.const 9)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 6)))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 31)))))
(br_if 2 (;@7;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 8388607)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 10)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 7))))
(i32.const -9)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 7)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 31))))
(br 2 (;@7;)))
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 2143289344)
(get_local 9)))))
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 2139095040)))))
(block ;; label = @10
(br_if 0 (;@10;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 10)
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 127))
(get_local 5))
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 5
(i64.const 0)
(tee_local 13
(i64.const 0)
(tee_local 13
(i64.const 0)
(tee_local 13
(i32.const 1963258675)
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 3
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 8388608)))
(i32.const 8))))))
(tee_local 12
(get_local 2))))
(i64.const 32)))
(i64.const 4294967295))
(get_local 13))
(i64.const 31))
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(get_local 12))
(i64.const 32)))
(i64.const 4294967295))
(get_local 13))
(i64.const 31))
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(get_local 12))
(i64.const 32)))
(i64.const 4294967295))
(get_local 13))
(i64.const 31))
(i64.const 4294967294))
(i64.const 4294967295))
(tee_local 7
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 8388608)))
(i32.const 1))))
(i64.const 32))))
(i32.const 16777216))))))
(i32.const 255)))
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 2139095040)))))
(br_if 0 (;@10;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 24)
(i32.const 23)
(get_local 6)))
(get_local 3)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 5)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16777215))))))
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 3))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 23))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8388607))))
(get_local 11))))
(get_local 11)))
(func $__divdf3 (type 30) (param f64 f64) (result f64)
(local i32 i32 i32 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(set_local 10
(tee_local 6
(get_local 1)))
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))
(set_local 9
(tee_local 5
(get_local 0)))
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5))
(i64.const -9223372036854775808)))
(set_local 8
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 52))
(i64.const 2047)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 52))
(i64.const 2047)))
(i64.const -1))
(i64.const 2045)))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@2;)
(get_local 8)
(i64.const -1))
(i64.const 2046))))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 12
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 9223372036854775807)))
(i64.const 9218868437227405313)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 2251799813685248)))
(br 2 (;@2;)))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(tee_local 11
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 9223372036854775807)))
(i64.const 9218868437227405313)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 2251799813685248)))
(br 2 (;@3;)))
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 12)
(i64.const 9218868437227405312)))
(set_local 13
(i64.const 9221120237041090560)
(get_local 6)
(i64.const -9223372036854775808))
(get_local 5))
(get_local 11)
(i64.const 9218868437227405312))))
(br 2 (;@4;)))
(br_if 1 (;@5;)
(get_local 11)
(i64.const 9218868437227405312)))
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(get_local 12)
(i64.const 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@7;)
(get_local 11)
(i64.const 0)))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @9
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(get_local 12)
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 12)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 9))))))
(set_local 9
(get_local 9)
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 53))
(i64.const 63)))))
(br_if 2 (;@7;)
(get_local 11)
(i64.const 4503599627370495)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 10)))))
(i32.const -12)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 10)
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 53))
(i64.const 63))))
(br 2 (;@7;)))
(set_local 13
(i64.const 9221120237041090560)
(get_local 13)
(get_local 11))))
(br 2 (;@7;)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 13)
(i64.const 9218868437227405312)))
(br 1 (;@8;)))
(call $__multi3
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 5
(i64.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(i64.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(i64.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(i64.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(i64.const 1963258675)
(tee_local 5
(tee_local 12
(get_local 10)
(i64.const 4503599627370496)))
(i64.const 21))))
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(tee_local 5
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 4294967295))))
(i64.const 32)))
(i64.const 4294967295))
(get_local 6))
(i64.const 31))
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(get_local 5))
(i64.const 32)))
(i64.const 4294967295))
(get_local 6))
(i64.const 31))
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(get_local 5))
(i64.const 32)))
(i64.const 4294967295))
(get_local 6))
(i64.const 31))
(i64.const 4294967295))
(i64.const 4294967295)))
(get_local 5))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 10)
(i64.const 11))
(i64.const 4294965248)))
(i64.const 32)))))
(i64.const 32))
(get_local 6))
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 4294967295))
(get_local 6))
(i64.const 32)))
(i64.const -2))
(i64.const 0)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 9)
(i64.const 4503599627370496)))
(i64.const 2))
(i64.const 0))
(block ;; label = @10
(br_if 0 (;@10;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3)
(get_local 7)))
(i32.const 1023))
(get_local 8)))
(i32.const -1)
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 5
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8))))
(i64.const 9007199254740992))))))
(i32.const 2047)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 13)
(i64.const 9218868437227405312)))
(br 1 (;@9;)))
(br_if 0 (;@10;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 13
(get_local 6)
(i64.const 53)
(i64.const 52)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 12)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 5)
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 9007199254740991)))))))
(i64.const 1))
(get_local 12)))
(get_local 3))
(i64.const 52))
(get_local 5)
(i64.const 4503599627370495))))
(get_local 13))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 13)))
(func $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64 i64)
(set_local 10
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(block ;; label = @15
(block ;; label = @16
(block ;; label = @17
(block ;; label = @18
(block ;; label = @19
(block ;; label = @20
(block ;; label = @21
(block ;; label = @22
(block ;; label = @23
(block ;; label = @24
(block ;; label = @25
(block ;; label = @26
(block ;; label = @27
(block ;; label = @28
(block ;; label = @29
(block ;; label = @30
(block ;; label = @31
(block ;; label = @32
(block ;; label = @33
(block ;; label = @34
(block ;; label = @35
(br_if 0 (;@35;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 244)))
(br_if 1 (;@34;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 8
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 9
(i32.const 16)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 11))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 11))))
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 31)))))
(i32.const 3))))
(br_if 2 (;@33;)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=8
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 9
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -1))
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 3))))
(i32.const 16))))))
(tee_local 9
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 8)))))
( offset=12
(get_local 4)
(get_local 9))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 4))
(br 3 (;@32;)))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 26 (;@9;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -64)))
(set_local 9
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 11)))
(i32.const -8)))
(br_if 9 (;@26;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @36
(br_if 0 (;@36;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8)))))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 31))
(br_if 0 (;@36;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 16777215)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 38)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1))))
(i32.const 31)))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 31)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 1)))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 9)))
(br_if 6 (;@30;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272))))))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 6
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 25)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 31))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 31)))))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @37
(block ;; label = @38
(br_if 0 (;@38;)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))
(i32.const -8)))
(get_local 9)))
(br_if 0 (;@38;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 5)
(get_local 9)))
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 5))
(set_local 8
(get_local 1))
(br_if 6 (;@32;)
(get_local 5))))
(set_local 3
(tee_local 5
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 20))))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 5)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 29))
(i32.const 4)))
(i32.const 16))))))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 0 (;@38;)
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 5 (;@33;)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 3))
(br 7 (;@31;)))
(br_if 8 (;@30;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.load offset=400
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 2 (;@36;)
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 9 (;@29;)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=8
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4))
(tee_local 1
(i32.const 2)
(get_local 4)))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 1)))))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 1)))))
(i32.const 3))))
(i32.const 16))))))
(tee_local 6
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 8)))))
( offset=12
