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Last active April 2, 2022 20:21
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z3 crc example
from z3 import *
# Data must be in 32 bit chunks, because I'm lazy.
def z3crc32(data, crc = 0):
crc ^= 0xFFFFFFFF
for c in data:
for block in range(24, -1, -8):
crc ^= LShR(c, block) & 0xFF
for i in range(8):
crc = If(crc & 1 == BitVecVal(1, 32), LShR(crc, 1) ^ 0xedb88320, LShR(crc, 1))
return crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF
s = Solver()
data = [BitVec('data'+str(i),32) for i in range(5)] # The "string", actually 5 32-bit buffers
# Returns a z3 expression that is true iff the input BitVec32 as a 4-byte string is all ascii.
def isAscii(bv):
# Note the use of z3.And here. Using python's `and` would be incorrect!
return And(32 <= (LShR(bv, 0) & 0xff), (LShR(bv, 0) & 0xff) < 127,
32 <= (LShR(bv, 8) & 0xff), (LShR(bv, 8) & 0xff) < 127,
32 <= (LShR(bv, 16) & 0xff), (LShR(bv, 16) & 0xff) < 127,
32 <= (LShR(bv, 24) & 0xff), (LShR(bv, 24) & 0xff) < 127)
for d in data:
crc = z3crc32(data)
# Assert that the crc is any of the below
# Note the use of z3.Or here. Using python's `or` would be incorrect!
s.add(Or(crc == 0x55555555, crc == 0x55555556, crc == 0x55555557, crc == 0x55555558))
s.add(data[0] == 0x41414141) # String must start with AAAA
print s.check()
m = s.model()
# Interpret a python int as 4 bytes of string
def intToText(x):
return hex(x)[2:].strip('L').ljust(8,'0').decode('hex')
s = ''
for d in data:
s += intToText(m.eval(d).as_long())
# Verify that the found string as desired, and that the CRC is in fact one of the desired ones.
from binascii import crc32
print s, hex(crc32(s))
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