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Last active May 31, 2018 23:59
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// Created by @pequet ( May 28 2018
// @version=3
// Thanks Greg A!
// Candles are often missing for shitcoins on tradingview and sometimes in not-so-small resolutions
// Implications:
// 1. Option to calculate the on balance volume based on the color of each candle as opposed to the last closing price (is this a dumb idea?)
// 2. The number of the periods we look back varies so we need to check the time of each period, unfortunately this doubles the number of security function calls
study(title="Spectroscopic OBV v0.0.3", shorttitle="SOBV v0.0.3", overlay=false)
// inputs
// ------
formulaInput = input("line", options=["line","candles"], title="Formula")
// functions
// ---------
OnePeriod() => ismonthly ? 40320*interval
: isweekly ? 10080*interval
: isdaily ? 1440*interval
: interval
res = OnePeriod() == 10080 ? '720'
: OnePeriod() == 1440 ? '120'
: OnePeriod() == 720 ? '60'
: OnePeriod() == 240 ? '15'
: OnePeriod() == 120 ? '10'
: OnePeriod() == 60 ? '5'
: OnePeriod() == 15 ? '1'
: OnePeriod() == 5 ? '1'
: resolution
vol = formulaInput=="line" ? ( change(close)>0 ? volume : change(close)<0 ? -volume : 0 ) : ( open<close ? volume : open>close ? -volume : 0 )
v0 = security(tickerid, res, vol)
v1 = security(tickerid, res, time[1]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[1])
v2 = security(tickerid, res, time[2]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[2])
v3 = security(tickerid, res, time[3]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[3])
v4 = security(tickerid, res, time[4]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[4])
v5 = security(tickerid, res, time[5]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[5])
v6 = security(tickerid, res, time[6]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[6])
v7 = security(tickerid, res, time[7]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[7])
v8 = security(tickerid, res, time[8]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[8])
v9 = security(tickerid, res, time[9]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[9])
v10 = security(tickerid, res, time[10]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[10])
v11 = security(tickerid, res, time[11]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[11])
v12 = security(tickerid, res, time[12]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[12])
v13 = security(tickerid, res, time[13]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[13])
v14 = security(tickerid, res, time[14]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[14])
v15 = security(tickerid, res, time[15]) < time ? 0 : security(tickerid, res, vol[15])
obv = cum(v0+v1+v2+v3+v4+v5+v6+v7+v8+v9+v10+v11+v12+v13+v14+v15)
plot(obv, transp=0, title="SOBV")
// -
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