(get_local 4)
(get_local 6))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 4))
(br 10 (;@28;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 3)))))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 3)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3)))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))))
(br_if 5 (;@33;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))))
(set_local 3
(i32.load offset=4
(tee_local 8
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 1))))
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272)))))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 9)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 8))
(br_if 18 (;@20;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 8)))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(br 19 (;@19;)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 8
(get_local 1))
(br 2 (;@36;)))
(br_if 2 (;@36;)
(get_local 8)))
(set_local 8
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 2 (;@36;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 2)
(tee_local 1
(i32.const 2)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 31))))
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 1)))))))
(br_if 2 (;@36;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 1))))
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272)))))))
(loop ;; label = @39
(set_local 8
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1))
(get_local 8)
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3))
(i32.const -8)))
(get_local 9))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(get_local 9)))
(get_local 4))))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 6)))
(br_if 0 (;@39;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 3))))
(br_if 0 (;@39;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 20))))))
(br_if 1 (;@38;)
(get_local 8))))
(br_if 0 (;@39;)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 4)
(get_local 9)))
(i32.load offset=400
(get_local 0))))
(set_local 5
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 8)))
(br_if 5 (;@34;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 8)))
(get_local 8)))
( offset=12
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 8)))
(get_local 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3))
(br_if 11 (;@28;)
(get_local 5))
(br 12 (;@27;)))
(block ;; label = @40
(block ;; label = @41
(block ;; label = @42
(block ;; label = @43
(br_if 0 (;@43;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=400
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 9)))
(br_if 1 (;@42;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=404
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 9)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 404))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(get_local 9))))
( offset=412
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=412
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 9))))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 3)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))))
(set_local 3
(i32.load offset=408
(get_local 0)))
(br_if 1 (;@42;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 9)))
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 400))
(i32.const 0))
( offset=4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 3)))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 4)))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 1)))
(br 2 (;@41;)))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 3
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 65583))
(i32.const 16)))))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 18 (;@25;)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16)))))
( offset=416
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=416
(get_local 0))
(tee_local 7
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16))))))
( offset=420
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=420
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3))))
(br_if 4 (;@39;)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=412
(get_local 0)))))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 2
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 424))))
(loop ;; label = @44
(br_if 6 (;@38;)
(get_local 8)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)))
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))))))
(br_if 0 (;@44;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1))))
(br 17 (;@27;)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 400))
(get_local 4))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 3)
(get_local 9))))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 4))
(set_local 4
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 3)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 4))))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 3)))))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 3)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 9)))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 3))
(get_local 9)))
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 8)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 3))
(br_if 5 (;@39;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 400)))))))
(set_local 9
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 8)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))))
(br_if 3 (;@41;)
(tee_local 10
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 5
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(set_local 5
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 9)))
(br 4 (;@40;)))
(block ;; label = @45
(block ;; label = @46
(br_if 0 (;@46;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=444
(get_local 0)))))
(br_if 1 (;@45;)
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 444))
(get_local 8)))
( offset=424
(get_local 0)
(get_local 8))
( offset=448
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4095))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 428))
(get_local 7))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 436))
(i32.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @47
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 16))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 4))
(br_if 0 (;@47;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8)))
(i32.const 256))))
( offset=440
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2097152))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 404))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 7)
(i32.const -40))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 412))
(get_local 8))
( offset=4
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=4
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 40))
(br 12 (;@35;)))
(br_if 4 (;@43;)
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 1))))
(br 10 (;@37;)))
(br_if 4 (;@43;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 1
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 1))))))))
(loop ;; label = @48
(set_local 6
(get_local 3))
(br_if 0 (;@48;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 3
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 3))))))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 6)))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 5 (;@43;)
(get_local 5))
(br 6 (;@42;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 10)
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 9)))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 4))
( offset=12
(get_local 5)
(get_local 4))
( offset=12
(get_local 4)
(get_local 9))
( offset=8
(get_local 4)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))
(get_local 8))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))))
(br_if 5 (;@43;)
(get_local 8)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 5 (;@43;)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 7)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 8
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 412)))))
(i32.const 15))
(i32.const -8)))
(i32.const -8)))
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 5
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 404))))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 8)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8)))))
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 40))
( offset=440
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2097152))
(br 6 (;@42;)))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@47;)
(get_local 5))))
(block ;; label = @49
(block ;; label = @50
(block ;; label = @51
(br_if 0 (;@51;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=28
(get_local 8)))
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272))))
(get_local 8)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 5))
(get_local 8))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 1))
(br_if 1 (;@50;)
(get_local 1))
(br 3 (;@48;)))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
(br_if 1 (;@50;)
(get_local 1))))
( offset=24
(get_local 1)
(get_local 5))
(block ;; label = @52
(br_if 0 (;@52;)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 8)))))
( offset=16
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3))
( offset=24
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@51;)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 20))))))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 3))
( offset=24
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
(br 1 (;@51;)))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4)))
(get_local 1))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 6)))))
(block ;; label = @53
(block ;; label = @54
(br_if 0 (;@54;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 15)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 3)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 1
(get_local 8)
(get_local 7)))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@53;)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 3)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 3
(get_local 8)
(get_local 9)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 4))
(block ;; label = @55
(block ;; label = @56
(block ;; label = @57
(block ;; label = @58
(block ;; label = @59
(br_if 0 (;@59;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 255)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 8)))
(br_if 1 (;@58;)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 4
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(set_local 9
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8)))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1)))
(br 2 (;@57;)))
(br_if 2 (;@57;)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8)))))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 31))
(br_if 3 (;@56;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16777215)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 38)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 9))))
