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perXautomatik / gist:87e3ff1ac7c26bb92ea39112b2d3a64a
Last active April 6, 2021 21:08
[Feature suggestion][chrome extension] - Flowbar
as you type in the omnibar, get suggestions from your saved tabbs, and navigating to this suggestions ressults of removal from the tab lists
in flowbar unless you have stared the entries.
perXautomatik / gist:8c7715010f60b86d4653f20c1122557b
Last active April 6, 2021 21:09
[Feature suggestion][Chrome extension] - Brancher
as you type in your omnibar, get suggestions based on your thumbs upp so that you can save your self time typing and searching for same things again and again
perXautomatik / GitIntegration.txt
Last active April 6, 2021 21:10
[Project idea] - The ultimate IDE
"Todo:" should be extracted from code on upload
and put in the projects todolist.
the todo should be tagged with the version it was written in, and of course by whom pushed the commit.
perXautomatik / Summary improvement
Last active April 6, 2021 21:11
[Feature suggestion] - Github Desktop
as you push a commit, have possibility to select from the branchs issue list.
as if they where resolved or worked on in this version.
this would help to not forget what one is working on, and help one with what has bin done
when doing very small commits, it can be rather tideus to type what one has bin working with.
better to just select from a list, and push commit.
both "working on" and "resolved" would be relevant in this case, and with such feautre, the summary tab wouldn't be as nessary
it would also be easier to chart what one was working with over the course of the project.
perXautomatik / Folder Structures
Last active April 6, 2021 21:12
[Reverse Engineering research notes] - OneNote 2016
how does oneNote store backups of local notes?
is it suitable to sync oneNote 2016 by OneDrive?
is it only possible to synk notes through office 365?
there can only be 1 onetoc2 file in each folder?
the content of the .onetoc2 file is dependendent of the .one files surrounding it and or in folders "bellow it"
it's therefore not safe to remove a .onetoc2 file if it doesn't show it's sibling files, it's just a sign that this files might be missplaced
and won't be shown by other onetoc2 files unless they're reffered specificly.
Istället för att tjänstemän svarar till politiker i propertion till valsiffror borde istället
vart parti välja ut favorit tjänstemän att representera dem i vart diskusion i de olika nämnder som tar frågor som egentligen är av högst
tecknisk grad, där vart tjänsteman besitter ofantligt mycket mer kunskap än politikerna och ändå måste kuva sig efter politikers tyckande
det vore därför mycket bättre om politiskt inflytande manifesterade sig genom val av tjänsteman.
detta betyder inte att politikerna skall kunna välja vem som anställs, utan snarare skall vart parti ha en plan hur många representanter
de vill ha utefter deras regionala inflytande.
säg att miljöfrågor skall bearbetas av 5 neutrala tjänstemän och 5 oneutrala politiker.
istället låt politikerna enligt partiblockens fördelning, komma överäns om vilka tjänstemän som skall representera deras åsikter för nämndbeslut
på så sätt vore strukturen istället 5 utvalda tjänstemän, ingen politiker.
perXautomatik / create a custom theme
Last active April 6, 2021 21:13
[project idea] - dynamic desktop
according to
perXautomatik / Suggest oneNote in To-do
Last active April 6, 2021 21:14
[Project] [Microsoft flow]
Can the today suggestions be populated by your recent oneNotes?
gotta investigate flow
perXautomatik / gist:9382c8fffd9a16a0930fab1e8a1aee29
Last active April 6, 2021 21:17
[Product idea][Resarch idea] - Cigarettes as Anti Anxiety Medication
Ciggarets have way more chemicals then nicotine that triggers our different receptors
the idea is to devolop a productline of minimum nictonine alternatives, with transparnse as to which substances is included in the tobacco
research needs to be done to debunk all the antismoking propaganda that completely ignore eventuall benifits from this other
toxic chemicals than nictine, and the goal is to provide a other alternative for does who self medicate ther anxiety.
perXautomatik / gist:10f383d42aad28220926a73498ba6e9d
Last active April 6, 2021 21:22
[Feature suggestion] - Path of building
* Enaable sorting by specific stat instead of just by dps and or alphabetical in the unique section
* enable sorting of your shared item stash according to same consept
* calculate defensive strength of nodes, not only by ammoutn of life and energyshield, but when you have mind over matter effect, rather by
effective life, as your unreserved manna will be calculated in every i shot kill calculations.