(i32.const 31)))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 31)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 1))))
(br 3 (;@56;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 9)
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 3))
( offset=12
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3))
( offset=12
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4))
(br 2 (;@57;)))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 0)))
( offset=28
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
( offset=16 align=4
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 0))
(set_local 9
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272)))
(block ;; label = @60
(block ;; label = @61
(block ;; label = @62
(block ;; label = @63
(block ;; label = @64
(br_if 0 (;@64;)
(tee_local 5
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4)))))
(tee_local 0
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(br_if 1 (;@63;)
(i32.load offset=4
(tee_local 6
(get_local 9))))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 6))
(br 2 (;@62;)))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 0)))
( offset=24
(get_local 3)
(get_local 9))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 3))
(br 3 (;@61;)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 25)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 31))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))))
(loop ;; label = @65
(br_if 2 (;@63;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 5
(get_local 6)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 29))
(i32.const 4)))
(i32.const 16)))))))
(set_local 9
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 1))
(br_if 0 (;@65;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 4)))))
( offset=12
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 3))
( offset=8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3))
( offset=12
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4))
( offset=24
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0))
(br 2 (;@63;)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3))
( offset=24
(get_local 3)
(get_local 6)))
( offset=12
(get_local 3)
(get_local 3))
( offset=8
(get_local 3)
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 8))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 1)))
(loop ;; label = @66
(block ;; label = @67
(block ;; label = @68
(block ;; label = @69
(block ;; label = @70
(block ;; label = @71
(block ;; label = @72
(block ;; label = @73
(block ;; label = @74
(block ;; label = @75
(block ;; label = @76
(block ;; label = @77
(block ;; label = @78
(block ;; label = @79
(block ;; label = @80
(block ;; label = @81
(block ;; label = @82
(block ;; label = @83
(block ;; label = @84
(block ;; label = @85
(block ;; label = @86
(block ;; label = @87
(block ;; label = @88
(block ;; label = @89
(block ;; label = @90
(block ;; label = @91
(block ;; label = @92
(block ;; label = @93
(block ;; label = @94
(block ;; label = @95
(block ;; label = @96
(block ;; label = @97
(block ;; label = @98
(block ;; label = @99
(block ;; label = @100
(block ;; label = @101
(block ;; label = @102
(block ;; label = @103
(block ;; label = @104
(block ;; label = @105
(block ;; label = @106
(block ;; label = @107
(block ;; label = @108
(block ;; label = @109
(block ;; label = @110
(block ;; label = @111
(block ;; label = @112
(block ;; label = @113
(br_table 0 (;@113;) 1 (;@112;) 2 (;@111;) 3 (;@110;) 8 (;@105;) 9 (;@104;) 11 (;@102;) 12 (;@101;) 13 (;@100;) 14 (;@99;) 16 (;@97;) 18 (;@95;) 19 (;@94;) 20 (;@93;) 22 (;@91;) 23 (;@90;) 24 (;@89;) 21 (;@92;) 17 (;@96;) 10 (;@103;) 15 (;@98;) 4 (;@109;) 5 (;@108;) 6 (;@107;) 7 (;@106;) 7 (;@106;)
(get_local 11)))
(set_local 3
(tee_local 8
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 9)))
(get_local 3)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 8)
(get_local 3)))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 8)))
(br_if 24 (;@89;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=16
(tee_local 8
(get_local 1)))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 1))
(br 46 (;@67;)))
(br_if 24 (;@89;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 20)))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 2))
(br 45 (;@68;)))
(set_local 5
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 24 (;@89;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 3))
(br 44 (;@69;)))
( offset=12
(tee_local 8
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 8))
(br_if 25 (;@88;)
(get_local 5))
(br 24 (;@89;)))
(br_if 41 (;@72;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 8
(tee_local 1
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 1))))))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 22))
(br 42 (;@71;)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 8))
(br_if 39 (;@74;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 8
(tee_local 8
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 8)))))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 23))
(br 41 (;@72;)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 6)))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 24 (;@89;)
(get_local 5))
(br 23 (;@90;)))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 24 (;@89;)
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 4))
(br 39 (;@74;)))
(br_if 24 (;@89;)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=28
(get_local 4)))
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272))))
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 5))
(br 38 (;@75;)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 5))
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 1))
(br_if 25 (;@88;)
(get_local 1))
(br 24 (;@89;)))
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1))
(br_if 25 (;@88;)
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 6))
(br 36 (;@77;)))
( offset=24
(get_local 1)
(get_local 5))
(br_if 25 (;@88;)
(tee_local 8
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 4)))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 7))
(br 35 (;@78;)))
( offset=16
(get_local 1)
(get_local 8))
( offset=24
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 8))
(br 34 (;@79;)))
(br_if 24 (;@89;)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 20))))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 9))
(br 33 (;@80;)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 8))
( offset=24
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1))
(br 24 (;@89;)))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4)))
(get_local 1))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 6))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 10))
(br 31 (;@82;)))
(br_if 23 (;@90;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 18))
(br 30 (;@83;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 3)
(get_local 9)))
(i32.const 3)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 1
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1)))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 1)))
(br 26 (;@87;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 3)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 9
(get_local 4)
(get_local 9)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 3))
(br_if 22 (;@91;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 400)))))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 12))
(br 28 (;@85;)))
(set_local 8
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 8)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))))
(br_if 22 (;@91;)
(tee_local 10
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 5
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 13))
(br 27 (;@86;)))
(set_local 5
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 8)))
(br 22 (;@91;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 10)
(get_local 5)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 8))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 14))
(br 25 (;@88;)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 1))
( offset=12
(get_local 5)
(get_local 1))
( offset=12
(get_local 1)
(get_local 8))
( offset=8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 5))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 15))
(br 24 (;@89;)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))
(get_local 9))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 3))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 16))
(br 23 (;@90;)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8))))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(br 21 (;@92;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(br 20 (;@93;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 21))
(br 19 (;@94;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 10))
(br 18 (;@95;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 4))
(br 17 (;@96;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 10))
(br 16 (;@97;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 4))
(br 15 (;@98;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 10))
(br 14 (;@99;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 19))
(br 13 (;@100;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 10))
(br 12 (;@101;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 6))
(br 11 (;@102;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 20))
(br 10 (;@103;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 8))
(br 9 (;@104;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 10))
(br 8 (;@105;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 10))
(br 7 (;@106;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 11))
(br 6 (;@107;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 15))
(br 5 (;@108;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 17))
(br 4 (;@109;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 14))
(br 3 (;@110;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 16))
(br 2 (;@111;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 22))
(br 1 (;@112;)))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 24))
(br 0 (;@113;)))
( offset=444
(get_local 0)
(get_local 8)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=444
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 8)
(get_local 7)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 2))
(block ;; label = @114
(block ;; label = @115
(block ;; label = @116
(block ;; label = @117
(block ;; label = @118
(block ;; label = @119
(block ;; label = @120
(block ;; label = @121
(block ;; label = @122
(block ;; label = @123
(block ;; label = @124
(loop ;; label = @125
(br_if 1 (;@124;)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 0 (;@125;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1))))
(br 2 (;@123;)))
(br_if 1 (;@124;)
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 1)))))
(set_local 1
(get_local 2))
(block ;; label = @126
(loop ;; label = @127
(block ;; label = @128
(br_if 0 (;@128;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 2 (;@126;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))))
(get_local 3))))
(set_local 1
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1)))
(br 0 (;@128;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 8)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 7)
(i32.const -40)))
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=4
(get_local 8)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 40))
( offset=440
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 2097152))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 404))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 412))
(get_local 8))
( offset=4
(tee_local 5
(get_local 3)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -32))
(i32.const -8))
(i32.const -8)))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16)))))
(i32.const 27))
(set_local 13
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 2)))
( align=4
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 16))
(tee_local 12
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8)))))
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 12))
( offset=8 align=4
(get_local 5)
(get_local 13))
(get_local 10)
(get_local 13))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 428))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 424))
(get_local 8))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 436))
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 432))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 8)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 28)))
(loop ;; label = @129
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 7))
(br_if 0 (;@129;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 4)))
(get_local 4))))
(br_if 9 (;@120;)
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)))
( offset=4
(get_local 5)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 5))
(i32.const -2)))
( offset=4
(get_local 3)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 8))
(block ;; label = @130
(br_if 0 (;@130;)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 255)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 8)))
(br_if 2 (;@128;)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 4
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1)))
(br 3 (;@127;)))
(br_if 3 (;@127;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 8)))))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 31))
(br_if 4 (;@126;)
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 16777215)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 38)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 4))))
(i32.const 31)))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 31)
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 1))))
(br 4 (;@126;)))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 8))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))
(get_local 7)))
( offset=4
(get_local 8)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 3)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 8)
(get_local 9)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 4)
(get_local 8))
(get_local 9)))
(br_if 4 (;@126;)
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 412))))))
(br_if 5 (;@125;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.load offset=408
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 15 (;@115;)
(tee_local 9
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 4)))
(i32.const 3))
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 10 (;@120;)
(tee_local 10
(get_local 9)
(i32.const -8)))
(i32.const 255)))
(br_if 11 (;@119;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 4)))
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 4)))))
( offset=12
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6))
( offset=8
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5))
(br 14 (;@116;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 8)
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 3))
( offset=12
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3))
( offset=12
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4))
(br 6 (;@124;)))
(set_local 1
(i32.const 0)))
( offset=16 align=4
(get_local 3)
(i64.const 0))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 28))
(get_local 1))
(set_local 4
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272)))
(block ;; label = @131
(block ;; label = @132
(block ;; label = @133
(br_if 0 (;@133;)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 10
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(br_if 1 (;@132;)
(i32.load offset=4
(tee_local 5
(get_local 4))))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 8)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 5))
(br 2 (;@131;)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 10)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 24))
(get_local 4))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3))
(br 5 (;@128;)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 25)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 31))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 31)))))
(loop ;; label = @134
(br_if 4 (;@130;)
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 10
(get_local 5)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 29))
(i32.const 4)))
(i32.const 16)))))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 1))
(br_if 0 (;@134;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 8)))))
( offset=12
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 3))
( offset=8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3))
( offset=12
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 0))
(br 4 (;@130;)))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 1))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 404)))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 4))
(get_local 3))))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 11 (;@123;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 4
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 400))))
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))
(get_local 1))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 3))
(br 10 (;@124;)))
(get_local 10)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 24))
(get_local 5)))
( offset=12
(get_local 3)
(get_local 3))
( offset=8
(get_local 3)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 0 (;@134;)
(tee_local 3
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 404)))))
(get_local 9)))
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 3)
(get_local 9))))
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 412)))
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 9))))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 3)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))))
(get_local 6)))
(set_local 7
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 1 (;@133;)
(tee_local 9
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 4)))
( offset=12
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 9))
( offset=8
(get_local 9)
(get_local 6))
(br_if 2 (;@132;)
(get_local 7))
(br 3 (;@131;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 3)))))
(br 2 (;@132;)))
(block ;; label = @135
(br_if 0 (;@135;)
(tee_local 9
(tee_local 6
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 4))))))))
(loop ;; label = @136
(set_local 5
(get_local 6))
(br_if 0 (;@136;)
(tee_local 9
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 6
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 6))))))))
(set_local 9
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@135;)
(get_local 7))
(br 2 (;@134;)))
(set_local 9
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@135;)
(get_local 7))))
(block ;; label = @137
(block ;; label = @138
(block ;; label = @139
(br_if 0 (;@139;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=28
(get_local 4)))
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272))))
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 7))
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 9))
(br_if 1 (;@138;)
(get_local 9))
(br 3 (;@136;)))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 9))
(br_if 1 (;@138;)
(get_local 9))))
( offset=24
(get_local 9)
(get_local 7))
(block ;; label = @140
(br_if 0 (;@140;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 4)))))
( offset=16
(get_local 9)
(get_local 6))
( offset=24
(get_local 6)
(get_local 9)))
(br_if 1 (;@139;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 4)))))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 6))
( offset=24
(get_local 6)
(get_local 9))
(br 1 (;@139;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 5)))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 10)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 10))))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 4))
(i32.const -2)))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 3))
(block ;; label = @141
(block ;; label = @142
(block ;; label = @143
(block ;; label = @144
(block ;; label = @145
(br_if 0 (;@145;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 255)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 8)))
(br_if 1 (;@144;)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 4
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(set_local 9
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8)))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 3)))
(br 2 (;@143;)))
(br_if 2 (;@143;)
(tee_local 9
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8)))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 31))
(br_if 3 (;@142;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16777215)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 38)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 9))))
(i32.const 31)))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 31)
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 1))))
(br 3 (;@142;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 9)
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 8)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 1))
( offset=12
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
( offset=12
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3))
( offset=8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4))
(br 2 (;@143;)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0)))
( offset=28
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4))
( offset=16 align=4
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 0))
(set_local 9
(get_local 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272)))
(block ;; label = @146
(block ;; label = @147
(block ;; label = @148
(block ;; label = @149
(block ;; label = @150
(br_if 0 (;@150;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 5
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(br_if 1 (;@149;)
(i32.load offset=4
(tee_local 6
(get_local 9))))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 4
(get_local 6))
(br 2 (;@148;)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5)))
( offset=24
(get_local 1)
(get_local 9))
(get_local 9)
(get_local 1))
(br 3 (;@147;)))
(set_local 9
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 25)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 31))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 31)))))
(loop ;; label = @151
(br_if 2 (;@149;)
(tee_local 4
(tee_local 5
(get_local 6)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 29))
(i32.const 4)))
(i32.const 16)))))))
(set_local 9
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 4))
(br_if 0 (;@151;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 4))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 3)))))
( offset=12
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
( offset=12
(get_local 1)
(get_local 4))
( offset=8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 3))
( offset=24
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 0))
(br 2 (;@149;)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 1))
( offset=24
(get_local 1)
(get_local 6)))
( offset=12
(get_local 1)
(get_local 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 8)))
(func $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc7realloc17hcf00e9bf14c866efE (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(br_if 0 (;@1;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -65)))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 16)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 11))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 11))))
(set_local 7
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 5
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -4)))))
(i32.const -8)))
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(block ;; label = @9
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(br_if 0 (;@13;)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 3))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -8)))
(br_if 1 (;@12;)
(get_local 7)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 2 (;@11;)
(tee_local 8
(get_local 4)
(get_local 7)))
(i32.load offset=412
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 3 (;@10;)
(get_local 8)
(i32.load offset=408
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 4 (;@9;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 8)))
(i32.const 2)))
(br_if 4 (;@9;)
(tee_local 7
(tee_local 9
(get_local 6)
(i32.const -8)))
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 10
(get_local 7)
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 6 (;@7;)
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 255)))
(br_if 7 (;@6;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 8)))
(tee_local 11
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 8)))))
( offset=12
(get_local 11)
(get_local 2))
( offset=8
(get_local 2)
(get_local 11))
(br 10 (;@3;)))
(br_if 3 (;@10;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 256)))
(br_if 3 (;@10;)
(get_local 7)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 4))))
(br_if 10 (;@3;)
(get_local 7)
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 131073)))
(br 3 (;@10;)))
(br_if 9 (;@4;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 7)
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 2)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 11
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 3)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 3
(get_local 11)
(get_local 2)))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc13dispose_chunk17h7150b6f0b3fbcc86E
(get_local 0)
(get_local 11)
(get_local 2))
(br 9 (;@4;)))
(br_if 1 (;@12;)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=404
(get_local 0))
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 412))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 404))
(tee_local 11
(get_local 7)
(get_local 3))))
( offset=4
(get_local 2)
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 1)))
(br 8 (;@5;)))
(br_if 1 (;@12;)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=400
(get_local 0))
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 3))))
(br_if 7 (;@6;)
(tee_local 3
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2)))))
(set_local 2
(call $memcpy
(get_local 3)
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 11
(tee_local 11
(get_local 5)))
(i32.const -8))
(i32.const 4)
(i32.const 8)
(get_local 11)
(i32.const 3)))))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 11)
(get_local 2)))))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 2)))
(block ;; label = @14
(block ;; label = @15
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(tee_local 2
(get_local 7)
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1))
(get_local 7))
(i32.const 2)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 2
(get_local 4)
(get_local 7)))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 11
(i32.const 0))
(br 1 (;@14;)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 2)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 11
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 11)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 2))
( offset=4
(get_local 3)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3))
(i32.const -2))))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))
(get_local 11))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 400))
(get_local 2))
(br 5 (;@10;)))
(set_local 9
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 8)))
(br_if 1 (;@14;)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 8)))
(get_local 8)))
( offset=12
(tee_local 11
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 8)))
(get_local 2))
( offset=8
(get_local 2)
(get_local 11))
(br_if 2 (;@13;)
(get_local 9))
(br 3 (;@12;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 3)))))
(br 2 (;@13;)))
(block ;; label = @16
(br_if 0 (;@16;)
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 11
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 8)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 8))))))))
(loop ;; label = @17
(set_local 6
(get_local 11))
(br_if 0 (;@17;)
(tee_local 2
(tee_local 11
(tee_local 11
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 11))))))))
(set_local 2
(get_local 6)))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@16;)
(get_local 9))
(br 2 (;@15;)))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@16;)
(get_local 9))))
(block ;; label = @18
(block ;; label = @19
(block ;; label = @20
(br_if 0 (;@20;)
(tee_local 11
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=28
(get_local 8)))
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272))))
(get_local 8)))
(get_local 9)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 9))
(get_local 8))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 2))
(br_if 1 (;@19;)
(get_local 2))
(br 3 (;@17;)))
(get_local 11)
(get_local 2))
(br_if 1 (;@19;)
(get_local 2))))
( offset=24
(get_local 2)
(get_local 9))
(block ;; label = @21
(br_if 0 (;@21;)
(tee_local 11
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 8)))))
( offset=16
(get_local 2)
(get_local 11))
( offset=24
(get_local 11)
(get_local 2)))
(br_if 1 (;@20;)
(tee_local 11
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 8)))))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 11))
( offset=24
(get_local 11)
(get_local 2))
(br 1 (;@20;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 6)))))
(block ;; label = @22
(br_if 0 (;@22;)
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 15)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 7)
(get_local 5))
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 2)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 2
(get_local 4)
(get_local 7)))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 2))
(i32.const 1)))
(br 1 (;@21;)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)
(get_local 5))
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 2)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 2
(get_local 4)
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 10)
(i32.const 3)))
( offset=4
(tee_local 11
(get_local 2)
(get_local 10)))
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 11))
(i32.const 1)))
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc13dispose_chunk17h7150b6f0b3fbcc86E
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2)
(get_local 10)))
(set_local 11
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 11))
(func $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc13dispose_chunk17h7150b6f0b3fbcc86E (type 4) (param i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(set_local 3
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@3;)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 3))))
(set_local 2
(tee_local 7
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 2)))
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(block ;; label = @8
(block ;; label = @9
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 1)
(get_local 7)))
(i32.load offset=408
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 1 (;@8;)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 255)))
(br_if 2 (;@7;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 1)))
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1)))))
( offset=12
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6))
( offset=8
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5))
(br 5 (;@4;)))
(br_if 4 (;@5;)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 3))
(i32.const 3)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const -2)))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=400
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 2))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@8;)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 1)))
( offset=12
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 7))
( offset=8
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))
(br_if 2 (;@7;)
(get_local 4))
(br 3 (;@6;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 3)))))
(br 2 (;@7;)))
(block ;; label = @10
(br_if 0 (;@10;)
(tee_local 7
(tee_local 6
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 1))))))))
(loop ;; label = @11
(set_local 5
(get_local 6))
(br_if 0 (;@11;)
(tee_local 7
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 6
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 6))))))))
(set_local 7
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@10;)
(get_local 4))
(br 2 (;@9;)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@10;)
(get_local 4))))
(block ;; label = @12
(block ;; label = @13
(block ;; label = @14
(br_if 0 (;@14;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=28
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272))))
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 4))
(get_local 1))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 7))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(get_local 7))
(br 3 (;@11;)))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 7))
(br_if 1 (;@13;)
(get_local 7))))
( offset=24
(get_local 7)
(get_local 4))
(block ;; label = @15
(br_if 0 (;@15;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 1)))))
( offset=16
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))
( offset=24
(get_local 6)
(get_local 7)))
(br_if 1 (;@14;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 1)))))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 6))
( offset=24
(get_local 6)
(get_local 7))
(br 1 (;@14;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 5)))))
(block ;; label = @16
(block ;; label = @17
(block ;; label = @18
(block ;; label = @19
(block ;; label = @20
(block ;; label = @21
(block ;; label = @22
(block ;; label = @23
(block ;; label = @24
(br_if 0 (;@24;)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 2)))
(br_if 1 (;@23;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.load offset=412
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 2 (;@22;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.load offset=408
(get_local 0))))
(set_local 2
(tee_local 6
(get_local 7)
(i32.const -8)))
(get_local 2)))
(br_if 3 (;@21;)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 255)))
(br_if 4 (;@20;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 3)))
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 3)))))
( offset=12
(get_local 3)
(get_local 6))
( offset=8
(get_local 6)
(get_local 3))
(br 7 (;@17;)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const -2)))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 2))
(br 7 (;@17;)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 412))
(get_local 1))
( offset=404
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=404
(get_local 0))
(get_local 2))))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 7 (;@17;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.load offset=408
(get_local 0))))
( offset=400
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))
(i32.const 0))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=400
(get_local 0))
(get_local 2)))
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))
(get_local 1))
( offset=400
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 2))
(set_local 4
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 1 (;@23;)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 3)))
( offset=12
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 7))
( offset=8
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))
(br_if 2 (;@22;)
(get_local 4))
(br 3 (;@21;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 3)))))
(br 2 (;@22;)))
(block ;; label = @25
(br_if 0 (;@25;)
(tee_local 7
(tee_local 6
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 3))))))))
(loop ;; label = @26
(set_local 5
(get_local 6))
(br_if 0 (;@26;)
(tee_local 7
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 6
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 6))))))))
(set_local 7
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@25;)
(get_local 4))
(br 2 (;@24;)))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@25;)
(get_local 4))))
(block ;; label = @27
(block ;; label = @28
(block ;; label = @29
(br_if 0 (;@29;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=28
(get_local 3)))
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272))))
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 4))
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 7))
(br_if 1 (;@28;)
(get_local 7))
(br 3 (;@26;)))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 7))
(br_if 1 (;@28;)
(get_local 7))))
( offset=24
(get_local 7)
(get_local 4))
(block ;; label = @30
(br_if 0 (;@30;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 3)))))
( offset=16
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))
( offset=24
(get_local 6)
(get_local 7)))
(br_if 1 (;@29;)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 3)))))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 3))
( offset=24
(get_local 3)
(get_local 7))
(br 1 (;@29;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 5)))))
( offset=4
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 2))
(br_if 0 (;@30;)
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408)))))
( offset=400
(get_local 0)
(get_local 2))
(block ;; label = @31
(block ;; label = @32
(block ;; label = @33
(block ;; label = @34
(block ;; label = @35
(br_if 0 (;@35;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 255)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 8)))
(br_if 1 (;@34;)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 3
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(set_local 0
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 2)))
(br 2 (;@33;)))
(br_if 2 (;@33;)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8)))))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 31))
(br_if 3 (;@32;)
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16777215)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 38)
(tee_local 3
(get_local 7))))
(i32.const 31)))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 31)
(get_local 3))
(i32.const 1))))
(br 3 (;@32;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7)
(get_local 3)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 1))
( offset=12
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
( offset=12
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))
( offset=8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0)))
( offset=16 align=4
(get_local 1)
(i64.const 0))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 28))
(get_local 3))
(set_local 7
(get_local 0)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272)))
(block ;; label = @36
(block ;; label = @37
(block ;; label = @38
(br_if 0 (;@38;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 5
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(br_if 1 (;@37;)
(i32.load offset=4
(tee_local 7
(get_local 7))))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 7))
(br 2 (;@36;)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 24))
(get_local 7))
(get_local 7)
(get_local 1))
(br 4 (;@34;)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 25)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 31))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 31)))))
(loop ;; label = @39
(br_if 3 (;@36;)
(tee_local 0
(tee_local 6
(get_local 7)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 29))
(i32.const 4)))
(i32.const 16)))))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 0))
(br_if 0 (;@39;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 2)))))
( offset=12
(tee_local 2
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 0)))
(get_local 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
( offset=12
(get_local 1)
(get_local 0))
( offset=8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 24))
(get_local 7)))
( offset=12
(get_local 1)
(get_local 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 1)
(get_local 1)))
(func $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc4free17h3d5bb153cfdf4d44E (type 7) (param i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
(set_local 7
(tee_local 4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -8)))
(tee_local 1
(tee_local 6
(get_local 1)
(i32.const -4))))
(i32.const -8)))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 1 (;@1;)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 3))))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 6
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 1)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 6)))
(i32.load offset=408
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 1 (;@6;)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 255)))
(br_if 2 (;@5;)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 4)))
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 4)))))
( offset=12
(get_local 3)
(get_local 5))
( offset=8
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3))
(br 5 (;@2;)))
(br_if 4 (;@3;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 7)))
(i32.const 3))
(i32.const 3)))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const -2)))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
( offset=400
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 1))
(set_local 2
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 1 (;@6;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 4)))
( offset=12
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 6))
( offset=8
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5))
(br_if 2 (;@5;)
(get_local 2))
(br 3 (;@4;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 3)))))
(br 2 (;@5;)))
(block ;; label = @8
(br_if 0 (;@8;)
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 5
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 4))))))))
(loop ;; label = @9
(set_local 3
(get_local 5))
(br_if 0 (;@9;)
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 5
(tee_local 5
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 5))))))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@8;)
(get_local 2))
(br 2 (;@7;)))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@8;)
(get_local 2))))
(block ;; label = @10
(block ;; label = @11
(block ;; label = @12
(br_if 0 (;@12;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=28
(get_local 4)))
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272))))
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 2))
(get_local 4))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 6))
(br_if 1 (;@11;)
(get_local 6))
(br 3 (;@9;)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6))
(br_if 1 (;@11;)
(get_local 6))))
( offset=24
(get_local 6)
(get_local 2))
(block ;; label = @13
(br_if 0 (;@13;)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 4)))))
( offset=16
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5))
( offset=24
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6)))
(br_if 1 (;@12;)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 4)))))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 5))
( offset=24
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6))
(br 1 (;@12;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 3)))))
(block ;; label = @14
(block ;; label = @15
(block ;; label = @16
(block ;; label = @17
(block ;; label = @18
(block ;; label = @19
(block ;; label = @20
(block ;; label = @21
(block ;; label = @22
(block ;; label = @23
(block ;; label = @24
(block ;; label = @25
(br_if 0 (;@25;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 7)))
(i32.const 2)))
(br_if 1 (;@24;)
(get_local 7)
(i32.load offset=412
(get_local 0))))
(br_if 2 (;@23;)
(get_local 7)
(i32.load offset=408
(get_local 0))))
(set_local 1
(tee_local 5
(get_local 6)
(i32.const -8)))
(get_local 1)))
(br_if 3 (;@22;)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 255)))
(br_if 4 (;@21;)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 7)))
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 7)))))
( offset=12
(get_local 7)
(get_local 5))
( offset=8
(get_local 5)
(get_local 7))
(br 10 (;@15;)))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const -2)))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 1))
(br 10 (;@15;)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 412))
(get_local 4))
( offset=404
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=404
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1))))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
(block ;; label = @26
(br_if 0 (;@26;)
(get_local 4)
(i32.load offset=408
(get_local 0))))
( offset=400
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 0))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))
(i32.const 0)))
(br_if 10 (;@16;)
(i32.load offset=440
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1)))
(block ;; label = @27
(br_if 0 (;@27;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 41)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 424)))
(loop ;; label = @28
(block ;; label = @29
(br_if 0 (;@29;)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 4)))
(br_if 2 (;@27;)
(get_local 7)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 4))))
(br_if 0 (;@29;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1))))))
(br_if 4 (;@25;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 432))))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @30
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 0 (;@30;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1))))
(br 6 (;@24;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=400
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1)))
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408))
(get_local 4))
( offset=400
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 1))
(set_local 2
(i32.load offset=24
(get_local 7)))
(br_if 1 (;@29;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=12
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 7)))
( offset=12
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 6))
( offset=8
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5))
(br_if 5 (;@25;)
(get_local 2))
(br 6 (;@24;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 3)))))
(br 5 (;@25;)))
(br_if 2 (;@28;)
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 5
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 7))))))))
(loop ;; label = @31
(set_local 3
(get_local 5))
(br_if 0 (;@31;)
(tee_local 6
(tee_local 5
(tee_local 5
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 20)))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 5))))))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 3 (;@28;)
(get_local 2))
(br 4 (;@27;)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 440))
(i32.const -1))
( offset=448
(get_local 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 4095)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 4095))))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 0))
(br_if 1 (;@30;)
(get_local 2))))
(block ;; label = @32
(block ;; label = @33
(block ;; label = @34
(br_if 0 (;@34;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=28
(get_local 7)))
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272))))
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 16))
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 2))
(get_local 7))
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 6))
(br_if 1 (;@33;)
(get_local 6))
(br 3 (;@31;)))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6))
(br_if 1 (;@33;)
(get_local 6))))
( offset=24
(get_local 6)
(get_local 2))
(block ;; label = @35
(br_if 0 (;@35;)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 7)))))
( offset=16
(get_local 6)
(get_local 5))
( offset=24
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6)))
(br_if 1 (;@34;)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=20
(get_local 7)))))
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 20))
(get_local 7))
( offset=24
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))
(br 1 (;@34;)))
( offset=4
(get_local 0)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -2)
(get_local 3)))))
( offset=4
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 1))
(br_if 0 (;@35;)
(get_local 4)
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 408)))))
( offset=400
(get_local 0)
(get_local 1))
(block ;; label = @36
(block ;; label = @37
(block ;; label = @38
(block ;; label = @39
(block ;; label = @40
(br_if 0 (;@40;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 255)))
(set_local 1
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 3)))
(i32.const 8)))
(br_if 1 (;@39;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 7
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(set_local 0
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1)))
(br 2 (;@38;)))
(br_if 2 (;@38;)
(tee_local 6
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8)))))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 31))
(br_if 3 (;@37;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16777215)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 38)
(tee_local 7
(get_local 6))))
(i32.const 31)))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 31)
(get_local 7))
(i32.const 1))))
(br 3 (;@37;)))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 6)
(get_local 7)))
(set_local 0
(get_local 1)))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 4))
( offset=12
(get_local 0)
(get_local 4))
( offset=12
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
( offset=8
(get_local 4)
(get_local 0))
(set_local 7
(i32.const 0)))
( offset=16 align=4
(get_local 4)
(i64.const 0))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 28))
(get_local 7))
(set_local 6
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 2)))
(i32.const 272)))
(block ;; label = @41
(block ;; label = @42
(block ;; label = @43
(block ;; label = @44
(block ;; label = @45
(block ;; label = @46
(br_if 0 (;@46;)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 3
(i32.const 1)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 31)))))))
(br_if 1 (;@45;)
(i32.load offset=4
(tee_local 5
(get_local 6))))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 1)))
(set_local 7
(get_local 5))
(br 2 (;@44;)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 5)
(get_local 3)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 24))
(get_local 6))
(get_local 6)
(get_local 4))
(br 3 (;@43;)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 25)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1)))
(i32.const 31))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 31)))))
(loop ;; label = @47
(br_if 2 (;@45;)
(tee_local 7
(tee_local 3
(get_local 5)
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 29))
(i32.const 4)))
(i32.const 16)))))))
(set_local 6
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))
(set_local 5
(get_local 7))
(br_if 0 (;@47;)
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 7))
(i32.const -8))
(get_local 1)))))
( offset=12
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 7)))
(get_local 4))
( offset=8
(get_local 7)
(get_local 4))
( offset=12
(get_local 4)
(get_local 7))
( offset=8
(get_local 4)
(get_local 1))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 24))
(i32.const 0))
(br 2 (;@45;)))
(get_local 3)
(get_local 4))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 24))
(get_local 5)))
( offset=12
(get_local 4)
(get_local 4))
( offset=8
(get_local 4)
(get_local 4)))
( offset=448
(get_local 0)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=448
(get_local 0))
(i32.const -1))))
(br_if 0 (;@47;)
(get_local 4))
(block ;; label = @48
(block ;; label = @49
(br_if 0 (;@49;)
(tee_local 1
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 432))))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0))
(loop ;; label = @50
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 1)))
(br_if 0 (;@50;)
(tee_local 1
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 1))))
(br 2 (;@48;)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 0)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 448))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 4095)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 4095))))))
(func $_ZN33_$LT$alloc..vec..Vec$LT$T$GT$$GT$17extend_from_slice17h79959fbd4f22bf95E (type 4) (param i32 i32 i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(block ;; label = @7
(br_if 0 (;@7;)
(tee_local 6
(i32.load offset=4
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 3
(i32.load offset=8
(get_local 0))))
(get_local 2)))
(br_if 4 (;@3;)
(tee_local 4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 3)))
(br_if 5 (;@2;)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 4)
(tee_local 5
(get_local 6)
(i32.const 1)))
(get_local 4)
(get_local 5))))
(i32.const -1)))
(br_if 1 (;@6;)
(get_local 6)))
(br_if 2 (;@5;)
(tee_local 6
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc7realloc17hcf00e9bf14c866efE
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 5))))
( offset=8
(get_local 7)
(get_local 5))
( offset=4
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))
( offset=12
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 4
(get_local 3)
(get_local 2)))
(set_local 6
(get_local 0)))
(br 2 (;@5;)))
(br_if 4 (;@3;)
(tee_local 6
(call $_ZN8dlmalloc8dlmalloc8Dlmalloc6malloc17h72afcd93a79f0ccdE
(i32.const 2480)
(get_local 5))))))
(get_local 0)
(get_local 6))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 4))
(get_local 5)))
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 4))
(call $memcpy
(get_local 6)
(get_local 3))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 16)))
(call $_ZN4core6option13expect_failed17h8cc73d0e2c4bcc02E
(i32.const 2960))
(call $_ZN4core9panicking5panic17h2733bdb7358b666dE
(i32.const 2932))
( offset=8
(get_local 7)
(get_local 5))
( offset=4
(get_local 7)
(get_local 6))
( offset=12
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 1))
(func $_ZN4core3fmt3num52_$LT$impl$u20$core..fmt..Debug$u20$for$u20$usize$GT$3fmt17hcf673c35c219122cE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 39))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 10000)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 39))
(loop ;; label = @3
(i32.store16 align=1
(tee_local 2
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(get_local 4)))
(i32.const -2))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 10000)))
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -4))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -4)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 99999999)))
(set_local 0
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 10000))))
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 2))
(br 2 (;@1;)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100)))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -2))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))))
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 9)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -1))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 48)))
(br 1 (;@5;)))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -2))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028)))))
(set_local 0
(call $_ZN4core3fmt9Formatter12pad_integral17h65fba70d6bf39809E
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)
(i32.const 3232)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 39)
(get_local 0))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 48)))
(get_local 0))
(func $_ZN4core3fmt3num54_$LT$impl$u20$core..fmt..Display$u20$for$u20$usize$GT$3fmt17heb079243016516a8E (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 39))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 10000)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 39))
(loop ;; label = @3
(i32.store16 align=1
(tee_local 2
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(get_local 4)))
(i32.const -2))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 10000)))
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -4))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -4)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 99999999)))
(set_local 0
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 10000))))
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 2))
(br 2 (;@1;)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100)))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -2))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))))
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 9)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -1))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 48)))
(br 1 (;@5;)))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -2))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028)))))
(set_local 0
(call $_ZN4core3fmt9Formatter12pad_integral17h65fba70d6bf39809E
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)
(i32.const 3232)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 39)
(get_local 0))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 48)))
(get_local 0))
(func $_ZN4core3fmt3num52_$LT$impl$u20$core..fmt..Display$u20$for$u20$u32$GT$3fmt17h8d4e3891f5a684eaE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 39))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 10000)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 39))
(loop ;; label = @3
(i32.store16 align=1
(tee_local 2
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(get_local 4)))
(i32.const -2))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 10000)))
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -4))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -4)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 99999999)))
(set_local 0
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 10000))))
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 2))
(br 2 (;@1;)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100)))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -2))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))))
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 9)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -1))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 48)))
(br 1 (;@5;)))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -2))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028)))))
(set_local 0
(call $_ZN4core3fmt9Formatter12pad_integral17h65fba70d6bf39809E
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)
(i32.const 3232)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 39)
(get_local 0))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 48)))
(get_local 0))
(func $_ZN96_$LT$core..fmt..Write..write_fmt..Adapter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$9write_str17ha609503a427e0483E (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(call $_ZN96_$LT$$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$$u27$b$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$9write_str17h1436d464c30a281aE
(get_local 0))
(get_local 1)
(get_local 2)))
(func $_ZN96_$LT$core..fmt..Write..write_fmt..Adapter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$10write_char17h7b5c77dec600d76eE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 7
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 16))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 0))
( offset=12
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 0))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 127)))
(i32.store8 offset=12
(get_local 7)
(get_local 1))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 1))
(br 1 (;@1;)))
(block ;; label = @3
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 2048)))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 2))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 192))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 31))
(br 1 (;@3;)))
(block ;; label = @5
(br_if 0 (;@5;)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 65535)))
(i32.store8 offset=12
(get_local 7)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 15))
(i32.const 224)))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 3))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 2))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 128))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 1))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 63))
(br 1 (;@4;)))
(i32.store8 offset=12
(get_local 7)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 18))
(i32.const 240)))
(set_local 2
(i32.const 63))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 128))
(i32.store8 offset=13
(get_local 7)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 12))
(i32.const 63))
(i32.const 128)))
(set_local 6
(i32.const 4))
(set_local 5
(i32.const 3))
(set_local 3
(i32.const 2)))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 12))
(get_local 3))
(get_local 2)
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 6)))
(get_local 4)))
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 12))
(get_local 5))
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 63))
(i32.const 128))))
(set_local 1
(call $_ZN96_$LT$$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$$u27$b$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$9write_str17h1436d464c30a281aE
(get_local 0)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 12))
(get_local 6)))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 7)
(i32.const 16)))
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN96_$LT$core..fmt..Write..write_fmt..Adapter$LT$$u27$a$C$$u20$T$GT$$u20$as$u20$core..fmt..Write$GT$9write_fmt17h573c9475633a503fE (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 4
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 64))))
(set_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(tee_local 2
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 16)))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 16))))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 8))
(i32.const 8)))
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 8))))
( offset=8
(get_local 4)
(i64.load align=4
(get_local 1)))
( offset=36
(get_local 4)
(get_local 0))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 40))
(i32.const 16))
(get_local 2)))
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 40))
(i32.const 8))
(get_local 3)))
( offset=40
(get_local 4)
(i64.load offset=8
(get_local 4)))
(set_local 1
(call $_ZN4core3fmt5write17hd6a32f6ec1cda42dE
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 36))
(i32.const 3716)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 40))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 4)
(i32.const 64)))
(get_local 1))
(func $_ZN4core3fmt10ArgumentV110show_usize17hb06e2e54ca91e5d1E (type 2) (param i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 5
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 48))))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 39))
(block ;; label = @1
(block ;; label = @2
(br_if 0 (;@2;)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 0)))
(i32.const 10000)))
(set_local 4
(i32.const 39))
(loop ;; label = @3
(i32.store16 align=1
(tee_local 2
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(get_local 4)))
(i32.const -2))
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 10000)))
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 2)
(i32.const -4))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(set_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -4)))
(set_local 2
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 99999999)))
(set_local 0
(tee_local 3
(get_local 0)
(i32.const 10000))))
(br_if 0 (;@3;)
(get_local 2))
(br 2 (;@1;)))
(set_local 3
(get_local 0)))
(block ;; label = @4
(br_if 0 (;@4;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100)))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 4
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -2))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028))))
(set_local 3
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 100))))
(block ;; label = @5
(block ;; label = @6
(br_if 0 (;@6;)
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 9)))
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -1))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 48)))
(br 1 (;@5;)))
(i32.store16 align=1
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(tee_local 0
(get_local 4)
(i32.const -2))))
(get_local 3)
(i32.const 1))
(i32.const 3028)))))
(set_local 0
(call $_ZN4core3fmt9Formatter12pad_integral17h65fba70d6bf39809E
(get_local 1)
(i32.const 1)
(i32.const 3232)
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 9))
(get_local 0))
(i32.const 39)
(get_local 0))))
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 48)))
(get_local 0))
(func $_ZN4core3fmt5write17hd6a32f6ec1cda42dE (type 1) (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(local i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i64)
( offset=4
(i32.const 0)
(tee_local 13
(i32.load offset=4
(i32.const 0))
(i32.const 64))))
(get_local 13)
(i64.const 137438953472))
( offset=8
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 0))
( offset=16
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 0))
(set_local 5
(get_local 2)
(i32.const 20))))
(i32.store8 offset=48
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 3))
(set_local 6
(i32.load offset=16
(get_local 2)))
( offset=24
(get_local 13)
(get_local 0))
(tee_local 7
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 28)))
(get_local 1))
( offset=32
(get_local 13)
(get_local 6))
(tee_local 8
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 36)))
(get_local 6)
(tee_local 0
(get_local 5)
(i32.const 3)))))
( offset=40
(get_local 13)
(get_local 6))
(tee_local 9
(get_local 13)
(i32.const 44)))
(get_local 5))
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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